HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-09-19, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS
THURSDAY, SEPT. 19, 1946
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bennett and
son Gerald of Vancouver, B.C,, visited
last week with the former'$ cousins,
Geo, B. Clarke of Seaforth, Mrs. Oliver
Anderson, Londesboro, W. C. Clarke
of London, and his aunt Mrs. Robert
Clarke, also of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welsh and son
David spent Sunday evening with Mr.
end Mrs. Oliver Anderson,
The undersigned offers for sale,'by
tender TWO barns situated close to the
Village of Dublin, on part of Lot 15,
Concession 1, Hibbert, one 40x56 feet,
the other 30x60 feet, May be inspected
on request.
Tenders may be submitted for both
barns together or for each barn sep-
arately, and must be in the hands of
the undersigned. on or before Sep-
;ember 24, 1946.
The highest or any tender not nec-
essarily accepted.
tario. telephone 6 r 3,
Domestics for Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, good salary with full mainten-
ance. Apply to the Superintendent.
A number of young pigs ready to
wean. Apply to Earl Dignan, Hen -
sail, phone 91 ,r 8, Zurich.
90 Rock pullets starting to lay;
from bloodtested stock. Phone 656r12.
Priced to sell, three acres with
home buildings on Market St.. Sea-
ttrth. If interested phone 35 ring 4,
"iaeque protector :n good order,
315.00. phone 13, Seaforth. `
About .50 year-old Leghorn hens.
lack Melvor, 22r13, Dub)ir.
Card of Thanks
Mrs, Chas. Stephenson and fam-
ily and Mr. and Mrs, George Ste-
phenson desire to thank their neigh-
bours and friends for the litany"ex-
pressions of sympathy extended to
then during their recent sad jl.er-
eavement, also to thank Rev. Reba
Hern, Rev. Mr. Brooks, the teacher
and pupils of S.S. No. 7 Stanley,
the Varna L.O.L. No 1035, and for
the beautiful floral tributes and to
those who loaned cars, or assisted
in any way.
In Memoriam
RATHWELL-In loving .memory of
a dear husband and father, John
Rathwell, who passed away Sept.
One year has passed since that sad
The one we loved was called away.
'We must not grieve, it was His will,
But in our hearts we love hien still,
-,Fondly remembered by his wife
and family.
Ladies tweed coat, chamois lined,
size 14-16, good condition. Also
several dresses, same size. Apply at
The News Office.
Battery radio, table model, Stewart -
Warner, A-1 condition, Phone 6641.41,.
New Moffat stove (Handl-chef) 3
months old. Apply Box 319, Seaforth.
C. J. Dennis, 1 year guarantee.
1 team of Draft horses, 3 -year geld-
ing and a 4 -year-old filly. Charles
Dolmage, phone 840r15,
Lot West Half of 27, Con. 5, Hib-
bert, and Nortb Half of 27, Con.- 4,
on which there is good frame house
and bank aucl straw barn, good drive
shed and henhouse, 204 miles from
highway. Hydro available. Convenient
to schools and churches. .Apply to
Jos. Atkinson, Dublin, Ont.
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Village Lot, Good Brick House &
Furniture. Fred W. Ahrens, auction-
eer. has received instructions to sell
in Brodhagen East End on Thursday,
Sept. 26, at 1 o'clock sharp:
Clare Jewell cook stove with pipes
nearly new, Majestic radio 'r tube, ex-
tension table, buffet with mirror, re-
cord time clock, electric heater, chest
of drawers, chamber set, Raymond
eewing machine drop head, several
iron beds with springs & mattresses,
rocking chairs, dining room chairs,
kiteben chairs, several wooden beds
with springs & mattresses, toilet
chair, hall rack, dressers & stands,
umbrellas, several large mirrors, par-
lor suite of 3 pieces, several small
rugs. centre tables, electric lamps,
bureau with large mirror, bathroom
pail, feather bedding, pillows of all
kinds, window curtains, feather tick-
ing, 5 comforters, mops, flower stands,
armchair, foot stools, tea & dinner
sets of dishes, host of odd dishes and
tancyplece, platters. etc. Kitchen
utensils. large pantry cupboard, gran-
iteware of all kinds, antique. electric
iron. large electric toaster, oar de-
oster. copper boiler. 2 lid racks, ex-
lonf-ion cords, paper rack, couch, sin-
gle bed, kitchen cupboard. electric
washing machine, washtub stand, 8 -
day clock. mantle clock. tea kettles,
sea! scuttle, small electric toaster,
1111, , hopper, granite Sr. aluminum
'settles, crocks, sealers. Leonard elec-
:#, refrigerator, clothes reel. etc„ ce-
ment post forms, lawn mower. wheel
rr;•.w. ladder, furnace. barbed wire,
lite c irpeuter tools. rnaoon tools. etc.
eords hardwood 14", garden tools.'
hives of bees, 75 bee boxes with
i •an c . honey extractor. honey tank,
(led oil stove, steaming knife. 25 lbs.
i r.mbe for bee frames, 50 bee packing
l,.xes for winter, scales. bee supplies.
Property -SS acre lot in Brodhagen,
,ick house & kitchen. New furnace,
:ate roofs, electric light. Hardwood
:Souring. Large verandah. Barn and
hive 1,ed .00x34, metal roof, good well.
Terms on property: 10't day of sale,
Fal. can be arranged, or apply to the
7-rop. Subject to a reserve bid. Terns
ruattels. Cash. No reserve,
OTTO RITZ; Proprietor.
Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer.
Young man or young lady to learn
grocery business, with some high
school education. Apply at The Trews
Hybrid pullets, 5 months old.
Fred Hurst, Seaforth R.R. 2, phone
851 r 22.
Reliable girl or woman wanted
for few weeks housework. Phone
347 J, Seaforth.
9 York pigs six weeks old; 2 pigs
10 weeks old. Donald Buchanan,
Seaforth, phone 850 r 25.
1% storey frame house in the town
of Seaforth, centrally located. Harold
Plowing Demonstration
Sponsored by the Provincial Plow-
men's Association and McKillop
Council to demonstrate and instruct
plowmen in team and tractor plowing
in Sod and Stubble. Friday, Sept. 27.
Lot 17, Con. 5, McKillop, Mr. David
Shannon's Farm, Mr. LeRoy Brown,
District Representative, in charge.
Anyone wishing to plow,' loan trac-
tors or Horses, leave their names with
Township officials.
Plowing to commence at 10 a,m.
Conte out and help put Port Albert
Match over big.
N. R. DORRANCE, Reeve.
3. M. ECKERT, Clerk.
Township of Tuckersmith
Tenders for
Dili Drain Repair
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned until 9 P.M., Saturday,
September 23th, 1946, for the repair of
the Dill Municipal Drain, Tenders to
be submitted according to By -Law No.
8, 1946, Township of Tuckersmith,
which may be obtained at the Clerk's
Office. A certified cheque of 10 per
cent must accompany each tender.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily
Clerk, Twp. of Tuckersmith
Mitchell's Big Fall Fair
FRIDAY, SEPT. 20 - Fall Fair Concert
The Two Dancing Stylists - Novelty and National Dances.
The Two Ardos - Cowboy Singers and Yodelers
Willie Bell - Canada's Cheery Scotch Comedian
Len Burt, Accordeonist - Just returned from Concert Tour overseas
Roy and Doris Head, Ventriloquist, Magician - Beautiful Illusions
Monster Parade to Grounds at 1 p.m. led by London Police Boys' Band
- 60 pieces, who play throughout the afternoon
Mr. J. A. Carroll, Superintendent of Agr. Societies
will officially open the Fair at 1.30 p.m.
BERT CONWAY, Master of Ceremonies
Monica Dodd Dance Girls - Scotrh Pipers and Dancers
The Ripleys - One of Canada's finest acrobatic acts
Harness Races - 2,18, 2.28 Trot or Pace
Purse divided 40, 30,try andee 5% of purse. No deductions.
10 . Mile beats. Every beat aoaceMoney
$2,000 in Prizes
WED. NIGHT -- Crystal Palace Ballroom
Dance to BUSS MILLS and his sensational 11 -piece Band direct from
Wonderland Dance Pavilion, London
William Potts, PresidentW. E. Wood, Sec: Treas.
Community Auction Sale
Of Cattle &,,Pig$. At Harold Jack-
son's Farm, 1 mile east of Seaforth,
on Tuesday evening, Sept, 24th, 7.30
P,M, (note time). $0 head of Durham
& Hereford mixed cattle. Sows,
chucks, and weanel's. Anyone may
put stock in this sale,
HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer,"
E. P. Chesney, Clerk.
Auction Sale
Of Cattle. At Arnold Dale's Farm, 3
miles north of Clinton of highway,
Friday, Oct. llth. List will follow
next week.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
E. P. Chesney, Clerk:
Auction Sale
At Walter Bros. Farm, Colborne Tp.,
Monday, Sept. 30th, at 1 p.m.
90 head of mixed cattle ranging
from 600 to 950 lbs. 15 sows and 80
clunks: List next week,
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
E. P. Chesney, Clerk.
Auction Sale
Strathroy, Sat„ Sept. 21st.
280 mixed stock cattle including a
choice •run of Hereford steers and
heifers. Trucks to deliver; sale every
Sat. Private sales in the week.
A. G. McALPINE, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Of Stock at Porter's Hill, 3 miles
west of Holmesville, on Thursday,
Sept. 26th, commencing at 2 o'clock
sharp (DST).
CATTLE -20 young cows, Holstein,
Durham & Jersey, to calve from Oct-
ober to January. 8 Holstein heifers;
good size and quality, to calve in Oct-
ober anti November, 3 young cows,
freshened; 3 young calves; 4 Here-
ford heifers with calves at foot. 10
heifers supposed to be in calf; 20
well bred Holstein heifer calves 5 to
9 months old. 10 Hereford calves; 16
Holstein & Ayrshire heifers; 30
stocker cattle from 500 to 700 lbs.
PIGS-4brood sows and 25 chunks.
Terns cash,
A. E. TOWNSHEND, Proprietor.
Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. •
Auction Sale
Of a choice herd of blood -tested
young dairy cows, and other farm.
livestock and equipment, At Stew-
art Johnston's farm, Queen Street,
North, adjoining the village of
Blyth, on Thursday, September 26,
1946., at 1:30 pan., the following -
HORSES -Mare, 6 years old,
mare, 9 years old.
• COWS -Holstein cow, fresh; Hol-
stein cow„ fresh 3 months; Holstein
cow, fresh 3 months; Holstein cow,
due Dec. 19; Holstein cow, fresh 4
months; Holstein cow due Nov. 16;
Holstein cow, fresh; . Holstein cow,
due Dec. 21; Holstein cow, due
Jan. 15; Holstein cow, due Mar. 28,
Holstein cow, due April 26; Ayrshire
cow fresh 3 months; 'Holstein cow
fresh 2 months; Jersey heifer, fresh
2 months; Brindle cow, due Dec. 18;
Jersey cow, supposed to be in calf;
Holstein cow, fresh; Holstein cow,
supposed to be in calf; Holstein heif-
er, 2 years old, in calf; black heif-
er, springer; Jersey heifer, 3 years
old, in calf; some spring calves.
HARNESS -Set of double har-
SHEEP -37 ewes, 3 and 4 years
HENS -100 White Leghorn hens,
1 year old.
EQUIPMENT - Delaval Magnetic
Speedway Milking Machine, com-
plete with 2 single units, and a new
-horse electric motor, rubber -tired
wagon and hay rack, on 32-6 truck
tires, like new.
Terms -Cash.
Stewart Johnston, Proprietor.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
To close the estate of the late
Joseph Nagle, there will be offered for
sale by Public Auction, at Lot 21,
Concession 3, Township of Hibbert,
13!i miles South of Dublin and 11/4
miles West, on Monday, September
30th, at 2 p.m., the following parcels
of real estate:
Parcel One: The premises Lot 21,
Concession 3, Hibbert Township, con-
ontaining 100 acres close to schools and
churches, bank barn, valuable gravel
and sand pit. Good land running from
sand and gravel loam to heavy clay.
No waste land, all seeded, Drilled well,
rural hydro available.
Parcel Twb: The East half of Lot
19, Concession 3, Hibbert, two miles
South West of Dublin, containing 60
acres, good grass land, now all seed-
ed, water at both ends of farm, 30
acres tillable.
Terms: 10 per cent cash on date of
sale, balance 30 days, Stibjeet to a
reserve -bid,
JOHN NAGLE, Executor of the
Estate'of Joseph Nagle, proprietor.
Joseph L. Ryan, Auctioneer.
Time Table Changes
Sunday, Sept. 29, 1946
and other specific dates
Full information from Agents
Canadian National
Clearing Auction Sale
Farm Stock and Implements, 11/4
north and 3 miles east of Seaforth,.
Lot 13, Con. 2, McKillop Twp.,
Thursday, Oct. 3rd at -1 p.m.•
Horses -1 bay horse 7 years old;
matched team of grey percherons.
rising 3 and 4 years old.
CATTLE -1 black cow due Mar.
20th; 1 brindle cow due Mar. lith;
1 Holstein cow •due Apr. lst; 1 Here-
ford cow 'due Mar. 22nd; 1 red cow
due Apr, 3rd; 5 Durham steers 800
lbs; 2 Durham heifers 800 lbs;_ 6
Durham year-olds; 4 spring calves.
PIGS -12 York chunks 125 lbs;
7 pigs 150 lbs.
POULTRY -70 year-old hens)
100 hybrid pullets 5 months old.
IMIPLEMENT.S M.H. binder 7 -
ft; M.H. mower, , MH. hay loader
(like new) ; sulky rake; M.H. fertil-
izer 11 disc drill (2 yrs old); spring -
tooth cultivator; harrows; riding
plow; walking plow; disc; McCor-
mick Deering truck wagon, ...roller
bearings (like new); hay rack; good
set of farm sleighs; fanning mill; 4 -
wheel trailer; brooder oil stove;
chicken shelters; Renfrew cream sep-
arator !(like new) ; 1.80 ft. of hay'
rope; fork and slings.
HARNESS -1 'set of backbend
harness; 1 set of plow harness;
number of horse collars.
HAY AND GRAIN -25 tons of
hay; 1500 bus. of mixed grain.
LUMBER -Frame for shed, 20 x
40 with rafters; quantity of 1 inch
lumber and 2 x 4 scantling; whipple-
trees; neckyokes; forks;; shovels;
chains and a host of other articles.
TERMS -Cash.
Dennis Feeney, Prop.
E. P. Chesney, Clerk.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Auction Sale
Clearing Farm Sale. Farm is sold. In Hul-
lett Township, lea mile east of Londesborough.
On Tuesday, Sept. 24th, at 1 p.m.
HORSES -1 bay horse. 9 years old; 1 bay
team 8 years old.
CATTLE - 1 black cow 6 years old, due
March 21; 1 roan Cow 8 years old, due June
lst; 1 black cow '4 years old, due June 1st
1 Durham cow 4 years- old, due Apr. 18 ; 1
red cow 8 years old, due April 18; 1 Jersey'
cow ; 8 spring calves,
IMPLEMENTS - Massey Harris loader;
Massey Harris manure spreader;. fanning
mill, harrows, turnip drill,. 2 riding plows;
walking plow, harrow cart, seed drill, mower,
root' pulper, straw pipes, 2 wagons, sleighs.
hay rack, gravel box, wagon box, Renfrew
cream separator. rake, cutter, harness and
collars, forks. shovels, chains, etc.
HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - Britannia cook
stove, 2 coal oil stoves, organ, wash machine;
crib ; 2 beds. mattresses and springs, bedroom
suite; 2 hanging (amps, gasoline lamp,
Terms cash. -
MRS.- MABEL RILEY, Proprietress.
E.. P. Chesney, Clerk.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Strayed on to Lot 12, Con. 4, Hul-
lett, on or about the first of August.
Owner can have by proving prop-
erty and paying charges. Apply to
Thomas J. Adams.
Forty-five Sussex Red hybrids, five
months. Apply to Clarence Regele.
Phone 64r9, Dublin.
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock, Implements, Feed and
Household goods at Lot' 3, Concession 8, Hul-
lett; 3% miles east of Clinton and 11/.., miles
north ; or 8161 miles west of Seaforth and 111
miles north, on Wednesday, Sept. 18th, et 1
P.M. sharp DST, the following:
HORSES -Matched Porcheron team 5 and 5
years old, about 1400 lbs.; driving- horse 8
years old (good .single or double).
CATTLE -White Durham cow 8 years old,
due October 26th • grey Durham cow 6 years
old, to freshen. Nov. 1st; grey Durham cow
7 ye,ns old, freshened t grey Durham cow 4
years old, to freshen in April; grey Durham
cow 6 years old, to freshen in April; rod Dur-
ham cow 5 years old, freshened; black cow 4
Years old to freshen in January; black cow 4
Years old to freshen in February.; Jersey
heifer to fl'eshen ;0 April • grey Durham cow
4 years old with calf at foot; 3 -2 -year-old
Durham steers approx. 1000 lbs; 4 -2 -year-old
Durham heifers approx. 1000 the; 7 year-old
Durham steers; 5 Year-old Durham heifers;
red -Durham bull, 1,sear old ; 8 Durham eslves
PEGS - Tamworth sow due time of sale ;
Yorkshire sow. due November 20th: Yorkshire
sots clue December 28rd, POULTRY &c.-100
ys1 cid Leghorn hens; 125 Sussex _ pullets;
Colony house; brooder stove; 2 shelters.
IMPLEMENTS - M.H. 13 run. Beed drill.
with fertiletor attachment; mower, 6 ft. cut;
14 plate inthrow disc; spring tooth cultivator
(nearly new),
3 drum roller• 4 section
rows muffler; 2 walking rake; • riding plow
(nearly new) ;
10£t. hay rake farm wagon;
buggy,;. cutter; bay rack; gravel box; cutter;.
set sloop sleighs; M.H. 9 -inch grinder (near-
ly new); root pulper; Clinton fanning mill.
Delaval cream separator grind stone; 2 oak
barrels; pig: crate; ladder; whiffle trees; neck
yokes; forks; shovels, tools, numerous other
articles. HARNESS -Set of breeching harn-
ess; set of back -band harness; set single
harness; collar tops; 6 horse collars;. set bells
HOUSEHOLD GOODS - MoCiray's range
(good condition) ; Quebec - stove (large size) ;
Philco battery radio; sideboard, couch; 2'
washing machines; glass cupboard; table; 2
beds and springs; dresser and wash stand;
Coleman lamp and lantern; 26 sap pails; also
a collie dog and numerous other articles:
GRAIN & FEED -600 bus. mixed grain.
100 bus. barley, 10 bus, timothy seed.
Terms cash. No reserve as proprietor has
sold his farm.
Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple-
ments at lot 22, eon. 13, McKillop
Twp. 2/ miles south and 54 mile
east of Walton, on Tuesday, October
1st, at 1 pm,
HORSES -..1 black mare rising 4
yrs. old; 1 bay mare rising 4 yrs
old; 1 driver.
COWS -1 Durham cow to freshen
in Dec.; 1 black cow to freshen in
Feb.; 1 Holstein cow to freshen in
;Feb.; 1 cow to freshen in Feb.
CATTLE -1 Durham heifer 2
years old; 7 heifers, yearlings; 9
steers, yearlings; 6 calves.
IM-PLEMENTS-plow; disc; flat
rack gravel box; International Mc-
Cormick mower 6 -ft cut; rake; rub-
ber tire wagon; sleighs; Noxon seed
drill; cultivator; harrows; steel tire
buggy; rubber tire' buggy.
PROPERTY -100 acres, 2 acres
Maple bush„rest of farm is in grass
Bank barn, driving shed, 2 storey
frame house. Hydro available, good
water supply,
drilled well
and spring
creek. Property will be sold subject
to reserve bid.
TERMS -Cash.
George Dundas, Prop.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
TOMATOES - The old favorite, but with a new taste -thrill.
Fancy firm, red and ripe: delightful during the warm weather!
We draw your attention to our fruit display. We have reason to
believe it, the finest in this neighborhood.
Large displays of Tomatoes, Peaches, Bananas, Pears,
Plums, Melons, etc.
Robinhood 98s-$2,49 Robinhood Oats, 5 lb. -25c
Strayed from lot 23,'cpn. 1, Hib-
bert, four white-faced yearlings,.
have hole in -left ear. Please notify
Alphonsus Cronin, phone 22 r 23,
Dublin Central
Auction Sale
Of House Furnishings in the vii-
age of Exeter, opposite Ernest
Cooper's garage, Sat. Sept 21, 1:30
.1 3 -piece chesterfield suite (new),
wine, 1 blue chair; kitchen table and
6 chairs, stool; breakfast room suite
maple; extension table; 4 chairs and
buffet; studio couch; small 'rocker;
general electric cabinet radio; 2 -end
table; smoker stand; 1 twilight lamp
(new) 2 table lamps; 3 pair of
drapes; 4 new eongoleum rugs
Knew); 1 •bedroom suite; dresser,
bed -spring and mattress; high chair;
child's commode chair; Princess Pat
cook stove -heating stove; coal oil,
stove '(like new); cupboard; quantity
dishes and kitchen utensils; tricycle;
1929 Pontiac coupe (new tires);
-Beatty electric washing machine in
Al condition; writing desk; gate-leg
cherry table; davenport; couch.
Terms -Cash,
Clarence Reid, Prop.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock, Implements, Harness, Grain:
and Feed and Household Goods at Lot 16, '811;
Concession, of Hullett, 5 miles north of Clin-
ton (No. 4 Highway), and 21h miles east or
14 miles south of Londesboro (No. 4 High-
way and 21ri� miles east, on "Friday, September
27th, at. 1 p.m, sharp (DST), the following:
HORSES -Team of bay mares 10 years old ;
Bay mare 6 years old; Bay mare rising 8
years old; Bay' filly rising 2 years old; Bay
gelding 1year old. The above mentioned
horses have six straight crosses of Clyde, and
were eligible for registration.. General pur-
pose marc 6 years old; will work single or
double (suitable horse for a mail route.
CATTLE -Roan Durham cow, 6 years old,
due Nov. 3rd: white Durham cow, 6 yearn
old, due Nov. 9th' roan Durham cow, 6 years
old, recently freshened ; roan Durham cow,
aged, recently freshened; red Durham cow,
8 years old, due Deo. 18th; red Durham cow,
9 years old, due Jan. 4th ; roan Durham heifer
3 years old, due Feb. lith; red Durham cow
9 years old, due March 2nd roan Durham
cow, 6 ye,irs old. due March 80th; roan Dur-
ham cow 9 years old. due May 8th ; red Dur-
ham cow 6 yearn old, due March 1st ; 3 steers
rising 2 years old; 8 heifers rising 2 years old,
2 yearling steers; yearling heifer; 8 spring
calves. PIGS -6 pigs 6 months old; 8 pigs
4 months old; 5 -pigs. 2% months old; 8 pigs,
2 months old. POULTRY 60 1 -year-old hy-
brid ei hens Sussex
m nths older; 11 Pekin ducks;horn cock-
erels, u
city house x 14', brooder stove.
IMPLEMENTS - M.H. binder. 6. ft. cut;
M.H. mower 6 ft, cut, withithpea harvester;
M.H. 2 row stuffier withbean puller attach-
ment, ; M.H. 3 inch steel farm wagon (nearly
new). and 16 foot flat rack; Deering 10 £t.
hay rake; Deering 11 disc drill; Maxwell hay
loader; cultivator; 2 furrow plow ; #4 Ver-
ity walking plow; 2 drum wooden roller ; 8-
inch Vossot grain grinder; Coleman grain
roller; No. 1.2 Delaval cream separator• ' b-
hp engine (burns fuel .oil) ; root pulper ;har-
row cart; hand turnipsower; wheel barrow;
chains, whifflele; set ngtre s,rmne neck yokes,
tools, etc. mrornSs-Set.of double breeching
harness; set plow harness ; pair of bridles;
single bridle and breast collar; 4 horse
1511 ton of GRAINAND
h gyp approximately 01200 bur.
mixed grain ; bag of 'feed beans.
HOUSEHOLD GOODS-Phonola 6 tube bat-
tery radio; Beatty Washing machine; Mo-
Clary's range; coal oil stove; Daisy churn;
double bed, and springs; 2 dressers and wash
stands; 2 couches, 2 lanterns, and lamps; nu-
merous other articles. TERMS, cash.
No reserve as proprietor has sold his farm.
Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer.
EARN EXTRA MONEY this "easy" way
with Regal's 21 card Feature. Assortment. Sell
Canada's newest, fastest -Belling Christmas-
Cards. Exclusive with Regal. Sell the 21 -card
feature box for $1, or Regal's famdue
Friendship" Box of all -occasion cards.
Double Sales! Introduce Regal's wonderful
new Canadian Scenes Box, 16 cards by fam-
ous Canadian artists 51. 3tegal's new Framed-
Gift Pictures of authentic Canadian 'scenes are
ideal Christmas Gifts. Sell for 31. - Learn- the
intriguing details. Up to 500q6, clear profit.
Write NOW for agent's 1946 Catalog. REGAL
STATIONERY 00. LTD., Dept. G6, 105
Simone St., Toronto,. Ont•, or Dept,. G6, 168
W. Hastings St.,.. Vancouver, B.C.
Township of Tuckersmith will sponsor a
Practice Plowing. Match to be held on Gordon
Richardson's farm, two miles east of Bruce -
field on the M;11 Road, Friday, October 4th.
Coaches will be present to coach partici-
pants in preparation for the Provincial -Plow -
Ing Match to be held at Port Albert on Oct,
Plowing to be either with horses or tractor
and interested .parties are asked to notify
Arthur Nicholson, Reeve, Phone 666 r 2,
Seaforth, of their intention to plow at this
Notice To Creditors
WEBSTER, late of the Township of
Tuckersmith in the County, of. Huron,
Widow, Deceased.
All persons having claims against
the Estate of the above deceased are
required to file the same with the
undersigned Solicitor for the Estate,
on or before the 23rd day of Sep-
tember, A.D. 1946, after which date
the assets will be distributed amongst
the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which
notice shall have been given.
DATED at Clinton, this 3rd• day of
September, A.D.
F. F'INGLAND, K.C.,.Clinton, Ontario
Solicitor for the said Estate,
McConnell & Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc,
Patrick D. McConnell, H, Glenn Hays,
SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174
Veteran's Spray Paint-
ing Co'y
Alvin W..Sillery
Barrister, Solicitor; &o.
Royal Apartments Phone 173
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.80 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Are fully equipped to handle any
spray or brush Paint job. Exterior or.
interior. Homes, Farms, Factories, or
Garages, etc.
Estimates gladly furnished..
PHONE 80.-11
Watson & Reid
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ffected at lowest rates in First -Class.
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, F. McGregor, Clinton;
Vice President, C. W. Leonhardt,
Brodhagen; Secretary -Treasurer and
Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank
McGregor, Clinton Alex Broadfoot,.
Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born-
holm; E. J Trewartha, Clinton;
John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Me -
Ewing, BIM; Hugh Alexander,
Walton; George Leitch, Clinton.
John E. Pepper, Bruoefield; R. F:o
McKercber, Dublin; J. P. -Prueter,
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
Parties desirous to effect insurances
or transact other business, will be
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post
Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Physician,
Dr. P. L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon.
Office Hours Daily except Wednes-
day 1.30 to 5 p.m., and 7 to 9 p.m.
Appointments for consultation may
be made in advance.
Telephones 26 and 27.
100 acres, more or less, Lot 7,
Con. '7, Hullett, choice farm land,.
good buildings, good brick house,.
about ten acres of bush, good drilled
well at the barn, good well, at the
house, never short of .soft water, and
a good spring in the back field.
Apply to Alfred Buchanan, phone
841 r 4, Seaforth Central.
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5W
Hand turned and Electric;_ Cream
Separators. Enamelled Stoves and re-
pairs for the Acker-Holth Separator.
For particulars phone or write Basil
O'Rourke, Brucefteid. Clinton 618r31.
134 storey frame dwelling on John
street, •
Watson & Reid, Seaforth.
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr. W C. Sproat '
Phone 90 W - Seaforth
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York '
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefleld's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m. 53 Waterloo St., Stratford.
Telephone 267.
Funeral Director
Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos-
pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell
Nursery Flowers. Phone 119.
Nights and Holidays 65
Licensed Auctioneer
Household and Farm Steak Etc.
Reasonable rates and satisfaction
Write or phone Chas. F. Dale, Clin-
ton R.R.4. Phone 616r4, Clinton central
Licensed in Huron and Perth •
Specializing in Farm Stock and Farm
Implements, and Household Effects
For information phone 40r5, Dublin.
Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods)
mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envel-
ope with price list. 6 samples 25c;
24 samples 31.00. Mail -Order Dept.
T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91,
Hamilton, Ont.
Good house, village of Dublin,
Also a number of other properties
in Seaforth listed.
Insurance & Real Estate
Phones: 334 Office. Re.. 220
Harvest & Fall apples for sale.
Phone Clinton 622-24. Fred Me-
Clymont, Varna.