HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-08-08, Page 3Classified Advertising AGENTS WANTED AGENTS A N le STORM I:EPleltS to Write for our list of fast selling bows on combs, garters, nail clip- pers, plastic lamp shades, rayon scarfs, trimmings, eta. Lawrence Lace Fabrics Co., 1061 Queen St. E., Toronto. ISAIRY CHICKS PULLETS EIGHT WIOIIIMS to lay- ing. Free catalogue andricelist. Teo NotchChtckerics,' Guelph, On- tario. SUMMER & FALL CHICKS. Hatches weekly. Also 2 —. 6 week old• started. Pullets, Maxed: Chicles and Cockerels. Free Range Pullets 6 weeks to ready -to -lay, raised 'on Free Range, under ideal conditions. Send for Price List and Catalogue, LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Bros., IOxeter, Ontario. PULLETS OlI G H0' WEEKS to laying for immediatedelivery. Also _t_O}vo and three week old start- ed chTek's, Free catalogue. Tweddle Chink Hatcheries, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. S31005 Ens SHOULD BE 'A GOOD Buy' — we have breeds like Light Sussex, N, H. ,x W. L., and some started pullets, immediate delivery. • Order chicks now for later delivery also. Bray Hatchery,130 John N Hamilton, Ontario. MILLER'S CHICK HATCHERY, FERGUS, ONT. BARRED 9OCItS BRED TO LAY 8 & 10 weeks Hamp, x BR. Leghorn x DDR. 4 & 6 weeks. Flock of Leg- horn pullets. of 160 at 12 weeks. Immediate shipment can be made. nLCINISs OPPORTUNITIIEES AN IOXCE '9ONALLY ATTRAC- tive commission sales. proposition Is available to all bread, milk and other delivery salesmen, students; vacationists and others desiring part or full time employment. Please forward name, addressand telephone number to. 1302 101, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Ont. l)VI1ING AND CLEANING HAVE 1'OU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write tows for information. We are glad to answer your questions. DepartMent H. Parker's Dye Works- Limited. 191 Yonge Street. Toronto. Ontario. VIM SALE A' CONSTANT SUPPLY OF FISH bait. Quarter brings booklet on earthworm propogation. Complete detoll eassuring t a renter supply Year ,ft er veau•, Solt -master System, Box 2::2, Winnipeg, Manitoba. • :tat OII ICAN COONHOUND. PUPS, Male- 4 months old. Parents straight Coon ors, best breeding, $20.00. Oscar Hall, Burlington, Ontario. 1110,lks YALVI6S SAFETY VALVES. Gauges, oil steam, grease cups, Carhuretor. Reconditioned, 16 Block, Dundee, Ont. 7tU10(ILAR i'IlO01e RED- RETAIN-.. er prevents removing key from out- side. Pcetpald 25e. Atomic Enter- prises. Long Braneh, Ontario. tmnoritlO morons NEW, USED bought, sold, rebuilt: belts, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd., 23226 Duflerin 51., Taranto, Ont. GIANT WHITE PEKIN DUCKLINGS - 2000 WEEKLY Avaltable for immediate shipment. 50 Ducklings — $22.75..100 Duck- lings — 542.755. 500 Duciclings — 0250.00. 1,000 Ducklings — 5405. No order less than 50. Get your order In and get them ready for market for the Jewish holiday In September. Send for full particulars and inter- motion on how you can grow 5 Ib. Ducks' le 11 weeks. ONTARIO DOCK PARR No. _1)4 Exeter, Ontario. GOOD It L'IIIIlOtt TIMED AUTO - true, 'International, Two Furrow Disc Plow like new, also Inter- national Eleven Disc Fertilizer Dr111. Write G. P. Arbogast, R. 2, Mitchell, Ontario. MACHINES DOING CONCRETE block cements combined, hand op- erated type size 8 x 8.16, two holes. Selling price. $325.00. X. MARTINEAU, ST. HERM\IAS, QUE. Phone 916-2. 01L. 1tU12NE1(S 0011 KITCHEN STOVE OR FUR nace. Complete Instructions for in- stallation and operation, also oil cabinet. Wholesale, retail. Agent wanted. Atomic Weather 011 Heat- ing. 1766 Chateubriand, Montreal. I, ISH1NG TACKLE BOXES — Wholesa)e .Price. Heavy Alumi- num, streamlined, green outside, grey inside, completely rust -proof, two sizes $4;25 and $3,25 postpaid. Walter Dean Canoe and Boat Co„ 2050 Dundee Street West Toronto, Ontario. REGISTERED BLACK COCKER spaniel puppies for sale. Ch, My Own Brucie and Ch. T3clden Town- -talk blood lines; also imported black grandson Ch. My Own Bructe -proven stud and solid black Proven matron — alt reasonably priced, Apply Aslunoute ICennels, Box 293, Guelph, '.Ont. • TIRES We are overstocked at the present. of good used trade-in tires (guaran- teed to be In excellent shape). 600 X 16 $5.00 All orders shipped ('.0,1), Special equipment for vui anizing Truck and Farm Tractor Tires, BEACON TIRE, corn. Queen & York Sts. HAMILTON, Ontario. ONTARIO'S MOST MODERN elQI17J'PED '11016 9110P 1.Altel S- FOR SALE 100 ACMES, 7 MILES TOILON'PO. Jane St.; black clay loam, tilt drained,. good buildings, electricity. milk cooter; reasonable terms. Wes - ,ley Stong, 118 John St. Weston. FARM, 100 ACRES, GOING-- CON- cern, good location, 10 -room brick house, bank barn, excellent crops. Furthev particulars, Write J, W. Grant, R. R. 5. Trenton, Ontario. 100 ACRES LOCATED •IN LAMB - ton Countyonehalf mile from Oak- dale on a main country road close' to stare, school and church. On the farm is 'situated a good 9 -room frame house with Hydro and run- ning water, Hydroer, screened In porch, 1 barn 30 x 50, 1 Barn 28 x 50 stabling for eight cows and some young cat- tle and four horses, 1 gond hogpenand double deck hen house end granary. The soil is of Clay Loam and in a highstrife of cultivation With 13 10en08 of toting hush. Price 57,000 Phone or writefor npnnint- ment to fieorr.e 1-0. Cross, 86 Myrtle St, St. 1ho..rnns,, le Al1SIS 1,1111 '501,4 00)) A0111139 Al,t. CLEAR EXCIOL-. lent land with good Bank 13arn, Large Framehouse situated on county road.. Lot 18, Con 4, West Garafraxa, Hydro soon to be avail- able, iF mile from School. Apply to Mrs, Ethel - Louttlt,, 10, R, No. 1, Belwood, Ontario. -_—•HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertsonmethod Information on request regarding classes,- Robert- son's Hairdressing Academy, 187 Avenue Road, Toronto. HELP WANTED COOK GENEILAL,. t/OMI'ETENT, small home; country. woman pre- ferred, high wages- 11 qualified. Box 103, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. MEDICAL WANTED EVERY 9UI0FERER of Rheumatic Paine or Neuritis to try Dixon's Remedy.Munro'• Drug Store,- 335 Elgin, Otawa. - Postpaid 51.00, FRUIT JUICES: THE PRINCIPAL ingredients in Dixon's' Remedy felt Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis. Munroe Drug.. Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa., Postpaid 51.00. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A IIODDINGTON BUYS sells, -exchanges musical tnatrn- menta, 111 Church, Toronto 2. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdreseing. Pleasant dlg:.1fted-profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates: America's greatest aye - tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 868- lIioor St, W., Toronto, Branches; 44 King St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street. Ottawa. PATENTS fi ETH10RSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors• Established 1890• 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on request. PERSONAL WHY ALWAYS WORK FOR OTH- ers? Manufacture plastic objects in your own private home. The demand is big. Capital required $5.00. Write us. It Mercier, 3863• St, Andre St., Montreal 24, Que. PHOTOGRAPHY FILMS DEVELOPED 25 CENTS. .. Guaranteed one day service No Waiting. Bay Photo Service, North Bay. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS Ilkc. REPRINTS 8 for 25e, FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE. You may not get all the films you want this year, but, you can.. get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to 1MI'IORIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1. Toronto. ANY SIZE ROLL li. or 8 exposures DEVELOPED set PRINTED 211e. 3 AMOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 26e Size 4x6" In Beautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements axe"' on ivory tinted mounts 7x0" in Gold, Silver, Circas- sian Walnut or Black 'Ebony finish frames, 59c each. It enlargement coloured, 79c each, Reprints Made From Your Negatives Sc. Each DEPT. 61 STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 120, Pont. Office A, Toronto. Print Natne and Address Plainly. HAPPY 00011R506IE1 WITH EACH 25e order or more you receive; (1). coupon for two 6 x 7 heavy paper enlargements; (2) one of the prints edge tinted"; (3) double seal" film wrapper; (4) quality unlimited. Films developed and printed 26c; reprints, eight for 25c. Fresh films available, Victory Studio. Saskatoon 7, W., Sask, T19AliHlelliS N'I'IOD HASTINGS NORTH, 3 QUALIFIED Protestant teachers for Area No. 2. Monteagle and Herschel Salary 51800.00 If fully qualified. Apply to G. H. Woodcox, Sec,-Treas., 11.13, 1, Hybla, Ont. TF,ACH Elt FOR S.S. 7 Itadeliffe Public School Combermere, Ontario. 51300 per year. Small school. Good equipment. $tate qualifications and apply. to S. F, Snowdon, Treasurer, Combermere,- Ont. SAVANT LAKL17 S.S. NO. I RID- quires experienced teacher, grades. 1 to 2, salary $1200-91400 it quali- fications warrant. Duties to com- mence Fall term. Apply to J. B. • Melanson, Secretary Treasurer, Sa- vant Lake, Ont, PROTESTANT TEACHER, QIIALI-. tied, for S,S. No. 2 Dummer. Term to commence Sept. 3. Salary $1300 per year. Apply Walter Sloan, Sec. Treas., Norwood, -Ont. UI'SALA 5.. S. 1 REQUIRES PRO-. testant Teacher holding first class certificate. Duties commence Sept. third, Teacherage close to school. Salary $1200. Apply D. Currie, Sec- retary Treasurer, Beanie, Ontario, TEACHER WANTED 1`011 P101N- clnat in the three room ':public school in the village of Coe Hill. Apply stating' salary expected, giv- ing age, religion, :references. etc., to. Wollaston School Arca Board, Coe Hill, Ontario TEAC1•41000 4'O It INTER m 1(1)1 *798 room of three roomed Public School. One capable of teaching vocal mu- sic In three rooms preferred. Duties to commence September 3, 1946. Apply stating exnerieltre, qualifica- tions and .salary expected. Give name of last inspector for refer- ence. R. Ie.err, Ser. -Trees„ Wawa, •Ontario. WAN'rl6n \VAN'rp10 To 1'111014 AS le 1'111.1.111PS Barred Rocks. New linmpshires, White Leghorns any age from s weets up to laying. flood pricer paid Apply to Boa Nn 95, 7? Adelaide W.. Toronto. Sr, w rgl®I sue elfectiva to e needicino is ,nary mad ,Neck,. t avo Pain Orn Bu*oftscg in ir0 5, rah 'feebn8 to 8unctlonol ltighstcao6 Pau yAtea duo to ll druPetoat,r 1 V,1pk1AL'LE d;eturhoncav, A gaM@OUtil>. �8® Augicultural Societies' Fairs And Exhibitions, 1946 248 Fairs and Exhibitions Being Held This Year Royal Winter Fair, Nov. 12-20 at Toronto August Aug. Almonte , ..,,..... ........ 29-31 Arnprior . 26-28 Brampton 31 & Sept. 2 Elmira .. , .. 30, 31 & Sept. 2 Emo 27 28 Harrow 29-3123 Kenora 22 Minden 27 Navan 31 Petrolia 29 Port Perry . ....,... 31 & Sept. 2 Rainy River . 29-31 Ridgetown 27-29 Sutton West 30 31 September 2 I Blackstock ,.. ,,,.....4 Brighton ,,.. .... ..00uc_...,3 4 Burketon . 3 4 Chesterville a, 3 4 Clete ...... • ,.4• ,, ..... 3 4 Delta., ,... ,.e 2-4 Demorestville 4 Dryden .. 6 7 • Dundalk 4 5 Durham , 5 6 • Fergus .. 6 7 Georgtown 6 7 Hymers 2 Kinmount , 6 7 Milverton 3 4 Orillia , 6 7 Parham . ...nc 2 Perth 5.7 Porgeis Junction ;. Y,. 5 6 South Mountain „s..;,; S 6 Sturgeon Falls • _ 2 Tavistock 6 7 Val Gagne • -• • 5 Vanlileelc Hill 4-6 September 9 - 14 Sept. Blyth 10'11 Bothwell's Corners ,..:...... 12 Bracebridge 12 13 Bruce Mines ' 10 11 Centreville (Addington Co) 10.11 Charlton • 10 11 Chesley 13 14 Clarence Creek 10 11 Coe Hill ,..« 1011 Coldwater 10 11 Comber , . 13 14 Cooksville , " 13 14 Denbigh 12 Drayton 12 13 Dresden . 10-12 Dunchurch , , 11 12 Grand Valley .... -. 12 13 Hanover 11 12 Lanark , • 13 Lindsay 1 11-14 Lion's Head 11 12 Lombardy 14 Merlin 12 13 Mildmay 10 11 Mount Forest 9 10' Murillo ........... 1011 New Hamburg 13 14 Newington .,.. 12 13 Odessa - 12 13 Orangeville 1011 Oshawa .......... ..... ... 9-11 Palmerston • • 12 13 Renfrew 10-13 Richmond 12-14 Ripley _ 1213 Severn Bridge 11 Sheguiandah 12 13 Sntithville 12-14 Strathroy 9-11 Sandridge 12 13 Trout Creek 10 11 Warren • 11 12 Welland - 12-14 Wellesley 10 11 Wooler 10 11 September 16 - 21 Beaverton Binbrook Bonfield Sept, 20 21 17 18 18 SAFES Protect your GOOKS and DASD from rine and THIEVES, We have n else and type. of . Safe. or Cabinet, for no7 parpdne. Vleit 0e, or write Inc prleew eta., 1e Oepl. tV • J. Scj.TAYLOR• um ITE0 TORONTO SAFE WORKS 145 Prent St. E., roroele , Established 1t15a CH fr a ✓iECKED'ffv n -or Money Back For quick'•dici from Itching caused,: by eezenr athlete's 1 oot, scabies, pimples and oUteri ache conditions, use nate, cooling medicated, !ler l^ D.'D PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless • -t^Itdoss: Soothes, .coinlorts and quickly p' 'tense itching. Don'tsnflet. Ask your drum ',Ana for - D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION When your BACK ACHES... Backache is often caused bylaay$tidneg action. When kidneys get out of order excess acids and pgisons:remain in the systetn.1'hen backache, 'headache, rheumatic pain, dis- turbed rest or that 'tired out'feeling may soon follow: To help keep your kidneys wonting-properly—use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Time.tested, popular, safe, non -habit-form- ing. Demand -Dodd's Kidney Pills, in the blue {o1 with the red band. Sold cvergwherc..139. Burks Falls 19 20 Caledon 20 21 Clarksburg , 17 18 Clifford 20 21 Cobden 17 18 Desboro - • 19 20 Drayton 17 18 Embro 16 Enisdale 17 18. Englehart ... 17 18 Exeter 18 19 Forest , 19 20 Galt... 1921 Glencoe . ...,., ,,16 17 Huntsville 18 19 Kincardine ..,_c ;-, 19 20 •Lansdowne 16=18 Leamington , 16-21 Listowel 18 19 Magnetawan . 17 18 Manitowaning • 19 20 Maxville , ., 19 20 McKellar 17-19 Metcalfe ,, ,.. 20 21 Middlevflle , ,... 20' Midland " 19-21 Mohawk (Ind. Res. Deseronto) 18 Napanee 16-18 Neustadt 20 21 Norwich 17 18 Oro ............ 18 Orono, 20 21 Paisley 16 17 Parkhill 18 Picton 20 21 Powassan 17 18 Providence Bay 17 18 Riceville 17 18 Rosseau 17 18 Seaforth 19 20 Shannonville 20 21 Shedden 18 Shelburne 17 18 Spencerville , 17 18 Springfield 17.18 Stella 19 Stirling 19 20 Stratford 16-18 Sunderland 17 18 Thessalon .,.... ,..... 17 18 Thorold 17 18 Tweed 17 18 Upsala - 21 Wiarton .................. 19 20 September 23 - 28 Sept. Ancaster 24 25 Arthur 24 25 Ashworth 25 26 Atwood 27 28 Avonmore ,. 24 25 Ayton 27 28 Bar River 25 Beachburg 23-25 Belleville 23-25 Bobcaygeon 27 28 Bolton 24 25 Campbellford 25 26 -Carp 27 28 Collingwood 26-28 Drumbo 24 25 Dungannon.., ..... ............. 27 Florence 24 25 Gooderham 26 Harris ton 26 27 Holstein 25 26 Ilderton 25. Iron Bridge 25 Kemble 24 25 Kilsyth ,. 25 Kingston 26-28 Kirkton 26 27 Lakefield 26 27 Langton 28 Lucknow 24 25 Moberly 25 Marmara 26 27 Massey 24 25 McDonald's Corners 27 Milton 27 28 Mitchell 24 25 Muncey (Ind. Res.) 25 Norwood 24 25 Oakwood 24 25 Ohsweken (Six Nations Indian Reserevation) 25-27 Owen -ound .... 28, 30 & Oct. 1 Paris 27 28 Por Elgin 27 28 Port Elope .... 27 28 Ramona 25 T odney 24 25 Schomberg 27 28 South River 24-25 Spruccdale' 24 25 Tara 25 26 Thedforct 24 25 Thorndale 27 JUST PUBLISHED BACK -DOOR NEIGHBORS (Poems) By Edna 'Jaques Other books by same author: MY KITCHEN WINDOW . $1 BESIDE STILL WATERS. $1 AUNT HATTIE'S PLACE,. $l ROSES IN DECEMBER ... $1 Ovc'r 50,000 of these books have been sold in Canada At All, Bookstores or Thomas .Allen Ltd. 266 King St. W. Toronto. THE WING WINGS AWAY Northrop's XB-35 plane, the famous "Flying Wing," is pictured above in "clean" flight over Hawthorne, Calif., the grant landing wheels tucked inside. According to the Army's Materiel Command at Wright Field, Ohio, the strange air monster has had an "unprece- dented" record of trouble-free performance since its first test flight. SPOTS OF SPO ' TS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") , .. , .. About as, funny a thing as has come up in our goofy world of sport in quite some time was the recent action of Mister Ellsworth Vines, golfer and tcnniser extra- ordinary. (In case you have for- gotten about it by the time this gets into print, Mister Vines is the man who forfeited $675 of his prize money rather than travel around in a golf tournament bear- ing the stigma ofa numbered tag.) * i * In explanation of his weird pro- cedure—an athlete refusing money under any circumstances whatso- ever strilces us as nothing less than weird—Mister Vines said it was a matter of "dignity before dough." In other words, he considered it quite beneath his dignity to wear a number so that the huge crowds following the play — the same crowd whose admission fees made such a lucrative tournament pos- sible—would be able to distinguish one player from another. * * * Now if Mister Vines had been competing as an amateur in an op- en tournament—like Bobby Sones of old—and wished to have that fact clearly known, it would have been quite another platter. Irl English cricket the "gentlemen" used to be—maybe still are for all we know—distinguished from the Tilsonburg 24-26 Underwood 24 Wallacetown • 26 27 Walter's Falls ....... ..,24 25 Williamstown 24 25 Wyoming 26 27 Zurich 23 24 September 30 - October 5 Acton Oct. 4 5 Aylmer Sept. 30, Oct. 1-3 Oct. Btancsville ...... . 5 & 7 Beaton 2 3 Brigden 2 B urfor,l 1 2 Caledonia 3-5 Chatsworth .,............... 3 4 Dorchester 2 Elmvale Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 2 Oct. Ifordwicic 4 5 Madoc 1 2 Markham 3=5 Melford , 2 3 Melbourne 4 St. Marys 2 5 Strcetsville T eesw 1 2 Tivcrlmaterc 3 4 Uxbridge 2 \Varicworth i 4 Aberfoyle 7 8 Alvinston 8 9 Bayfield 8 9 Belmont - 9 Erin 12 & 14 Fevershauc 8 9 Highgate ..•.............. 11 12 Ingersoll 10-12 Markclale 10 .11 Moraviantowa (Ind. Res.) ..8-10 d 8 9 RocRohtu;lynn 12 & 14 Roscncath 10 11 Sino(Norfolk 'County) ,_.7-10 Walsh 12 Woodbridge 12 & 14. Plowing lowing Match and Farm Machinery Demonstration, Huron C.unty Port Albert Air- field, Highway 21, North of God- crieh Oct. 15, 16, 12, 18 November. Royal Winter Fair, Toronto 12 20 Walkerton (Christmas Fair) 27 28 5 professionals, or "players", by hav- ing a separate entrance to come onto the field through, and by hav- ing a "Mr." ahead of their names on the program. And no real harm was done by this separation of the sheep front the goats, although to our crude colonial mind it always seemed a trifle stuffy. * * * Or if Mister Vines had entirely refused to accept any of the vulgar money of a crowd so Righted that they couldn't tell hint, the great Ellsworth, without the aid of a number, we might have pegged him as a slight screwball, but still one who stuck up for his principles no matter what the cost. * * * But Mister Vines wasn't — and didn't! lie was and is a profes,0ion• al, competing with other profes- sionals not only in this, but in plenty of other tourneys. And when the thing was over, and payoff time arrived, he by no means turned up his patrician nose in scorn but step- ped right over to the wicket and accepted the other $4325 of his a vin• Wings like a little martyr. And, as the lady said, real nice work if you can get it. * * * So all that remains i4 10 laugh —and to recommend Mister Vines to try some of those cold com- presses, used for the reduction of tumid joints, on - his - aristocratic dome. And it's rather a Pity, be- cause Ellsworth Vines was one of the finest tennis players that ever , swung a racket, and now lie's right up among the best of them at golf. And any ratan who can get to the top in those two sputts —which, as played in fast company nowadays, probably take more 51:11I, staying power and plain guts than arty other games whatever—is cer- tainly a wonder and should be above such petty stuff as lie pulled in Chicago. * * * hor, I-Icaven knows, if people can be found who are willing to pay real money for the privilege of tramping several miles around a golf course, on a hot sticky day. to watch a lot of other guys swat the little pill, the least they deserve is -to know who they are looking at. And, speaking of the noble game of golf, we ran across a statement which rather interested us on the score -card of the Si. Andrews Golf Club, of 'Toronto in Local Rule Number Three it is distinctly slat - cd that "BRIDAL paths are not hazards"; and we have been won- dering, ever since we saw it, Whether a long list of much -mar- , vied gents, from King Solomon down to Toninty Manwillc, would entirely agree. U. S. Family Incomes Almost half of the families in the United States have incomes of less than 82,000 a year,' and two out of three take in less than $3,000, a recent sttrvey showed. The figures represent the com- bined income. all members of of) each fancily. About one in 10 families had pooled incomes of 84,000 to 87,500, and only one in each 53 or 84 had joint income totalling etcore than $7,500. ISSUE 32-1946