HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-08-29, Page 5THURSDAY,'AUGUST 29, 1946 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND LAST DANCE LABOUR DAY. NIGHT ENJOY THE LAST FEW DAYS OF SUMMER AND DANCING NIGHTLY TO GORDON DELAMONT & HIS ORCHESTRA According to attendance records, you liked Gordon Delamout's music very much. Promise yourself a visit again and say "Slone to the Season 1946 ! BIG MIDNIGHT DANCE SEPT. 2, 12:05 A.M. SUNDAY SEPT. 1st 9 P,M. The Ever Popular "VARIETY ENTERTAINERS" Presenting Their Biggest and Best' Concert of the Season with. Bill Davies, Ventriloquist, returning by popular request„ and featuring Dopey and his Singing Dog; Ruth Cole, Acrobatic Dancer Extraordinary; Earl Heywood,' Singing Cowboy, and Staniof CKNX Barn Dance Programme; and Cliff Kelly, p MONDAY - LABOUR DAY - 1:30 P.M. SHARP ALL-STAR SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT THE BATTLE OF PITCHERS ! Four of Ontario's finest pitchers will be in these games. Teams: Seaforth - London - Lieury - Grand Bend. These are the best of all previous Tournament Teams. Grand Bend has won all 1946 Season Tournaments. CAN ANY 03' THESE TEAMS BEAT THEM ? They are all going to try hard! WHAT DO YOU THINK 2 Games of 7 innings in afternoon, starting at 1.30 9 inning final game at 6.30 p.nr. Dance to Gordon Delamont's Orchestra Last Time Labour Day Night! Many Many Thanks For Your Patronage -Season 1946 Was A 160,000 People* Recommend HOUSEHOLD FINANCE At Household Finance you borrow $20 to $1.000 quickly, simply -no endorsers or bankable security needed. Stop in or arrange your loan by phone. Usually you get your money the same day. *160,000 maple borrowed at 1loveehold In 1945 Cash Loan Gel Choose o monthly payment plan 6 12 15 20 24 ' oynels paymts Paymts Paynets P.Ymian, $ 25 38 78 Lv 100 17.55 90.17 87.98 rJ 150 20,35 13.76 11.24 . 1 200 35.11 18.34 14.99 I, 309 52.00 27.01 2.48 517.47 500 87.70 96.99 37.97 ' 9.12 750 122.87 64.18 62.40 40.77 231 .Ir, 1000 175.53 01.08 74.74 08 ^,5 98 92 HOUSEHOLD FINANCE r1 �paaca a 0j 8AL6ED 81 65 51005 DF E%FE61E1let 2nd Floor, Royal Bank Building 77,,, 29 Downie St., corner el Albert ;;1 Phone 255 STRATFORD, 084T, 9. J. Colby Monnaw r�(� Loons mode to residenn of nvarbr Innns es7525'I ti7�stsas2�sas2525dSEasti• OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Repaired & Recovered Also Auto Seats and Backs, Verandah Swings & Steamer Chairs Repaired. Free Pick-' up and Delivery Stratford Upholstering Company Phone 579, Stratford For further information apply at Box Furniture Store SEAFORTH Notice Owing to increased prices of food products and loss of revenue are sorry to state we must discontinue service of meals in dining room after Sept. 14 until further notice. With Regrets Mrs. F. Dungey TOWN TOPICS Mrs, J. A. Brodie; Bobby and Doug- las, have returned to Toronto after spending the woelt with Mr. and Mrs. James Altcheson. Miss Jean Watson; R,N., of St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, is spend- ing a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Watson. Miss Mayme Watson, R.N., of Strat- ford General hospital, spent Monday at her home in Egmondville. Mrs. Margaret Erratt of Toronto and Mrs: H. Errata and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stephenson and family of Stan- ley spent Sunday at the home of the former's brother, Thos. Robinson. Mr. Angus More, Chicago, is visit- ing at the home of his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glew. Dr. T. 3, Burrows leaves next week for Winnipeg where he will spend a month with his daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs, Banbury. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Boshart and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Schneider motored to Niagara. Falls on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Cudmore and family, Windsor, visited with the for- mer's father, Mr. William Cudmore, last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hawley have as their guest Mrs, Hawley's sister, Mrs., F. L. Hutchings, of Anaheim, Cali- fornia. Mrs. Hutchings arrived in Can- ada via Western Air Lines, after which she transferred to Trans Canada to Calgary where she visited at the home of her son G. W. Hutch- ings, taking in Banff and surrounding country while there, later coming to London. Her sister and brother-in- law Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley, niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mc- Spadden, met her at the airport and brought her to Seaforth. Mrs. Hutch- ings is also visiting her two brothers near Winthrop, Messrs. Zack and Will McSpadden. Master Sandy McMillan is holiday- ing this week at the home of his grandmother Mrs. J. 'Neville and his his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Neville. , Mr. Jack Dorrance, Chatham, is holidaying at the home of his mother Mrs. Mae Dorrance. M. Sgt. W, F. Orren and Mrs. Orren have returned to Roswell, New Mex- ico, after spending their vacation at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dunlop. Miss Betty Dunlop accompanied them home and will remain there for a month. Mrs. -Margaret Cuthill spent the week end in Stratford visiting her cousin, Miss Stewart and other rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Gemmell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gemmell and Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Varley, Tuckersmith, motored to New York this Week to spend a few days. Mrs. Kenneth Ferguson, London, was a visitor this week at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. J. Merner. Mr. Larry Gillies, Paris, was a week end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter McIver. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays and daughter Patsy, Detroit, are spending two weeks' Mr. and Mrs. C.aP vacation and relatives. Mr. Harold Jackson left by plane from Toronto on Saturday for a ten day visit in Winni{1eg. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Stewart, Blyth, called on relatives and friends in town on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Clark, Wood- stock; were week end visitors at the home of the Misses Seip. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter and Nancy, have returned days at o Chatham after spending the home of the latter's brother, Mr. John Crich and Mrs. Crich. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Williams and Joseph and Mrs. E. Bannon, were Sunday visitors at the homger f Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murray, Miss Maureen Mor'ritt of Blyth and Miss Margaret Nivins of Auburn arare visiting with Barbara Nicholson, Road. Mrs. Rex Thompson of Lansing, Mich., is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Charters, Mill Road. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Coleman and sons Ronnie and Alvin of Varna spent Sunday with Russell Coleman. Miss Doris Dalton of Walton spent the weekend with Miss Helen Murray. Mrs. James Murray and Miss Ei- leen Murray of Seaforth and Miss Mary Murray of Stratford spent the weekend in Toronto, attending the Brown -Murray wedding Mr. Arnold Murray of Kitchener spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. WilliamaMurrahoushas e in Eg- urchas- ed Mrs. James Sproat'e Mr. and Mrs. Murray recently mov- ed from Dauphin, Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Colbert and daughter Mary Lynn, Burlington and Miss Beth Martyn, North Bay, were weekend' guests at -the home of Mrs. F. C. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dolmage, Mc- Killop, leave the beginning of Sep- tember for Vancouver B.C., with the intention of making their home there. Miss Belle Smith spent a few days this week in Hamilton. Mrs. Gordon E. Webster has re- turned to her home in Toronto ac- companied by her son, Master Doug- las, who has been holidaying with Ms grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. 13. Dorrance, during the holidays. Miss Mabel Campbell accompanied them and spent a week in the city. Mrs. Bertha Sullivan of Toronto was a weekend visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smith and Mrs. Duncan McCowan and Mr. John McCowan. Mrs. Peter McCowan is laid up with the pleurisy this week. Mrs. Mis. McLachlan, Cromarty, Carter Kerslake and Joyce, also Mr. Leslie Miller, Staffa, and W. Ray- mond Miller, Munro, with his wife, Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J. Exeter. Expert Body and Fender Repairs and Re -Painting Daly's Garage SEAFORTH Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mellen and Mrs. Brunshill oofd the home is sI Michael hMurran with her uncle, Mr. sons Larry and Tim, London„ were spending a vacation y. weekend guests at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoggarth. Mr. and MTS. Ruskin G, Keys and Mrs. William Hart,Rev. and Mrs. Moynian of Sault) have left with their family for their Miss Helen Smith, student nurse,) Ste. Marie were guests at the manse' home in Windsor. has returned to St. Joseph's Hospit-with Mr. and Mrs. Williams. rued al, London, after spending her vara -i Mrs. M. McKellar has tion at the home of her parents, home after spending a few days in Mrs. Lon Consigney and daughter, Toronto. Detroit„ are guests at the home of. Miss. Isabel McKellar, Reg. N., of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eberhart. ( Stratford General Hospital, is spend- Mr. and Mrs. V. Sweetlove, Tor-, ing her holidays in Grand Bend. onto, have returned home after) Miss Bonnie Murray has returned spending the past week at the home to Chicago after spending two of the latter's sister, Mrs. Ernest Crowe and Mr. Crowe. Mr. and Mrs. Milt Hoff and fami- ly spent Sunday with relatives in Chatham. Mrs. Macklarn, Stratford, spent the weekend with friends in town. Mr. Fred Beattie spent the week- end at his home in Ottawa. Mr. Beat- tie is spending some time with his mother, Mrs. James Beattie. Mr. Allison Graham, Chesterville, and Miss Aura Graham, Niagara Falls, were guests this week at the home of Mrs. J. B. Thompson. Mr. W. C. Sutherland and son Ronald, have returned home after spending the past week with rela- tives in Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore, St. Catherines, are visiting at the homes of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cudmore. Miss Patricia Close, Master Lar- ry Close and Miss Marilyn Pride, Kitchener, are holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mac- Lean. Mrs. Harry Hart is visiting at the home of her sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. James Dunlop, Galt. Mrs. L. G. Livingstone, Detroit, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Beattie. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heishman of Sudbury spent a day visiting at the home of Mr. Heishman's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoa garth. Mr. Jim Hoggarth spent Wednes- day visiting his brother in Seaforth. PUT YOUR ORDER IN NOW FOR CEMENT TILE BLOCKS AND Feeding Troughs TO Cornish Bros. - Seaforth Successors to Reuben Frost Phone 343 Or write to Box 422, Seaforth NOTICE Town of Seaforth All persons in the Municipality owning or harboring dogs must purchase 1946 licenses for same on or before July 31, 1946. Licenses will be issued from the Treas- urer's Office in the Town Hall, or from the Tax Collector, J. Cummings. After that date summonses through the Court will be issued to the owners or harborers of dogs not having licenses. All dogs must wear license tags. II M A L S DISABLED DEAD or Quickly removed in clean, sanitary trucks. Phone collect 219 MITCHELL WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT - SEAFORTH 15, EXETER 285 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry) Double Reception FOR Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott Mr. and Mrs. Ian Nesbitt Friday evening, Aug. 30 IN THE ODD FELLOW'S HALL SEAFORTH Admission 35c. Everybody welcome DANCE in Cardno's Hall SATURDAY, AUGUST 31 Norm. Carnegie and His Band Admission 40c opvld IT DOESN'T MATTER whether you are driving a brand new car or a pre-war model, you'll receive the same friendly, willing service from your neigh- bourhood B -A dealer when you drive in at the sign of the Big B -A. Trained to give you the best service in town, your B -A dealer knows how B -A top-quality gaso- lenes and motor oils add to your trouble-free motor- ing pleasure. Profit by his experience and buy B -A Peerless Motor Oil. THAT'S WHY PEERLESS GIVES YOU MORE OIL MILEAGE 84A THE BRITISH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY LIMITED formerly of Belfast, Ireland, were visitors recently with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Aldington in town. C. W. L. OF ST. COLUMBAN ARE HOLDING A DANCE ON Friday, Aug. 30th Bayfield Valley Five Orchestra Admission 50c. Dancing 9 to 1 or AGAINST SME POEORialla rd�itio° .I • Every time you lift the receiver to place a call, it's a chal- lenge to us to rush it through; we don't like to keep people waiting. But sometimes delays can't be avoided, even though every last piece of available telephone equipment is on the job, handling more traffic than it was ever built to carry: 7 2 2 And that fact is directly related to our other battle against time -our big building program: Every' addition to present facilities hastens the day when we will once again be able to handle every call as promptly as we would like. Construction and installation of additional telephone equipment are going ahead just as fast as the supply situaa tion permits. We've got it gra harried Real J. M. GOODWIN Manager