HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-09-26, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPT. 26, 1946 r®r THE SEAFORTH NEWS e Musk Lovers B We will open our new RECORD DEPARTMENT ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 With a complete stock of Victor and Plitebird Records and Albums D LY'S Seaforth 1 Egmondviile United Church ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Sunday, Sept.'29th 11 a.m., and 7.30 ppm., standard time SPECIAL SPEAKER Rev. R. H. Turnbull of North St. United Church, Goderich Special Music by the Choir Expert Body and Fender Repairs • and Re -Painting. Daly's Garage SEAFORTH OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Repaired & Recovered .Also Auto Seats and Backs, - Verandah Swings & Steamer Chairs Repaired. Free Pick- up and Delivery Stratford Upholstering Company Phone 579, Stratford For further information apply at Box Furniture Store SEAFORTH Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SIIOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY- for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J. Exeter. YOUR POULTRY MARKET Your "Best Poultry Market is Right at Your Door When you call the Dublin. Produce Co., you receive immediate Highest CASH PRICES for your Chickens and Hens No fuss, no cheques, just plain CASH Just call Dublin Produce Co. Phone Dublin 50 BORN REYNOLDS—At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Sept. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reynolds, Seaforth a son. MCKERCHER —,At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 20th, to Mr, and Mrs. Robert McKercher, R.R.1, Dub- lin, a daughter. FLOOD—At Scott Memorial Hospital on Sept. 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Flood, R.R.1, Varna., a daughter. JACKSON—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Sept. 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jackson, R.R.2, Kipper,l, a daughter. McILWAIN—At Scott -Memorial Hos- pital, on Sept, 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mollwain, R.R:5, Seaforth, a son. ALEXANDER — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sept. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Alexander, R.R.2, Walton, a son. COYNE—In St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton, on Sunday, Sept 15, to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis P. Coyne of Dundas, a daughter, "Mary Lou. Matilda" a sister for Joan and Donnie. • • CONSTANCE Miss Frances Downey spent the week enol visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Win. Downey at Tiverton. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson leave Friday morning to spend a short holi- day visiting friends at New Liskeard. Mr. Donald Stephenson returned to Ajax on Tuesday to resume his studies at the University of Toronto in Engineering Physics in lift second year. Mrs. Frank Riley and Mrs. Joseph Riley were in Stratford ou Monday. Miss Marion Lawson, Miss Bernice Lobb, and Miss Alice Hallman, of Kit- chener, attended the Dexter -Ball wed- ding in Constance United Church on Saturday. ACWWWVIANWWWWIMINVINWI The Ina Grey Beauty Shoppe Has Re -opened APPOINTMENTS TAKEN' FROM 9 A,M. TO 6 P.M. Closed all day Thursday Phone 663 r 21 cl`e`w'. 57011,4 1."1,. SrSu25252525'uSa e.2arp,100,000 People* Recommenni HOUSEHOLD fNA;'C,r; At Household finance you borrow to $1000 quickly. simply— uo endorsers ar bankable to:eari1y needed Stu in or arrange your loan by phone. Usually you get your money the same day. F100A00 pole Forrown,l a( Household In 1943 Ig 1.11 rd 41t0 Loan You Olt s 50 050 zoo 5110 700 10110 175,53 Choow a ,honlhly payment plan 6 12 15 20 24 N7`/rte 5 ,7M,s t,aymts 5o3rnts t+ala»!+ 54,70 Lk 898 .52.60 1720 12.08 52.60 4550 22.48 927.47 50.07 45,54 57,47 40.77 170,87 04.18 71 71 40.77 541.0' 01.54 71.01 27 4102 17.06. 50.17 57.40 9. 20,87 15.76 11.24 cI HOUSEHOLD FO �rI RArrro ST 68 YEARS of eX$CE t$GE and Floor, Royal n nk 20 Do l ne, Ht., came,' l C'. . Phone 256. S RA'r n Loons node to of , 7y ^ut'SL9.01L,Fereea2a -5ryu7' ,e 12 51 ,'Abit f. WANTED r t .,e rd or Alive aim DEAD, OLD OR DISABLED Horses, Cattle, Calves, Sheep and Hogs PROMPT COLLECTION — WE DO THE LOADING DARLING IOpCO. O CANADA LIMITED Phone COLLECT Seaforth, 15; Exeter, 235; Walkerton, 135-r.5 1 DEAD or A po 1ALi S DISABLED Quickly removed in.clean, sanitary trucks, Phone collect 219 MITCHELL WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED • TOWN TOPICS Mr. a.nd'.Mrs, Stewart Geddes of. London spent the: week end hero. Mr. and Mrs. ,Joseph Cook, Toronto, visited last week with friends here, Miss Ruth Pretty, London, spent the week end at the home other par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Pretty, Miss Helen Smith, stndont nurse, St. Joseph's Hospital, London, spent the week end at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith. Miss Betty Dunlop has • returned from spending the past month at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, M. Sergeant W, F. Orren and Mrs. Orren,Roswell, New Mexico Mr. Larry Wright, Toronto, spent a few days last week, with friends here., Mrs. Percy Halle, St. Jacobs, visit' ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bethune over the week end. Misses Marion McGavin and Eleanor Weaver, student nurses, Strat- ford General Hospital, spent Saturday at their homes here. Miss Ruth Joynt, Brantford, visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joynt, over the week end. Miss Louise Stiles,;Reg.N., Chatham, was the guest of her brother, Mr. Murray Stiles and Mrs. Stiles, on Fri- day of last week. Mrs. Robert Murdie of Stratford and Mrs. Parks of Nelson, B.C•, called on. Mrs. Margaret White and Mrs. Geo. Eaton and Mr. McGonigle recently. Mrs. Ferg Bullard and Mr. William Trewartha, of Thamesford, spent the week end with friends. Mrs. Jacic Ellis, Jasper Park, Alta., is visiting her mother Mrs. Mary Cameron. Her husband intends to come soon to Seaforth where they will reside. Mrs. William Deem, Toronto, was a week end visitors in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Savauge, To- ronto, are spending a few days at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mr's. Ross Sava.uge and Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Bechely. Miss Teresa McIver, B.A., left on Monday for Toronto where she will attend O.C.E. Miss Hazel Anderson, Reg.N„ Tor- onto, was a week eucl visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson. Misses Betty Matthews and Doris Fritz, Kitchener, were week end guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mat- thews. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cleary spent last week in Niagara Falls and Buffalo. Mr, and Mrs. Bryson MoQuirter and son Bryson have returned to Midland after spending the past few days at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. F. Storey, North Main St. Miss Teresa McIver was hostess ou Thursday evening at a cup -and -saucer shower for Miss Loretta Bannon, bride -elect of next month. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Teamerson pSr. and sou Bobby, of Rodhester, N.Y., were week end visitors with Mrs. Teamerson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strong. Mr. Kenneth Eaton leaves next week to attend the Rehabilitation School at Queen's Park, Miss Marion Lawson and Miss Ber- nice ennice Lopb of Waterloo spent the week end at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lawson, Huron Road. Mrs. E. M. Flynn and Miss Florence Dinney of London were guests over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. H, Close. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stewart were in London on Monday attending the funeral. of Mrs. Stewart's brother, the late John Coleman. Mr, and Mrs. Ephrlam Clarke and Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Oke and Frank Coleman were in London Monday at- tending the funeral of their cousin the late John Coleman, Mrs, H. Minnett of Toronto is visit- ing at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Box. Mr, John McQuaid has returned from a holiday visit with Mr. and Mrs. Samos McQuaid and Mr. Martin McQuaid, Toronto, and at the Mar- tyr's Shrine, Midland. Mrs. Alex. Broadfoot and daugh- ter, Mrs. Shueraft spent the week - e bndg, with Miss N. Davis at Tillson- ur Mrs. John Pangman of Toronto and Mrs. C. Kilpatrick and daugh- ter, Margaret, of Roxborough, N. Y., were visitors in town on TuesdaY, Dr. McFaul of Toronto is spend- ing a couple of weeks with his sister, Mrs. J. 'G. Mullen and Mr. Mullen. Mr and Mrs H. McNab and family of Toronto were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs. J. G. Mullen. Seaforth Highlanders Band attend- ed the Lucknow Fair on Wednesday. BRUCEFIELD Mrs, (Rev.) Stanway left Friday to visit with her sister who is ill in Gape Breton, Rev, Mr•. t Goodyear who preached here Sunday was guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Aikenhead. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Murray, Donald . and Norma, and Miss Mary H. Murray of St: Helens, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dayman. Miss Doreen Oesch of Blake visited with Mrs. Archie Mustard the first of the week. Miss Marion Paterson, Mr. James Patorson, Miss Betty Woolley and Miss Amy Aikenhead have secured positions in London. Miss Janet Watson of Aylmer spout the week end at her home here. Red Cross workers are needed: please apply to 111e conveners, Mrs. II. Aikenhead for yarn for knitting, and Mrs, W. Douglas for material for sewing, Mrs. J. H. Lazenby visited last week with relatives in Toronto and • Belleville, Want and For Sale Ads., 1 week 25e. DANCE in Cardno's Hall SATURDAY, SEPT. 28 Norm. Carnegie and His Band Admission 40c Let usAquelioe Your Horne for WATERTIGHT SS with the SENSATIONAL WATERPROOF COATING lately featured in leading magazines RES TRADE AR Scientifically stops leakage, seepage, dampnes., inside or outside ... above or below ground .. on porous masonry surfaces such as CONCRETE • CINDER AND MASONRY BLOCKS • STUCCO • COMMON BIM— ROUGH PLASTER Turns wet cellar into playroom, workshop, laun dry! Waterproofs walls, buildings, retaining wall: Damp -proofs foundation—to keep house dam; free! Reconditions leaky swimming pools, fou: tains, cisterns! ECONOMICAL Cost is nominal, We will gladly furnish applic tion estimates. JACO >-i SEAFORTH with new... amazing The Scientific Masonry Coating Magazines Have Raved About Perfect answer to DAMP, LEAKY BASEMENTS, FOUNDATIONS, POOLS, CISTERNS, RETAINING WALLS 0 Penetrates on application. • Fills every tiny pore. • Expands as it dries. e Hardens, Improves with age: Blocks any moisture seepage, • Won't peel, flake or rub off! a White finish can be painted any color! Cost is low. Le; us estimate LLAND PHONE 25 l' 4 i s ANADA'S agricultural wealth springs from the enterprise of individual farmers, supplemented, where necessary, by the friendly co-operation of Banking in Action. The Canadian Bank of Commerce has played a prominent part in the development of this great industry. Its services are available to every enterprising undertaking, whatever the scale,of operations, small or large. Use our services for your banking requirements. Consult our local Manager. 753.A TRS CANADIAN ABANK OF COMMERCE SEAFORTH BRANCH, G. C. BRIGHTRALL, Manasdr 11.•A 1.