HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-10-31, Page 5• HOW to Borrow at HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Can loan you Cel Choose a monthly payment plan 6 oasis 12 payrrts 15 payrns 20 payors 24 P42ro1 125 50 100 150 200 300 500 700 Inn)) 14.32 8.73 17.55 26,33 35.11 52.06 87.76 122.87 17;.53 85.17 13.75 18.39 27.50 45.84 64.18 9 L66 87.49 11.24 14.06 22.98 37.47 52.96 74.04 017.47 29,12 90,77 58,25 834:05 40,112 Select the amount you need, payment plan you prefer. Vis'tour orrice or arrange your loan by phone. No endorsers or bankable security needed. Your money can be ready the same Ehty you apply. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE .y,8 50 02 0511 .ACME. pY fie YEAaa OF EXPEaIENCE 2nd Floor, Royal Bank Building 29 Downie St., corner ofAlbert Phone 255 STRATFORD, ONT. B. J. Colby Manager Loan, mado to rosldonts of nearby towns ..,nnaveaaa05757g757g57 S2SZ47525252252.95Z5i'.1 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1946 THE SEAFORTH NEWS 17TH ANNUAL SEAFORTH LiONS HALLOWE'EN FROLIC THURBE SDAY' OCTOR 31 Entire net proceeds are being contributed to the Seaforth and District Legion Memorial Hall Fund PARADE leaves Queen's Hotel at 7.45 p,ln. Special. Prizes tin. Costumes Big Games All the Old Favorites and_ some new ones Special Hallowe'en Booth for children Big Program GOLDEN PRAIRIE COWBOYS. KIDDIES HALLOWE'EN CONTESTS A74D GAMES Admission to Rink; Adults 25c Children under 15`, Free DRAWING FOR SEVEN BIG PRIZES " DANCING New Time Norm Carnegie and Ms Band CARDNO'S HALL • ADMISSION 50e Old Time Golden Prairie Cowboys ODD FELLOWS HALL ADMISSION 50e Seaforth is Hallowe'en Headquarters DON'T MISS THIS BIG NIGHT HULLETT Mr. Alfred !Buchanan attended the annual sale. of Stutz Bros. at Forest where he purchased a pure bred Hereford bull. Stutz Bros, are among the largest breeders in Ont- ario, and the sale averaged about 3250 for the 36 head of purebred Herefords offered at the sale. Two other animals from this sale came to Hullett. Seven females went to Owen Sound - OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Repaired & Recovered Also Auto Seats and Backs, Verandah Swings & Steamer Chairs Repaired. Free Pick- up and Delivery Stratford Upholstering Company Phone 579, Stratford For further information apply at Box Furniture Store SEAFORTH DIED IN THE WEST Word was received by Mrs. Helen Berry (Hallie French) of London, formerly of Seaforth, of the sudden death of her only brother, Roy French, of Ernford, Sask., on Oct. 13, 1946. Roy was born in Seaforth and lived here until twenty-five years ago when he and 'his Wife and family moved to Saskatchewan. He was the only son .of Robert and the late Mrs, French. Roy has many friends here who will be sorry to learn of his sudden death. For Cement Tile and Troughs PHONE 343 CORNISH BROS. SEAFORTH Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE Sr SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41J. Exeter. TOWN TOPICS Mr. and bIt's. William Grimmett and daughter, Mrs, Robert Snritli; of Saskatchewan, spent a few days with the former's aunt, Mrs. 'William Stevens, James street, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sproat of North Bay were week end guests of Mr, and Mrs. Russell 11. Sproat and Mrs. James Sproat.' Mr. Arthur Sines and Mr. and Mrs. William Silns of Leaside were week end guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Dale. Miss Ruth Pretty, London, was a week end visitor at the home of hes' parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Pretty. Mr. Ross McNab, Stratford spent the weekend at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McNab. Miss Josephine Edge is a guest at the hone of her sister Mrs. W. W. Main, Port Nelson. Mr, Neville McMillan, Listowel, spent the week end at the home of his parents,' Mi'. and Mrs. 3. M. McMillan. Mr. and Mrs, Ross McGonigle and family, who have been residing in Kitchener, have moved to the horse of the former's father, Mr.. Robert McGonigle, North Main street, Mr. and Mrs. L. Graves were in Kitchener over the week end attend- ing a wedding.' Miss Rose Dorsey, Toronto, spent the week end at hes' home here, Miss Mabel Dore and Mrs: Belle McDonald of Mitchell spent the week end at the home of the hatter's (laugh- ter Mrs. Prank Single, and Mr. Smile. Mrs. John Connelly, Kennicott, was a week end visitor at the home of Mr, and Mrs. James Johnson, Main St. S. Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott and family, Toronto, spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Elliott's mother, Mrs. A. Sutherland. Mr. and Mrs. H. Dineen, Guelph. were guests this week at the hone of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright. Mr. Dennis. Maloney, Detroit, spent the week enol with his mother, Mrs. John Maloney. Mr. George Parke, London, visited at the hone of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Parise, over the week end. Miss Lois Whitney, Wingham, was a week end visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Whitney. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McMillan anci son, St. Thomas, spent the week end at the home of the 'former's sisters, Mr. and Mrs. E. Andrews, and Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Fos. Miss Donelda Hawkins, Kitchener, spent the week end with her mother, Ma's. W. Hawkins. Mr. J. E. Morrison, Barrie, is a guest at the home 09 his son and (laughter• in•laN. . Mr. Thomas Storey had the mis- fortune to slip on a plank on Tuesday and fracture his leg. Mr. Storey was removed by ambulance to Scott Mem- orial hospital for treatment. Mrs. L. E. Richards and 11liss Olive McCormick have returned from. To- ronto where they spent the last two weeks. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Workman are at Kingston this week. Mr. Workman is attending the Alumni Conference, Queen's Theological Col- lege. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pym anis son Jack of Wingham were Sunday visit- ors with Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Whitney. When Your Battery runs down REMEMBER OUR ONE HOUR BATTERY CHARGING SERVICE DALY'S GARAGE SEAFORTH WANTED dI Es,.d' r Dead or Alive DEAD, OLD OR DISABLED Horses, Cattle, Calves, Sheep and Hogs PROMPT COLLECTION - WE DO THE LOADING DARLING CO.. OF CANADA Phone COLLECT Seaforth, 15; Exeter, •235; Walkerton, 135-r•6 wasimimmwr FREE ANIMALSERVKE OLD •DISABLED OR DEAD CATTLE •NORSES a HOGS a SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply Phone- Collect "r 219 Mitchell WE Do THE REST I INGERSOLL, ONTARIO Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Nicholson. Mr. Charles Mann, Huron Road, spent Sunday last at the home .of Mr. and Mrs,, Russel Marks of Wal- ton, Mumps are the order of the day in the vicinity. The W.M.S. will hold their monthly' meeting in. the school -room of the 'church in Constance. Every body welcome. Mr. Arthur Dale, a Hullett 'town- ship farmer shipped a load of prime export steers, Durham and Here- fords, to the Toronto stock market recently. They were proclaimed by some of the expert buyers to be one of the best loads that had been ship- ped ,to ' the market for some time to be nearly 100% "Red Brand" and were sold for the highets price that had been paid for a carload of steers for some time past. (13.45). In June Mr. Dale also shipped a carload of export steers which top- ped the market that week. Several of those cattle were fed personally by Mr. Dale during the past winter and grazed on his own pasture dur- in the summer. Mr. Dale is proud of his ability to correctly tell' the weight of cattle and relates how he recently picked out forty head of cattle and offered the man a certain sum for them. However the owner wanted to have thein weighed first. Mr. Dale's -guess was so close that there was only 90c difference between his offer and what he paid. McKILLOP Mr. P. J. Johnson sold his 50 acre grass farm to his son, Hubert. This farm is conveniently situated to Hubert's own farm in McKillop. Afternoon Tea BORN DICK- At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Oct. 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dick, Seaforth a son. SILLS -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Oct. 28, to Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Sills, Seaforth, a son. GRIEVE --At Scott Memorial I3ospital on Oct. 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grieve, Seaforth, a son. (Silver Collection) The Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas Church IN THE PARISH FALL Wed., Nov. 6 3.30 TO 6 P,NI, Home Baking Sale WHITE ELEPHANT TABLE and a Bazaar of Useful Articles NICKEL FISH POND Everybody Welcome Numerous techniques have been devised to bring about painless childbirth, but medical science still is looking for, and hoping to find, a perfect one. G. B. Lal, science ana- lyst, writes on the subject in The American Weekly, with this Sun- day's (November 3) issue of The Detroit ,Sunday Times. "" gimuctulog DANCE in Cardno's Hall SATURDAY, ,NOV. 2nd Norm. Carnegie and His Band Admission 40c 218851 ANTED By Town of Seaforth For Two Months Man to assume duties of Town Scavenge for this. period Salary $125.00 per month Apply at Town Clerk's office 5 Reasons Why You'll Want Our Four -Point Winterizing Service - SAFETY - COMFORT - ECONOMY -PERFORMANCE -CONVENIENCE Our complete Winterizing service incl'i'i-'; thorough check -ore. of cooling system, lubrication needs, engine and battery, and accessories . .. Those four points assure you of dependable. economical s ervl.•e from your car all Winter long . .. quick :=.ening . easy ii'iv sg . . . safe stopping! You'll be thankful. too. for the extra eemfort and convenience From a more efficient heater, defroster and windshield wiper ... and elimination of draughts. And remember. gold Winterizing perform- ance demands correct Winter lubrication as we:: as a thorough engine 1uueup. 9 Make An Appointment Now SEAFORTH MOTORS Phone 141 Seaforth HULLETT The whole community received a severe shock when they learned on Thursday evening last Mrs. Charles Stewart had passed away in Scott. Memorial Hospital, Seaforth. Mrs. Stewart had been ailing for some time but it was not considered seri- ous until three weeks ago she took ill and was removed from her home to the hospital. Mrs. Stewart was Amy Alberta, youngest daughter of the late John and Mary Woon of the Bayfield Road, Goderich Township. She became the wife of Mr. Charles Stewart on April 16th, 1913. Loft to mourn her loss are her husband, one daughter Marion (Mrs. John Heaman, of London, and two sons, Lloyd and Kenneth, also a grandson Malcolm Stewart. Also two sisters, Mrs. Wm. Elliott of Clinton, and Mrs. John Ken- nedy of Toronto, and one brother. A son, Gordon died nine years ago. Mrs. Stewart was a faithful member of Lon:desboro United ' Church; and a member of the Adult Bible class and W.M.S. Funeral services were con- ducted at the hone by her pastor Rev. A. Penman, and Rev, A. W. Gar- diner. Her favorite hymn, Shall We Gather at the River, was sung, and a solo, In the Cln'fstian's ];Tome in Glory. by Mrs. John Scott. The fune- ral wits largely attended, and floral offerings were many and beautiful. Pallbearer's were six nephews, Fred Dlhott, ;,George Elliott, Jaek Stevens, itugh Ladd, Geo. Silcox, Geo. Smali- conbe. Flower bearers were neph- ews and friends, Clifford Adams, Aubrey Toll, Stewart, Toll, Kenneth McDougall Emerson Hesk, Grant Snell, Robert Wallace, Geo. 551185r- viceCecil Cartwright, Interment was in Clinton cemetery. Mrs. Geo. Baily spent the weekend at the home of her daughter. Mrs. McKay, in St, Thomas. Mr. and Ma's. Harold Glazier and daughter Ruth, spent Sunday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Milken: Mr. Fred Riley was in London on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mann are spending a few days in 'Toronto this week visiting old acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Riley, Alvin and Ronald spent Sunday in Kitch- ener at the home of their son Bern- ard, and Mrs. Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Marks of Walton' spent !Sunday at the home of Miss Jennie Mann and Joe Minn. Mr: Robertson of Toronto spent THE CAR SENSATION OF THE AGE.., the jeep READY TO DRIVE AWAY • Buy It Today! • Drive it Away! • Put It to Work at Once! The Jeep -of -all -Jobs Masters them all! Here are a Few of the Many Uses for a JEEP It's a TRUCK! The Universal "Jeep" carries a. load of 8001bs. or tows a 5,500 Ib. trailer payload. With . 4 -wheel drive, the "Jeep" goes places or. dinary trucks cannot go. It's a TRACTOR! The "Jeep", with four wheels pulling, works speedily and efficiently as a tractor ... oper- ating plows, harrows, seeders, manure spread- ers, ensilage harvesters, etc. It's atAOBILEPOWERUNIT! Through an ingenious rearend power lake -off, the "Jeep" delivers up to 30 h.p. for operation of power devices . takes the power where you want 11. it's a RUNABOUT! The "Jeep" Is handy for Mips" to 10w1:I r . . road speeds up te 60. You can depend **your Jeep" through nod, snow and usssd:st8 goes wMfo ordinary -I .cels Ms as WW1= roma !t t f 1 J,Sti Jonathan Its amazing versatility makes the "Jeep" the slickest trick on wheels! When you need a handy pick-up or delivery truck:; load up your "Jeep",; or hook on a trailer! When there's plowing or discing or harrowing to be done u :: "harness" up your "Jeep"I When you need mobile power to saw wood, pump water, spray trees 08 operate any power device ... hook up the power take -off on your "Jeep". When you want a runabout ::: hop into your "Jeep"! Come in and see for yourself how this ane vehicle will fill a multitude of your needs ::: and spread its cost over year-round everyday use: Choose from three colours --orange,; yellow 'or green: See .o•Drive .; The Mighty Amazing... ee Now on Display at ® : • I�ugidl R. R. 41, Seaforth DEALER IN WILLYS MOTOR CARS, TRUCKS, AND THE UNIVERSAL `JEEP' 4 4 .4 .4 4 .4 4 w 4 4 t 4 4 4 . . 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 1 4 4 4 4