HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-10-17, Page 7CLIA SSIFI E ADVERTISING IIAIBY - CHICKS. PULLETS P22091 22 WEEKS TO laying, P [iil hatched chicks, for im-. Mediate delivery, Free catalogue, Sepdfor 1047 pay old liricclist. Top, Notch Chipiceries, Guelph, Ontario. 4JJ 1QICj FOR. DELIVI0RY THIS • fall (Nov, -Dee,) should be ordered now. For quick ordering we've a few started 011101cs on hand„ im- mediate delivery. Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamilton, Ont. PULLETS ALL AGES 12 WEI"OILS to laying. Also Fall hatched chicks. rompt delivery, Free Catalogue. t is not too soon to order your 1947 chicks. "Write ue. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario UUSINES3' 0)I'I'Olt'1`UNI'l'IEs CASH BY RETURN MAIL 10011 your old Gold Jewellery, Gold teeth Diamonds, Sterling Silver, etc. 10d per cent premium on gold coins, Satisfaction guaranteed or parcel turned prepair. Kirby Company Meters, 13 Queen East, Toronto, t. ACCOUNTING BY MAIL TO SMALL RETAILERS AND AUSI- ness men who cannot afford to hire a regular bookkeeper we offer the perfect bookkeeping and tax serv- ice. Write ' for details, MAIL CONTACT ACCOUNTING Room 300,. 21 Icing St. E., Toronto. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to gn- awer your questions. Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Youge Street,Toronto, Ontario. 10117CTRICAL E2UIPa1ENT NEW oCY'CLOHBP" LIGHTING plants powered by "Briggs & Strat-, ton" engines, D.C. 360 watt. $125.00 farmers price $115.00, 600 watt 0160.00—farmers 9150.00. 1600 watt $0 0ris2u' 0ewatt 300. $350.00—farmers andDe engines 1-U to 200 H,P. light- weight, air cooled, .portable twin cylinder 1-nyl H,P. 2135.00, 2- 1)j $220.00, 6 H.P. 5830.00. Diesel engines- 4 H.P, and up $450,00 and up. From stoop A.C. or D.C. Weld- ing machines, electrodes and ac- cessories New gas engine driven portable self -priming centrifugal pumps 700110 gal pet- flour, Total weight 90 lbs, Operates 6 ]lours one • allon—$186,00, 6 volt. wind - chargers with tower $60.00. 32 volt large -capacity $260.00 also trans- formers rectifiers, }norm gear re- ducersTeoiopc V belt drives, spot weldo,e, 32. volt D.C. motors and bench grinders. etc. AL'LIANCI) • ELECTRIC \VO1tKS LIMITED, Munu'loil - Toronto - X-IalIfax - Itouy'n - Winnipeg - Vancouver, ELECTRICIANS STORES ONLY write for our cotniogue on Iloures- cent fixtured, desk lumps, bed lamp: 00 cycles only. Also toasters, Irons. 1'ivo \V,t T,B, license num- ber. Gordon -Harris Supply Co., Reg'd -5354 Waverley St., Montrea FOR SALE ATTENTION NOVELTY 2-4-1 Of PIPER IINT VAR !ETHOS IN one apple tree. Also McIntosh on hardy rootstocks. Black and Red Current ?lents for commercial and private planting in the newest va- rieties. PlaILLPS FARMS, CHA• TEAU(sUA\ VILLAGE'', QUE. AUTO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES for all ears, Price List on request. Piston rings for all motors at pre- war prices. Dept. W., Canadian Auto Parts, 389 Queen St. W., Toronto.. BOOKS, PLATES AND ELp;CTROS. of poultry, Pigeons, Waterfowl, Pheasants, Birds, farm Animals, Dogs, tats, Rabbits, Aquaria, Bees, Butterflies, Farm and Garden. Free catalogue. Morgan Gardens, Lon- don, CHURCH & SUNDAY SCHOOL Supplies Bibles, boosts, novelties, plaques, etc. icor catalogues write to Montreal Christian Supply House, Dept. NV., 1015 St, Antoine Street, Montreal. P21111020 OYSTERSRUSHED TO you fresh from the sea coast of Nova Scotia, Delicious. Informa- tion for stamp. i;conomy Distribu- tors, Kingston, Ont. MANY THOUSANDS 100TH YOUNG and old are now cutting their own hairathome by means of the lit- tle attachment for Gillette razors, Cost only $1.00 postpaid, John Knoell, 127 W. Lake Street, Minne- apolis, Minnesota, MORE FUN THAN A CIRCUS ! ! Fun Cards, Novelties, Magic Tricks, Jokes, ete., all for only 10c. Com- ical photos, ' 10e, Lovers Fun Cards, 15c,. Standard Sales Company, Dept. WW -300, Beauseiour, Mani- toba. ONE BIDWIELL DEAN HILL WrrH weigher and drive bolt, also sever- al parts for same mill. Harry Van- roboys, R.R. 6, Thomasville, PEDIGREED SPRINGER SPANIEL Pups, four months old. -Good hunt- ing prospects.. Pelee reasonable. Woodview Kennels, Registered, D. DIC$le, RR 2, London. 6,000 PULLETS — 6000 Ready -to -Lay. Pullets, also several thousand 2 to 6 months old, These pullets all raised on clean, free range with plenty of space and tender green feed, under the most ideal conditions. Send. for Price List and full particulars. — OIL BURNERS -- New pot type cit brooders, new pot. type range burners and heaters. Prompt delivery or book tor later. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, ie„ WEIN BROS., Exeter, Ontario. 41SPE2D1178 ELECTRIC 21110 80010011. The toy motor that features high speed, one cell operation, non -01113 pulley, weighted base, Limited num-• bar of only $1,75„ postpaid. Thou-' sand Island Marls, Box 94, Brock- ville, Ontario. F01I SALE, TOURIST BUSINESS on No. 11 Highway, 12 miles past Huntsville, 42 acres o1 land accom- modation for 22 people, large Main dwelling, ten outer buildings. lee hh Ouse with 12. ton of ice chicken poops will hold 2,000 chickens, ev- erything modern, electric lights throughout, full basement in main dwelling Water pressure, outside showers for tourist Pelee 514,000. Terms to right party. Place now operating.' Come up and see it, or write to The Wagon 'Wheel 3ovar, Ont, 'WILD 1PIC1.. FOR SALE, 51.25 11;13 lb post paid [hoiro quality send alone order for one or two 10, package. 1, nseph S. Goldberg, 1111 naltl, On ri e. 1001 0a1,19 1047 "W110'LDSALE CATALOGUE. Merchants rind storekeepers only. Send W P r.11, License number for our Flee Wholesale Catalogue. Penny -up 'Merchandise Co., Balfour 131dg., Montreal 18,: Quo. 1PA(t815 FOR SALE 1PARB, r9, 81ILE SOUTH EAST OF Williamsburg containing 100 acres, large stone house,.largo - frame barns, metal roots ether buildln s, equipped with Hydro. Apply, Park er. Locke, Williamsburg, Ont., ONE HUNDRED ACRES, e7EDI1/M clay loans, fifteen acres, wooded, balance grass. Immediate posses- sion. Elizabeth Weir, Wiugham, Ontario. FARM 250 ACRES, 230 TILLABLE!, eolid brick .house, good out build- ings, good wells. School van to Public and Continuation . School Co-operatiyecheese. factory la die- trlet. Hydro available, 26 -:miles south of Ottawa, Apply N. Crowder. Mountain, Ont. CHOICE IPA1t8I CONTAINING 108 acres located in the County of Ox- ford 8 1-2 miles north of the Village of Drumbo. Farm all under cultiva- tion end in good condition. The buildings consist of a large L shape steelbank barn withcement staili and steel etaunchtons, cement alto and hen house with southern ex- posure on second floor. Two storey stone house in good state of repair. Farm equipped with hydro. Early possession. For further partieulare apply. The Caundn Permanent Trust Co., Woodstock, Ontario.' HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson' method.. Information -en.. request regarding classes. Robert- son's Hairdressing Academy. • '127 Avenue Road, Toronto, • HELP WANTED SAWYER WITH GENERAL leg- parlance eg- pein d needed for Saw Mill. A job with opportunity for advancement. House provided, Write Box 617, Heapeler. HOUSE TO HOUSE SALESMAN FOR paste soap, hand cleaner, household cleansing and purifying products. Write Liehty .Products, Kitchener, Ont. M17DIOA1, IT'S PROVEN—EVERT' SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neuri- tis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 835 Elgin, 'Ot- tawa, Postpaid, $1,00. RHEUMATISM INTRODUCING A NEW AMAZING Itheumutic-puln Salve to sufterera of . Rheumatism"- Arthritis -Sciatica Neuritis, This "American Rheuma- tic Pair, Solve" developed especial- ly and after consistent research le available to you now. This special Introductory trial offer is Inex- pensive but the relief obtained le priceless. Take advantage of this special trial offer at a saving to you. Available now in Canada. One ounce container for only $1.00, If Yell suffer from: Rheumatism-Arth- rltts-Solatica - Neuritis - Cold Com- plaints and • really want effective relief—"American . Rheumatic Pain Salve" is what you need. Prove 1l to Youraelf as chemist's tests's have Droved. Write direct to American Drug & Chemical Co„ 232313 Bloor St., West, Toronto, Ontario, Can- ada. Send money order or postal not. No C.U.D.'s' or stamps please. SATISFY YOURSELF — EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 836 EI - g1,0, Ottawa. Postpaid 51,00, MUSICAL INST12 UMICNTS FRED A 110DDING'l'i/N u110S sells, exchanges musical metru- menta 111 l'hurrh. Toronto 1. OPPORTUNITIES F(llt WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING. SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession,' good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free, Write or call. MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 368 131oor St, W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St., Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa, PATENTS FETHERS'r0N11AUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors, Establlehed. 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet 01 information on request. PHOTOGRAPHY IMPERIAL QUALITY IS QUALITY AT ITS AUR YEAR ROUND EAST SERV - ice RV - ice and fine quality work w111 please you. For satisfaction try Im- perial. 6 or 8 exposure films, de• veloped and printed, 80e IMPERIAL PHOTO SI.4RVICE Station 1, Toronto. GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Any Size I2011-6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED. AND 1.'itUNTED 25e 4 MOUNTED 'ENLARGEMENTS 215e Size 4 x 5" in Easel mounts. Hand Colored and framed Enlargement* at special prices. Prints from your negatives 3c each. DEPT. 8I. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120, Post Office A, Toronto. Print Name and Address Plainly. FILMS D1')VIi1LOPED 25 CENTS. Guaranteed one day service, No waiting. Day Photo .Service, North Ray. DAILY S17RVICie, PROF: 4 X largement with each 0-8 expos4re, Roll 25e. Reprints 8e, Chrystal Pho- to Service, 1.500 Dundas W, Toronto. STAMPS - CANADIAN AND IPU It 1111 f G N •stamps, hint and Used, on approval. We buy stamps. Claude Langlois, LA Albert, Vicloriaville, Que. 000.0.E070115: SDND 51.00 52071 selection fine .approvals. Refunded 1f not fully satisfied. No trash. A. Bloom, 5347 Yen, Vancouver, Can- ada. I'REBIIU2I FRD10 1'0' APPROVAL applicants sending 4e stamp. 8 Malta; 3 Costa Rica; 10 India, a7] for quarte, W Tyson, Box 393, Guelph Ontario TItAI' TING WOLF FON - 5111110 TRAPPERS P17RS Use the best trapping system rn a1 e gland Brenta money can bin Write tr,r particulars to A. 10, Maher, ter, .Box 420, Calgary, Alberta. ISSUE41-1946 WANTED TItACTOItS AND ALL STEEL threshing machines, advise snake.. model, Size, year, condition and price, by letter,' phone or wire to Bateman Motors -Limited, 11 Moira St, W., Belleville, Ontario, BUTCHER .BUSINESS OR GROC- ery store, private party, Box 116, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, HATCHING EGGS WANTED VOA 1047 hatching season. Flocks culled and bloodtested free of charge un- der Government supervision Guar- anteed premium plus hatchability premium 'paid. For full details write Box No. 95, 73 Adelaide W., To- ronto,. .... 1'O RENT 50 TO 150 ACItI7 FAIRM. Buy 1P suitable. William Hollis, Lakeview, Ont. ,O.2JANTI'rY Ole .LARGE WILLOW trees. Hanger Limb Company, 86 Icing Street West,., Toronto, ,Ont - WANTED YOUNG SINGING' CANA- riea, young Love Birds (Budgies);' small breed puppies, Top Prices' paid, Write full particulars, Doug- Ias.Pet., Shop,. 279 Danforth. Avenue, Toronto. GUNS WANTED *60 cash and up paid for good qua)- Ity sporting rifles and ahotgunl; Inspection at your convenient*: out-ot-town inquiries invited. Irab 'A. Flatman 126 Dawes Rd,, Toron- to, Phone 6X,'2782. DAIRY, 30 TO 12 CAN DAIRY large' town or small alt)' wanted l�1iy7 veteran. Box 116, 72 Adelaide W„ Toronto. You Will Enjoy Staying At The SL Regis Hotel TORONTO O Every Room With Bath Shower end :Telephone O Single, 52.50 use— Double, 53.00 op te Good Food Dining and Dane - lug Nightly Sherbourne at Carlton Tel. RA. 4115 ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY - FURNISHED $1.50 up. HO IFI 1VIETROPOLE NIAGARA FALLS OPP. — C.N.R. sTAT8UN LIFE can Begin AFTER 4(1,111.. Around 40 our energy lessens. But, ex. perience has taught us to do our work with less effort. The years ahead should yield the greatest accomplishments, the most, enjoyment. and happiness. They can, too, if we avoid the kidney and bladder disorders such as Back- ache, Headache, Rheumatic Pains, Lassitude, Loss of Sleep and Energy which so often attack those around 40. For over half a century Dodd's Kidney Pills have been helping -Inc. and women to keep kidneys and bladder in good order. If you are nearing 40, or past it, for the sake of your health and a happier futureuseDodd's Kidney Pills today! 126 !ETTING UP� AT NIGHT? How miserable you feel when your sleep is disturbed. Tired, achey, listless all day long. Why not take Gin Pills—an old reliable remedy for relieving kidney trouble? Com- pounded to help soothe and tone up the kidneys Gin Pills are sold on a satisfaction -or -money -back basis. Regular size, 40 Pills Economy size, 80 Pills ask for Gino Pr11s) National Drug & Chemical Company el Canada, tlmiled NUREMBERG TRIALS UNIQUE IN , MAN'S HISTORY Although some have criticized the Nuremberg war crimes trials as long-drawn-out and dull, the fact remains that they were unique in the: history of man. For the first time, war of aggression was legal- istically -described as a crime—a crime against humanity. For the first time the politicians and mili- tarists who conspire and wage such a war, became liable to pmdahment for their crimes. The 22 German officials at Nuremberg were given the kind of trial which, "They in the days of their pomp and power, never gave to any man':. If you were to say of these men that they are not guilty, it would be as true to say there has been no war, there are no slain, there has been n0' crime. - The large and varied roll of Hermann Goering was half mili- tarist and half gangster. SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") Although practically all the sports pages—occupied with their baseball, hockey and such -like trash—gave the matter the polite brush-off, and hardly even men- tioned it at all, a real sports trag- edy recently took place in our vi- cinity. And while to many of the ignorant and unenlightened it might seem like a minor variety of tragedy, a lot of us residents of North York felt it very keenly, and are still going around hanging our heads and hiding our faces for shame, or something. # * * It all cane , about at the very first meet, since the war, of the North York Hounds—one of the oldest devoted to the royal and an- cient sport of harrying the fox on horseback in all this-badkward and benighted land. For weeks before- hand a lot of ardent sportsmen and sportswomen had been polishing up their brass buttons, oiling • their saddles and creaking joints, and tuning their voices to exactly the correct pitch for hollering "Yoicks", "Tally -ho", "Come Seven" and all the other time-honored cries essen- tial to the proper conduct of the chase; * * * At 'last, after untold :weary toil and C ffort, all was in readiness for the gloat event. A. nice course had been ;laid out—one that would take the field and .hounds,•although not necessarily in that order, several tittles, past the thrilled and admiring er . gell,Y (By th e way, fox-hunting galleries always seem to get in on the cliff, which should be a tip to promoters that they may be over- looking a bet.) The day was fine, the sun was shining, every last Nimrod and Nimrodess ,had been finally derricked into the saddle, and all seemed for the best in the best of all possible worlds (That last is a quote, sols) * * * And then, just at that supreme moment, Tragedy had to horn in and deal himself a hand. Right when the hounds, green, untutored but eager, were all set to lay their noses. to the trail of the scent (creo- sote), a real, live fox crashed into theicture and d led them astray. Long. and fast he led them, seduc- ing them for hours o'er hill and dale, far from the prescribed course and far from the sight'of the ex- pecting -to -be -thrilled and admiring galleryites, who stood there won- dering just what had gone wrong, and what it was all about. * * Of 'course everything was even- tually straightened away. The in- terloping fox was either slaughter- ed or remanded with a warning, we never, heard which. The hounds, properly admonished, were led back 'to the path of rectitude and creo- sote, The horses and rider got some nice, strenuous exercise. And the galleryites worked up grand ap- petites in our clear, matchless air. * * But .that one of our own foxes, (although, happy thoughts, maybe he was a stray from Peel or Mark- ham) should be ignorant of the fact that he and his kind require a proper introduction and invitation in order to be welcome at our fox - hunts — that is the unthinkable thing that has brought 'sorrow and ignominy upon us once -proud resi- dents of North York, Our Govern- ment at Queens Park seems to have plenty of money for educa- tional projects of various kinds. What about a School of Etiquette for backward and underprivileged foxes, MR Drew? * * * After trying to keep awake over several of the more recent joe Lou- ' is fights, the radio story of the Zale-Graziano middleweight brawl came as a very welcome change indeed. For that pair battled away as though they'd never heard that boxers aren't supposed to give away anything they might sell la- ter, but tied into one another in a manner that reminded us of Iry Cobb's old one about the coroner's jury down South, * * * This jury had beet, convened to sit on a case in which a couple of neighbors had been involved' in a fight, Among the exhibits produc- ed during the evidence were such bric-a-brac as a pair of six-shooters, a set of brass knuckles, a shotgun, a brace of blackjacks, a butcher- hnife, a pitch -fork and several oth- er minor items of a like nature. * * * Finally the jury retired to delib- erate; and, after a lengthy wait, filed into the courtroom again. "The considered verdict of this here jury," drawled the foreman, "is that it would of gave fo' dollars to have saw the fight." * 0 4, And when we start digging up ancient ones litre that, it's high time to sign off for another week. Great Sportsman Winston Churchill has always manifested a bland disregard for railway schedules and his habit of catching a train by the skin of his teeth has alvays been an anxiety to his travelling companions, A friend once chided the states- man for his little weakness. "Winston is such a sportsman," explained Mrs. Churchill: "he al- ways gives the tram a chance to get away." 'Home, James' Residents of Cleveland, Ohio, who jump in a taxi and say to the driver. "Home, James," won't be at all surprised when they go buzzing straight up in the air. They'll be using the new helicop- ter taxi seryice recently approved by examiners of the Civil Aeronau- tics Board. No more red !gilts and screeching brakes, just hail a heli - taxi and away you go! Should Unions Use Secret Ballot? 'What is the basis of the wide- spread feeling that labor unions .are undemocratic, and that a fair union vote cannot be assured without outside interference? it is that in all too many instances union meet- ings, have, in fact, been railroaded by highly local minorities, 1t is that the voting proredures in Some unions do, in fact, lend themselves to high-pressure tactics, asserts the Calgary Herald. The standing vote procedure can be used by an unscrupulous leader somewhat Mike this: "Our negotia- tions with the management have broken down. The only way we can win our rights is to fight for them —to go on strike. Anycne who won't strike is a scab and a traitor to the cause of organized labor. Flow many of you want to be scabs? Stand up and let's have a look at you." Can such a vote be reported a fair expression of opinion? The solution to this problem lies with labor itself. It is to make the essentially democratic' nature of labor unionism so obvious, as to be above question and above reproach, In an overwhelmingly democratic country such as Canada, That should be the wish of all but the smallest minority of organized la- bor. The most important thing for all workers to insist on is a secret bal- lot and an impartial count in all votes on important union decisions. This is the very essence of democ- racy, and has been universally rec- ognized in all democratic countries for scores of years. The adoption of the secret ballot by alt unions in Canada would be one effective answer to the charge that union votes cannot be trusted. 60,000 In Britain Quteae For Divorce Hundreds of solicitors in Britain are undergoing special training so that 40,000 Service divorce suits can be dealt with iu the next two years. A full staff of solicitors in London and many provincial cities will prepare the cases as soon as they have finished their three month's coaching in the Divorce Division in London, The queue for divorce. including civilian applications, now totals 60,000 EGGS WANTED ship direct to Dominion Stores Ltd. 832 Old Weston Road, Toronto Reg'd. Grading Station No. 029 Highest Prevailing Market Prices Paid. Cases Returned Free Careful Grading and Prompt Remittance. We pay a premium for pout- try farm strictly fresh large, brown or white shell. MUTT AND JEFF— SO WHAT? JEFF AT LEAST STILL HAS HIS SHIRT By BUD FISHER DON'T WoRRY,,JEFF,/ A TONSILOPERATiON is ONLY A MINOR OPERATIC ! NOW,DON'T's You WORRY ABOUT THE OUTCOME! ' BUT HoW Do You KNOW I'LL COME OUT ALL RIGHT.? WELL, I'VE LOST MY LAST Et-Ev6N PATIENTS STRAIGHT;;.- -AND IF ANYTHING TliE LAW AVERAGES,YCU SHOULD THROUGH •fir—' rll�1 THERE'S IN OF PULL PINE! NOW,ISTHERE —7---7-HELP ANYTHING I CAN DoFoRYOU BEFORE WF ••THERE START? , CERTAINLY' OC" IS, DOC.- \, ,,.• i1L]] 1. 2 0 I Dili \- ti`Ulvy.^-\\\\\\ift: e MEON WITH MY PANTS AND / CDAT.�- v,ati e� .FS ,-. = t 1, I® •,.\ ,, y CI �, t, C / 1� 1 I -r '- , ( V' ill „ ,: :i Ilir- ' ..4„, ill k' la pr., 4, \ \�� I .,\ � �' :' \ . ! YW ro k".. ai ,•t3 .w rte) ..... � •••'•. i�J'.,lu' �--- i' / �,..i :. S.FF .��\\���r����\�\\