HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-07-04, Page 1The Seaforth News
$i a year
Sergeant J. F. Flannery, of Seaforth,
received the 1VIilitary Medal from
Viscount Alexander of Tunis, Gov-
ernor-General of Canada, at the In-
vestiture held at Windsor, Ont., on
Friday, June 28t1i. The citation for the
award is as follows:
Sgt. John Francis Flannery of the
Canadian Infantry Corps, award of
the Military Meda! -"Sgt, Flannery, in
command of the leading, platoon at
Breddenburg, Germany, personally
robed the enemy and cleared the
area with complete disregard for his
own safety."
Mr, H. G. Meir, barrister of Sem
forth, was elected District Governor
of District A-1, Lions International,
(Ontario -Quebec) at- the annual con-
vention in Niagara Falls last week.
He was also re -appointed Chairman of
the District Oratorical Contest Com-
mittee which supervises one of the
major activities of Lions in Canada.
This is the first time in the history of
the Seaforth Lions Club that one of
.its members has achieved this
First Presbyterian and North-
side United.
First in Presbyterian 'Church.
11 a.m, and '7 . m: conducted by
Rev. H. V. Workman.
Sunday School at 10 a.m.
July 7th, St, Mary's, Dublin, .9:30
a.m.,. Moly Communion.
St. Thomas, Seaforth; 11. a.m.,
Holy •Communion.
Pio •Evening' Service.
The Rector, Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert,
B.A., at both services.
First Presbyterian Church
10 a.m. The Sunday School.
11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Public Worship:
Rev. R. V. Workman will preach.
The, congregations of First Church
and Northside United will worship to-
gether during July in First Church.
Egmondville United Church
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.ni:, Rev. J. E. Hogg, B.A.,
The Salvation Alrmy Service,
Conducted by Major Webster, who
has been requested to stay on in
Sunday morning 11 a.m., Holi-
ness ,Service; ,Sunday afternoon 3 p.
in., Sunday School; Sunday night
7:30 pen., ah old time Salvation
Come and worship. Remember the
Sabbath day and keep in Hely.
St. Columban Church was the scene
of a very pretty wedding when Cath-
erine Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Patrick Williams, became the
bride of Mr. Albert Heeney, son of Mr.
and Mrs. John Heeney, Niagara Falls,
Ontario. Rev. Father Odrowski offic-
iated at the ceremony and sang the
nuptial mass. The bride, given in mar-
arnage by her father, looked charming
in a floor length 'gown of wldte ivory
satin, her fingertip veil r caught on
each side with cluster of seed pearls.
She carrieda bouquet of red roses and
maidenhair fern. Her only ornameht
was a pearl necklace. She was attend-'
ed by her friend, Miss Florence Mae
Rachen, Niagara Falls, who wore a
blue silk net gown and carried pink
carnations. The best man was Mr.
Vincent Haagen. Mr. Thomas 'Williams
and Mr. John Heeney were ushers.'
Mrs. Vincent Lane played the wedding
music, and Miss. Josephine Heaney,
sister of the groom, sang Ave Maria
at the offertory of the mass and On
This Day 0 Beautiful Mother at the
signing of the register. Following the
ceremony a reception was held at the
home of the bride's parents. The
bride's' mother received the guests
wearing a gown of blue crepe with
contrasting accessories and a ;corsage
of talisman roses. The groom's;rnother
'wore "a gown of black and white with
matching accessories. Dinner was
served at the Windsor Hotel, Strat-
ford, to about forty guests, immediate
relatives of the bridal party. Later
Mr. and Mrs. Heeney left for a trip to
Muskoka Lakes and other points, the
bride traveling in white sharkskin
with a yellow shorty coat. Guests
were present from Detroit, Flint, Nia-
gara Falls, Chicago and Dublin. Best
wishes go out to the young couple.
They will reside in Niagara Falls.
Mr. Joseph Aldington of Vancouver
has secured a large building .contract
with the Hudson Bay Co.. Mr. Alding-
ton, who has been in the West for the
past 15 years, is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. Tbornas Aldington, Goderich'st.
Grade 9
The following pupils, of Grade 9
have been promoted to Grade 10. A
subject in brackets represents a
failure in that subject. Mary Bos-
well ranked first, Mona Caldwell
and Murray Mills were tied for.
Agar, Donna; Bennett, Mona;,
Bennett, Shirley; Bolton, Yvonne;
Boswell, Mary l(Honours) ; Boyes,
Phyllis; Butchart, William (Eng.
Lit., Spell.); ,Caldwell, Mona (Hon-
ours) ; Campbell, Muriel; Chapman,
James; Chesney,' Marilyn; Dennis,
Donald +(Math.); Dorrance, Stanley;
Dunlop, Maxine (Eng. Lit. 'Geog.);
Elgie, Eleanor; Habkirk, Jacqueline
.(Hist. Home Econs.); Hiusser,
Edna; Hopper, Gladys (Hist.); Hunt,
Marjorie (Geog.); 'Knight, Marjor-
ie; Langford, Betty; Leeming Nor-
ma; Livingston, Lorraine; McCowan,
Mona (Eng, Lit., Hist.); McElwain,
Helen; Maloney, Mary !(Hist., Geog.)
'Meir, Jerry; Mills, Murray (hon-
ours) Montgomery, Ross .(Eng. Lit.,
French); Muir, Beth (Math.); Mur-
ray, Patrick; Pretty, Phyllis; Pull-
man, Doris; Richardson, Lois; Riv-
ers, Muriel; Russell, Barbara; San-
derson, Emma; Shaw, Bert (French,
Shop); Snell, June; Stevens, Leona
•(Eng. Lit., Hist.'); Stevens, Maigar-.
et; Strong, Joyce; Wallace, Ruth.
The marks of those who have not
been promoted have been mailed.
Grade 10
The following pupils of Grade 10
have been promoted to Grade 1.
Subjects in brackets represent fail-
ures. Madeline Wilson and Jack.
Wallace were tied for first. Mary
Lane ranked third.
Brightrall, Donald (Math., Eng.
Lit.); Campbell, Mabel; De • La
Framer, Ann "(Math.);. Doig, Betty
(Math.); Doig, Roderick '(Freneh,
Latin); Hagan, Mary; Hiusser,
Francis '(Honours) Hogarth, Lois
:(Math.); Jones, John (French,
Math.); Knight, Robert .(French,
Latin); Lane, Mary (Honours); Mc-
Iver, Josephine; McSpadden, Earl
i(Honours); Pryce, Donald ('Can.
Hist.) ; Shannon, Eleanor '(Eng.
Lit., Hist.); ,Sills, Ronald; Wallace,
Jack (Honours) ; Wilson, Madeline
(Honours). Howard Hackwell will be
promoted on the completion of
Farm Service.
The marks .of those who have
failed have been mailed.
' Intermediate Certificates
The following pupils have been
granted Intermediate Certificates:
Beattie, Neil; Campbell, Mabel;
Currie, Helen; Hackwell, Howard;
Hagan, Mary; Henderson, Stewart;
Huisser, Francis; Lane, Mary; Mc-
Iver, Josephine; McSpadden, Earl;
Sills, Ronald; Shannon, Audrey;
Wallace, Jack; Watson, Donna; Wil-
son, Madeline.
Grade 11
The following pupils of Grade 11
have been promoted to Grade 12, A
subject in brackets means a failure.
Jean Mills ranked first and Bill
Munn, second.
Cleary, Mary Margaret; Currie
Helen; Henderson, Stewart '(Eng-
lish) ; Hillis, Donald; Hubert, Archie;
Landenbach, Joseph (English);
Mills, Jean :(Honours); Munn,
Bill (Honours) ; Stewart, 'Donald
(French); Willis,. Peggy.
Bili Holman and Donna Watson
will be promoted on completion of
Department Certificates in Phys -
ales and
hys-sies-.and History will be mailed as
soon as received from. the Depart-
ment sometime in August.
Grades 12 and 13 results will be
announced when the certificates are
received from the Department.
The women teachers of North
Huron Inspectorate met recently in
Victoria School, Goderich, for the
purpose of organizing a local assoc-
iation of The Women Teachers Fed-
The meeting, was addressed by
Miss • Norma Hackett, general secre-
tary of the Federation, who outlined
the aims of the Federation and gave
an outline of the work of the vari-
ous committees set up within an as-
sociation.. ,Several items of business
were discussed and officers elected
for the fall term. MissPhyllisJohns
of Wingham was elected president
and Miss Agnes Williamson, also of.
Wingham was elected secretary -
treasurer. Other offices will be
filled- when the new staffs resume
duties in the Fall. -
It was decided to divide the In-
spectorate into four units as fol-
lows; 1. Wingham-with Mrs. Sheri
as organizer; 2. Blyth -with Miss
Fleming as organizer; 3. Seaforth-
with Miss Turnbull and the P.S.
Staff as organizers.
Brussels had no representatives
at the meeting so an organizer for
that unit was not appointed.
Wives of district servicemen ar-
riving in Canada on the Queen Mary
this week are Mrs, Margaret Ban-
non, wife of P. E. Bannon, Sea -
forth; and Mrs. Freda Aikenhead,
wife • of W. F. Aikenhead, Bruce -
Two hundred and fifty friends and
neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wright'
danced to Murdoch's orchestra at
their reception on . Friday evening,
June 28, in 0ardno's Hall. During the
evening Mr. and Mrs. -Wright passed
their wedding cake to -the.guests.
Presenting them with a wine ches-
terfield 'suite; Carmen Roweliffe read
an address -which said in part: -
Dear Arthur and Margaret: This is
one time in your lives when we all
love to give advice and I do not know
anyone more capable of giving advice
on this matter 'than myself. The last
time you stood before a man, you
were both very nervous, yet you
answered revery question without any
hesitation whatsoever and listened to
what he had to say and, I hope, made
up your minds to do everything you
were told in the ceremony. We rest
assured, however, that everything
will turn out "Wright" in your ,mar-
riage and that fifty years from now on
your Golden Anniversary, you will be
able to see the successful trucking
firm of Wright and Leyburn carried
on by your descendants. Margaret, we
know, has been noted during the past
few years for always "giving" the
right number, so we were not at all
surprised when we heard she "got"
the "Wright" number herself and we
trust you will operate the Wright
household as efficiently as you did
the switchboard, Margaret. Make cer-
tain that if Art is detained on any
long trips that he uses Long Distance
to advise you of his whereabouts. But
on the other hand we feel that you
will have to put your foot down and
urge him to take some of the long
trips as many complaints have come.
to tis' that since your return from the
honeymoon, he will not accept any
trucking job that keeps him away
from his lovely bride for more than
two hours. We ask you both to accept
this gift along with our very best
wishes for a long and happy married
life. (Signed) Your Friends.
The Seaforth Women's Institute
picnic was held at Lions Park on June
26, with supper at 7.30. There'`was an
attendance of 86. The following is a
list of races: Children, 5 and 'under,
Ruth Ann Crozier, Mary Brown. Girls
6-9, Jessie Brown, Betty Goudie (tie).
Boys 6-9, Glen Chesney, Bruce Cole.
man. Girls 949, Mora, Brown, Carol
Chesney, Boys 9-12, Jack' Crozier, Bill
Chesney. Girls 12-16, Sue Nixon,
Phyllis. Boyce. Boys, 12.16, Jack Croz-
ier, Grant Chesney. Married women's
race, Mrs. Leonard Strong, Mrs. Earl
Papple. Married men's race, Wilson
McCartney, Elmer Cameron: Contents
of a woman's purse, Mrs. John Hille-
brecht (over 80 articles), Mrs, Cliff
Broadfoot, (over 50 articles). Men's
kick the slipper, Bob Tyndall, Wilson
McCartney: Women's kick the slipper,
Mrs. Wilfred Coleman, Mrs. Leonard
Strong. Paper plate race, Bob Tyndall,
Gordan Papple. Necktie race, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordan Papple; Mr. and Mrs.
Goudie. Macaroni race, Mrs. Wilson
McCartney. Lucky table prize, Georg-
ina McCartney. Youngest child pres-
ent, Jimmie Papple. Oldest person
present, Miss Ellison.
A former resident of this district.
Mrs. John Armstrong, died in Tor-
oronto on Mondayinher 92nd year.
Mrs. Armstrong had been i11 for nine
weeks but previous to that had never
known ill health in her long life. She
was the former' Ellen Clark and was
born on Sept. 7, 1854, on the Goshen
line in Stanley township, a daughter
of the late William Clark and Marg-
aret Beatty Clark. She could look
back to the days of early pioneer life
when there was no -other method of
farm work but oxen and man power.
She was one of the first pupils at the
school on the Bayfield Road two miles
east of Hayfield. Mrs. Armstrong was
highly respectedby old andyoung,
and will be greatly missed. She al-
ways had a kind word for every one.
She was a great reader and loved to
follow the current topics of the day.
She was always an early riser and
delighted when able to have a wirm-
derful garden. On July 13, 1873, she
was married to John Armstrong, who
predeceased her in December, 1916.
After their marriage they lived on the
Babylon line in Stanley township and
later in Tuckersmith township and in
Clinton, More than twenty years ago
she went to Toronto and since had
made her 'home with her _daughter,
Mrs. Mary L. Wheatley, at whose
home her death occurred. In religion
she was Presbyterian and while in
Toronto was identified with St. Paul's
Presbyterian Church. Suurviving are
two sons, Wilson, Seaforth, and
Edgar, Clinton, and three daughters,
Mrs. Mary L. Wheatley, Toronto,
Mrs. Ernest A. Mills, Barrie, and
Mrs. James Boyce, Goderich, One
daughter, Mrs. Fred Tucker, pre-
deceased tier. There Etre also seven
grandchildren and five great grand-
children. The funeral was held Wed-
nesday afternoon from the Beattie;
funeral home at Clinton, with inter-
ment in Bayfield cemetery. Rev, D. J.
Lane of Clinton officiated, asd the
pallbearers were Fred Boyce, Leonard
Boyce, Harold Armstrong, Percy
Wheatley, Arthur Peck and Mac
Chesney. -
The Sunday School and congrega-
tional picnic of First Presbyterian
Church will be held on Wednesday
afternoon, July 24th, at the Lions
Park. All members are urged to
Following is the list of promo-
tions from Seaforth Public School.
Names are in alphabetical order, not
necessarily in order of merit.
Grade VII to Grade VIII -Marie
Armstrong, Garfield Baker, Patsy
Ann Bruner, Bernice Dolmage,
Lorne Goudie, Marilyn Hillis, Patri-
cia Meir, Ronald Rennie, George
Shaw, James Wallace, Blanche West•
cott, Barbara Wright., Conditional
promotion: Phyllis More, William
Trapnell -P. B. Moffat, Principal.
Promoted to grade VII: Beulah.
Bradburn, Dorothy Chesney, Pearl
Drager, Rita Drager, Elva Dupee,
i eslie) Habkirk, Maxine Hoff, Lola
Hiusser, Gilbert,Hubert, Donald
Lang'fsrrd, Bill cClinchey, Jack
McOliiichey, Donald Muir, Elizabeth
,Shann6n, Douglas Stewart, Doris
Stevens, Ronald Sutherland, Diane
Wallace, Kenneth Willis, Jean
Wrigley. M. E. Turnbull.
From Grade V to -Grade VI -
Billie Bennett, Billie Broome, Stew-
art Butt, Marion Chamberlain, Gwen
Christie, Margaret Grummett, Mar-
jory Mohnes, Patricia Hawkins.
Barbara Hillis, Lorene . Henderson,
Joan Hunter, Billie Hunt, Jimmie
Hopper, Karen Kidd, George Lang-
ford, Maybelle McClinchey, Donald
Scott, Marjory Walden, Jean Snell.,
Elaine Spence. Conditional promo-
tion -Ronald Dale, Jack Muir.
Maude M. Henry.
From Grade IV - Marilyn Butt,
Hilly - Babcock, Mary Copland,
Elaine hale, Joan Hawkins, Elsie
Huissar, Marie Hunt, Dorothy Mc-
Clinchey, Ronald Main Teddy .Sa-
vauge, Robert Stevens, Jack Strong,
Marilyn Ritchie. Maude M. Hartry.
Promoted from Grade III to
Grade IV -Margaret Broome, Ivan
Carter, Jack Crozier, Audrey Dal-
rymple, Lila Dalrymple, Marion
Dick, Ronald Drager, Donald Dupee,
Larry- Eaton, Audrey Praiser, Bar-
bara Fraiser, Cecilia Fraiser, Mar-
garet Herberger, Billy Hoff, Durl
Hopper, Bobby Hubert, Marilyn
Kling) Murray Langford, Sheila Mc-
Fadden, Jack Mcllwain, Gordon
Pullman, Mary Frances Schultz,
Donald Taylor. M. M. Bell.
Promoted from Grade II to Grade
IH -Ralph Bennewies, Shirley Ben-
newies, Barbara Boshart, Neil
Broadfoot, Jack Carter, Lois Chart-
ers, Erie Clayburn, Jean Copland,
Erma ;Drager, Charlie Dungey, Ken-
-neth'Uiupee, Billy Eisler, Carole
'Glew, Hugh. Gorwill, Betty Goudie,
Jimmie Higgins, Frances Langford
Patsy Langford;:'Maurice Loiselle,
Grant McClinchey, Wayne Robin-
son, Gary Schultz, Billy Scott, Bet-
ty Simpson, Jimmie ,Strong, Ruth
Teall, Connie Wright. E. H. Elder.
Promoted from Grade I to Grade
II -Marlene Austen, Mavis Benne.
*els, Larry Berger, Loretta Brod-
hagen, Murray Butt, Alice Christie,
Jim 'Crich, Sandra Dungey, June
Dupee, Keith Eaton, Bill Golding,
Elizabeth Habkirk," Jim Johnston,
Larry Langford, Carole Loiselle,
Ronald Mason, Elaine Mowbray,
Bruce McFadden, Bob McPherson,
Alice Ann Nixon, Marjorie Petriick,
Ruth Pinder, Michael Ritchie, Bill
Roberton,. Ronald Scoins, Robert
Snell, Pat Spence, Kenneth Thomp-
son, Bob Wright. W. Savauge.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the Egmondville United Church
manse on June 29 at 12 o'clock when
Rev, A. W. Gardiner united in mar-
riage Hannah Mae Hodgson, daughte
of Mrs. Fred Huisser, Seaforth, and
the late Walter Hodgson to Wilber
Russell Hodgert, son of Mrs. Thomas
Hodgert of Tuckersmith,. and the Iat
Mr, Hodgert, The bride looked char
ing in a street length dress of pale
blue sheer and wore a corsage of pin
Talisman roses. Janet Hodgert, th
groom's only sister, was bridesmaid
She wore a street length yellow sil
jersey and a corsage of red Talisma
roses. Harold Rice, Seaforth, wa
best man. Later the bride and groom
amidst showers of confetti and goo
wishes, left for a short trip to Mus
!coke and, points east. For travelling
the bride wore a flowered silk jersey
and brown accessories.
Mrs. T. J. Webster died at her home
on June 27th, after an illness which
had lasted only 24 hours. The late
Mrs. Webster before ber marriage to
Thomas :James Webster was Miss
Maude .Dempsey, of Holmesvilie, God-
erich tp. After her marriage in 1900
she Lived in Lucknow; Mr. and Mrs.
Webster came to Seaforth 32 years
ago. Mrs. Webster was a member of
Northside United Church, She is sur-
vived by four children: Earle, Ajax,
Ont.; Keith, Goderich; Mrs. Edwin
Johns, Tuckersmith, and Mrs. Mervyn
Lobb, Clinton. Alsosurviving are one
brother, John Dempsey, Clinton; two
sisters, Mrs. Alex Sterling, Seaforth,
and Mrs. Ed Miller, Clinton, and ten
grandchildren. The funeral service
was at the family residence on Gode-
rich street west, Harpurhey, on Sat-
urday at 2 p.m. Interment in Clinton
cemetery. Rev. H. V. Workman
Through the offices of Watson stud.
Reid: brick dwelling corner of Gode-
rich street and West William, of Mrs.
Clara Little, to W. T. Teal, Possession
July 1st, 1946.
Stucco dwelling of Mr. John Hart-
man on Jarvis street, to Mr. Austin
Matheson, with possession August kat
or earlier,
About fifty of the McDonald clan
sat down to supper at the Lions
Park here on July lst. Guests were
present from Owen Sound, Mitchell,
Nippon, Hensall, Dashwood, Exeter,
Thames Road, Elimviile and Seaforth.
A game of ball and sports were en-
joyed by all present. President for
1947; Mr. Frank Smale, Seaforth;
secretary -treasurer, We. Ross Broad -
foot, Kippen. The picnic will be held
here next year on July 1st at the park.
Mrs, Ada Reid, convener of the
quilting committee, would like the
quilters to meet In the work room
Friday afternoon to complete two
quilts for the Windsor area.
The following is the report of the
Dublin Continuation School for the
year 1945-1946. I, 75 per cent and
over; II, 66 percent to 74 per cent.
III, 60 percent to 65 per cent;
C, 50 per cent to 119 per cent.
Grade 12
Costello, Jean -Eng. C, Med. Hist.
C, Geom. III, Chem. III, Fr. C.
Feeney, Mary ----Mod. Hist. C.
Geom. 1, Chem. III, Lat. C. Fr. C.
Flanagan, Bernice -Eng. C, Med.
Hist. C, Med, Hist. C, Chem. III
Flannagan, Joan -Eng, II. Mod.
Hist, II, Geom. II, Chem. II, Lat.
Moore, Auloen-Eng. II. Mod.
Hist. I, Geom. I, Chem. I, Lat, 1,
French II.
:Murray, Helen -Eng. 0, Mod.
Hist. III, Geom. 1, Chem. III, Lat.
G, Fr. C.
Holland, Leona-Geom, II.
Grade 11
Barrie, Bernadette - Eng. III.
Mod. Hist. II, Geom. I, Chem. II,
Lat. 1, Fr. II
Costello, Gordon -Eng. III, Mod.
Hist. II, Geom. 0, Chem. C, Lat. C,
French C.
Doyle, Louis -Eng, II, Mod. Hist.
I, Geom. I, 'Chem. III, Lat. II, Fr, C.
Flanagan, Margaret -Eng. C, Mod.
Hist. II, Geom. I, Chem. I, Lat. II,
Fr. I,
Holland, Lenore -Eng. III, Geom.
0, Lat. C.
McIver, Catherine -Eng. III,
Mod. Hist, II, Geom. III, iChem.IIT,•
Let. I'I, Fr. II
McQuaid, Frank-Eng5, '0, Mod.
Hist. I1, Geom. II, 'Chem. II; Lat, II,
Murphy, Eleanor --Eng. III, Mod..
'Hist. II, Geom. III, Chem. C, Fr.
Murray, Doreen -Eng. C, Mod.
Hist. III, Geom. III, 'Chem. C, Lat.
III, Fr. C.
Rowland, Mary Catherine -Eng.
I, Mod. Hist. II, Geom. II, Chem. III,
Lat. II, Fr. C.
Ryan, Patricia -Eng. 0, Geom.
III, ''Chem. C, Fr. C.
.Stapleton, Mary -Eng. I, Mod.
Hist. II, Geom. C, Cheni. III, Lat. II,
Pr. C.
Grade 10
Flanagan, Jimmy -Eng. 0, Fr. II,
Lat. II, Alg. 'C, Geom. I, Geog. II,
Hist. 76, 'Health 111, Science I.
Givlin, Margaret -Eng. C, Fr.
III, Alg. C, Geom. II, Geog. C,
Health III
Glynn, Rita -Eng. 0, Fr, C, Hist,
C, Health 'C, Science II.
Givlin Teresa ---Eng. C, Fr. II, Sc,
0, Hist. C, Health C.
Holland, Edward -Eng. 0, Geoni,
II Sc. I, Geog. 0, Health C.
Kistner, Dorothy -Eng. II, Er. II,
Lat. l7, Alg. 11; Geom. III, Science I,
Geog. C, Hist. C, Health I.
Malone, Jack -Eng. II, Fr. 1, Lat.
II, Alg. III, Geom. I, SC. 1, Geog, I,
Hist. II, Health III.
Morris, Jack -Eng. II, Fr. I, Lat.
I, Alg. 'C, Geom. 'C, Se. I, Geog, II,
Hist. III, Health C.
Rowland, Frank -Eng. II, 0,
Fr. C.
Stapleton, Jerry -Eng. II, Se. II,
Geog. II, HistG. rade 111, H9 ealth C.
Bruxer, Frank -Eng. I, Maths.
C, Sc. II, Heatlh C, Art iI, Guid-
uidance II.
Costello, Brigid -Eng. II, Fr. •C,
Maths. C, Music I, Health III, Art
II, Guid. II.
Darling, Muriel -Eng. C, Sc. C.
Music C, Art II, Guid. II.
Dillon, Maurice -Fn 0, Maths. C,
Geog. 11, Hist. 0, Music III, Art IT
Health C, Guid, I, Eng. II, Sc. C.
Holland, Barbara, Eng. II, Fr. II,
Maths. C, Se. II, Geog. C, Hist, C,
Health 'C, Art II, Guid. II.
Jordan, Reta-Eng. II, Fr. II,'
Maths. C, Sc. 0, Music III, Health iC,
Art II, Guid. II.
Kramers, Norman -Eng. ,C, Fr. C,
Maths. II, Sc. III, Geog. III, Hist. C,
Music C, Health C, Art II, Guid.
Malone, Joseph --,Eng. I, Fr. II,
Maths. III, Sc. II, Geog. II, Hist. I,
Mus. III, Health III, Art II, Guid. IT.
McLaughlin, Teresa -Eng. C, Fr.
T, Maths. III, Sc. 1, Mus. III, Health
III, Art 1I, Guid. 1I.
Morrison, Vincent -Eng. I, Fr. I,
Maths. II, Sc. 'C, Geog. III, Hist, I,
Music I, Health II, Art Ii, Guid. 1I.
Wood's, Rose Marie -Eng, II, Fr.
I, Maths. II, Sc. II, Geog. C, Hist. C,
Music I, Health II, Art II, Guid. I.
1111,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1111,,,,, ,,, ,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.
Fine English
We have just received direct
from England a very fine ship-
ment of Dinnerware.
The pattern is the Royal Wind-
sor, a design in a very rich blue
and gold and makes a very
strong appeal to those desiring
a dinner set that has a definite-
ly rich and refined appearance
as well as a satin smooth finish.
Manufactured by Johnston Bros.,
well known makers of English
Fred. S. Savauge
Jeweler & Optometrist
Phone 194 Res. Iii
.111.11111111111141.111111.1411111,141011111.11t11,11,11 lllllllllllllllll
A very quiet' but pretty wedding
tookplace at Egmondville united
Church on Wednesday afternoon,
July 3, when H. Margaret, eldest
daughter of Mr. John Forrest and
the late airs. Forrest, was united in
marriage to John A. (Bud) Platt,
son of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. 3.
Platt of Stratford. Rev. A. W. Gar-
diner performed the double ring
ceremony. The attendants were the
bride's sister and brother, Mrs. W.
D. Scott and Mr. William Forrest.
` After a reception held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, William Forrest,
the happy couple left for a short
honeymoon to the Thousand Islands.
Little pigs are in good demand at
present. A Huilett township farmer
who advertised a few young pigs for
sale in a recent issue of The News
reports: "I could have sold 100 pigs
yes,. 200 if I had them"
Miss Helen McGregor is visiting
with her friend, Miss Edith Beacom.
Mrs. H. Lyon is spending a week
or two at the home of her daughter,
'Mr,s.and Mrs, Bert Lobb, Goderich
Mrs. Robt. Townsend has been
holidaying with her daughter, Dor- •
othy Little, at Toronto and other
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Govier and
family have been on their holidays
spending some time in Muskoka,
they are expected home this week.
Mrs. Lillie Webster and Jack,
who have been staying in 'Clinton
for the past two months returned
home this week.
Mr. Bruce and Wallace Riley
were called home on Monday, as
their father, Mr. Harry Riley,
passed away early Monday a,m. in
'Clinton Hospital. The funeral will be
held on Wednesday afternoon from
his late home just east of the Vil-
lage, burial at the Union Cemetery,
Blyth. Sympathy is extended to his
bereaved wife and two sons and
other relatives. .
A number of farmers have com-
menced haying. The »frequent scat-
tered showers have delayed haying
operations but have been very beni-
ficial to the strawberries and vege
Wilfred Lyall "Nick" Whyte, has
been awarded the M.B.E. in the
King's Dominion Day honors list.
Mr. Whyte has held many offices in
Huron County agricultural organiza-
tions. Recently Mr. Whyte erected
on his 650 -acre farm a large brooder
house with a capacity of '36,000
chickens, and a laying house capac-
ity for 12,000 laying hens. He has
200 head of cattle and 150 hogs.
As a leading producer he has
taken an active interest in forming
producers' organizations and is pres-
ident of the Seaforth Produce Ltd.,
and the Huron Farm Feeds Ltd.
Mr. Whyte, a son of MTs. John
Whyte, 53 William Si., Stratford,
was married in 1934 to the former
Miss Margaret McMillan; daughter
of the late Thomas McMillan, M.P.
for South Huron. They have four
children: John, Mary, Thomas and
Wilfred Jr.