The Seaforth News, 1946-10-17, Page 1a7 The Seafori HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 69, No, 32 CHURCH TO MARK 69TH ANNIVERSARY The present United Church -edi- fice on .Goderich Street West was erected 69 years age, .during the .,Bastorate of Rev. George Buggin, father of Mrs. James Beattie, of Church Street, who recently cele- brated her 92nd year, and who is the oldest member of the present congregation. Rev Mr, Buggin was the 6th minister of the charge after it was separated from the Clinton circuit in 1864. The present United Church congregation is not unmind- ful of its inheritance from the -past and approaches this anniversary time with a spiritwhich augurs well for the future of the cause. Rev. A. B. Irwin B.A., of James Street United Church, Exeter, will conduct the 69th anniyeisary services on Sunday next. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George Henry Hulse, 2243 Turner Road, Walkerville, Ont, announce the engagement of their daughter Beatrice Lillian to. William Stewart Love, Windsor, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James Love, Tucker - smith, The marriage to take place in the Church of St. Andrew, Walkerville, on Oct. 28th, at 7 p.m. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Smith of Varna wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter Mae Ruby, to, Mr. Clayton 'Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Campbell of London, the mariage to take place late in October. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1946 S $1 a year DALE—McCLURE. A. quiet but pretty wedding took place Saturday, October 12th, at 2 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClure, McKillop, when Rev. W. J. Patton united in mar- riage their youngest daughter, Catherine Ruth, and Elgin Archi- bald Dale, only son of Mr. and Mrs: Theodore Dale of Hullett. The wed- ding party took their place under an arch of maple boughs and autumn flowers, while Miss Vera Young of Goderich played the bridal chorus and also sang 'I'll walk beside you" during the signing of the register. The bride giveninmarriage by her father wore a floor -length gown of white nylon with embroidered bod- ice, square neckline and puff sleeves.. Her finger-tip veil of white, net was held in place with a: halo of net. She carried American . Beauty roses. Her only ornament was single etrand .of pearls and earrings to match, the gift of the groom. Mrs. George Bernard, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, gowned in pink GOLDEN WEDDING OF McKILLOP COUPLE On October 21st, 1806, Mr. and Mrs. John Cuthill were united in marriage by the late Rev. P, Scott of Cromarty. They intend to celebrate their 50th anniversary very quietly .on. Monday oil the homestead where Mr. Cuthill was born 78 years ago, and has 1:e - sided' continuously with the exception of a few years he spent on his farm east on the same line. Mr. Cuthill recalls the eve of his .marriage was very cold with hard frozen ground and snow flurries, "But," adds Mrs.. Cuthill, "he was happy to know his long cold drives would soon be over." John has two sisters living (Jennie) Mrs. Patterson, and (Jessie) Mrs. R. Smith, both of Seaforth, and one bro- ther Will in North Dakota, His bro- ther Alex died 11 years ago in. Nov- ember. One sister died in infancy. Mrs. Cuthill was the third daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. T. Scott of Hibbert. She says she has seen many changes, both in McKillop, ° and in her sheer with matching headdress and own home surrounding community. carried pink roses. Little Miss Linda Many have moved away and many Jervis of Clinton, was flower girl more have gone to their great reward. daintly dressed in floor length Mr. and Mrs. Cutbill's family consists dress of green nylon• and carried a of four sons and one daughter, name - nosegay of yellow baby mums, The ly, 8tIayvey S. of Stratford, Glenn G. groom was attended by his cousin, on the farm east; Wilmer J•, Walton; Vincent Young of Goderich, The Oscar C., on the bmnestead and groom's gift to the bridesmaid was (Mary) Mrs. Edward Neil, Exeter; a crystal vast, to the flower -girl also 11 grandchildren and two great - a gold locket, to the pianist, pearl grandchildren, earrings, and the groomsman, Leath- Mr. Cuthill's father was born in er bill -fold. For her daughter's wed- 1840 and came to Canada front Scot - ding Mrs. McClure chose a navy land in 1860. He took up the home - dress trimmed with sequins with stead on which John now lives, In navy accessories. The groom's 1867 Mr. Cuthill Sr. went home to mother, Mrs. Dale, chose a powder Scotland for his bride. He died to ENGAGEMENT blue dress with black accessories. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Moore, They both wore corsages of pink roses. A buffett lunch was served Mitchell, Ont., wish to 'announce the to fifty guest by Mrs. Mervin Nott, engagement of their only daughter, Ethel Wilson, Lorna Dale, Thelma Mildred Irene to James Ivison Tore Glazier. The bride's table was at, - ranee, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. tractively decorated, centred with a R. Torrance, Bayfield, Ont. The three -tiered wedding cake flanked marriage to take place the latter with white and pink streamers: For part of October. the honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Toronto, Hamilton. The bride travelled in a royal blue wool dress with matching coat and plastic accessories. They will reside on the groom's farm' in Huller Guests were present from Sarnia, Collingwood, Toronto, Clinton, and Seaforth. NUT POCAHONTAS ALBERTA BRIQUETS CAVALIER STOKER Anthracite Buckwheat for blowers Anthracite Pea Coal Very good for brooders. Prepare for the future E. L.. BOX Northside United Church Anniversary Sunday. Rev. A. B. Irwin B.A, of Exeter will conduct the Services. 10 a.m., Sunday School. 11 am., "A Real Kingdom in a RURDGE—JOHNSTON A pretty Autumn wedding was soleminzed at high noon on Satur- day, Oct. 12th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnston, on the Parr Line, Stanley Twp. when their only daughter Helen Agnes, became the bride of Wm. Geo• Burdge, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Burdge, Brucefield, Rey. Reba Hern of Varna United Church performed the ceremony. To the strains of the Reeling World". wedding music played by Mrs. g Bruce Keys, the bridal party took 7 pan,, "The Parable of the third their places in the living room be- rate man" neath an arch of evergreen decor - Music by the Church Choir. ated with autumn leaves and flow - Special Anniversary Thank -offer- er5 Given in marriage by iter father ing- Welcome to these Services.. First Presbyterian Church 10 a,m• The Sunday School. 11 a,m., Public Worship: The Minister will preach. The evening service is withdrawn in favour of the United Church an niversary. Thursday. October 17 at 8 p.m., 'The Quiet Hour' Have yon been present at one of these helpful 'ser- vices yet? Egmondville United Church 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m., Rev. F. G. Stotesbury, Bayfield Anglican Sunday, October Twentieth. St. Thomas', Seaforth 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m., "Youth's Prospect.' Evening service withdrawn. Go to wedding dinner in the dining room Wednesday. Northside United Church, An/liver- tvbich was prettily decorated in . Mr. Glen Smith of Hamilton with pink and white. A three -tiered wed- Mr. John A. Montgomery, ding cake surrounded .by pink and Sim. R. K. Davidson of Ipperwash White tapers centred the bride's visited at his home here, URON PRESBYTERY MEEiS AT SEAFORTH The first meeting of St. Mary's Baron Presbytery inet in Northside Anglican Guild since June was held. United Church, Seafoith, on Friday, at the home of Mrs. Joseph Moore, Oct: 11, with the chairman Rev, H. j, Hibbert, on Thursday with a repre- Snell presiding. Rev. Alec S. Smale, sentative attendance. liars. A. Rock President of London Conference, presided and the secretary, Mrs. H. made a strong plea for a llreaehing Colman read the minutes of the church, an active laity, an ever deep- previous meeting which were adopt- ening and widening fellowship, a ed Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, Seaforth, spiritual revival, the succour of a was present and took charge of the needy anti biuised httilzanity, and a devotional period, including the united front to the pagan world. scripture lesson, Rev. M•.P, Sniith, Conference Con- Following the business routine, a vener of the Missionary and Mainten- quilt was completed by the ladies. ence Fund, in an inspiring address, Lunch was served by the hostess stated that the church needed more assisted by her daughters. money because' everything is more ex• Miss Jacqueline Walsh, daughter pensive. He congratulated the people of Mr. and Mrs, John Walsh, who of Huron Presbytery for their fine recently moved to Seaforth, entered showing, with an annual increase, the Convent of the Precious Blood Rev: Cyril H, Adair, Director of the at London on Tuesday, October 16• Pension Fund Capital Campaign, gave Jacqueline was a former student of a lucid account of the progress made, Dublin Continuation School and re - and reported the givings heach of ceived her primary education at the Huron charges to the e pension Beechwood Separate School, fund. 'Considering that Huron was Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smuck and known throughout Canada as part of slaughters, Kathleen and Carol Ann, the garden of Eden, he did not think it was a good report, w Kitchener, i{J. itohMner, with Mr, and Mas. Thos. Reports were given by Bev, H. J. Frank Evans, Ontario College of x. CSnell, Rev. oris Mair, and T. A. Education, 'Toronto, with his mother eral Council. icl. They eachs esto the Gen- Mrs. Katharine Evans. hospitality Council. They ere impress- the Misses Mary and Betty Murphy, of Montreal, were impress- ed with the greatness of the United Welland, and Eleanor Murphy, Church, and took an active interest in Stratford, with their parents, Mr. the discussions on such subjects as and Mrs. John F. Murphy the election of the Moderator, union Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Jettel, Galt, with the Evangelical Church, whether with Mrs Mary McGrath• the next meeting should be held in Misses Angela Motais and Ger Vancouver, revision of the Manual, aldine Ryan, Stratford Normal divorce, and mixed marriages, School, Bernice Flanagan and Mary Presbytery decided to install a pies- E. Feeney, Loretto Academy, Strata j 1882, leaving a. family of small child- sure system at the Goderich Summer ford; Mary Margaret and Teresa ren, John being only 14 old. So School, and voted to pay $250 annual- Ryan, Marion Meagher, Marry Dor-' re had to be his moth yearshold. So 1y in aid of this project. The eongre- sey, Doris Flanagan, Eileen, Jean until the smaller ones were able to gational allocations for the Confer- and Loreen Jordan, Mary and Jean until It was a heavy task foa boysol ence and Presbytery Fund will be Costello, Rita Jordan, all of London,' help. increased 50%. The Chairman and at their respective homes. 1 young. He often relates to his grand-, Rev, W. A. Beecroft were appointed Miss Genevieve Feeney, Toronto, children the hardships the pioneers to make plans for a radio broadcast with her mother, Mrs. Kathleen went through, and how his father, at Wingham United Church about the Feeney. used to drive a team of oxen, with no end of November, with the Moderator, Billy Costello, Ewart Wilson and conveniences of modern machinery. iRev. W. T. Jones, D.D., as special Gordon Aikens have returned home I speaker. Arrangements were made for from Saskatchewan and Alberta. RED CROSS NOTES la missionary rally to be held in On- Mrs. Joseph Feeney and Mrs. , tarso Si. United Church, Clinton, on John A. Murphy are attending the The Red Cross rooms will be open November 13th. Sorrow was expressed C.W.L. Convention at Chatham this on Friday. Those who have sewing in the death- of a former member of week. out are requested to return it as soon Presbytery, Rev. Theodore Turner, Mr, and Mrs. Patrick Ryan, John as possible in order that a shipment after several years of intense suffer- J. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs• Thomas can be made. There are dressing ing, A'letter of sympathy will be sent Burns, Mrs. M. Schulman Patrick gowns to be made to complete the to his wife. ten visitors present. The president work on hand. . Announcement was made of the Maloney, Mr. and Mrs. John Meag- presided and the meeting opened by A new and interesting quota has her, Mrs, Dan Costello, attended Huron Presbytery'Y.P. s Rally in Hen- singing the Maple Leaf Forever fol - been accepted. It is the wish of those sail United Church on Friday, Oct, 18.the funeral of J. V. Ryan in Strat- lowed by the Lord's prayer. Roll call in charge to get all other work tom- ford on Monday. commencing at 7.80. p.m, Also plans was answered by suggestions for tall Metedbefore the new quota are being made for a rural life confer - arrives, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Costello, Nia- entertainment• It was decided to buy ence of Huron and Perth, on Nov. 6. gaga Falls, and Mrs. Eugene Gir- blankets -and' flannelette to make NOVELTY CARROT I The next meeting will be held in Dux, Thorold, with Mr. and Mrs• things for a box to send north and Mrs. Robert Watson, Sperling st„ Dungannon United Church early in Dan Costello, members will bring secondhand cloth - brought to The News office this week December. Ted Rowland, Wallaceburg with ing and white gift to the November a novelty carrot front her garden his mother, Mrs. W. Rowland. meeting. Programme consisted of which grew through a small Hole in VISITORS AT LODGE Miss Bertha Murray, Toronto, readings by Mrs. Bert Garrett and a piece of metal, and the metal is At the regular meeting of Edelweiss with her sister, Mrs. E. Tuffin. Mrs. Siilery, Long Long Ago was sung now embedded in the middle of the Rebekah Lodge Mrs, E. Btrnrstead of Miss Margaret Doresteyn, Toren and the meeting closed with the Carrot. Meaford, Assembly Warden of Ont- to, with her sister, Mrs. Albert Kra- Ilomemal;er. prayer. Iario, and Mrs, Mary M. Nediger, Die• inel's• .A. Hallowe'en party will be held at MRS: JAMES ROSS met Deputy President, of Clinton, Ted Doyle, Toronto, with his No, 4 School on Nov. 1, Everyone A highly esteemed resident of Sea- visited the lodge. After the regular mother, Mrs. James Doyle. come in costume or pay a flue. There forth for many years, Mrs. James meeting contests were enjoyed and a Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Etue and will ina Weiner roast for lunch. Ross, passed away about 6.30 am. on social half hour spent. son, Thomas, Zurich, with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew. Bell spent a very the bride wore a fiIoor-length gown Tuesday; Oct, 15, at the Henaail Num - of white sheer trimmed with lace ing Home, after an illness of three, BRUCEF.IELD Mr. and Mrs. Frank TKrauskopf, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stack - and ribbon. She wore a headdress years, Formerly Grace McGregor she Miss Kate Dalrymple of Glencoe London, with Mrs. Louis Krauskopf. house and daughter, was born at Kippen on Dec. 1G, jaw Miss Dorothy Donnelly and Mr, and Mrs. Ro-eantree and son of of orange blossoms.and' floor -length She was married to the late James spent the week end with Mr. and Airs' Ethelyn O'Hearn, Goderich, at their Toronto were the guests of Mr. and embroidered net veil, also a gold Ross who predeceased her 25 years H. Dalrymple. homes, kris. Norman Long over the week end. pendant set with pearls, worn by ago. She is survived by two brothers Miss Genevieve Sniith of Stratford Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans in Tor- Mr. John 0, Doig of Detroit was the her mother on her wedding day. She and a sister, Thomas McGregor of Spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs, onto. guest fora few days with his mother carried a cascade bouquet of red Manitoba, John McGregor of Sasha- Gordon Elliott. Mrs. Winnifr'ed Rowland in Winch- and sister Miss Janet, Briarcliff roses, 'Miss Marion Mina tchewan, and Mrs. James Shaw, Sim- Mrs. May Mitchell of Toronto spent ray of ' Embro was her cousin's coe, Ont, The funeral will take place Thanksgiving with Mr, atid°Mrs. H• son Ursula Krauskopf, Miss bridesmaid. She wore a floor -length from the ironic of her niece Mrs. John Dalrymple. , p , CONSTANCE gown of pale blue sheer trimmed Ci•ich, North Main St, Seaforth, on Misses Ina and Ellen Scott of Lon - Looby O'Rourke, Miss Lorecn. with velvet ribbon and matching Thursday, Oct. l7, at 2 p.m: Rev. 1;, elect spent the week anti with Mr. and Looby anti Clayton Looby in De- Rev J. C. and Mrs. Britton and headdress. She carried a cascade H. Williams 02 First Presbyterian Mrs, Wm. Scott. troit, family of Thamesviile, spent the bouquet of pink Briaicii'ffe roses. Church, officiating. Interment will be Mr. Louis Dutot of London visited ug and Mrs. Clarence Trott and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Little Sylvia Bell, cousin of the g' his mother Mrs, C. Dutot over the daughter, Anne, Seaforth, with Britton, y in Hensall Union Cemetery. holiday. Mrs, A. M• Looby. Miss Doris Lawson of London, groom as flower girl was sweetly spent the weekend with her parents dressed in afloor-length dress of Mr. Robs Dalrymple spent Friday in Mr. and Mr's. Edwin Stapleton, NIr. and Mrs• Earl Lawson. Hamilton. Miss lay Stapleton and hiss Mary pale blue silk trimmed with lace and London with ri2i. and Mrs. Zack Mc.- Miss Frances Downey spent the Miss Margaret Aikenbeacl of Len- Stapleton in Toronto ribbon and carried a colonial bon Spadden. holiday with her parents, Mr. and don spent a few days with air. and Misses Margaret and Teresa 4t, quer of ,yellow baby mums. The fir, Harburn and Mrs. Harburn 12rs. Wm, Downey at Tiverton• groom was attended by Mr. Dean spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. H. Aikenhead, kinson, Toronto, with their parents, 14r. and Mrs. Borden Brown Aldwinckle of Varna: After, the Mrs: Irwin Trewartha• Mrs: Bolla Larvrines of tuidBayeelcl sir, and Mrs. Joseph Atkinson. visited Mrs, A. Rohner on Saturday' On Friday night spent the holiday visiting relatives usual congratulations the guests, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Doluzage left g t Oct. 11th a host Clear. Durham, They also attended abs. Lottie . Rohn, who Shan spent numbering about thirty enjoyed a by motor for British Columbia on the summer with Mrs. who has re- of friends and neighbors gathered at, the wedding of Mr. Brown's sister. turned to London. the hone of Mr• and Mrs. Nicholas Mr. and airs. Archie Hoggarth of Mr, Wesley Ham, who is attending J• Krauskopf to honor them on the Wallacehnrg spent the weekend with University at Toronto spent the boli- occasion of their 25th wedding an- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britton• niven day at his home here, s ny. The evening was spent in Mr. and Mrs. have Wright of 'De - Mrs. Lorne Manson and Murray of dancing.Music by kir.1. and Mrs. Jo- troit are vkittn at the home of Mr. London spent the week end with 112x. seph P Ryan. At midnight lunch and Mrs, Deem Millson• and Mrs, S. Thompson. was served by voluntary assistants Several from this nei�'hhotdiood Mrs, Alice Tlobner and Mrs. R. after which they were all called to az'e. attendivc' the International Dawson spent Thanksgiving with Mr.the dinging room where an address plowing Match at Port Albert. and Mrs, Wm, Smith of Exeter. was read by NIr. John L. Malone Air. and Mrs. Gus Voth and Gwen and a presentation made by Mr. KIPPEN visited Mr. C. D. Simpson out Sunday. Matt. Murray, Mr. James Sloane Mr, and Mrs, Allan Austin of Lon- and lir, Frank Bowman, consisting The congregation of St. Andrew's don spent the holiday with Airs. C. of a set of dinner dishes, a pair of United Church are holding their Dutot, wool blankets, a roasting pan and a 79th anniversary on Sunday next Mr, and Mrs. 1'ohu McIntosh and medicine chest. They were also pre- Oct. 20th at 11 a.m. and 7:30 pan. family, of Toronto, spent the week seated with a chest of silverware Rev. Stanway of R1ucef15 will be the Burst speaker end with Air and kris, C. Hangh• and a wool blanket from the family at both scrci Mr. and Mi's• Joseph Fitzpatrick to which Mr, and Mrs, IK:rauslsopf ces. Special music will be furnished spent the week end in Detroit, made a fitting reply. Dancing con- by the o loci l�e,isted by 121145 Moor, Mrs. (Rev.) Stanway has returned tinuei until the wee small ]tours of of Egm dor and luentbe , of home frons Cape Breton, where site the morning. Triose present from a Hillsgreen. was visiting her sister, who ryas ill, distance were Mr, and Mrs. Basil The W.A. of St. Andrew's United but is much improvedHoran and son Michael, Misses Ann Church are holding' a bazaar and Rev. Mr, Atkinson or 11 ardville and Betty Krauskopf, all from Tor- home -cooking sale in Kippen on visited friends on Tuesday. onto, Pte. and Mrs. Joseph A, Saturday, Nev .',Crit: Mr. and Mrs, Ross Scott spent the l''nuslsoif of Jarvis Ont: and Mi Miss Isabella Alexander of lot week at Port Carling. DUBLIN Jsia 7smissedi/ogo/n/ AY/ have /o qct the fekcea good P/ERCEwafch/". "PIERETTE•" $21.75 OTHERS FROM Vox "MERCURY" $25.00 WRENS FROM 519.50 SMARTLY 115510 • DEPENDABLE MODERATBLY PRICED Fred. S. Savauge Jeweler & Optometrist THE GTFT SHOP Phone 194 Res, 10 sary Service 7 pan. St. Mary's, Dublin 2:30 Sunday School table. Serving were Miss Mary Mc- 0n Thursday evening Misses Bova 3:00. Church Service with ser- Clymont, Miss Doris McKay and and Edith Blanchard entertained for mon.Mrs• 'Wm. A. Reid For the occasion Miss RuthMcClure who was married Rector, Rev. C.F.I. Gilbert, B.A. the bride's mother chose a dress of to Mr. Elgin Dale on Saturday. A bas - bleak and fuchsia crepe sequin ket of beautiful and useful gifts teas McKILLOP W M. 5• trimmed, The groom's mother wore carried in and Ruth was assisted in The regular meeting of the W.M.1 a dress of royal blue crepe with opening then- by Misses Berva and S. and W. A• of Duffs United, sequin trimming.. Both wore a tor'- Eolith Blanchard. Ruth thanked het Church, ,¢lollop, was held at, the sane of Talisman roses. Later in the friends and hostesses, atter which all home of Mrs. John Gordon nn afternoon the bridal couple left on joined in singing "For shojis a Jolly Thursday afternoon, Oct;• 10, with a trip to St. Thomas and points east. Good Fellow." Gaines were player Mrs. Patton presiding, The opening) For travelling the bride wore a blue and lunch served. hymn "0 Lord of heaven and earth or.epe.dress with blue and silver Mrs. Brewer of Cleveland with her and sea," was sung and Mrs. Patton nail head trimming, blue shortie mother Airs. .Tames Campbell: Rob - offered prayer. Mrs. Eldon herr and coat, black hat and accessories, On Mr, and Mrs. McFarlane Sr., nuat Mrs. Alex Smith were appointed as their return they will reside on the art and Gordon McFarlane, from near delegates to attend the sectional' groom's farm south of Brucefield . Ottawa, with Mr, and Mrs. R. K. meetingat Walton on Oct• 24th, t On the Monday previous to her MacFarlane: The new study book entitled wedding. about sixty ladies from the Mr' and Mrs. W. A. 1her g e, who "India at the threshold," was intro -.'community gathered at the bride's have been living with her rauctpar- duced at this meeting, Mrs. Gordon) home to honour her with a mister- ents, have moved to Lea Reid's house MacKenzie gave a splendid talk on )ancone shower • Rev. Reba Hern ad- -tear Harlocls. The Helping Hartel Mission Tien India and also conducted a quiz on; dressed the bride-to-be and ,the many will hold their thank offering meeting India which (proved very interest beautiful and valued gifts bespoke Saturday, Oct, 19. Mrs, Wm. Church ing as well as educational. Prayers the kindly interest of those as- will be the guest speaker. were read by Mrs. Keyes and MA.' sembled to express their best wishes Mr, and Mrs. Stanley King and Mr. G. MacKenzie. A .25c tea was for her future happiness. Lunch was Tom Blanchard visited in Coiling served at the close of `the meeting. MR. COPLAND GIVES TALK ON THE ESKIMO The Tuesday Night Club of First Presbyterian Church had as their guest speaker on October 15th, Mr. Mrs. McGuire of Hannah, 'N. Dals- alit nd who gave, very interestingiionf WINTHROP eta, who has been visiting her sisters tilts on the Eskimo, i t conditions te - living and characteristics aper cust- Mr. and Mrs. Jolm Pethicls spells IM3estt; ehatsind b otlrger,aMr. Art R t Mrr. John once of the people; climate and ter- Thanksgiving in Brussels. rain of the land of the midnight sun, Mr. Bert McSpadden and Jackie of ledge left for her home on Tuesday: / served and a social hour spent. wood. ' Mr, Gordon Johnston has returned Mrs. Watt from Montreal is visitiug to his hotne following an appendix her sister Mrs. R. K. McFarlane. operation in Scott Memorial hospital,. We are pleased to report that Mr. Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon Marko and, William Little is massing satisfactory family of Toronto agent the week- progress after being operated on for end with friends in this community.' appendicitis last week. HULLETT lira. Hoggarth and Miss Lois Hog- garth of Seaforth visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Charles Riley • air. D. M. Moore of Toronto spent r fo thanksgiving with his brother, Wm.' H. Walker and Mr. Walker of West- Mimssers Vernamother. Linden of Denfield Moore on, Ont., also Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Greetings to Mr. Henry Cooper. J. Little and son Wayne Charles, of spent a few days this weals with her Huron Road, on his ninetieth birth Sea£orth sister, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons. Mr, and day, Moruday, October 14th. Ma lairs. A. Gael<stetter spent Cooper is quite active and enjoy- ing good health. We are sorry to learn Mrs. Geo. Baily is under the doctor's care. Her ou.gh oil OM. 9 with 17 members and friends wish her a speedy recovery. John J. Krauskopf of Seaforth. onto spent the holiday with her par - Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Charles opts, kir, and ;Lire: W. Alexander. E. Williams, Dublin, Ont. over the Miss Gwen Cooper of Toronto weekend and holiday were Mr• and spent the weekend with her parents Mrs. Murray J• Williams and -sort Mr and Mrs N•. 1.• Cooper Bobbie, of Toronto, Ont accomp_ Dr. and : Mas. Gilbert Jarrett, anied by the letter's sister, bIt'1 7 b21atford visited recently with the TUCKERSMITH Monday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Han- ey in Exeter. The Tuckersmftlt Ladles' Club stet Carol. McMurtrie entertained a at the hone .of Mrs, James Landsbon number of her little friends toher birthday party on Saturday last.