HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-05-23, Page 3Hastings & Sons
Foundry and Machine
Located at 10 Pine Street in
Stratford, phone 1625W, this well-
known firm specializes in grey iron,
bronzeand aluminum castings and
features a complete Machinery and
Jobbing Foundry Service.
So reliable, this firm has a steady
business call, and there are few en-
terprises more important in the de-
velopment of the modern community
than a progressive establishment
such as this, replete as they are with
a complete line of equipment to
take care of all classes of General
Foundry work. This firm is fully
equipped to do this work scientifi-
cally and correctly. The management
are .experts, enjoying a reputation
for promptness and efficiency.
In this review weare glad to re-
commend Hastings and Sons Found-
ry to all our readers.
Mitchell's Tire Service
Mitchell's Tire Service at 85 Wat-
erloo Street S., phone 896, are deal-
ers for Hart Batteries and Firestone
Tires. At Mitchell's it is not neces-
- sary to worry about tire trouble.
Mitchell's Tire Service feature a
complete stock of new and used
tires, and are experts at Vulcaniz-
ing,. regrooving, re -treading, and
specialize in Truck Tire work. Here
you have two choices—you can buy
new tires and tubes—or you can
have your old tires re -treaded and
vulcanized and we can readily say
that this job will make your tires as
good as new and is done with a pre-
cision and thoroughness that will
more than satisfy.
The cost is surprisingly low and it
is with these points in mind that we
refer the Mitchell's Tire Service to
all our readers for your tire troubles.
Williams & Son
In selecting a Family Memorial
this Stratford firm located at 14.9
St. Patrick Street, phone 1955, can
show you monuments built on a
basis of quality and durability.
They excel in all branches of mem-
orial work, "Mark every grave" and
pay tribute of respect to your loved
The saute painstaking care is
given the purchase of a Footstone
from this firm as a Monument.
They have the very latest and
most modern appliances, and have
recently installed a complete new
outfit for cutting, sand-blastng and
carving, which enables them to pro-
duce the finest grades of work. Wil-
liams !& Son can meet all require-
ments from the headstone to the
most elaborate memorial. Their- aim
is to satisfy and they will figure with
you or help you select something that
meets your desired needs.
Cartage & Storage
Well known in Stratford as relia-
ble movers, this firm is cartage
agents for C.N.R. and are at . 76
Water St„ phone 622. They feature
a complete service in moving, haul-
ing and storage. Their many years
of satisfactory service in this field
e req t umourl pore mato. ovum anetl
ever moving is to be done. -
Ready any hour of the day for
quick transportation of household
goods, personal belongings of any
nature, or any class of merchandise.
their trucks have become a familiar
sight on the streets of Stratford and
adjacent towns.
Prompt service and careful hand-
ling are two traits that have been
responsible for the large demand
for their service.
J. H. Kenner •
Located at 76 Ontario, in Strat-
ford, this store is held. high in the
esteem of ourreaders. Here one can
obtain the best in stationery, a large
varied stocks of Books, Office and
School Supplies, and an up-to-date
assortment of novelties, souvenirs
and a splendid stock of greeting and
everyday cards. They have one of
the largest stocks in Stratford and
their prices are reasonable.
The service at this store is very
modern. Goods are well displayed
and the clerks are always ready to
and customers.
J. H. Kenner extends a welcome
to all our readers andare always
glad to have you visit their store.
It is with this in mind that we
recommend J. 11. Kenner to anyone
interested in the purchase of fine
quality- goods at the best prices, and
feel that a purchase here will more
than satisfy your desires.
Derma Way
For Beauty
Conveniently located in Stratford
at 96 Downie, phone 777, this beauty
shop is amply prepared to serve you
in the field of Beauty Culture.
A shop of this nature deserves the
patronage of our many women read-
ers, and the splendid reputation they
have attained is mostly due to the
high state of efficiency on the part
of the operators. Through their well-
. chosen treatments they are able to
bring out these important qualities
of youth, dignity and good groom-
ing which are so necessary for the
women of today to attain. Ladies!
This beauty shop offers a complete
service in beauty culture. We are
pleased to refer the services of
Derma Way Beauty Shop to you
without hesitation.
Violet Gerofsky
Ladies' Wear
This is one of Stratford's most
popular stores, located at 129 Down-
ie Street, and is where you will find
quality higher, than price. You will
be surprised at their wonderful bar-
gains. Coats, Dresses and a wide
selection of evening .gowns can be
secured here at reasonable prices.
The Management extends a cor-
dial welcome to all. This store bears
a name which is familiar as a place
where people at once feel at home
while in Stratford shopping. I'ts
friendly atmosphere, which pre-
dominates at all times, has placed
this store in a class by itself,,
We suggest you make Violet
Gerofsky's Ladies' Wear your shop-
ping headquarters for all lines of
Ladies' Ready -to -Wear Clothing.
Steele Optical Co.
The Steele Optical Co. are opto-
metrists who enjoy an enviable re-
putation among' the people of this
' part of the province and in pro-
fessional circles as well, which at-
tests to their ability and experience,
Their office is at 2 Downie St.,
Stratford, phone 1701.
Your eyes are your two most
delicate organs and should receive
the correct attention they deserve.
A service depending for success
upon technical accuracy where so
important a thing as eyesight is
concerned should be conducted by a
qualified optometrist who has made
a special study of the eye.
You cannot be too careful with
your eyes. Very frequently eye
trouble starts from the slightest de-
fects. If you are having any trouble
with your eyes it will pay you to.
consult the Steele Optical Co. for
an examination which may save you
future trouble and pain,
Jeffries Bros.
This popular Stratford concern is
located at 181 Frederick, phone 617;
and merits the consideration and
trade of anyone interested in the
line of flowers.
A member of F.T.D. they extend
a cordial welcome to the people of
this section.
A florist supplies a vital need in
the life of the modern city, and this
establishment, through its experience
in serving the public, has gained an
enviable reputation, and without
doubt has done their share to make
famous the slogan:. "Say it with
Jeffries Bros., Florists, specialize
in artistic floral designs. Those of
our readers who desire special de-
signs for parties, weddings, funerals,
or any other occasion, should give
this floral shop first consideration.
Feed & Seed Store
Located in Stratfdrd at 140 Erie,
phone 215, and they are -well known
throughout this district,
Maintaining an up-to-date busi-
ness for the accommodation of the
public this progressive business
firm has an enviable record for fair
price and good quality. Insisting that
everything about their place be in
accordance with the most modern,
scientific ideas regarding germinat-
ing qualities, purity and cleanliness,
Stone's have thus assured the public
that feeds and seeds coming from
their place are pure and wholesome.
Stone's arh familiar with the feed
and seed business and are amply
prepared to take care of your prob-
lems in this line.
Shantz Upholstering
Featuring a complete upholstering
service this Stratford firm is located
at 259 Huron, Phone 12933.
Specializing on upholstering, trim-
ming and expert workmanship, their
service is complete in every depart-
Shantz Upholstering Works have
equipped their establishment with
the latest of equipment and regard-
less of what kind of upholstering job
you might have they will take your
furniture, sofa, chair, etc., and put
them in such condition that you will
be more than satisfied.
Shantz Upholstering Works buy
and sell antique furniture, orna-
ments, china, coloured glass, figures,
etc., and in this regard or in refer-
ence to any upholstering job they
are glad to give estimates without
any obligation.
With this in mind we are glad to
recommend this reliable firin to all
our readers for anything in this line.
Shapiro's Ladies' Wear
This establishment in Stratford at
28 Downie needs no introduction to
our women readers. They conduct a
fashion centre for ladies from all
over this part of the country.
In the way of seasonable coats
and dresses they carry the very
latest patterns from which to select.
They stand back of all goods which
they sell and as a consequenee the
ladies over the adjoining territory
have great confidence in the relia-
bility of these stores. No natter
whether it is a morning, afternoon,
evening or sport garment that you
'desire, you will find here a very
complete stock.
Ladies! Take a tip from the
Writer. Make Shapiro's Ladies'
Wear your style headquarters in
The Whyte Packing
Company, Limited
The above firm is well known to
this community, having served the
district for a period of 87 years.
Originally it was started in a small
way in the village of Cromarty, in
1859, by the late John Whyte, Sr.,
Business College
In our review of the businesses
and professions of Stratford it is
only appropriate to mention a school
where one can acquire the training
and wide knowledge that is so
essential for successful business.
To this end, it is with pleasure
that we refer our readers to the
Central Business College in Strat-,
ford at 326 Erie, phone 1.
i The object of this college is to
impart business training and general.
commercial knowledge so thoroughly
that graduates are qualified to step
at once into high grade business po-
Every facility is provided to en-
able student to finish the courses in
the shortest time consistent with
their high standards -and thorough
IMr. D. Ervin, the principal, merits
our congratulations for his success
in the teaching profession and with
the many graduates who are now
olding important positions, we wish
his continued success and best
I To all our readers we suggest
there is still time to enroll at this
progressive Business 'College. This
is an excellent opportunity for stu-
dents to prepare themselves for a
good position and future security.
Wheal's Lunch
In this review we feel that a good
place to dine, while visiting in Strat-
ford needs mentioning. To this end
we have no hesitancy in recommend-
ing the Wheal's Lunch at 125 On-
tario Street for a real meal at a
reasonable price.
Taking precautions for the high-
est use of cleanliness and sanitary
ways, Mr. A. H. Wheal, the propriet-
or of this popular Lunch, needs to be
congratulated for his success to-
wards this goal. In recommending
this place to eat, we can assure you
that you will get'tasty light lunches
and the best in dinners cooked by
capable chefs who have years of ex-
perience in cooking and preparing
Using nothing but the best of in-
gredients in preparing their meals,
we are sure you will be more than
pleased and will follow the crowd in
I patronizing Wheal's Lunch any time
who later moved the plant to Mit- that you may be in Stratford.
chell, in 1872, where the business I
was carried on for 27 years. It was
then established in Stratford in 1899
by the late John Whyte, Jr.
The business has been carried on
in the city of Stratford for nearly i
47 years, during which period the
live -stock producers of the vicinity
have had an outlet that assured
them of full market prices and fair
and courteous treatment at all
In addition to the packing plant
there are four retail stores—two in
Stratford, one in Mitchell and one
in St. Marys. Wholesale branches
are operated in Montreal, Brock-
ville, Toronto and Sarnia. Eggs,
butter, cheese, honey and maple
syrup are handled by the firm in
addition to. packinghouse products
of all kinds, which are sold to the
wholesale and retail trade,
The confidence of the public—
both buyers and sellers—has been
earned through the integrity and de-
pendability of the management of
the Company throughout their long
Stratford Fur Co.
Furs of distinction may be secur-
ed at this reliable firm in Stratford
at 113 Downie Street, phone 936.
Stratford Fur Co. have a splendid
stook from which to choose, and if
you are wise, you will take advant-
age of present prices,
Established over 28 years the
Stratford Fur Co. knows the fur
business thoroughly and is capable
of advising you on your fur needs.
They offer a 'Cold Storage 'Service
for your Furs and you are protected
With a complete Insurance coverage.
Purchasing a fur coat is a weighty
matter and something not to be
accomplished in a day's shopping,
but instead requires considerable
thought. However, an exclusive
furrier establishment as Stratford
Fur Co., specializing in furs every
day in the year, manufacturing coats
and neck pieces, remodelling, re-
lining, repairing, cleaning brushing
and combing, solves the problem
when a fur coat is to be purchased.
This popular art centre is located
in Stratford at 118 Ontario St.,
phone 1939. They specialize in
photographic portraits, wedding
groups, children's studies, etc.
During the last few hectic years,
the greatest loss the average family
has suffered is in its photographic
record, especially that of the grow-
ing children. Almost anything else
can be replaced, but a picture of
Iyour child as he was at one, two or
three years of age.
I .Truly it has been said, "Your
friends can buy anything you can
give them, except your photograph."
And photographs are not expensive
because Meyers Studios are prepared
to serve you in the most efficient
manner, at small cost.
Readers! This Photo Studio is
worthy of your patronage, and we
are glad to recommend the services
of Meyers Studios to all our readers.
E. G. Swanson
This Jewellery Store at 83 On-
tario Street in Stratford, have a
large display of .BLTJEI3IRD DI-
AMONDS and is headquarters for
suitable presents for every occasion.
The gift season is always on, and
the jeweller receives his share in
making possible the wisest selection
of presents for all occasions. An up-
to-date jeweller is indispensible to
every community of refinement, and
he whose work shows marked skill
is sure of liberal patronage. E. G.
Swanson is in no way behind in this
respect, and the generous patronage
extended to this firm showa how this
community appreciates their efforts.
We take pleasure in directing our
readers to E. G. Swanson, in Strat-
ford, as they are reliable, and de-
pendable, and you can be assured
that here, you will get satisfaction.
Zenith Beauty
& Cosmetic Bar
Located most conveniently for the
people of this section, this popular
Beauty Bar of 29 Ontario St, in
Stratford, phone 44, features every-
thing in the line of a permanent
The management has made a
study of the permanent wave from
a scientific standpoint and has sup-
plemented this with actual work.
which makes this service both .tried
and modern, Permanent waving has
advanced and the Zenith Beauty &
Cosmetic Bar has kept right abreast
of the times.
Here licensed operators will put a
wave in for you in the shortest time
possible consistent with the high
quality of work which they will do.
Phone 44 for your appointment.
They are deserving of your patron-
age and are anxious to serve you.
Price Electric
Located at 36 Ontario St., in
Stratford, phone 372, this store is
'known to most every reader in this
vicinity. They are exclusive Sales
and Service dealers for Westing-
house Appliances,
'Previous to the war they were
recognized for their large stock of
Westinghouse electrical appliances
and equipment, and as these pro-
ducts become available in the very
near future, you can rest assured
that the most modern and up-to-date
improved stock will be on display at
this reliable business firm in Strat-
They are known to have a wide
variety on display and their staff
are courteous and welcome our
It is on this account that we tell
our readers to keep in close touch
with this dependable first and be
assured of getting the most modern.
Westinghouse electrical appliances
at the very best prices,
Radio Service
Located at 49 Erie, in Stratford,
phone 120, they are experts in con-
verting your battery set to an elect-
ric set and they have a most effici-
ent equipment for conducting a
complete service for the repairing of
all radios regardless of the model or
They have a most complete line of
supplies for your radio so no matter
what part you may require it will
pay you to get in touch with thein.
In many instances the trouble is
just some minor defect which can
be remedied in a very short time
when taken to a reliable shop such
as this, and may we suggest that if
your own set is giving you any
trouble at the present time it would
be advisable to take advantage of a
special service that this first is
known for. When going into Strat-
ford for three or four hours bring
in your aet and leave it at this shop
upon your arrival. When you are
ready to go back h -rte, if it is at all
possible your set will be ready for
you. A real service we are sure
you'll agree.
Orange Kist Bottlers
This bottling works, located in
Stratford at 11 'Cobourg St., phone
2670, are Bottlers of the well known
Orange Kist Drinks which are so
popular with many people in this
At this plant only the most health-
ful ingredients are used in the pro-
cess of manufacture. Analysis
proved them to be absolutely free
from anything injurious and conse-
quently they are not only health
protecting, but health -giving.
The satisfying taste produced by
the products of the Stratford Orange
Kist Bottlers is the result of their
special process. After having been
put through the process it is drawn
off and then bottled. Thus it has a
body and flavour that is distinctive
to their products. Many have search-
ed for a beverage which would real-
ly give them a substantial satisfac-
tion and have found it in these pop-
ular products. The process by which
they are manufactured puts them in
a class by themselves.
The old and true saying is that
the best is not always the cheapest,
so demand the products of the Strat-
ford Orange Kist Bottlers.
Bill McCarthy
This well-known Bicycle centre is
conveniently located in Stratford at
71 Wellington St., phone 781J.
The basid reason for the success of
the Bill McCarthy's Bicycle Store is
that they have continually main -
i tained a reputation for handling the
best quality bicycles, or parts when
repairs are needed;
I You will be surprised ,at their
reasonable price for bicycle parts or
repairs, sodrop in the next time
you are in Stratford, This store
bears the name which is familiar as
a place where people at once feel at
home while in Stratford shopping.
-We feel that Bill lMlcCarthy's Bi-
cycle Store offers the utmost in bar-
gains and quality in anything in the
bicycle line, and they specialize in
cutting keys, sharpening lawn mow-
ers, etc., and so it is we are glad to
recommend their store to all our
The complete stock of this popu-
lar Hardware. Store at 6 Wellington
st., in Stratford, phone 31, includes
big values in household utensils,
electrical and builders hardware,
roofing paper, eavestrough, stoves,
stove pipes and paints and varnishes,
Men are in charge who are cour-
teous and accommodating and who
will be pleased to demonstrate to
anyone who desires to drop into this
'favorable trading place. •
Makins Hardware is shopping
headquarters and is a centre for out
of town folks when in Stratford. The
very best of attention is given to the
people of Seaforth and the surround-
ing district.
In staking this review of the pro-
gress of this section of the country,
we wish to compliment the manage-
ment upon their progressiveness and
public' spirited policies,
Sanitone Dry Cleaners
Featuring a complete service in
all branches of cleaning and press-
ing this popular firm appreciates
the trade from this territory. They
are located at 83 Downie in Strat-
ford, phone 289.
The dry cleaning system used,
not only cleans your clothes but
thoroughly renovates them in the
most sanitary manner. It also turns
then' out in the most approved
styles without the disagreeable odor
that accompanies the work of many.
The latest cleaning and renovating
machinery in the plant makes it
possible for them to handle the most
delicate fabrics and turn them out
so that they look like new.
Confidence may readily be placed
with Jarntain's (Stratford) Ltd.,
which is a modern institution. It is
suggested that as regards to dry
cleaning, readers can do no better
than to trust their work into the care
of this company,
Furniture Co. Ltd.
This thriving business at 94 On-
tario St. in Stratford, deserves
prominent mention when consider-
ing anything in the line of furniture.
Established for years, they are
one of the leading Furniture' Stores
in Stratford. There is where high
quality furniture is displayed and
where one is sure of finding some-
thing that is suitable,
They carry a wide range of living
room, bedroom, kitchen furniture,
etc,, and one is assured that when
dealing here you will get a square
deal as this firm is reliable and
trustworthy and so it is we suggest
you drop into these modern and up -
to date furniture dealers the next
time you are in Stratford,
Reward Shoe Store
A splendid stock of shoes for men
and women will be found at this shoe
store at 27 Downie in Stratford.
The staff of this store includes ex-
pert shoe fitters with years of ex-
perience and their ability to fit the
fdot has won the Reward Shoe Store
many satisfied patrons, not only in
Stratford but in this section as well,'
Shoes in a wide variety of styles
that play a leading role in the cor-
rect costume of the well-dressed wo-
men are on display at this store, as
well as shoes for men, thatfit with
the same comfort' that you have al-
ways wanted.
The Reward Shoe -Store special-
izes in men's work boots and shoes
in all widths, styles and sizes.
In fact, in regards to anything in
the line of footwear we suggest that
you cannot do better than drop in
and see their large stock.