HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-09-12, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1946 HENSALL Card of Thanks FOR SALE Miss Margaret Shannon wishes to 2 square hardwood timbers, good g anti sound, size 28' x 10' square, on anksgiving Services1 ThPei Loons to afriends and Harvest I nk the neighbors lot 138, Market St, Harry Acldicott, theix kindness during the illness and; Seaforth. cath of her sister, Mrs.' Henderson• will be held in St. Pauls Anglican Church' Sunday, Sept. 15th at 11 a.l m. and 7.P• m. Special, speaker for the morning will be the Rev. M. A. Garland M.A. of London and in the evening the Rev. Charlie E. Lang-' ford AL A. of Mitchell. County Police, Chas. Salter, Mrs.! Salter and daughter of Blyth visited during the pact week with Mrs. Sal-' ter's mother, Mrs. Mar}McKaig and. aunt Miss Eliza Newell. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brook were guests at the Cornish — Hamilton' wedding in 'Cromarty Presbyterian' Church on Saturday Mr. Wesley Jones who has been Confined to Westminster Hospital,' London, for the past week is slowly mother and sister Barbara. improving London Miss June Saundercock of Lo spent the weekend at the borne ofl hey' mother Mrs. Annie Saundercoek. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.' W. B. Cross who are confined t! Joseph Hospital, London, are .pleased to know they are improving. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Sherrie and son of Hamilton spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Sherrie. Mrs. Hugill returned to her home in Clinton after spending the past two weeks with her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and. Mrs. Norman ) Jones. 1VIr. and Mrs. 'Wesley n .it ean ixh FOR SALE In Memoriam I Hitchen range `Good Cheer" with PATTERSON—In loving memory 01, water front reservoir and warming Doris June Patterson,; who passed', in good condition; 2 panel away Sept. 11th, 1944.. � doors 6' 10" .x 34"; a number of In memory of one with whom our panes of glass. Apply at News Office paths have had to part; FOR SALE Who yetis never' far from us but always close in heart; Thirty ,Rock pullets, March whose cherished -memory lives on to hatched, Roe's breed. Price $1,75. comfort us today, j Apply at The News Office. And keep that dear one in our FOR SALE thoughts 6 chunks. Apply to Fred Huisser, Each step along life's way. Louisa St. Seaforth. —Ever remembered by father; and daughters Shirley and Mrs. a g Morenz motored to Detroit on Sat -1, 47 Seaforth. STRAYED urday to attend the wedding of Mrs.I Hui - Clearing nephew, Mn Jack Mac -1 Strayed on to Lot 12, Con. 4, Leen lett on or about the first of August. Auction Sale Auction Sale Of House'and Household Effects.— Strathroy, Sept. 14. 250 cattle in- On West William St., Seaforth, on Saturday, Sept. 14th, at 1,30 - p.m. eluding feeder steers and heifers; Silk Repp chesterfield:.' suite, 3 stocker steers and heifers, also, stock piece; 3 walnut tables; several small cows. Trucks to deliver. Sales every tables; 2 electric lamps; hall tree; Sat. Private sales in the week. A. G. small desk; settee, 2 chairs; scatter McAlpine, Auctioneer. matts;' rug; 'china cabinet;dining WANTED I room table and chairs; tray; jardin- Discharged C.W.A.C. fully quali- ler-; dishes; fern stand;- couch; cor- ned as typist requires position,' ner cupboard; walnut chest of draw - three years experience. P.O. Box 47I table; chairs; drop-leaf ita'blekltchen w wash- Seaforth. ing machine, electric plate; electric WANTED I stove; ash sifter; copper boiler; gar - Experienced farmer desires posi- den tools. tion as single farm hand. P.O. Box Terms—Cash The estate of the late C. Dowson. For further particulars apply to Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Farm Stook and Iml,lemente. 3 miles north of Goderioh, on. Blue Water Highway, Col- borne Twp.,. on Thursday,: Sept. 10th, at 12 p,m. DST. 7 Reg. holstein cows. 12 Hereford & Durham cows. 24 Hereford & Durham steers, 800 to 900 lb -00 other mixed cattle. Pigs. Poultry, And a full line of Farm: Machinery. Cattle may. remain on grass for 'rest of season without extra cost., Farm sold. JAMES CHISHOLM, Prop. E. P. Chesney, Clerk,. Harold Jackson,"Avetionee•.. Lean.uction Sale, The regular meeting of the W.M.WMOwner can have by iarovinAg prop - . roto Of House Furnishings in the vil- E. of Carmel Presbyterian Church city and paying charges. APPY age of Exeter, opposite Ernest will be held in the school -room of Thomas J. Adams. Cooper's garage, Sat. Sept 21, 1:30 the church on Thursday at 3. p.m. I FOR SALE p.m. Auction Sale Clearing Firm Sale. Farm is sold. in' Hul- lett Township, 0, mild east of Londesborough. On Tuesday, Sept. 24th, at 1 pm. HORSES -1 buy horse 9 years old; 1 bay team S years 01(1. CATTLE — 1 black cow 6 years old,- due March 21 1 roan Cow �9 years old, due June 1st; 1 black cow -4 years old, due June let; 1. Barham cow 4' year's old, due Apr. 13; 1 red -cow S years old; due April 13 ; 1 JerseY cow; 3 spring calves. IMPLEMENTS — Mnasey Harris loader; Masses Harris manure spreader; fanning milt, •harrows, turnip drill, 2 riding plows; walking plow, harrow cart, seed drill, mower, root pulper, straw pipes, 2. wagons, sleighs, hay rack, gravel box, wagon box, Renfrew cream- separator, rake, .cutter, harness and'. collars, forks, shovels, chains, etc. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Britannia wok stove, 2 coal oil stoves, organ, wash machine; sib; 2 beds, mattresses and springs, bedroom suite; 2 hanging Lamps, gasoline Lamp. Terms cash. MRS. MABEL RILEY, Proprietress. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. - 0 Pure bred Durham bull 13 months Card of Thanks old. Apply to Pat. Ryan, one mile wi1 8 -piece chesterfield suite (new),ne, 1 blue chair; kitchen table and south of Dublin. 1 6 chairs, stool; breakfast room suite We wish to express appreciation maple; extension table; 4 chairs and to Rev. Patton, Mr. and Mrs. Whit WANTED buffet studio couch; small rocker; ney and Lois, those who sent flowers A middle aged lady for companion general electric cabinet radio; 2 -end and loaned cars _ and those who to elderly lady, 1 day off a week table: smoker stand; 1 twilight lamp S elped in any may during our her- and $10. a month. Apply Mrs. Fred ,(new) 2 table lamps; 3 pail; of eavenlent. Mr. Hugh Gordon and Hurst, Seaforth, R.R. 2,I drapes; 4 new congoleum rugs family. STRAYED 1 (new); 1 bedroom .suite; dresser, FOR SALEbed spring and mattress; high. chair; A good hand washing machine child's commode chair; Princess Pat Clearing Auction Sale 02 Farm Stock, Machinery,. & a few House- hold Effects.. At Lot 7, Con. 8, Morris Twp., 1'34 miles north of Blyth and i1,, miles east. On Wed., Sept. 18111, at 1: -p.m. ;'harp. HORSES -1 bay gelding, 10 years old; 1 bay gelding, 12 years old. CATTLE—Dulhame and Herefords. 1 Dur- ham cow 5 years old, bred July 8th; 1 Here- ford heifer, 8' years old, freshened July 24 ; 1 Durham cow. 8 years old, bred July are; 1 T•Iereford heifer 3 years old, bred May 16th; 1 Hereford cow, 5 years old, bred May 12; 1 Durham cow, 7 years old, bred August 24111; 1 Durham cow, 9 years old, supposed 'freshen Nov. 10; 1 Hereford cow, 6 years old, bred. Mny 25111; 1 Hereford heifer, 3 years old supposed to freshen Nov. 16 3 Herofw•rl steers, 2 years old, about 1000 ]hs; 2:Hereford steers, 1 year old; 1 Hereford heifer, 11(4 years old; 1 Durham. heifer, 1 • year old; 4 Hereford heifers. 1 year old; 1 Hereford steer 10 months old; 3 Hereford spring calves; 2 Hereford young calves. PIGS -7. Young Pigs, weaned 4 weeks; 1 brood sow, with 11 young pigs, ready to avean; 1 young sow, bred 3 •eeks; 1 sow varying second litPr, bred August 16th. POULTRY &u-140 Plymouth Rock pullets, 41/4 months Roe breed; 126 roosters, 454 months old; 1 colony house, 10' x 10', wired for electric brooder; 1 electric brooder, 500 capacity; 1 Buckeye coal burner brooder stove; 2 range coops, water fountains and feeders; 1 compressed air sprayer IMPLEMENTS—Rubber-tired wagon, with 2 extre steel wheels ; hay reek, 16 feet long, with half rack; International hay loader, in good repair; McCormick -Deering side rake, nearly new ; Deering mower, 6 foot cut; Mc- Cormick -Deering - Cormick -Deering binder. 7 foot cut, od repair; Massey -Harris fertilizer drill, 11 -hoe; International manure spreader;. Deering cul- tivator; disk; set of 6 -section harrows, with stretchers; 1 -furrowed riding plow, wooden bec sulky: No, 21 fleury walking plow ; roller; root politer; 2 steel -tired buggies; set. of scales 1200 lb capacity ; small . pig crate; set bench sleighs, with bunks; cutter; waffler; sap pan, 10 feet long; 60 SUP pails and spites; DeLnval cream separator, 600 1b capacity; set brass -mounted team harness, in good repair; horse collars: set single harness; Pair horse blankets, new; gr inding fanning mill. Whililetrees, neck yokes, forks, shovels- numerous other articles. A FEW HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. 'Perms cash. No reserve as Farm is sold, J. LESIE FEAR, R.R. 2, Blyth, Pron. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E, P, Chesney, Clerk. Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Implements, Harness, Grain mrd Feed mrd Hopsehold Goods at Lot 16, 801 Concession of Hullett, 5 miles north of Clin- ton (No. 4 Highway), and 21,1, miles east or VA miles south of Londesboro (No. 4 High- way and 21,62 miles east, on Friday. September 27011. et 1 p.m. sharp (DST), the following HORSES—Team of bay mares 10 years old; Bay mar^ 6 years old; Bay mare rising 3 eeldingltl1 yell, fiold. rising -aboveyears mentioned horses have six straight erases of Clyde, and were eligible for registration.. General pur- pose mor. 6 years old, will work single or double (suitable hose for n mail route. CATTLE—Root Durham cow, 5 years old. tine Nov. 3rd ; white Durham caw, 6 years old, ,be Nov. 0th t roan Dunham cow, 6 years old, recently freshened; roan, Durham cow, aged, recently freshened; red Durham cow, years old, due Dec. 18th ; red Durham cow, n years old. due Jan. 41h ; roan Durham heifer 3 years old, due Feb. 11th; red Durham cow 9 years old, doe Marah 2nd 1 rain Durham cow, b years old, due Mach 10111 roan Dur- ham elw 0 years old, due May 8th; r9 steers D Dur- ham cow 6 years old, due Match 1st; rising 2 years old; 3 heifers rising 2 Years old, 2 yearling steers; yearling heifer; 8 spring calves. - PIGS -6 pigs 5 months old; 8 pigs 4montha old; 6 pigs, 21,j months old; 8 pigs, 2 months old. POULTRY -60 1 -year-old be- held hens Sussex X White Leghorn; 60 cock- erels. 231, months old ; 11 Pekin ducks; col- ony house 12' x 14', brooder stove. IMPLEMENTS -- M.H. binder 6 ft. cut;. M.H. mower 6 ft. cut, with .pea harvester; M.H. 2 row scuffler with bean puller attach- ment, ; M.H. -3 inch `steel farm wagon (nearly new) and 16 foot Sat rack; Deering 10 ft.. hay rake; ' Deering rdrill; vv1x1 loader; cultivator; 11 furrow plow; #4 Ver - Ow walking plow ; 2 drum woodenal n Veograin grinder; Con ora n roller; No, 12 DeLaval cream teporpeorl6- hp. engine (burns fel ); root politer row cart; hand turnip sower; eelbarrow block and tackle; slings; numerous cksoes, roo chains,h erenyokes, tools, etc. HARNESS—Set of double harness; set plowhotness; pabreeching ngle bridle and breast collar •,4 horse collars. s GRAIN AND I`EDD—APnroximately 30 ton of mixed hey ; approximately 1200 bu. mixed grain ; baa of feed beans, HOUSEHOLD GOOD S_.PR on0l0. 6 tube bat- tery a tery radio; Beatty oil stove; machine; aisy ;Me- doubls ed, and springs; 2 dressers and wash sounds bed, stands ; 2 couches2 lanterns. andlumps nu- marou0 otherarticles. TERMS, cash. No reserve as proprietor has sold his farm.. CHARLES d yard W.WE181ot , A� oneer. Lor, Strayed from lot 23, con. 1, Hib-with wringer. Apply at The News cook stove—heating stove; coal oil bent, four white-faced yearlings,' Office. I stove ,(like new); cupboard; quantity have hole in left ear. Please notify FOR SALE I dishes and kitchen utensils; tricycle; Alphonsus Cronin, phone 22 r 23,' Boy's bicycle, small size, new tires. 1929 Pontiac coupe' (new •tires) ; Dublin Central. I Apply to Ross Love, 100 r 16, Hen- Beatty electric washing machine in Sall. I Al condition; writing desk; gate-leg FOR SALE 1 cherry table; davenport; couch. 30 pigs 6 weeks old. A. C. Levey FOR SALE 1 Terms—Cash. and Son, R.R. 4, Seaforth, phone One good used Marconi battery Clarence Reid, Prop. 13-662, radio, 5 tube cabinet model, at Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. FOR SALE Walker Electric. ton f stove coal, about four I tons. Apply to Mrs. J• C. Laing, 175 Rock .pullets ready to lay, Furniture. Fred W. Ahrens, Auction - James Street, Seaforth.- $1.65. Apply to Peter Simpson, eer, has received instructions from phone 667 r 2, Seaforth. the undersigned Proprietor to sell by FOR SALE public auction at Lot 22, Con. 3, Tp. 9 suckers six weeks old. Ed. Boyce of Logan, 11/4 miles north of Mitchell, Phone 852 r 41, Seaforth R.R. 5. then 2 miles west, on Thursday, Sept. 19th. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. FOR SALE 1 Horses -1 aged mare, 1 gelding '8 'Golden Oak round dining room years old; 1 brown brood mare 'in table with 6 boards and 6 dining foal toPinwheel, houng Durham cows and room chairs and 1. arm chair; Mc- Cattle -10y Clary range: 1 range stove with re- 1 Holstein cow, all supposed to he in servoir and warming closet. Jack Durham Durham 2 years old; ars f old; 1 Pethck, Seaforth, Ont. steers 1 year old; 3 heifers 1 year old; WANTED 11 spring calves. Pigs -3 Yorkshire Three Domestics for the Huron sows due at time of sale; 1 Yorkshire County Home, Clinton, Ontario. sow half gone; 2 York sows just bred; Salary $75.00 per month, with board S chunks 21,4 months old. 1 dog. and lodging, to parties capable of. i Implements — M. H. 13 disc seed filling the position. For information chill, F.W. hay loader, cultivator, sec. regarding duties, etc., 'please and barrows,on- nure s Yarrow Oliver riding tact Mrs. M. E. Jacob, gr•walking plough; M.H. binder, Matron at the County Home. ' plough; cu N. W. Miller, County Clerk. c ft. cut; , sc meowetrl ckft. wagonlwith dump rake, scuff FOR SALE fiat hay rack with sliding rack; pig General purpose horse six pears rack; Portland cutter; gravel box; old. Clyde horse seven years old, set of bob sleighs with fiat rack; hay El t Phone 96 I Clearing Auction Sale A bin o FOR SALEOf Farm Stock, Implements and AT FINNIGAN'S WHAT WE OWE THE STATE 'What does the future Bold for Cftnachi ! People seem to think the state owes them a living. Tho man who talks of what the state owes flim will not serve. His kind aro legion. The world is in a road whirl of profit and pleasure. Our greatest single fault seems to be that we give too little thought to those spiritual values by which all human progress must be .weighed. REPORT THE MARKET This Week -end, 100 bas. of Peaches. We suggest you buy No, 2s; they aro cheap and al•e. sound, clean fruit. Arrived this week—Sandwich Spreads, Tinned. Bologna, Meat Sauces, Prepared Mustard, Sardines. Out Motto: Money refunder if goods not satisfactory W. J. FINNIGAN & SON ,b N Community Auction Sale . Thursday- evening, Sept. 12th, 7.30 At Harold Jackson's farm, 1 mile east of Seaforth. 60 head of Hereford and Durham mixed cattle. Usual run of sows, chunks and weavers. Harold Jackson, Aust. FOR SALE Forty-five Sussex Red hybrids, five months. Apply to Clarence Regele. Phone 64r9, Dublin. WANTED Woman for laundry at Scott Memor- ial Hospital. Apply to The Superin- tendent. FOR SALE Straw sired 24'x63', in fair repair, to be removed. Apply to Dan Cronin, St. Columban. BULBS FOR SALE Mixed Darwin Tulips, Narcissus, Jonquils, Blue Bells and a 'few Lil- lies. A. L. Porteous. TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH TENDERS FOR BUCHANAN DRAIN Tenders will be received by the undersigned mg' 9,30 pan., Saturday, Sept. 14th, 1046, ter the repair of the Buchanan Municipal Drain Tendersto be submitted according to Yiy-Law c6, 10.46, Township of Tuckersmith; 'vial, may be obtained at the office of the Clerk. A certified cheque for 8093 must so- ecmpany each tender, Lowest or any tender 1.51 ncces=aril E. P eCHESNEY. Clerk, Twp. of Tuckersmith TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH TENDERS FOR McCULLIE DRAIN Tenders will be received by the undersign- ed until;u p.m., Saturday, Sept. Lith, 1946. for the Repair of the McCullie Municipal Praln. Tandem to be submitted according .to T'. law , 1046• Township of Tuckersmith,'. ' nch may be obtained at the office of the 3- k, A certified cheque for 14,,' must ac-' e nlanv each tender. Lowest or any tender' necessarily accented. E. P. CHESNEY, r ierk. Twp. of Tuckersmith NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Township of Tuckersmith will sponsor a Practice Plowing Match to be held on Gordon Riehardson's farm, two miles east of Bruce- field rucefield on the Mill Road, Friday, October 401. Coaches will be present to coach paaSici- pants in preparation for the Provincial Plow- ing Match to be held at Port Albert on Oct. 16, 16, 17 & 18th. ' Plowing to be either with horses or tractor and interested parties are asked to notify Arthur Nicholson, Reeve, Phone. 656 r 2, Seaforth. of their intention to plow at this changfor e on k ' y hafork rope nearly new; hay about 1400. Would ex , heavy colts coming 2-3 years old.) car, set slings and chain; Clinton fan. Norman Williamson, phone 37-6, Hing mill, 2 way cistern pump, rotary Brussels. pump. Harness—Set double harness; set single harness. 16 It. ladders; forks, shovels, chains and a host of FOR SALE Strawberry plants still available numerous other articles. plow for late summer planting, 2 types; i Feed — Mow timothy hay, 1 Latham Raspberry canes willbe good straw, 400 bus. wheat; 1000 bus. ready in mid October. All plants' )ant nixed grain. freshly 'dug and prepared for plant -I Household Effects -2 leather rock- ing. ocking. Call in advance if possible. Tel. ers, 2 bed springs and mattresses, 6 It 'hairs rscouch cat, 2 small Practice. 664-15, Seaforth. kitchen c , ADVANCE NOTICE Ontario Royal Commission on Forestry PUBLIC HEARINGS tables, Coleman gasoline iron, lawn mower, lawn roller and other articles. No reserve as the Proprietor is giv- ing lip farming owing to ill health. Auctioneer's decision final 111 case of all disputes.. Terms cash. GEO, THOMPSON, Proprietor. Fred W. Ahrens, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays, SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and implements at Lot No. 23, Con. 10, Hullett Two., on Tuesday, September 17th, at 1:30 p.m. sharp, the following— CATTLE—Durham cow 4 yrs. The McKillop Mutual old; Hereford cow 5 yrs. old; Dur pain aged cow; Jersey aged cowl;Fire Insurance Co. part Jersey cow 3 yrs. old; Durham HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, Ont. heifer rising 3 yrs. bred; 4 Durham) Officers President, F. McGregor, Clinton;. Vice President, C. W. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; Secretary -Treasurer and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot. Seaforth • Chris Leonhardt, Born- holm; E, J. Trewartba, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mo - Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. Alyin .W. Sil'lery Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Royal Apartments Phone 173 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30'. p.m. to 9 p.m. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Claes, Companies. steers 2 yrs. old; 2 steers 1 yr. old; 2 heifers 1 yr. old; 4 Durham spring calves, 3 spring part Hereford. PIGS --'8 sows bred; sow with litter; 2 'litters weaned. POULTRY -75 pullets 12 weeks old at time of sale. IMPLEMENTS—M.H. binder 6 -ft cut; McCormick mower 5 -ft. cut Maxwell hay loader; M.H. side de- livery rake; M.li. sulky rake; steel roller; 2 -section spring tooth har- rows; 3 -section drag harrows; eleven hoe seed drill; riding plow; Bain waggon; low truck waggtfn (nearly new); waggon box; hay rack; John Deer manure spreader; fannicls set scales 900 lbs; gang plow; in -throw 14 plate; hay fork: hay- fork car: hayfork rope, 180 feet (new); 5 sling ropes and fork; cut box, pulper; bag truck; set sleighs; scuffler; steel tire buggy; rubber tire buggy; cutter; set single har- ness; rope and pully stretcher; whiffle trees; neckyokes: forks; shovels; logging chains; McCormick cream separator; gas engine 3 h.p; hay knife; chicken brooder; large sugar kettle; quantity lumber 1" and 2".; quantity of cedar posts and few end posts. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Kit- chencupboard; kitchen table and chairs; sideboard; 3 -piece bedroom suite; mahogany table; cherry table: dishes; sealers; toilet set. TERMS—Cash. John Scott, Prop. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Harrold Jackson, Auctioneer. WHEREAS Inirsuant to the Public Inquiries Act, Chapter 19 of Of Farm Stock, Implements, Feed and the Revised Statures of Ontario, 1937, Major General Howard Kennedy Household goods at Lot 8, Concession 3, 11111- so appointed 8 Commissioner to investigate, inquire into and report lett rtha or Ueo eles west t oflint n and of Seaforth and 1les 14, 1,011 1110 forest resources of Ontario and their conservation, manage- miles north, on Wednesday, Sent. 2501, at 1 ment anti beneficial utilization for all purposes, including their relation P.M. sharp DST, the following: to other basic industries. particularly farming, and their relation to HORSES—MatchedPrhe,55.ane0 recreation, soil conservation, and waterways and water powers— Vears adriving years old (good single or double). CATTLE—White Durham cow 5 -years old, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, after having completed field due October 29th; grey Durham cow 6 Years investigations with his staff. the Commissioner proposes to hold public old, to freshen Nov, 1011 grey DOrham cow hearings in accordance with the following tentative schedule:— v years old, freshened; grey Durham cow 4 Sault Ste. Marto 28-29 Oct. Years old, to freshen in April; grey -Durham cow 6 years old, to freshen in April ; red Dur - 1. 2Nov. ham cow 5 years old, freshened; black cow 4 Pert Arthur years old to freshen in January; black cow 4 Kendra 5. 6 ° years old to freshen in February; JerseY heifer to freshen in Aprh; grey Durham cow Fort Frances 2.18- 9 „ 4 yearn old with calf at foot; 5 -2 -year-old Londoton 4183 . Durham steers approx.. 1000 lbs; 4 -2 -year-old London 1819 " Tlnrham heifers approxi 1000 Es; 7 Year-old Cochrane 25-26 °. Durham steers; 5 year-old Durham heifers;: North Bay 28.29 „ red Durham bull, 1 year old; 8 Durham calves 2. 3 Dec. PIGS —Tamworth sow qua time of sale; Pembroke - Yorkshire sow due November 20th ; Yorkshire Ottawa 5- 6- 7 " sow due December 23rd. POULTRY &c.-100 9.10-11 " year-old Leghornhens; 126 Sussex pullets; Toronto colony house; brooder stove; 2 shelters. IMPLEMENTS — MIT. 13 pun seed drill NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT all persons, associations, 4ate inthr disc; gtoo ft. eat; or groups desiring to make representations or present evidence to the with plate inthrow disc; spr;ng mower, 6t.vautr; Commission will have an opportunity of doing so at any one fthe ( (nearly scorner new) 0wrvmnllerItd section above bearings. While the presentation of oral evIdenen oath r , ;; 0 tosn (nearly new) ; 10 ft. hay rake ; farm wagon ; is permissible, it is strongly urged that submissions take the form buggy; cut-.er1 hay rack; gravel box; cutter; of written briefs, as to the form of which the Commission's counsel et 1a r; s igsoot e: MX, 8-nch grinder nder mill ; (nem - will give any assistance that may be required. Delaval cream sepa'ator; grind stone; 2 oak All briefs or oral evidence presented at the public hearings will barrrfils; pigs cr st o; 1,d dder; whit a sous' neck be given proper consideration by the Commission in the preparation articles, T•TARNESS---sat of breeching hatn- of its report and recommendations. ess, set of back -band harness; set single heelless; cellar tops ; 6 horse collars; set bells In order'to facilitate the work of tCommission, it is Concussion (good ested HOUSEHOLD GOODS O DSc etoMcO(1 gs range that briefs be forwarded to The Secretary, Philen battery radio; ,sideboard; couch; 2 on Forestry, Administration Building, Long Branch Small Arms Plant, washing machinists; glass cupboard; table; 2 Toronto 14, to reach the office of the Commission at least one month beds dlamnra d lantern; 86 aaa Paas; neo before the hearing at which their consideration is desired. a collie dog and numerous other articles. W. H. HEWSON, GRAIN & 10EED-600 baa, mixed grain, Secretary. 100 bus. barley, 10 bus. timothy seed. Terms cash. No reserve as proprietor• has sold 1115 'farm. ROBERT FREEMAN AND SONS, 20018. ! Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. FARM FOR SALE 150 acres, on London Road, Stanley Twp., 2 storey brick house, water in the barn. Silo. Lots of water. Twenty acres of maple bulli: Farm is well drained. Apply to William A. Stan - bury, Clinton, R.R.1, c/o Andrew Lawson. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr, E. A. McMaster, M.B., Physician, Dr. P, L. Brady, M.D., Surgeon. Office }TOUTS Daily except Wednes- day 1.30 to 6 p.m., and 7 to 9 p.m. Appointments for consultation may he made in advance. Telephones 26 and 27, JOHN A. GORWILL, B,A.,M.D. Physician and. Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 6W MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. 0. Sproat Phone 90 W - Seaforth FARM FOR SALE' 100 acres, more or. less, Lot '7, Con. '7, Hullett, choice farm land, good buildings, good brick house, about ten acres of bush, good drilled. well at the barn, good well at the house, never short of soft water, and a good spring in the back field, Apply to Alfred Buchanan, phone 841 r 4, Seaforth Central. FOR SALE Ten good young York pigs. Phone 656 r 24, Seaforth. George Arm- strong. Notice To Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF MAU'DE WEEBSTER, late of. the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor .for the Estate, on or before the 23rd clay of Sep- tember, A.D: 1946, after which date the assets will he distributed amongst. the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 3rd day. of September, A.D. 1946. Is, FINGLAND, K.0., Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the said Estate. Weed Cutting Township of Tuckersmith Township of Tuckersmith will pay for weed cutting ontownship roads at the rate of 2c per rod provided such work is done on or before Sopt. 14th, 1946, and accounts rend- ered to and passed by Road: Sup't, Robert Dalrymple, I{lppen, Ont., by Sept. 20th, 1046. No accounts rendered after this date will be paid. 10. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. — 63 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267.. FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm in Hullett Tp. Well drained. 10 acres of good bush. Extra good buildings. Apply at the News. RENFREW SALES & SERVICE Hand turned and Electric Cream Separators. Enamelled Stoves and re- pairs for the Anker-Holth Separator. For particular's phone or write Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield. Clinton 618r21. Veteran's Spray Paint- ing Co'y R.R.2, SEAFORTE • Are fully equipped to handle any spray or brush Paint job. Exterior or interior. Homes, Farms, Factories, or Garages, etc. Estimates gladly furnished. PHONE 851' - 11 FOR SALE 1% storey frame dwelling on John street. Watson & Reid, Seaforth G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envel- ope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Out. CHARLES F. DALE Licensed Auctioneer Household and Farm Stock, Etc. Reasonable rates and satisfaction guaranteed Write or phone Chas. F. Dale, Clin- ton 11.11.4. Phone 616r4, Clinton central JOSEPH L. RYAN AUCTIONEER Licensed in Huron and Perth Specializing in Farm Stock and Farm Implements, and Household Effects For information phone 40r5, Dublin. FOR SALE Good house, village of Dublin, modern. Also a number of other properties in. Seaforth listed. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Phones; 834 Office Rea, .220 SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE Harvest & Fall apples for sale. Phone Clinton 622.24. Fred Mc- Clymont, Varna.. Ringing In The Winners The moat daring and most profits bre of racing rackets is the ringer— a good horse running •disguised as a bad one. Dan Parker, noted sports writer, writing in The • American Weekly with this Sunday's i(Sep- te1nber 15) issue of the Detroit Sunday Times, tells of one of the turf's most notorious racing coups: Get Sunday's Detroit Times. Want and For Sale Ada., 1 week 25e. Ars 1.001..170 MOO'S CANA RO IA GO A SAC 1111111111.0111111