HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-05-02, Page 5THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1946 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Public School Concert "STRAWBERRY FAIR" PRESENTED BY SEAFORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL "GLEE CLUB" High School Auditorium FRIDAY, MAY 10, at 8.15 P.M. DON'T MISSIT ADMISSION 36c One Night Only FOR SACS BY TENDER Land, Buildings and Fencing At St. Joseph's, Ont. Subject to prior sale or withdrawal, War• Assets Corporation invites offers for the purchase of all the Crown's right, title and interest in the property described below; The complete establishment, land, buildings, fencing, etc., but ex- cluding power line and equipment, known as St. Joseph's Aerodrome, situated about five miles south of Exeter, Ontario, or 12 miles north. west of the Town of Centralia, and consisting of the fenced areas forming parts of Lots 6, 7, and 8, in Concession East of Lake Road, Part of Lots 21 to 25 inclusive, in Concession 15, containing in all 641.5 acres more or less; and 7.4 acres more or less consisting of part of Lots 18 and 19, Concession 12. A certified cheque or Bank Draft to the value of 10% of the tender price for the above property, made payable to War Assets Corpora- tion, must be forwarded with the tender in a sealed envelope PLAINLY MARKED ON THD OUTSIDITh- TENDER NO. D-1-138 FOR PROPERTY AT ST. JOSEPH'S, ONTARIO addressed to the Secretary, War Assets Corporation, 4095 St, Cathar- ine Street, West, Montreal 6, Que., P.O. Box 6099. Tenders will close at 12 o'clock noon, Eastern Standard Time, MONDAY, MAY 27, 1946. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Cheques or bank drafts will be returned to unsuccessful tenderers. Tenders received after closing time cannot be considered. Sale of this property to any purchaser will be subject to the approval of the Governor -in -Council. WAR ASSETS CORPORATION 4095 St. Catherine Street, West, Montreal 6, Que. P.O. Box 0099 Phone: BElair 3771 WHY a..:: 60001 TUBES Belong in YOUR Tires Seaforth Motors SEAFORTH, ONTARIO PHONE 141 Wool Wanted ALL WOOL SHIPPED TO JACKSON'S IS GRADED IN SEAFORTH, AND FULL SETTLEMENT IS MADE FROIV1 THERE. H. M. Jackson Seaforth Phone 3W & 3J 01111111.1121291.1311116111166 Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada :Assures Security fur over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent CHESTERFIELDS & OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Repaired & Recovered Also Auto Seats and Backs, Verandah Swings & Steamer . Chairs Repaired. Free Pick- up and Delivery The Stratford Upholstering Company Phone 579, Stratford For further information apply at Box's Furniture Store SEAFORTH ANIMALsDEAD or DISABLED Quickly removed in clean, sanitary trucks. Phone collect 219 MITCHELL WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED i DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT — SEAFORTH 16, EXETER 236 A' DARLING &. CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry) TOWN TOPICS Miss Pat Porter, Listowel, was a recent visitor at the hone of sister, Mrs. M. Hadfield and Mr, Hadfield. Mr. C. Baynes, London, visited with friends in town on Saturday, Misses Anne and Geraldine Eck- ert and Miss Reta Autibert, have re- turned to the "Pines" Chatham, after spending the Easter vacation at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Joseph Eckert. Mr, and . Mrs. Kenneth MacLean, Toronto, were week end visitors at the homes of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roderick MacLean., and Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Strong. Mr. Ronald '.Savauge, Toronto, spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Savauge. Miss ,Grace Kreuter, Toronto, .spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. .McQuaig. Mr. David Bolton. Waterloo, was a weekend visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bolton, Miss Frances Anent has returned home to Detroit after spending Easter week at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ament. Miss Laura Stewart, Toronto, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Kennedy and Mr. Ken- nedy. Mr. Kenneth Hans, St, Clements, was a visitor this week at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Peter McIver Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hawkins and family spent the weekend with rela- '.ives in Toronto, Mr. Frank Cudmore, Toronto, pent the weekend at the home of Mrs. 3. F. Reid. Mrs. Cudmore and Nancy who spent the past week here returned home. Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Hodgins, Tor- onto, are guests this week at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. John Beattie and Mr. Beattie. . Mr. Lee Graves spent the weekend at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Peters, Galt, Mrs. Graves who spent the past week there, returned home. Master Wayne Ellis has returned home to Toronto after spending his Easter holidays with his grand- mother, Mrs. F. Storey. Private Alvin Hoff, Hagersville, spent the weekend at his home here. Mrs. Arnold Westcott and Blanche of Mrs. E. Chipchase's group and opened by singing the first verse of by mn oN '568 The scripture read - . ing was given by Mrs. E. Chipchase, The Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. Tom and Don Kyle rendered a very humorous duet. Following the roll call it was learned Mrs. Jones's group was leading in attendance points. Miss Marion and Warren Thompson favoured with 'a piano duet. Miss Jean Ivison sang a solo. Progressive crockinole was then played at which Mrs. McClymont won the ladieshigh and Helen love the consolation. Men's high was won by Mr, Harold Caldwell and consola- tion by Don, Kyle. The next meeting will be held on Monday, May 13, at which it was decided to hold a Box social and will bein charge of Mrs. Sohn Sinclair's group. A delicious lunch was served. Little—Long A quiet wedding took place in First United Church Manse, St. Thomas, on Thursday, April 18th, when Rev. S. Edworthy united in marriage, Jean Long, of London, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Norman Long of Kippen, to Edward. Little, son of Mrs. Minnie Little and the late Holland Little, of Hen- son. The bride was attractively dressed in a blue tailored suit with matching accessories. They were un- attended. After a honeymoon to Windsor and other points Mr. and Mrs. Little will reside in Hensall. Lighted by candles and adorned with spring flowers and roses in tall staandards, Wortley Road Baptist Church, London, was the setting on Saturday afternoon for the wedding of Esther Clara, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dayman, of Kippen, to Charles Percival Mc- Michael, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Percival McMichael, of Clinton, Rev. J. Dunkin, B.A., Th.M., officiated at the double -ring ceremony, and bridal music was played by Harold. Gibbons, who also accompanied the soloist, Miss Mary Campbell, as she sang 'The Lord's Prayer" and "A day of Golden Promise." White ribbon bows narked the pews occupied by the guests who saw the attractive ceremony. The dainty bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a gown of ivory satin with lace yoke, close fitting bodice and long pointed were lin Guelph on Saturday to meet sleeves. The skirt extended into a long heart -shaped train. As 'some - Mrs. Westcott's brother, Mr. Emer- thin • borrowed" she wore her cous- son Howard, of Seattle, Wash. It is• in's• veil, sent from England, held in almost thirty years. since Mrs, West- place by orange blossoms and fall- cott had seen her brother, and it is ins• into a long trate embroidered 39 years since Mr. Howard went to with horseshoes and bells and tied the West. This is the first time he in one corner with a single rosebud. has visited in Ontario in that length g of time.. roses. with white streamers She carried a shower bouquet of tea Don Aberhart, of Toronto, spent The bride's oil ornament was a the .week end with his father, Mr. y George Aberllart, 1 diamond brooch, a family heirloom. Mrs. V. R. Peiffer, Detroit, was a Miss May Smith as maid of honor, guest this week at the hone of her, wore a floor -length gown of pink mother Mrs. Henry Hoggarth. " I taffeta with band of ostrich tips Mr. and Mrs. T. Woolsey and dant I holding her matching, fingertip veil, ghter Janice spent the week end with. She carried Briarcliffe roses, Miss relatives in Hamilton. Beth Thompson, as bridesmaid, wore Mr. and Mrs. Bert Whynrd and a floor -length gown of orchid taffeta daughter. Loudon, spent the week with shoulder veil held in a halo of end at the home of Mr, and Mrs, orchid flowers. Yellow Pernet roses David Netzke. ; formed her bouquet. Plower girls, Mr. Arnold Case has returned to Margaret and Sharon Smillie, wore Detroit after spending a few clays at' similar gowns, the former of blue his hone here. I net over taffeta with pink velvet Miss Martha Allen of Leamington' trim, the Latter in yellow, with or- chid trim. They wore little bonnet headdresses to match their frocks, with net shoulder veils and carried colonial bouquets of roses and ferns. Donald Dayman, of Kippen, was best man and ushers were Clarence Smillie, Hensall, and Donald Kay, Clinton. A wedding reception was given. for 60 guests at the Eastern Star Temple. The bride's mother wore a fuchsia gown with black accessories and corsage of cream roses. The bridegroom's mother was in navy blue with matching hat and corsage of pink roses. After the reception Mr. and Mrs. McMichael left on their honeymoon to eastern points. The bride traveled in a robin's egg bluesuitwith beige top coat and brown alligator acces- sories, On their return they will live in London. was a visitor last week at the Manse. Miss Lois Whitney visited ' her uncle and aunt, Ma, and Mao, Miller, in Stratford, last week. Mrs. F. W. Wigg underwent an operation in London on Tuesday. Mr. Donald MacTavish of Toronto visited his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Ma(-Teelsh, Mr. Jack Hodgins of Toronto spent the week end at the hone of Mr. and Mrs, John Beattie. Miss Isabel Mohfellar, R.N„ Strat- ford General Hospital staff, spent the week end at her home. Mr. Hugh Williams, London Medi- cal School. );pent the week end with his brothel' at the Manse. Mrs. John Ruston spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ves. Kelly, London. Mrs. J, R. Dunlop and daughter Mavis have returned to Galt after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hart and Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Storey. NORTH McKILLOP Mr. and Mrs. Edward Byers and family of Dublin were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thornton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Glanville and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glanville. Miss Shirley Regele of Blyth, spent the weekend at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe . Manley and family were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Regele on Sunday. Miss Bessie and Ed Davidson were Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leeming, Donna Mae Snaith spent last Thursday afternoon with Pearl Regele. • We are sorry to .say Mrs. Edger- ton Roe is confined to her bed. We hope she, is soon well again, Mr, and ' Mrs. Leslie Rapiers and Carol of Chicago called on some of their relatives on the twelth of Mc- Killop and are also visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. Lena Regele, of Seaforth. - BORN LANNIN — At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on April 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Pergus Lanvin, Dublin, a son, POWELL—At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on April 80, to Mr. and Mrs. George Powell, Seaforth a daughter. BENNEWIES — At Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. William Bennewies, R. R. 2, Ilitalton, a daughter, KIPPEN KIPPEN EAST Kippen East W. 1. Elects Officers The annual meeting of the P.ippem East Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Albert Alexander on Wednesday evening, April 24. The meeting opened by singing the open- ing ode, followed by the Lord's prayer. The minutes of the last meet- ing were adopted. Mrs. William Kyle gave a report of the district meeting. Piens were made for the district an- nual which is to be held in Egmond- ville Church on May 29. This will be an all day session. The delegates to the annual will bo Mrs, Glen McLean, Mas. Albert Alexander and' Mao. Will - lam Kyle. It was decided that no meeting will be held in May, but that each member make an effort to at- tend the aminal. The roll call was an exchange of flower seeds o r slips. The motto, Leave Your Doors open to hooks as You Would for your Friends, presented by Mrs. Winston Workman, was both humorous and interesting. The music was solos by Mrs. Butt and Mrs. Ivan Forsyth, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. John McGregor.. There was a paper on house cleaning hints, both interesting and helpful, by Mrs. Hugh McGregor. There was a demonstration of an apron made of one yard of material, by Mrs. R. Dalrymple. There were six new mem- bers who joined this year, There was $90 left from the war charity fund which has been sent to theUNRRA, to help feed the starving people of Europe. This closes the fund. Reports of the committees were adopted. The election of officers was presided over by Mrs, Robert Rlgie. Honorary pres., Mrs. Hugh McGregor; president, Mrs. i Circle Meet • Glen McLean; 1st vice, Mrs. William Friendship (Kyle; 2nd vice, Mrs. John Sinclair; Friendship Circle met on Monday secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Albert Alex- evening in the Sunday School room antler; directors, Mrs. Thomas Kay, withGrace Tn emeet Miss Mar tinct • Church wt Miss g of St. Andrews United seventy-eight members answering Mchay; district director, Mrs. Thos. the roll call, and twelve visitors were Kay; sunshine committee, Mrs. W. Present. The meeting was in charge l Cole, Mrs. Norman Long, Mrs. Wilmer Tows of Seaforth, Proclamation On instructions from the Council, I hereby proclaim' DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME adopted for this Municipality to be in effect from April 28 to September 29, 1946. ' And I respectfully request the citizens and business people to observe same. JOHN J. CLIJI♦'N', Mayor GOD SAVE) THE KING Farmers Attention "Choice Quality Alberta Coal" From the Deep Seam Mines BOX CAR NOW ROLLING Haul your own, direct from car Order now: $11.50 per ton J. H. SCOTT PHONE 336 r^ lam" 3'c —. 4'' A PLAY "Dust of the Earth" Presented by Munro Y. P. U. IN STAFFA HALL WED., MAY 8th 8.30 p.m. standard time Sponsored by the W.A. Adm. --Adults 35c; Children 20c 43.7.10 Welcome Horne Party FOR Sgt. Jack Molyneaux LOOBY'S HALL DUBLIN FRIDAY, MAY 3rd EVERYBODY WELCOME LUNCH — GOOD MUSIC' Mack Trucks Fleet Truck Owners: If you are anxious to carry of your bush,- ess. with a low overhead. without lost time on the road men's wages, and lest business caused by breaks, and overhaul jobs, now is Your time to switch to a MACK. We have their from 3 -ton to 75 - ton jobs. But owing to pt,'tc'ut conditions, gat your order placed at once. Phone ,4.616 Clinton. or see your 00leamau for appointment. JONATHAN HUGILL 3 Miles West of Seaforth on Highway $ Broadfoot, Mrs. Joseph McLellan: pianist, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot; audit, ors, Mrs. Robert Dalrymple and Mrs. Finlayson; conveners — Agriculture and Canadian industry, Mrs. William itIeLean citizenship and health, Mrs. Campbell Eyre; historical research, Miss Margaret McKay; publicity, Mrs. Robert Dalrymple; hone econ- omics, Miss Grace Tremeer; social welfare, lt'are, stirs. Winston Workman. The teacups were presided over by Mrs. Hugh McGregor, The lunch commit- tee supplied a delirious lunch. BAYFIELD Mr. John Elliott who is attending The annual high school in Waterloo, spent the ; al Memorial Easter vacation at his home here.' Mr. and Mrs, R. Stephens and held on Sons, spent the weekend at their summer home in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Ahrens of Detroit spent the week end at their summer cottage in the village. Mrs. Spencer Ervine returned home this week having been in. Southampton attending the wedding of her sister. Mrs. E. Kendall and daughters are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Win. Jowett. Mr. Vincent Quarry Separate School Inspector of Hamilton, is at his summer home this week. Mr. Win. Elliott has returned to the village having spent the winter in Waterloo. The Misses M. and J. Millar of Detroit have arrived in the village to snend the summer months at the Metcalf -Millar residence. Miss Jessie Metcalf spent the weekend at her home here. The Bayfield School pupils are participating in the Music Festival in Goderich this week. Cpl, u• r coni returned home from i 1 Stu p Sturgeon overseas this past week. His many friends are glad to welcome him back safely again. Farm Equipment FOR SALE Nearly new Cleaneasy Portable Electric Milker with 2 single unit milkers $160.00 Nearly new 7 -tooth Massey Harris scuffler $12.00 3 -section spring tooth harrows in good condition $30.00 7 -ft out -throw disc harrow with forecarriage ......... $25.00 We received a large shipment of scarce items at the old prices as follows: 15" combination rolling coulters and jointers; 18" notched rolling coulters and jointers; one gas en- gine drive milker complete; 5 -ft. windrower for harvesting peas etc. 5 -ft. clover buncher; seeder attach- ment for 7 -ft. cultivator; fertilizer attachment for No. 4 corn culti- vator. Knife weeders, disc weeders, duck feet, 2-4 row cultivators—for tractor, bean, and corn cultivators. Your Farm Equipment Dealer Joh �L C SEAFORTH YOUNG MAN WANTED FOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK. KNOWLEDGE OF TYPEWRITER ESSENT- IAL. APPLY TO Excellence Flour Mills LIMITED POULTRY RAISERS We are exclusive Buyers of High Qualtiy Poultry --live or rail grade. HENS, BROILERS AND CHICKENS Highest Cash Price paid for quality poultry Pick-up and Estimates Free CALL Dublin Produce Co. DUBLIN 50 ai Nurses' Nation- Serviee" is being SUNDAY, MAY 5.111 ill Clinton -Wesley Willis Church at 7 p.m. All Nurses are urgently in- vited to attend. IT'S COMING The Big Dance of the Seaforth Agricultural Society for Young and Old at CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH FRIDAY, MAY 10 Featuring the New and 0Id Time Dance Music of Murdoch's orchestra. Proceeds to go entirely for improving 9 and repainting Fair Grounds. Admission 500