HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-11-28, Page 3CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED TO SELL. OIL- Burnors, Electrical parts, Radios, etc. Economy. Distributors, Kings. ton, Ont, WANTED, RELIABLE AGENT TO sell baby chicks for honest and re= liable hatchery. Royal Farm and Hatchery, St, Jacobs, Ont. BABY CHICKS 1'131.LETS ALL AGIQS FROM 14 Weeks to laying, Fill up your pens and cash in on the good egg prices. T'all hatched chicks for immediate delivery. Tree catalogue. Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. WE'VE SOME CHICKS FOR 1111 - mediate :shipment and quick order- ing. But orders for January deliv- ered chicks should be sent now. Bray Hatchery, 130 Sohn N., Ham- ilton, Ont, YOU CAN DEPEND 091: TOP Notch chicks to bring you Top Prices In 1947. Send now for the Top Notch ,poultry catalogueand r rt. Alt popular an early eta P Pular breeds and cross breeds are devel- oped from Top Notch pullorum tested highly productive breeding stock. Low mortality is scientifical- ly assured, The Top Notch system 01 pre -selection only the finest. breeding stock and culling out all Weaklings results In unlfQrmily, live, healthy chick shipments to all. Top Notch customers. Order Early to be assured of getting the breeds you want on the date you want them. Send today for Interesting free catalogue. Also .laying and ready to lay pullets for immediate delivery. - Top Notch Chickertes,` Guelph, Ontario. BEST CHICKS IN 25 YEARS Yes, . that Is what all Rainbow Chick buyers are saying when they buy Rainbow Chicks. All breeders are 100 percent free from pullorum. Order your chicks now direct from this ad and not be disappointed. Tom Barron. Leghorns, $12.00 per 100. Pullets - $24.00. Barred Rock Mixed 512.00 per 100. Pullets $21,00. White Rock Mixed .$16.00 per 100. Pullets $26.00. Brown Leghorn Mixed $14.00 per 100. Pullets $25.00. Leghorn -Rock Mixed $12.00 per 100. Pullets $26.00. Red -Rock Hybrid $12.00 per 100. Pullets 921.00. 590 alai prices on cockerels Guarantee 100 percent live delivery to your station. $1.00 down, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, On- tario. 2000 CHOICE NEW • HAMPSHIRE laying and ready to lay pullets for immediate delivery. Alsoother breeds 14 weeks up to laying. F111 up your pens,egg prices are good and will remain good for' several years. Free catalogue. Also Fall hatched chicks for Immediate de- livery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. • 13e SUSSEX X HAMPSHIRES 130 B003( YOUR ORDER NOW FOR SPRING CHICKS without delay at these prices. Mixed Chicks 13c Pul- lets 23c, Cox. 7c. Leghorn,X Hemp - shires Mixed 13c, Pullets 28c. All breeders pulloram tested under Gov- ernment approval. Order now to In-' aura when ChicFatchery1x66 l- mira, Ont. BOOK YOUR FOR 1947 You yourself againstprice rise, get ad • - vantage of any drop in price before delivery and you will have the breed of chicks you want on the date you want them. Tweddle Gov- ernment Approved chicks are real profit makers. Popular pure breeds orcross breeds, sexed or straight run. They all come from pullorum testedTweddle stock of proved liv- ability and deliveryropricelist andsd cata- logue today .Also laying and ready, to lay pullets for Immediate deliv- ery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. GOOD CHICKS PAY BEST Read what Mr. Broadhurst of Joli- ette ..Qua., says about our chicks: April 30. 1940 -"The 208 chicks re- ceived in splendidcondition,not one dead and only one died since. They are the mostvigorous bunch of chicks I ever received' and 2 have ,been handling .chicks for over 40. years." Order now and get the best. Here a;'e our prices Barred Rock Mixed, 912.00; Pullets, 921.00; White Leg- horn, Mixed, x$12.00; Pullets, 924.00; White Rock.. Mixed, 915.00 Pullets, $25.00; Brown Leghorn Mixed, 514.00' Pullets, 525.00; Hybrids Rock-Redrrkula 2; ybidLegoaRocMix Mix- ed, $12.00; Pullets, $26.00. You also get free chicks. GoddardChick Hat- chery, Britannia Heights, Ont. WONDERLAY CHICKS GIVE SATISFYING RESULTS. GUS-, tourers reporting high egg yield combined with large bodied birds. Write for free calendar and Price - list. I31g Rock Farm, Mille Roches, Ont. 100 CHICKS FREE With every order of 100 pullet chicks we give 100 free chicks (our choice). Barred Rock Pullets 921.96; White: Rock Pullets 625.95. White Leghorn Pullets 924.95. Brown Leghorn Pullets $25.96; Red. Rock Hybrids, • 921.95. Leghorn - Rock Hybrids, $25.96. A11 'chicks sold are from bloodtested stock, back by high pedigreed stock, $1.00 books you corder. Balance 'C.O.D. Guaranteed Delivery Kent Hatch- ery, Chatham, Ontario, O1rl3ER WIT INVENTOR'S AN 011371020 370 EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co„ Registered. Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street,Ottawa, Canada DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANY'T'HING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to an - ewer your questions. Department H. - Parker's - Dye Works Limited 791 Yonne Street, Toronto. Ontnrin 11011 SALE 200 ACRES, LEEDS COUNTY, MIX- ed loam, 125 arable, good buildings,. hydro. Apply Wallace' Johnson,' So- perton, Ontario. BROODER STOVES NOW IS THE TIMIt7. TO 01901':11 your Supertlame' 011 Burning Brooder Stove. Our shipmentsof these stoves will arrive on or about January 1st, 1947, Model 652 has a 52" heavy galvnn. 'zed hover thermomstatic heat con. trol,automatic _ draft regulator and down draft cap.Maximum capacity 1000 chicks -Price $29.90. Kindh• send $6.00 deposit with your order. Balance C.O.D. Express. Collect, Yourneareststation. I1p1AVEn ,VALLEY CREAMERY Clarksburg. , Ontmlo. _. BIG IIOX 101:1) III RIt IlIn CHRIST - mss. Holly 51.20. delivered, ?mo. Gift NNouse. 13015 es,ortments .from 81.50. Three goad hulbs Intro:Ito tory offer, 10C. Golden West Seeds, Box 267, New Westminster, B.C. FOR SALE 11106E1)ING 'I'UIKE15S - NEW postwar variety broadbreasted, Beltsville small whites, hens -ma- ture 9 pounds $7.00 each, Toms 18 Pounds $10.00 each. All Imported stock. Available to December 3.0. Whaling Turkey - Ranch,. Moore- field. 01I01(;E QUALrI'Y DEEP KEELED Rouen ducks and drakes also Mam- mouth White Pekin, lrred H Gul- let, R. 2, Welland, Ont, 5 CUM111NA4'ION BUCKEYE ELEC- tric incubators for sale cheap. :Set. ting capacity 12,000. hatching ca- pacity 4.000. 25 or 60 cycle. Apply Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus. Ontario. CHICKEN BATTERIES 2 'START- ers, 2 finishers, bank barn 40 x60. Cheap for quick sale. Whaling Tur- key Ranch, Moorefield, CHRISTMAS HOLLY. LARGE BOX, :51.101 0001521.E BOX 52.00, Postpaid, Kuypers, Hatzic, 13.C. FOR SASKATCHEWAN HOTELS, Farms, Ranches,Stores and bus1- nesses of all kinds, write C.` R. Gingrich Kiellander, Real Estate, Regina Sask. FOR SALE, ARENA IN. SMALL. town, skating and hockey Inwin- ter, dancing In summer, Owner in poor health. Apply Box 234, Glen- coe. GENUINE BROAD BREASTED. Bronze Turkeys, Toms $20, Hens $12. Picked from flock of two thou- sand from pullorum free breeders. May hatched. Tohn Jeffery. Appin. Ont HOSPITAL Maternity and Medical 30 bed Gov- ernment Licensed fully equipped, near No. 3 and 24 Highways. Could be .operated by two nurses, good turnover. Owner leaving Canada, 7 miles to nearest hospital. Por full , Information applyBox329, Delhi, NOW IN CANADA, POPULARLY advertised LEKTROLITE cigarette. lighters. Flamelese. wickiess, wind- proof, fllntless. Works like car lighter.' Guaranteed unconditional- ly. 01.95 F.B.I. PO Box 97, Stn. G, Montreal. PUPS FOR SALE REGISTERED COLLIE PUPS, SA- ble and white. Elmhill - Starmist breeding. Granville IGennels, Gran- ville Centre, N.S, REGISTERED YORKSHIRES, 0 months and under, choice bacon type: Perry Winch, Jr., Keswick, Ont. SHETLAND PONY, THOROUGH - bred, 2 years, child's pet, saddle, bridle, show harness,show buggy, balloon tires, Picture upon request. D. Haddow, 3 Day Avenue, Toron- to. STAINLESS WATCH BRACELET, $255.00 value for $1.00. Men's adjust- able stainless steel lightweight bracelets. Ideal for Xmas gifts. Price -$1.00 postpaid. Refund guar- anteed. Life Long Bracelet Mfg., 834 Windermere, Toronto. 8 -WEE(( -OLD. YORKSHIRE PIGS, ready Npvember 18,. 510 each- Apply Roy Welburn, Namur, Que. TIRES We are overstocked at the present of good used trade-in tires (guar- anteed to be In excellent shape), 600 X 16 $5.00 A11 orders shipped C.0,D. Special equipment for vulcanizing Truck and Farm Tractor Tires. BEACON TIRE, corner Queen and York Sts., HAMILTON. Ontario, ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP WIGGLE FISH .t MAGNETIC PUPS, Ideal Xmas Gifts. Wiggle Fish swims madly about lashing his brilliant colored body like the fightingest. Bass ever, self winding; no springs to brealc. Everyone from baby tograndpa loves him. Mice 50c. Hotsy & Totsy the Merry Magnetic Pups.. Dogggone fun for Old and Young. You can make ,em dance, jump, whirl and wriggle. People go wild about them. Price 50e, Also Jitterbug 60c. Roy Sales Co., Box 1081 W„ Winnipeg, -Man. Fun, • FOXES AND FURS DRESSED AND made Into neckpieces, collars and capes. Take advantage of this offer before rising prices tape effect. Jan. 1, 1947. Oliver Spanner & Co Ltd., 26A Elm Street. Toronto. RAIRI)10 ESS9NG LEAIIN HAIRDRESSING- THE Robertson method. information ob. request regarding cl0asee. Robert- son's HOlrtires=Ing Academy, 137 Avenue Rand Toronto 111 011' WANTED WANTED BRICKLAYERS FOR large battery of Wilputt Ovens. No lost time, worst Inside heated 'building, long job. Experience in fire brick work not necessary. Phone 51112 Hamilton or write to Box 210, Hamilton, Coke Oven Company of Canada Limited, c/o of Steel Co. of Can. Ltd., Hamilton Works, .Hamilton, Ont. REIIAI50,1: CGENERAI. HOUSE - keeper with daughter or friend take complete charge of business cou- ple's home and three children. Pleasant disposition; fondness for children' friendly attitude impera- tive. No smoking- or drinking, Rai- erences. Mrs. Schuman, 7 Jarvis St, Toronto. WANTED - MAID FOR HOUSE - work or cootctng. Modern home, good wages, small. family. State age, experience and references. Mrs, P. R. Hilborn, Preston, Ont, Phone 030. PEIRSONAI. 11)001011 121+ 1110-I'$1'011 OLoGI, urnpho-Analyst and Personal Coun• sellor wil !advise you In your per• sonal, domestic, business and reit glows problems Write your 'prob- lem and enclose stamp for reply Dr. L. 13 Henn,: Assinlbola, Snsitat- nhewan, Canada. "El IJAH. COMING. 1I p1 F 01116 Christ." Wonderful boot. free. Me- giddo Mission, Rochester, 11, N.S. FORTIFY TI116 FUTURE START own business home, office, Litera- ture describing Collection of 127 tested plans" free, The House of Selnine, Box 125, Station B, Mont- real, Que. AT091I0 WEIGIITGAININCI NEW Streamlined'' method of fast weight= gaining, also reducing. No diet or rppartus necessary. Send 12.00, f,eonnrd Green Box 123, Norwalk, 01110. • "15101 OPPORTUNITIES IIY MAIL We put your name on mailing 11510 of Canadian and American firms with new ideas. Uhder no oblirn- lk:0, :lust send name, address. FBI, Pox 97, Station G, Montreal. ISSUE 48-1946 MACHINERY MACHINES WANTED, 8L01TED Joint Sash Machines. Elbow.. Dleic Sander Sash Relisher, Chain Mor - User. 1'iox 111, 73, Adelaide St. W.,. Toronto, FROM. 800011 NEW: C.G.D. Welders, A.C.-D.C. Welding Rods - r 00c cycle Eleetidep 3olsMotors, to 10. Con. Rex" spot. welders, 'to 250 X.V.A. Gas engine generator plants. British ,,air cooledgas engines Gas engine driven Pumps, 7000 G.11,H. Worm reducing gears and speed in- creasers. Texrope V belt drives,9also couplings. 32 volt D.C. motors and grinders, Windcharging genera- tors, 0 -12- 32 volt, ALLIANCE ELECTRIC WORKS LIMITED, Montreal -Toronto -Rouyn-, Hali Pax-'Wi ni,lpeg-Vancouver. 01 i41')IllA1, 0000 ADVICE: EVERY SUFFER, er of 'Rheumatic ,pains or. Neuritis. should try Dixon's Remedy, .Munro's Drug, Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00. • POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry eczema, rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disap_ point you. .tching scaling burning eczema, ache, ringworm, pimples, and 'ath- lete's foot will respond readily to tl,Is stainless. odorless ointment, regardless of how stubborn or. hopeless they may seem, PRICE $1.00' PER JAR. Tend PostFreeon Receipt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 880 Queen, St E. Corner of Logan Toronto. ITB IMPORTANT - EVERY 8UF- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuri- tis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug. Store, 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa, Poatpald $1,00. STOP ITCHING TORTURES OF eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, ath- lete's foot and other skin Irrita- tions with Elik's Ointment No. 6. Itch relieved promptly, skin healed quickly or money r'eft'nded,e Order today from Elllc'e $lin Co., Dept. 57, Saskatoon, Sask. 910SICAL. INS'I'RUCIENTS FRED A. BODDSNGTON BUYS, sells, exchanges musical instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. 0I'I'liR'I' 11 N 1'1'I 110. : 1011 5%44Mi6N BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity. Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified- profession good wages, thousands successful marvel graduates. America's greatest Bye. tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or calf. MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 368 Moor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St„ Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa: PATENTS IVETIIERS'l'ONHA UGH dl COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1899; 14 King West. Toronto. Booklet of Information on request. PHOTOGRAPHY IMPERIAL QUALITY IS QUALITY AT ITS BEST 01JR YEAR ROUND FAST SERV - ice and flne quality work will please you. For satisfaction try Im- perial. 6 or 8 exposure films, de. veloped and printed, Ole IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1, Toronto, TURN YOUR "SNAPS" INTO MON- e)'. 600 to 910.00 paid. Particulars, Prudential .Press, Toronto 1. XMAS CARDS FROM "SNAPS" -12 FOR 79c Your negatives make the most original and pleasing Christmas Cards you can get cards that friends treasure -and the cost 1s small. 'Select your favorite nega- tives and send them to us, We'll return 12 attractive greeting cards. withyour pictures printed on - and envelopes for mailing -all for 79c. Order early.. (2 Photos 00 Calendars 26c.) DEPT. 111. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 121), Poat Office A. Toronto. (Print Name and Address Plainly) COMET PHOTO SERVICE Quick Mall , Service, work guaran. teed, 25c per roll Reprints 3c each. 6 x 7 coloured in folder mount, 75c. Poe 6. Postal Station D. Toronto. 'I'AX6Df RMT ATTENTION DEET IITIN'IVORS -- Have your trophy mounted by Can- ada's 'Leading Taxidermist. Finest workmanship at reasonable prices. We tan Deer Hides Into Leather suitable for Globes, Windbre0kers, etc. Oliver Spanner & Co Ltd. 25 A Elm St„ Toronto. TRAPPING MINIC - FOX - WOLF TRAPPERS,' trap for bounty year round with best gland scent system money can buy. Particulars free A. E, Fisher. Box 420, Calgary, Alberta TEACHERS WANTED NIAGARA TOWNSHIP SCHOOL Area requires qualified Protestant teacher for :grades 1-4 at Lake Shore School on bus line near St.• Catharines. Duties start January • 1947. Liberal salary schedule with allowance for experience and $100 annual increase In effect. Rave mu- sic teacher and nurse. Apply giving name of Inspector to G. S. Paxton, Secretary, St Davids, Ont. W AN'l'E1) SMALL GROCERY 8T05119 OR business, with living accommoda- tion, in town near Toronto, 622 Northcliffe Blvd., Toronto 10. ARGONAUTS DEFEAT. ALOUETTES 12 TO 6 Virgil Wagner, No. 78 Alouette backfielder, is pictured above crashing through the Toronto Argos' line at Delormier Stadium, Montreal. Don Loney No. 90 (Argos), is vainly attempting to grab the elusive Virg. Other players visible in the above photo are: Joe Krol, No. 55 (Argos), Les Ascott, Argos, sprawled on the ground after Herb Trawyck No. 56 (Alouettes), had blocked him, and Pete King, (Alouettes), is standing erect behind Loney. SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS • - - ("A Six Bit Critic"). It is not very often that we hand out advice but, after a look at a few National Hockey League games, here is a bit right from the heart addressed to young hockey players -just starting on their pro- fessional careers. Make the tough- est bargain you can, lads, and hold out for every possible dollar; be- cause, the way they play it nowa- days, you're not going to last very long, so you might as well get it while the getting is good. * * * The situation is somewhat akin to what exists in one branch of the field of transportation. It used to be that owners of trucks would nurse and coddle them along, try- ing to make them last as long as possible. But now fleet -owners fig- ure that a truck is good for just so many hundred thousand miles - and that the quicker they get that mileage out of it, and replace it with a new one, the better business it is. * * * So it seems to be in modern hockey. "Step on the gas and skate till your tongue is hanging out" appears to be the only order.pres- ent-day coaches use, with the re- sult that most of the time a game has the appearance of an unending series of mad dashes up and down the ice -surface, with the puck per- forming much the same function as does the little mechanical rabbit that whirls around the track in front of the greyhounds at the dog -racing meets so popular in the Old Country. * * * This dizzy, unending, wide -open - throttle pace is beginning to take its toll, make, no mistake about it. We need mention no names but there are several players who, just last Spring, were outstanding stars --lads who looked to have years of top -rank hockey still left in them -and who now, not much more than six months later, appear only ordinary. They simply cannot keep up; in the race from dasher to dasher they're half a step behind, instead of half a step in front; and the crowds, a large percentage of whole seem to confuse hockey with speed -skating, holler "Take those old men out of there." * * * It may be that this accent on speed is an improvement, and des- tined to continue as the main fea- ture of the sport. But somehow, as WANTED WANTED WHITE C1I'INI'IA FOWL. Whaling Turkey Ranch, Moorefield. ATTENTION, HIGHEST PRICES paid for feathers, feather ticks, al- so sewing machines, any condition. Write King Feather Company, 661 Crawford St., Toronto, Ont, PURR YOUR .PEED. MASK, AND grain bags (whole or torn) into cash. We pay freightrates and highest prices. Write today to the London Bag Company,.Lendon, On- tario. SHIP YOUR POULTRY FARM EGGS TO H. G. BUTT 348 Scarborough Road, Toronto, Highest mires. Write :for quota- tions, LOGS, BASSWOOD, 100111, BIRCII and Maple, also Basswood, Poplar, Pine and White Birch Bolts. Good ,prices, For further particulars Limited OakviThe lle,hOn�tar oasket Co.. we look at, we cannot help ;recall- ing what happened to six-day bike riding. In the great days of, that pastime jams, as they were called, occurred when one team tried to steal a lap on its rivals, and all the pack dashed madly in pursuit to prevent its so doing, a hectic scene of indescribable confusion and excitement ensuing. * * * The promoters of six-day bike racing, observing the enthusiasm aroused among the cash customers by such scenes took thought among themselves. Said they, "If two or three jams per evening are good, twenty or thirty will be just ten Limes as good." And so we had jams every hour on the hour or even oft- ener, For a while, the crowds sim- ply ate it up. Then a feeling start- ed to get around that, possibly, all this wild excitement and turmoil mightn't be completely spontane- ous; that, perhaps, the riders weren't quite so desperately in earn- est as they appeared; that, to put it bluntly, a good deal of it was more or less part of the act. This feeling grew and -well, just where is six-day bike racing today? * * * Probably it Is grossly unfair to draw such a crude parallel with the great and educational institut- tion of hockey. Still, in hockey as well as several other sports, one cannot help noticing a steadily -in creasing°injection of the atmosphere of the circus. Showmanship, we be- lieve they call it. Well, even at cir- cuses, while we can thrill at the Slide for Life, the Loop the Loop, and other Hair -raisers, we also en- joy a certain amount of tight -rope walking, trapeze,work, acrobatics and the like. In other words, while sheer speed has its place, a cer- tain amount of skill is enjoyable as well. * * * Which leaves just about suffi- cient room to tell you of a remark made jay a friend of ours regarding, the great "Battle of the Fountain Pens" now being waged in the ad- vertising columns. "This writing under water, or writing for tea years `without refilling, is all very well, he said, "But if somebody would invent a pen that would let the guys that owe ole write cheeks as easily' as the guys I owe write bills„ they'd really have something worth talking about" MORNING BLUES are banished when breakfast includes Maxwell House. This gloriously rich blend of extra -fine coffees is "Radiant -Roasted" to de- velop the full goodness of every coffee 'bean. FOR irif S CCO1D YOU CAN'T BEAT "R(ICKtikTIMIXTURE.. You Wil Etlloy Staying At The St. Regis Rotel TORONTO • Every Room With Ruth Shower and Telephone • Single, 82.50. au- Double, .83.50 0n • Good Food, Dining and pane- ling Nightly Sherbourne at Carlton Tel RA. 4135 ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY FURNISIIED $1.50 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA FALLS OPP. O.N.R. STATION NEW LOW PRICES 12 1t85oblatt 24 tablets 29t 10079c iobletr GENUINE ASPIRIN 15 MARKED THIS WAY MUTT AND JEFF- AND WOULDN'T WE ALL, BROTHER, WOULDN'T WE ALL SIRLOIN STEAK $• 1'FEEL LIKEHAVING A NICE cTUtCYSTEAK ABOUT TWO INCHES THICK WITH THE JUICE JUST OOZING OUT 1. L OVER IT! MIA MiNhF VcUGON' atIT° BAT I. 5& BUT YOU ORDEREI IT! NAIDO! -I MEREELY 3," I ME LIKE HAVING A NICE, JUICY STEAK.'` 9.10.49 By BUD FISHER 9 ILL JUST LOOK AT iT! 1 AIN'T SEEN OMECOR.SO LONG t FORGOT W NAT THEY LOOK LiKE!