HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-11-28, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, NOV. 28, 1946 HENSALL (birthday on Monday, Nov. 25th at DUBLIN Mr. and Mrs. Pringle, formerof the home of her son-in-law. and l . y daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Pfapf Miss Jean F. Jordan, second Western Canada who visited. last with whom she resides. Mrs. Baker youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. week with the latter's brother -in-, is remarkably smart for one so ad- Joseph Jordan, Dublin, has recently law and sister Mr. and Mrs. W. E. i vanced ' in years and helps her 'received word from the Civil Ser Cross. left for their home at Owendaughter with light housekeeping. vice Commission, Ottawa, that she Sound. I She was the former Catharine Gates has successfully passed her perm - Mr" R. D. Bell of London spent a born in Baden. She' is the oldest anent examination. This competitive' few days this (week at the home •of lady in Hensall, examination was held throughout his son and daughter-in-law Mr, and Mrs, Glenn Bell. Huron Warden Honored i the Dominion on May 18th, 1946, Has Leg Lacerated In Corn Picker I At the annual banquet held in the ender number 46-1633. While operatiri a corn p icker for British Exchange Hotel in Goderich Miss Jordan has naw been aria: Mr. Ted Munn,- Mr. Lloyd Noakes O. Thursday evening. Warden R. E. pointeom rionermanent Govermm position with s received a badly bruised and lacer Shaddick of Elensall was presented the now em to ed bythe Department of ated leg :when he was drawn into the with a handsome mantel clock on be- p 3 p mower of the corn -picker. It is be- half of the 1946 Council. The pre- Veterans' Affairs —Veterans' Land Act. lieved had the machinery been ,going sentation was made by Reeve Hugh• faster he would have lost his leg.; Berry of Usborne and the address X-rays revealed severe injuries but read by Reeve B. W. Tuckey of no broken bones. He was attended. Exeter. Mr. Shaddick made a suita- Card of Thanks by Dr, John C. Goddard. I able reply. Among the guests pre- I wish to' thank all the kind friends A large number of .neighbours sent were the Councillors from Hen-, who sent gifts to me and helped in gathered at thehome of Mr. and sall and the ex -members of the any way while was recovering from Mrs, Wilbur Dining on Friday County Council, who had sat with my recent: accident, evening'.in honor of Mr, and Mrs.reeve Shaddick during his ten years BILLIE BENNETT Wesley Greene who;. are leaving this' in the Council, W. H. Golding M.P., week to take up residence near Mit-i L H. Cardiff M.P., John Hanna, FOR SALE chell. During the evening' Mr, and f M.P.E. and Dr. Hobbs Taylor, all re- 16 choice young pigs six 1 weeks Mrs. Greene were presented with a presenting Huron ridings, Warden old, Apply Charles ,Stewart, Clin- table lamp. The presentation being, F. Tuer of Perth County and Judge ton. Phone 806r12. made by Mr. Nelson Pfapf and the 1 v'ardenCostello. The Alexander,ediate, past Greytown WANTED address read by Mr. Glenn Bell. Mr. Could feed about 10 head of Greene replied expressing sincere ship presided for' the program of cattle for the winter. Robert Mc - thanks. Card games were enjoyed, after-dinner speeches. Reeve Hugh Lachlan, Phone 6511,13: and refreshments served. i Berry spoke for the 1946 Council Hensall Council Honors land George McNeil, Blyth, R. S. FOR SALE Arm Personnel Hetherington K. C. and R. J. Bow- Pr. Boys. tube skates—size 3. Y j man for the Councillors. Phone 231.w. The Arnold 'Circle Evening Aux- , iliary will hold their annual meet- FOR SALE ing in the schoolroom of Carmel A good kitchen range. Phone 830 Church on Monday evening, Dec.2, r 33, Seaforth. in the form of a pot -luck supper. Miss Barbara Michie spent the' weekend with relatives and friends in London. A banquet and presentation was held in the Town hall on Monday evening for twelve ex -servicemen and one woman of 'the Canadian Women's Army Corps, the last group to be honored by the local council. The banquet was served by the ladies of the Five Hundred Club. Rev. A. M. Hunt and Rev. P. A. Ferguson gave brief addresses at the banquet. Mr. Pooley of Exeter, pres- ident of the Exeter-Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion addressed the Servicemen and lady prior . to the presentation. Those attending were Miss Lenore Norminton, S. G. Rennie, Wesley Jones, Kenneth Noakes, Allen Soldan, Norris Mc- Ewen. The presentation of vouchers for club bags was made by Mrs, A. D. MeEwen, Mrs. Nellie McEwen, Mrs. Catherine Devlin and Mrs, A. Foster on behalf of the Club. The recipients replied fittingly. Reeve R. E. Shaddick in a brief address intro- duced Rev. R. A. Brook, who gave a worthwhile address to the guests and audience. Mr. S. G. Rennie led in a singsong. Later dancing was enjoyed to music by Murdock's' Or- chestra, Mr. and Mrs, R. D. Bell of Lon- don were recent visitors with the former's sister, Mrs. J. M. Mc- Allister. Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Mickle, Charles and Bobbie spent the week- end in Ridgetown, visiting the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Mickle. Mr. and Mrs. Alien Davidson of Sarnia visited on Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. David- son and Mr. and Mrs, 0. Twitchell. Mrs. Catherine Baker well-known Hensall resident observed her 94th Auction Sale Of Young Cows, Young Cattle and Pigs, at Porter's Hill, 3 miles west of VARNA liolmesville, on Tuesday, Dec, 3rd, at 1.30 p.m., consisting of: The Associate Library Board met Cattle -20 young dairy bred cows, at the library on Thursday evening consisting of 5 springers, 1 freshened, last to make plans for purchasing balance due to freshen from January new hooks for 1947. The library has to March; 3 young farrow cows, (in a splendid assortment of books for good condition); 5 Holstein heifers 2 winter reading for both old and years old; 25 yearling Holstein hell - young. ers; 15 Holstein heifer calves; 12 The Stanley Federation of Agri- yearling Durham heifers. culture held its annual meeting in Pigs -2 Yorkshire sows due in De - the Township hall on Friday even- cember; Yorkshire sow due in Janu- ing of last week. ary; 8 young sows; 7 chunks, 6 young An appeal is being made through pigs. • the Churches for the "Aid to Child- Terms cash. ren Fund' for Europe. All wishing This is a good class of stock and to donate to it please leave it with are of good breeding and colors. Rev. Reba Hern or the church Seine of the heifers have been vac- treasurer. cinsted. Sale will be held under. cover. A. E. TOWNSHEND, Proprietor. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. Shipping Turnips Wanted 3% to 6 Inches HIGHEST PRICE PAID Buying. for Scott's Elevator Phone us before you sell Edgar Cudmore 171 r 14 EXETER • Auction Sale Of the Estate of the .late Williams Brown. At Lot 17, Con. 12, Hullett, on Tuesday, Dee. 10th, at 1 p.m. 22 head of cattle and Farm Imple- ments and numerous other itenms. Complete list will appear next issue. Terms caah. MRS. WM. BROWN, Executrix, and GEORGE BROWN, Executor. William Merritt, Auctioneer. "You're starting just the way Billy!" Il►'II►1 �1 Like Billy, Mr. Clark started In business delivering papers. He collected Fridays, settled with his publisher Saturdays and placed.a portion of his profits in his savings account at the bank. That was 40 years ago. Mr. Clark has been using his bank regularly ever since: Whether it WOS delivering papers, working week -ends at the corner store, or doing chores on the farm, you will always remember how proud you were of your first job, your first pay and your first bank book in your pocket. All were earned by your own initiative. Today, as in the pest, young people whose ambition is to get ahead, put their savings in the bank. It is the first step towards an association which can well be vital to business and personal life. l�a This Advert isemenf is Sponsored your Bank In Memoriam Cuthill—In loving memory of my wife, Rowena Mae Cuthill, who passed away on Nov. 27th, 1944. "We little • thought when leaving home She would no more return, That she in death so soon would sleep, And leave ns'here to mourn. We dicl not know the pain she bore, We did not see her die, We only know that .she passed away And never said goodbye. Her weary hours and days of pain Her troubled nights are past, And in. out aching hearts we know She found sweet redt at last. —Sadly missed by her husband, Oscar Cuthill, FOR SALE 15 pigs, weaned, Lawrence Ryan, Walton. WANTED Table . turnips forwaxing, any amount. Apply Albert Krasner, Dub- lin. FOR SALE 2 choice Yorkshire sows carrying 3rd litter, flue Dec. 12th. Also 40 Leg- horn pullets, laying. Phone 847r31.. William T. Livingston; FOR SALE Choice cow 7 years old, Guernsey and Durham, due to freshen. Joseph Colclough, Egmondville,. 2 blocks west of church. Auction Sale Of Hodsehold furnishings and property, North Main St., Seaforth, on Saturday. Nov. 30th 1 p.m. 1 Pandora cook stove; kitchen table and 6 kitchen chairs; 1 heating stove; washing machine and wring- er; number of rocking chairs; num- ber small tables; drop-leaf table; 1 day -bed (like new) ; glass cupboard; extension table; 6 chairs; cupboard; couches; 1 quilt box; 2 spool beds; dressers; chest of drawers; wash stands; pillows; mattress and springs; quilts; linens and other bed- ding; toilet sets; trunks; table lamps; quantity of dishes and kitch- en utensils; step ladder; linoleum rug 12 x 15; carpets and other floor coverings; mats and etc.; crocks; sealers; hot plate; wash tub; boiler; lawn mower; garden tools and other articles; quantity of chestnut coal; step ladder. PROP'E'RTY—VA storey frame house situated near North Main St. 1 acre of land more or less, • barn 16' x 36', hydro, building in good condition. Property can lad looked through on Friday before sale from the hours 2:00 to 5. p.m. Terms—Chattels, cash. Property 10% down, balance 30 days, re - se Estte )of the late Catherine Mc - Nab.' Alvin Sillery solicitor for orrestate. Harold Jackson, Clearing Auction Sale Of house furnishings in the town of Seaforth, Jaynes St., Wed. Dec. 4th 1 p.m. Beach cream enamel cook stove; kitchen table; oak dining roo 1 suite (table, buffet and 6 chairs); glass circle china cabinet with mirror; number of rocking chairs; number of table lamps edam is floorokor la cpse hall rack; p and secretary; 1 walnut modern kite-lleg table (like new);4 chairs; •7 piece walnut antique par- lor suite; rug 9' x 10; Raymond sewing machine; glass cupboard; 1 modern bedroom suite (like new); 2 bedroom suites, springs and mat- tresses; 1 chest of drawers; number of mirrors; extension table; step- ladder; 2 burner electric plate; boiler; wash tub; coal scuttle; gar- den tools; truck; grindstone; wash- ing machine; curtains; 90 piece rose pattern Lemoges dishes; large 'quan- tity of other dishes; kitchen uten- sils; bench vise; carpenter tools; other articles too numerous to men- tion. TERMS—Cash. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Mrs. Lucy Archibald, Prop. Notice Just the opportunity you have been waiting for! Why keep on working for a small salary? Why not be your own boss? Reaping the benefits of your efforts? This op- portunity is yours if you will only inquire as to how to proceed from— Familex, Dept. F, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. Township of Hibbert COURT OF REVISION Take notice that the Court of Re- vision on the 1947 assessment roll, Twp. of Hibbert, will be held in the Township hall, Staffa, on Dec. llth 1946 at 2 p.m. re. the matter of assessment appeals. THOS. D. WREN Clerk of the Twp. of Hibbert. NOTICE AT FINNIGAN'S It'll pay you to take care of your Stock & Poultry Hog Powder and Mineral Tonic Kila-Lice Powder Lice Killer Pratt's Regulator Royal Purple Poultry Conditioner Royal Purple Stock 1.00 Conditioner 1,75 69c Royal Purple Poultry Tonic 000 & Conditioner 1.75 700 Royal Purple Calf Meal, the best on 'market 1.00s and 25s 60e Good Stock of Disinfectants Remember Finnigan's for better value in Footwear W. J. FINNIGAN & SON RADIOS ASTRA . — MARC ONI PHILCO RCA VICTOR' RADIO' REPAIRS VICTOR AND BLUEBIRD RECORDS J. F. DALY SEAFORTH FOR SALE Ten -inch grinder, Fleury, with speed jack and 6 -inch belt. Apply to A. E. Ducharme, phone 17 r 13, Dublin. FOUND Strayed to lot 15, Con. 7, Hullett, about the end of June, a yearling heifer, Jaynes Medd, phone 841 r 11. FOUND Yearling cattle beast found. 'Own- er may have same by proving prop- erty and paying charges. Apply to Frank Nolan, Seaforth. FOR SALE Nine little pigs six weeks old. Apply to Miller Adams,' phone 845 r 22, Seaforth. WANTED Pair of boy's tube skates, boot size No. 1. Apply at Hugh Thomp- son's Shoe Repair Shop. LOST White faced cattle beast 1i4 years old. Please phone 628 r .11, Clinton, Bill Fotheringham. FOR SALE Girl's wine snow suit size 14; also skating outfit size 14 and rain out- fit size 12. Phone 125 W. Seaforth. FOR SALE Baby's crib with mattress. Apply at The News Office. FOR SALE 1928 Chev. in good running order. Apply at The News Office. WANTED A large wicker doll carriage; also a large tricycle in good condition wanted to buy. Phone 654 r 11, Seaforth. WANTED Old horses, will pay $1.50 per hun- dred weight. Will call and pick up sante. Phone collect. Jack Gilbert, 936 r21, Goderich; or erred Gilbert 936 r 32, Goderich. TOWN OF SEAFORTH Clerk's Notice Of First Posting Of Voter's' Lists, 1946, Town Of Seaforth, County Of Huron. Notice is hereby given that 1: have complied with Section 8 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at ',Seaforth, on the 13th clay of November, 1946, the lists of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at inunicipal elections, and that such lists remain there for inspection, and 1 hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law. the last day of appeal being the 4th day of De cemeber, 1946. D. H. WILSON, Clerk of the Town of Seaforth PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed en- velope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont FOR SALE Steel Garage, 22x11, moveable, phone 662 r 32, Seaforth. FOR SALE A shed 47 x 25, steel roof, also a pump and some maple wood. Ap ply to phone, Dublin 48 r 8. Skaife & Jenkins Decorators and Painters Consult us on your paper- ing problems. See our fine. Wallpaper samples. Free Estimates Phone 658 r 23, Seaforth Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J. Exeter. 111.1.11115.7(IR woo - AR pCCO p1P 1 cal McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H, Glenn Hays SEAFORTH," ONT. Telephone 174 Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, &o. Royal Apartments ` Phone 173 Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies, The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, Ont. Officers President, F.. McGregor, Clinton; Vine President, C. - W. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; Secretary -Treasurer and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth, Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex . Broadtoot, Seaforth; Chris •Leonhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mc Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton: Agents John E. Pepper, BruceReld; R. F. McIiercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices: SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Physician. Dr. P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon, Office Hours Daily except Wednes- day 1.30 to 5 p.m., and 7 to 9 p.m. Appointments for consultation may be made in advance. Telephones 26 and 27. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5W MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B,A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR. E. J. R. FORSTER , Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto, Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Mooretield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng, At Commercial • Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p,m. — 53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos pital Bed for rent, Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers, Phone lb. Nights and Holidays 65 CHARLES F. DALE Licensed Auctioneer Household and Farm Stock, Etc. Reasonable 'rates and satisfaction guaranteed Write or phone Chas. F. Dale, Clin- ton 11.11.4. Phone 616r4, Clinton central JOSEPH L. RYAN AUCTIONEER Licensed in Huron and Perth Specializing in Farm Stock and Farm Implements, and Household Effects For information phone 40r5, Dublin. E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AND . REAL ESTATE SEAFORTH, ONT. Phones: 334 Office Res. 220 FOR SALE Hydro poles and cedar posts for sale. Will draw fill for gravel. Phone 48 r 9, Brussels Central. Bob Dal- ton, Walton. Carpenters Wanted First class tradesmen required for completion of homes on Housing Enterprises Project by the Russell Construction Co Ltd., apply Britannia Street, Fair Grounds, Stratford, Ontario FOR SALE 11,4 story frame dwelling, John St. Modern dwelling centrally 'located on North Main Street. 50 Here gross farm on highway near St. Oolumban,. no buildings but would be suitable for poultry farm. Watson & Reid, Seaforth