HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-11-28, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS THE SEAFORTIT NEWS I mittee's recommendation that the snotvaoii twos., rublisher•s provincial Government be requested i to establish hospitals for incurables in conjunction with public hospitals NOVEMBER SESSION OF Ito relieve- congestion in county homes. COUNTY COUNCIL The following report was pre. I genteel by the, county engineer, R. Huron County Council Wednesday Paterson: unanimously endorsed the opinion The work of the year was corn - of the warden's committee that the pleted, generally, as planned, al - matter of purchasing Port Albert though we were unable to lay the airport be laid over 'for the time be- proposed surface north of Brussels, Mg, It was pointed out that no con- owing to the lateness of the season; Crete proposition had been present- but we could have carried it had we ed by any person or organization known that the_ summer season desiring the acquisition of the air- would be 'extended as it has been. field, and it was felt that plans for The scarcity of materials is still its use and financing should be a 'great handicap to the completion la c1 before the council of work: Many are off the market BRODHAGEN St. Peter's Lutheran Churl_ attended' Messrs. George and WWilltant Diegel arena .on. Tuesday evening sponsored attended the Royal Winter Fair in by the Luther Leaguers of 'Lion Luth- Toionto for a number of days elan Church or btr tierd. Messrs. Frank Dantser, Clarence Green, Wilbur I3oegy and Dalton Steinbach were hunting deer at, LONDESSORO •v•,uii t'tec omit tate skating party itt the Stratford Greenock S t't t in B t C ty Messrs. Wm.• Jacob and Cordon Riehl were also hunting at the, sante, place. A number 01 deer were bagged by the hunting party.. Mr. and Mrs. John Eisler, Lloyd and Bill, of Seaforth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Byeruuun, Mr. John Amstein is confined to Victoria, Hospital, London, for treat. ment. - Among the visitors at the home o1 eeWin and Mrs. Geo. Diegel on Sunday Reeve 13. W. Tuckey of Exeter, and substitutes are, inferior and were Mr. and Mrs. George Young of Chairman of. the warden's .commit- clearer, so that, costs are considera- Stratford, Miss Kathleen Smith of At, tee, stated that no organization had bly higher. It is doubtful if 1947 will wood and Mr, Fraser Lynn of Gerrie, communicated anythin • to the com- see much relief from this condition, Mr. George Diegel celebrated' his mittee as to -why the council shouldand if there is any change in cost, 72nd birthday on Monday. acquire this airfield, or-. how it it is likely to be upward for a year The sympathy of thm et,utnit.nity purchased, The' reeve or so. On this account, and because goes to Mr. and Mrs Jake IPet-m'll should it feeling • at lancet aro generally enjoying full em- and Mrs. -Edwin Rock in their recent thought it was peed .a t gbereavement in the death` of their large that used for the talk. I£ thefrush i no, it biggopld pnostwar beo wise to daughter and sister, Mrs. George site were used for a county fair, rash into a postwar constrciction Regolo (Livelyn Higenell): attendance would be drawn from a program. On the other hand, there Mr, and eiyn, Albeit �lueaengosser more United area than that enjoyed has been much work undone during spent a few days with their duohtet by the International Plowing Match, the war years that demands atter- Mrs. John A. Arbuckle and Mr. Ar - he pointed out. tion—needed maintenance that has buckle, in Toronto. hinstead of its being been deferred, dangerous sections of r is Howard Querengesser anti paying felt that iong a proposition, it would be a road that require improvement, cul -1M " g p p v n s and bridges that must main-! Susan are spending this week at the white elephant on the hands of the e t l home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stanek county,' Reeve' Tuckey, declared. twined or replaced. We find, too,, in Kitchener. Reeves Ginn of Godenicll township that cost of out hard surfaced roads, Mr. and Nirs: George Francis of and G. W. Nott of Clinton commend- has not advanced much. due largely Teunicott visited with Mr. and Mrs, the action' of the committee on to the cost of bitumens being nit- T-Iarold Diegel on Sunday. the project mess" and praised it also for recur- carried out, these have the closes Inc erecting or the house of Mr. and this matter as a smart piece of busi- changed, and, of all p ] t1 Mi. Ross Leonlrardt is assisting in • bla c to pre-war prices so M �vin o1 R se at Point Edward Mis.•Albert Hinz and baby (laugh- ing ing the withdrawal of the, declare i tion of an open season for deer in t Huron. on with such work when desirable. I ter have returned home from Strat- The total expenditure from the • During the past year heavy loads, Lord Hospital. war fund, it was reported, included have caused the collapse of two, Mrs. Henry L.' Diegel is spending a grants of $3,000 to the Navy steel bridges on provincial highways Lew weeks: at the home of her son Mr, League. $3,000 to .the 'Salvation within the country, and such heavy Oscar Diegel and Mrs. Diegel at Army, $4,000 to Canadian Legion loads are using our bridges fre- Waterloo. branches, $500 to Salvation Army quently. Some of these bridges are Our school concert Is to be held Home Front Appeal, or $10,500 ex- high, and a collapse would mean, Dec. 13- pended altogether, leaving a balance loss of life. An attempt was made Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green and of $16,6'70, which will be returned some years ago to limit the loads on Audrey attended the funeral oi' their' to the general account. these bridges, but the Department cousin, Mrs. James Vincent, at c`lhn- A motion was introduced by of Highways would not approve. i ton, ou Monday. Reeves. E. J. Farrish and S. Mach- However, l believe another attempt Mr, and Mrs. Russell Sholdice and an that the reforestation committee should be made, and in any case' Roger- visited the former's parents. be composed of three county coup- signs should be erected warning Mr. and Mrs. _Adam Sholdice al. Wel- cillors for a three-year tenni, one traffic not to take 20 and 30 -ton ton on Monday. member to be elected each Year; loads over old bridges that were de,''Farm Forum was held at the home that it be selected at the January signed originally for eight tons. ' of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Benne •ie s. meeting, and include the agricultur- The rebuilding of all old steel on Monday evening. After the buri- al representative and the county en- bridges must be given attention is esseveniod. the recreational 1pi ogu rt i 01 gioeer, The committee now is tom- soon as possible, Years will be re- the evening The s pen were Mrs. R. vc posed of four members who are not quired to complete them, and, with euchre. consolation Mrs. Geo. rs. 11. at present county councilors, the the scarcity of steel and other build -Sb M 13eonsoiilt A delicious Geo l ogk, warden, and Reeve- Alexander of ing materials and high cosy, it will was served Next Monday evening Grey township. be some years before man can be they Gill meet a[ the home of evening and An amendment moved by Reeve replaced. d- tin was Mrs. Manuel at the n. Tek t retain the presentcorn- as year number of Byer or h m Last worn ne - Mrs. Baines of Brussels is visiting at Mr. F. Shobbrooks. Miss B. W. Kirk is spending'd couple of weeks in Toronto. . S.S. No. 11 Hullett has been af- flicted with the mumps. All but one pupil has had an attack, also a num- ber in Londesboro. On Sunday next Mr.. Savauge of Seaforth will take the service, com- mencing at 10:15 o'clock. The W.A. of the Hinted Church n n held theregular meeting 0 Thursday last with a good attend- ance. The. President, - Mrs. Laura' Saundercock, .presiding, and Mrs., T. Millar, Sec. After the devotional and business meeting was concluded a good program was presented. Mrs. Robt. Fairservice read a number of poems. Mrs. J. Scott. and Miss Phyl- lis McCool each: sang: a solo, after which Mrs. A. Webster conducted a Biblical contest. Group in charge served a tasty lunch.m Mr, and Mrs. W. Malys of the 9th con. Hullett visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. .Govier, Sunday, Mr. David Wisheart who has been spending the summer with his daug- hter Mrs. A. Penman, and Rev. Pen- man. left for his hone in Scotland, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Israel Kitchen- er •visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. Priest, hat it will be reasonable to carry i ar our ace spnav g Luther tt was lost on a division vote' concentrated or exterminating the mittee, of 10-17; and the motion was en- leafy spurge and Russian napweed dossed. In the discussion the opin- in the county. When this is accomp- ion was expressed that the members )irked, it is proposed to devote at - of the committee should be the tention to bindweed and other bad elected representatives of the leo-' weeds that have not yet infested all ple. I. the farms. Where farmers have The warden's' committee also re- clean farms, an effort has been ported that on Sept. 9 it met with made to keep the weeds on the ail - the Huron County Flying Club to jacent roadsides undo' control, It discuss Sky Harbour airport. No has been noted, however, that gen- amicable arrangement was come to adjacent to fields full of weeds does regarding the buildings and it was eral weed destruction on roadsides decided that the flying club should not appear to do any good operate off the field, and all other, The county has purchased several matters be left in abeyance for tine sections of land adjacent to county time being., I roads for the purpose of planting The consultative committee re- for snow control, and . to provide ported that there has been an in- extra right-of-way. crease in the enrolment of second- About 12 years ago this county any schools due to the establish- planted a few hedges for the pre- ment of high school areas. There vention of drifts on the roads and is a trend, also, toward the more these have given good service. Sev- practical courses, agriculture, con- eral methods were used. but it was mercial, home economics, and man- found that the most practicable nal training. The council enorsed the recom- mendation of the committee that a letter be forwarded to the Depart- ment of ,Education asking that definite regulations be made re- garding vehicles used in transport- ing pupils to school, namely: to ,re- quire them to be painted a unifet•m color, with "School Bus" plainly painted on them: to provide for their adequate inspection; ante to require other motorists t0 observe caution in passing buses. Public School Inspectors R. 0. Staples and J. H. Kinkead noted the increased attendance at second- ary. schools. Equality of opportun- ity in education is available by the establishment of the areas, they pointed out. G, L. Parsons and H. Helstrop, representing the Huron County Tu- berculosis committee, appeared in support of a request for a giant to assist in a county -wide X-ray survey for symtoms of tuberculosis. Coun- cilors on the committee who spoke also in support of the grant were Reeves R. 13. Cousins of Brussels and B. W. Tuckey. The request was referred to the health and hospital committee on a motion of Reeve G. 5facEwan and R. B. Cousins. This committee later brought in a recon - me xl:ttinn that $1,000 be granted, and this was iefered to the warden's co' imittee. The excellent work being done by the nursesin the county health envies was commented on in the health and hospital eoinnittee's re- port, The nurses, who were intro- duced by Reeve E. Nicholson, chair- man of the committee, and each of whom presented a report of Mier activities, are Miss Maribelle Me- Itenzie, supervisor; Miss Jean Fitl- coner, Miss Margaret Roberts, and Miss Mary Love The total cost of the nursing system in the county, from Jan. 1 to Oct. 31, was $6,- 790,27. of which the government will pay $2,363.42. Endorsation was given the com- method is to buy the necessary land and plant the full areato trees, not necessarily all evergreens. This practice has the advantages of lower cost of planting, and more certainty of the trees surviving. Many section of our roads should be so protected, and it can be shown that the cost will be met in savings on snow clearing alone. In addition, there will be advantages, as follows:—Better snovclearing service; room for ditches and flat slopes on road grades; road grades can be built higher above the water table, reducing damage from frost; room for pole lines away from the road, permitting unobstructed cut- ting of roadsides: all the advantages of reforestation and conservation on the areas planted. This year a considerable sunt was expended for new equipment, but most of our equipment is old, and, when available, replacement for many machines will be advisable. It will be found advantageous to purchase other machines that we do not now possess. Our -machinery operations are carried of at a satisfactory cost. The truck and trailer hopper earn- ed enough, above operating costs, to pax for themselves, ' and -more than $1.,000 extra, Out tar distribu- tor, which is 15 years old, continues to save a lot of money for the coun- ty. Over 300,000 gallons of bitu- men were sprayed at a cost of 31 cent per gallon, .,while current con- tract price for such work is about 2*! rents. A -taxing 6f about $5,000 11141ciiell in this item. The old nra- chine that we have been trying to replace struggled through the work to be done, and the costs were bet- ter in some instances than expected. Acclamation At Brussels No election will be ltelcl in' Bt•assels as all offices were filled;- by acelama- lion; Reeve, R. B. Cousin; council, 7/, G. Willis, I., Eickmier, R. Kennedy, Jacob Fisher, A Leaguers of TUCKERSMITH The Tuckersmith Ladies' Club will hold their meeting on Wed. Dec, 4th at the home of Mrs. John Turner. Suggestions for Ohristmas will be the roll call. Group 4 will furnish the lunch and group 1 the program. The annual report will be given. Fulford—Aubin St. Joseph's Ronan Catholic Church, Clinton, was the scene of a 1 lovely wedding when Rev. J. F. Mc- '141 Donald united in marriage Armelda Martina Aubin and Earl Maxted Fulford. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Aubin, Brucefield, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Fulford, `Rattenbury St., Clinton. The bride given in marriage by her father, wore a long gown of white sheer. Her full-length white veil was caught with orange blossoms THURSDAY, NOV. 28, 1946 REG �r-EG -'�'i E A T R 1 ' Seaforth "Till The End of Time" Thur. -Fri, sat, . . \bw Playing Willi nosuun IP McGUIRE end GUY MADISON A story dealing with the struggle of the war -veteran to readjust' him- self to civilian existence an absorbing and interesting offering! Mon. Tut,. Wed "Cluny Brown" • with Charles Boyer and Jennifer Jones A masterpiece of entertainment !' The players in their sympathetic' and graceful way trtntsniitthe premise of the story — that of bridging class distinction in a plot loaded with social significance Next Tbni's, Fit Sat. "Sing Your iWayHorne" with Mary McGuire -- Jack Daley -- Anne Jeffrey 1. post wsu' musical comedy ehockful of life • carries a youthful appear Coining "The Belts of St. Marys" with Bing Crosby -- [n^irld Bergman and she carried an arm bouquet of American Beauty roses. She wore a single strand of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom, Attending the bride was her sister, Miss Aldea Aubin, Bruce - field, attired. ina formal gown of peach taffeta with sweetheart neck- line -and short sleeves. She wore a matching headdress caught with flowers and carried a. bouquet of white chrysanthemums. Francis Ev- ans, Clinton, was best man and Regis Aubin,-Brucefield, brother of the bride, was an usher. The wed- ding music was played by Miss Flor- ence Evans, Clinton, During the signing of the register Antoine Gar - on. sang two numbers: DIED EV -ANS -In Mcl0iliop on Tuesday,' Nov. 26, Mrs. Catharine Evans, beloved wife of the late James Evans, in her -'94th year. The funeral takes placefrom her late residence in Mc$illop, on Thursday, Nov. 28, at 9 a.m. to St, Colum!ban Church, thence to St. Columban cemetery for interment. New Driving Economy when you let us WINTERIZE YOUR CAR Your car will give better, more dependable performance this Winter, with new economy if you take advantage of our complete 'Winterizing service, Cooling system check prevents loss of anti freeze ...'correct lubrication prevents unnecessary wear .. , Tune-up Mid battery service meant no expensive (road servicing or -faulty ignition. Make An Appointment Now ! Seaforth Motors Phone 141 Seaforth • 10.1 ainst TOSIg r iafatt nv"esm' yes REMEMBER that cold sleeting day last winter when your car wouldn't start? Well, this year, why not profit by past experience? Ride out the winter safely, comfortably,, conveniently, and economically by having us "winterize" your vehicle now. No matter what make of car or truck you drive, our skilled service -men are equipped with the "know-how" and experience to make it weather-worthy—to put its cooling and lubri- cating system, its battery, engine and acces- sories in perfect running shape for the icy months ahead. Be prepared! Be protected! Make an appointment today for an all-round winterizing job, SEAFO TH GMS-24GX • 1 • }