The Seaforth News, 1946-07-04, Page 6OUT OF THE WILD BLUE YONDER
A Seattle, Wash., boat builder has the bright idea of converting
aurplus Navy seaplanes into pleasure cruisers and is now busy re-
modeling two war -weary PBY's, one of which is pictured above.
The tail assembly will be replaced by a conventional transom stern;
a keel added for eability and interior biillrheads removed to give
cabin space and headroom. Marine engines will be installed.
ge Talinina
iCividcle i
d f �I VeNEZIA �.
, G#ULIA ,/�Cormoius (JULIAN MARCH)
Goriziarged y U. (ins
e France and Britain
" Oil
Gull of Trieste
Adriatic Sea
Present Italian -
tY orttlle
0 15
PI [100
7 9`#
lit red
gid' la tat
Disposition of Trieste and its hinterland, explosive issue which
blasted the Big Four peace treaty meeting in May, still smoulders.
Yugoslavia demands, as seen on ethnographical map above, that her
border be moved west to incorporate all of Venezia Giulia and the
Istrian peninsula into the Yugoslavia Republic; that Trieste be made
a free city, with status of a federal unit of the republic; and that the
port of Trieste be internationalized, although under Yugoslav
sovereignty. Russia stubbornly supports these demands. The U. S.,
Britain and France suggest a border midway between the present
one and the extreme western line sought by Yugoslavia. They agree,
approximately, on this down to Portole, where their ideas diverge as
shown by flags. This would leave Trieste and all the Adriatic coast
in Italian hands.
Navy men turned animal herders as they loaded the U. S. S. Burleson with goats and pigs which will be
aboard target ships when the atomic bomb is dropped on Bikini Atoll next July. All the test ani-
Trials must be healthy and free of vermin, so, at left; above, sailors run goats through a vat of sheep-
dip at Hunters Point Navy Yard, Calif., before embarking them on the Burleson. At right, a seaman
gives „ome of the pigs their first meal aboard the ship.
InIIIMPOMIiimininimiNg MOW
ighlights of the News
Italy Ruled A Republic.
Italy formally bccam, a republic
on June 10.
In brief cer_flonies in Monte-
cittorio Palar-'s "Hall of t h e
Wolf," the Court of Cassation,
highest tribunal in Italy, officialy
determined that the people had
voted out the House of Savoy
Monarchy in the plebiscite last
The court anno.t,iced the fina;
referendum figures as follows:
For a Republic: 13 t ?,767.
For the Mona: city: 10,088,905.
Grand Mufti In Syria?
The grant mufti of Jerusalt.r,
banished in 1937 of anti-British
activities, was reported back in the
Middle East, app.erently •trep:•rinl;
w take a hand in the Arab struggle
against Ji wish immigration to
The grand mufti, sphittnal leader
of Pah 'ne's 800,000 Moslems, for
years led the Ara') fight against
9h1t-lnnent of r, national home
for Jews in Palestine. After his
banishment by ltri,ain during bit-
ter Arab n_wis': disorders h e •
sought refuge in Syria until 194t _
when he fl(d to Italy and was
warmly ws1c,inted by Mussolini.
India Princes Back Plan
Twenty-four hours after t•h c
Moslem Lm announced its .up
port for the three-man U-itish eal.
ihet missitn's plan for Ineia, the
princes, rulers of 9.000,000 penpl
came out in favor of the plan.
Th outstanding coumihes of -the
Clamber of Prit.c,s—third im
portant element in 1nelia in itdtlib
ion to t1:e Congress Party and tine
Moslem l.raguc—ann•euaccd that
• gener ' opinion of its nnember.c
"seemed to he in tent' of accept-
ii.g the British proposals.,
Hard Coal Strike Ended
The United Mine Worker.
(AFL) announced settlement of
their week-old strike against anth-
racite coal operators on the basis
of an 1854 -cent -an -hour wage in-
crease and a health and welfare
ft,nd which operators stimate will
cost between $50,000,000 and $d0,
000,000 a year.
Appr..;imately 75,000 have been
idle in the Pennsylvania hard coal
Also included in the• new con-
tract is a provision for vacation pay
of $100, instead of the present $75
for 10 days' time off.
Record Topped
At a dinner in hirtoric 10 Down-
ing titreet the British Goverment
aid the Dominions honored W. J.
Mackenzie King wit( enters his
201.1: year as Prime Minister of
Chnly ons other Prime Minister,
Sir Robert Walpole. was longer in
Mr. King has surpassed by a few
_days the tenure of office of Sir
i John illacilonald, the—first Canad='
i +r Prime Minister after confeder-
atioe, and has outdistahced Wil-
liam Pitt. 18th century British
chief of government, by a few
Atomic -Energy Control
A resolution has been launched
in the Uouse of Commons as a
prelude to the introduction of a
bi' for the .ontrol of atomic ener-
::y in Canada.
The bill' will incorporate an
atomic energy control board, pro-
viding for "public t ontrol and sup-
ervision of development, :applicat•
ion, and use of atom energy_"
As Canada, through its mines at
Great Bear Lake, is Sri important
source of uranium, the primary
material required for atonic fission,
it is places. in what Xfr. Howe
called 'a somewhat unique l:osi-
t •,t." It also has a plant at Chalk
River able .o produce the final pro-
duct from which atontie energy can
he released.
China Truce Fails
Field despatches reported bicody
fighting had broken out again in
north central China despite the
current 15 -day truce, While govern-
mtg.t and Chinese Communist
leaders were preparing to lay their
terns for permanent peace before
Cr. S, General Marshall.
P. L P. C. 0. Site it, Canada
The general as.ombly of the pro-
visional int •rna ' t .al civil ' a i r
organization voted in favor of Can-
ada as the permanent site for the
P.I.l C.A. U.'s temporary head-
quarters hive been in Montreal
and it is unlikely any change wiU
,,b..made in. •the 1pcati•;t,.._.
Forty'-oni. nations took 'part in
the vote with 27 supporting. Can-
ada, muga voting for France, four
for Switzerh:nd and one for China.
Capt: John W. Guider USNR,
above, former Washington, D. C.
attorney, has been selected by wan.
time premier Hideki Tojo to defend
him in the Japanese war criminal
trials in Tokyo.
Ananda Mahidol, 20, "Boy King" of
Siam, was found dead of a bullet
wound in his palace in Bangkok.
He will be succeeded by his brother,
Prince Phumiphon Aduldet, 18.
prefer Maxwell House Cof-
fee. It's enjoyed in more
homes than any other
brand of coffee in the
world. It's always "Good
to the Last Drop !"
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itTwo grains —not just one — give you
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