HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-07-11, Page 5THURSDAY,. JULY 11, 1946. 'TIE SEAFORTH NEWS News Massey -Harris Machines 1 New 6 ft. Massey Binder 1 New 6 ft. MasseyMowei' 1 New 30 tooth Dump Rake 1 New stiff tooth Cultivator, Power Lift and Tractor Hitch 1 New Spring tooth Cultivator 1 New No. 4 Corn Cultivator 2 New 2 furrow Tractor Plows 1 New 10" Tractor Grinder 1 New 12" Tractor Grinder 1 New Massey Hammer Mill 1 New 2 h,p. Gas Engine 1 New Electric Grinder 1 New Rite Way Milker 1 New Massey Cream Separator (Electric) 2 sets 600x16 Wheels and Etc., for wood wheel wagons. —ALSO- 1—Used 6 ft. Clipper Combine 1—Used 5 ft. Oliver Combine SEAFORTH MOTORS CHEVROLET — OLDSMOBILE SALES SEAFORTH SERVICE Seaforth Monument Works T. PRYDE & SON Memorial Craftsmen Exeter Seaforth Clinton SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appoint- ment any other time, or phone 41 J. Exeter. OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Repaired & Recovered Also Auto Seats and Backs, Verandah Swings & Steamer Chairs Repaired, Free Pick- up and Delivery The Stratford Upholstering Company Phone 579, Stratford For further information apply at Box Furniture Store SEAFORTH Veteran's Spray Paint- ing Co'y R. R. 2, SEAFORTH Are fully equipped to handle any spray or brush Paint jobs. Exterior or interior. Homes, Farms, Factor- ies, or Garages, etc. Estimates glad- ly furnished. Phone 851-11 POULTRY RAISERS We are exclusive Buyers of High Qualtiy Poultry —live or rail grade. HENS, BROILERS AND CHICKENS Highest Cash Price paid for quality poultry Pick-up and Estimates Free CALL Dublin Produce Co. DUBLIN 60 PROCLAMATION Town of Seaforth On instructions from the Council I hereby proclaim that no dogs shall be allowed to run at large in the Town of Seaforth during the months of May, June, July and August. Under authority of By -Law #111 for the Town of Seaforth any dogs so found running at large contrary to this Proclamation shall be liable to be killed and the owner or harbourer prosecuted. John. J. Cluff MAYOR Notice to Car Drivers Drive within the speed limit, check car brakes and lights. By Order JOHN CURRIE Chief of Police, Seaforth f ANIMALS D SABLED Quickly renotved in clean, sanitary trucks. Phone collect 219 MITCHEI.i_ WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 15, EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry) NONa TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bradburn and Beulah have returned home after spending a week at Ipperwash Beach. Miss Sandra McKellar of Toronto is spending her holidays with her grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs, M. McKellar, Mr. W, G. Strong of Ottawa spent a few days last week with his sister, Mrs. Harvey. Moore, and Mr. Moore. Mr. Clarence Westcott spent a Yew days at Tobermory and Manitoulin. Island. Magistrate Gee and Mrs. Gee, of Lindsay, who have been spending the past week` at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McKellar, left on Sunday to visit friends in Chicago. Rev. James Elford has returned to his home in Egmondville after spend- ing the past two years. at Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Tomlinson and little' daughter, Jean, and Miss Isabel Mc- Kellar, R.N., of Stratford, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar. Mr: Robert Coekerline of near Blyth was a visitor in town during the week. Mr. Cockerline is in his 93rd year and is enjoying remarkably good health. Mr. and Mrs, Don Aberhart of Gode- rich spent Sunday at the home of his father, Mr. George Aberhart. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Dates, Wayne, Michigan, have returned home after spending the week end at the home of the latter's grandmother, Mrs. T. G. Scott. Master Keith Spieran, Saginaw, Mich„ is holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Hunter. Miss Jean Kelly, St. Clements, spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Leo Kelly. Mr. Ross McGonigle and son Bob, Kitchener, spout the week end at the home of his father, Mr. Robert Me- Gonigle. Mr. and Mrs, R. V. Peiffer, Detroit, were recent visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Henry. Hoggarth. Miss Betty Matthews, Waterloo, visited over the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Simmons, Tor- onto, were week end visitors at the home of the latter's sister Mrs. Albert Moore, and Mr. Moore. Mr. J. A. Westcott spent the week end in Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. MoNab of Tor- onto were guests last week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Inas. Alex MoNab. Miss Lois Whitney, London, spent the week end at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Whitney. Miss Margaret McIver, Reg. Nurse, Kitchener, spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter McIver, Mrs. I. H. Weedmark and daughters Betty and Elaine, Cornwall, are visit- ing with friends in town. The following Seaforth High School cadets have returned home from Ip- perwash Cadet Camp, William Butch - art, Jerry Melr, John Jones, and Bert Shaw. Master Teddy Farrell, Woodstock, 1s holidaying at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Whitney. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Fleischer, To- ronto, were week end visitors at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Sam Shinen. Miss Hilda Kennedy is holidaying at the home of her mother, Mrs, R. Kennedy. Miss Harriet Meyers of Chicago, and Lieut. Francis Tibble of Joliet, III., have been visiting at the home of their aunt, Mrs. J. W. Thompson. Mrs. J. Flannery, Misses Teresa and Ger•alda Flannery, Mr. and Mrs. Rae Benninger, Guelph, Mr, and Mrs. James Flannery, Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Josdph Miller, Detroit, were week end visitors at the homes of Mr. and Mars, J. J. Clears and Mr. and Mrs. John Flannery, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Free were in Lindsay over the week end visiting their daughter' and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bagshaw. Mr. and Mrs. David Grieve and sap Ds,vid have returned to'London after spending the week end at the home of his mother, Mrs. John Grieve. Miss Ruth Joynt is in Hamilton taking a sunnier course. Miss Jean Brodie, Kirkland Lake, and Miss Ann Brodie, Toronto, are spending their summer vacation at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brodie. Miss Josephine McIver has return- ed home after spending the past week with relatives in Kitchener. Miss Evelyn Murray has returned to Toronto. Miss Eileen Murray is spending a week in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Scott and Mr. and.. Mrs. William Scott and son Glenn, Chicago, were week end visit- ors at the home of Mrs. T. G. Scott. Mrs. L. Scott and Mrs. W. Scott and Glenn remained here. Dr. Harvey Burrows, Mrs, Burrows and family, St. Catherine, were week end visitors with the former's father, Dr. F. J. Burrows. Mrs, A. Cudmore, Kitchener, visited on Monday at the home of her sister, Mrs, Arnold Westoott. Miss Lorna Dale spent her summer vacation in Niagara Falls and Toronto. Mr, and, Mrs. Armand Gravelle spent the week end at the former's home in Stratford. Mr. 0-ravelle is employed at the Excellence Flour Mill, Miss Laura Mole spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Mrs. E. M. Little, Mary, Sheila and John, of Quebec City, are spending a week with her brother, Mr. and Mrs, D. H. Wilson. They were accompan- ied by Mr. John A, Wilson, who will spend the summer here. Miss Maxine Lawrence is holiday- ing with friends in Ottawa and Prescott. Mrs. William Campbell and son Karl havereturnpd from spending the past week in Trenton, Mr. David Bolton, Waterloo, is holi- daying at his home here. Mrs. M. Clark, Woodatoelt, is visit- ing with her sisters, Misses. -Wilma and ' Abbie Seip, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Rintoul, Kit- ohoner, are holidaying at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fraser, Mr, and Mrs, Donald MacLean and family, Detroit, and; Mr, and Mrs. D d B ffl onald Gillies an famrly, u a o, were week end guests at the home of NIr. and Mrs. Roderick MacLean. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hall and family, Toronto, and Mrs. Gratton Flannigan and family, Hamilton, are holidaying in town. Atwood United Church had their annual .picnic at Goderieh Tuesday. A number stopped to call on Mrs, C. C. Koine. Mr, John Bullard of Thamesford is visiting Mr. and Mrs. -George Eaton. Mrs. Andrew Calder and daughter Mrs. Weatherston and granddaughter Mary, of Hickson, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton. Miss Ann Govenlock of Toronto is a guest of Mrs. H. R. Scott and Miss Belle Smith: Mrs. Herbert Whittaker of Fort Erie visited friends in town on Wednesday. Miss:' Hazel Anderson, Reg,N., af- ter spending a month's holidays with her parents, has taken a position an the staff of Toronto General Hospital. HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE Continued From Page One ence Machan, Rhea Mann, Gordon Sheill, Ross SSheili, Brace Speiran, Jean Stephenson. DASHWOOD Wilfred Becker, Marie Clarke, Ronald Dawe, Evelyn Desjardine, Gordon Eagleson, Vesta Ford, Col - lee Gill, Shirley Guenther, Mary Ann Hartmann, Barbara Ann Hayter, Larry Houlahan, Rita Houlahan, !Gloria Kraft, Betty Love, Jean Mason, Shirley Mason, Wallace Pfaff, • Grace Pickering, Jimmie Pickering, George Rader, Ann Marie Regier, Ruth Regier, Jacob Schroed- er, Glen •Shaw, Marion Smith, Anna Turnbull, Bernice Tyler, Joe Van- steenkiste, Gerald Webb, William Yearley, Mary Ziier. EXETER Joan Batten, Donald Bergie, Ida Blanchard, Maxine Bowden, Murray Cann, Brintnell,. Etta Brintnell, Shir- ley Broom, .Vernon Buckland, Gor- don 'Cann, Wilma Coates, Charles Cowen, Gilbert Dow, Lorne Ford, Eileen Fraser, Doris Hoist, Audrey Harrison, Muriel Hewitt, Joan Hop- per, Barbara Hunter, Eileen Hunt- 'er, Earl Hunter, Stirling Ince, Eileen Jeffrey, Stephan Kendrick, Gordon Kirk, Helen Preszcaator, Ted Front, Loretta Pym, Robert Russell, Glen Schroeder, Mabel Selves, Tom ,Steiner, Shirley Taylor, .Shirley Thomson, Robert Tripp, Donald 'Webster, Muriel Wells, Isobel Wil son, Marion Woods, Evelyn Wright, 'June Wright. WINGHAM Joyce Brooks, Desmond Brophey, Joseph Brown, Joan Brydges, Alice Buckman, George Calvert, Anne Chamney, Donna Chittick, Mary Ann (Cleland, Muriel Cook, Maxine 'Cow- an, Mary' Crawford, Audrey Cu1liton, Mary Lois Cunningham, Mary Fran- ces Darling, Madeline Dennis, Fran- cis Dbyle, Stewart -Everiek, James French, Glenn Fo:aton, Marion Ger- rie, Lorraine Hall, Lois Hayden, Donald Henderson, Ross Hilbert, Stanley Hiseler, Barbara Irwin, Marion Irwin, Alice Ruth Johnston, Robert Kress, Ivan Laidlaw, Wil- liam Lockridge, Irene Logan, Donna MacDonald, Andrew McKague, Mary McNaughton, Alice Parish, Margaret Procter, Kenneth Purdon, William Purdon, Douglas Richey, Fred Riehl, Ruth Showers, Katharene Sieling, Marie Sperling, Barbara Temple- man, John Tervit, Frances Merle Walker, Bonnie Willoughby, John Wray: Granted standing under Regula- tion 10-5—Nora Cook, Wade Staple- ton, GODER1CH Paul Armstead, Jean Baechler, Mary Baker, Elaine Bean, Archie Beattie, Bernice Blake, Chriat=ne Bogie, Joyce Breckow. Helen Bridle. 'Barbara Bull, Terrence Carter, Bar- bara ,Chase, Marybelle Chisholm, Joan Clark, Craig Costello, Audrey Crawford, Pauline Crawford, Robert Culp, June Cunningham, Barry Doak, Frank Doherty, Rita. Doherty, John• Donaldson, Moyra Donnelly, Marion Duckworth, Joan Elliott, Bruce Erskine, Gerald Feagan, Rob- ert Feagan, Joan Fitzpatrick,'Wil- liam Freeth, Betty Lou Fritzley, 'Charles Fulford, Eleanor Glenn, Barbara Griffiths, 'Pauline Harrison, Ruth Harvey, Melville Harwood, Catherine Hay. Donald Hawthorne, Margaret Henry, Murray Holland, Muriel Horton, Grace Hudson, John Hudson, Ruth Irwin, Eleanor Jef- fery, Edward Jenkins, Charles 'John- ston, Edward ‘1(Ted) Johnston, Helen Johnston,Olive Kneeshaw, Violet Laithwaite, June Lynch, Arlan MacDonald, Norene Mallough, Bar- bara Matthews, June McCabe, Vir- gdnia MoCabe, Alvin McGee, Don- ald McKay, James Milne, James Mugford, Gordon Noble, Barbara Orr, Grace Pinder, Gordon Pinder, Jack Price, Marion Quaid, Wiitni- feed Baynard, Clare Ruffen, Bruce Rutherford, Ruth Sager, Mary Lou Sanderson, Betty Schultz, Doris Sowerby, Donald Squire, Ray Stod- dart, George Warner, Frances Wat son, Douglas Webster John West- brook, Jean Willis, Leonard Willis, Wilda Wilson, Norbert Wisser. Granted standing under Regula- tion 10-5—Jack Benjamin, Ralph Wilson. HIBBERT Mr. George Powell of Seaforth has purchased the fifty -acre farm an the 10th concession of Hibbert from Mr. Victor Bisbach. Possession next spring.. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gill of - Grand Bend visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Britton on Monday. Mrs. 'Wm. Logan of Blyth is spending a few days with her daugh- ter Mrs. Leo Stephenson. Mrs. Robert Grimoldby is spend- ing a few days in London with Mrs. Howes, II;' Started and Day-old Red X Rock Hybrid Pallet Chicks now available THESE FAST FEATHERING PULLETS WILL MAKE OUTSTANDING FALL LAYERS. THE NUMBER ON HAND IS LIMITED. Scolt's Poultry Farm J. M. Scott Phone 851 r 32 44441111111111144444444444444 11111111144444444401111110e1144444444441 lm lllllllllllll llllll llll 1 lll 111 llllllllll 911nuuumn1 6m0 LAKE'VIEW CASINO GRAND BEND DANCING EVERY NIGHT CANADA'S SENSATIONAL NEW BANDLEADER GORDON DELAMONT AND HIS ORCHESTRA You won't question Gordon Delamont's amazing popularity when you come to the Bend and see the crowds, and hear his music 1 MART. KENNEY COMING AUGUST 13TH SOFTBALL GAME EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT "THE VARIETY ENTERTAINERS" SUNDAY JULY 14TH - 9 P.M. A Great Variety Programme for Young and Old I We want everybody to come to the Bend and euioy all the entertain- ment and fun we offer — Good Dinners — lice Lunches — Amuse- ments Galore — Swimming — Games — Horseback Riding — Boats for Hue Dancing — Bowling — Roller Skating ,un, . lllllll mum," lllllllllllll lllllllllllumnnunuuuuu,u,uu„nunuuunu„n„nunmuu,nnnuuuununnuuuu Mr. and Mrs. Les Naftel of Blyth spent Sunday with Mrs. Bert Stephenson. ' Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Coates of Ru- therford, N. J. and Mr. and Mrs. iUlarence Pearson of Ithaca, N.Y., who visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Clarke the past week, left Tuesday morning to visit Mrs. Coates` sister, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, at Sudbury. Miss Donelda Adams has returned home after spending a week at Cosy. Cabins, at Bayfield. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent Dr. Moffatt Wishes to announce that after July 15th, he will not perform any further Dental treatment at Varna but will continue, in the future, to render all such services at his London office only. Female Help Wanted GIRLS 16 YEARS OF AGE AND UP LuGI-IT, PLEASANT WORK APPLY: HENSALL HOSIERY MILLS • For sending money anywhere in Canada our Domestic Money Orders are safe, convenient and cheap. Payments abroad can also be made by means of our, Foreign Money Orders, Drafts and Mail Transfers—as well as by Cable Transfers where speed is necessary. .Explain your requirements at any of our branches and we will advise the :method which best suits your case. d7ea THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Seaforth Branch, G. C. Brightrall, Manager