HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-04-25, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1946 STAFFA . OVlisses Donna and. Marian Fletcher London, with their cousin, Miss Au- , dreg Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Don Tyndall and daughter, London, with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott. Miss Vera Hannbly is off duty with a bad case of bronchitis. Mr. and Mrs. James McKellar and son, London, with Mrs. McKellar's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Drake. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kay, Kitch- ener, with Mrs. ,Kay's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Drake. John Agar with his son, Gerald Agar. In Memoriam PIPER—Inn loving memory of my dear mother,- who passed away five • years ago on 24th April. "You are not forgotten, mother dear And neither shall you be, As long as lilts and memory last I shall remember thee." —Sadly missed by het daughter, Violet, and family. FOR SALE Duck eggs for hatching, , Stuart Keyes, phone 656 r 11. FOR SALE Three Scotch Shorthorn bulls for Robert Coleman left Thursday by sale. From 9 to 11 months of age, motor for Regina, to spend the sum- Stephen Murray, phone 45 r 3, mer with his son. Dublin. Bobby 'McPherson is spending his Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Clearing Auction Sale G. Agar,Of Farm Stools, Implements and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burson have Household Effects. At Lot 18, Con. moved to their new home in Mitchell. 7 Morris Twp:, 2i/ miles south of Mr. and Mrs. Burton MacDonald Brussels and 3 miles west, on Tues - and family in Brussels. day, May 7th at 12.30 p.m. Horses -1 grey gelding 7 years old; 1 grey mare aged. Cattle: 8 choice Durham young cows —5 fresh, and remainder due time of sale. 1 purebred Durham bull 2 years old: 3 Durham heifers due in Oct- ober; 3 -2 -year old steers; 1-2!year old heifer; S Durham year olds, steers and heifers, 5 Durham young calves. Implements — M. H. binder; M. H. mower, 6 ft.; Frost & Wood mower; M.H. hay loader; sulky rake; 1 seed drill; 13 disc Cockshutt drill (fertil- izer); 6 section harrows; 1 spring tooth cultivator; 1 disc harrow; 1 M.H. manure spreader; scuffler, tur- nip drill; 2 furrow riding plow; 1 furrow riding plow; walking plow; fanning mill; 2000 lb. scales; 2 targe milk cans; 1 faun wagon; sloop sleighs; rolling hay rack; gravel box; wagon box; buggy; cutter; stock rack; bag truck; sling chain; sling ropes; oil drum; 100 sap buckets and pan; grindstone; log boat; cream separator; milk pails. 500 bus of HELP WANTED Experienced bookkeeper wanted, man or girl. Also egg candler wanted. Apply Dublin Creamery. FOR SALE Goats. For further information telephone 652 r 15. FOR SALE International bean scuffler used two seasons. Wm. Leyburn, phone 283, Seaforth. FOR SALE Carload of Baled Shavings. Just arrived. Scott's Poultry Farms, Sea - forth. Phone 351 r 32. WANTED Used piano in good condition, state size, age, kind of case and price to Box 127, The Seaforth News HELP WANTED Experienced man wanted for mod- em equipped farm by six months or year. Apply at The News Office. FOR SALE OR RENT Grass faun, 100 acres, lot 34, con. 14, McKillop, never -failing creek. Apply to Mrs. Mary Nash, nhone 852 r 4. PERENNIALS FOR SALE Delphinium, Fox Glove, Hydrang- ea, Spirea, Canterbury Belts, ready now, A. L. Porteous. FOR SALE Pure bred York hog ready for service. Apply H. T. Huisser, Isabel St., Seaforth. FOR SALE One 3 -burner Coleman gas stove with oven, also, one Coleman lamp. Mrs. A. C. Levey. R.R. 4, Seaforth. WARNING Anyone found trespassing on School grounds or buildings of S.S. No. 1, McKillop and Logan after this notice will be prosecuted. By Order, The Board Of Trustees. Quantity of mixed hay; • oats and barley. 1 set of breeching harness; 1 set of single harness; number of horse col- lars, 1 set of taps. Poultry -100 Sussex hens; 100 Leg - hon hens. Poultry Equipment — Colony house 12x14; 1 brooder stove. Household Effects -1 Tudhope And- erson cook stove; 1 Ivory Enamel cook stove, small; (both like new). 1 ivory enamel bedroom suite; 1 oak bedroom suite; springs and mat- tresses; 1 white iron bed and springs; 1 -4 -poster bed, antique; 2 wash stands; 3 toilet sets; 1 sanitary toilet; 1 Congoleunr rug 0x12. Quantity of quilts, blankets and spreads. Number of chairs. Number of rockers, 1 Bissel carpet sweeper. Quantity of dishes and silverware. Kitchen utensils. Metal churn; ice cream freezer; 1 electric washing machine, lamps, lanterns. Everything will be sold as Proprie- tor has sold his farm. Terms cash. SIMPSON McCADL, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Clearing Auction•Sale Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects, Wed., May 1st. at 1 p.m., .on the 7th con. of McKil- lop twp. 3)1 miles North of Seaforth and 34 mile East. HORSES—Mare, 11 'years old, general purpose, work double or single. CATTLE -2 cows freshened, 1 Holstein, 1 part Holstein; 1 Holstein cow to freshen in August; 3 calves 1 week old. IMPLEMENTS—M.H, binder 6 -ft. cut; 13 disc seed drill (Deering); 1 cultivator; 1 walking plough; 1 dump rake; 1 set harrows;- 1 stone roller; 1 hay loader; 1 mower; 1 riding plough; 1 rubber -tired buggy; 1 fan- ning mill; 1 wheel -barrow; 2 galvan- ized troughs; 2 cement troughs; 1 cream separator; 1 emery; 1 vice; 1 work bench; 2 block and tackle; Neckyoke and whiffletrees; 1 hay- fork and rope; reach lumber (white Ash) ; 1 barrel; 4 horse collars; 1 set double harness :(nearly new); 2 Miller's '''Ideal" hot water incubat- ors, 400 egg size with patent turn- ing trays; 2 Chatham incubators, 140 egg size; 1 Chatham chick brooder, 100 chicks. FURNITURE -1 round table; 3 kitchen tables; 2 small tables; Mor- ris chair; 3 double beds, springs; 4 wash stands; 3 dressers; 1 child's bed. 1 single bed; 1 cupboard; 1 churn; 2 clocks; 3 rocking chairs; 1 settee; 1 arm chair; 1 glass cup- board; 1 sideboard; 1 kitchen cup- board; 2 Alladin hanging lamps; mps; 1 hanging lamp; 4 diningroom chairs; 2 kitchen chairs; 1 R.C.A. Victor battery radio; several 30 doz. egg crates; alluminum cooking utensils; crocks, sealers, coal oil stove, 2 toilet sets, milk pails, dishes, scythe, 2 set sad irons, gramophone and records. other articles too numerous to men- tion. Terms—Cash. LORNE WEBSTER, Prop. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, Auction Sale Of Household Furniture and Ma- son's Tools, to be held at residence 'of Miss M. Baker, William St., Brussels, on Saturday, April 27. Sale commences at 12;30 p.m. sharp. • Miss M. Baker, Prop. Lew Rowland, Auctioneer, Clearing Auction Sale 05 Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects. Thursday, NIay 2, at 1 p.m. Hullett Twp., one mile south of Blyth. JOHN COLLISON, Proprietor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH A meeting of the ratepayers of School Sections 1, 2, 3, 9 and 10 will be held in S.S. #2 School on Friday, April 26th at 8 p.m. to decide on the question of the said sections forming a School Area. All ratepayers in these sections are asked to attend. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk AT FIN'NIGAN'S WHAT'S IN A NAME Recently while in London calling on the 'Wholesalers we were shown a list of accotmts, a preferred list dating back to 1931. There, back through the years, appeared the name Finnigan; as we turned page after page we thought of the mon and women of this country who matte this confidence possible,. Another Wholesaler, told us that during the First War he had shipped a carload of sugar to W. J, Finnigan, knowing his record alone was the security. You aslc, us: What's in a name. We believe everything: - ' -ARRIVED THIS WEEK. Hallowi Dates, ask for your pound. Fancy Sodas, fancy Biscuits, Pineapples, Oranges all sizes, Choice Let- tuce; Celery, 'Bananas, Lemons, new Carrots, G -fruits, Sweet Pieklee. Life is too short to reap the harvest: we can only sow. W. J. FINNIGAN & SON FOR SALE I Iuone aste 1 50 tons of Mixed' Hay FOR RENT 100 acres grass farm to rent, lot . 30, con. 7. Also a barn for sale 56x 36. Apply Mrs. Alfred 'Brown, Sea - forth, R.R. 3. Phone 664-11. i FOR SALE Top buggy, steel tire, in good con- dition. Apply to Ed Eickmeir, Lot 30, Con. 6, Logan. Phone 761'13, Dublin. p , in barn; on East half of Lot 4, Lake Road East, Stanley Township. Apply for particulars to Joseph B. Greer, R.1, Brucefield, Ont. RENIFREW SALES AND SERVICE Hand turned or electric separat- ors and stoves, prompt service, also repairs for Anker -Holt separators. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield. Phone Clinton 618 r 31. NOTICE Carpentry work done, town or country. Apply at. The News office. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with FOR SALE complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic Double house on Victoria St.. Sep- equipment. grate apartments, good investment. Other desirable properties. Watson & Reid, Seaforth. • FOR SALE Frame house, Centre Street, Mod- ern, Garage. Frame house, Winthrop, 1 acre land MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.D. 1 Frame house, Coleman Street. physician and Surgeon Frame hoose, stuccoed, with Barn, Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Main Street. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5J Clearing Auction Sale 0£ Household Effects. On Saturday,' April 271h, at 1.30 p.m., in the village of Hensall, the Estate of the late William Stone. Quebec cools stove; Quebec heater. Kitchen cabinet, kitchen table, enamel top pantry table, 6 kitchen chairs, 1 electric refrigerator (Frigid- aire); 2 -burner hot plate with heavy wiring. 2 brown metal beds, springs and mattresses; 2 dressers and stands. Number of trunks and quilt boxes. 1 day bed, office desk; 2 reed rockers, card table, 1 electric radio. 1 sideboard, number small tables and rockers. 1 electric heater and fan. Mirrors, curtains, electric lamp, Folding iron- ing board. Dishes, kitchen utensils. Garden tools, lawn mower. Quantity wood and coal, step ladder. 2 -45 -gal. drums. Terms cash. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. "... AND NOW FOR A POUND OF EGGS MADAM?" ® Quoting eggs by the pound would be confusing, wouldn't It? You buy eggs by the dozen, milk by the quart, meat by the pound.- By what measure do you buy electricity? You buy electricity by the kilowatt-hour, and you should know what a kilowatt-hour can do for you. An electric lamp or appliance is usually marked "60 watts", "500 watts", "1000 watts", as the case may be. The mark simply indicates the number of watts of electricity that the lamp or appliance will use. A kilowatt is simply 1000 watts. A kilowatt-hour is 1000 watts used for one hour—or 100 watts for ten hours. So that one kilowatt-hour will operate your 1000 watt electric iron for one hour. And at what a small cost) ' The average urban rate for Hydro in Ontario is about 1-1/5c per kilowatt-hour. Just over lc to light a 100 -watt lamp for 10 hours, or drive a washing machine for four hours! Isn't it great to live in Ontario, where Hydro rates are among the lowest in the world? 7S -Acre Farm. Tuckersmith Twp.Phone 00 W Seaforth E. 21. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Plumes : 334 Office Res. 220 PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed enve- lope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order -Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. FARM FOR SALE Five miles south of Seaforth, and one mile east, Lot 7, Concession 8, Tuckersmith. One mile from school. Large bank barn, brick house, hen house and pig pen.. Drained. Plenty of water. All seeded to grass. Pos- session given immediately. Apply to J. W. Free, Seaforth. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate iu Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. ' At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. — 53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral' Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable tilos., pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 NOTICE Gravel for laneways, also cement gravel. Apply to Gus Johnson, Truck- er, Seaforth. Phone,103w. McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. • All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Class Companies. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, Ont. Officers President, F. McGregor, Clinton; Vice President, C. W. Leonhardt,. Brodhagen; Secretary -Treasurer and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot,. Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Ma Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.. Parties desirous to effect insurance• or transact other business, will be ,promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices, Last year, Bell telephone workers installed 187;444 telephones and disconnected 124,861 (surrender of ser- vice, change of address, etc.) —a net gain of 62,583. V;,/ 1945 was the biggest year, but one, in our history. Although we had to repair, re -use, substitute and improvise, we were able to provide telephones for all essential uses and to reduce the waiting list substantially. Bot there's a still bigger job ahead. The going rate since V -E Day has been at a higher level than in any other equal period. To wipe out the waiting list and get back to our old ready -to -serve basis will be our chief concern until the job is done. We are making progress to that end. Where only telephone instruments are involved, the next two or three months should clear our -lists. But in many localities central office equip ment is the problem and this takes time to make and to instal. WE ARE LOSING NO TIME. • J. M. GOODWIN. Manager