HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-05-23, Page 7RESUMES NEGOTIATIONS As the nation's soft coal miners prepared to return to the pits for two weeks, John L. Lewis; United Mine Workers head, resuming negotiations with m'ne operators in the Labor Department building in Washington, is questioned by reporters. Miners agreed to a two weeks' truce in their strike pending further discussions on a new contract, BIG FOUR ACCENTUATE THE NEGATIVE German treaty was not on agenda; but U. S. prop sed four -power 25 - year disarmament control. Pian met cool recep ion Austria s demand for return of South Tyrol from taly turned down cold Big Four agree to return northern.Transylvania from Hungary to Romania Bessarabia and Northern Bukovino, taken from Ro- mania by Russia, 1940, to remain Russian. Bulgaria to retain Southern Dobruja, taken from Romania in 1940 Italian treaty talks wrecked by deadlock over Trieste's future status., Disagree on reparations French -Italian committee reports an disputed areas of Briga-Tendo and Val d'Osta; no action P(ANOSA RQMANIA t. BUiLGARiA' R,;QAOPE MTS. "bon' A. mportant Danube control question left hanging Yugoslavia given island of Pelagosa, with Italy accord- ed fishing rights; Italy re- tains Pianosa, but may not militarize the island ee claims against Bulgaria and Albania were left undecided b1 Disagree over future of Italy's Dodecanese k. 'EP DEcA,, .,5: TURKEY More "didn'ts" than "lids" came out of the Big Fo ar foreign miri..,ors Paris parley to draft peace treaties for the Axis satellites as shown on the map above. In a=clition to disagreements indicated, the conferees failed to decide on Italian reparations; disposition of former Italian colonies; fate of the Italian fleet; and continued occupation of Italy. TEST SHOWS FORCE OF V-2 BOMB Force of energy behind a B-2 rocket i5 dramatically indicated in photo at left, above, showing crater left by rocket's exploding fuel tanks. Note comparative size of men at crater's rima Photo at right shows rocket in flight. Photos were taken during test firing preliminary to the May 10th demonstra- tion of a fully -fueled V-2 at Army proving grounds, White Sands, N. M. AT SPY TRIAL Chief Justice J. C. McRuer, above. who will preside at the trials of seven espionage suspects being held in the Ontario Supreme Court at Ottawa, THAT'S A PRETTY BIG PIPE, BING Josephine Blum, Hollywood, holds the giant pipe sent to Bing Crosby by an Army captain in Germany. Bing is surprised that it actually smokes. Highlights of the News T.T.S. $3,750,.000;000 Loan The .$3,750,000,000 loan to Britain bill, accorded Senate approval after lengthy debate and defeat of nu- merous crippling amendments, will be considered almost immedi- ately by a House of Representa- tives committee and then referred to that chamber for open debate. The loan agreement, reached last December after long negotiations led for the British by the late Lord Keynes, ,,provides for a $3,750,000,- 000 loan repayable in 50 years with interest at two per cent. In any year that Britain suffers circumstances which make interest payment difficult or. impossible: the interest may he waived and can- celled. A King In Exile Victor Emmanuel settled down to a life of exile in Egypt last week after a reign of nearly 46 years as - king of Italy, thus joining- the •growing ranks., of Europe's hone less royalty. The weary little man and his wife, the former Queen Elena, were greeted by Egypts King Farouk when they debarked at Alexandria from an Italian cruiser. The Italian cabinet approved the assumption of the throne by Crown Prince Humbert, but specified his -powers would extend only until June 2. On that day the Italian people will decide whether to . con- tinue the monarchy. Setback at Simla The British Cabinet mission's forthcoming statement on its con- ferences with Moslem and Hindu representatives at Simla will con- tain a declaration on Indian inde- pendence, probably indicating the approximate date by which India will become completely independ- ent. The British cabinet mission, ad- mitting failure of an eight-day conference with Moslem and Hindu leaders on independence for India, made it plain it still has Hopes of solving the problem: The conference ended in com- plete breakdown, dealing a severe blow to the (topes of those who had expected a quick transition from British control to Indian self- government. No reason for collapse of the negotiations was given. The three British cabinet minis- ters had hoped to help India draft a constitution. Canada's Loan to U.K. At Ottawa the Canadian Senate approved a hill providing for a $1,250,000,000 loan to the United Kingdom. The bill now awaits royal assent. Canadian Strike Threat The threat of nation-wide strike action next month against every major Canadian industry -unless union wage and hour demands are granted, emerged as the keynote of a conference of the National Wage Board Co-ordinating Committee of the Canadian Congress of Labor, held in Toronto. The committee endorsed the de- cision of the International Wood- workers of America, B.C., to take strike action on May 15, and the decision of the United Rubber Workers of America, CID -CCL, who have set May 27 as the dead- line for strike action unless they receive an "adequate wage and hour settlement by that time." IMPORTANT DIAMOND DRILLING RESULTS Now Being Encountered on the Properties of MYLAMAQUE MINES LTD. We recommend shares loi this r'onipnny es a RISK CAPITAL INVESTMENT BREWIS & WHITE •200 tiny Street, 'Toronto 1, Out: 1:L.., 225 Please mall your latest inrormn- tion concerning Mylnmaque Innen Limited game Address Loan to Belgium Belgian delegates and represent- atives of the Canadian government have signed in Ottawa an agree- ment under which the Canadian government will grant a loan of .975,000,000 to Belgium. This loan brings the total of the credits granted by Canada to Bel- gium since the liberation to $t00,- 000,000 the agency added. BE FIRM ! Always insist on Maxwell House Coffee. It's Radiant -Rousted by a spe- cial process that captures all the extra flavor and goodness of the superb Maxwell House blend. GDEN'S Rolls an Al/�a r Investment Service To assist investors in the selection of securities most suitable to their indi. vidual requirements, the services of our organization are always available. Tour enquiries by mail or telephone will receive careful consideration. King Street West Toronto 1 Wood, Gundy & Company T Telephone: ELgin 4321 Limited DyJ9E V EfvR rrceRrAINLy IS LONELY 04 7e -4e IIOUS6 SINCE DoRoYri ycorA4tAARRIED ISN'T ',--..-...-y--- ' -r,,DEA2? i'M FED UP TRYING TO FIND A PLACE To LIVE/ MAYBE 1 CAN HELP You— I'LL GIVE YOU A CALL To -N I cI-4T; LLSEVEiz FEEL LONELY AS THE WIFE ANO YOU LOOK AT THC EMPTY ROOM VUH H TMARRE YoUR LEFT WHEN SHE. ITS TNG LEAST WE CAN OO FOR. THEM, DEAR., ANO THEY'LL- 13E HEY'LLBE COMPANY FPR U5 Too / BUT NEXT MORNING YOU HAPPEN 'To BUMP INTO A RETURNED SOLDIER WHO YELLS You THAT HE AND HIS WIFE CAN'T FIND A PLACE TO LiVE AND WHEN YOU GET To The OFFICE AND PHONw.THE WIFE SHE HIEARTfLY AGREES To RENT THE SPARE Room -To -THEM DAWES DJ'EVE2 FEEL HAPPIER IN YouR L11=E WHEN YOU REALMS WHAT A Goo0 TURN YOU HAVE DONE F=OR THEM 7 6-ww BREWERY