HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-09-26, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS
THURSDAY, SEPT. 26, 1946
Dr. Norma Oook of Toronto spent
the weekend with her parents Mr.
and Mrs. N. E. Cook.
Rev. P. A. Ferguson Was in Tor-
onto .a day last week attending a
meeting there. ,
Mr. and IVlrs. Harold 'Foster and
Billie of Blyth visited over the week-
end with the former's parents Mr.
and Mrs, A. Foster.
Mr, and Mrs, Don Rigby of Blen-
heim visited during the past week
with the latter's parents, Mr and•
Mrs, Stewart McQueen.
Mr. and Mrs, Neeb of Tavistock
were recent visitors with their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Brown.
Mr, Kenneth Kerslake visited dur-
ing the past week with his brother
Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Kerslake.
Mr. Douglas Sangster of London
spent the weekend - at his home here
Miss Kay Jones of Toronto visited
over the weekend with her parents
Clearing Auction Sale
At McGaw Stock Yards; 2% miles
north of Benmiller, On Monday, Sept,
30th, at 1 p.m,
Horses -1 matched black team of
mares, well mannered and 'sound; 8 &
9 years old, weighing 3300 lb.; 1 well
bred .and marked Clyde gelding 7
years old, weighing over 1700 lb.
1 team. of Mules,
Hogs -1 York sow with 4th litter of
12 at side; 1 York sow let litter of 10
at side; .1 York sow 1st litter of S at
side; 7 young sows carrying let lit-
ters clue Oct. & Nov,;" 2 York sows
carrying 3rd litter, due "Nov: 26th; 2
York sows carrying '2nd litter, due
Dec. 2nd; 1 York sow bred 6 weeks;
1 York sake bred 10 weeks. 1 purebred
York bog. 70 chunks & weaners.
Cattle- Cows: 1 Holstein cow milk-
ing 3 months, 8 years old (bred); 1
Holstein cow 8 years old, fresh; 1
Holstein cow 4 years old, fresh; 2
Holstein cows 6 years old, clue Nov.;
3 yearling heifers, 2 calves.
Feeder Steers -15 Angus weighing
Mr. arid Mrs. Norman Tones. 8.50 to 10,50 cwt,; 25 Herefords weigh -
Mr.' Wm. Cook of London was a ing 8.50 to 10.50 cwt,; 26 Shorthorn
weekend visitor with his mother, & Durham weighing 9 to 11 cwt. Beef
Mrs Catherine Devlin. heifers and sows. 10 springer heiferr,,
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Ballantyne 10 stock cows. These cattle have been
and family of Detroit visited over on the farm all summer. and are in
the weekend with the former's excellent condition and quiet.
mother, Mrs. Carrie Ballantyne and Grain -1000 bushels of seed Alaska
aunts, 141iss Katie 'Scott and Mrs. oats grown from Gov. registered
Graham. 1 Terms cash.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson visited, WALTER BROS., Prop.
on Sunday with Mr .and Mrs, Casey Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Hudson and family at Goderich. 1 E. P. Chesney, Clerk.
Mrs. R. S. Hopkins and Mrs. A.
• 'Gardner of Chicago visited this week Clearing Auction Sale
with the former's sisters Mrs H. Mc- 3 Om' Caattles tlle. At orth Lot 26,
Con. 6, on Hulllet(o. 4
Murtrie and Mrs. F. Farquhar. n Highway, on Friday, October 11, at
'lasses Lillian and Edith McEwe d
of London and Mrs. H. Conley of 2 p.m. standard time.
Winnipeg are visiting with their Red Durham cow 7 years old, due
brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Jan. 16; red Durham cow9Durhyeam rs
of ,
Mr's. John E. McEwen. due Jan. 17t gr
Weekend visitors with Mrs. Alice Years old, doe San, 24th; red Durham
Joynt were Dr. Hy. Joynt, Toronto. Cow, 8 years old. due April 2; red Dur -
Mrs. Hy Joynt and daughter Judith, ham row 8 years old, due March 2;
London, also Dr. Wm. Joynt of red Durham cow 9 years old, due
°ndon. March 8th; roan Durham cow, 12
lir. and Mrs• Geo. T. .liickle of Years old, due March 13th; red Dur-
detown and Mr. and lies. Robert item cow 7 years old, due March 19;
cow 11 years old, due Feb, 24;
Stump of Los Angeles, Calif. visited black
and Mrs. E. L. red Durham cow 12 years old, due
recently with Mr.
M kle and family. March 15; Hereford cow 3 years old,
supposed to be in calf; grey Durham
Mies M. Judd, Clinton was a week_
end guest at the home of -Reeve and cow 7 years old, due April 15th.
Purebred Herefords -1 cow 5 years
Mrs. E Shaddick•
old, due Dec. 29; 1 cow 5 years old,
Ferguson -Jones due Jan. 6; 1 cow 5 years old, due Jan.
A charming Autumn wedding was e, 2 bulls 10 months old; 1 heifer 13
solemnized at the Hensall United months old.
Church Manse at 2 pan. on Satur- Steers -16 Durham and Hereford
day when Rev. R. A. Brook united steers 850 lbs.; 16 Durham and Here-
in marriage Mildred Doreen, young- ford steers 700 Ib.
er daughter of Mr. and 1I1•s. Norman Calves - 8 Durham and Hereford
Jones, Hensall and Ian W. Ferguson calves 9 months; 10 Durham & Here-
of London, son of Mrs. McCormick ford calves 6 months old; 2 Durham
of Galt. The bride chose a dress- calves 2 months old. Anyone buying
maker suit, Loganberry* red shade, these steers can leave them on -my
with matching hat and black acces- grass for 2 weeks.
series. She wore a corsage of Johan- No reserve. Terms cash.
nah Toronto' wase5 herisssistee'y s°nes of Rbrides- Harold L7 son, Auct neer.
maid wearing a dressmaker suit in a E, p, Chesney, Clerk.
colonial blue shade, with fuchsia
colored hat and gloves, and a cor-
Clearing Auction Sale
sage of Prosperity roses. Mr. Donald Of Farm Stock and Implements. At
Ferguson of Toronto, brother of the Lot 24, Con. 1, McKillop Twp. oppos-
groom, was best man. A reception ire Lions Park, Seaforth, on Saturday,
was held at the home of the bride's October 6th, at 1 p.m.
parents with twenty-five guests Hereford Cattle - Including 1 pure
present. The bride's mother received heed Hereford bull weighing 1 ton,
M a blue crepe dress with fuchsia quiet; 12 purebred Hereford cows,
colored hat and gloves and the heifers and spring bulls. 4 brindle
;:room's mother assisted wearing a heiferse, grain freshen
Implements. Soma
grey ensemble with matching feather
hat, both wore American Beauty hoose, gl effects.
corsages. The bride's table was ten- Full list next week.
tered with the wedding cake, white Terms cash, No reserve as farm sold
tapers in crystal holders and decor- GEORGE LOWERY, Proprietor.
aced with Better Tilnes rosebuds. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
The diningroom was decorated with E• P. Chesney. Cleric.
white bells and pink and white. Auction Sale
ienerers. Misses Grace Hahn, Kit- Household Furniture, -On Saturday,
_::ease and Shirley Nichol, Toronto, October ,ride. at 2 p.m„ at Dublin:
5' -i'e •d, assisted by Mrs, A. D. Me- Barn 48x18, good timber frame.
e:1:n and lire• J. megeats. The 2 galvanized boxes for pick-up
'.ride and „'roost left amid showers !l'ut'es; 8 piece sells' walnut dining
f1`.' confetti on a wedding trip to 100111 shite; hedsteide, springs, mat-
':, vara Falls, Buffalo, Toronto and tresses, one good spring -filled mat -
The They will reside inLondon. tress, ]land washing machine with
teat -
The Late John Olen Coleman wringer, 2 dressers, kitchen table,
111'. Coltman passeddaway couple small tables, large ice refrig-
ln;. September
berpi20t London on Fri- erator, kitchen sideboard, Ottoman,
yS he deceasedcer 20th in his only °1oc•1c, coal 011 stove, table linens,
year. The had been ill only large hand sleigh, buffalo robe, dishes,
Colrhh12 time. He was thea son of am glassware, sealers, wooden trough,
es Coleman and late William quantity of lumber, and numerous
Coleman of Hay Township. rSuouise other articles. Terms cash.
ing is his widow, formerly Louise ARTHUR FORSTER, Proprietor.
Armstrong, of Hensall, one daugh- Joseph L. Ryan, Auctioneer.
ter, Irene, Mrs. Cartwright, three
sons. Albert. Harry, and Edward, FOR SALE
h:s mother, -lirs. Sarah Coleman, A half Durham and Jersey heifer,
Mensal', one sister Mrs• Milton Stew- good for farm or town, ready to
art, Seaforth, four brothers, Mr. freshen. Byron McGill, Harpurhey,
Wesley Coleman, Hensel], Messrs STRAYED
Frank Coleman and Arthur Cole- Strayed on to lot 12, Con. 4,
;eras, London, and Sheldon held De -m Hullett on or about the first of Au-
Evansvit. Funeral service was from gnat, a yearling steer. Owner can
Monday.Funeral home, MountLonon h proving property and pay -
Interment in Pleas- have by p g p P Y
Cemetery. ing charges. Apply to Thomas 1;
Rally Day Service will be held at Adams.
Hensall United Church on Sunday •
morning also the service of baptism.
In the evening Rev. with e Brook esic that our York hogs are not for ser -Co-operative:
speak on hymns, special music vice. Q. V. Dale and 'W. T Dale "As required by the Income War
by the choir under the leadership of 1 Tax Act this will advise our share-
Me. S. Rennie.FOR SALE holder customers and members, (in
Dr. Ivan Smillie of Kamloops, B. New Massey -Harris corn binder. eluding members only), as referred to
C., is visiting his parents Mr. and Apply Seaforth Motors, Seaforth, in the said Act, as amended, that in
Mrs. A. Smillie, accordance with the terms and condi-
Miss Joy Saundercock of Windsor Oct; 21st. with Mrs. W. Sinale co- tions, and within the times and limit -
is visiting at the home of Mrs. hostess. Devotional Thanksgiving ations contained in the said Aet, as
Annie Saundercock. ' by Miss Gladys Luker. Roll call, amended, it is our intention to pay a
The annual Rally Day Service of "Something to be thankful for"'dividend in proportion to the 1947
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock, Implements, Feed &
Furniture., At lot 30, Conc. 4, Mc-
Killop Tp., 1 mile west and 2 miles
north of Seaforth, on Friday, October
llth, at 1 p.m. sharp, the following:
Horses -Brown mare 10 years. old;
aged mare.
Cattle -White cow 5' years old,' due
March 12th; roan cow 7 years old, duo
April 3rd; roan cow 7 years old, due
May 17th; red cow,• 5 years' old, re-
cently freshened; heifer 1 year old;
steer 1 year old; spring calf; 2 calves
3 months old. •
Pigs -2 brood sows and 19 pigs 7
weeks old; 2 purebred Yorkshire
sows; Berkshire sow due time of sale;
1 young, Yorkshire sow; 1 young. Berlc-
shir�e sow. Poultry -70 Barred Rock
x 'New Hampshire (hybrid) ., pullets
(laying); 18 Sussex x Leghorn. pullets
(hybrid), (laying); • 14 young' geese;
4 geese 2 years old, '
hrplements-Massey Harris `'finder
6 ft. cut; MIL 'side delivery rake;
14Ic0ormick mower 6 ft. cut; McCorm-
ick cultivator; Mc0olmicic hay loader;
9', & W. out -throw disc; Deering 13
disc drill; Deering manure spreader;.
Cockshutt riding plow; Fleury walk-
ing plow; steel drum roller; 4 section
drag harrows; wagon; fiat rack; set
of sleighs; 1. row.scuffler; Clinton fan-
ning mill; 240 lb. scales; cutting box;
root pulper; DeLaval cream separa-
tor; blacksmith's vice; 6 ft. log bunks;
Cyclone grass seeder; set of can-
vasses for Frost & Wood binder 6 ft.
cut; grain lifters; set of back band
harness; 3 collars; wheel barrow; pig
crates; feed boxes; forks, chains,
shovels; whiffletrees; neckyokes and
numerous other articles.
Feed -Approximately 600 bus, of
Urban oats; quantity of mixed grain,
quantity of spring wheat.
Furniture - Sherlock -Manning or-
gan; Spartan battery radio; what -not
(walnut) ; weight clock (antique) ;
wardrobe; 6 cane bottom chairs; bed
room suite; 4 wash stands; wooden
bed; glass cupboard; extension table;
sideboard; 2 kitchen tables; 5 gal.
churn; wooden butter bowl; Princess
Pat range; coal oil stove; oven; Alad-
din haugtng lamp, lamps, odd dishes.
Terms cash. No reserve as Sarin sold
JOHN McELROY, Proprietor.
Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale -
06 Horses, Cattle, Hogs, and Poul-
try. At Lot 29, Concession 13, Hullett
Township, 2 miles west of Blyth and
3 miles north-west of Londesboro, on
Friday, October 4, commencing at 1
p.m. sharp, the following:
Horses -1 matched black team, 6
and 7 years old; 1 bay horse, 6 years
old; 1 bay horse, 7 years old; 1 blue
roan gelding, 6 years; 1 yearling colt.
Hogs -3 sows due in October; 6
sows, due in December.
Poultry -200 Barred Rock .pullets,.
6 months old; 160 Sussex pullets, 6
months old; 250 Sussex pullets, 334
months old. Wood -1S cord of cedar,
1 foot length.
Cattle - 25 Holstein Cows: 12
springers; 3 fresh cows; 10 cows,
milking, and bred; 10 Holstein heifer
calves. These calves are all vaccin-
ated. This is a good herd of cows,
and' all are in good. condition.
Beef Cattle -10 Hereford cows, with
Hereford calves by side; 20 Hereford
yearling heifers; 15 yearling, and 2 -
year -old steers. This is a choice lot
of beef cattle. Terms cash. positively
no reserve.
WILMER HOWATT, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Strathroy, Sept. 28th,
200 mixed stock cattle, Trucks to
deliver; sales every Sat, Private sales
in the week.
A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer.
From lot 15, con. 4, McKillop, one
yearling Hereford heifer, red with
white head. Please notify Peter E.
Maloney, phone 64r10, Dublin central,
A second hand baby buggy in good
condition. Phone 840 r 25.
200 Red Rock pullets six months
old, laying. Apply to Harry Cald-
well, Kippen, phone 657 r 14 Sea -
7 pigs for sale 6 weeks old. Zack
McSpaclden, phone, 834 r 24.
Lot West Half of 27, Con. 5, Rib
beet, and South Half of 27, Con. 4,
on which there is good frame house
and bank and straw barn, good°drive
shed and henhouse, 21/3 miles from
highway. Hydro available. Convenient
to schools and churches. Apply to
Jos. Atkinson, Dublin, Ont,
R.We wish to inform the public) To Members of Seaforth Farmerswill
Time Table Changes
Sunda,Y , Sept. 29; 1946.
and other specific dates
Full information from Agents
Canadian National
Clearing Auction Sale
Farm Stock and Implements, 111
north and 3 miles east of Seaforth,
Lot 13, Con, 2, McKillop Twp.,
Thursday, Oct. 3rd at 1 pin.
Horses -1 bay horse 7 years old;
matched team of grey pereherons
rising 3 and 4 years old.
CATTLE -1 black cow due Mar.
20th; 1 brindle cow due Mar. 15th;
1 Holstein cow due Apr. 1st; 1 Here-
ford cow due Mar. -22nd; 1 red cow
due Apr. 3rd; 5 Durham steers 800
lbs; 2 Durham heifers 800 lbs; 6
Durham year-olds; 4 spring calves.
PIGpigsS-15012lbYorks, chunks 125 lbs;
POULTRY -70 .year-old 3iens
100 hybrid pullets 5 months old.
IMPLEMENTS,-M.H. hinder 7 -
ft; M.H. mower; M.H. hay loader
(like new) ; sulky rape; M.H. fertile
iter 11 disc drill (2 yrs old); spring -
tooth cultivator; harrows; riding
plow; walking plow; disc;. McCor-
mick Deering truck wagon, roller
bearings (like new); hay rack; good
set of farm sleighs; fanning mill; 4 -
wheel trailer; brooder oil stove;
chicken shelters; Renfrew cream sop -
enter (like new) ; 1-80 ft. of hay
rope; fork and slings.
HARNESS -1 set of backhand
harness; 1 set of plow harness;
number of horse collars.
HAY AND GRAIN -25 tons of
hay; 1500 bus. of mixed grain.
LUMBER -Frame for shed, 20 x
40 with rafters; quantity of 1. inch
lumber and 2 x 4 scantling; whipple-
trees; neckyokes; forks; shovels;
chains and a host of other articles.
TERMS -Cash.
Dennis Feeney, Prop.
E. P. Chesney, Clerk.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
the Sabbath Sch 1 will be held in
Sunday, Sept.conducted
Carmel Presby n Church on
Sept. 2t3thby
Rev. P. A, Ferguson.
The Evening Auxiliary of Hensall
United Church members assembled
at the home of Mrs. Byron Kyle on
Monday evening Sept. 23rd. Follow-
ing the delicious supper consisting
of a tempting array of foodstuffs,
Mrs. Kyle presided for the meeting.
After singing the theme song the
roll call was taken "Friends of the
Bible," Minutes read. In keeping
with the devotional "Friendship'
!dies Barbara Michie presented an
appropriate discourse on "Trues
Greatness". She also conducted
prayer and used two hymns "What
a friend we have in Jesus" and
"Blest be the tie that binds" Miss
Edna Saundercock read the scripture
lesson, John 15 vs. 12 to 15, Offer-
ing 'taken. Business discussion took
at he held
ace. The the homeofMZs,xt 71P11earl
Study, Mrs. M. Sanders, Comm. Mrs. patronage out of the revenues of the
Stephen, Mrs. Traquair, Miss Luker 1947 taxation year, or out of such
and Mrs. Redden. Mrs. Kyle, Miss other funds as may be permitted by
Michie and Miss Ellis were appointed the said Act, and we hereby hold out
to find out full particulars re print- the prospect of the payment of a pat-
ing of books;' etc. The annual bazaar ronage dividend to you accordingly."
will be held in the United Church As permitted by , law the , co -
Sunday School room on Saturday, operative will follow its usual prae-
Nov. 1.6th. All members are request- tics of determining -at the end of the
cd to have raady for this date their fiscal year on what commodities and
donations, homemade articles etc. at what returns (whichmay vary as
The Lord's prayer repeated in ani- between different commodities) pat -
son. Games were enjoyed at the close ronage payments will bo made,
Many thanks are extended to Mrs, Signed: FRANK REYNOLDS,
Kyle and her committee for the en -1 Secretary,
joyable affair. i Seaforth Farmers Co-operative.
Plowing Demonstration
Sponsored by the Provincial Plow-
men's Association and McKillop
Council to demonstrate and instruct
plowmen in team and tractor plowing
in Sod and Stubble. Friday, Sept. 27.
Lot 17, Con. 5, McKillop, Mr. David
Shannon's Farm, Mr. LeRoy Brown,
District Representative, in charge.
Anyone wishing to plow, loan trac-
tors or horses, leave their names with
Township officials.
Plowing to commence at 10 a.m.
Come out and help put Port Albert
Match over big.
N. R. DORRANCE, Reeve.
J. M. ECKERT, Clerk.
Township of Tuckersmith
Tenders for
Dill Drain Repair
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned until 9 P.M., Saturday,
September 28th, 1946, for the repair of
the Dill Municipal Death. Tender's to
be submitted according to By -Law No.
8, 1946, Township of Tuckersmith,
which may be obtained at the Cleric's
Office. A certified cheque of 10 per
cent must accompany each tender.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily
Clerk, Twp. of Tuckersmith
A quantity of mixed May flowering
The W.M.S. and W.A. of Caven,, tulip bulbs. Pansy plants to set out
Winthrop, will hold ;their Autumn now, for early flowers in the spring.
Thanitoffering ea Friday, Oct, 4th, Also 70 lights of glass 10x12. Baker's
in the schoolroom of the church at Greenhouse, Seaforth.
2 p.m., standard time. The guest
speaker will be the Rev, Mr. Stan- FOR SALE
way of Rrucefield. Circle One will 9 pigs weaned. Lawrence Ryan,
have charge of the meeting. , Walton.
Auction Sale
To close the estate of the late
Joseph Nagle, there will be offered for
sale by Public Auction, at Lot 21,.
Concession 3, Township of Hibbert,
114 miles South of Dublin and 11/4
miles West, on Monday, September
3081a, at 2 p,m•, the following parcels
of real estate:
Parcel One: The premises Lot 21,
Concession 3, Hibbert Township, con-
taining 100 acres close to schools and
churches, bank barn, valuable gravel
and sand pit. Good land running from
sand and gravel loam to heavy clay.
No waste land, all seeded. Drilled well,
rural hydro available.
Parcel Two: 'The East half of Lot
19, Concession 3, Hibbert, two miles
South West of Dublin, .containing 50
acres, good grass land, now all seed-
ed, water at both ends of farm, 30
A Great Suggestion '
The .Fail Fair is over. Wo hear glowing accounts of the way it was
organized this year, We offer our oongratulations to the Executive and.
their Committees. Yet there is room for improvement.
WE SUGGEST malting the "Sport of Kluge" the main attraction,
Pay a purse worthy of the noblest of animals, •
WE SUGGEST the whole -Town loch up shop and go to the Fair..
Make the people Seaforth conscious.
Arrided this week from Gordon McKay, Toronto, a ship
melt of Flannelette Blankets. Also some full fashioned
hose, now on display.
y4,.15*X^" t,�-' 9.eiai,,*77^1',.3'^. x 54.44
Strayed from lot 23, con. 1, Hib-
bert, fou white-faced yearlings,
have hole in left ear. Please notify
Alphonsus Cronin, phone 22 r 23,
Dublin Central.
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock, Implements, Harness, Grain
and Feed and Household Goods at Lot 16, 8th
Concession ,of Hullett, 6 miles north. of Clin-
ton (No. 4 Highway), and 21x, - miles east or
114 miles south of Londesboro (No. 4 High-
way and 23(, miles east, on Friday, September.
27th, at 1 p.m. sharp (DST), the following:;
HORSES -Team of bay mares 10 years old;
Bay mare 6 years old; Bay mare rising 8'.
years old; Bay filly rising 2 years old; Bay
gelding 1 year old. The above mentioned
horses have six straight crosses of Clyde, and
were eligible for registration..- General pun.
Pose mare 6 years old, will work single or.
double (suitable horse for a mail route.
CATTLE -Roan Durham cow, 6 years old,
due Nov. 8rd ; white Durham cow, 5 years
old, due Nov. 9th ; roan Durham cow, 5 years
old, recently freshened' roan Durham. cow,.
aged,. reeentiy. freshened; red Durham cow,
8 years' old duo Dec. 18th ; red Durham cow..
9 years old, due Jan. 4th roan Durham heifer
3 years old, due Feb. llth ; red: Durham cow
0 years old, due March 2nd; roan Durham
cow, 5 years old, due March 301h; roan Dur-
ham cow 9 years old, due May 8th ;.red' Dur-
ham cow 6 years old, due March 1st; 3 steers
rasing 2 years old ; 3 heifers rising 2 years old,
2 yearling steers; yearling heifer; 5 spring
calves. PIGS -6 pigs 5 months old; 8 mgr
4 months old ; 6 pigs, 27k months old; 8 pigs,
2 months. old. POULTRY -50 1 -year-old hy-
brid hens Sussex X White Leghorn ; 60 cock-
erels, 31,4 months old • 11 Pekin ducks; col-
ony house 12' x 14', brooder stove.
IMPLEMENTS - M.H. binder 6 ft. cut;
M.H. mower 6 ft. cut, with pea harvester;.
M.H. 2 rowmuffler with bean puller attach-
ment, ; M,IS. 3 inch steel farm wagon (nearly
new) and 16 foot flat rack; Deering 10 ft.
lay rake; Deering 11 disc drill; Mfr veli hay
loader • cultivator; 2 furrow plow ; #4Ver-
ity walking plow; 2 drum wooden roller; fl-
inch Vessot grain grinder ; Coleman grain
roller; No. 12 DeLaval cream separator :
hp. engine (burns fuel oil) ; root. pulperhar-
row cart; hand turnip sower ; wheel barrow;
block and tackle; set slings; numerous forks,
shovels, chains, whiffle trees, neck yokes,
tools, etc. HARNESS -Sen of double breeching
harness; set plow harness: pair ofbridles;
single bridle and breast collar; 4 horse
collars. GRAIN AND FEED -Approximately
35 ton of mixed hay; approximately 1200 bu,
mixed grain; bag of feed beans.
HOUSEHOLD GOODS-Phonola 5 tube bat-
tery radio; Beatty washing machine; Mo-
Clary's. range: coal oil stove; Daisy - churn ;
double bed, and springs; 2 dressers and wash
stands; 2 couches, 2 lanterns, and lamps; nu-
merous other articles. TERMS, cash.
W. as proprietor has
Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer.
EARN EXTRA MONEY this "easy" war
with Regal's 21 card Feature Assortment. Sell
Canada's newest, fastest -selling Christmas
Dards. Exclusive with Regal. Sell the 21 -card
feature box for -51, or Regal's famous
Friendship" Box of all -occasion cards.
Double Sales! Introduce Regal's wonderful
new Canadian Scenes Box. 16 cards by fam-
ous Canadian artists $1. Regal's new Framed
Gift Pictures of authentic Canadian scenes are
ideal Christmas Gifts. Sell for 21. Learn the
intriguing details. Up to 80% clear profit.
Write NOW for agent's 1948 Catalog. REGAL
STATIONERY CO. LTD., Dept. G6, 105
Simcoe St., Toronto, Ont., or Dept. 00, 168
W. Hastings St., Vancouver, B.C.
Domestics for Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, good salary with full mainten-
ance. Apply to the Superintendent.
1 team of Draft horses, 3 -year geld-
ing and a 4 -year-old ' filly. Charles
Doltnage, phone 840r15,
Lot West Half of 27, Con. 6, Hill -
beet, and North Half of 27, Con. 4,
on which there is good frame house
and bank and straw barn, good drive
shed and henhouse, 234 miles from
highway. Hydro available. Convenient
to schools and churches. Apply to
,Tos. Atkinson, Dublin, Ont.
11/3 storey frame.house in the town
of Seaforth, centrally located. Harold
Township of Tuckersmith will sponsor e
Practice Plowing Match to be held on Gordon
acres tillable. Richardson's farm, two miles east of Bruce -
Terms: 10 per cent cash on date of field on the Mill Road, Friday, October 4th.
Coaches will be present to coach partici-
sale, balance 30 days. Subject to a
Pants in preparation for the Provincial Plow.
reserve bid. ing Matchto be held at Port Albert on Oct.
JOHN NAGLE, Executor of the 18. owing &to be either with horses or tractor
and interested parties are asked to notify
Estate of Joseph Nagle, proprietor.
Joseph L,. Ryan, .Auctioneer. Arthur Nicholson, Reeve, Phone 866 r 2,
Seaforth, of their intention- to plow at this
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple-
ments at lot 22, eon. 13, McKillop
Twp. 2% miles south and 3 mile
east of Walton, on Tuesday, October
l.st, at 1 p.m.
HORSES- 1 black mare rising 4
yrs. old; 1 bay mare rising 4 yrs.
old; 1 driver.
OOiWS-1 Durham cow to freshen
in Dee.; 1 black cow to freshen in
Feb.; 1 Holstein cow to freshen in
Feb.; 1 cow to freshen in Feb.
'GATTLE-1 Durham heifer 2
years old; 7 heifers, yearlings; 9
steers, yearlings; 6 calves.
IMPbEMISNTS plow; disc; flat
rack gravel- box; International Mc-
Cormick mower 6 -ft. cut; rake; rub-
ber tire wagon; sleighs; Noxon seed
drill; cultivator; harrows; steel tire
buggy; rubber tire buggy.
PROPERTY -100 acres, 2 acres
maple bush, rest of farm is in grass.
Bank barn, driving shed,, 2 storey
frame house. Hydro available, good
water supply, drilled well and spring
creek. Property will be solid subject
to reserve bid.
TERMS -Cash.
George Dundas, Prop.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
2 acres of huslcing corn for sale.
Apply to 11/fits Joseph Campbell 01
phone 830 r 33.
Wanted to buy, a large size force'
pump. Phone 221'4, Dublin central.
Veteran's Spray Paint-
ing Co'y
Are fully equipped to handle any
spray or brush Paint job. Exterior or
interior. Hoples, Farms, Factories, or
Garages, etc.
Estimates gladly furnished.
PHONE .881.11
McConnell & Hays.
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Patrick' D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays
SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174
100 acres, more or less, Lot 7,
Con. '7, Hullett, choice farm land,
good buildings, good brick house,
about ten acres of bush, good drilled
well at the barn, good well at the
house, never short of soft water, and
a good spring in the back field.
Apply to Alfred- Buchanan, phone
841 r 4, Seaforth Central.
Hand turned and Electric Cream
Separators. Enamelled Stoves and re-
pairs for the Anker-Holth Separator.
For particulars phone or write Basil
O'Rourke, Brucefleld. Clinton 618r21.
11/2 storey frame dwelling on John
Watson & Reid, Seaforth
Alvin W. Sillery
Barrister, Solicitor, &c.
Royal Apartments Phone 173
'Phe Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours: -
Tuesday, Thursday. and Saturday
1.90 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Watson & Reid
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates in First -Class
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, F. McGregor, Clinton;
Vice President, C. W. Leonhardt,.
Brodhagen; Secretary -Treasurer and
Manager, M, A. Reid, Seaforth.
W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank.
McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot„
Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born-
holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton;
John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mo -
Ewing, Blyth; Hugh . Alexander,
Walton; George. Leitch, Clinton.
John E. Pepper, Brimfield; R. F.
McKercher, Dublin; J. 3'. Prueter.,
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
Parties desirous to effect insurances'
or transact other business, will be'
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers'
addressed to their respective post
Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods)
mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envel-
ope with price list. 6 samples 25c;
24 samples $1.00. Mail•Order Dept.
T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91,
Hamilton, Ont.
Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.H., Physician.
Dr. P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon.
Office Hours Daily except Wednes-
day 1.30 to 5 p.m., and 7 to 9 p.m.
Appointments for consultation may
be made in advance.
Telephones 26 and 27.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr.' H. H. Ross' office. Phone SW
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr. W C. Sproat
Phone 90 W - Seaforth
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant. New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefield's Bye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from '2 to
4 p.m. - 53 Waterloo St., Stratford.
Telephone 267,
Funeral Director
Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos-
pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell.
Nursery Flowers. Phone 119.
Nights and Holidays 66
Licensed Auctioneer
Household and Farm Stock, Etc.
Reasonable rates and satisfaction
Write or phone Chas. F. Dale, Clin-
ton R.R.4. Phone 616r4, Clinton central
Licensed in Huron and Perth
Specializing in Farm Stock and Farm
Implements, and Household Effeets
For information phone 40r6, Dublin -
Good house, village of Dublin,
Also a number of other properties
in Seaforth listed.
Insurance & Real Estate
Phones: -334 Office Res. 220
Harvest & Fall apples for sale.
Phone Clinton 622-24. Fred Mo-.
Clymont, Varna.
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