HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-09-19, Page 7FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA The photo above has come a long way—from the bottom of Bikini lagoon, in the Pacific, through the air, over telephone wires to this paper. It shows a Navy diver stirring up "coral dust" as he moves about on the sea bottom, 162 feet down, duringatomic bomb test preliminaries. Taken by underwater photography used formine disposal during the war, the photograph was transmitted by radio over Telephoto equipment to San Francisco, where it was sent by Telephoto on telephone lines to various points throughout the country. Highlights of. the News U.S. Price Lid Off The United States Congress has tossed overboard all price and rent controls. The way is open for un- bridled inflation, and there are many dire predictions of what will happen with the rein taken off completely. The first day without price con- trol found most prices holding to their OPAlevels. However, live- stock prices rose to record highs. Rents rose insomeareas, as much as 33 1/3 per cent, President Truman in a nation- wide broadcast made the following three-way appeal: To the voters—to make known to the lawmakers their determina- tion "to retain price controls and so prevent inflation." To congress —to speed temporary extension of the powers of OPA and then "pass a workable bill." To business—to "exercise self restraint" against skyrocketing of prices until con- gress -acts. The Federal Government of Canada it was authoritively stated in Ottawa, has decided to stand firm in the matter of maintaining its presentprice ceilings, despite disbanding of price ceiling admin- istration in the United States. "Caretaker" Council for India A "caretaker" Executive Conn - dl for India, composed of six Britons and two Indians, was an- nounced by Viscount Wavell. His announcement came as the British Cabinet Mission, which spent fourteen weeks in India to formu- late a plan for Indianindepen- derce, departed for England. TAKEOFF TO HISTORY: JULY 1 AT CROSSROADS Airborne at 6:55 a.m. on July 1, Kwajalein time, tha B-29 "Dave's Dream" roars over the Kwajalein Island airstrip, carrying the atomic bomb it dropped over Bikini three hours later. JULY 1 AT BIKINI: ATOMIC CLOUD BOILS UPWARD From the sky bridge of Vice Admiral Blandy's flagship, the USS Mt. McKinley, this towering atomic cloud was the skyline over Bikini a few seconds after the A-bomb drop July 1, Bikini time. Mt. Mc- Kinley was approximately 10 miles from the bomb blast when this photo was taken. Widespread Raids in Palestine The British Army seized leaders of the powerful Jewish Agency for Palestineduring a gigantic pre- dawn raid ;throughout the -Holy Land in what High Commissioner Gen: Sir Alan "Cunningham said was a drive to smash .terrorism; The Jewish Agency is the offi- cially recognized body under the Mandate which has charge of ar- rangements for Jewish immigration to Palestine. Jerusalem was cut off from the world. Troops occupied the an- cient capital, and outside the city signs were posted saying, "no en- trance, no exit", Sir Alan announced that Brit- ain's patience had run out because of the Jewish communities' "cam- paign of vilification, incitements and threats of 'defiance to British warnings". He said lawlessness from any source henceforth would be sup- pressed with the utmost vigor while talks about Palestine's future are in progress. The Budget Finance Minister Ilsley last week headlined his first peacetime budget with what was called "sub- stantial" reductions in personal, corporation and excess profits taxes—all effective Jan. 1, 1947, Less Bread -More Meat The British government has an- nounced that bread rationing in Britain will begin July 21. John Strachey, food minister, told the House of Commons that flour also will be rationed from that date. Strachey said that both bread and flour would go on the ration list, but that simultaneously there would be a slight increase in the meat ration. It was the first time bread has been rationed in Britain's history and Conservative leader Winston Churchill foreshadowed possible Opposition criticism of the move by terming it one of the "gravest" peacetime announcements in• the House of Commons. One Bikini Casualty Vice -Admiral W. H. P. Blandy, conun:uier of the Bikini Atom Bomb Fleet, said not a single per- son was killed or injured in the atom bomb test but he disclosed that one pilotless drone plane plunged into the sea. In a broadcast from his flagship, the U.S.S. Mt, McKinley, Admiral Blandy said all other drones were successfully flown through the clouds caused by the atomic bomb and returned to their bases for in- spection, The missing drone crashed before the bomb was dropped, he added. , WEAPONEERS ' FOR A -DAY ` Under the nose of "Dave's Dream" at Kwajalein, Dr. R. S. War - rater (center), in charge of scientists and technicians of the Los Alamos preparation group, confers with L. D. Smith (left) and Ensign David Anderson, who rode with the atom bomb to arm it. `FLYING PANCAKE' IS A WHIZ The United States Navy has announced successful experimental flights of a radically new fighter plane, shaped like a pancake, able to hover at almost standstill speed or whiz along at from 425 to 500 miles per hour. It's the XF5U-1, built by Chance Vought Aircraft at Bridgeport, Conn. The photo above shows flight of the "Bug," an experimental model, with 75 -horsepower engines. The actual "Pancake" will have two R-200-2 engines, either of which can drive both propellers in case one engine fails. WHY, THAT BLANkery, BLANK LITTLE RUFFIAN, I'LL FIX HIM FOR. TH15 4, III COlh \\°A DJ1BVER. ALMOST ,JUMP OUT OF YouR •CHAtR WHEN THE YOUNGSTERNExTDooR SMASHES A BASE -BALL THROUGH YOUR LIVINGROOM WINDOW CERTAttILY SoRRY, MR,MARTIN, is KNOW HoW You FEEL—Bur WE WERE ) io6 ONCE oURSELVES HAVE A CIGAR, MfL, MARTIN t'LL'rEu.: 141S PARENTS 'A THING OR TWO, BELIEVE ME/ NOW DoN'TBE RASH, DEAR, `(HeY'RE REALLY VERY NICE PEOPLE AND, GRABEN° youir2 HAT, You HEAD FGR YOUR NEIGHlaoR's HOME To GIVE HiM A PIECE of YouR MIND ABo(T HoW TO BRING up CHILDREN 7liATS R{GHT, ,.JACK t'LLSEN' soMEBODy ovER TO Fh( THAT WINDOW To-MoRRo` R+� v •:4 4/ Sul WHEN YOU OET THERE HE INVITES You IN, HANDS YOU A 2S¢ CIGAR. ANDTURNS OUT To BEA REGULAR FELLOW ^^wE= BLACK -,.. `, `II4 DJ EVER START O FiC RETHAT IF EVERyBooy WOULDGETTo RNOW HIS NEIGHBOR BETTER THERE WOULD 8EA LOT MORE UNDERSTANOING ANDi`RIENDLINEES IN THE WORLD TO -DAY P •► 6 -BW BREWERY