HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-10-24, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1946 THE SEAFORTH NEWS 17TH ANNUAL SEAFORTH LIONS HALLOWE'EN - THURSDAY OCTOBER 31 Entire net proceeds are being contributed to the Seaforth and District Legion Memorial Hall Fund PARADE leaves Queen's Hotel at 7.45 p.m. Special Prizes for Costumes Big Games Big Program All the OLd Favorites and GOLDEN' PRAIRIE COWBOYS some new ones Special Hallowe'en Booth I{IDDIES I3ALLOWE'EN for children CONTESTS AND GAMES Admission to Rink: Adults 25c Children under 15, Free DRAWING FOR SEVEN BIG PRIZES DANCING New Time Old Time Norm Carnegie and his Band Golden Prairie Cowboys CARDNO'S HALL ODD FELLOWS HALL ADMISSION 50c` ADMISSION 50c Seaforth is Hallowe'en Headquarters DON'T MISS THIS BIG NIGHT • MI CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25th ,,,,unun,nuan,m,,,n,au,uuan,,,,,,,un,,,a,,,,,,n,u,uuuunn eine,psaununnunuuuuuunumnanu,nn, ■ ■ s musicalart Ines w ,unnunuuuannnnnnnuwuauuuauuills, wuungnnnnupuuuuuu,aauuu,auuun,mml 1nuunnuun PRODUCED AND PERSONALLY DIRECTED BY BILUE BELL -ECG FORMER STAR OF RADIO AND STAGE OF TORONTO , One Night Only ADMISSION 50c PLUS GOVT. TAX AT THE DOOR - a OCCASIONAL . How to Borrow at CHAIRS HOUSEHOLD FINANCE ' .9511 Choose a monthly poymonl plan ' halt Repaired & Recovered f- no 6 , 12 15 20 24 Get ipayprfs paomts points paymts paymts t- 425 5B75 F Also Auto Seats and Backs, 10017.55 $9117 $7.40 - t Verandah Swings & Steamer 1501 266.33 13.75 11.24 .. , Chairs Repaired. Free Pick - 266 35,11 300 5266 1824 27,50 14.80. 22.48 '$17,47 - upand Delivery 510 0770 45,84 87,47 20,12 tit -. .. 122 176,53 8708 7991. 5928 63495 Stratford Upholstering �108, lir Select the amount you need, payment Compan,7 NNSi plait you prefer. VisiLouroflicear ar ange i your loan by oho le, No endorsers or. F Phone 579, Stratford bankable security leaded. Your money rag be ready the same day you apply. For further information apply at HOUSEHOLD FINANCE : Box Furniture Store . 5550 115550 BY BEI YEWS er E%PEa1EeeE 5 SEAFORTH 2nd Floor, Royal Bank Building 2 29 Downie St., corner of Albert Phone 255 STRATFORD, ONT. „ „ . , _ ,_,,,, _, .. - ,, B. J, Colby Manager Loom m do to reddest., ofnearby lawns Red Clover r,casa5asac�cscatiasaFa�sacasasasa4sasasatiasayil Timothy Seed s fOrtil" Highest Market Prices Paid for these seeds Monument Works Bags may °be supplied and T. PRYDE & ,SON seed picked up Memorial Craftsmen Fol' information call or write Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS Zwicker Seed Co. are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. Ltd. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- CREDITON, ONT. ment any other time, or phone 41 J. Exeter. Phone 76 r 16 Hensall TOWN TOPICS Miss Alice Daly was elected to the office of Diocesan second vice presid- ent at the Annual Diocesan convention of tale Catholic : *omen's League of Canada, held in Chatllanr last. week. Mr, and MIs. Iloward Kerr and M1'. ani Mrs, Leslie Kerr of Toronto spent the week end with their ;mother Mrs. James Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. William Pollard and son Billy, Stratford, and Messrs I1ar- vey Thiel and Henry Wagner, Flint, Michigan, were recent visitors at the lioiri.e of "Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard. iVtr, and Mrs. Gordon Willis, Detroit, were wee end is at the e of 1c guests s hom father, Mr. W. G. Willis, and Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Bechely. Mr. and M1s. Charles Cudmore"and Children Beverly and Barbara, Kitch- ener, spout' the 'weekend at the home of the former's par'erts, Mr. and Mrs, Sam- Cudmore, Miss Alice Devereaux has returned 00 Toronto after spending the past few days with her mother, Mrs, Frank Devereaux. Miss Dorothy Smith, •Western Uni• yersity, London, spent the week end at the home of her parents Mr. and: Mrs. C. M. Smith. Mrs. Joseph Miller, Detroit, spent the week end with relatives here and attended the Moss -Bannon wedding, Mr. Lloyd Dinnen, Detroit, was a week end visitor at the hone of his mother, Mrs. Ernest Dinnin. Mr: and Mrs. Peter McCowan, Mrs. Geo. Eaton and Miss Helen Currie spent .Friday in London. Ken Baton, who attends school, returned home with them for the week end. Miss .Mary Murray of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Basil KeUy and family, and Mr, and Mrs. Dan Crowley and family, of Kinkora, spent Sunday with Mrs, Janes Murray: Mrs, J. Neville, Sarnia, is a guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. M. McMillan and Mr, McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams and son, Mr: and Mrs. Carl Dietrich and sons. Bert „ end Joseph, Kitchener, were week end visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Sol Williams. 1VLr. and Mrs. Scott Coffin have re- ter'ned to Toronto, after spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter McIver, Miss Marion- Hunt has returned home after spending the past week at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gladson Campbell. Toronto. Miss Laura Mole returned home on Monday after spending the past week with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Ralph McFadden spent the week end at the borne of her parents, M. and Mrs. George MacDonald, Stratford. Miss Davina Anderson has returned home after spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. Thomas Murray of Barr River, Algoma, and daughter, Mrs. Berrie Gibson, of Desbarats, are visiting this week with his sister Mrs. Harry Tyndall and other relatives, Miss Estelle Burns, London, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr's. 3. R. Burns. Mr. and Mr's. Stuart N. Keys and daughter Gall of Orillle visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs, N. Keys.. BORN SKAIFE—At Scott Memorial Hospital on Oct. 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Skaife, Bruceileld, a daughter. SCOTT—At Scott Memorial Hospital on Oct. 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Phomas L. Scott, Cromarty, a son. McNAB—In Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, on Oct. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McNab, a son. ELLIOTT-At Clinton Public hos- pital, Monday, October 7th 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elliott of Blyth. (Nee Dorothy Peck) the gift of a eon, Ronald Douglas. DIED JACKSON ---In Seaforth, on Sunday, Oct. 20, 1942 Abigail Constance Jackson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Frederick W. C. Jackson, aged 2 years and 5 months. runmrnl service at 5t. Thomas' Anglican Church, Tuesday, Oct. 22, interment in Maitland Bank Cemetery. and Mrs Fleet Long of Atwood. 'Mr.. and 1411•s, Charles Stephen and Betty Ann visited with Mrs. Hawkins of Sea.fo'th and Mr. Donald Stephen visited with IVir, David Bradshaw. ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Coultis at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Mary Jones of London last Tuesday. Mrs, Sheerer of Varna, Mrs. Arthur Hurd and Douglas of Anderson visited with Mrs. Harry Sperling Thursday. Several from this community at, tended the International Plowing Match at Port Albert daring last. week Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper, Lenore and Floyd, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Philip Murch. Mr. Minor Dobbs and Mr. William Dobbs of Langton motored to Barrie last week on a trip. Mr. Kenneth Johns and Mr. Frank- lin Skinner attended the banquet at Port Albert on 'Friday evening of the International Plowing Match. Mr. and Mr's. William Routly, Anna and Grace, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mss. James Kirkland of Thames Road The Fall anniversary church serv- ices will be held Sunday morning with Ret. Trueblood of Crediton as guest sneaker and in the evening Rev. Day - nerd of Staffa. There will be no Sun- day school until the following Sunday Mr. Silas Morella and Mrs. M. Mc - Falls of London visited on Sunday with Mr, and Ml's. Weston Horne. Mrs. V. Johns of Exeter, Mrs. Del- mer Skinner and children aro spend- ing a Mw days with Mr. and Mrs, Maynard Margison of London. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Bell visited on Sunday with. W. and Mrs, Samuel Elanna of .Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gunning and Muriel of Whalen visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mr0. Bruce Cooper. Mrs, Jackson Woods. anti Bobby spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs, James McLaughlin of London. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coultis of Lon- don spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Goulds. Several from this community en- joyed the Eckardt Bros. bell ringers at Exeter last Wednesday evening: Mr, and Mrs. William Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wood's, June and Bobby, visited On Sunday with Mr. H ENSALL The Evening Auxiliary members of the Hensall United Church were pleasantly entertainedfor their O'ct- oberober moet'ing on Monday night at the home of Mrs Pearl Stephen with Mrs W. 'Smale co -hostess. The Pres- ident, Mrs. Byron Kyle,' presided. Following the use of the"Theme Song" the hymn "For the beauty of the Earth'' 'roll call taken, "Some- thing to be thankful for". Minutes read and offering received. 'Miss Margaret Glenn read the scripture. psalm 107 vs. 1-10. In keeping with the theme "Thanksgiving" Miss Gladys Luker presented the dexo- tional exercises, consisting of a suitable paper on the subject, also a prayer. The study chapter 5, was interestingly outlined' by Miss Violet McClyrnont. Business was then dis- cussed. Distribution of Xmas cards then took place. Plans were com- pleted for the distribution of House- hold Hint Books. Mrs. Carl Pass- more will hold the November meet- ing at her home November llth with Miss Margaret Glenn assisting. Mrs. J. Corbett will take the devo- tional "Peace". Roll call, our contri- bution to peace. Social 'Comm. Mrs. Passmore, Misses Margaret Glenn and Barbara Michie, and Mrs. Shad - dick. The president urged members to have ready all bazaar items to date, the bazaar scheduled to be held in the Sunday School room of the United Church, Saturday, Nov. 16th. The W.M.S. ladies and the Mission Circle group will sponsor extra booths in conjunction with the Evening' Auxiliary. The closing hymn was "Conte, ye thankful peo- ple come", after which the Mizpah Benediction was repeated'. A de- lightful social hour followed. The evening was greatly enjoyed by all in attendance. IVIr. and Mrs. Ben' `Kaiser who have been residents of Detroit for the past number of years moved to Hensall this 'week to take up resi- dence with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser- A large number of relatives and friends assembled in the Town hall, Hensall on Friday night to honor Mr. and Mrs. Ross Forrest, 'who were recently married. During the even- ing the bride and groom were pre- sented with a gift of money. Danc- ing was enjoyed to music by Mur - dock's Orchestra. Y.P.U. Holds Rally A large representation of Young People 'attended the Fall Rally of Huron Presbytery Y.P.U. held in the Hensall United Church on Fri- day evening. The registration at '7:30 pan. was in charge of Miss Barbara Michie and Miss Dorothy McNaughton. The worship period commenced at S p.m. Rev. Hugh C. Wilson•' of Blyth, was the special NOTICE speaker, delivering an inspirational Tp. of Tuckerstnith Federation address. At the conclusion of the meeting refreshments were served and a social hour enjoyed. Heightened Hope For Alcoholics Chronicdrunkards, once ehe,nred, are hying redeemed by a new treatment that restores therm to health and resnectability. Read how IL Is done in The American Weekly, celebrated magazine with this SdniY 's(October et ) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times Get Sun- day's Detroit Tunis. - Want and Por Sale Ads., 8 weeks for 500. ON HAND SPRUCE LUMBER" ALBERTA BRIQUETS NUT COKE RANGE COKE PEA COAL John B. Mustard Lumber & Coal Co. Phone 618r11 BRUCEFIELD, Ont. When Your Battery runs down REMEMBER OUR ONE HOUR BATTERY CHARGING SERVICE DALY'S GARAGE SEAFORTH Motion Pictures in Egmondville School, Tuesday, Oct. 29th, at 2 pan. and 8.30 p.m.: ' Come and enjoy an educational show. Free. E. B. Goalie, :leges. 1. O'Leary, Sec. Preas. DA -N -0-X Dublin Parish Hall FRIDAY, OCT. 25 IIDONLIGHT SERENADERS Admission 50c. Dancing 9,30-1 Brueefield United Church Anniversary Brucefield United Church will hold their Anniversary Services on Sunday, Oct- ober 27th. Services will be held at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p,m. The Rev, A. B. Irwin .of James Street United Church, Exeter, will be the speaker at both services._ DMA Ely the Pi wing Match? If you are a Forel -Ferguson owner, you will be pleased to know that we can supply all the implements for Ford - Ferguson tractors displayed at the Plowing Match. Sedore Manure Loaders $140,00 Cordwood Saws 90.00 DALY'S GARAGE Ford - Monarch Cars and Trucks Ford Ferguson Tractors and Implements SEAFORTII l i i i it!• mPP Cost -of -living data is from Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Electricity costs are average for Hydro in Ontario, !f — F.: P i ,„ m o. i 152 120 124 ,120 •••i 113 • '10Btxu •-•i 1042 too, so z 92: 88 tl. 84O TT IHOUie iso : O N m cn b Prices! Have they got you worried? Well, here is one price lo feel good about. You can buy more Hydro energy for one cent today than at any time in history! Compared with the dips and peaks of general living costs, the cost of Hydro service to Ontario consumers has come down constantly since 1914 ▪ . , even dropping during war years. Today one cent buys about twice as much as in 1923 ... almost five times as much as in 1914. Think of the work that one cent's worth of electricity can do today, in an average Ontario home. It will give electric refrigeration for 24 hours • . cook a full meal for two people on an electric range . : . operate a washing machine for two hours, an electric ironer for half an hour, a hand iron for an hour ... light a 100 -watt lamp for 10 hours, or run an average radio all day. Few people in the world have electricity available to them at such low cost as prevails in Ontario and as a result, electricity is extensively used. Present demands tax supply facilities to capacity since Hydro construction and expansion weie restricted by wartime necessity. Present shortage of materials and equipment makes it impossible to rapidly carry out expansion already planned. Until these conditions are relieved, use this economical servant wisely. 4 ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIQ.