HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-10-31, Page 8r. THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1946 HE'NSALL The Young People's Union of the Hensall United Church held a most successful hallowe'en social in the school -room of theChurch on Mon- day evening. Mr. S. G. Rennie led a icing -song with Miss Greta Lamulie at the piano, after which games and contests were enjoyed and refresh- ments served. • A number of friends gathered at the home of Mrs, Chas. Wolfe on Thursday evening to honor her daughter .Shirley, who was recently married to Mr. Dietz of Zurich. A social evening was spent during Which the bride was presented with many: beautiful and useful miscellan eons - gifts. Refreshments were served. The ladies' Association of Carmel Presbyterian Church are sponsoring a rummage sale and tea in the Town Hall, Hensall, on :Saturday, Nov. 2 at 2 .p.nr. continuing in the evening. Mrs. Stewart McQueen visited this week with;.her son-in-law and daughter Mr. acid Mrs. Don Rigby and Donna, in:Blenheiln. The congregational meeting held in 'Carmel Presbyterian Church on Monday evening was largely attend- ed when Mr. Judson of the Heintz - man Co. of London, demonstrated an electric organ, he was assisted by Mr. J. Anthony of Stratford and an organ recital by Mrs. Walker of Stratford was much enjoyed. The choir contributed an anthem and several hymns were used. A social hour followed when refreshments were served by the ladies. Members of the Hensall United Church choir assisted the Chisel- hurst United Church at their anni- versary services on Sunday. when Rev. Reba Hern of Varna United Church, was the guest speaker. A nixed quartette composed of Mrs. H. Horton. Mrs, Geo. Hess, W. 31. Mile and H. W. Horton sang "He lifted one." At the evening service Mrs. Maude Hedden and Mrs. Hess sang two numbers "Jesus the Savi- our for lne" and "Beyond the Sun- set". Miss Gladys Luker was accom- panist. Mrs. Harr Lawrence was called to Detroit this week owing to the serious illness of her sister: Mrs. Emma Boyle and Miss Helen Boyle of Toronto acconipanied by Mrs. Annie Seed from the West spent the weekend with Mr. Thos. Welsh and Miss Florence Welsh. Mr. Wesley Jones who has been a patient at Westminster Hospital, London, for the past several weeks is able to be home for two weeks. Mrs. Lou Simpson returned home after a pleasant visit with relatives in Detroit. Miss Goldie Cross R.N., underwent an operation in the interest of her sight. in Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday. Her mother, Mrs. W. B. Cross spent a few days with her. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morena of Dashwood visited recently with Mr and Mrs, Jack Corbett. Mr and Mrs A. W. Kerslake and family and Mrs. D. Walks spent the weekend in Toronto. Miss Beatrice Cooper of Kippen was a recent visitor with Miss Mar- guerite MacDonald. Mrs. Edna Corbett visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Park- er at Chiselhurst. Mrs. Pete Buchanan of St. Thom- as spent the weekend with her brother. -in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell. Miss Florence Schwalm of London was a weekend visitor with her mother, Mrs. Violet Schwalm. Card of Thanks Mr. Charles Stewart and family Wish, tothank their many friends in and around Seaforth tor their acts of kindness and sympathy and beautiful flowers sent, during their recent be- reavement. Special mention; Rev. A. W. Gardiner, Rev. Mr. Workrnan, the doctors end the staff of Scott Memor- ial Hospital; the special nurses Miss A. MoMane and Mite D. Parke. ST. COLUMBAN On Wednesday evening, October 16th friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Johnson, 10th McKillop to celebrate the fortieth anniversary of their wedding. The evening was spent in dancing to music supplied by the Delaney brothers. At midnight Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were presented with a. Kenwood blanket and bath towel. pillow cases and table reflect or, and also a shaving set for Mr. Johnson, on behalf of the neighbors.) The presentation being made by Mr.'. Peter McLaughlin and the following, address was read by Thomas Purcell.; Dear IIr. and Mrs. Johnson --.We' your friends and neighbors have gathered here this evening to Bele- � brate with you on your fortieth wedding anniversary. May this happy occasion bring real joy to; you, as on that well remembered day when . you proudly said "I do". Continued happiness, health and good luck is our sincerest wish for your future years. We ask you to accept these gifts as a simple token of our friendship and love. Your friends and neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were also presented with a purse of money by their family which consists of nine children, Louis of Beechwood, Hubert of Mc - Killen, illen, Rose !(Mrs. Joseph' Ryan, Walton), Pearl (Mrs. Michael Wil- liams, Seaforth), Clestice (Mrs. ich Jack o nn' c N ars n, Ke acott), Joseph at home, Cyril of Hibbert, Stephen of London, 'Stella at home. In the morning mass of thanksgiving was celebrated in St. Calumban Church by Father O'Drowski. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have spent their married 'life in McKillop township. ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford of Eden visited on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Melville Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pym and Loretta of Exeter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ,Samuel Pym. Mr. 'Silas McFalls of London visit- ed one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Weston Horne. Mr. Murray Stephen and Mr. Harvey Snarling of London spent the weekend with their parents. Miss Mildred Miller of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell. Miss Irene Johns of Exeter spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and. Mrs. Lewis Johns. Mr. Carmen Herdman of Inger- soll spent ngersol.lspent the weekend with his par- • Auction Sale Of Cattle & Machinery. Lot 10, Con. 11, Tucliersmith, 3 miles east of Kip, pen, on Wednesday, Nov..6 at 1 p.m. 5 Durham & Hereford heifers with calves, 200 to'300 lbs.; 6 Denham far- row cows; 4 yearling Durham steers; 9 Hereford & Durham steers 800 lbs.; 3 `Durham heifers 850 lbs. 200 hybrid pullets 6 mos., saying. 1 Robt. Bell threshing machine, 28- 45 with cutter and, clover attachment, water pump, drive belt, double blocks. (This separator is practically• like new). M.H. dump rake 10 tt.; Internation- al hay loader, drop bead (like new); speed- jack for grinder; 4 section spring tooth harrow (like new); 2 riding saddles; i steel land roller; 1 side rake; cutting box; Jump jack; 2 gas engines (Y% and 32,4).; wheel barrow, stone boat, 1 practically new washing machine, enamel tub -with gas motor. Terms cash. No reserve, farm sold. WILBER TREMEER, Prop: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk: FOR SALE Ten pigs six weeks old. Apply to James Brown, phone 31 on 662, RENFREW SALES AND SERVICE Hand turned and electric cream Separators, with no increase in price. One new Renfrew cook stove on hand, in white enamel, also 1 bench model separator in good con- dition suitable for 1 or 2 cows. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield, Ont., Phone, Clinton 618 r 21. FOR SALE Harriston white enamel Quebec range, wood and coal grates, long deep firebox, hot waterfront if nec- i essary; 1 Quebec heater; 2 small up- holstered chairs„ in 1st class shape. Jack Pethick. FOR SALE Some year-old Durham cattle 'for - sale.'Phone 652 r 42. John McGavin, Seaforth R.R. 4. FOR SALE 150 choice white Leghorn pullets. Apply to F. Bruce Medd, phone 835 r 3, .Seaforth. FOR SALE 150 Barred Rock pullets ready to lay. George Leitch, phone 841 r 24 ents Mr. and Mrs. John Herdman. Miss Wanda Stephen. June Sin- clair and Donna Murch visited on Sunday with Miss Gladys Batten of Winchelsea. Mr. George Kellett spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Kellett. Several women from this com- munity attended the W.M.S. conven- tion at Roy's Church, last Friday. 'Anniversary Services were held on Sunday with a large crowd at both services. Rev. Trueblood of Crediton preached to a large con- ! gregation in -the morning. Special music was rendered by the choir, assisted by Rev. Trueblood singing a solo during the offering. Isa the evening Rev. Daynard of Staffa conducted the sermon assisted by Rev. Mair. The choir again rendered special music assisted by Mrs. Har- old Bell and Mr. Kenneth Johns singing a duet. The music for the clay was under the direction of choir leader and pianist Mrs. Wilbert) Batten. The flowers added lovely', attraction to the front of the church Anniversary visitors in the com- munity were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ratcliffe of Anderson with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johns. Mrs. William Veal, Wilma Ross and Norma, of Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. William Elford. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pooley, Dorothy and Bobby and Miss E. Francis of Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. M. 'Johns. Mr. and Mrs. James Kirkland and Malcolm of Thames Road with Mr. and Mrs. William Routly. Mr. and -Mrs. Alvin Cooper, Len- ore and Floyd with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murch. Don- na and Lennie, Mrs. Esther Clinton, of London, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques and children of Zion with Mr. and Mrs, Philip Murch. Mr. 'Kenneth Hern with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Skinner. MT. Kenneth Hern with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Delbridge of Winchelsea. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerslake and family of Eden visited on Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Kers- lake. - Mr. Clarence Hendry of Hepworth spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephen. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hoggarth'of Wallaceburg visited with •Mr, and Mrs.. Wm. Britton over the weekend. Miss Esther Harding of Fordwieh visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mc- Gregor for a few days. Miss Doris Lawson of London spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Earl Lawson.. Mr. Elwood 'Clarke returned home Saturday after spending six weeks in the harvest in the West. having been as far west as Edmon- ton. Miss Margaret Crich of North Bay visited with Mr. and Mee. Leo`, Stephenson one day last week. Mrs. Lea Naftel of Blyth spent Saturday with Mrs. Leo Stephenson. Want and Thor Sade Ads, i1 week 25c STEER FOUND • A red steer, yearling, strayed to my place about June 1st, Owner can have same by paying expenses. Apply to James Brown, phone 31 on 662. ,Seaforth. FOR SALE Young Leicester ram, Apply to Thomas Kay, Kippen, R.R.3, Hen-. Sall, phone 79 r 21. FOR SALE Ten York pigs for sale, 6 weeks old. Apply to Peter McCowan, Sea - forth, R,A. 1, phone 836 r 3. FOR SALE A Ford A Autotrac in good con- dition, complete with governors. Ap- ply to Thomas Kay, Kippen, R.R.8, phone Hensall 79r21. FOR SALE 13 chunks about 60 lbs. Gordon Preppie. Phone 839 r 13, Seaforth, FOR SALE' 1 pair pillows (goose . feathers); diningrooln suite, walnut, like new;. walnut dressing table and bevelled' mirror; large steamer and cooker; kitchen buffet, ivory; 1 pair drapes, homespun, cream, rose and brown. Phone 192 J. Seaforth. What a feast of flavour, what a tempting treat! Borden's ice cream has everything ... everything delicious. It snakes a super sundae ... it's grand on cake or pie. And it's so nourishing, too. GET BORDEN'S ICE CREAM WHERE Y,OU SEE THIS SIGN Tune in Borden's "CANADIAN CAVALCADE" every Monday night CBC Trans -Canada Network Let us Aquellize Your Home for WATERTI GHTN ES s oust" : i F ? .c with the SENSATIONAL WATERPROOF COATING lately featured in leading magazines REG. TRADE MAR Scientifically stops leakage, seepage, dampness inside or outside ... above or below ground ... on porous masonry surfaces such as CONCRETE s CINDER AND MASONRY BLOCKS • STUCCO • COMMON ,SRIC4C. ROUGH PLASTER. Turns wet cellar into playroom, workshop, laun- dry! Waterproofs walls, buildings, retaining walls! Damp -proofs foundation—to keep house damp- freel Reconditions leaky swimming pools, foun- tains, cisterns! ECONOMICAL Cost is nominal, We Will gladly furnish applica- tion estimates. Jack Holland SEAFORTH PHONE 25 ETERNITY' ISA LONG TIMI} WHY RtIN THE RISK OF SPENDING IT IN Hmt:r, 7 "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the LORD shall be saved." Rom. 10:13 "For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul." - Mark 8:36 TUNE IN: Pilgrims Hour 7-7.30 EST Sunday Evening Local Station.— CKLW Windsor 01d -fashioned Revival Hour — rebroadcasts on many stations at various hours Camas. E. Fuller, P.O. Box 123, Los Angeles 53, California AT FINNIGAN'S THE GREAT LESSON DARWIN TAUGHT Charles Darwin, the greatest thinker of his time, speaks of the "survival of the fittest," To take fullest advantage of his opportunities man must "keep fit," Here at Finnigan's we offer perhaps the finest display of Fruits and . Vegetables= in town. Every last item is priced, "Our Policy: `Money back if not satisfied'." if 'it's Better pastries, Better fruits and vegetables, Better groceries, we suggest you shop at Finnigan's. — W. J. FINNIGAN & SON FOR SALE Hydro` poles and cedar posts for sale. Will draw fill for gravel. Phone 48 r 9, Brussels Central. Bob Dal- ton, Walton. FOR SALE Four -tube' Sparton battery radio; hand washer and wringer, and tub stand; oak davenport; adjustable dress form. Apply at The News Of- fice. FOR SALE Quebec heater with pipes, eheap. Apply at the News Office. FOR SALE Twelve York pigs ready to wean: ,Apply to Frank Coleman Sr., Sea- forth R.R.,2. FOR SALE Nine pigs 4 months old, York- shire. Henry Enzensberger, R.R. 5, Seaforth. Phone 839 r 25. FOR SALE Sacrifice house and one acre of land for quick sale. Best offer takes it. Apply at News Office. FOR SALE 100 acres, Lot 28, Con. 3, Tucker - smith HRS. 10 acres bush. Convenient to church & school. Water in house and barn. Apply on premises. Edwin Johns, Seaforth RR3. . Auction Sale OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND Household Effects. Friday, Nov. 1st, at Lot 3, Con, 3, Mullett, at )'o'clock. HORSES: Belgian Ally, roan, 3 years old; 1 Belgian filly, roan, 2. years old; 1 Belgian filly, roan, 6 years old 2 Clyde fillies, matched, 7 months old and 1 year old; 2 one- year -old Percheron and Clyde, matched; 2 Belgian fillies 1 year old; 1 roan gelding 1 year old, Belgian ; 1 Clyde gelding 1. year old. CATTLE -1 Holstein cow 5 years old, due Dee. 25; 4 Durham heifers 600 1b; 5 Durham heifers 550 1b. SHEEP -22 breeding ewes 4 years old; 1 shearling ram, Oxford. POULTRY -125 New Hemp. & Sussex cross pullets; 19 geese (12 young, 2 old). GRAIN -200 bus. of oats. IMPLEMENTS -1 wooden wagon with hay rack, sloop -sleigh with flat rack' 1 thirteen hoe Massey -Harris seed drill, 18 -tooth spring tooth cultivator, 3 section diamond harrows, 1 Quebec sulky plow, 1 walking plow, Verity; scuffler, harrow cart, topbuggy, hay Far, ropes and pulleys, forks, shovels, hoes and a host of other articles. 5 cords dry wood. Household Effects -1 coal oil Stove and two bedsteads; 1 folding cot. • Terms -cash. No reserve as farm is sold. THOS. McMICHAEL, Proprietor. Frank- Hirkby, Auctioneer. Auction Sale OF LIVESTOCK. Friday, Nov. let, at 1 p.m, Lot 17, Con. 3; Stanley TWp., 2 miles west of Bruceaeld, on County Road. 1 Durham cow,fresh, with calf at foot; 4 Durham & Hereford cows, due in March; 3 Durham heifers, 2 years old; 1 Durham steer, 2 years old; 4 Durham steers and heif- ers, 300 Ib ; 2 Durham year-olds; 5 Durham spring JA calves. 'rHOMPsoN, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale FARM, FARM STOOK & IMPLEMENTS. Tuesday, Nov. 5th, at 1 p.m., at Lot 20, Con. 7, Hay Twp., 21.8 miles, east of Zurich and 314 miles west of Hensall, HORSES—Matched bay team 10 years old ; 1 roan mate, 12 years old. CATTLE -5 Durham cows with calves W side; 1 sow due in Dec. ; 2 heifers 2 year's old; 2 steers, 2 years old; 9 yearlings. PIGS -13 pigs 10 whs. old; 7 pigs 5 -wks. IMPLEMENTS -Massey Harris 6 ft. bind- er; i Dearing 6 ft. mower; 1 rake 10 ft.; 1 Massey Harris manure spreader (like new) ; 1 Cockshutt 11 run fertilizer drill, like new; Massey Harris stili tooth cultivator; 1 spring tooth cultivator; Massey Harris bean puller & snuffler; 1 -6 -ft. disc; Quebec sulky plow; stone boat, walking plow; 1 set 4 diamond harrows; 1 wagon & rack; fanning mill; set sleighs; eater; work harness, 2 sets single harness; horse collars, forks, whippletrees, neokyokes, numerous other articles. HAY & -GRAIN—Quantity mixed grain, 10 tons mixed hay. FARM -100 acre farm, more or less; 2 story brick house, frame kitchen & garage. Double deck hen house, bank barn 74x64 ; silo; good water simply. Farm rn good state of cultive. tion. Property offered subject to reserve bid. Terms on chattels cash. GORDON PYBUS, Proprietor, EaPldCJask0n,Cle Auctioneer. FOR SALE 300 Sussex x N. Hemp. pullets. Priced for quick sale. Apply to , Alvin 'Cole, Cromarty. FOR SALE 134 story frame dwelling, John St. Frame dwelling on James St., furn- ace, good repair. Modern dwelling centrally located on North Main Street. 1.00 aeras, lot. 9. con. 10, McKillop brick house, large barn, drive shed, windmill, 4 acres bush, early possession. 60 acre grass farm on highway near St..' Columban, no buildings but would be suitable for poultry farm. Watson & Reid, Seaforth A'S ORIGINAL ,CANADA'S Ni►''ACCO ?WE TOS O CHUM A C.C.F. BROADCAST M. J. COLDWELL, M.P. FRIDAY, Nov. 1st, 9 p.m. CKNX — Dial 920 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, Patrick D. McDonnell, H. Glenn Hays• SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 Alvin W. Sillery Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 1,73 Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST, SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies: The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, Ont., PI esident, F. McGOfficersregor, Clinton Vice President,,. C. W, Leonhardt, Brodhagen; 'Secretary -Treasurer and Manager, 111. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; ,Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born- holm; B. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Me- Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John D. :Pepper, Brueefield; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F. .Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post. offices. SEAFORTH CLINIC• Dr. B. A. McMaster, M.B., Physician. Dr. P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon. Office Hours Daily except Wednes- day 1.30 to 5 p.m., and 7 to 9 p.m. Appointments for consultation may be made in advance. Telephones 26 and 27. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M:D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5W MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. 53 Waterloo St,, Stratford. Telephone 267. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 CHARLES F. DALE Licensed Auctioneer Household and. Farm Stock, Etc. Reasonable rates and satisfaction guaranteed Write or phone Chas. F. Dale, Vin- ton R.R.4. Phone 616r4, Clinton central JOSEPH L. RYAN AUCTIONEER Licensed in Huron and Perth Specializing in Farm Stock and Farm Implements, and Household Meets For information phone 40r5, Dublin. E. C. Chamberlain INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE SEAFORTH, ONT. Phones: 334 Office Res. 220 SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Harvest '& Fall apples for sale. Phone Clinton 622-24. Fred Me Clymont, Varna. NOTICE We give prompt efficient service to all makes of Sewing Machines. Free estimates' given. We also make but- tons, uttons, buckles and do hemstitching. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 78 Ont- ario St., Stratford. FOR SALE Pullets, New Hampshire x Barred Rocks; New Hampshire x Sussex; White, Leghorn x White Rock. Phone Hensall 97r11, Elgin McKinley, Zurich RADIO REPAIRS QUICK EFFICIENT SERVICE Daly's Garale SEAFOIITH