HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-06-20, Page 4THE SEAF()RTH NEWS
Snowdon Bros., Pab3shers - -
'The •1V,M,S. of Duff's Church held
their regular monthly meeting at the
home of Mrs. Nelson Reid on Wed,
June 12. it was decided that otic soci-
ety help defray expenses of sending
a delegate to Leader Training•School
at Alma College this summer. Our
topic for this month. was Home Mis-
sions. We learued that in Canada we
have 96 missions centres with a total
of 201 workers. Interesting articles
on The Battle River hospital in Al.'
berta and. Hearst, Ont. hospital were
read, We were all urged, to try to help
weld all the peoples of Canada into
one brotherhood of Christianity. An'
artiole on a 'United Church home in
Quebec was ,read. In this reading we
were told how many young . people,
formerly from. the ,home, had made
enviable records in business and in.
the service of their country. Lunch
was served by the hostess and a social
half hour was enjoyed by all.
Mrs.J. Hinckley of Seaforth . with
Mrs. M. J. McNair and daughter
Sadie, of Hamilton, with relatives.
Mr. Harry Clark has gone ou a trip
to the west,
Rev, and Mrs. M. F. Oldham were
here from near Kingston. A former
rector, Mr, Oldham assisted at the
service at St. George's . Anglican
Church Sunday,
Mrs. David Watson at Brussels;
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sholdice with.
Death Of James B. Henderson
The death occurred on June 10th
in St. Joseph's Hospital at. London
of Mr. James B. Henderson, a life-
long resident of McKillop, in his
74th year, Mr. Henderson, who had
been in failing health, had been in
the hospital for four months. Born
in 1873, he was the only child of the
late Mr, and Mrs. George Hender-
son who lived east of Grieve's bridge
on the fourth concession. More than
fifty years ago he was married to
Miss Isabel Love of Walton, who
passed away about forty years ago.
Mr. Henderson was member of
Cavell Church at Winthrop, and in
earlier years was a member of the
choir and board of managers of the
church. Two sons survive, Arthur on
the home farm, and Roy, of Rouyn,
Quebec. Also a grandson, Larry
lames Henderson.
The funeral was held on Saturday,
June 155th. from the. Whitney funeral
hone, Seaforth. at 1:30 p.m, Rev.
W. S. Patton officiated. The pall-
Give your
trucks com-
mand over all
types of reads
under any wea-
tier conditions
with money-
All -Weather
truck tires , . .
the tires with
the non-skid
diamond safety
Seaforth Motors
ave youoee
Perhaps you have put off -too
rong•ihe purchase of a monument
or marker for your loved one.
Now is'tbe time to pay your debt 10
the memory of those who meant
so much to you hut are no longer
here. '
are open each TUESDAY for
your convenience.
See )5r. Harburn for appoint-
ment any other time, or phone
41 3. Exeter.
Memorial Craftsmen
Exeter Seaforth Clinton
•.mow+ .....,,e,
"It is not what we gain, but what we give
That measures the worth of the life we live."
Canada's Cancer' Vlctims
total 1,000 ;every' month
Your co-operation and contribution can cut
this figure by 65%, and humanly speaking
that is good interest.
Your box is at one of the following business
Scott Habkirk Service Stn., Whyte's Produce, Tasty Grill,
Beattie Bros., F. S. Savauge, Stewart Bros., Keating's
Drugs, Seaforth Creamery, Routledge Grocery, Cleary's
Grocery, Sproat's Grocery, Bank of Commerce, Bank
Dominion, Bank Provincial; Bennett's, Walton; F,innigan''s
Grocery, Bgmondville.
bearers were Robert McClure, Oscar
Cuthill, William Church, Stanley
Garnham, Harvey Hudie, Robert
Hill (Arthur). Initerment was in
Maitland Bank cemetery, Among
those from a distanee attending the
funeral were Mr. Robert Hill and
Melvin Hill and Marion Hill, and Mr.
John Dennis,. all of Arthur.
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne S. Webster,
who are soon to leave their home in
McKillop, were honored at a present-
ation held for then). in Winthrop hall
last Thursday evening where they
were presented with a table lamp, a
tri -lite floor lamp, tray and reflect-
or. Dear Ada and Lorne—An even-
vening together such as tonight, causes
oue to unfold the scroll of time;
there we see other gatherings, not
in the hall, but at your home on the
farm. Those were, as one would say,
in the good old days, when the mer-
ry makers made merry many an
evening. There was never a time
that your home wasn't open to any
or all of us. You always made us
welcome. Although your new home
is not far in the distance, and you
will be in constant touch with most
of us, your hospitality, willingness
and co-operation in lending a help-
ing hand when ever needed, will be
sadly missed. We are glad that you
are able to take that well-earned
rest and to make those days bright-
er, we your friends and neighbors
wish to show our friendship, appreci-
ation and the high esteem in which.
you are held among us, by asking
you to accept these gifts in remem-
brance of the happy days spent to-
gether. Your friends and neighbors.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Adams and
Carol Anne of Hamilton spent Fri-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Sohn McClure
and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Aaron
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hawley of Sea -
forth with 32r. and Mrs. W. E. Haw-
Mr. W. 0. Hodge and Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Hodge of St. 'Catharines,
Mr. Jack Horge of Paris, Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Morey and children of
Mitchell spent Sunday with Mrs.
Margaret Horne and Mr. E. Haase.
Mrs. Garnet Taylor, Elizabeth and
Dorothea of Staffa with Mr. and
Mrs. John McClure.
Mrs. J. M. Gillies, Bruce, Jackie,
were called to Collingwood, Monday,
owing to the death of Mr. Gillie's
Miss Isabel Currie is visiting in
Collingwnod .attending the ,gradua-
C:zn of her cousin.
and 3Irs, Elgin .iohnauir and Hou
u+. Loudon visited last week with lir.
and Mrs. R. Dayman.
We are sorry 'to report that Rev.
Jir. Hinton is not improving as fast
as his friends would like to see him,
but is enduring a great deal of pain
in his knee.
Mr. and 21i's. W. Homey returned to
their home in Exeter after spending
:onto time with Bir. and Mrs. A. Gack-
Miss Alice Pfaff of Exeter spent the
week end with her sister. Mrs Robert
i We are sorry to report little Elaine
Bell. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will
' Bell, was taken to Seaforth Hospital
ion Sunday. We wish her a speedy
Y.P.U, Hold Anniversary
The altar of St. Andrew's United
Church was beautifully decorated with
spring flowers on Sunday, the oc
melon of the Young People's union
Anniversary, Rev. R. A. Brook of Hen•
sell was the guest speaker at both
services and delivered two very in-
spiring sermons. The happy spirit of
the occasion was acompanied with a
tinge of sadness over the fact that
Rev. Mr. Hinton, pastor of Kippen and
Bills;i•een charges. has been confined
to hiS bed since early in the New
Year. the result of an accident to his
:niee a.i,l is at present in Scott Mem-
orial Hospital, Seaforth Special music
was provided by the choir under the
leadership of Miss Jean Ivison. Tile
anthem. Conte 011 Holy Spirit was
sang at the morning service. The
rh.i; w.s assisted at both services by
Mrs. Hess and Mrs. Redden of Hen -
all. In the morning they sang the
beautiful duet In the Garden with
Jesus," Mrs. Redden sang a solo,
God's Tomorrow. In the evening the
choir chose for their anthem, Close
To His Side. Mrs. Hess and Mrs. Hed-
den favored with three duets "Bless
This House," "Hark Hark My Soul"
and "Beyond the Sunset."
Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexander and
John and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Diking
attended the McClure -Alexander wed-
ding in Georgetown recently.
Friendship :Circle Holds Picnic
The Friendship Circle of St. An -
trews' United Church held their pic-
nic on Friday, June 14, at the Lion's
Club Park, Seaforth, with a hundred
present. The beautifully decorated
table was heavily laden with delici-
ous tasties. Mrs. Ernie Whitehouse
was the winner of the lucky ticket at
the table and received the fountain
1 pen donated by Damm's store. Mrs.
Harold Jones' group were enter- '
i tained. That group being the win-
ners of the attendance points con-
test during the winter. After the
supper everyone enjoyed a number
of games arranged by Mrs. E. Kyle,
Miss Beatrice Cooper, ,and Miss Mc -
Math. Prizes were awarded as fol-
lows: Girls 8. yrs. and under 1st,
Carol McMurtrie; 2nd, Maxine Wat-
son; boys 10 yrs and under, 1st Bob
Caldwell, 2nd, Grant MacGregor;
Girls 12 years, 1st Gladys Chapman,
2nd Virginia McClinchey; girls race
14 and up, 1st Wilma Kyle, 2nd Mar-
ion Peck; boys 14 and under, 1st
Jack Caldwell, 2nd, Grant MacGreg-
or; young hoys' race, lst, Roy Con-
sitt, 2nd, Harold Caldwell; young
ladies race, 1st, Esther McMath, 2nd
Olga Chipchase; young men's race,
1st, Arthur Finlayson, 2nd, Ray
Consitt: Married men's race, 1st,
Bob MacGregor. 2nd, Joe McLellan;
3 -legged race, 1st Gladys Chapman
and Jean Caldwell, 2nd Bob Caldwell
and Grant MacGregor; wheel -barrow
race, Jack Caldwell and Bob Mac-
Gregor; ladies kick the slipper, 1st
Grace McBride, 2nd Olga Chipchase;
shoe scramble, Gladys Chapman,
Jean Caldwell, Jack Caldwell Ken
McLellan; 2 min race, ladies, Mrs.
Harold Jones, 2nd Mrs A. Finlay-
son; horse race, Mrs. Harold Jones
and Mrs. A Finlayson with their
driver Ernie Whitehouse. Mrs. Mer-
ven Hodgert guessed the correct
number of Pop corn in a bag. A vote
of thanks was moved to those re-
sponsible for the races by Bobbie
MacGregor and a vote of thanks
was moved by William Alexander'
for those who entertained the west
group, as follows: Dear ladies and
gentlemen—In the beginning of this
year some of the members of St.
Andrew's gathered together and ar-
ranged to meet twice a month fora'
social ev_enii;,; to get better acquaint-
ed. Our group was called, Friendship
Circle, a name well chosen for our
group became a circle of friendly
people. As time went on each group
giving of their talent and finding
new talent, many enjoyable even-
ings were spent. It was with sorrow
that we heard of the accident of our
pastor, Rev. Mr. Hinton, we . have
missed him very much and it is our
hope and player that he may soon
recover and be with us again. So to-
night, we gather here to celebrate in
a festive way. We must think the
capable leaders of each group, also
the members who have helped to
make each of our meetings a suc-
eess. Our thanks go to our president
Mrs. Carl McClinchey. who so ably
organized our circle, also to :hiss
McMath, who kept the attendance
record. Told us Circle 4 was the
winning group. So I assure you we
feel like privileged guests with the
splendid hostess we have tonight. We
give you our heartiest thanks for
the lovely supper and the good
suortsnranlike manes we have shared
throughout the winter and hope will
continue next year.
E. McBride were Mr. and Mrs. Waiter]
McBride and family, Exeter,. NIr. and
Mrs. Elmore McBride and son and
Mr, and Mrs, Elmore Hayter and fanr-
sly, of 'Varna.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Peck of Varna
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs..
Bert Peck.
We are sorry to report Mrs. Thomas �,
Woritman is confined tp her room
through illness. We wish her a speedy
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson and'
son of Elginfield and Mr. and Mrs.1
Norman Ferguson and daughter of
Thames Road visited on Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. Warren Schilbe,
Mrs. Stuart Baird and sons'of Bruce-,,
field visited on Sunday with her father.
Mr, R. J. Cooper,
Woods- Damm —
A very pretty wedding was solemn-
ized at the Evangelical Church manse
in Kitchener, on Saturday, June 15th.
at 3 p.m.. when Anne Marguerite
Demur, only -daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Damm, of Kippen, was united
in marriage to John Alfred Woods,
son of Mr, and Mrs. John Woods of
Buelah, Manitoba. The double ring
ceremony was performed by Rev. L.
H. Pletoh, cousin of the bride, who
also married the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Damm, thirty years
ago. The bride was attractive iu a
tailored suit of nest blue gabardine
with navy accessories and wore a cor-
sage of Briarcliffe roses. Mrs. Alfred
Pnlfuss of Walkerton. friend of the
bride, was bridesmaid. and wore a
grey wool suit with brown accessories
and wore a corsage of American Beau-
ty roses. The bridegroom was at-
tended by Mr. Ralph Denim of Kitch-
y'•r. brother of the bride. Following
The ceremony a reception was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Damm, Kippen, to twenty guests. The
bride's mother received in an ashen
of roses crepe dress with a corsage of
white carnations. Yellow streamers
and candles and yellow roses and
violets were attractive dining room
decorations. The table was centred
with a three tier wedding cake. Serv-
ing were Mrs. Colin and Miss Marg-
aret Pletch of Walkerton and Mrs.
Norman Long of Kippen. The birthday
of Mrs. Alfred Polfuss, the bridesmaid,
was also celebrated. Following the
reception the bride and groom left by
motor for Buelah, Manitoba„ to spend
a month with the groom's parents.
Upon their return they will reside in
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Dilling of Lon-
don visited over the week end with
the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W.
Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Stockton of Orange,
Calif,, are guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. M. Elliott. They expect to
spend some tithe in Canada.'
Mrs:. William Bell and little' daugh-
ter Eileen, of Kippen, in company with
Mrs. Cole, called Tuesday on the lat-
ter's sister, Mrs. Beatty and Miss
Mr. and Mr's. Morrison and little
child of Kitchener, accompanied by
the former's mother, Mrs, L. Morri-
son, also 02 Kitehener, were week end
guests at the ltbme of Mr. and Mrs,
M. Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Soper of StraEords-
ville were week end visitors with the
former's brother, Mr. Harold Solier.
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Austin and
fancily of Londesboro visited Sunday
with the former's mother Mrs. Austin.
Mr. W. Coultice has engaged for
.the summer with Mr. Lee McConnell.
Mrs. M. Reid, Mrs, Chuter, Mrs.
Deihl, Miss Mossop and Mrs. M. G.
Beatty of the W.A. of St. John's
Church, attended the annual spring
meeting pf the Huron Deanery held in
Trivett Memorial Church, Exeter, on
After spending a fortnight at the
parental home Miss Florence Smith
has taken a position at Winthrop.
A large number from here at-
tended the annual Webster reunion
held at Harbour Park. Goderieh, on
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Keys of Kom-
oka spent the week end at the 'tome
of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keys,
Rev, L. W. and Mrs. Diehl of Tham-
esville called this week at the home
of Mrs, M. McClymout. •
with Greg McClure and Linda Darnell
This film is an arresting tale of 'a prizefighter's climb to the top
with Rosalind Russel and Lee Bowman
A Fast -Moving Comedy — Full of complications and Laughter•
"Because of Him"
Franchot Tone Charles Laughton '
and Deanna Durban
Deanna Sings — Tosti's Good -Bye — Lover - Danny Boy
"The Stork Club"
The National Clothing Drive will be
held in. Varna and community on Julie
24 and 25. Collectors have, been ap-
pointed, So have your bundles ready,
then on Wed.,. June 26th, the ladies
are asked to come to the, Hall and
help pack.
Mr, George Johnson and Mr. R. M.
Peck were at Port Elgin on Friday.
Messrs. W. R. Stephenson, George
Reid and R. M. Peck made a trip to
Guelph recently and spent a day at
the O.A.C.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Reid, Wayne and
Larry, are visiting in Sarnia, Flint,
Detroit ,and Windsor this week.
Mr. Broadfoot of Tuckersmith spent
the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Hay,
old Connell.
11Ir, Corrie of Stratford has pur-
chased the Food Shoppe of Mr. J.
Robinson and took possession on
Miss Volume of Kingston le a guest
of Mrs. (Dr.) Volume.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Weston, who are
managing hte dance pavilion and
picnic grounds in Jowett's Grove,
have Moved to the village and have
alf apartment at Mrs. J. Tom's Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Toots of Detroit are
spending their vacation with relatives
in the village.
Miss F. Hasty of Detroit and Mrs.
Rankin of Mount Pleasant are guests
of Miss Rankin. Mr. H. Weston and
family, Detroit, are spending their
vacation at their cottage in the vil- '
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Trout of De-
troit spent the weekend at their
Mr. and Mrs. J. Crane and babe
of Detroit are guests of Mr. Crase's
aunt, Miss E. Weston.
The bridge is being 'repaired . for
summer traffic.
Mrs. J. W. McLeod who spent the
past winter in Detroit, returned to
her home last week, accompanied by
her daughter, Mrs. Robbins.
St. Mary's Anglican Church, Dublin,
celebrated the 78th anniversary of the
building of their church at special
services on Sunday, under the direc-
tion of Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert. A large
congregation was present to hear the
guest speaker, Rev. Kenneth E. Tay-
lor, OBE, who Was second in com-
mand of the Canadian Protestant
Chaplaincy Service in Europe. A spec-
ial collection was taken for the gen-
eral funds.
Want and For Sale ads, 3 weeks 50c.
Can you go warmly clad while these little ones go in
rags ? Of course you can't. Then do your part to ward
off the suffering and disease that stalk in the wake of
war. You can help to clothe the destitute. Dig into your
attics, trunks and closets now. Dig out all the service-
able clothing you can possibly spare. Bundle it up for
iF zt�
L;.., EC
JUNE 17 TO 29
This is not a salvage collection. Please send only
good wearable used Clothing — Shoes — Bedding, Etc.
Have your clothing donations carefully
wrapped and securely tied in unaddressed
parcels marked
Your rural mail courier will pick them
up any day up to the 29th of June; or
you may leave at Seaforth Post Office.
Please Note:
Parcels must be of a size to go into
mail bags.
This regulation ' is for rural donations
only: b
Those who wish. may ridonations onations to
Seaforth Freight Sheds Wed., 26th.
Seaforth Town Collection
Wednesday, dune
Place your parcels, securely wrapped
and tied, on your front steps or porch, on
Wednesday, June 26.
A truck will pick up parcels starting at
1.30 in the afternoon. Please be sure to
have your clothing donation out by this