HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-07-04, Page 4THE SEAFOR.TH NEWS
Snowdon Bros., Publishers "..
Mrs. •Wallace Ruddell and daught-
tars Marilyn and Sheila,, bf Isllington,
are visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Barrows.
Mr, and Mrs. F. H. Davidson, who
have been visiting her sisters and
brother, Miss Bessie Davidson and
Mr, Ed Davidson, and Ml's, Calvin
Hillen and Mr. Hilien and family,
have returned to . their home in Mac-
donald, Manitoba.
S.S. No. 7 and. 11, held a picnic on.
the school grounds of No. 11, on Fri-
day afternoon. The prizewinners in
the different events were as follows:
Girls 6 and under, Dorothy Knox, Le-
nora Hamilton, Marilyn Riley, Boys
6 and under, Lorne Hoggart, Charlie
Knox, Girls 10. and under, Marjorie
Knox,Ola Fangrad,, Helen Hamilton.
Boys 10 and under, Harold Knox, Gor-
don Hesk, Art Hoggart. Girls 12 and
under, Anne Fairservice, Marjorie
Knox, Marjorie Hesk. Boys 12 and
under, Harold Knox, Gordon Hesk,
David Fairservice. Girls 14 and under,
Anne Fairservice, Jessie Watt, Mar-
jorie Knox. Boys 14 and under, Reg.
Hesselwood, Herold Knox, John Pol-
lard. Young ladies' race, Velma HeItk,
Jessie Watt, Young men's race, Doug
Hesk, Reg Hesselwood, Married lad-
ies' race, Irene Knox, Marion Riley,
Married men's race, John Riley, Kell-
and McVittie. Three-legged race, 10
and under, Marjorie Knox and Helen
Hamilton; Chas. Shobbrook and Lloyd
Glousher. Three-legged race, 14 and
under, Marjorie Knox and Helen Ha-
milton, Reg Hesselwood and Donald
Austin. Sack race, 10 and under, Beryl
Pollard, Marjorie Knox, Sack race, 14
and under. Ola Fangrad, Marjorie
Knox. Relay race, No. 11 team of Reg
Hesselwood, Anne Fairservice, Art
Hoggart and David Fairservice. Shoe
pile race. Lots Hesselwood. Sack race
(men), Watson Reid. Kicking slipper
'ladies). Ruth Shobbrook. Kicking
,hoe 'men). Watson Reid. Running
high jump --Boys 14 and under, Reg
H.'sselwood, Gordon Heslc; girls 14
and under, Jessie Watt, Helen I•Iamil-
ton: men, Alien Shaddick. Jim Me
Ewing: ladies'. Velma Hesk, Beryl
Reid, Guessing contest (correct no of
nails, 1491, Bert Hoggart. No. 11's
teams won the men's and ladies' tug-
of-war. Four ball games were played
during the afternoon, the keenest in-
terest being shown in the inter school
gam, for the pupils. The players on
No. 7 team were Jack Brown, Janet
Pollard, John Pollard, Sean McVittie,
Harry Lear, June Lear, and Jessie
Watt. The players for No. 11 were Reg
Hesselwood, Doug Hesk, David Fair -
service, Harold Knox, Donald Austin,
Art Hoggart and Gordon Hesk. The
final score was 16.9 in favor of No. 11.
A display of the children's work was
shown in the school. A picnic lunch
was served at the close of the after-
Mr. and Mrs. Janes Scott and child-
ren, of Toronto, motored up on Sat-
aturday evening visiting at the homes
of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Watt, Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Lear, Mr. and Mrs. Kel-
land McVittie and Mr. and Mrs. John
Fairservice. Misses Jessie Watt and
Donna McVittie returned home with
them on Monday evening.
Miss Doris Lear of Hamilton spent
the week end at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lear, Her
sister Helen returned with her to
Misses Eva and Nellie Rapson of
Toronto spent the week end at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Warren Gib-
bing:: neat• Clinton, Mr. and Abs. Al -
herr Rapson and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac
r tp at1. returning to Toronto Monday.
We are sorry Mr. A. i\'. 1i'arenl of
nets, u'11. fortuerly ,If Harlock.
el ❑: v, 11 as tc:l1 1. 1111r li`,•+., ere •,'rill
1Sffe: .1.
"1..a 331 ellr;tol.
fill,Iii. ;it
.hip �I
"l10 it,.n •f
r leer
1 , .t 1). Lilt lime of lnl't:iing
snppnu.-d t•.'+ hyo holding his "W11.
J;,nnio Now: has returned In
rh=• lr:gt,� of h.r son and wife, Ili•. and
Mrs. Erne,' Knox. Mrs. Knox spent
the winter and early spring with her
daughter and itusbancl in Toronto and
has since been visiting her daughters
Mrs. and Mr. Graydon Neal near
Summerhill, and Mr. and Mr's. Thomas
Appleby near Seaforth, and son Mr.
Ward Knox at Harlock. We are glad
to welcome her back home again.
Mr, and Mrs. Audrey Knox and
Jimmie, of Kitchener, holidayed with
frienrls in Brussels, Londesboro, and
with Harlock friends.
Mr, and Mrs. Audrey Knox and
Jamie, Mr, and Mrs. William Knox Jr.
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Col-
son, Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Shobbrook and
Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Carter spent Sun-
day afternoon at Sunset Park,
Mr. and Mrs. Jam,t:i 11. Eckert and
Stephen spent the week end in Guelph
and :,alt. -
Mr. Darr Manley and son, London,
spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs.
William Manley.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald O'Hara, accom-
panied by Mr. and Mrs. Stephen •Mc-
Kay, Galt, motored to Niagara Falls
for the lst of July.
In response to announcement by
Hon. Leopold MacAulay, President
of the Ontario Division of the
Canadian Red Cross, Society that an
appeal should be made immediately
for $350,000, '(Three hundred and
fifty thousand) to aid the sufferers
from the recent tornado in the
Windsor area, the Hensall branch of
the Red Cross has authorized their
treasurer, Miss Katie Scott, to ac-
cept donations from the people of
Hensall and district for this needy
The Kippen East W. I. held their
regular monthly • meeting at the
home of Mrs, Thos, Hay on Wed
nesday evening June 26th. The
meeting opened by singing the
opening Ode followed by the Lord',
Prayer. There was a March of
Health duizz-front the July Reader':
Digest. A very inspiring motto
"Little thing's which make a Foust
a home" was given by Mrs. J. Mc-
Lean, The roll call "What I weigh`
and what my weight should be" we:
very .amusing. Miss Jean Ivisor.
played some bridal music which wa'
much appreciated and enjoyed by
all. The guest speaker,. Mrs. H,
Faber, told of her experiences as a
nurse at Labrador and had on ellswork
play some
n done bythe nuatives.sitepreces Theiroh hooked
pieces being as 'fine as needlepoint
and was very beautiful indeed. Mrs.
Ross Broadfoot gave an instrument-
al. A sum of ten dollars was donat-
ed to the Cancer Fund. A picnic was'
arranged to he held at Lion's Park
on July 10th, supper atbe at 6:30,
An invitation is extended to the
community. There will be sports for
the children and ball games for the
adults. This will be an evening pic-
nic starting with the supper.
Mrs. W. H. McLean gave her re-
port of the District Annual as fol-
lows: The District Annual of the
Women's Institutes of South Huron
was held in the Egmondville Church
on May 29th. The meeting opened
by singing the opening Ode and re-
peating the Lord's Prayer in unison.
Address of welcome was given by
Mrs. J. T. Scott. She spoke of the
many vocations open to women.
This is our day let us make the most
of it. She said that every farm wo-
man in Canada should have a week's
vacation. Reply was .given by Mrs.
N. Geiger. With the war clouds
lifted, Peace time is a great time.
The roll call, "War time energy"
converted into peace time channels
was ably discussed by a member
from each branch. Ways named
were "Blood Donations", School
teaclter section organize a junior
Red Cross, Send food and clothing to
war torn Europe, also the veterans
are our first consideration, nothing
is too much or too good for them.
Stand back and take a good look at
your Institute, draft definite com-
munity projects, give our returned
men a welcome home. Try to do the
little things. It's much easier to
give interest for a large project.
Minutes of last annual were read
and adopted. Secretary -Treasurer,
auditors, president and branch sec-
retary reports were given, also re-
norts of standing committees. Mrs.
G. B. Mason sang "My Task". A
demonstration of making paper
flowers and waxing them was given
by Mrs. R. Dalrymple and was thor-
oughly enjoyed. At noon over 100
members were served dinner by the
'Vit. A. of the :Church. A toast to the
king was proposed by Mrs. R. Elgie,
Kippen, the national anthem was
sung, To the Woman's Institute by
Mrs. Glenn McLean, replied to dby
Mrs. Llovd Kirkland, Hurondale, to
Canada by Mrs. Paul Doig and an
swered by Mrs. Desjardine, Grand
Bend. "0 Canada" was sung. Mrs.
E. B. Goudie moved a vote of thanks
to the ladies of the church for the
Community singing opened the
••ft"rnonn session and , Mrs. Paul
Doig, district delegate gave a re-
port, said she was going to start by
tieing disagreeable and end by being
agreeable. Its the crack pots of the
•••'it'll that do all the reforming,
r^ee distinction. The trouble of the
nt)•. of the world wa.—each
hnu :ht they were superior. People,
:i't• who they are think they
;n -o sotnethinee s r•cirel.
.c;i;lt 1 Scott 9'tornorial ilospi-
::I, In. Jn.m, VOL to -Mr. rind Mrs.
3ir;ton + 1s,,, q.:a1!'nrtil..1 themleer.
e,', passed heir
11-1(1,‘ IT Theory .ory exams for lite Tor.
to c n r t 'tory of Music with First
1 s honors.
:Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson and
fancily visited on Monday with Mr,
Aid Dire. dentes Morris and family in
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elder and son
Kenneth, of Hamilton. and Mr. and
Mrs. Alpert Passmore, Kenneth and
Bobbie, of Aylmer, spent the holiday
with their parents, Mr. anis Mrs. John
Mrs. Thomas Harris visited recent-
ly at the home of her son, Mr. and
Mrs, Percy Harris, Chiselhurst.
Mr. K. C. Passmore of Quee'ns Uni-
versity, Kingston, is holidaying with
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Pass-
Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cools and family
are holidaying at their cottage at Oak
weed. Grand Bend.
Mr, and Ml's. A. W. E. Hemphill are
holidaying at their cottage at Oak-
wood, Grand Bend;
?Miss Betty Moir was a guest at the
lion of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Airs. Jack Soldan.
Mics Minnie - and Doris Penhale
.teeet 't couple of days last week
with their cousin, Mrs. John Keys.
Miss Vera Wild is visiting her
mother, AIrs. V. Wild.
Miss Minnie Penhale is spending
this week in London.
.Cpr, R. K. Davidson of Ipper-
wash spent the weekend with his
family, .
Mr. Sam MnSpadden and family,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Bert .McSpadden and
Jackie of London, with relatives
here. .
Miss Helen Laughnane and Mary
of Niagara Falls, N.Y., with Mrs,
Margaret Horne.
Mr, and Mrs. Uru of Windsor
spent the holiday with Mr. John
Shannon and. Mrs. Chambers. Mr.
ihannon returned to Windsor with
,tent on Monday,
Mrs. J. M. Gillies, Jackie and
Bruce left on Saturday to spend' the
holiday' with her mother at Coiling -
Mr. Robert McClure returned
`tome from Scott Memorial, Hospital,
an Tuesday .
On Friday, June 29th, the pupils
of S.S. No. 10, McKillop, showed
`heir appreciation to their teacher,
Vers. Leslie Dolmage, who is retir-
ing . from teaching school,_ by •, pre-
senting a little gift to her. Douglas
Keys read the. address.' Glendon Kerr
Ind Dorothy Keys presented her
with a casserole and a salad tray,
r handkerchief and a card. Mics.
Dolmage thanked them all for these
nice gifts.
Miss Angela O'Reilly, Dublin,
popular- teacher of S.S. No. 11,
Logan, West Monkton, sponsored
the first school picnic ever held at
the school grounds, on (Wednesday.
Ideal weather 'prevailed and ,fl large
group of parents and ex -pupils at-
tended. The activities included
races and a keenly contested ball
game. The pupils also presented a
Red Cross program of songs, recita-
tions and impromptu speeches. Miss
O'Reilly distributed prizes for the
various races. A sumptuous picnic
lunch was served to the pupils and
guests, A vote of thanks was
tendered to the teacher by Mrs. Wil-
liam Darling, and it was resolved
that the school picnic would be an
annual event in the future. The
National Anthem. concluded the ac-
A home coming party in honor of
Pte. John Roach, St. Columban, was
held in Looby's hall. A large group
of friends and neighbors assembled
to welcome the guest of hovor. An
address was read by Mrs. A. M.
Looby and presentation of a Purse
of money was made by Pat Sullivan.
Pte, Roach expressed his gratitude
and appreciation of being home
again. A social hour of dancing
followed. The Ryan --McQuaid or-
chestra supplying the music. A
group of volunteers served hunch,
The annual school picnic at S.S.
No. 1, Logan and Ellice, sponsored
by the popular teacher of the past
two years, Mies Marie Dillon, was
held at the recreation grounds on
Friday. A series of races and games
took place for which numerous priz-
es were awarded. Following a treat
of ice-cream, Miss Dillon was tend-
ered a farewell tribute. An address
was read by Audrey Kummer, and
presentation of a dressing table set
and a sandwich plate was remade by
Jean Thompson and Keith Regan.
Miss Dillon responded gratefully
and wished the pupils continued suc-
cess. She has been engaged as
teacher of S.S. No. 8, Logan, for
the ensuing year.
Mrs. Muegge, Mitchell, who was
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Albert
Rock, fell down in the 'basement on
Sunday and received head injuries
requiring several stitches. .She was
taken to Seaforth Memorial Hospital
for treatment.
Miss Ally Looby, Toronto, with
her mother, Mrs. A. M. Looby.
Miss Mary Dorsey, London, with
her mother, Mrs. Louis Dorsey
Rev, J. A, Feeney, London, with
Wilfred Feeney and other brothers
and sisters here.
' Mrs. David Crawford, Toronto,
with Mr. and Mrs: James Shea.
Miss Margaret Holland, Toronto,
with Iter parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
E. Holland.
Gerald Burns, London, and
Miss Kathleen ,Bumps, Stratford,
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs
Frank Burns, '
Mrs. Leo Holland and daughters,.
Rosemary and Stephenie, Windsor,
with Mrs. M. Schulman and Patrick
Misses Mary Margaret and Teresa
Ryan, London, with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan.
Gus Denomme, London, with Mrs.
Denomme and. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Feeney,.
London, with Mr. and Mrs. Patrick
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Matthews,
Detroit, with 'Mr. and Mrs, M. J.
Mrs. Icatharine McDermott and
Miss Mary Ryan, Toronto, at their -
home. here,
Miss Rose Feeney, Toronto, with.
her. mother, Mrs. Kathleen Feeney.
Miss Mari McGrath, Reg. N..
London, with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Patrick McGrath.
Ted Rowland, Windsoi, with his
mother, Mrs. Winnifred Rowland.
Miss Dorothy Jordan, Kitchener,
with her mother, Mrs. Loretto Jor-
Misses Eileen and Jean Jordan,
London, with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Jordan.
Sgt. James Newcombe, Toronto,
with Mrs. Newcombe.
Miss Dorothy Donnelly, .Goderich,
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo-
senh Donnelly,
1Vliss Ethelyn O'Hearn, Goderieh,'
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ed-
win O'He:t;•n.
The following teachers at their
espective hones: Misses Mary and
Betty Murphy, Welland; Miss Angola
t O'Reilly. West Monkton: Miss Mary
, E. Murray, Kingsbridge.
Frank Doyle, Toronto, with his
mother. Mrs. B. Doyle.
Miss Doris Flanagan, London, and
Joseph Flanagan, Kitchener, with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
.l.ir. and Ars. Joseph E. Feeney
and family at Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Stapleton
and family at. Zurich and Grand
.Ioseph Looby at Toronto.
Miss Isabelle Alexander, teacher
of Toronto, is spending the holidays
with her parents, Mr and Mrs. W.
Al exander.
sirs. Gordon Westlake of Bayfield
spent last week with her sister„ Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Jones.
Quite a number from here attend-
ed the horse races at Strathroy on
Mr. and Mrs. A..Gackstetter, Mr.
and NIrs. W. Homey, attended the
Hoover—Edworthy wedding in St.
Thomas on Wednesday last.
Mr. William Petty is all smiles
these days, a baby girl bas come to
stay at their home.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith of Guelph
spent the weekend with the latter's
Maria Montez"Tangier" Preston Foster
Robert Paige Louise Allbritton
.A commotion -filled melodramatic tale
MON. TUES. WED. Two Features
Joan Leslie Robert Hutton
AND- Faye Emerson Zachary Scott
An extremely dramatic diversion with apleasant surprise awaiting
those who relish this type of entertainment
Bud Abbott and Lou Costello in "LITTLE GIANT"'
The usual Hilarious Comedy
Coming: "KITTY" (Adult Entertainment)
parents, Mr. and Airs. J. Jarrott.
Mr. and, Mrs. Fred Rowantree
and cousin of Toronto, are guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long. l
Mr. John C. Doig, of Detroit was
the weekend guest of his mother and
sister, Miss Janet.
There was a fair attendance of the
members of the Orange Order in St.
John's Anglican Church, Sunday night,
where they were welcomed by the
rector Rev. R. 0, Holmes, who gave a
good talk, taking for his text James
let, 22nd verse, Be ye doers of the
word and not hearers only, The Wood-
ham Fife and Drum Band accompan-
ied the procession to the church.
Mr. Pilgrim of Detroit in company
with his daughter and little grand-
daughter came to visit his brother,
Mr. C. C. Pilgrim, and while doing
some repairs to the home on Monday
fell from a ladder and sustained. a
broken shoulder. He was rushed to
Seaforth Hospital. Mr. Pilgrim is 74
Mrs, McGregor of Seaforth was a
week end guest with Mrs, Wm. Hart.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Austin and family
01 Londeshoro, with Mrs. Austin.
Holiday visitors: Mr. and Mrs..
Cordon Keyes, of IComoka, Mr. Allin
Keyes, of Valleyfield, Que., with their
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ben Keyes.
Mr. and Mrs. Laythem and family,
of London, with the latter's mother,
Mrs. Beatty and Edith.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Elliott andiittle
daughter, of Brantford, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Heard and family, of Stratford,
Mrs. J. Ferguson and family, of Sud-
bury, at the home of Mr: and Mrs. M.
Elliott. '
Mrs. Ben Keyes received word that
her brother, Mr. John Turner, Clin-
ton, while attending the horse races
at Strathroy, was seized with a heart
attack. He is now resting in Strathroy
Hospital. His many friends wish him
a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Schell and son, of Detroit, are
guests of her mother-. Mrs. Austin,
and brother.
The W.A. of St. John's Church net
at the home of Mrs. M. G. Beatty
and Miss Mossop Thursday. A. quilt
was quilted,' after which a supper was
nerved by the hostess. There was a
good attendance,
Want and For Sale Ads., 1 week 25e.
Mr. Henry Dayman attended the
funeral of his 'brother, the late Mm.
Jas. Dayman of Hensall, last week,
Mrs. John Turner of Clinton vise
ited with her niece, Mrs. W. Haugh,
last Friday.
At the school picnic of S.S.. No.
10, Stanley, the boys and girls pre-
sented Rev. G. F. N. Atkinson with
a abed lamp. •
A large congregation was present
at the presentation held for Rev. G.
F. N. Atkinson, last Thursday
evening when Mr. Atkinson was
presented with a desk lamp from
the boys and girls of S.S. No. 3
Tuckersmith; an autograph quilt
frorn the woman's Association; a
fountain pen front the choir and a
purse from the congregation. Mr.
Atkinson kindly 'thanked all for
their gifts. "Blest be the tie that
binds" was sung. A social half hour
was spent when lunch was served
by the ladies.
At their . weiner roast last Wed-
nesday night the Young People's
Union presented their pastor, Rev.
G. Atkinson, with an auto rug.
Rev. G. Atkinson who has retired
from the Ministry, leaves this week
for his hone in Wardsville.
Rev. E. R. Stanway will com-
mence his work here next ,Sabbath.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas McCully and
slaughter of Stratford visited with
the former's father and sister, Mr.
J. McCully and Miss Mary G. Mc-
Cully, over the weekend and holiday,
Mr. and .Mrs. R. McKenzie and
family of Detroit, spent the weekend
with Mrs. A. McKenzie and Mrs. R.
Mr. Atkinson and Miss Atkinson
of .GVencoe spent Sunday at the
Manse with their brother
Mr. and Mrs. John McIntosh and
family of Toronto visited with their
relatives over the weekend and holi—
day. Ronnie McIntosh of Egmond-
ville returned to the city with them.
Marlene and • Peter Haugh of
Toronto are spending their holidays
with their relatives here.
Mr. Leonard Boyce is visiting
with his brother Mr. Fred Boyce.
Miss Betty Allan left for Hamil-
ton on Tuesday, where she will
take up a summer course.
:Donations for the stricken fami-
lies of Windsor may be left at
either stores here or with the Red
Cross treasurer, Mrs. H. Dalrymple.
a3s age'eh sr
Yes, things ate impro4itlg: alit cars are
back on many Canadian National runs, and
more equipment is becoming available for
civilian use again. That means now you can
make that train trip you've been putting
off. Whether it's business or pleasure, a long
trip or a short one, we'll do everything we
can to assure you an enjoyable journey.
Any Canadian National ticket office is a good
place to go, not just for tickets, timetables and
itineraries, but for other help, too; reservations
at Canadian National's hotels from coast to
coast; help in planning your vacation, fishing
and hunting trips, etc. Put your problem up to
Canadian National I