The Seaforth News, 1946-05-23, Page 1T
Ernest G, Clarke of town, having
completed his studies of the first
year Arts, Victoria University, Tor-
onto, left on Monday for his appoint-
ment in the Prince Albert area of
Northern Saskatchewan. On Sunday
evening last heassisted in the ser-
vice at Northside United Church and
gave information about the type of
field he ,expected to serve. He told
of the gesture of Howard Park
Tlnited Church, Toronto, which has
assumed the financial responsibility
of ten young men who are under
appointment to Home Mission fields.
in Canada. Ernest has promised to
give an account of his experiences to
Northside congregation when he re-
turns in the early autumn.
On Sunday morning the Sunday
School narked the occasion by a pre-
sentation which shall enable him to
have a leather-bound copy of the
United Church Hyniolary for use in
his future work.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Dale announce
the engagement of their eldest
daughter, Margaret Carolyn, to
Arthur John, son of Mrs. Lillian
Wright of Brucefield, and the late
Alexander Wright. The wedding to
take place at Northside United
Church, in June.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Vardon, Gros-
venor Street, London, wish to an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Amy Lorraine, to Mr.
Stewart Porterfield Geddes, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Geddes, Sea -
forth, Ont. The wedding to take
place June Sth at New St. James`
Presbyterian Church, London at 3
PHONE 43 -
A large congregation attended the
dedication and memorial service
held here last Sunday morning, when
the Minshall organ purchased by the
congregation was dedicated in mem-
ory of the founders and builders of
the congregation, also, to the mem-
ory'of the veterans who served in
the two great wars. The service was
conducted by the pastor, Rev. G, F.
N. Atkinson. At the close of the
prayer, the organist, Mrs. J. Mur-
doch, sounded the organ, the congre-
gatidn rose and sang °Glory be to
God the Father." Other hymns sung
were "All people that on earth do
dwell," "For all the saints who from
their labors rest," and "0 God of
Bethel." The choir was assisted by
several former members, three of
them, Mrs. Will Wright, Mrs. John
Cairns and Miss M. McDonald, were
were former organists. The choir
sang an anthem and Mrs. L. Gander -
ton of Detroit, who is visiting her
father at the manse, sang a solo.
Mrs. Murdoch, the present organ.
was also organist when the organ
J. W. ORTWEIN, 97 which the present organ replaced
Northside United Church
Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 a.m., "The Steep Ascent of
7 p•m,, "A Prayer for God's Reve-
Welcome to these services.
DIES AT HENSALL was installed. Two men, Mr. Jas
M1•. J. W. Ortwein, one of Hen -
Gemmell and Mr. Jas. Dallas, who
$l. a year
The postponed meeting of the
Huron Football Association will be
held on Monday, May 27th, in the
council chambers, town hall, Seaforth,
at 0 o'clock daylight saving time, to
draw up a schedule for the season's
games. Three teams have been ent-
ered in the association to date, Brus-
sels, Walton and St. Coltimban, There
are probable entries from Mil.dmaY,
Ethel, Atwood; Listowel and Sea.
forth. The registration committee con-
sists of John Moylan, St. Colum -
ban, Gilbert McCallum, Walton, and
Isaac Rarm, Brussels. The executive
committee will be chosen by a repre-
sentative from each team.
Every effort is being made to have
an interesting series this summer, as
it is six years since the football lea-
gue was in operation, and it is hoped
many young players will learn the
The end of war does not mean the
MEETING OF TUCKE'RSMITH . Red Cross work is completed. There
SCHOOL AREA No. 1 is hutch to be done in a world that is
— trying to recover from a war that has
affected almost every phase of life
The regular monthly meeting of even in countries that did not stiffer
the Board of Trustees of Tucker -from bombing raids. The peace time
smith School Area was held in • 4 worlt falls under five headings:
School, on Tuesday evening May 14 (1) The assistance in national pro -
Red Cross Notes
The Red Cross open meeting held u Clocks
in St, James' Separate School 00 i, ��
Friday, May 17, was both entertain- i' �!
Ing and instructive. The meeting was
opened with prayer by Mrs. Close, 1� Back which was followed by 0 Canada. re Back
Mrs. Devereaux presided at the piano. i1 XX��L ..���.JJJJJJg&
Besides the reports of the 25th annual ,.
meeting of the Ontario Division, The II
Canadian Red Cross Society, that vas 1 We now have a small stock
helot in Toronto, April 16, a vocal solo 1 of Alarnl. Clocks, all PVest-
by Lois -Whitney, a piano solo by Mrs. �.
Keating, and a vocal duet by Misses ,I tier made, Get your clock
Joan Devereaux and Julia. Flannigan, while our Supply lasts.
helped to make the evening a success,
Mrs. Eaton gave a report on the Select from the following:
conveners of the different work -
groups and what each had accomp-
lished in the year 1945. BabyBen
Mrs. Close reported on the Round
Table Conference of the Women's
Work Committees, over which Mrs.
McEachern, the national chairman of
Pomen's W •k Committee presided.
with all the members present and jeers rluough the Division. (2) Con
were present at the organization o, Mr J G Carnochan presiding• tinuanc, of assistance to minus's
sail's most prominent residents
Tide $2.50
America $1.95
(Govt. Tax Extra)
Fred S. Savatie
Phone 194 Res. 10
the congregation over seventy years The minutes of last regular and hospitals, which, may exist. in neigh -
passed away at his home here on ago, attended the service. At the rs of the special meetingwere read and de- borlhocia. (3)Assistance in sewing
Monday in his 97th year. The tie- neigh-
I.O.O.F. and eneigltboring elated approved. Communications groups in Red Cross. (4) Assistance Schwalm over the weekend.
ceased has been a resident of Hensall lodges attended their annual service were read from Mrs. Keyes giving a to outside organizations. (5) Under-
Lillian Fulton of Toronto
for more then 40 years. He was born here. The Oddfellows formed at the report of marks made by contestants taking of new work in comtniinity, of spent the weekend with Miss Hannah
elburg where he was post lode room and. marched to the from #4 School, at Goderich Musi- your own instigation,
and lir. John Craig as well as other
master and general merchant. He Church. They were welcomed by the cal Festival, which was ordered filed. Mrs. Clone enlarged on each of five friends here.
also had been aa merchant in Li ]l. iniluster of the church, Rev. G. F. Also one from Sandy G. Pepper and points, making it clear how each work My. and Mrs. Roy Laramie and
tel, Zurich, Seaforth and .liens N• Atkinson, who paid tribute to the others asking for certain information could be carried on. i Bobbie of Centralia visited recently
He was agent for the Dominion Life work the Order were doing. Mr. At- and the Secretary was orderd to ac- One of the major peace time pro with the former's mother and sister,
Assurance Co. for many years, past kinson preached an interesting ser- knowledge the same and furnish in- vecta The aim obe f tBlood Donors Cross is to
r- hlrs. Laramie and Miss. Great
president of the Western Ontario mon from the text "I believe in God" formation desired. see that every hospital has trans- Laramie.
Bible Society and Superintendent The choir which was present in the ' A number of ratepayers were pre- Miss Mary Buchanan of Niagara
morning rendered good service. A sent at the meeting to •discuss various fusion equipment. Then transfusions Falls, sent the weekend with
of the Sunday School for 25 Years. must be given free of charge. It is p
He served as reeve and councillor in quartette "The little brown church in matters in general with the Board. interesting to note that during the her mother, Mrs. Andrew Buchanan,
this municipality. Mr. and Mrs. Or -Vale" was sung by Miss Hazel Dill- Mr. R. 0. Staples was also present nest Great World War 70% of conn
Mrs. C. Ballantyne, Miss Katie
twein celebrated their golden wed- ing, Mr. Ross Dining, Miss Mary and discussed school matters in gen- pound fractures of the thigh died. Scott and Mr. Lorne Scott attended
ding five years ago. Surviving are McDonald and Mr. Jarvis Horton. oral -with the Board, During the late war 90% recovered. the wedding of Mrs. Ballantyne's
his widow, the former Elizabeth Next Sunday the Young People Plans were made to secure teach- plasma and penicillin made this granddaughter, Miss Susan Dobbs at
Wagner, two sons, Alonzo, Detroit; will hold their anniversary when ers for the various schools of the Selby, Ohio, last week. They also
Rev. G. Hazelwood of Walton will be Area and to make certain improve- possible. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Milton, London; four daughters, Mrs. Outstanding speakers at the convert. Ballantyne and family in Detroit.
k Lehr, Altoona, Pa., Mrs. J. Bien. the speaker at both morning and menta to #4 school. tion were the Hon. Albert Matthews, y
kholt, Kitchener, Mrs. James A. evening services, and Miss Whitney The Secretary Treasurer was in- Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, pre Misses Margaret MacGregor and
Paterson d Mrs. G. M. Drysdale of of Seaforth will be the soloist. The strutted to pay $5.00 per car, per union George Drew, the Hot. Leopold Edna Saundercock spent the week -
following Monday evening, May 27, trip for transporting pupils to God- week -
Macaulay, who is now president of end with friends in Toronto.
Funeral service was held from the Walton Young People will pre- cinch Musical Festival. the Ontario Division, and Mr. John The Evening Auxiliary of the
ited Church on Wednes_ Sent their play. Abeounts to the amount of $337.- Marsh, Ontario Commissioner. Follow- Hensall United Church will hold the
aid. closed May meeting at the home of Mrs. H.
Hyde on Monday evening, May 27.
Mrs. Kyle will assist the hostess,
Roll call, a Canadian Patriot. The
devotional exercises will be conduct-
ed by Mrs. E. Passmore. Mrs. Red-
den will present the topic. The So-
cial Committee will consist of the
following members: Mrs. Hyde, Mrs.
Kyle, .firs, Cowan and Mrs.
chanan. Mrs. B. MacKay, g
field Secretary for Ontario W.C.T.U.
will be the guest speaker, You are
asked to make a special effort to
attend this interesting meeting.
Mrs Violet Schwalm visited this
May 26th, "Regation.Sunday"
St. Thomas, Seaforth,
10 a.m., Sunday School.
11 amt., Morning prayer "Open-
ing the windows of Heaven."
7 pan., Evening prayer, '"The
Christian's Marching Orders."
St. Marys, Dublin
rienSaii un
day at 3 p.m., with Rev. R. A. Broot` Friends are pleased to see Miss 03 were approved and ordered P ing the reports the meeting
in charge. Interment was in Hensall Marie Elliott out again after being Instructional Supplies $10.94; Play- with the national anthem.
Union Cemetery. confined C t y to
t h h through illness ground equipment $4.5.90; Wood and
tage to Mr. George Anderson of cupboard $31.31; Caretaking ac- It was decited that the work rooms
I Mrs.'McKenzie has sold her cots Caztage $120.50, Lumber for supply Work Rooms Close for Summer
Daniel Cronin, St. •Columban, was Varna, counts $46.80; sawing wood $14.00: be declared closed May 17 for the
driving home on No. 8 highway on Mr. Reid Kirk and Mr. Fred Fin- transporting pupils 525.00; repairs summer months. yarn for sweaters
Wednesday when he lost control of lay of Fairgrove, Michigan, were and maintenance $40.18; postage and for baby leggings may be ob-
the reins and his team of horses ran guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. and express $2.40. The meeting ad- tamed from Mrs. Boswell, Mrs. Eaton
away. He was rushed to Seaforth C. Haugh, last week. journed to meet in #7 School on the or Mrs. Close. Material for sewing
Mr• L. Reid of Parkhill called on 2nd Tuesday of June, or June 11th, which includes dressing gowns and
tendon having received serious friends here, on Sunday. at 9 pan., D.S. time. S. H. Whitmore, boys' coats may be obtained from
Memorial hospital for medical at-
NIx. and Mrs. Jas. Bowey of Exe-Sea-Tress, Mrs, Moore.
I injuries h 1 t' hCup
STAIRS—PANGMAN articles in their ron The Red Cross have the following
Ladies' Guild of St. Marys ter, visited wit re a rues ee "Loan board
Anglican Church held their regular• Sunday and attended the special ser- ! I Bishop Strachan School Chapel Crutches, canes, Loan est, bed -side
meeting at the home of Mrs. Harold vices• was the setting for the marriage of table, air -cushions and bed pails. The week in London.
Wilson on Tuesday with a repro- ' Miss J. -Grainger was guest at the glias Harriette Eleanor Louise Pang- crutches are either arm nr straight.
Gilbert attendance. Rev. C. ti Ll home of Mrs. John Grainger, on BRODHAGEN
Gilbert conducted the devotional Sunday. roan, daughter of Mrs, John E. L. tf anyone needs a wheel chair it can
The School at S.S. No. 3, Tucker- Pangman, to Mr, John Avery Stairs, lie procured in a few days. Anyone
and quilt waving the business Smith is closed this week owing to son of Mrs. George Morrison, ' Ot- requiring any of the above articles Mrs. Don Mau•1de and little Miss
routine a was completed by illness of the teacher, Miss Plupek, Lawn, and the late Hugh Stairs, Hali- inay have
aveosame 323 by contacting Mrs. Darlea ne Foorestof oM1oi and Mrs. spent
the Misse Anne assistediby her delight- who has resigned on account of her fax. Rev Terence Closthwait offici- old Deday
Har -
e1,. Miss Wilson. health, ated, and Miss Helen Wright played
2130 p.m„ Sunday School, 0 Six little tots made Their first 1 the wedding music, Col. John Pang- HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Querengesser,
1 t.
p „ HyA g Mrs. Russell S 1
3 m. Church Service, pen' of Communion an Sun<ay morn- Observes SOih Birthday man gave his sister in marriage, and special meetin • of the village Mrs. ERussel Q oldiceeGar, Mr. ande
ing the windows of Heaven, .ng,
the little girls dressed m she wore her RCAMC Nursing Sisterg ^- s 1 it dice, Gary, Warren
Thursday, May 30th: Ascension white with wreaths and veils and the , On May 28th Mrs Robert EI nide uniform and carried Easter lilies. Council held Friday evening at 8 p. and visited with Mr, and Mrs.
Day at St. Thomas': -9:30 a.m., boys in dark suits with white ribbon will observe her 80th birthday a Hiss Elizabeth M. Gordon of Sault m in the Council Chamber with the Clarence Roger,, visited
suit at Rostock,
Holy Communion. arm bands. Rev. Dr. Ffoulkes ad- will be "at home': afternoon and fallowing members being present. onCl Sunday.
Rector: Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, B.A. dressed the first communicants and evening at the home of her daughter theSsante uniiir form, a y attendant,
Reeve R. E. Shadclick, Councillors E. A shower for Mr. and Mrs. Nor -
gave an inspiring sermon on the Mrs, Fred Rathwell. 1 Fink, 4. W• Kerslake and M, Mo.. titan Wilson, the former s. Nor -
First Presbyterian Church;same flowers: The groomsman was Councillor H. Hyde being absent. Meyer, of Kitchener, •was held in
duties and responsibilities of par- I Mr. J. K. Cornish left Friday for Brig• George Morrison of Ottawa, along with the following members of Hint's Hall, on Friday evening •with
Spring Thanksgiving Services. ents and the obligations of children. Quebec where he will attend the and the ushers were Dr. Arthur the Hensall School Board, Chairman,
11 a.m. and .7 p.m., Public Wor- Members of the group were: Shirley P. L. McNaughton, E. L. Mickle, A. a lame crowd in attendance. They
t The Rev. Finlay '(1 Stewart, Horan, Mary Shea, Marie Givlin, Dominion Legion Convention, Fremes, Toronto, and Mr. George g were the recipients of many lovely
sh p. Andrew's Church, Patrick Feeney, Charles Price and Cornish will represent the Clinton Pangman, Galt. A recension followed Clark, G. R. Hess and J. Flynn and gifts including grin -lite floor lam
minister of St. at the Alexander Palace, The couple p'
Branch of the Legion at the four day Principal M. Saunders, to consider table lamp, several small tables,
Kitchener, will preach. Wayne Thornton, 'convention , will live in Quebec City. tnattters concerning the matter of the smoking stand and clothes hamper.
Communicants Class: Thursday, Francis P. Evans who received his
Degree of Bachelor of Arts at West- ill Several members of the Exeter M d M horn Muller. Miss
ern University, London, this , 1 Bowie
Mr. Jas. Gemmell spent Sunday!
High School District. \funic for dancing was supplied by
t L d week with friends in the village,
May 23'at 8 p.m., in the vestry.
Egmondville United Church
Rev. A. W. Gardiner,. B.A., B,D,, . primary Swan.
10 a.m., Sunday,School. He received his rimary and second-' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright of Sea -
11 a.m., The 'Significance of ary education at Dublin Separate forth, Miss Jessie Grainger of Clin-
„ and Continuation Schools, and , g
Pentecost. after receiving his senior matrlcula- ton, visited Mrs. J. Grainger on
The Salvation Army tion attended Assumption College, 1 Baits.
Windsor. He enlisted in the Navy, Mrs. S• Rohner, Miss Maria Hohn -
Special .weekend services conduct having received his discharge in the er spent Sunday with Mrs, A.
ed by Ad1t. Fame of London. autumn of 1945. He has one brother, I Hehner and Jack.Sunday morning 11 a.m., Holins Joseph, Assumption College, Wind -Mrs. A. Moore and Margaret
Service; Sunday afternoon 3 p.m.,mser, and two sisters, Miss Mary, spent ansidalixs, Jackwith lKaiser Jr.,s. 115.
Sunday School; Sunday night 7 P Windsor, and Miss Eileen, student Mr. and
Old time Salvation Service. nurse at St. Joseph's hospital, Lon- 'and Mrs. Jack Kaiser Sr., of Hen-,
Everybody welcome. Cone and d sail spent Thursday evening with
worship with us,
DUBLIN even Ee e r. an .-rs. e
is the second son of Mrs. Katherine Mr. and Mrs. Jas. spent
Board of Education were
present Vera Eichmeir read a suitable
Evans and the late Joseph Evans. Sunday at the home of Mr. Drew : Mrs. Katherine Evans attended the namely, Southcott, R Creich. H.
versity, London, on Wednesday,
where her son, Francis P. Evans, re
ceived his"degree as Bachelor of
Miss Marie Evans has been ap-
pointed as teacher of S.S. No, 7,
• Hibbert, her duties to begin in Sep-
' Mrs. Louis Dorsey left on Tuesday
for a month's visit with her brother,
Albert Morris and Mrs. Morris at
Riverhurst, Saskatchewan.
Mrs. Josie Janes, Stratford, with
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Malcolm.
Mrs. Lawrence Hannon attended
the funeral of Rev. R. H. Stewart,
Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson and
daughter, Gladys, in Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs^ Norman Bushfield
at Winghain.
Mr. and Mrs, Dalton Malcolm at
Miss Hazel Roney, popular teach-
er of Dublin Public School diming
the past three years, has been ap-
pointed to the Public School staff
Miss Marie Evans, Stratford,Normal
student, has been appointed to teach
S.S. No, 7,• Hibbert; Miss Florence
Brown, Sebringville, to Manley
school and Miss Bessie Erb, Se-
bringville, to S.S, No. 3 Hibbert,
duties to sommence in September.
1 Miss Lettie Lannin, Res, N., Lon-
don, with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Lan-
, nip and Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lan-
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hyde, Hen- saving time or 9:15 a.m., standard held a sale for the house and con -
with Mrs, Alexia Malcolm^ time. tents of his father's home, Mr. R.
Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Williams, Mr. and Mrs, Mervyn Schwalm Johnston, on Wednesday lifter oon
Mitchell, with Mr. and Mrs. Charles and family of Stratford visited with of this week. His fatheras
the former's mother, Mrs. Violet making his home in Zurich of late:
follow -
Jonesand Pimerpai Sturgis.
Mickle and Clark that R. E. Shad -
dick act as chairman for the meet-
ing. Carried. Mr. Shaddick reported
re the Consultative Committee stat-
ing that as far as he knew nearly all
the districts had been practically
Considerable discussion took place
as regards the accommodation offer-
ed by Exeter and after about 10:45
p.m. the Exeter Board retired to an-
other room and the Council and
School Board discussed the matter
amongst themselves and the follow -
graduation exercises at Western shower
A h for Mr. and -Mrs. Oscar
Diegel of Waterloo was held in
Hinz's Hall on Wednesday evening
with a good attendance. Tlteyreceiv-
ed many useful - gifts' including a
table, table lamp, mirror and clothes
hamper. alas. Jno. Siemon, three
sons, Donald, Gerald, Lloyd, sup-
plied music for dancing Mrs. Nor-
man Rode read a suitable address.
The marriage of Miss Jenny
Meeks, Mission City,
, N[ and Mrr.
Lloyd' Wolfe,
The W,•M.S. and W.A. of the Eg-
mondville United Church held their
monthly meeting at the home of Mrs.
M. Haney, May 21st with 36 ladies
present. Mrs. Alex. Boyce, president
of the W.A. opened
on. Mrs. H. Zapfe. 'Mr, and Mrs. Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Carl-Steinback, Miss Jr, left -on Sunday for Detroit and
Doris Flanagan, London and Joseph from there will go to Manitoba
Flanagan, Kitchener, with Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Flanagan. i where they will make their future
Miss Mary Evans, Windsor, and home.
Miss Eileen Evans, student nurse at I Mr. Wm. Gage and Mrs. Gilmore
St. Joseph's Hospital, London, with of Shepparton, Miss Mary Gordon
their mother, Mrs. Katharine Evans. of Goderich and Mrs. Thos. Baird
F, Ben.- and daughter 1 Sr., were Sunday visitors with Mr.
A meeting with a airs. r.
hymn, and all repeating the Lord's Mary, and son. Prank, Toronto, with and Mrs. T. B. Baird.
in unison. Minutes of the Mr. and Mrs, Frank Evans and other Rev. Mr. Atkinson and daughter
prayer Mrs. Ganderton, spent a couple of
last meeting werearead and adoptedhhrelatives. days in Hamilton.
and roll cal] was answered with the Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Murray, Su -
word "Love". Business was discussed
and plans made by the ladies of the
church to cater fora dinner of the
Women's Institute district annual to
never, Wisconsin; Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. Murray, Detroit, Mich; Mr. and
Mrs. E. P. Murray and Miss Mar-
ione Murray, Stratford; Mr. M. P.
be held in the church on May 29th. Murray, Toronto: Mr. and Virg. M.
The topic was given by Mrs. J. A. M. Crowley, Kinkora; Mr. and Mrs.
McGregor, "It was her thinking of Fred White, St Marys, with Mrs.
-others made us think of her"Mrs,_ Katharine Evans.
T. J. Richardson than presided for. Matthew ,McCarthy, Detroit, Mich;
the W.M.S. part of the'meeting in Daniel MaCartlry, Windsor, Thomas
absence of the president, Mrs. Gar- and Michael McCarthy, Toronto,
diner. Mrs. Keyes led in prayer. Mrs.. with friends here.
Hay leve a report of the Presby- Mrs K -n- ' - Etue •tnd son
terial in Wingham.; April 25th. Mrs•
A. McLellan read a paper on -Christ-
ian Love, Mrs. 3. McGregor con-
ducted a contest. Lunch was served
by group 1, and a social half hour daughter, Anne, and Mrs, Mary Mc
was enjoyed by all. Grath, in Waterloo.
Thomas, and Mrs. Rau, Zurich, with
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Molyneau*.
Mrs. Charles' Malone and two
daughters; Mrs. Thomas Morris and
The infant •daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Medd died in Clinton Hos-
pital on Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs, L. Sorrente of Sea -
forth visited with Mrs. B. Stephenson
on Sunday,
Friends and neighbors of Mr. Bill
Jewitt are sorry to know he had to
go to Seaforth Hospital on Tuesday.
We hope he will soon be able to re-
turn home.
A meeting of the rate payers was
held in the school on Friday even-
' A vote to have S.S. No. 3, join
Stratford for next school term.
ing motion was passed. Albert Wolfe. was solemnized in
Redeemer Lutheran Church, Monk
A, W. Kerslake and E. Fink: re- ton, Saturday at 12 o'clock noon, by
solved, that we request Huron Cour- the Rev. Wentzlaff. Miss Dorothy
ty Connell to set tip a High School Wolfe was bridesmaid. She wore a
District including this Municipality' floor length gown of pale blue sheer
along with the Village of Exeter, and carried a mixed bouquet of
Townships of Stephen, Usborue. and spring flowers. Mr. HarveyAhrens
Hay and any other Municipality acted as best man. The bride wore
which signifies a desire to be in- floor length gown, white satin, and
eluded. Carried. E. Fink and 1i. Moir, floor length veil. She carried white
that we now adjourn. Carried, , and pink carnations. The wedding
The District Annual of South supper was served. at the Queen's
Huron will be held in Egmondville heel, Listowel. Honeymoon was
United Church on Wednesday, May spent in Windsor and Detroit, the
2911. Morning and afternoon sea` bide wearing a blue suit and match-
sions. The morning session begins at ine accessories.
10 -a.m., standard time, A large re-
presentation of members from each BLAKE
Branch is asked for. Hensall. Insti- -
tute members, please make a special Dr, Henry of Toronto gave• an M-
offett to attend this convention. All spiting address on the Temperance
those having cars; also, those desir- Federation of the Province of On-
ing transportation are requested to trio, on Sunday afternoon at the
meet at the Town hall, Wednesday, Blake United Church service.
May 29, at 10:15 a.m., daylip'ht Mr. Harold Johnston of Zurich
Seaforth High School Area - was Roney