HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-05-16, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS
THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1946
HENSALL la very interesting address on "Can- -Card of Thanks
Mr, and Mrs. 0. Kennedy and Greta Laminie favoured with a Vi0 Mr, John Hazlewood and family
little daughter Jean, are visiting with lin solo accompanied by Miss Gladys wish to sincerely thank their friends
the former's parents at. Lindsay. ;Luker •at the piano. Mrs. •Stewart and neighbors for their many kind -
Mr. T. 0r Joynt spent a few days Bell gave a very interesting demon- nesses and sympathy shown them
last week visiting in Detroit. ' stration on "Sewing". Mrs. A. E. during their sad bereavement, for
Mr. and Mrs: Geo. Middleton and Munn moved a vote of thanks to the beautiful floral tributes, cards re-
are vis: in a w o e• the loan. of cars•
ada and • the Church's Advance". Miss
children of Detroit t g with hostess and 11 h took part The c rued and
the fornier's brother, Mr. and Mrs. annual picnic will be held in June a
R. H• Midleton. the home of Mrs. Robt. Elgie with In Memoriam
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beck of New Mrs. E. Chipchase co -hostess. The lovingmemory. of a dear
York visited. with Mrs. John Mc 1- meeting closed by singing the Na- Zap f.e —In
lister and other relatives here 1 tional Anthem. Lunch was served.husband and father, Henry Zapfe,
week, Rion-ifably givenasi f .w I who died one year ago, May 16,
Mrs. (Dr.) Harris of Detroit spent Mother's Day Service was ob- 1945.
a few days .visiting at the home of served in Carmel Presbyterian His life a beautiful memory;
dsister-in-law,Mr Sunday, conducted by His absence a silent grief,
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar .Ducharme splendid discourse, dealing with In sunshine of perfect rees last..
and family of Chiselhurst visited re- ,,The Faithfulness of Motherhood Time rolls on but
Gently with Mr, and Mrs, Robt. Mc- ' and the influence of a Mother in the —Ever remembered by his wife
her brother an Church an e s
and Mrs, Sam Rennie. Rev, P. A. Ferguson, who gave a He sleeps e' God's beautiful garden
" Mr.d Mrs Gordon Troy- and family.
Card of Thanks
Mr. "Hugh. McMillan and family
wish to thank their friends and
neighbors for. their kind expressions.
of sympathy shown then during
their sad bereavement, for the beau
that floral and spiritual bouquets
and for those who loaned their cars.
Protestant teacher wanted for
S.S. No, 4 McKillop, Duties to com-
mence Sept 3rd. Apply stating quali-
fications and salary expected, to
James B, Hogg, Sec-Treas. R.R. ?=5,.
Protestant teacher for S.S. #10,
McKillop, duties to. commence 'Sept,
3rd. Applications to be in by June
20th. John Campbell, Walton R.R. 4.
Mr., Milton Ortwein of London eionMi. and Mrs.' Eldon Fading of FOR SALE FOR SALE
spent the weekend at the home of Loudon, Mr•. and Mrs. Nelson Pfaff Three acres on Market St.,. with Pure bred Hereford bull for sale.
his parents, Mr. and Mrs: J. M. presented their children for baptism, three roomed `unfinished cottage, Also four 'sows due around June 1.
OrMr,J The choir sang an anthem entitled also a colony house. If not sold can Apply to Leslie McClure, phone 320
M John MacGregor who has been .,S 'rit Divine" b•t d £ r• pasture •Apply 67 W Seaforth.
o i . '
confined to hospital for the past
A beautiful bouquet ofroses
Clas Balaclava St., St. Thomas, Ont. FOR
week was able to return homeplaced in the church byte McCloy
f i m our
parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. David and stated conditions of the same, a rubber tire buggy. Phone37 61
Fields --Fletcher nuptials in Exeter 1VI0Cloy. which we
Miss Audrey Russell attended e
'1 loving memory of their
Roan"`mare, five years old. Also,
Pineapple Pineapple Pineapple
Purchase Pineapple this week at latest. We • still have some choice
pineapples in stock,
Our Potato stocks are getting down;• we suggest you purchase at once.
NEW STOCK GreenCross Insecticides; Fly Sprays of all kinds,
Turpentine,. Raw Oil,
FRESH SEED. Mangel and Turnip, This stock now on display,,
Greb Shoes for Men and Boys. The best in footwear
The Council of the Township of
McKillop will meet as a court of Re-
vision on the Assessment of 1946, at
Carnegie Hall, Seaforth, on Monday,
the 3rd day of June, 1946, at 10
A.M., (D.S.T.). Parties interested
should govern themselves accord-
The Dance Club held a the Counc
The service in the Hensall United most successful banquet in the New accepted and fulfilled. I
Church will be withdrawn on Sunday Commercial Hotel on Friday even- Hyde and Fink, that we hold '
evening May 19th owing to the an ing. The tables were beautifully de- Court of Revision on the Assessment
niversary service being held in Car- corated with tulips and spring flow -roll for 1946 lake andeMoir,tthat we
mel Presbyterian Church. 4 ers. Following the banquet a dance Carried. K
Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer of Lon- the Town Ball with gather the garbage as usual on May
dH sail on eh bion s of 16 16 as requested y
on Friday, May 10th Girls'
Clerk, McKillop
re. greatly appreciated by Brussels. COURT OF REVISION
it and will certainly be that the
was held m b the Board of
don called on friends in en music by Scotty' _ McLaughlan •
Friday. chestra. This is the last dance of the Health, and that the Clerk. advertise
Anniversary services will be held season to be sponsored by the Club., the same as usual. Carried.
OW -
in Carmel Presbyterian Church on A number of relatives and friends Correspondence read as follows:
h Rev. W ' f th late Mr Mrs C Shaddick and Bernice, OW -
Sunday, May 19th whenW. attended :the funeral o the •
Scott Duncan B.A., of St. Marys Walter MitcBeath in Brucefield zen's Research Institute of Canada, FOR SALE McKillop, Plans may be examined by
y Board of Educe- Two 16 -inch lawn mowers in first- to Jas. B. Hogg, ainineeas„
will be the special speaker. There United Church, on Wednesday. Mr. Birks Ellis-Ryrtie,
will be special music by the choir
MacBeath a native of Perthshire; tion, Exeter Town of Clinton, J. H. class shape; combination day bed and.applyingR.R. Seaforth,
under the leadership of Mrs. M Scotland, passed away Monday at Kinkead, County Engineer, Imperial mattress; half dozen good dining room
coin Dougall. l the home of his a g J Bell, Det of Agri -
Mother's d d f l d N eke.
For removal
1 out side water tap with pipe,. 1
wagon tongue, whippletrees, 1 wood-
en bed and 2 pair springs, 1 crib
mattre,s, some small and large flow-
er pots, 1 rocking chair, 2 couches,
1 wash bench, 1 commode, 4 screen
doors and some fence wire, 2 kitchen
chairs, 1 coal oil stove, 3 burner, in
good working order; 1 card table.
Apply to Clarence' Reeves, Seaforth.
Notice is hereby given a
Court of Revision of the assessment
roll of the Township -of Hibbert for
the year 1946 will be held in the
Township Hall, Staffa, on Saturday,
May 25th at two p.m.
Dated at Cromarty, May 11, 1946.
THOS. H. WREN, Clerk.
Tenders wanted for installing
hydro in the School of S.S. No. 4
daughter, hter Mrs. John Oil Ltd„ Dr; e p • ohaira. Apply at 'Inc News o, FOR SALE
14other's Day service was held in
Murdock, in his 96th year. Surviv culture, same considered an filed. .
ti five room frame
Hensall United Church with the Sun- ; is one son, Walter McBeath, and The Clerk also reported the inter- TO RENT house, 13x28; kitchen 16x18, located
day School Superintendent, Mr. Ed- one daughter,' Mrs. John R. Murdock, view he had with the Rental Control 6 acre pasture farm..Apply to Mr's• five miles from Seaforth and Dublin.
son Forrest presiding, and opened both of Brucefield. Board re the renting the Town John Jordan, Dublin. . Apply at The News Office.
that we
the service with the call to worship . Mr. T. C. Joynt is in Toronto this hall.Fmk and Kerslake ,
and hymn "A gladsome hymn of i weekend attending the wedding. of prepare a by-law settingl as helrrates
ws, fof
Presse we sing." The scripture lesson his niece, Miss Jean Joynt, daughter renting to inns 12.00; Council
was read by Bill Muckle and Rev. R. of Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Joynt, Toronto, the Au $
A. Brook led in prayer. A chorus whose marriage to Mr. Warren F. Chamber $4.00; Reading room $2.00;
was sung by the.Juniors, entitled
At work beside his Father's bench." , Saturda also of Toronto, takes at place:0 the Ilse local Churches and of the Auditorium forschool,
Saturday evening, May Ave.,Mr. Geo. Cowan gave an interest.
ing story entitled "A Chinese Home". p•m, in St. Clair e., United .CaJ. rried. Bills and cs an s=
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Munn, Mr. and Church, Reception afterwards at hall, $406.37e, W.ai Brown, supplies,
Mrs. Earl Dignan and Mr. and Mrs. Wyinilwood.Mr T. Shaddock and grand- hall, $10.12; Mustard Lumber and
Peter L. McNaughton presented daughter, Miss Judith Shaddick, Coalsuppliescoal, llfire 25.7dept5 $5.00; teA.
their children for baptism. Rev. visited in Clinton, recently. hall
Mrs. McClymont, Varna, spent Spencer and Son, supplies, . for returned
Book gave the special address. A
placed in the church by Mrs. Ted
beautiful bouquet of flowers was Saturday with her daughter, Miss' 96; T. C. Joynt, bags
. Violet McClymont. boys, $180.00; Hensall Hydro Com -
Mrs. Minnie Sangster and dough mission, hydro, hall, $13.67r G. R.
Taman of Listowel in memory of
r mother, the late Mrs. Chas. Me- � ter. Miss Margaret Sangster of Exe- Hess, account, $35.00; J. Schrabnik,
Donald. ter visited during the past week with labor, trucking, hall $4.00, F. C.
Misse Florence SCh 1 nd Detroit. Bonthron postage $5.00• T. Kvle,
s non s ent salary 73
June Saundercock of Lo p i Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Johnston of
the weekend at their respective weekend with total $74.30. Total $818.17.
Hard maple cordwood, 3 miles east
of Walton. Will be at farm any day
from 16th to 25th of May. Harold
Turkey eggs, Phone 833r14, Sea
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements, in
Morris Twp., 1 mile east of Blyth, on
Thursday, May 30th, at 1 p.m.
30 head of cows and young cattle;
50 pigs, horses. Full line of household
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer,
E. P. Chesney, Clerk,
wa m a relatives in Windsor and
d80 cartage dept. .50,
homes here.
Strawberry plants still available,
$2.00 per 100; also raspberry plants.
All plants freshly dug as ordered.
Call 664-15, Seaforth.
McConnell< & Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, Pte,
Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hoye•
SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174
2000-1b scales, almost new; good
Durham bull, year and half old; a
young purebred sow, bred. Apply to
Joseph H. Colclough, Clinton R.R. 1,
on #4 highway, 2'% miles north of
Four choice heifers suitable for
beef ring. Stanley Jackson, phone 5
on 653, Seaforth.
A number of pigs 7 weeks old. AP-
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion ,Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours:—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m.. Saturday
evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m.
is and COMMUNITY SALE ply Roy Lawson.
him on his 80th birthday. A sump- . the wee en wt l i Mich visited over the weekend With
tuous supper was served by the I Mr, Austin Schwalm of Exeter relatives in the vicinity.
ladies; with a large birthday cake visited with his mother, Mrs. Violet •
lit with candles centered on eac.
ofgiftsh Regular meeting ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Council held Tuesday g Norman Ferguson
table. Mr. Parker was the recipient
Schwalm, recently.
in of the Village
beautiful and beat wishes.evening at 8 of Exeter.
Those attending from Hensall were m•in t]ue Council Chamber, with Mrs. Chandler and family of
u re
Mr. and M Scheibe d
Mr. and Mrs
House furnishings in the Skating
Rink, Seaforth, Saturday, May 25th.
Anyone wanting to put Furniture
in this sale, call 14.661, Seaforth, as
soon as possible.
'Of Cattle and Pigs will be held at
rs. Warren an Harold Jackson farm, 1 mile east of
. Mervin Hodgert visit- Seaforth, on Wednesday, May 29th,
at 1 p.m.
Anyone wanting to put stock in this
Sale, call 14-661 Seaforth as soon as
'possible: HAROLD JACKSON, Auct
Between Seaforth and Arnold
Jamieson's, on Saturday evening, a
bag of hog concentrate, Finder
please notify Arnold Jamieson,
I phone Clinton 616r38.
Walnut cabinet electric radio,
Brunswick, good as new. Phone 257
Watson & Reid
All kinds of Insurance risks effect-
ed at lowest rates. in First -Class,
5 acres with frame dwelling, barn
A d M 1 p and other outbuilding on highway,
f illage and
poultry farming,
Rev. P. A. Ferguson I versation he recently had with Mr: and family of Zurich visited on Phone 12 on' 656. Charles Lane Jr. Other desirable- properties.
Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. A. Gack- Auction Sale Watson & Reid, Seaforth.
stetter. ATTENTION
Mrs, J. Love and family of Varna I Strathroy, Saturday, May 18th,
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 100 mixed stock cattle including Painting and Paperhanging, town or
Harold Jones. two loads of western cattle; a few country, order now for early service
'We are sorry to report that Rev. Ontario ranchers and springers; we and Al work. Harold Armstrong, 43
A. Hinton was taken to Scott's will have a choice run of yearling East William St., Seaforth.
Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on steers, also stock cows and heifers.
Thursday last in the interest of his Also calves and pigs. Trucks to de -
knee which was fractured some time liver. A. G. McALPINE, Auctioneer.
ago. Pencillin is being given and it
is hoped that he will soon be much
The many
Jones will b
in London H
went an op
wish her a
Mr. and M
Miss Edna Walsh and y, r all members being present. MinutesParkhill called on friends in this
Lloyd Venner and Eleanor, Mr.and within mile o v
of the previous meeting read• vicinity on Sunday. FOR SALE school. Suitable for v
Donald Joynt and Mr. T. C. Joynt. ' C tri+ed The Clerk reported the con- Mr.
and Mrs. Elmore Gackstetter , Five choice pigs six weeks old. immediate possession.
Addresses Institute.
The Hensall Women's Institute
held their citizenship meeting at the
home of Mrs. Albert Shirray on
Wednesday evening with Mrs. Frank
Wright co hostess. The president,
Mrs. A. Kerslake, presided and open-
ed the meeting with the "Ode" fol-
lowed by "0 Canada". The motto
"Success is but doing the best to the.
Best of your Ability" was very ably
given by Mrs. Robt. Elgie. The roll
call was answered by "My Responsi-
bility to the Community in which I
live." The business followed and ar-
rangements were made to attend the
District Annual to be held in Sea -
forth May 29th. Rev. P. A. Fergu-
son was the guest speaker and gave•
D. Wilson, the Clerk of Seaforth, re
sidewalks, also with Mr. ,Corbett,
Reeve of Lucan, re Waterworks and
the suggestions made by him as re-
gards the same.
Fink and Hyde, that the Clerk
write the Dept of Health in Toronto
requesting them to make tests of the
water in all the wells in the village.
Carried. Miss C. Mitchell appeared re
the drains in her locality.
A delegation from the Chamber
of Commerce appeared, composed
of W. R. Davidson, F. Smallcombe,
W. Brown, and R. Middleton, re the
improvements contemplated in the
Park. and the donation of land pro-
posed by Mr. T. Welsh to the Park
Tuckersmith Council
Tuberculosis Campaign
Tuberculosis can be eradicated entirely from the Township if the
early cases are detected. One way of doing this is by tuberculin testa
which can now be done without needle by a simple piece of medicated
adhesive applied to chest by the school nurse.
This will be clone commencing next Monday, May 20th. All
reactors will be X-rayed free of charge.
Parents are urged to plan to have all children at sclidol during
the week of May 20th, Also any child of pre-school age can be tested
free of charge if brought to a school,
Dr. E. A. McMaster,
Medical Officer of Health,
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
President, F. McGregor, Clinton:.
Vice President, C. W. Leonhardt,.
Brodhagen; Secretary -Treasurer and.
Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth.
W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank.
McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot,.
Seaforth• Chris Leonhardt, Born-
holm; E. J. Trewartba, Clinton;
John' L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mc-
Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander,
Walton; George Leitch, Clinton.
John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F.
McKercher, Dublin; 3'. V. Pruetee,
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, wIli be-
promptly attended to by applicatione
to any of the above named officers
addressed to their respective post
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,no,,,,,,iiinn.,,,,.,LU,,,,,,,,,.„..i,,.,.,."u,,,...,.,",,,unu” 1 ,,,,,,,,,, ,.. O ., qn, , ,l.,p,n",.,.
numbering over 50 HEAD, We regret that conditions over which we
' have no control brought about this sudden decision. Date
WEDNESDAY, MAY 29, at 1.30 P.M.
The farm of 215 ACRES consisting of the finest clay loam with the
best of buildings and hydro. The Herd sire "KLAYMOR GALA," with
the 30 FINE BREEDING COWS, a goodly number having calves at
foot, balance close to calving, A DOZEN REALLY CHOICE HEIFERS
AND> 2 YOUNG BULLS, snake up the offering. A rare opportunity to
buy at your own valuation foundation material of a herd. These cows
have produced oar sale cattle in the years past;' these are the cows
we had planned to carry on with. Herd fully accredited since 1932; all
the young cows .and heifers vaccinated against bangs, Plan to attend,
or if interested apply for a catalogue.
W. C. F. OESTRICHER, Crediton, Ont.
AUCTIONEERS: Duncan Brown, Shedden, Ont.; Robt. Amos, Moffat,
Ont.;Win. O'Neil, Dentleld, Ont.
Last hatch off May 16th but we
can still supply a limited number of
day-old chicks preceeding that date.
We also have for sale some choice
10 -week-old Barred Rocks and White
Executors Sale
friends of Mrs. Wilmer Of House and lot in the village of
e sorry to' learn she is Dublin, Tuesday, May 28, at 2 Leghorns X Barred Rock Pullets, be-
ospital where she under- o'clock (new time) consisting of one sides a f,ew -chicks, one' and. two
eration last week, We five room -frame house with cement weeks of age. Sunnyvale Poultry
speedy recovery. foundation and kitchen and house- Farm, phone 666 r 2, Seaforth.
rs. - ,Gacketetter visit- hold effects consisting of 1 Quebec
ed recently with the latter's parents, heater and pipes; 1 coal oil stove;
Mr. and Mrs. E. Ferguson of Aylmer. 1Dominion
ikstove; 1 chairs,en
Shwer For Bride table; chairs; 2rocking
A very enjoyable evening was wash stands; 6 small tables; 1 bur -
spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. eau; 2 beds; springs and mattress;
N. Long, on Thursday last when 2 dressers; 1 feather mattress; 1
friends and relatives met to honour Karn organ, like new; 1 old fash- •
their daughter Jean, Mrs. E. Little, ioned•parlor suite; 3 mirrors; 1
bride of April 18 During the evening lounge; 2 , clocks; 2 copper boilers; 1
a decorated basket laden with beau- 1 sprinkling can; 1 churn; 1 lawn •
tiful and useful gifts was brought mower; 1 step ladder; 1 food chop- I
in by Betty Law and Maxine 'Watson. per; 1 wash tub; 1 hanging lamp;
An address was read by Mrs. E. pots; pans; pails; dishes; glassware;'
Kyle. lamps; blankets; quilts; sheets; pil-
The Friendship Circle met in the low cases; table cloths and linens;
Sunday School room on Monday pictures and a quantity of dishes and
night with seventy-two members and kitchen utensils and other small ar-
ticles too numerous to mention.
Sinclaie's group was in charge and. Terms—Cash on all ohattles. On
the meeting opened by singing house and lot, 10 per cent of pur-
"Faith of our Mothers." The Lord's chase price day of sale and the hal-
Prayer was repeated in unison and •ance within 30 days. Sold subject
the scripture reading was given by to reserve bid.
Jack Caldwell, A very pleasing pro- Estate of the late Mrs. Teresa
gram followed consisting of recite- Redmond•
tion by Lois McLellan; a chorus by Joseph L. Ryan, Auct. Phone 40-5
Joyce and Edna Broadfoot,Isabelle
Caldwell Lois McLellan and Ann
monologue was given by Mrs. Joe In the Estate of Annie Westcott.
McLellan, Arthur Finlayson then All persons having claims against 1946, are hereby notified to send in
favoured with a guitar and mouth the Estate of Annie Westcott, late of
organ instrumental, A dialogue was the Town of Seaforth, deceased, who to the undersigned on ed before the
given by Isabelle and Japk Caldwell. died on or about the 10111 clay of 31st day of May, 1946 full ore the
Grace Upsball favored with a solo. A March, 1946, are hereby notified to ]ars of their claims.
Partial -
chorus was sung by Grant•and Jim , send in to the undersigned on or be- I Immediately after the said last
MacGregor and Jack Caldwell, A fore the 31st day of May, 1946, full mentioned date, the assets of the
piano solo was given•by Mrs. Ross particulars of their claims. said estate will be distributed
Broadfoot. A humorous song was Immediately after the said last amongst the parties entitled thereto,
sung by the various groups with,the mentioned date, the assets of the said I having regard only to claims of
crows winning. A contest was enjoy- estate will be distributed amongst which the undersigned shall then
have notice, to the exclusion of all
others, and the undersigned will not
be liable to any person of whose
claim the undersigned shall not t
have notice for the assets so distrib-
uted or any part thereof.
Dated at .Seaforth this 7th day of
Stay, 1946.
Magdalena Benneweis and Wil-
liam Henry Benneweis, Executors.
Seaforth, Ontario
Solicitor for the Executors
Dublin. •
and Marie Sinclair. A humorous Notice To Creditors
Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate
of tTniversity of Toronto.
The Clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic and therei*Ic
The Pure Bred Belgian Stallion
West Pine Supreme —5249—
Enrolment 3017 1st Class Form 1
The Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion
Royal Carbrook (27101)
Enrolment 3500 1st Class Form 1
The Pure Bred Percheron Stallion
Refiner (15280)
Enrolment 234 1st Class Form 1
Route for 1946—Monday and
Tuesday, McKillop, Morris and Grey
Tps. Wed. and Thurs.—vicinity of
Clinton, Colborne and Goderich T:ps.
Friday and Sat. -vicinity of Kippers,
Hensall and Zurich. payable
Terms—$15.00 to insure
Mar. 1, 1947. T. J. McMichael, Prop.
and Manager.
Physician and Surgeon
In br. li. H. Ross' office. Phone G J
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr. W, C. Sproat
Phone 90 W - Seater&
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, Universief
01 Toronto. Late Assistant New Yank
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Squire
throat hospitals, London, Eng. 4
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, . third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m. — 53 Waterloo St., Stratford.
Telephone 267.
Notice To Creditors
In. The Estate Of George Fred
All persons having claims against
the Estate of George Fred Benne-
weis, late of the Township of Mc-
Killop, farmer, deceased, who died
on or about the 18th day of March
ed led by Mrs. Winston Workman. the parties entitled thereto, having
This was followed by a box social. regard only to claims of which the
The boxes were many and • beauti- undersigned shall then have notice,
fully decorated. The next meeting to the exclusion of all others, and the
will be held on Monday, May 27th undersigned will not be liable to any
when. Mrs. Harold Jones' group Will personof whose claim the under-
be in charge. A11 groups are request- signed shall not then have notice for
ed to bring a pot -buck Punch. the assets so distributed or any part
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wright of thereof.
Burlington spent Sunday with their Dated at Seaforth this 14th day of
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wright. May, 1946. H. G. MEIR,
Mrs, James Wright left Tuesday to Seaforth, Ontario,
visit friends hi Vancouver. Solicitor for Executor,
Funeral Director
Ambulance Service. Adjustable lice-
pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitcli'alI
Nursery Flowers, Phone 119.
Nights and Holidays 66
Five miles eolith of Seaforth, aid
one mile east, Lot 7, Concession 8,
Tuckersmith. One mile from eehooL
Large bank barn, brick house, ii0.
house and pig pen. Drained. Ple»tW
of water. All seeded to grass. Fbs-
session given immediately. Apply to
J. W. Free, Seaforth.
Frame house, Centre Street, Mod-
ern, Garage.
Frame house, Winthrop, 1 acre land
Frame house, Coleman Street.
Frame house, stuccoed, with Barn,
Main Street.
78 -Acre Farm, Tuckersmith Twp.
Insurance & Real Estate
Phones: 339. Office Res, 220
Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods)
mailed postpaid in plain, sealed enve-
lope with price list. 6 samples 250;
24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept.
T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91,
Hamilton, Ont.
We are exclusive Buyers of
High Qualtiy Poultry —live
or rail grade.
Highest Cash Price
paid for quality poultry
Pick-up and Estimates Free
Dublin Produce Co..