HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-10-03, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1946 THE SEAFORTH NEWS GO: From Noon, Friday, Oct, s t, until 2,00 p.m. Monday, Oct. t4. RETURN: Leave destination not later than midnight, Tuesday, Oct, 15.1946. For hires and further it formation apply Ticket Agonts. `CANADIAN NATIONAL Let Us Check the following Items for Carefree Winter Driving 1. Rubber radiator connections, if worn it pays to replace them 2, Thermostat, it should open at about 155° F.. 3. Radiator for leaks, if any, repair before.adding antifreeze, 4. Fan belt and generator. 5. 011 Filter. 6. Motor and transmission assembly oils and greases, change to winter grades. 7, 'Your car heater, it is an investment in safety and comfort. 8. The condition of your battery. 9. Adjust points and plugs. 10. Lights, clean reflectors. 11. Windshield wipers. DALY'S SEAFORTH TELEPHONE 102 C- Flow to Borrow at HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 8510 l Choose a monthly payment pion You 6 12 15 20 24 Get ,paymts paymts poymis Wolfs PoJ'mts N 308 50 5 t 38.788 100 17.55 C- 150 20.33 0 i 31.11 mai 40 32.51 505 87,70 700 1122.07 110111;175.03 85.17 13.75 18,34 27.60 45.84 01.18 111.68 57.45 11.24 14.00 22.48 37.47 52.411 74,94 517.47 20.12 40.77 68.35 $34.05 40.52 G LS Select the 'mount you need, payment plan you 1. rifer, V is' i. ouroloceorar ange your loan b1' pbo ie. No enrlosaers or bankable st mirky needed. Your money run be ready the same day you apply. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 055010 e 1BN WARS OF IXPERIEOCE 2nd Floor, Royal Bank Building 29 Downie St., corner of Albert Phone 255 STRATFORD, ONT. p' B. J. Colby Maonoco- pi loons ulodo to re,idents of nearby loam k9.57SZ42ffi227:-.3575'_ 282.1 Expert Body and Fender Repairs and Re -Painting OaIys Garage SEAFORTH Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Draftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time,or phone 41 J. Exeter. OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Repaired & Recovered Also Auto Seats and Backs, Verandah Swings & Steamer Chairs Repaired. Free Pick- up and Delivery Stratford Upholstering Company Phone 579, Stratford For further information apply at Box Furniture Store SEAFORTH WANTED ! Dead or Alive DEAD, OLD OR DISABLED Horses, Cattle, Calves, Sheep and Hogs PROMPT COLLECTION - WE DO THE LOADING DARLING & CO. GLIM TEDA Phone COLLECT Seaforth, 15; Exeter, 235; Walkerton, 135-r-6 11111111111 INN FREE ANIMAL SERVICE OLD•DISABLED OR DEAD CATTLE • HORSES • HOGS • SHEEP • CALVES Promptly and Efficiently Removed Simply. Phone Collect , St. Thomas 535R2 - Aliso Craig 19 Aylmer 55R9 - Mitchell 219 Brussels. 72 • Listowel 146 Ingersoll 21 • Stratford 215 WE DO THE REST! WILLIAM STONE SONS LTD INGERSOLL, ONTARIO TOWN TOPICS Mr. A, W. Hough, Flint, Mich„ 15 a guest at the home of Mrs. W. E. Kerslake. Mrs. 1Z. D. Bowen, Napanee, visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bradburn. Miss Jean Scott and Miss Mildred Aitcheson were in Toronto on Satur- clay attending the Hart and Stanner wedding, Mr. Edward Devereaux and Miss Alice Devereaux, Toronto, spent the week end with their mother Mrs. Frank Devereaux. Miss Ruth Slnnen has returned' to Toronto after spending a week's 'vac- ation at the home of iter parents Mr. and Mrs. 2. Shinen, Mrs. Ada Walters, Goderich, called on friends and relatives in town last week. Miss Lois Whitney', Wingham, spent the week end at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Whitney, Mrs. William Fortune, of Detroit, visited last week with relatives in town and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Willis,' Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watson, Goderich, were week end guests at the hone of Mr. W. G. Willis and Dr, and Mrs. F. J. Bechely. Mr. and Mrs. H. Dolman and son spent the week end in Galt. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Free and son, Stratford, were week end visitors at the home of hie -parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ffee. Mr. W. J. Nott had the misfortune to fall at his hone Saturday evening. and fracture a rib. Mr. and Mrs, Leo Jones and family have returned to Meatier, after spend- ing the past week at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Mae Vincent, Egmondville. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Evans, Los An- geles, California, were guests this week at the home of the former's cis-, ter, Mrs. John Quigley and Mr. Quigley. Miss Margaret Smith, of Toronto, Spent the week end at' the hone of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Woolsey have moved to Brantford. Mrs. Florence Fulton of Vancouver was a week and guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McNab. Those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late John Mulligan were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mulligan. and Mrs. Annie Mulligan of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. John Morrissey of Cred- iton; Mr. and Mrs. John Kippen, Lon- don; Mrs. Clarence Campbell of Lis- towel and Mrs. Joseph O'Connor of Detroit. Misses Annie and Maude Ferguson spent a few days in Toronto last week. Miss Eva M. Killough, R.N., Bac- teriologist, has returned to Toronto after spending the last month with her sister Mrs. Wm; B. Kelley and her mother Mrs. J. Killough, Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs. 'Harvey Moore and Mr, and Mrs, Henry Hoggarth mot- ored to Wasaga Beach during the week end. Mrs. Thomas Rands of Lucan spent the past week with Miss Maude Hartry and visited friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Harry Scott is spending sev- eral days iu Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Whitney and Lois were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Stratford. Mr. Ken Reid left Monday to return to London, England. Mrs, Andrew Kirit returned Wednes- day to Wingham after spending a couple of weelcs with Mrs. R. Cann- el= and other friends. IsIr. and Mrs, H. W. Hart and Ken- neth and Miss Margaret. Chesney were in Toronto last week. Mr, and Mrs. J. R, Dunlop of Galt were. week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Hart. BORN ADAMS -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Adams, Seaforth, a daughter. STOREY At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on Sept. 28th, to Mr. and. Mrs. Orville Storey, R.R.1, Seaforth a daughter. - FLANNERY-At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Sept. 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Flannery, Seaforth, a daughter BURNS -At Scott Memorial Hospital on Sept. 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Burns, Seaforth, a son. DEVEREAUX - At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Devereaux, R.,R.4, Sea - forth, a son. STANLEY Samuel Carlile Houston Samuel Carlile Houston passed away in Clinton Hospital on Sept. 17 in his 90th year. He was born near Ottawa and later moved to Stanley Twp., where he worked as a framer for a number of years, later he farm- ed. He retired to Bayfield a number of ;years ago, Surviving are two sons, `Carlile in Stanley Twp., and John A. at Fir Mountain, Sask., and one sister Mrs. Moran, at London. A private fun- eral service was, held at his late home in Bayfield, followed by a public ser- vice in the Presbyterian Church. In- terment was in Bayfield cemetery. Rev. Mr. Lane officiated. CORN BORER DAMAGE IN HYBRID CORN Since the introduction of hybrid corn into the corn growing areas of Ontario, the loss through corn borer damage has been greatly .reduced, This observation has led to the wrong belief that hybrid corn is re- sistant to corn borer, and conse- quently the need for borer control measures .are no longer necessary. Both of these ideas ai8e incorrect, Says G. F. H, Buckley, Dominion Ex- perimental Station,' Barrow, Ont. The corn hybrids which are com- monly ,grown : today are not resist- ant to the borer. It is true that be- cause of its sturdier stalks the hy- brid can hold more borers in the stalk than the old corn varieties be- fore breaking occurs, But that is not resistance.' If the borer infestation is severe enough the hybrids will break over. Plant breeders in Canada and the United States are working hard on this problem but as yet no re- sistant hybrids are in production. Until such hybrids are developed there. will always be the threat of borer damage to the crop and the se- verity of the damage will be depend- ent upon the degree of borer infest- ation. For the past two or three years the corn borer control measures have been less rigid. During the same years there has been an in- crease in the number of borers pre- sent. In 1946 borers were at work in the corn fields of Southwestern Ont- ario during the early part of July. It is -too soon to say how much dam- age may be expected. Fortunately over 95 per cent of the corn acreage is planted to hybrids which will with- stand light to moderate attacks of the borer. Nevertheless, if the re- commended measures for corn borer control are not more rigidly fol- lowed the borer infestation will soon be too great for • even the hybrids to withstand. A good job of turning under old corn stalks and stubble before June 1st is especially import- ant and will do much to reduce the numbers of the insect in the current year. WHEAT STOCKS LOW IN ALL COUNTRIES At the beginning of the 1946-4'T crop year, wheat producing countries in the Northern Hemisphere are attempting to appraise the supply and demand situation in the world of wheat for the next twelve months. On the credit side, states the Monthly Review of. the Wheat Situa- tion there is a significant improve- ment in the European crops as com- pared with •a year ago. It is reported that some countries on the Continent are anticipating an increase in their bread -grain production, sufficient to make them more nearly self-sustain- ing, while others, which have been forced to import grain during the past two years, may be able to re- turn to a limited export position - The United States is estimated to be harvesting an all-time record wheat crop, while the present Canadian prospects appear very favourable, In Argentina, soil conditions are re- ported to be excellent for the seed- ing of grain,, and Australia is thought to be increasing her wheat acreage this year. On the debit side, one of the Ma- jor items is the extremely small world wheat stocks available at the present trine. On July 1, 1946, these stocks were estimated to be the an -tallest since 1937 and only about one-fourth as large as the year-end carry-over in the period 1941 to 1944. While the European harvest appears to be somewhat better than a year earlier, the output is expect- ed to be only about 90 per cent of the pre-war level, because acreage is below pre-war and yields are likely to be reduced by shortage of fertil- izers and facilities, In the Far East, conditions have not been generally favourable for planting the 1946-47 crops. Although above-average crops for winter grains are being harvest- ed in North China and favorable con- ditione are aiding the sowing of summer grains, drought in southern China has delayed the planting of rice and other crops. In Eastern In- dia, heavy rains have hampered nor- mal planting operations, while sum- mer rainfall had not begun in south- ern India in early June. After placing these credit and debit, factors in the balance, and assuming that present crop produc- ing conditions continue until harvest it would appear, says the Review, that, although the world's. 1946-47 food production will be somewhat larger than that of 1945-46, it will be definitely below pre-war levels. Careful nee of all foodstuffs will have to be continued during the ap- proaching season in order to avoid a critical world food shortage before the 1947 harvest. CROMARTY The death occurred Sept. 22 after a prolonged illness at St. Mary's 'Hospi- tal, Niagara Falls, N.Y., of Miss Agnes Ann Park. Among the first of the gra- duates of the Harper Hospital Train- ing ° School, Detroit, Mich., Miss Park served all her working years as a pro- fessional nurse,'retiring 16 years ago to Niagara Falls, N.Y. A daughter of, the late Mi. aneMrs. James Park of Cromarty, where she was born, Oct. 24, 1869, Miss Park is survived by two brothers, Norman of Mitchell, and Janes of Toronto. The funeral service was held at the home of her brother, Norman Park, Mitchell, conducted by Rev, A. H. Johnston. Interment was in Cromarty cemetery. Want and For Sale Ads., 1 week 25e. Miss Jessie Grainger Honored Clinton Legion Hall was the scene of a very pleasant gathering when about 40 members of the nursing pro- fession, gathered to honor Miss Jessie Grainger. Miss'Grainger is retiring at the end of the month as superintend- ent- of Clinton Public Hospital after serving in that capacity since 1919. The gathering was composed mostly of graduates of the hospital in Miss Grainger's time. Mrs. Gretta Mustard Crooks read the address and Mrs. Myrtle Batkin presented Miss Grainger with a lovely silver tea service. Miss Grainger, although taken by surprise, replied in fitting manner. To Cut Out Hilt. on Colborne Twp Road The Huron County road commission will begin shortly cutting oat a hill on. the road on the 8th concession of Colborne between Carlow and Auburn. The hill has an elevation of 100 fee above the level land. It will require a seventeen -foot cut to straighten the road, County Engineer R. Patterson stated. OATS FOR PASTURE During the past ten years it has Autumn Tea been proved at the Division of For- age Plants, Experimental Farms Service,that oats are among the most important species for summer pasture in Eastern Ontario, Because of that fact, a large number of var- ieties and strains of oats are tested for that purpose every year. The main characteristics considered are early' growth, leafiness, recovery after grazing or mowing, and total annual production. The Roxton and Ripon varieties of oats were out- standing in the production of past - ure. Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs, R, S. -Aikens, Dulilin. announce the engagement of their sec- ond daughter Ruby Clara, to Mr. Wil- liam Herbert Thiel, only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Thiel, Mitchell. The marriage will take place in Main St. United Church, Mitchell, on Saturday, Oct. 26, at 3.30 o'clock. Glamour Takes To The Turf Sleek, thoroughbred horses always have had an attraction for fair ladies.' "Beauty and the Beast" is not a fairy tale insofar as it applies to the love of beautiful women for beautiful horses. Dan Parker writes about fam- ous women followers of racing in The. American Weekly with this Sunday's (October 6) issue of The Detroit Sun- day Times, Be DANCE! At Clinton Town Hall on Saturday, Oct. 5 Bel Worth and his CKNX Ambassad- 9-piece orchestra. Admission 500 01'S. The Goforth Mission Band of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, will hold an AUTUMN TEA AND SALE OF HOME BAKING Iu thn.Schoolroom of the Church Friday, October 4 From 4.1 .5 to 530 p.01. SILVER. COLLECTION. a I a,alla11.111,,1111111,11t„a„mm1„„anama,aa0111.1111 STRATFORD Garments left at our agen- ey, Pullman Barber Shop, Monday will be returned Thursday same week. DANCING! in Cardno's Halt, Seaforth SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5th Norm. Carnegie and His Band Admission 40c 4,1,1ir HELP WANTED Women for pickers, on piece work. Also a woman forelady. Good wages. APPLY Seaforth Produce SEAFORTH, ONT. CAN WE END LABOR UNREST? Labor asks for fair wages, security, holidays with pay, a shorter work • ing week, Employers seek "1 la return on invested fund, 1c' easements to enable , vi ,., against declines in bail ni,,, 'tn..: production standards that r^:t. Canadian goods to compare or- ably for world markt" s. i'3U3 BOTH SIDES CF o'..wdTtl,i'S The Globe and hair i11 columns gists you fall ttett al reports on both sidts c,1 awaits i': the news. FEARLESS EDITORIAL POLICY Globe and Mail editorials are plain-spoken, fearless' Whatever your personal or political opin- ions, you'll find in each day's Globe and Mail editorials, food for thought ... views and com- ments worthy of 'consideration. Give your family the advantage of the latest news, editorials, feature articles on every subject from sport to cooking by Canada's foremost writers. 4