HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-10-03, Page 3b Classified Advertising RAIN 0IXI011.9 'YOU'XRIil COUNTING ON FALL icks especially, for delivery _Oc- tpber-kovember '(naany poultry. Reapers do), We would suggest you t us have your order soon. Right qw we've a, limited supply of luted chicks for immediate deify - y. Bray Hatchery 130 John N. amllton, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1P E R A T E PROFITABLE MAIL der business. Splendid opportunity. or details write Buckeye Specialty ;0., Box 377, Wooster, Ohlo. ACCOUNTING BY MAIL TO SMALL RETAILERS AND BUSI- • 7iese menwho cannot afford to hire ' regular bookkeeper we offer the perfect gend tax sery- for details MAIL CONTACT ACCOUNTING Room 800, 21 King St, E., Toronto. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing•or gleaning? Nitrite to us.for information. We are glad to an ewer your questions, Department 10. Parker'a Dye Works Limited,, 791 Yong°.Street, Toronto, Ontario. en.E(mut OAi. co Us Pat Ii1N'r NLW "01 Vt,OBMI" LIGHTING plants ',powered by I0rtggs & Strat- ton gni engines. A. 0, or. D. C. 350 to 2500 watt. British gas and Diesel engines from 1115. to. 200 h. p. sta. tionary or marine type. Air. tank, radiator or hopper cooled Large stock at three phase :motors Prom stock A.C. or U.C. Welding mach- ' Ines,` electrodes and accessories. New gas engine driven portable self -priming centrifugal pinups 7000 gals. per (tour... Total weight 00 lbs. Operates 5 hours one gallon 0166.00. Farmers, lumber andfish- ing Industry — inmostcanes -. tax and duty exempt. Waite for prices to Alliance !electric Works Limited, Montreal — Toronto —:'Halifax — Rouyn ;.— Winnipeg. ,ELEC'1'ItlU ROTORS NEW, " USED. bought, sola, rebulltt.belts, pulleys, brushes, Allen Electric Company 1.15.. 2320 Dufferin: 01.; Toronto, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS 410 0101.10. NEW f II0l 0IOW14R and tin, 3 phase, 220 ee 556 rolls. Iinineditlte delivery,. Early delivery of 25 cycle.. w'ilbiu'y Products Ltd.. 300 Mein. '.Pn1•nnto. ELECTRICIANS STORES ONLY Write for. our catalogue on flolre5- cent fixtures, desk hones, bed tamps, Ile cycles only. Also toasters, irons. Give N.1.T.1i. license num- ber. Gordon -Harris Supply ('o., Tteg'd 6351. WaVerlev St.. 'Montreal bolt SAI,I4 ATTENTION NOVELTY 3-4-5 DIFFERENT VAItl149'1140 IN one apple tree. Also McIntosh on hardy rootstocks, 111ac1, and 1100 Currant Plants for commercial and private planting in the newest vn- rlelles. PHILLPS 'FARMS, CH.A- TL AUOUAY VILLAGE, QUE. AL"L'0 PARTS AND A('('ESSOIl110S for all rare. Trico List on request. Pistol lenge for all motors at pre- war prices, 1/ pt. W., ('a nedt1ut Auto Parts, 239 Qoeen St, w'., Taranto. CONCRETE BLOCK MACHINE. • )Easy to build low coot. Sell blocks. build house, barn. etc., economical- ly. t"ree details. Meatero'Int Co., Xorunto 14, ('natio. • — 6,000 PULLETS — 6000 steady -to -Lay Pullets, also ieeveral thousand 2 to 6 montks old. rl'heso pullets all raised' on clean, ICreerange with plenty of space and tender green feed. tinder the. most :dent conditions.. Send for Price ;Rist and frill particulars. — OIL BURNERS =— New pot type o11 brooders', new pot type range burners and heaters, Prompt delivery or book for later, WAKPVIEW POULTRY FARM. LIN OROS., Exeter, Ontario. 1'p;DIC11 :101) PERSIAN I(I'rr14N9 Fl -blues and black. 33 Hees venetian inds—ivory, 36 inch. , Mahogany aIle cabinet. 48 inch steel bed, 070111gs, spring mattress, good con- dition, '12 dinner knives and forks, 184.7 Rogers. 33o2 624, PI0to1, Ont. REGISTERED 1r1tOWN SWISS. Herd for sale. 61 head, one bull two Years, 21 milk rows. 8 two. year old heifers, bred, 11 yearling, '6' heifer calves.. 6 bull calves. Sun -O -V01 'Farm, 20678 LafteShore Road. Bale ,d'Urfe. Quebec. Eighteen miles from Montreal, . TIRES We are overstocked at the present .0f good used trade-in tires (guaran- teed to he In excellent shape) 600 X 16 $5.00 :A11 orders shipped 0.0.0.. Special. .equipment for 'vulcanizing Truck ,and Farm Tractor Tires. BEACON TIRE, corn. Queen, & York -Sts. HAMILTON, Ontario. ONTARIO'S MOST 910u1RN EQTIIPPF.D TIRE SHOI'.. TWO I'EBIAL1E AND ONE MALE thoroughbred Irish Setter puppies. 'W. C. McDianifild, Beverley Park, lt;R,, No. 1, Norland, Ontario. 'WELL. ORGANIZED AND FULL)' nquipped-lnsulntion, roofing, builders. supply and tinsnlitl\ing business,. ,Two storey brick and concrete . building, 110 x 20, with five -room apartment: Located on main, there , dare in Toronto. Also garage build- ing, 48 x 48, accommodating six' trucks. Rolling equipment; four 2 ton trucks and one -half -ton pickup. Business now doing ten thousand •dollars monthly Owner wishes to retire. As -a going .concern, forty- two thousnnd dollars. Box 114, 73 , . Adelaide W.. Toronto, .7047. WHOLESALE- CATALOGUE, lefe1chaults rind- storelceeper' only, -Send W,P.T.B. License number for our lrl'ee Wholesale Cntningur. Penny -pp Merchandise .Co., Balfour Bldg., Montreal- 18, Que. FARMS FOR SALE ONE IIUNI)RED ACHES, MEDIUM clay :loam, fifteen acres, woodeti, .balance' grass. immediate posses- sion. Elizabeth - Weir, Winghanl, ,-Ontario. Y,•ARM _;a ACRES, -2110. TILLABLE, . solid brick house, goodout build- ' fogs, good wells, .. Schoolvain to Publit end Continuation School, . Co...operative cheese factory In ills - Grief. Hydro a we Ilrible, 25 miles ..south of Otlnlv.,. Apply N. Crowder Mnllntnil(, (int 'SUE 35-1946 FARMS FOR SALE! 100 A061102, CULTXVABLE, -GOOD buildings, well drained, Hydro in- stalled, go9(1 Wells, 1ti QM town, schools, ohtifehe's, 0f' an1e11'Y, with or Without -stock and Imple- menta. Apply to Eugene Ouellette, R.R. 1, Alexandria, Ont, HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robert. son's Hairdressing Academy. 187 Avenue Road, Toronto. HELP WANTED HOUSE TO ROUSE SALESMAN FOR paste soap, hand cleaner, household cleansing, and purifying. products., Write. Licitly Products, Kitchener, Ont, PRINTER—AD SETTER (E3PERIIr eneed) wanted by daily newspaper, also competent makeup man• Apply, Box 113, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. LINOTYPE OPERATOR WANTED for dally newspaper.. Apply ,Box 112, 78 Adelaide W., Toronto. WANTED AT ONCE, SINGLE middle -egad man to assist on dairy and mink farm. Amply In person or write W. E. Miner, Kingsville, Ont. M EDICA1. A Tit[AL—EVERY SUFFERER OF Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should. try 'Dixon's Remedy. Munroe Drug' Store, 335 .1Plgin, Ottawa,. Postpaid 81.00. RHEUMATISM —. ARTHRITIS; RE- nete yourself tit home—A.naturalproduct. 1'11 tell you how. Clyde, C. Clodle, 620 -14th St. 5,17., Puyallup. Wash, RHEUMATISM' i1Y'VI0ODl'CING A NEW AMAZING Rheumatic -pain Salve to sufferers of Rheumatism - Arthritis - Sciatica -Neuritis. This "American ,Rheuma- tic Pain Salve" developed especial- ly and after consistent research is avullcble to you now. This special Introductory trial offer 1s Inex- pensive but the relief obtained is priceless. Tape advantage of this special trial offer at a saving to You. Availltble now in Canada. One ounce container for only51.00, If you surfer from: Rheumatism-Arth- rttls-SciaClcu - Ne(n'ills - Cold Com- plaints • nd really want effective relief—"Amerleae Rheumatic Pain Salve" Is what you need. Prove It to Yourself ns chemist's tests's have proved. Write direct to American 1)(Ug ,. Chemical Co., 282313 Bloor St., West, Toronto, Ontario. Can- ada. Send money Order 01' postai not. No C'.O.t).'s or atnlnps please. 10 A. V14 V 0,1' 1-114Aiti) A11o11T Illaon's Neuritis and Rheumntie Pain Remedy? 11 gives good results. Munroe; Drug' Stare. 338 Elgin, Otluwn. Postpaid 11,011. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 1011101) A 11011.111 N(0101V 11 uYS sells, exchanges muslesl lnstru- mente 111 lehurrh. Toronto 3. tll'l'It11'I'1'NI'I•I ICN chilli W0111103 BE A HAIRDRESSER JUIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity. Learn Halydressing '1011511111 dignified profetie1011, good wages. thousands successful Marvel g•rttduates. America's greatest 050. tem. 'Illustrated entalo0ue free, Write or call, 111Aht'EL HAIRDRESSING S0HOOLS 368 Blear St, W., Toronto Branches; 44 Bing St.. Hamilton 74 llitlenu Street. Ottawa. PATENTS' FI4'I'Ii101tS'I'(INDA11011 .0 43191 I'A NY NOM Solicllors. Established 18110; 14 [(ing West, 'rnrnnto Booklet of Intnrmrtlnn nn req I(P0l PER:VONAl BATTLE SCENES 010 INVASION benches and Millie. route '61 North- West Europe including interesting shote of !England, France, Belgium. Holland and German! Per set mail this ad and 81.00 to Sgt, Major ]lezarlc, 106 St, Cross St„ Winnt.peg, l't109V/q 11,1,'.I VC IMPERIAL QUALITY IS QUALITY AT ITS BEST OUR YEAR 11olINi) FAST SERV - lee and fine quality work will pl0ase You. For satisfaction. try T111- Pet4al. 6 or 8 exposure films, de- veloped and printed, 80r, rnrl'IertLAL.. PH0'10 DErt3ICE. Stntlon 1. Toronto. FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS !'ROM PI MArh 010uvICE Any Size 11011 — 0 or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED. AND PRINTED 25c 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 260 Size 4x6" In. Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x6" on Ivory tinted mounts: 701)' In Gold, :Silver, Cir- cassian Walnut or !Meek Ebony finish frames, 69e each. If enlarge. ment coloured, 711c each, Reprints Made From Vous Negatives 3c. Each DEPT. 11 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE mix 1-1), Poet Office A, 'Toronto, Print - Name and Address. Plainly, 0I'ECI,Lt. 015Irl&II FR FSNLAIIGEMENTS WITH each 6-8 exposure roll. for 25c,.. Re- prints 3c. Past efficient guaranteed work. Crystal Photo Service, 1600 Rondos West, Toronto. S'T'AMPS CANADIAN AND, N' 0 R 14 1 G. N stamps, mint and used, on approval. We buy stamps. Claude Langlois, IA Albert, Vietorlavllle, Que, 1'EA('11'41t9 WAN'I'1011 1ItOl EFTAN'r, QU AI apt L111 0it academic, for SS. 1, Henwood, tskorning, Ontaclo• 0011'6, 51,200: duties commence Sept 3rd. Phone Liskeard ;3318. Mrs, Emily Batty,. Secy. -Trees., 'I'hnrnloe, listeria, it. 1. iV ANTED • (‚.00.3030180 00" LAI0GE IVL•I'LIIW trees. Hanger Limb' Company, 85 King Street West, Toronto, Ont. WRITE' SHORT S'13011109. POETRY. humor for pleasure and profit. De• tails Lltererr Mosale, Guelph, Ont. Eo.N all' O'VN 140)111 1 AM Loot, Ing for u pair of Dresden figures ,. Dresden candelabra and U.resclei 111111/1110 00.1 will pay generously you con oblige. Pleat. a write 1, Mrs. Ln lvrenee Saunders, 323 \v:,' 11151' fiend, Toronto.: Ontario. N tB'pED vorNG SINGING'('ANA Iles, yqullg Love 11trde 111ndedoe1 ,small breed puppies. Top prim: Dula- Write (1119 pa'tleuhlrs Doug. Ina Pct Shop 279 Danforth Avenue Toronto.'' NEW AMBASSADOR Hume Wrong, Canadian Under- secretary of State for External Affairs; has been named the do- minion's ambassador to the United States. He is no stranger to Wash- ington. having served as first see• retary and counselor at the Can- adian Legation before it was raised to an embassy, and as a member DI the Pacific War Council during World War II. Canada May Store World Wheat Supply Canada may be asked to store wheat stocks of 100,000,000 bushels or more for international use if proposals for a world food board, now under consideration by the United Nations Food and Agricul- tural Organization, are approved. :' • board plan emphasizes the need of establishing buffer stocks of food for use in the event of hun- • ger anywhere, Purchase 61 sur- hluses to maintain such stocks would assist in stabilizing prices. Jersey Cattle The first post-war shipment of pedigree, Jersey_ cattle is shortly tq leave the 'Channel Islands - for stock farms in Canada, Elaborate precautions are being taken to safeguard the cargo which 'consti- tutes probably the largest and car tainly the moot valuable consign- *ettt of cattle ever to leave Jet. 84Y. Walking Stick Bun Help, in Cancer War The Basting Institute In Toron- to issued a fresh appeal to Ontario residents, particularly in Western Ontario, to renew. their hunt for walking stick bugs. Eggs of the bug are valuable .in cancer re- eeareh, The institute received 6,000 bugs' from ;its first appeal but an official said that 100,000 a,e heeded. Most of the 6,000 came from the Tllsonburg, Loudon and Mitchell districts and the institute suggested a concentrated search there The bugs cluster on twigs which may be broken ofd and shipped, express collect, to the institute. Margarine was first developed by a French chemist in 1870 to ease a fat -shortage resulting from theFranco-Prussian war. 710 YOUR CHOICE OF ONE OF THESE BEST SELLERS WHEN YOU JOIN THE DOUBLEDAY ONE DOLLAR BOOK CLUB No fees or dues! Membership is free in the only book club that brings you newly printed, current books by outstanding authors for only $1.00 each regardless of the regularretail price. You receive a free book on joining and all other membership privileges. MAIL THIS COUPON NOW We Recommend THE FOXES 6F HARROW by Frank Yerby The swashbuckling story of red-headed, devil-may-care Stephen Fox who con- quered New Orleans with his swag- gering audacity, gambled his way to wealth and power, and won the love of the city's three most desirable women. Regular Retail Price $3.50 BOOK CLUB MEMBERS' PRICE—only $1.00 DOUBLEDAY ONE DOUBLEDAY ONE DOLLAR. ROOK CLUB W1,11 Dept.—, 105 Bond. Snese, Toronto 2, Canada Please enroll sue as a member of the Doubleday One Dollar Book Club. I am to receive, every other month the Book Club magazine The Bulletin and an other membership privileges. It is understood Chet I will purchase a minimum of six selections within a year at the member's price of only 51.00 each plus 200. postage and handling. In consideration of this agreement you ill send me at once free a copy of the title checked below, also send me at $1.00 any additional titles I havr checked. (Check titles desired) ❑ BEFORE THE SUN GOES ❑ LEAVE HER TO HEAVEN DOWN ❑ C4PTAIN FROM CASTILE 0 THE RIVER ROAD ❑ THE FOXES OF HARROW Mr. - Mrs Mises (Please Print) Street and No t Zone No, City - (if any Prov Age if Occupation Under 21 DOLLAR BOOK CLUB WEVELOPME There e a new kind of north developing along Lake Superior's rugged shore. The old north is still them with its hunting, its fishing and its breath -taking scenic beauty. But today and every day for the past couple. of years, some- thing is being and has been added. MiU,olis of dollars plus man's di- rected energy is quickly changing that lonesome land, Back in the early 80's, when the Canadian Pacific ' Railway was pushing its line through to British Columbia in a successful gamble aga'nst nature with the keeping of British Columbia in the Confeder- at,ou of Canada as the prize, the little ports of the North Shore were hires of activity. Where Ma- rathon's paper mill now squats its huge bulk was the port of Penin- sula, with its thousands of rough, tough, railway taborets. To the west there was jackfish, then Coldwcll, with its beautiful green - sided cove looking like a little bit of Cornwall. To these tiny ports the Steamers Algoma, Al- berta and Athabaska, the latter two still afloat, carried men and materials as the llardrock men cut their way along the shore. They built the railway, but they made little impression on the brooding miles and smiles of spruce and pulp wood which grew practically to Superior's shores It was a coun- try vast in resources; good to look upon as a visitor, the operating railwayman's nightmare, and a singularly unproductive area. Jobs for Thousands • Soon its forest resources, long Looked upon as a 'some day" pro• position, will be scientifically ex ploited — exploited in such a way that there will be jobs for thou- sands, and homes for these thou- sands' families. Mother Nature will be aided by supervised cutting and reforestratiou to such an ex- tent that a new crop of trees will be ready for cutting every forty years. This will be no "slash 'em all, big and snlali' operation. 0130 as a result, the forest resources will never run' out, . Actually, Thor. is in process of being spent between Canada's "Cold Spot" White River and Schreiber, , on the C.P.R,'s stain line to the \Vest, upwards of sev catty -five Millions of dollars. Two huge pulp and paper developments have arcs there fel ten or mote years the Ontario Paper Com Many at Heron Bay, and tin Brompton Paper 'Company a, Red Roclt. Marathon, which was known 1r Peninsula tip until two years ago, is already a thriving, bustling town of close to 2,000 people. Three years ago there were less than 40 there. Terrace, eight miles east of Schreiber, boaste t a railway pass ing track and no residents at all until the decision was made to establish a pulp trill. Now that ere l etneen four and five hu'ndre8 residents, mostly construction `met it is true, but construction met' ,,ho 1110 not .only hui'lding' a mil'. but a It w)) site ant: 1101scs and all that goes with it, TS OR SUPERIO rya; : .x1^v, {"r •t',3u The town of Marathon (above) is typical of the new developments along Superior's north shore. On the Canadian Pacific Railway's main line to the west, the new streamlined station (lower) was recently opened. Use Hydro Power Naturally, these new heavy in- 4clustries need power, and lots of it. Potentially, there is p1enty, but the expenditure of another five millions of dollars at least is neces- sary, Ever ready to shoulder its responsibilities the Ontario Hydro Commission is even now busy on a 11010 dam across the Aquasabon River, half a .dozen utiles east of Schreiber, 1Vhen the river backs up, a new lake nine miles long and four across will appear, and the raging, a w'c-ins(Iiring, but SCl(10111 seen Aquasabon Falls, just a few. hundred yards out of sight from the C.P R. tracks, will dry no to a mere trickle excepting for when 111e rit'lrltietl 1009en a (food to 50111.1 logs downstrcal7 t0 Lake Su. perior, The hydro construction sten are 1.11 the Moly already, One group is living in quarter= set up for 1ntern- ed Japantse curd g the tear. Others are in entirely !(2w' camps of semi- permanent nature which are being built in spite of scarcity of every, thing from lumber to nails. Thr Hydro people' have a race on With , the ICintherlev (lark people. `they 1,111510 p 110 0lucr r0)1110 1511013 the mill is ready to commence opera. tions. 'There hasn't been a race like it in Canada since the one 'n 1928 when engineers citlg a tunnel underneath the Plains of Abraham at Quebec City in a race against Clyde shipbuilders w•ho were fin islling the Etnpres• of Britain, Thi engineers won that one, 0111 tracks laid and all ready to Ower ate from the 0 0a1 white ship' side, with a week lo spare 1'ht Hydro engineers are figuring 0' winning 111i5 race, loo, eve, though every tree in the 37 sono. utile area of what will he II' lake's bottom must be cut down As well, they have to cut a 20 -foot square tunnel through the granite- like rock for almost half a mile. This 101111el, leading the water from the artificial lake to the powerhouse on the shore of Lake Superior, will pans tinder the C.P. R. tracks at a depth of 300 feet. Tourist's Paradise But million -dollar developments while naturally the most 'moor tent, aren't the only ones. The case of a ft io of young amen — Iwo are vetelarls and our in an 550513. tial job to which he was frozen — may be cited. The y have started a tourist camp. This year their guests are housed in housekeeping tents on their property twelve miles west of jsekfish. 13ut this autumn they plan on building lodge and cabins, and the tents will remain only for those whr prefer them. -Chid selling noir)) this year is fishing, which is gond. riding in a jeep over bush roads which is or is not good, depending on .your point of view, and achool — relief from hay -fever, 10111011 is excellent, Two of that. guests this year are doctors iron. Rochester. fugitives from the hay fever bane. Management of any large Indus try knows, front experience that 1' "happy" orgnnlizi.tioI is an effi cicnt one, And management has learned through bitter experiene• that the only way to keep an of ganization a "happy" One is I, have good housing. 'rids is cvcr more important 111 1'110 outlying sections than it is in the cities where rl ist raetil'115 Snell a0 a wade ty -0f sports and other 11111t15511101)1.• '11113 1,r aisle to take the worker', mind on the feel that he's titin{_ ,u':11, his [311111Y it It couple o sll HE crowded rooms on the third tlonr back. So tt•ith the in mind, One of the primary projects, keeping pace with the building of the 111111 itself; is p--mancnt housing. At Marathon the objc;ti10 by next Spring is 300 houses. Some fifty are ready 'or use right now. At Terrace, the ultimate number of units will be approximately the same, but already, in tit's mintier of shortages, about 100111 live are i11 various stages of CU1151rUC- tion. All are owned by the role parry itself, end will be rested 'o workmen and officials, While they are "company houses" that x d is a misnomer in that they are nut the box -like, look-alike living ac- commodation usn,tlly ass0ciatr'I with that term. The townsite is a planned one, with curving streets, trees carefully left in what will he the trivets, and no two houses of the sante plan set side by side. Foremen's houses, with six and seven rooms, having in some casts two bathrooms and finished Al- lars„ would sell for :12.000 tor! ty in Toronto and Montreal l'1' there they'll rent for as low ,s $50 per month. Beating The Wilderness Marathon boasts, loo, of the fitt- est hotel between Port Arthur 4111 Sudbury Named "The Everest Hotel" for One of the top officer.: of the U.S. parent company, rt. has thirty large and airs rooms Just across t1c street there's a drug store and soda fountain, the latter popular as always with the youngsters, and a fine grocery store all in the sante building. One bank serves the lawn, and a new community hall, a hospital a lire and police station are under con- struction, Moving pictures are a regular feature, while a walk -of 1t mile or two along the railea, tracks brings the brook trout fish- erman to many a stream. Only building in Marathon not owned by the paper company is the new, streamlined station, completed by the C.P.R. this sunnncr. It is alike in every respect to a new station at Leaside: now almost completed. 1Vhat does all ihis development mean? .First ofall, and most its portant. it means jobs for a total of at least five thousand men. That moans they and their families will have to be clothed and fed — 311(1 1t 131ea115, too, more jabs for their fellow citizens 'n 1110 manufactur ing areas, It means more jobs in the transportation services — rail- ways and lake ireighters and airplanes, for the airplane is an In- tegral part of travel i! northern Ontario Secondly, it Cleans that the cast forest resources along the north shore of Superior are 'finally being put to a worthwhile purpose. Pulpwood makes paper-, and there is hardly a facet of modern life that does not depend, in some way, 0,1 paper, And last, it means .that Ontario's north Superior froni'el, beaten forst by the railway builders of the 1880's and held since Clete time by the twin bands of steel, +s ' at last coming: into its own es all actual, rather titan potential na- tural resource. •