HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-11-21, Page 1The Seaforth News HURON COUNTY'S L EADING NEWSPAPER. WHOLE SERII]S, VOL. 69, No. 47 \UNVEILING CEREMONY AT EGMONDVILLE A special service will be held on Sunday, December 1st, at 7,30 p.m. in Egmondville United Church, for the purpose of Unveiling a permanent Honor Roll of those who served thein Kingand Country during the recent war. Everybody is cordially invited, EXA- INER' APPOINTEDM Dalton L..Reid of Sea.tm•th uas re- ceived word from the office of the Registrar of Motor Vehicles of his a.p-i pointment:as ekaminer of applicants for chauffeurs and operators' licenses.' NEW TEACHER ENGAGED FOR SEAFORTH SCHOOL Mrs, Alvin Jordan of Mitchell has been engaged by the Seaforth High' School Board in fill the vacancy soon to be created by the departure of Mrs, 'McCormick, former Miss M. L, Belch, who is at present occupying the posi- tion. Mrs. Jordans duties will begin when school re -opens after the Christ-' mac holidays. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George McGavin announce the engagement of their, elder daughter Audrey Anne to Mr. Bruce Maxwell McLean, son. of Mr. and Mrs. David McLean, Tuck-' ersmith. • The marriage to take place in St.. Thomas' Anglcan Church the end of November. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hawkins; Sea - forth, wish to announce the engage- ment.ef their youngest daughter Mticl- red Donelda, to Kenneth lames Barry, third eldest son .of Mr, and Mrs. 3. S. Barry, Seaforth. Thea wed- ding to' take place latter part of this month. FINN IGAN-CURRIE On Saturday, Nov. 9th at 8 Ran. at Hamilton 'Centennial United Church, Capt. the ' Rev: Norman Rawson officiating, Mary Ethel Cur- rie, of London, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. -Duncan Currie of Port Elgin, was united" in marriage to William, Harold Finnigan, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Finnigan, Egmondville HARD CbAL• BRIQUETTES STOVE ANTHRACITE BUCKWHEAT ANTHRACITE PEA 'ANTHRACITE'.: OLGA POCAHONTAS NUT COKE E. L. BOX Northside,JJnited Church•` Rev.' H. 'V. Workman, Minister. 10 a.m., ,Sunday School. • 11 'a.m.,' Worship 'Service. Subject `',Stewards of, God's Mysteries." 7 p•in., A Service of Song. !Special selections by the choir. Congregational singing of great hymns. Worship helps you, Comet Anglican Nov. 24th. "Stir -up Sunday". St. Thomas'. Seaforth. 10 a.im Sunday School, 11 a.m., Morning prayer 7 p.m., A.Y.P.A. Service—Re- ceiving of A.Y.P.A. members and Installation of officers. ,Sermon by the Rector. St. Mary's, Dublin 2:30 Sunday School 3. 'Church, Service and : Sermon, The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, Egmondville United Church. Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D. PRESENTATION Mr. and Mrs. M. .McDermid in- vited a few friends in Friday even- ing the 16th which was spent very pleasantly. Music by Mass Edge was enjoyed, a reading by Mrs. Koine "Larry O'Connor's Courtship" _ The' hostess, Mrs. McDermid, invited all into the dining room for a very pleasing lunch. Miss Clara Pinkney! poured coffee. Miss Josephine Edge was then presented with a dark red all -wool blanket, satin trim-' med, in behalf of the ladies present. Before departing all joined hands and. sang 'For she's a jolly good fellow" accompanied by Mrs. Mc- Millan. YOUNG PEOPLE'S GROUP The Adult Young People's group of Northside United Church held their November meeting at the home of Miss Thelma Elgie with pres. Mr. John Stevens in the chair. The open ing hymn "I need Thee every hour", was sung and the scripture, Mark 1 was read by Mrs. J. Turnbull. Mov- ing pictures were shown of the Sea- forth fall fair also the Ploughing Match held at Port Albert in Oct., by Mr. Jas. M. Scott and were much enjoyed. On behalf of the members a vote of thanks by Mr. John 'Ste- vens was conveyed to' Mr. Jas. Scott and also Mr.. and Mrs. Elgie for their hospitality., The meeting closed by repeating the Mizpah Benedic- tion. Mr. Thos. Wilbee 'conducted a contest and lunch was served by the social committee and a social half hour followed. SEAFORTH,,.ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1946 COUNTY FEDERATION BANQUET HERE The annual meeting of Huron County Federation of Agriculture, will be held in the Clinton Town hall on Tuesday, November 126th at 1 p.m. sharp. All farmers and farm women are invited to attend. Special speakers will be Ken Betzner, Pres- ident of the Ontario Federation, W. T. Tummon. Secretary, Ontario H-og Producers Association and Wm, Mc- Carthy, Dufferin County Federation. Tickets' for the evening • concert and banquet in Cardno's Hall, 'Sea - forth at 1 p.cm, the same day, caw be had from ;your township secretary, or County. .Secretary. The guest' speaker for the evening will be Dr. G. E. `Beaman of the O.A,C.,: Guelph. Entertainment• will be provided by a talented group from the Toronto Conservatory of Music. To round out a perfect evening a dance for banquet guests will be held . NOVEMBER SESSION OF COUNTY COUNCIL The final session for 1946 of Huron County Council opened at Goderich on Monday afternoon. Warden R. E. Shaddick stated during a brief address that he felt the publicity gained by the holding of the International plow- ing match more than repaid the coun- ty for the effort. He commended the staff of the county health unit, which now consists of Eour ntu ses. The county roads are in good con- dition, ho said, and compare favorably with those of other 'counties. He sug- ,gested that a registered nurse be placed on the payroll of the County home. The reforestation committee had been active. It had been suggested that the area. in Goderich and Stanley townships from Varna to Bayfield be made a game preserve for a breeding ,place for deer so as 'to insure a deer population in Huron. Warden Shad - dick expressed sympathy for Reeve J. J. Evans of Wingham, in the death of his.wife; and to Mrs. Jacob, matron of the County Home, and her family NORTHSIDE W.M•S- The November meeting of North- side United Church W.M.S. was held Nov.' 14th. The president, Mrs. R. Lawson presided over the business meeting. Reports were given and a temperance paper "Liquor consump-' tion remains at high mark"- was read by Mrs. C. C. Kame. Mrs. J. C. Laing, Mrs. C. Glew and Mrs. M.: McDermidwere.• appointed as nomin- 'ating committee. Circle 3 took over the meeting with Mrs. H. V. Work-' man presiding. Miss M. Somerville' led the worship service. Splendid re- ports of the sectional .meeting were given by Mrs. J. Finlayson and Mrs.' Glew. Mrs. Lawson moved a vote of thanks. Mrs. Workman gave an in-' teresting talk on the women of India from the study book. At the close of the meeting the Baby Band and their mothers were entertained. iu a recent bereavement; and also ex- pressed hope for the speedy recovery of Sheriff Nelson Hill, who is serious• ly i11 in Alexandra hospital A letter was read from Reeve R. E. Turner regretting his, absence as he is confined to bell through, illness. The county treasurer submitted fi- nancial statements Showing receipts in the general account at' Oct. 31' of 3142,672.29; and a bank balance over expenditures of $1,397.87. The estim- ates for the balance of the year were set at $166,602,87. Administration . of justice costs had increased.. The debentures for the new court house were sold Nov. 1, at 99.93, and on receipt of this money current loans were paid off: The savings on this item next year will be even greater. The disceunt on the whole issue of 3250,000 was 3175, and in only one instance reported has any munioipali, ty bettered the rate of cost. The city of Hamilton sold 1% debentures at slightly over Par 01 June. The report was referred to the fin- • HARLOCK once, committee. On Friday of last week.Messrs The police committee's report shov- • Norman Shepherd, Nelson Lear, Ar- ed that comity eimstables have made P a total of 807 investigations and thur Colson of Harlock, Harry patrols, and' covered 'a total of 34,710 Sturdy of near Auburn and James miles.' It had 'been suggested by High J Provincial Constable W. Gall amleson o£ near Constance .motor- that tai - ed to Toronto attending the" Royal get practice f01' constables could he Fair, returning home Sunday, instituted at the target range in Wing, 10 a.m. Sunday 'School. 'Mr, and Mrs. Kellancl McVittie hem town hall, and Chief of Police it a.m;, "Jesus' Temptation". and daughters motored to Toronto, Pratt would assist in the practices. 7 p.m., "The gift of the Holy Friday expecting to returnhome the The committee had agreed . to pm, Spirit". beginning` of this week. Leo Watt's, chase the ammunition, but found it ANNUAL MEETING OF BIBLE SOCIETY The annual meeting of the Sea - forth branch of- the Upper Canada Bible Society was held recently. The officers for last year were returned to office for the ensuing year, viz; President, Dr. Harburn; Vice -Presidents,'' members of the ministerial association; secretary, Mr. C. A. Reith; . treasurer, Mr. E. L. Fox. The usual home -to -home collec tions for the funds of the Bible So- ciety will be made shortly, and lib- eral contributions are respectfully solicited. HENSALL Miss Goldie •Cross R.N. spent a few days this week visiting in Tor- onto with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miller. Mr.. and. Mrs. Jack •Corbett, Ross and Connie were guests at the re- ception held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Adams in London. on Saturday, in honor of Miss Blanche Elizabeth Morenz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morenz, whose mar- riage to Harry Edward, son of Mrs. Harriett Chapman, and the late James Chapman of Sparta, took place at Colborne Street United Church parsonage on Sat,' Nov.9, by Rev. M. Stuart. j Mr. Conrad Huisser well-known McKILLOP resident of this district passed away The November meeting of the W. M.S. and W.A. of Duff's United Church, McKillop, was held Thurs- day afternoon, Nov. 14th, at the home of. Mrs. Robert Campbell. Mrs.' Patton presided' and opened the meeting• with the theme for the- year "Fullfilling our Church member- ship." Verses 1 and 5 of hymn 358 were read in unison and the hymn "Jesus calls us, o'er the tumult" was then sung. The nominating commit- tee brought in°the following skate of officers for 1947, W. M. S. Presi- dent, Mrs. Patton; 1st Vice -Presi- dent, Mrs. W. Shannon; Secretary,' ' Saturday in Victoria Hospital Lon - CONSTANCE The regularmeetingof the W.M. S. was held Thursday afternoon, Nov. 4, at the home. of Mrs. Frank Riley with a very good attendance,, Mrs. E. Adams opened'. the meeting with the theme "In Christian Homes —What constitutes a Christian home?" .Mrs. William Jewitt read the 23rd psalm. "Rock of ages" was sung. Prayer was offered by Mrs. 1 Rogerson and Mrs, Wm. Britton and Mrs. A. D. Penman. The Lord's prayer was repeated in unison.Min- utes read and adopted. To have our, December meeting on our regular day. Mrs, Hugill. Mrs. Lindsay and, Mrs. Charles Dexter and Mrs. Aus- tin Dexter will prepare a Xmas pro-; gram. Mrs. Clarence 'Montgomery reveiewed the study book. Hymn 681 was sung and prayers were offered by Mrs. . Montgomery and Mrs. Donald Buchanan. The slate of officers were elected, for 1947: President,' Mrs. .• Charles Dexter; 1st vice-pres,, Mrs. Ernest' Adams; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. Wm.I Britton; sec., Mrs. James Hugill;; assistant, Mrs. Donald Buchanan; treasurer, Mrs. B, B. Stephenson, rec. sec., Mrs. Robert Lawson; liter-! attire. Mrs. Austin Dexter; temper- ance, Mrs. Earl Lawson; press, Mrs. James Hugill; stranger and friend- ship, Mrs. George Addison; mission band leader, Mrs. Dave Millson; assistant, Miss Norma Dexter; flow- ers, Mrs. G. Addison; organist, Mrs. Addison; assistant, Mrs. Wm, Jew- ' itt,• 'Mrs. E. Adams closed the meet- ing with prayer, and the W.A. then took charge, STANLEY Mr, and Nits. Harold Penhale, Stanley township, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Minnie Eleanor, to. How- ard Borden McCullough, sedond son of Mrs; McCullough and ' the late Benson McCullough, Goderich town- ship. The marriage to take place the latter part of November. are looking after the work during was not available. In lieu of pru•ohas- their absence. ing new uniforms, the committee had Quite a number from this .neigh-, increased the salaries of the county borhood are taking advantage of the constables by 3200 per year each. The deer hunting season, motoring t0' committee commended the county Bruce County in the morning, re -1 constables for the capable manner in turning home at night. which they assisted iu the control of Mr. Guy Leiper went to Toronto traffic at International plow match. last week with his brother Bob who I Reeve John Winter, of Howick, had been holidaying at the home of! chairman of the police committee, in - his mother, Mrs. Annie Leiper and tiodueed Provincial Constable Gall; family. I who stated that the inly serious crime Mrs. Jennie Knox and her little, in the county had been caused by out - granddaughter returned to Toronto' siders. 13e spoke of the advantages of the latter part of last week after radio equipment in police cars which holidaying with her son Ernest and each district is to have. By next sum - Ward Knox and daughters, Mr. and mer there will be available a tlnr'ee• Mrs. Thomas Appleby and Mr. and way telephone system which he strongly recommended. Asked to what Mrs. Graydon Neal. Wehear that Mrs, extent the radio system was being are pleased to Wm. Brown who has, been in poor used, Inc stated there would be a rat• health quite a part of the sum 'siring station in every county seat, and who is at present with het; sister in Blyth is- feeling somewhat better. we hope she will soon be to her usua-1 again, rural Ontario, but Loudon, Stratford, 'Mr, and Mrs, Isaac Rapson in and Kitchener have their own:. company with Mr. and Mrs. Warren . mer It had been arranged to Place a radio tower on the Masonic Temple in God- erich, over the local police office. There are none 'in operation yet in Gibbings and children of near Olin= ton spent 'Sunday in Wingham with Mr: and Mrs. John T. Knox and. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart of Grey. Mr. Wm. Knox and 'his father Mr. Thomas Knox were bus•y part of 1a LE,• week in the bush cutting wo.0d wt their sawing machine. 1VIr' and all grandmothers of the comninu- KIPPEN EAST The 'November meeting of, fitppen Bast W.I. I's to be held at, the home of Mrs. J. Sinclair on Wednesday of next week, Nov. 27, at 2.15, Roll call is: Name the first owner of your farm. Reece This is the grandmother's meeting Ferris assisted one day. Master Tommy Lloyd of Clinton ' spent Armistice Day and the week- end at the home of his grandparents Mr.' and Mrs. A. , W. McEwieig.. Master Donald Watt who attends. School of Commerce took a holiday Monday to •go deer hunting. We hope he manages to shoot a deer. •GILBERT R. MORROW Gilbert R. Morrow died in Ben- gough hospital, November 3rd. Born at Seaforth, Ont., on May 7, 1883, came to Regina in 1906 to Big Bea- ver district in 1912. Left to mourn is his wife (Lena Morrison) six sons and six daughters, fifteen grand- children, also .one brother and two sisters. ity are invited to attend, There is to be a parade of shawls, also a paper on the life of our present Governor-Gen- eral, Visconmt Alexander. Mrs. Hugh McGregor will present a paper on home management. . don in his 76th year. He was a na- tive of 'Shakespeare. Surviving is his widow, two sons Conrad and Able of Michigan three daughters Mrs. Wm. Bender (Kathleen) Clin- ton, (Mary) Mrs. A. Hildebrandt, Hensall, and Annie of Windsor. Funeral service was held on Monday from Bonthron and Son Funeral Home with interment in the Luth- eran Cemetery, Zurich. The monthly meeting of the Even- ing Auxiliary of the Hensall United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Carl Passmore on Monday evening'. with Mrs. B. Kyle in the chair., Miss Mrs. John Gordon; treasurer, Mrs.. Margaret Glenn ably assisted the' John Hillebreoht; finance secretary, hostess. Following the use of the Mrs. Chester Henderson; temper- thence song the hymn "Blest be the ince Secretary, Mrs. George Wheat- tie that binds" was sung, Mrs. J. ley; community friendship sec'y. Corbett had charge of the devotional Mrs. Watson; home helpers, Mrs.' exercises consisting of an interest - John Kerr; 'press secretary, Mrs. ing paper on "Peace" and the offer-' Alex Smith; supply secretary, Mrs. ing of prayer. Minutes read. Roll R. M. Scott; mission band, Mrs. Gor- call answered by naming "Our' con-' don MacKenzie; baby band, Mrs.' tribution to Peace". The program J. Hillebrecht; Missionary monthly portion of the meeting featured an' sec'y, Mrs. F. MOKercher; literature excellent review on the life of Cur-' seely, Mrs. Eldon Kerr; finance hie, beloved missionary, by Miss committee, Mrs... Hillebrecht, Mrs, Ellis. Collection taken. The next, Robt. Campbell, Mrs. 'Chester Hen- meeting will take place at Miss Mar-, derson and Mrs. Gordon Dapple. ! garet Shepherd's home on Dec. 9th, The W. A. officers for 1947 are with Miss Edna .Saundercock assist-' as follows: President, Mrs. , George ing. Miss Ellis will present the de- Campbell; lst vice-president, Mrs. votional-Xmas. Social Comm. Mar-' R. M. Scott;'2nd vice president, Mrs.' garet Shepherd, Edna"Saundercock,' Alex Smith; secretary, Mre. John Mrs. R. Drysdale and Mrs. Peter Gordon; treasurer, Mrs. Robt. Hogg; McNaughton. The next item dis- • M • Tann Ke es cussed 'was the bazaar bakin sale pianist, Mrs. Arnold Scott, an a te noon ea ng p ace in During the business period a' do- the Sunday'school room on - Sat, nation of 35. was voted to the Victor afternoon Nov. 16 at 3 o'clock when . Home. Splendid reports of the plans were completed for holding sectional meeting at Walton were this event. Supplies were handed in. given by Mrs. Eldon Kerr and Mrs. Members were appointed to attend Alex Smith. Scripture readings were the various booths. Money for Xnras given by Mrs. Patton, Mrs. John cards sold was received. Moss Ellis Gordon and Mrs: W. Shannon. after then looked after the distribution of which "The Jesus Road," was read Red Cross knitting and sewing. Mrs. responsively.- "Breathe on me, Kyle, Mrs. C. Passmore and Mrs. E. Breath of God" was sung and then Shaddick were the nominating com- Mrs. Gordon MacKenzie took over mittee appointed to present the new the meeting and described an In- slate of officers. The closing hymn dian village as seen through the eyes was "I sm thine 0 Lord" after which of an Indian boy. She also spoke of the benediction was repeated. An "the dark and bright side of India enjoyable social hour followed, the Readings on India were given by hostess being assistecl,by Miss Mar - Mrs. Eldon Kerr, Mrs, John Gordon, garet Glenn, Miss Michie, Mrs. Mrs. Leslie Pryce and lire. Alex Shaddick. There was a 'splendid at - Smith . Mrs. Patton then took the tendance of members who are grate- $7 a year Jenkins missed/logoia! Xe%/just have to get the fe/%W good P/CRCewatch ✓ "fid "PIERETTE"' $21.75 OTHERS 7/10/1510.50 "MERCURY" $25.00 - OTHERS FROM 159.57 SMARnY 111•LED • DEPENDABLE MODERATELY PRICED Fred. S. Savauge Jeweler & Optometrist THE GIFT SHOP Phone 194 Res, 10 Paterson, selecting jurors. 31.50; R. J. Paterson, selecting jurors, $1.- 50; R. E. Shaddick, selecting jurors, 31.50'; Bank of Montreal repayment of loan and interest, 31000.75; total 31288.90. Kerslake a•nd Moir,' that bills and accounts as read be paid. Carried. Kerslake and Fink, that we now adjourn to meet again Nov. 15. Carried. J. A. Paterson, Clerk. HULLETT • The death of George Albert .San- derson, a life-long. resident of Blyth and vicinity, occurred Tues. Nov. 12 at the home of his son Wilfred of Auburn. after a lengthy illness. Mr, Sanderson was born June 14, 1873 on the 13th concession of Hullett twp. Funeral services were conduct - chair and silent, nrayers were offer- ful to Mrs. Passmore for her hospi- etc Nov. 15 by Rev. Sinclair, minist- ecl for our missionaries of Central Wily, Sr of Blyth United Church, of which India. Hymn 28 was ,ung and the Regular meeting of the Village meeting closed by all repeating the Council held Nev. 5 immediately fol- benecliction. Lunch was served andi lowing the Court of Revision on the a social half hour was spent. 1947 Assessment Roll, at the hour Ten young men pleaded guilty in of 9:15 p'01. with all members being 'police court in 'Seaforth on Friday', present. Minutes of the previous Nov. 15th to a charge of entering meeting, also the special meeting, the premises of the Misses Lynch in read, Fink and Hyde, that the min - McKillop township on :.the morning utes be adopted as read. Carried, of Nov, lst,. and wilfully damagng T. Kyle reported the stand pipe on property. They were fined fire dol -the water tank as being broken at lars each- and costs and all damages the tear of the hall same to be re - including the. Misses • Lynglt `110160r's paired as soon as possible. R. J. VARNA Mr. and Mrs. Russel Crozier of Stratford called on friends here last week, - Mrs. Fred McClymont and Miss Joan spent last week in Stratford. The members of L.O.L. 1085 held their, annual supper in the hall on Friday evening last A musical pro- gramme followed with addresses by Rev. Reba Hem, Rev. Wm. Mair of Thames Road and Mr, Robert White of Toronto. Mr. Sanderson was a devout mem- ber. During the service Mr. Donald McNeil sang !The City. Four Square" Mr. Sanderson had been a member of the I,0.0,1. Lodge for many years and members of the local lodge conducted the service at the grave. He is survived by two sons Wilfred of Auburn and John of Blyth, one granddaughter Sylvia, two brothers, John and Henry, Blyth, four sisters, Mrs. E. Empey, Melbourne, Mrs. W. Taylor, Mrs. S bills. Paterson, Tax collector, reported as Forbes, Mrs. W. Skelton, Blyth. He having collected the sum of $3483. -'wee predeceased 21 years ago by his E FI ELD ' 25 in 1946 taxes to date. J. A. Pat- wife, the former Martha "Ellen Mc- BRUCi I erson, Clerk,. reported re:the Dept. Callum, He was also predeceased by Mr. John Hohuer and Miss Maria of Highways using part of the shed two sisters Mrs. Dickson and' Mrs. Huhner attended the Reyal 'isI ntel for the storage of salt fthe wint- McDonald, two brothers Ernest and swan, Pali'• I also . asked printingthe of Richard .and one brother in child - Mrs. Alice Ham, Misses M. Mar McCully and Hazel Dining financial statements and was in- hood, Pallbearers M. Floltz- y strutted to makk16 e it as simple as Bauer, C. Salter, K.. Jackson. ackson. J. Wat- spent a few days in Toronto and at- possible in line with other munici- son, B. Parrott, D. Kirkeolmell, In- tended the Fair in progress, palities. M. :Noir reported ' a con- terment was in Blyth Union Ceme- Mr. Ross_ Dtlling of London, spent versation he had with F. L. Davidson tery. the Weekend at his honherle and he stated he had received a. Mr. Frank Stone of Brantford, Mr. John Rohner spent eon t a p shipping bill- on pipe from U.S.A. Ont., spent the weekend at the home of days last week in Toronto. ' which he will use on our test wells. of Mr. Joe Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thornton of Correspondence read as 0 ollows, Mr. and Mrs. John Riley, Tucker- Hamtlton spent the weekendwith Hiss. C. Twitchell, C.N.R., Dept, of smith visited on Sunday at the hone Mr. and Mrs. A. Paterson, , Travel and Publicity, Meadows Cri- of Mr, and Mrs. George Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Baugh and toph and Co„ Canadian Fire Engine Visitors on Sunday at the home of family spent the weekend i The W.M.S, thankoffexme ,, se Lions Club, Mrs. F. J. Ward, Enter- Mrs. C. Leslie of St. Thomas, Mrs. vice will be held next' Sunday morgency Shelter affairs. T. L. David Ii. 'Campbell and son Gordon of ing, Rev. Air-,', Stanway will be theson, same considered and filed. Bills speaker. • ' and accounts read; Hensall Hydro Mrs. O'Neal of Kingsbridge spent hall, 314.43; T. Kyle,, salary,' 373.80; a fzewatdays with; her daughter -Mrs. T.-Pfapf, teant.ing, park, $3.00; W. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey attended Fitzpatrick. 0. Goodwin, clug bags, $100:00: the funeral of Mr. Bailey's aunt of i ` t an Doroth � , •n Tor,onr° Cp.,Dept Veterans affairs. Zurich Mrs. Wm. Hunter, were Mr. and London, Cnt. Mr. and Mrs. McKay of Clinton and Mr, and Mrs, R. Jamieson of Huron road. Misses Bes§ a Du of d Browns Hardware supplies, hall, Sterling of Clinton visited Mrs;. C.r 36.97; T. Iiuddleson, labour, streets, Dutot on Sunday. 1 $23,00; J. Bonthion and Son, sun - Miss Marva Palmer spent a couple plies, hall, and wreath, 357.45; J..4. of days with Mrs. Alice Rohner. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Kaiser and Mrs.' John Kaiser of Hensel). visited Mrs, H. Zapfe on Monday. DUBLIN Miss Mary Beale and Mary Simp- son spent the week end with friends in Stratford. Miss Ally • Looby .of Toronto is spending a few days with her mother Mrs. A. Looby. Mr, and Mrs. T. 3. Molyneaux and Mrs. Peng Stapleton attended the funeral of Miss B. Dalton held in Goderich on Saturday morning. On Wednesday evening Joan Bur- dett had a party for her girl friends, games, contests and singing were en- joyed. Prizes were `von by Birdie Cos- tello, Maty Simpson, Beatrice Mur- ray. A dainty lunch was served. Dr. Frank Stapleton, Galt, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win, Stapleton, MRS. H. C. BOX The death took place at Seaforth on Sunday afternoon of Mrs. Her- bert C. Box, after an illness of about five weeks. Mrs. Box was the former Caroline Beckett, daughter. of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beckett, of. Strathroy. She was born at Strathroy 63 years ago, and was married in 1914 to Mr. Box, who predeceased her in 1941. She is sur- vived by two sisters, Mrs, Pern Brown of Strathroy. and Mrs. Wil- liam Moffatt of Port Huron. She was a member of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. The :funeral took place Tuesday at 2:30 pan, from the residence on Jolrn St. Rev. R. H. Williams officiating Interment in Maitlandbank cemetery. The pall- bearers were Merton Reid, Frank Case, Frank Skinner, Willard El- liott, Richard Box, Bill Box. Blyth on Friday. Mi. and Mrs. Charles Riley, Alvin and Ronnie spent Sunday in Kitch- ener at the home of their son Bern- ard and Mrs. Riley. Miss Shirleyan Riley returned home with them, KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. .T. Linden and Verna of Denfield, and Mr. Bert Benedict, Deloraine, Manitoba. visited on Mon- day with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons. • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones and son of St. Thomas visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones. Messrs. Norman Long, Harvey Damm, Jack Hyde, attended the Royal , Winter Fair in Toronto last wek. Mr, and We, C. Blanchard and family and Mrs. Mory Stacey, and Mr. W. Homey, all of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, A. Gael-- steno•. Mr, and Mrs. N. Long visited re- centlY with relatives in Owen Sound. Don't forget the Bazaar sponsored by the W,A, of the. United Church on Sat., Nov. 30. See ed.