HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-09-26, Page 2SCHOOL TRAINS .IAP GIRLS `AMERICAN -STYLE' To hake living smoother for American servicemen and their families in japan, U.S. authorities, aided by the Japanese' Foreign Ministry, have opened a training school in Tokyo where girls are graduates, the 100 students take English lessons, learning American cooking, table service and general housekeeping techniques. A girl must suc- cessfully complete the one-month course before she can work as a housemaid. Photos below show typical scenes at the school. Students learn how to make a bed American style, with carefully squared "hospital" corners on sheets and blankets. "Always serve from the left," says the instructor as she shows how an American style table is set and the meal served. HE ALONE SURVIVED Sole survivor of the plane crash at Elko, Nev., that killed 21 persons was Peter Link, two years old, who was found crying wildly at the edge of the burning wreckage and taken to Elko hospital for treat- ment. Victims included Peter's father, mother and baby sister. FLASH! PEOPLE ARE HONEST! Cynics get a setback in the experience of Lewis A. Drury of St. Louis, Mo., who, in three years of operating two "honor system" parking lots, is convinced that 95 per cent of his fellow -citizens are honest, To pay for parking, drivers just put the money in an en- velope and drop it in a receptacle, as demonstrated above by Louis A. Zimmerman. DIVIDED GERMANY WHERE BYRNES SEEKS UNITY 1 xi Having good industrial concentro- %ok tion, the British zone could build up export trade enough to pay for. Its food -if it stopped supplying coal to. France and eastern Europe, End of coal export considered most unlikely, North Seo Baltic Sea SWEDE TO UN 1.4 FRANCE I French zone, at cost of greatly lowered standard of living, could exist with• out the rest of Germany. French have opposed U.S. and British desire for Germany's future eco- nomic unity Russian zone could be self-supporting, an asset to the So- viet. Coal and steel avail- able in Silesia, annexed by Poland. German disunity would be no disadvantage • to Russia As a separate `;� unit, U. S. zone is worse off than all others. Having al- most no industry, it could only live by sup- port from America yv e�m vfav47 mimmsmivvs mks 1rT- �-�siObsOmmO sW!T Calling for an economically united Germany in his recent Stuttgart speech, Secretary of State Byrnes reiterated that the Potsdam agreement for economic unity has not and is not being carried out. Map above shows chaotic conditions that prevail under independent four - power rule. In his speech, Byrnes opposed separation of the Ruhr and Rhineland;•for which France has held out, blocking unity. Byrnes declared U.S. would co-operate with any Ally seeking unification. Britain long ago proposed economic merger of its zone with that of U.S. but other occupying powers have held aloof. British are restless under knowledge that much of their short food and clothing supply is going to their occupation zone. Because of Soviet zone's self-sufficiency, Russia has great advantage over other Allies, CARRIER ROOSEVELT ARRIVES IN TROUBLED GREECE Crowds of curious Greeks jam the docks at Piraeus, the port to Athens, to watch the mighty USS Franklin D. Roosevelt, America's newest carrier, come to anchor. The F.D.1 . arrived in Piraeus for a four-day visit on Sept. 5. SHE LIKES ANIMALS Wherever she lives, Florence George, blonde opera singing sister- in-law of I3ing Crosby, manages to collect what amounts to a private zoo. Above, she poses with part of her current Hollywood menagerie. Among the 100 birds in her aviary is a South American troupial, which she insists gives vent to a perfect wolf -whistle when a prey• girl's around. Swedish Foreign Minister Oesten Linden was narned his country's first delegate , to the . UN after Sweden had been voted member- ship by the Security Council, meet- ing in New York. CHOICE IS YOURS! Maxwell . House gives you the same marvellous coffee blend, whether in Super -Vacuum Tin (Drip or Regular Grind) or Glassine - Lined Bag .(All Purpose Grind) . ROOMS. BEAVTIFIILLY rune/noun $150 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAGARA FALLS OPP. — O.N.R.. STATION INSECT. confm cling DDT and —.PYRETHRUM. KILLS: Cockroaches, Bedbugs Lice,Pleas„ Ants, Crickets in butlr(ings ::: for head body and puhiclice and per, zonal delousing. As used by allied troops to dust themselves, bedding - clothing, etc. Quick acting oral' safe to use. *Trademark Rez'd A "GREEN CROSS" PRODUCT AT YOUR DEALER 't'' Roils an 'AV 12 "gr,l' 250 DRUG ?ORES BE--SURE—TO—HEAR V 1' T xr A BOOTIE E ES/I LECTURER AUTHOR PREACHER Sept. 15 to Oct. 6 Each Night at Eight Saturday Excepted Sunday — 11 and 7 .p.m. At Elm St. Church 40 Elm Street REV. WILLARD PIERCE D,D., B.D. Mrs. Demarest is the Granddaughter of Gen. William Booth, Pounder, Salvation Army, "With the Traditional Booth Eloquence.'