HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-06-06, Page 4/11101111111MISM
D . will soon be real well again.
relatives, left on Saturday for Tor, ae4 Mrs. A. Gackstetter. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cline, etioit,
Mieses Eileen Evans, Student
TRIT. SEAF01,0,-‘il N V.WS Toronto, Mrs, Fowler, Aurora, Mrs
Snowdon Broil., PublisInow
D -A -N -C-E !
Walton Football Club
J. •Sellers, Mr. Walter Sellers, Mrs..
Elmore Sellers and Susan of Blue -
vale, Miss Lillian Garness,, Detroit,
Mr. and Mrs. Black, Toronto, Mr.
and Mrs. St/ulcer of Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith of
Guelph, spent the weekend with Mr
and Mrs. John Sarrott.. .
Mrs. (Rev.). Richardson of Bien-
hiem who has -been visiting her sist-
er, Mrs, Wm. Sinclair has returned
to her home,
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Beattie and
Karon of Wingham spent the week-
end with relatives here.
WALTON r from here attended the Dainty refreshments were ' served son Lear, . la Y
A munbe
seventy-fifth anniversary of Blake by the hostess, Mrs. Joseph Jordan, Blyth) Mr. George,McVittie and Mr.
-United Church on Sunday, - assisted by her daughters. ' George Moon and flower bearers
oat- with her sister, Mrs. Stuart Thomas MoIvor, •Osgoode Hall, were Mr. Archie Watt, Mr. Donald
Watt, and Mr. Harry Lear. .
Mrs. Wm. Woods of Seaforth
Miss Beatrice Cooper spent Sun -
spent Thursday of last week at the
home of Roy and Mrs. Bennett. Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and
Rev Mr. Pemnan of Burns' Clhurch
• Mr. and Mrs. Garf Long of Santa Baird of Brucefield. Mrs. William McIvor. had ,charge of the service. We wish
• Monica, Calif., Mrs. Sara Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Anderson Mr.. and Mrs. Robt. McCormick
• of Regina, Mr. and.Mrs, Roy Bennett and family visited friends in Sarnia and two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Louis to extend. sincere sympathy to his
and Ross and Marie were enter- on Sunday. Krauskopf and son, Detroit, with Mr. daughter, brothers and sisters, Mr.
tained at:chimer at the home of Mr. Mrs. Allan Johnson attended the and Mrs. James Krauskopf. all the friends.
and Mrs. Leo Watt and family and
and Mrs. Fred Ennis on Tuesday funeral of her sister-in-law Mrs. R. Mr, and Mrs. J. Blood and Miss
DUBLIN • . 1. Mr. and Mrs, Leo Watt..
He leaves to mourn his loss, one
Misses Eileen„ Jean and Loreen 4 h T
Jordan entertained at their homes at daughter Viva, of oronto, twoirt-
Waterloo, (Rose) Mrs,
their sister, Miss Mary Jordan, whose Jackson of Stratford, Mr. Jack Cole
marriage is an event of this week.
of Blyth and Mr. Nelson Cole of
About 75 ladieS •ncludin • •elatives
the bride-to-be, who was presented!
ley Chelew's funeral Name to the
Saturday, June 'lst, from Mr. Stan -
with numerous beautiful gifts, in -
Clinton cemetery. Friends were pre-
cluding wool'. blankets„ silver, china
sent from Preston, Hespeler, Water -
linens and money. The guest 01
loo, Toronto, Leindon, Clinton and
honor expressed her appreciation to
each individual donor..Several games The pallbearers were Mr. Leo
of bingo were played under the dir-
Watt, Mr. Kelland MeVittie, Mr. Nel-
ection of. Miss Katharine Jordan.
Mr. Tot m Cole (of1
ers and two brothers. (Maggie) Mrs.
a miscellaneous shower honoring ' Gross of
I g i Clinton. The funeral was held on
and neighlzers were present to honor
evening of last week. Met fax, at Waubaushene on Alice McAleer, Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Watt and Jimmie return_
Mrs. Sara Campbell who has Thorsday last, Mrs. Patrick Ryan. ed from Toronto Wednesday of last
spent the past three weeks with her , Mrs, W. Harney of Exeter is Frank Keegan, Bayfield, with Mr. week. We are very pleased to know Sunday evening at the home of Mr.
• sister Mrs Ro l3ennett and other spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and 1VIrs. Wm. McIvor. Jimmie is getting better and hope he David and Miss Mary Reid.
• Y
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Knox and
onto where she will spend a few days Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter and with Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Kale.
children visited on Sunday, May 26th
with her son Jack and' Mrs. Camp- Mrs. W. Homey spent Tuesday in
bell, She will then go to Ottawa to qtrstford. student nurse at Si. Joseph's Hosirit.. at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
visit her daughter, Mrs. Stanley The Y.P.U. of St. Andrew's Unit- al, London, is vacationing with her Thomas Appleby in McKillop.
Mrs. Watson Reid and Mrs. Arth-
Brown, before returning to her eel Church are holding their annual mother, Mrs. Katharine Evans.
hoine in Regina. It is thirty years anniversary on Sunday, June 16th. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forster in ur Colson are re-engaged to teach at
since Mrs. Campbell was here and Th. :Tuest speaker will be Rev. R. A. Wroxeter. the sehools where they have been
saw many changes, but enjoyed her p,rook of Hensel'. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Feeney and
teaching. We wish to extend congrat-
visit very much. daughter, Betty, London, with Mr.
d M s Patrick Feeney Some from Burns' Church attended
Miss Doris Dalton spent Sunday
with Marie Bennett.
The many friends of Mrs, Harold
Sellers and Mrs. Bert Johnston who
have both undergone operations in
K. and W. Hospital, Kitchener, will
be pleased to know they are both
making a good recoverY.
Mrs. Wm. Shortreed, her son Mr.
Wilfred and daughter Miss Mary
R. N. have gone on a trip to the
W est,
Mr. Horace Rutledge of Toronto
iu -VV• lton
The death took place on Sunday,
June 2nd, of a lifelong resident of
this district in the person of Mrs.
Edgerton Roe in her 77th year. Mrs.
Roe had been in failing health since
last fall and had been ill for the past
two months. Her maiden name was
RUSP Ella Holland and she had lived
on the 14th concession since her mar-
riage. She was member of Bethel
United Church and took an active
part in the work of the W.A. Be-
sides her husband she is survived by
three sons, Wesley and Lorne, of
Hullett, William at home, and three
daughters, Mrs. Lynch, Goderich,
Mrs. Lowery, Brussels, and Mrs.
Machan of Grey hownship, also, one
brother and one sister. The funeral
was held on Tuesday afternoon, Rev.
Mr. Patton officiating and interment
Maitlandbank cemetery.
Rev. R. G. Hazlewood and Mr.
Thos. Leming attended the Confer-
ence of the United Church of Canada
held in Centennial Church, London,
last week,
The Y. P. U. met on Sunday
evening with Mr. D. Lawless in
charge. The worship service was con-
ducted by Earle Coutts and Doreen
Coutts and Isabel Davidson sang a
duet. A very interesting and in-
strudtive talk was given by Earle
Coutts, describing his experiences in
the Royal Canadian Navy during the
The Seaforth Ministerial Associa-
tion met at the Walton Manse on
Monday afternoon with the minist-
ers from Brussels and Ethel as their
guests. A splendid paper was given
by Rev. H. C. Wilson, Brussels.
Death Of Mrs, Robt. C. McLean
The death occurred at Waubau-
shene, Ont., on Monday, May 27th
of Mrs. R. C. McLean, widow of the
late Robert C. McLean, formerly of
Kippen. Mrs. McLean had been in
ill health for several months but her
passing carne as a shock to her many
friends here. She was the former
Mary Ernestine Sellers,_daughter of
Mrs, J. Sellers and the late Mr.
Sellers of Bluevale. Twenty-one
years ago she was united M mar-
riage with her late husband, Robt.
C. McLean who was accidently killde
when hit by a car one year ago May
80th at Port McNichol. Previous to
her illness she was on the staff of
Midland Collegiate. She is survived
by two sons, James and Donald at-
tending university at Toronto, her
mother, Mrs. J. Sellers of Bluevale
and one brother,- Walter,. also of
Bluevale. A private funeral service
was held at her home on Thurs. May
30th followed by a public service in
the Waubaushene Memorial Church
and was conducted by her pastor,
Rev, Mr. Bayes, also the Rebecka
Lodge, of which she was a member,
took part in the services. Interment
was made in Midland cemetery.
Those attending the funeral from
a distance were, Mrs. J. B. McLean
and Miss Mari OU McLean of Exeter,
Mrs. Allan Johnson, Eipnen, Clar-
ence McLean, London, Fern McLean,
'MIK7RTA7,727.—ww. rmaormaramirumrirmmius=m+r
Now is the season to consider
the erection of your family
You are invited to consult us
when every consideration will
be given to individual require-
are open each TUESDAY for
your convenience.
See Dr. Harburn for appoint-
ment any other time, or phone
41 J. Exeter.
Memorial Craftsmen
Exeter Seaforth Clin ton
Mr. and IVIrs. Dan Sanders of Lon-
don spent the weekend visiting rela-
tives in this coriummity: -
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Martin and
Audrey, Mr. Roy Shean and Mr. Geo.
Davidson of Stratford spent Sunday
with the latter's son, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Davidson.
Miss Elda Reichert had her ton-
sils removed this week and her many
friends wish her a speedy recovery,
Mr. McAdams of Zurich has
moved the house he purchased from
Mrs. John Baker. Mr. Emil Becker
of Dashwood doing the moving.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dunbar, Mr.
Lorne Moser and Mrs. Ellen Moser
of Stratford visited Friday evening
with the tatters sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Davidson.
Mr. Clarence Love has purchased
himself a nice car.
Mr. Russell Consitt is busy re-
modelling his house.
Mr, and Mrs. Emmerson of Clin-
ton visited recently with Mr. and
Mrs, John Baker.
Mr, Win. J. Davidson has sold his
store and has purchased a house in
The many friends of Mrs. Ross
Love are glad to know she is able to
be up and around again after her
long period of illness.
an . •
the Young People's Rally service
I Mrs. Katherine Byrne has return- Constance Church on Sunday evening.
ed home after spending two months Burns' Choir assisted in the music,
with her daughters in Detroit. .There was a fair attendance.
Mrs. Frank Burns and son JoseP
A number from this neighborhood
Miss Kathleen Burns and Mia
ss Joan attended the musical program in Lon-
Burdette in Sarnia. desboro hall which was put on Mon -
Miss Catharine Coyne has re -
day night by the music teacher, Mrs.
turned home after several weeks in Wendorf and the pupils front the
Seaforth Memorial Hospital. schools in Hullett where she teaches,
Mr. and Mrs. William Flanagan There was a good turn out and their
family attended the Flanagan -Carty demonstration gave a good idea of the
wedding in Kinkora, on Saturday. work Mrs. Weudorf and school teach -
Forty Hours' Devotion Services ers were doing along the musical line.
were held in St. a tic s Chuih
this week. A Redemptorist Father
from London conducted the services
and was assisted by the pastors from
the neighboring parishes. Large con-
gregations attended both morning
and evening services.
Dr. and Mrs, Frank Stapleton.
Galt, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Staple-
r. and Mrs. Charles Strubb and
ghter, Margaret, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray, St. Johns; Charles, Patrick and
Donald McDaid, all of Kitchener,
Mrs. Julia Flanagan, Seaforth, with
Mr. and Mrs. William Flanagan.
Frank Evans, Windsor, with his
Rev. W. A. Mac -William preached
at the morning service in the Pres-
byterian Church here and Miss Anna
Hamilton and Lloyd Sorsdahl sang
a duet.
Mrs. Grace Scott at Niagara Falls
and Buffalo with her sister and
brother-in-law. Mr, and Mrs. Carl
Weitzman, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan
John Scott has returned home
after spending a week with his son,
and the interest the pupils were a -
Mg in the work.
Mr. Bert Beacom is busy getting
ready to put a cement wall under the
shed. Mr. Guy Leiper assisted him for
number of days,
Mr. and Mrs. lVilliam Pepper and
children from near Brucefield spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. W. McEwing.
We wish to extend sincere sym-
pathy to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roe
in the loss of his mother who was
laid to rest on Tuesday afternoon
of this week. .
Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Knox and
children called on her parents, Mr.
mother, Mis. Katharine Evans. and Mrs. Fred. Shobbrook--on Sun,
day afternoon, the latter returned
HARLOCKhome from Clinton Hospital, Monday
• of last week. It is considered that
Mr. Thomas Cole, a highly es- the bone in her leg is getting along
t d esident of Hullett passed nicely but she will be confined to
r ,
i away hi the Seaforth hospital on bed for some months. Mrs. Stanley
NORTH MoKILLOP . Thurs. May 30th. He was born in Carter of near Londesboro is in
The Brodhagen young people are Hullett townshi a son of Mr. and charge. We hope Mrs. Shobbrook
presenting their play "Life at Aunt Robert Cole. He was married to makes a good recovery.
.Minnie's" at Bethel Church on Fri- Mrs. M 'ttie . and to this union Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Colson visit -
Myrtle c i
day evening June 7th at 9 o'clock, viva and Myrtle. They
three daughters were born, Floye, ' ed Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Knox in
Daylight Time, Admission, Adultsfarmed in Kitchener, on Sunday, they were
85c and Public School children 15c.Hullett township. for a number of accompanied by Mrs. Colson's par -
Everyone welcome. , years, later moving to Waterloo and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jamieson
Mr. and Mrs. George Thornton I then to Toronto, where they resided of near Kinburn, who spent the day
and family of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. until his wife's death, seven years with his brother and wife, Mr. and
Fred Kistner of Monkton and Mr. i of°. Since that time he bad made Mrs. Wm. Jamieson in Waterloo.
and Mrs. Ed. Byers of Dublin were' his home with his -niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson spent
Sunday visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Thornton.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hoegy were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. C. Regele.
Miss Mildred McNichol of Strat-
ford spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mc-
Miss Yvonne Diegel spent Sunday
afternoon with Pearl Regele,
Mrs. George Leonhardt, Mr. Ed-
win and Irwin Leonhardt, and Mrs.
Gordon Eisler spent the latter part
of the week in Detroit, Mich., visit-
ing their relatives.
Much sympathy is extended to the
bereaved family of the late Mrs. E,
Bethel ladies W.A. and W.M.S.
will be held June 6th at the home
of Mrs. Willis Dundas.,
Mrs. Noble McCallum spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mr. Elmer Dennis, Misses Ethel
and Tennie Dennis, and Mrs. Stan-
ley Hillen spent the weekend at St.
Catherines attending Miss Helen
Robertson's nurses graduation.
Mr. and Mrs. John Glannville and
boys spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Glannville.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Dipple, Miss
Shirley Dipple, Miss Selma Manz, of
Gowanstown, were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Eggert.
Mr. and Mrs. Wos. Fisher and the
Misses Viola and Muriel Fisher of
Fullarton were visitors on oui• line
on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Steinacher
of Stratford spent Sunday at the
home of her parents, MO. and Mrs.
Henry Keohler,
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock and
Diane visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Wurdell of Logan on Sunday.
'Mr. and Mrs, Charles Eggert were
et Clinton on Monday visiting his
lia, Mrs. Leith, who is in the hos-
pital there.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 1VIcLeod
and Son of London, visited with Mr.
and Mm. Chas. Ahrens.
Mrs. Annie Elligson has returned
to her home after spending a few
months in Florida.
Mrs. Emma Querengesser has re-
turned to Windsor after spending a
few weeks with relatives here.
Mr. Russell Sholdico who under-
went an operation for appendicitis
in Stratford General hospital has re-
turned to his home.
MrS, George Meyer and son Geo.
of Didsbury, Alberta, and daughters
Frieda and Mrs. O'Brien of Ed -men-
ton, Alta., are visiting with Mrs.
Meyer's sister, Mrs. Charles Wolfe,
Frank, and Mrs, Scott, Carlingford.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Adams, Wal-
lenstein, with Mr. and Mrs. John
Mrs. William Hamilton at Bruce-
The Girls Who Glorified Ziegfield
Who were the spectacularly beau-
tiful, glamorous beyond, compare
girls who glorified Ziegfield? Where
did they come from? Where did they
go? Adele Rogers St. Johns, writing
in the American Weekly with this
Sunday's (June 9) issue of The De-
troit Sunday Times, tells the fascin-
ating story
et ovt
0, 0444 e
is YOUR business
—BECAUSE the money spent by
American 'visitors filters into every
community. It puts extra cash in the
pockets of Canadians, boosting busi-
ness for the farmer, the town mer.
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body's interest to protect this profit-
able business, particularly in this
critical year when friendly, courteous
treatment of our guests will pay big
dividends in the years ahead.
Doporlmont of Trade & Commerce, Menem
AND you can plan to see it now—to get
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Step on board a Canadian National 'train
and go in relaxed comfort. You'll find new
pleasure in train travel. and' Canadian
National service as courteous as ever.
At Canadian National's nearest ticket office they'll
tell you about the place you want to see, arrange
train reservations and other details. Make travel a
pleasure all the way—drop in and talk it over with
Canadian National.
REGi_-_-,-; N
I-4 i 1 I
T 'ffiEA,TRE
Now Showing Thur. Fri. Sat., June 6, 7, 8
Jennifet; Jones Love Letters" Joseph Cotten
Ann Richards • Anita Louise
A psychological romantic .drama
Bache Bracken • Veronica Lake
ALSO— Sydney Greenstreet Gera ldine Fitzgerald "
• When 2 features are sluiwn patrons must be in by 8.45 to see a
• complete show
• Bing Crosby Bob Hope
"Road To Utopia"
• Crosby and Hope prove a howl in comedy
COMING "Confidential Agent"
• sister Mrs Ro l3ennett and other spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and 1VIrs. Wm. McIvor. Jimmie is getting better and hope he David and Miss Mary Reid.
• Y
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Knox and
onto where she will spend a few days Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter and with Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Kale.
children visited on Sunday, May 26th
with her son Jack and' Mrs. Camp- Mrs. W. Homey spent Tuesday in
bell, She will then go to Ottawa to qtrstford. student nurse at Si. Joseph's Hosirit.. at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
visit her daughter, Mrs. Stanley The Y.P.U. of St. Andrew's Unit- al, London, is vacationing with her Thomas Appleby in McKillop.
Mrs. Watson Reid and Mrs. Arth-
Brown, before returning to her eel Church are holding their annual mother, Mrs. Katharine Evans.
hoine in Regina. It is thirty years anniversary on Sunday, June 16th. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forster in ur Colson are re-engaged to teach at
since Mrs. Campbell was here and Th. :Tuest speaker will be Rev. R. A. Wroxeter. the sehools where they have been
saw many changes, but enjoyed her p,rook of Hensel'. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Feeney and
teaching. We wish to extend congrat-
visit very much. daughter, Betty, London, with Mr.
d M s Patrick Feeney Some from Burns' Church attended
Miss Doris Dalton spent Sunday
with Marie Bennett.
The many friends of Mrs, Harold
Sellers and Mrs. Bert Johnston who
have both undergone operations in
K. and W. Hospital, Kitchener, will
be pleased to know they are both
making a good recoverY.
Mrs. Wm. Shortreed, her son Mr.
Wilfred and daughter Miss Mary
R. N. have gone on a trip to the
W est,
Mr. Horace Rutledge of Toronto
iu -VV• lton
The death took place on Sunday,
June 2nd, of a lifelong resident of
this district in the person of Mrs.
Edgerton Roe in her 77th year. Mrs.
Roe had been in failing health since
last fall and had been ill for the past
two months. Her maiden name was
RUSP Ella Holland and she had lived
on the 14th concession since her mar-
riage. She was member of Bethel
United Church and took an active
part in the work of the W.A. Be-
sides her husband she is survived by
three sons, Wesley and Lorne, of
Hullett, William at home, and three
daughters, Mrs. Lynch, Goderich,
Mrs. Lowery, Brussels, and Mrs.
Machan of Grey hownship, also, one
brother and one sister. The funeral
was held on Tuesday afternoon, Rev.
Mr. Patton officiating and interment
Maitlandbank cemetery.
Rev. R. G. Hazlewood and Mr.
Thos. Leming attended the Confer-
ence of the United Church of Canada
held in Centennial Church, London,
last week,
The Y. P. U. met on Sunday
evening with Mr. D. Lawless in
charge. The worship service was con-
ducted by Earle Coutts and Doreen
Coutts and Isabel Davidson sang a
duet. A very interesting and in-
strudtive talk was given by Earle
Coutts, describing his experiences in
the Royal Canadian Navy during the
The Seaforth Ministerial Associa-
tion met at the Walton Manse on
Monday afternoon with the minist-
ers from Brussels and Ethel as their
guests. A splendid paper was given
by Rev. H. C. Wilson, Brussels.
Death Of Mrs, Robt. C. McLean
The death occurred at Waubau-
shene, Ont., on Monday, May 27th
of Mrs. R. C. McLean, widow of the
late Robert C. McLean, formerly of
Kippen. Mrs. McLean had been in
ill health for several months but her
passing carne as a shock to her many
friends here. She was the former
Mary Ernestine Sellers,_daughter of
Mrs, J. Sellers and the late Mr.
Sellers of Bluevale. Twenty-one
years ago she was united M mar-
riage with her late husband, Robt.
C. McLean who was accidently killde
when hit by a car one year ago May
80th at Port McNichol. Previous to
her illness she was on the staff of
Midland Collegiate. She is survived
by two sons, James and Donald at-
tending university at Toronto, her
mother, Mrs. J. Sellers of Bluevale
and one brother,- Walter,. also of
Bluevale. A private funeral service
was held at her home on Thurs. May
30th followed by a public service in
the Waubaushene Memorial Church
and was conducted by her pastor,
Rev, Mr. Bayes, also the Rebecka
Lodge, of which she was a member,
took part in the services. Interment
was made in Midland cemetery.
Those attending the funeral from
a distance were, Mrs. J. B. McLean
and Miss Mari OU McLean of Exeter,
Mrs. Allan Johnson, Eipnen, Clar-
ence McLean, London, Fern McLean,
'MIK7RTA7,727.—ww. rmaormaramirumrirmmius=m+r
Now is the season to consider
the erection of your family
You are invited to consult us
when every consideration will
be given to individual require-
are open each TUESDAY for
your convenience.
See Dr. Harburn for appoint-
ment any other time, or phone
41 J. Exeter.
Memorial Craftsmen
Exeter Seaforth Clin ton
Mr. and IVIrs. Dan Sanders of Lon-
don spent the weekend visiting rela-
tives in this coriummity: -
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Martin and
Audrey, Mr. Roy Shean and Mr. Geo.
Davidson of Stratford spent Sunday
with the latter's son, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Davidson.
Miss Elda Reichert had her ton-
sils removed this week and her many
friends wish her a speedy recovery,
Mr. McAdams of Zurich has
moved the house he purchased from
Mrs. John Baker. Mr. Emil Becker
of Dashwood doing the moving.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dunbar, Mr.
Lorne Moser and Mrs. Ellen Moser
of Stratford visited Friday evening
with the tatters sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Davidson.
Mr. Clarence Love has purchased
himself a nice car.
Mr. Russell Consitt is busy re-
modelling his house.
Mr, and Mrs. Emmerson of Clin-
ton visited recently with Mr. and
Mrs, John Baker.
Mr, Win. J. Davidson has sold his
store and has purchased a house in
The many friends of Mrs. Ross
Love are glad to know she is able to
be up and around again after her
long period of illness.
an . •
the Young People's Rally service
I Mrs. Katherine Byrne has return- Constance Church on Sunday evening.
ed home after spending two months Burns' Choir assisted in the music,
with her daughters in Detroit. .There was a fair attendance.
Mrs. Frank Burns and son JoseP
A number from this neighborhood
Miss Kathleen Burns and Mia
ss Joan attended the musical program in Lon-
Burdette in Sarnia. desboro hall which was put on Mon -
Miss Catharine Coyne has re -
day night by the music teacher, Mrs.
turned home after several weeks in Wendorf and the pupils front the
Seaforth Memorial Hospital. schools in Hullett where she teaches,
Mr. and Mrs. William Flanagan There was a good turn out and their
family attended the Flanagan -Carty demonstration gave a good idea of the
wedding in Kinkora, on Saturday. work Mrs. Weudorf and school teach -
Forty Hours' Devotion Services ers were doing along the musical line.
were held in St. a tic s Chuih
this week. A Redemptorist Father
from London conducted the services
and was assisted by the pastors from
the neighboring parishes. Large con-
gregations attended both morning
and evening services.
Dr. and Mrs, Frank Stapleton.
Galt, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Staple-
r. and Mrs. Charles Strubb and
ghter, Margaret, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray, St. Johns; Charles, Patrick and
Donald McDaid, all of Kitchener,
Mrs. Julia Flanagan, Seaforth, with
Mr. and Mrs. William Flanagan.
Frank Evans, Windsor, with his
Rev. W. A. Mac -William preached
at the morning service in the Pres-
byterian Church here and Miss Anna
Hamilton and Lloyd Sorsdahl sang
a duet.
Mrs. Grace Scott at Niagara Falls
and Buffalo with her sister and
brother-in-law. Mr, and Mrs. Carl
Weitzman, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan
John Scott has returned home
after spending a week with his son,
and the interest the pupils were a -
Mg in the work.
Mr. Bert Beacom is busy getting
ready to put a cement wall under the
shed. Mr. Guy Leiper assisted him for
number of days,
Mr. and Mrs. lVilliam Pepper and
children from near Brucefield spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. W. McEwing.
We wish to extend sincere sym-
pathy to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Roe
in the loss of his mother who was
laid to rest on Tuesday afternoon
of this week. .
Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Knox and
children called on her parents, Mr.
mother, Mis. Katharine Evans. and Mrs. Fred. Shobbrook--on Sun,
day afternoon, the latter returned
HARLOCKhome from Clinton Hospital, Monday
• of last week. It is considered that
Mr. Thomas Cole, a highly es- the bone in her leg is getting along
t d esident of Hullett passed nicely but she will be confined to
r ,
i away hi the Seaforth hospital on bed for some months. Mrs. Stanley
NORTH MoKILLOP . Thurs. May 30th. He was born in Carter of near Londesboro is in
The Brodhagen young people are Hullett townshi a son of Mr. and charge. We hope Mrs. Shobbrook
presenting their play "Life at Aunt Robert Cole. He was married to makes a good recovery.
.Minnie's" at Bethel Church on Fri- Mrs. M 'ttie . and to this union Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Colson visit -
Myrtle c i
day evening June 7th at 9 o'clock, viva and Myrtle. They
three daughters were born, Floye, ' ed Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Knox in
Daylight Time, Admission, Adultsfarmed in Kitchener, on Sunday, they were
85c and Public School children 15c.Hullett township. for a number of accompanied by Mrs. Colson's par -
Everyone welcome. , years, later moving to Waterloo and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jamieson
Mr. and Mrs. George Thornton I then to Toronto, where they resided of near Kinburn, who spent the day
and family of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. until his wife's death, seven years with his brother and wife, Mr. and
Fred Kistner of Monkton and Mr. i of°. Since that time he bad made Mrs. Wm. Jamieson in Waterloo.
and Mrs. Ed. Byers of Dublin were' his home with his -niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson spent
Sunday visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Thornton.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hoegy were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. C. Regele.
Miss Mildred McNichol of Strat-
ford spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mc-
Miss Yvonne Diegel spent Sunday
afternoon with Pearl Regele,
Mrs. George Leonhardt, Mr. Ed-
win and Irwin Leonhardt, and Mrs.
Gordon Eisler spent the latter part
of the week in Detroit, Mich., visit-
ing their relatives.
Much sympathy is extended to the
bereaved family of the late Mrs. E,
Bethel ladies W.A. and W.M.S.
will be held June 6th at the home
of Mrs. Willis Dundas.,
Mrs. Noble McCallum spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mr. Elmer Dennis, Misses Ethel
and Tennie Dennis, and Mrs. Stan-
ley Hillen spent the weekend at St.
Catherines attending Miss Helen
Robertson's nurses graduation.
Mr. and Mrs. John Glannville and
boys spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Glannville.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Dipple, Miss
Shirley Dipple, Miss Selma Manz, of
Gowanstown, were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Eggert.
Mr. and Mrs. Wos. Fisher and the
Misses Viola and Muriel Fisher of
Fullarton were visitors on oui• line
on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Steinacher
of Stratford spent Sunday at the
home of her parents, MO. and Mrs.
Henry Keohler,
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock and
Diane visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Wurdell of Logan on Sunday.
'Mr. and Mrs, Charles Eggert were
et Clinton on Monday visiting his
lia, Mrs. Leith, who is in the hos-
pital there.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 1VIcLeod
and Son of London, visited with Mr.
and Mm. Chas. Ahrens.
Mrs. Annie Elligson has returned
to her home after spending a few
months in Florida.
Mrs. Emma Querengesser has re-
turned to Windsor after spending a
few weeks with relatives here.
Mr. Russell Sholdico who under-
went an operation for appendicitis
in Stratford General hospital has re-
turned to his home.
MrS, George Meyer and son Geo.
of Didsbury, Alberta, and daughters
Frieda and Mrs. O'Brien of Ed -men-
ton, Alta., are visiting with Mrs.
Meyer's sister, Mrs. Charles Wolfe,
Frank, and Mrs, Scott, Carlingford.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Adams, Wal-
lenstein, with Mr. and Mrs. John
Mrs. William Hamilton at Bruce-
The Girls Who Glorified Ziegfield
Who were the spectacularly beau-
tiful, glamorous beyond, compare
girls who glorified Ziegfield? Where
did they come from? Where did they
go? Adele Rogers St. Johns, writing
in the American Weekly with this
Sunday's (June 9) issue of The De-
troit Sunday Times, tells the fascin-
ating story
et ovt
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