HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-06-06, Page 7CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IsllRI" cHiCtes JLAISle A PRODUCTIVE FLOCK this 28111' - w 1 Lh Top Notch. chleks In order loproduce the largest eggs the plumpest birds , it is 00005400y Lo start with husky chlo s. That's nvhy ypu'JI aplireciute the Top Notch system u1 breed!nk,':' and. selecting, Only the best pure and cross bred strains. Every :. Top- Notch breed- er is pullorum tested and Gov- ernment APprOved. Only these of lino wn livability, and productivity .aro used. Every shipment of Top, Notch chicks is carefully .inspect ed and all weaklings are culled. 'Order today and take advantage of our liberal June. discounts. Prompt.:' delivery on non=sexed,. Pullets, and heavy breed cocker- els in all the popular pure breeds and hybrid crosss, Atso eight week to eighteen week oldpul- lets, Free catalogue. Top. Notch Chulceries, Guelph, Ontario, WA\TEDTO PURCHASE PULLETS Barred Rocks, New H,tmpshires, White Leghorns any age from b weeks up: to laying. Good prices paid. Apply to Box No. •95, 73 .Adelaide: \\'., Toronto.. SUMMER CHICK'S .POP WINTER producLiou;. delivery June -July,.,. should be ordered without delay to get 'breeds or crossbred on de- livery date you. wish.' Pray Hatch cry, 130 John V, Hamilton, Ont. LARGE TYPE LEGHORNS lOc. Leghorn pullets 21c. - A11 Breeders double bloodtested and backed by high pedigreed foundation stocic. Many dlurondale cgatomers report hest chicks 1 ever had. Walter :Morton, Dryden, -. We were well pleased with tile': pullets we re- volved last year. Pullets laid well. Heavy Breed Pullets 17c. .'usscx x N. Hump., flock x New Hump., Barred 1 ock$, Pure a Sussex . .and New Hampshire pullets 17c.. Pure Suesex mixed. 13e., Sussex x V, Hemp., Rock 71 111)mm, Pocks and New .Fumes. mixed 121. Sus- sex x Leghorn Rodt x Leghorn and Leghorn 11 New hump. mixed 118 outlets 2Uc. Assorted pullets 158 asserted mixed Inc. Cockerel and started prices on request. order from and enclose this Ad, 01 OU per 100 deposit. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, London, Ont:. LAKEVIEW CHICKS -st'F,CL#LI'/,t:D 11REEo11(1 1.4:1NT 5,000 ISR 1eE lliel't1 1'Oulc your order for 1'u n e. With the seafdty of meat, there will be a big demand for Poultry and Eggs this fall and Winter at attractive prices. it will pay you to put In an extra brood of ,:hicl0s this tear. PROM ter DELI VER V - With a ea-. pdcity of 61,000 Lakeview Chicks weekly, we 800001 ire can give prol0P t delivel'y 11o01t your order ret once for June or July. S13�u DEPOSIT ' For cluicic ser - rico send deposit with your in- qub'y or order, and the will book your Order at our prices which are very reasonable. We will promptly mail you nn acknow- ledgement of your order, and if it Shouldn't suit you we guaran- tee to return your deposit at once. This pion will give you better service, THE BEST WE EVER IIAD Nell Kc0o0IIcl, C'oderlch,, Ont. Colin Campbell, New Richmond, Qua - bee Well satisfied, lost 4 out of 104, Slope you can supply more. As .high as 106 eggs from 116 Leghorn pullets. \VOuderful pro- dectiw, .reports Reuben Kennel, Shalteepellre Ontcu•to, 41111 L Os: Large 'type White Leg- horn. Pure Sussex, Sussex X .New eltimpe D. Ruck ,X New I/amp. hock C Leghorn, Sussex .78 Leghorn, Leghorn X New Hemp., NOW IJhmps., and Barred 1100110, LARGE WHITE LEGHORNS Day cid stalled up to. 4 weeks -!Id Lakeview. Leghorns are the lame type. muted .wilt cockerels 10010 Ped stoic - "Gest Egg Machines.' :Sl}ND 'FOit \t LhEI.Y LIST: - 01 Special Prices on day old chicks, pullets and cockerels, and start- ed chicks. 3M.11 JCNE AND P'Al,l. HA'T'CHED Look your otdtt fur 11100, or hall }Latched Chicks Ics NOW. LAKE - VIEW POULTRY 1 Altlt, Wein L1008, (180101'. Ont. Thi. f I'S NO C,A:A1DI E ABOUT 1144 .11.'s g "hug to be a pomltry year. The poultry industry Is the .logical one, to expand today, as birds are economical useus of our shunt grain supply. Canada is one of those fortunate countries that 0111) 011001111000 to feed a llUngrY world It's going to tante a lung time to fill the bread basket or the, world. Working men who are :rebuilding their devastated coun- tries must eat. So what are you 100111115 tor! Fill up the brooders. 11 lsn11 too late to ft11 them with 1 wedtlle0, the husky, healthy test 'towing 111(10. Pretty soon tho0'11 be ready for the grass, natur'e's agieupest and beat rood. And don't forget - 3rotl can% go wrutg' 10111151110100; with 't record of 21 ,vent's or. Gall taction t0 steady sU1tomers. No welting .at Twed- dles for your chicks. We can give prompt delivery on all the 1)opu- 101� ;,pure breeds and hybrid cross- es non sued, pullets or cock- erels, Prices greatly reduced lot June, Also 3 week to 10 week old pullets. 'Free lalalo„ue, Taveddlo (hick Hatcheries Limited, 1''er ells, (311tn!'In, 25 FREE CHICKS tOL; it 11.113Y C.I4 ICK8 ARE TAE progeny of Foundation and Re- gistered Birds, All Breeders blood - tested. Prices from 3c to 25c, A11 guaranteed layers. t10,odr o1. (iocicord Chick Ia Iheriev. Belle:mitt Heights. tint. 1113111' CHIC I8S LAKEVIEW CHICKS Specialized Breeding Plant Of 5,000 Breeders Book your order. I'or June and July. With th scarcity of meat. thele .will be a big demand for Poultry and Eggs_. this ball and Winter at attractive prices. It w111 pay You to put in an extra brood of chicks this 3'ear. 1'routpt:Delivery .-. With a capacity.. of 60,000. Lakeview chicks week - 1y, we expect.we -can give prompt delivery, but tobe sate, book Your order at once for June or July. Grade A - Large Type White Leg - horns,' Sussex x Leghorn, Rock Leghorn, ' Leghorn x New Kamp, mixed 111/40., pullets 20c., cox 6c. - Rocks, Rock , Ramps., New Hama' Sussex,. Sussex x Ramps. mixed 012.75, pullets $17.00, cox $L4,75; Send deposit of 01.00 per 100, We guarantee' 100% live de- livery. Order from and enclose this ad. Large White Leghorns - Day old and, startedup to 4 weeks old. Lakeview Leghorns aro the large type, mated with cdckerels from Pd. stock - "Real Eg'g-Macliln'es." Send for Weekly list - .of special prices on day oldchicks, pullets, and cockerels and started chicks. ,Tune, Snly and Pall Hatched -Book Your order for June', July or Fall Batched chicks now. RELIABLE CHICKS Started chicks for June deliver -Y. Barred Rock , Leghorn and kIy- brids, Leghorn x Barred Rock, Hump. x. Barred. Rock, Light Sus- seS all three and four weeks, it pat's dividends to have a good flock of startedchicles, don't put off write now for prices and when available for shipping. Also baby chicks o1' same breed still available. Miller's Chicle-Hateh- ery, 'Fergus, Ont. Phone .163-1v. HEAVY BREED PULLETS 17c. Sussex, Sussex x Hemp., Plock x ITunp., Ne R 211(1111)and Barred Ronk p II Ls 170, 7',0011 y0110 order NOW. 01.00 per 100 deposlt, Order from this. ALL Hul•mldale Chick BL.ttcheey, ]London, Ontario. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM, Wein Bros., -Exeter, °Mimi,. Ilt611\TSS OPPORTUNITIES WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS? 'We have hundreds of buyers in Detroit. and Whnlsor. Give all de- tails and price. Write or. see V. W. Dowse, Maidstone, Ontario. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE 407J ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? 'Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 4ongo Street, To. Tonto. FOR SALE GREAT DANE PUPS 8.012 SALE: very well bred; fawn with black mask: all males; Darn; Jaco-Lyn of Lyn -Dee; Sire: Tarr of Tyedes- 1e'7' Phone 1411 Barrie or write 'Wm. Stewart, 13rookdale Kennels. 136 Elizabeth Street, Barrie, Ont. TURKEY POULTS PROMPT DELIVERY We can give prompt delivery on Broad ,Breasted Bronze Turkey P00185, or book. for June delivery. Poults batched from bloodtesled, pullorum tree breed- ers, under ideal conditions In most' modern 1046 model, all electric and automatically con- trolled turkey incubators, and hatched in separate, new turkey air conditioned Hatchery. Send for Price List and full particu- lars. No orders accepted less than 50. .ACT QUICKLY - BOOK 'YOUR ORDER WHILE THEY LAST. LAKEVIEW TURI(EY RANCH, Box 181, Exeter, Ont. Phone 179. HYDRAULIC TRACTOR SEAT New Monroe E -Z Ride Tractor Seat. Passenger ear comfort, eli- minates ride fatigue 011 your tractor. Bursaw Tractor Co., Woodstock, .Ontario. ELECTRIC MOTORS NEW, 00ED bought, sold, rebuilt: belts pul- leys, brushes, Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd., 2326 Dufterin St, Tor- onto, Ont, 010018.1'' PROGRESS' VE EVER - bearers 25 for $1.00; 50 for $1,75; 100 for $3.00; 200 for 05.00. Pre- paid West River, a Scotia. FOR SALE -HOUSE O\D 58013EY FRAME, SIZE 24x18, acrd 22 x 14. Apply Box 2, Glen- coe, Ont, ATTENTION FARMERS For Sale: Tractor Tires, made of rubber, suitable for bolting- on steel wheels, $10.00 each. When,. orderingstate diameter and width of wheel. National Rubber Co. Ltd., 5 Wiltshire Ave., Toronto, -0ntor10. NEIN BACON COMBINATION HAND Cultivator,- Hoe and Plow avail- able in almost.: unlimited quanti- ties for immediate shipment. Ois- telbuted by W. E. McKenzie Co. since .1500, Leamington, Ontario, Canada. Celebrating 80 years business in same location and name. We ship to dealers, depart- mental, chain and seed. houses. See your nearest dealer, hard - war store, or WRITE US DIRECT for IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT anywhere in Eastern Canada $14.80 prepaid and 015.80 prepaid to Western Canada. . Shipments made same day - order received, W. F. McKENZIE CO., slave 1806, -phone 26, LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO. i'FA10710 F01t SALE TWO. HUNDRED ACRES FENCED eighty workable, sugar bush large bank barn, spring water, large house, water, sink. tele- phone. In between two towns lerar.1er, South River. 150 ACRE WARE, 130 UNDER cultivation with or without stock and machinery, Ned Mc- A.tmara, Masson, Quebec. J4 A1 R1'; 1 AR&1, ALL WORKABLE land, 100 ft. barn, henhouse and older building's.. Brick house with. new furnace, hydro newly in- stalled and water, near No.. 2 e. Applly a 111Ot 817 I1111(1, P, It. No. $, ,fort E'ope, Ont, HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING- THE Robertson method information on request regardin605000 Robertson's Hairdressing emy, 137 Avenue Road,Toronto.. KELP WANTI6D WOMEN - MAI1.E SPARE -TIME money this Ivey! No selling. Plea- sant wont. No experience re- quired. Write for free particulars. .hllian Bach, Box 775, Coltnnbos, (Ale. HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER AND MAID' Permanent Positions, best wages, comfortable home' large grouttde.. Twenty minutes.' from.:. downtown Toronto. Two adults one school child.. Excellent opportunity for. widowolder daughter' as maid, two sisters etc. 'Write Advertiser. 58 Edgewood Ave., Toronto 8, Ontario. _.. MMEDICAL. DON'T DELAY! :EVERY STJrTi'ER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neuri- tis should try Dixon's .Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335. Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1,00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often, are the oause of (11 health. In .humans, all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out If this la your trouble, interesting particu- lars - Free!. Write ldulveney'e Remedies Specialists, Toronto 3. PROVEN .REMEDY - EVERY sufferer of Itheumalle Pains or Neuritis should try Dixonis Re- medy. Munro'0 Drug Store, 335 Elgi n, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00, IF YOU'RE BALD READ THIS! Do something ' about your baldness now. Hexbniain Scalp Preparation the new, remarkable treatment for baldness ... has grown hair in rase after case professionally con- trolled and. supervised. New hair has definitely .appeared In most cases otter treatment with Hexontcin Scalp Preparation. Effective 15100 Jn feminine baldness. Start this new treatment for baldness now. Re- member, if T3exonicin Scalp Pre- paration does not produce results after following directions YOU GET YOUR. MONEY BACK. every jar solo -is insured with a leading Cana- dian Tilsurnnce C'onlpany, Don't postpone. Send $1.00 .(cheque or tnnney order) today Inc trial jar to Hexonirkn (Canada) Limited, Dept, Cl 2216 Essington Ave., Toronto 3, C'0nOda. elISCPnd,A11001101 GUNS REPAIRED. SCOPES mounted. Special twelve gunge shells for deer. A. Herrgotl, Gun- smith. Woodstocic. Ont. 411)SIOA 1. ttetc'111'aI II;NTS PILED A BuuUIn1TON BUYS sells, exchonees musical Instru- ments. 111 Church. Toronto 2. OI'I'IIII'1'1'10l'l'I ES 0101) WIIM EN BE A HAIRDRESSER JUIN CANADA'S LEA 11ING SCHOOL Ureal Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified professlun, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest eye - tem. Illustrated catalogue tree. write 00 call MA UVIOL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. 1'. 'Toronto Branches: 44 King St. Hamilton k 74 Rideau Street Otlewls. I'A'TION'1'S 1 LTHEItsl'ONHAUUEJ.d'r COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1870: 14 fling West, Toronto. Booklet of Tnformntlon on request, 1•En6ONA1. MEMBERS WANTED,- ANNUAL membership Two Dollars. John today receive attractive member- ship book and rules governing Macnab Poetry ('covet. Write: 06801100 :Historical . Association, Foleyet, Ontario. PHO'I'!Ui(t 0.1917 TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed 6 011 8 EXPOSURE 1ROLLS. 25c, REPRINTS 8 tor 25c. FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE You may notget all the flints you want this Year, but you can get an the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IH ('1310IAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1. Toronto. FILMS DEVELOPED 25 CTS. OUA- ranteed one- day service. NO WAITING. Bay Photo Service. North Iia' ACME QUALITY & SERVICE Ro11 developed. and 8 prints 25e., reprints 80, each, 4„ x 0" enlarge- tnents mounted in attractive fold- ers 2 for 20c, 'Work and service guaranteed. A('711 7 PHOTO SEIIVICI. Stn. 1I, 'Toronto. WING'S PHOTO SERVICE All prints with deckle edge. 6 or 8 exposure rolls 25c. Reprints 30. each. Box 2. Station J. Toronto. FINER "SNAPS" COST LESS r(toall"1' Aman, SERVICE Any Size Roll - 6 or 8 Exposures, DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c 0 6IOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25c Size 4x6" in 13eautiful Easel Mounts Enlargements 4x6" on ivory tinted mounts; 700" in Gold, Silver, Cir- cassian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frames, 50c each, If enlarge - .1 went coloured, 70c each. Reprints Made Prom Your Negatives 3c, Each DEPT. m STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Rox 525, Post ()Mee A, 'Toronto. Print N:nn, 88d. Address Plainly. S'rAeu'5 GOOD, 01..D STAMPS WANTED BY Collector only. Small or larger lots. Can pay more than Dealer for items 1 can use, Must bo good. Best of references. 17. Symond, Rocanvllie, Saskatchewan. WANTED POUL't'Itl FARM WANTED TO -rent, by poultrymen with 12 teal's experience Hydro State capa- cities, acreage, lent Geoffl'el` Spindle,, Horning's Mills, Ont. 1417831 FARM WANTED WITH '20 acres or less cleared, Good house and other buildings and unfail- ing water supply. Near Tourist Resort preferred. Write full par- ticulars and lowest cash price, 17071 07, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. WANTED TO BUY Best prices paid for good wal- nut - either standing trees or logs. Telephone 4-4754 hitchen- er or write: PANNILL VENEER COMPANY, 42 Edward Stret, Kitchener, Ontario. Britain `Quitting' India And Egypt Britain's Present Policy .Is Fulfilment- Of Previous Treaty Obligations 11 is representations • of United. Kingdom policies on this continent are 00 frequent.that it is not sur- prising to be told that the British Labor government is "quitting" India and Eg^pt because it hopes to get more trade out of both countries that way, comments the Ottawa Citizen. "Britain is always rolighly treat- ed in these matters," said Mr. Herbert Morrison, in Ottawa rec- ently. "Either we are guilty of hard-hearted go-getting Imperial- ism, or we are guilty of sloppy, too -sentimental r u tl-away pacif- ism." a c i f- (5tt1. ,. A corrective is in order both about India and Egypt. The truth' is that ever since the First World War, successive British Govern- ments have made it their policy to offer self-government to India. For years past all parties have agreed on that. During the Second World \Var the coalition government be- sought the various parties and com- munities in India to agree among themselves and take self -govern- relent on a Dominion basis. Now there is actually a Cabinet mission in India which has not only offered independence to India but has had, in default of Indian agreement, to devise the plan by means of which it may be aohieved Ar for Egypt, the Attlee govern- ment's policy is in direct line of the fulfilment Of treaty obligations entered into by previous govern- ments. Negotiations are now 111 progress for the evacuation of British troops from Egypt but this is not because of any weakness nor any neglect of the defence of the British Commonwealth. - Its real reason is respect for the rights of small nations. The Egyptian Prince Minister has already paid warns tribute to the fairness and reasonableness of the British negotiators. EXTRA SPECIAL 4 enlarged prints for 108 -Send any •l negatives or thesame size- (up to 227 :0 414) and we will return hr you immediately 4 enlarged prints on \'elox paper, negatives returned with order. Send nega- lh'es with this ad and 10c 4n coin today. This ad must accompany order to receive extra env prem- ium coupon. LONDON ('010T0 SEP,010E Doe e 5151, Dept. tl'" Loudon. Ontario. MACHIN NEW AND U Of Every Description Phone EL. 12 H. W. PETRIE 147 Front St, W. - "1{'E RL'1' ee SE ERY SED 77 CO. LTD Toronto SELL. SAFES Peeler) your 1100181 ono DASH tenni 1011t1t and 1'11118V lea, We Wive it size unlit type of Sate. or (tnbl def, for any Vurpo0e, ('telt ou. or write for POee., etc., to Dept W J.sl:,!.`'AYL®R LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 14n, 4'01101 St 10... t orat0 Pala Olieaed IS: r HARNESS & COLLAILS Farmers Attention - Consult your nearest Harness Shoo about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco I,eathet Goods dealer, The goods are right. and so are out prices We manufacture in our fie tories - Harness, Horse Col. Lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blare kets. and Leather Travelling Goods, Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you •0t satisfa,'tinn. Made only hy' SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE D 12 Wellington St. F., rnrnntr LAce6P,,, yoobl'EPI You can't feel your best if your kidneys aren't working normally. Gin Pills help give relief from Backache, Rheutnatic Pain and other symptoms of sluggish kid. neys. Your druggist sells Gin Pills on a satisfaction -or -money -back basis. Get a package today -use proves their merit. Regular size, 40 Pills Economy:size, 80 Pills aiiPTILIES he.U.S A. askforGino Pills) THE FOUR -BILLION-$$$ JOKE Riding high -a 1900 station wagon. Fifty years ago, when the "horseless carriage" was born, there opened a new field for jokesters and comic cartoonists. Today in its Golden Jubilee year, the automotive industry is a $4,000,000,000 business, and the "gas buggy" is a luxurious, efficient, time -saving machine. SPOTS OF SPORTS By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Six Bit Critic") In view of tate nature of most of the front-page headlines nowadays, here's a very old yarn that "night be rather timely. It's about the cloak -and -suit manufacturer who was.. much.. harassed.. by constant labor troubles. and finally con- sulted a doctor about his nerves. * * * "Aird what an ignorat.t boob that doctor turns out to be," he told 501110 friends later. "I tell him My nerves are bad. so he says to me 1 should get interestsi in sport to take 111y mind off my troubles- advises ane I should attend - some ball games. So 1 go to the base- ball park and what happens: 13aclt - of what they call the hone -plate stands a big guy with a blue suit and a bird -cage over his tace. enc a voice you can bear for a good half -mile, And -about every three seconds this big guy with the big - voice hollers 0111 'STRIKE' -and every tireta he hollers Gttt 'STRIKE' I think of my. business. and my nerves jump clear through 111) skin, A fine doctor! Horses Ile should be prescribing for, or -maybe goats!" 4: 4' 'We may be :wrong, as usual, but somehow we cannot help harbor- ing the sneaking idea that the sport of baseball is heading straight for trouble -and mighty serious trouble, at tlm,. Gambling in ball parks is steadily becoming more and more open and wide -spread, with folks betting not only on the result of the game itself, but on the c utcome of practically every hall the pitcher tosses platcward. 4, 4, * In fact it has become so 11051ant that, only recently, the gambling gentry were actually openly offer- ing, over the iotd-speaker system down in Montreal, cash bonuses for players making doubles, triples, honlrrs and the like. * 4, * NOW it stands to reason that where there is one gambler who will offer money for doing a thing -for winning -you won't have to search very hard .to find another willing to pay just as much for do- ing- just the opposite -for losing. And the natural outcome of that sort of 1..usiness will be -sure as shooting -just the same kind of Juicy scandal as the one which, not so many years back, shook baseball rightdown to the grass-roots. t, 4: t, That was the time 7011eu the Chi- cago Black So:.. of unfragrant 1180 11 0 1' y' -hl 11(1 possibly many others, as well, who wern't found o't-got themselves so remixed ui. with the gambling clement that only the appointment of old Judge Landis as absolute Tsar of the game saved baseball from a severe blackout. * 4, * A lot of the magnates who Fanged-ancl Who still gauge -the Five -Day Week ;.For U.K. Colliers? A fire -day week for British coal miners is under consideration in discussions between union officials and Eminantiel Shinwell, Minister of Fuel and Power. Mr. Shinweli was reported prepared to order what would be a revolutionary step in the industry if the union guaran- teed that it would not -result in de- creased production. • The five-day week would be in- troduced as an inducement to young melt to enter the Mines and also as a means of eliminating much of the absenteeism plaguing the industry at present. success and popularity of the sport solely and strictly by the box-office returns greatly resented the old Judge, with his dictatorial rulings, such as the one that no knows professional gambler should be al- lowed inside a ball park. They couldn't see why the; should have to turn back castat the wickets, merely because the one proffering tl'at cash made his living by 'lay- ing the odds'. And so, when Lan- dis finally passed on. they appoin- ted in his place a mum who -well, Ir It o isn't above 'listening t o reason,. * * Right now, of course, everything is rosy. Turnstiles are clicking more merrily thar ever before -the red -ink sides of the baseball finan- cial statements are vast expanses of blank paper -and all is for the best in the best of all possible base- baii worlds. * .: * But that doesn't say that base - hall is in an invulnerable position by any means. just one proves case of the old 'monkey -business' -just one ball -player discovered listening to the siren voice of the sure -thing gambler -and there'll be H -to 'pave and no cce-meat mixer handy. For, just let the cash customers once get all idea that baseball i, primarily a medium for bet-nnakine and they're liable to sec it for what it really is- tweuty minutes or so of excitement tedium and, for gambling purposes, stirred up in all hour -and -a half of not nearly so speedy or aetionful as a pair of dices Rocket Bomb Range Now 3,000 Miles The range of the rocket bomb has increased from 200 tulles to 3,000 miles following tests by the -British .ocket bomb mission in Australia :.,cording to unconfirm- ed reports front Sydney. The mission is known to be ex- perimenting with the rocket bomb as a potential carrier of atonic bombs. The special British mission, which has been conducting a sur- vey of vast uninhabited areas in Central Australia. was reported to have advised the Coutmonwealth government that the region would prove a satisfactory rocket testing ground. . The mission,- using both jeeps and planes, began its investigation a 111011111 ago. The greatest secrecy has been attached to the operations. HOLD EVERYTHING u 'm warning you -keep your seals out of my gardens