HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-04-25, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS
TETE SEA FORT 1 i NEWS W. MiEwing ,; There is such a scarcity of houses Mrs, Alvin Pryce of Galt, Mr. Har -
Snowdon taros„ Publishers
We are very sorry to lose Mr.
and Mrs. Audrey Knox and wee
Jimmie from our neighborhood. Au-
drey having :secured work at plumb-
ing in Kitchener. Audrey,. who was
working at his job last week return-
ed home Friday night to get packed
to leave, going back Sunday night to
be ready for work Monday. Grace
and Jimmie will g'o on Tuesday of
this week with Mr, Harold Beacom
when he takes the furniture etc. We
hope what is our loss will : be their
Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Knechtel
and Maxine of. London visited at the
home of Mr. Reece Ferris during the
holiday, also attending the gather-
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Rapson, on Friday evening and hav-
ing supper at the -hoine of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Bell, on, Saturday.
Mr. Reece Ferris . and Mr. and
Mrs. Knechtel entertained' all th'e•'
sisters and husbands and families on
Sunday, some were for dinner and
all for supper. Miss Maxine returned
home with the Bewleys to spend a
few days. Mr. Knechtel returned
home to London leaving Mrs. Knech-
tel for the remainder of •the week.
Friday evening of last week Mr.
and Mrs. Isaac :Rapson entertained
30 invited guests in honor of the re-
cent home coming of Ivan Hoggarth,
Adrian White and Clark Ball of
near Summerhill, who before going
overseas had been real good neigh-
bors and friends of Mr, and Mrs.
Warren Gibbings. The first part of
the evening was spent in social chat
and progressive euchre. Prize win-
ners were Ladies most games, Mrs,
Ray Townsend, Seaforth; Ladies
consolation, Mrs. Clarence Bap,
Summerhill; Ladies lone hands, Mrs.
Eldon Crich, near Clinton. Mens'
most games, Mr. Adrian White;
consolation, Mr. Eldon Crich, near
Clinton. After huieh Mr. Ross Card-
iff of near Brussels very kindly furn-
ished music on his piano accordion
which was very much enjoyed. Mr.
Adrian White called off for the
square dances and also sang a song
Ivan married a Scotch girl and Ad-
rian married an English girl when
overseas. The brides have not arrived
in Canada yet. Clark was married be-
fore going over. We wish them all
true happiness and the best of luck.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Colson -spent
part of Sunday afternoon at the
home of the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Jamieson,
We are sorry Mrs. Jamieson is laid
up with a broken wrist.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Pepper and
children from Tuckersmith spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
A. W. McEwing.
Master Tommy Lloyd of Clinton
is spending the holidays at the home
of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Next Sunday, April 28, Service in . and so many wanting to come in that vey Byerman of Seaforth, with Mr.
Burns' Church will be held at 11:30. it has been necessary for some to and Mrs, Harry Byerman on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Bell enter- do'ible uu, 1VIr. and Mrs. Herman Bauer, Willis
tailed Mrs. Bell's sister and hus- Mrs. Stanley Carter is with Mr. and Joyee, of Glencoe, with Mr. and
band, Friday, and the weekend all and Mrs. Fred Shobbrook at .present. MI's. William Jacob, Willis and Joyce
being at the hoine of Eddy's parents, A very pleasant and interesting remained for the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bell, Saturday, Easter meeting was held on Sunday Mrs. Clarence Barber and Baugh.
for supper. Mrs. Bell and little child morning in the United Church with 'tens, of Sinrcoe, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
returned home with them to take the the Sunday School in charge and the Koehler of Brantford, Mr: and Mrs.
little fellow, who is not well, to a superintendent conducting. The pill- Lorne Messerschmidt and Arlene, De -
specialist. We hope his trouble will pit platform looked very lovelywith troit, with Mr, and Mrs. Henry Kleber
not be serious.,a Huge white cross entwined With Sr. over the'week end,
Mr, .and .., Enest - Knox and green Myrtle and daffodrlls- sur- Betty Jean Hinz is .spending her
Mi and Mrs A W. McEwing had rounded 'by a tiny white picket fence Easter holidays with her aunt in
hien there last week insulating their with a green ground with flowers. Elmira.
houses, There were also a number of potted Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Hinz spent
plants and baskets of flowers, The 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sippel
LO'NDESBORO-Adult choir rendered good. numbers at Tavistock.
Miss Susan Hunking and' other lesson, Miss Gail Manning. gave. a with Mrs. Wil 1' ram Miller on un ay.
friends from Goderich spent Sunday very lovely reading, "Joanna,with Mr. Roy Amstein of Kitchener with
at the home of the formers sister, ' actions, dxessed inalong white robe. has parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Amstein.
Mrs. Chas. Vodden and Mr. Vodden. Mrs. E. Wood told the Easter story Miss Doris Hinz of Toronto with
Miss Batt Gooieryoung sirs Goderich, and a little child' shall lead them, Four Mi:. and Mrs: John G. Hinz:
,Elva Mr. Harry Snell read the bible Miss Audrey Innes of Tavistock
S d
El Govrer, London,spent the J took up the offering
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hinz . and
1'd' ei their the R - family motored to Hamilton and.Nia-
weekend Easter holiday ay wr r Rev. A. Penman
spoke on a es
vents Mr and Mrs W K Gooier. t' The 'Service throughout gar' Falls, N.Y. Mrs, Carlton; who has
P a e , • urrec ion. been visiting here, accompa
Miss Fern Watson, London, Mr, was one of the best.. back, •
and Mr's: Bill Riley, Goderich, spent Mr. Lyra Spiece of Kitchener with
Blaster Sunday with their mother;.
Mrs. C. Watson BRODHAGEN
his wife `and family at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson, Mrs. Emma :Querengesser of Wind:Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bock.
M . Miss Joyce Butson of Mitchell with
Auburn, visited at the home of W. sor is spending several weeks with her cousin Joanne Rook.
E. Manning. Mr. and Mrs. William Querengesser`Mr• and. Mrs. John Ford; Audrey
Misses Esther and Mary Jamieson, and other relatives. • and Wayne, of London, with Mr. and
Toronto, spent the holiday week with Mr. and Mrs.'Ernie Goodwin of To- Mrs. Edwin Rock.
their parents, 'Mr. and Mrq. A. Jam- ionto spent several days with Mr. Mr. 'Louis Higenell; Mr. and Mrs.
ieson of the 10th con. Hullett. and Mrs. Harold Diegel, Mr, and. Mrs.• Schneider and daughter, of New Ham-
Mrs. J. Nott has been visiting with Don Markle of Woodstock spent the burg, with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Higenell.
her daughter, Mrs E Stevens and week end' at the same home.
vied them
"Radio Stars On Parade"
with Wally Brown — Francis Langford — Alan Carney
—ANBD— "Man Alive"
with " Pat O'Brien — Ellen Drew — Adolphe Menjou
Fun and Slapstick dished out by whirlwind Comedy
"Shady Lady"
with Charles Coburn, Ginny-Simms, Robert Paige
Entertainment that brings Chuckles and Smiles in Profusion
with Paul Henreid . Maureen -O'Hara
An Adventure Tale done with ,Sweeping Strokes
"Babes on Swing Street" and "That Night With You"
Mrs. F. Roberton, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rose and
Miss Mary Grainger,„ Toronto, is Yvonne of Point Edward with Mr. and
with her sister, Mrs. Geo, Gowan Mrs. Chris Leonhardt.
and the Pickett family for a few Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scherbaa'ih of
clays. Trenton with relatives.
y Mr. and Mrs. Harry Byerman. re -
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Griffiths,
Brampton, Miss Pearl Griffiths, ceived word that their son Frank will
return home from overseas on the Ile
Brantford, spent the weekend with de France, which clocked in Halifax
their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Rani• ori Tuesday.
Griffiths. Mr, and Mrs. John L. Bennewies,
Miss Aliie Moon, Toronto, with who wore married 42 years on Friday,
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Moon. April 19, celebrated their anniversary
Miss ' grandparents,
nents,iM is visiting on Sunday when members of their:
with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
family were present: Mr. and Mrs.
T. Fairservice.Fred Seherbarth, Kenneth and Earl,
Miss Edith Brown, Brantford, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
spent a few days with her aunt, Miss Bennewies and Marlene of Mitchell,
L. Young. Mr. and Mrs. loran Bennewies, Wood -
Mrs. W. T. Brunsdon has been on stock; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Benne-
the sick list but is improving. wies, Ralph, Shirley, Mavis, Keith,
Mr. Frank Wood is quite poorly Wayne, Barry and Joanne, of Sea -
and is under the .doctor's care. forth; ; Mi•. and Mrs, Elwood Smart,
Quite a number are afflicted with Dennis and Carolyn, of Windsor; Miss
very bad colds including Mrs. (Rev.) Sylvia Bennewies of Windsor; Mr.
Penman, Mrs. F. Wood, Mrs, F. and Mrs. Albert Wolfe, Lloyd, Dorothy
Shobbrook, Mrs. Melville and .Mrs. and Audrey, Mitchell, Rev. and Mrs.
D. Ewan. W. Schultz and Erie.' Mr. and Mrs.
It has been moving days in the Bennewies were presented with a set
past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Govier of aluminum cooking utensils.
have moved in with Mrs. Wm. Lyon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Diegel, Calvin,
Mr. Harry Durnin, Constance, has Marlene and Arthur, spent Sunday
bought Mrs. H. Lyon's home and with the former's mother, Mrs. Ida
moved in last week. Mrs.. Lyon will Brunner, at Sebringville.
make her home with them. Mr. and Mrs, George Young of Strat-
Mrs. W. Hesk has moved to her ford with Mr. and Mrs. George Diegel.
home next door to where they lived Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Ahrens with Mr.
for a few years before Mr. Hesk's and Mrs. Ernest Elligson, near Wal -
death. ton, on Sunday.
Mr. George Howard' of Exeter
and daughter, Miss Evelyn Howard
of Toronto called on relatives here
last Friday.
Mrs. Elgie is visiting with her son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Rathwell:
Miss Janet Watson of Aylmer is
Spending her vacation at the home
of her parents, Mn. and Mrs. R. P.
Miss Margaret Aikenhead and
Margaret Henry of London spent the
holiday with their people here.
Mrs. E. Forrest and Mrs. L. Mc -
Ash of London spent the weekend
with relatives and friend's here.
Miss Eleanor Fisher was guest at
the home of her brotherin law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moffat.
Mrs. J. S. Ussher is visiting with
her parents Mr. and Mrs." C. Haugh.
Mrs. Ussher was accompanied home
with Miss Marlene and Peter Haugh
of Toronto. •
We are sorry Mr. Jas. Swan had
the misfortune to fall and break his
hip last week.
Mr, a nd Mrs Wm Murdoch of
Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. S. Rum- Toronto.
ble of London visited with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J; 'Murdoch dur-
ing the weekend.
Easter visitors; Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Rathwell and little son, Mr, and
Mrs. George Poster, Windsor, with the
former's mother, Mrs. Rathwell; also
Mrs. Stelck of Windsor; were renew-
ing acquaintances
Mr. and Mrs. A. Seeley, of Clinton,
with the former's sister, Mrs. Austin
and son Russell.
Mr. and Mrs, Adams, Harpurhey,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith and family, of
Porters Hill, Mr, and Mrs. Cudmore
and little son, Holmesville, , Miss F.
Smith, Seaforth, with Mn. and Mrs,
J, F. Smith.
Holiday visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Johnston and family:
Their daughter, Miss Rena Johnston,
R.N., of Toronto; Mrs. R, S. Evans
and granddaughter, Karen Dryden, of
Oshawa; Mr, and Mrs. Penne John-
ston, Phyllis and Bobbie, of Welling-
ton; Mrs, A. D. Armstrong, Seaforth.
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Reid and two
daughters, Toronto, with the fornrer's.
mother Mrs. M. Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McBride and
family, with the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Chuter.
Mrs. John Dowson spent the week
end with her aunt Mrs. Hart.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Elliott and little
daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Heard and
family, Stratford, Mrs. Grieve, Sea -
forth, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Treitz were out , of
town visitors Good Friday.
Mrs. Hart spent Good Friday in
Hayfield with Mr. and Mrs. W. Dowson
1 Mr. and Mrs. Soper in company
with Mr: and Mrs. Moore, Benmiller,
motored to Straffordsville Easter, re-
turning on Monday.
Mrs. A. McConnell with relatives in
Want and For Sale ads. 3 weeks 50c.
SO desperate is Europe's need for food . so urgent our farmers'
need for help ... that this Province is facing the most serious farm -
labour shortage in its history. 1946 is a crucial year — and every
one who can should help. Young Ontario citizens are urged to pitch -in
and play a worthy part in feeding the starving nations of the world.
You—and thousands of others like you—are needed on every type of
farm. The peak season runs from April 12th to October 15th. Pay is
good. Clean supervised accommodation. Good food.
Here is your opportunity—among pleasant companions—to enjoy a
profitable, healthy summer. Join the Ontario Farm Service Force—
Fill in the coupon marked out below. A Registration Form, plus all
particulars, will be sent to you without delay.
Director, •Y• °"'""• w
Ontario Farm Service Force,
112 college Street,
Toronto, Ontario.
Date., .............
Doan Sir:
Please send men Registration Form and all particulars, as 1 wish to join the
Ontario Farm Service Force and ""lend a hand".
(Please Print)
Post Office Address
- Ago
Town or City ...... •. ..............Tei. No,.... .....
I would be available from (Date) ' 1946 to (halo) 1946
1 would like to beplaced
On a private farm ❑ to a "Y'• supervised Camp 0
The Bayfield Agricultural Society
held their annual masquerade dance.
in the town hall on Wednesday even-
ing and as usual, was a huge success.
Mr, and Mrs. Phil Rhynas and sons
Philip and John spent Easter with
Mrs. O. W. Rhynas,
The Ritz Hotel received two new
double cabins this week. This makes
seven new cabins and will be run in
I connection with the Hotel, and will
help to accommodate the crowd who
usually stay at this popular Hotel.
Mrs. W. A. Balkwill and two sons.
Billy and Charles, who have recently
returned from overseas. were guests
of Mr. William Ferguson over the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs, Churchwai'd and
guests oceripied their cottage over
the holiday.
Miss Ruth McClure, (Clinton, at
her home over the weekend.
,Caven Church, Winthrop, held
their Easter service, Sunday evening.
The services commenced at 7:30.
The junior choir furnished the music
with Mrs. Oliver- Anderson at the
organ. Leslie McSpadden read the
scripture, followed by prayer by
Malcolan Bolton. Rev. Patton chose
as his text, "Who shall roll away
the stone from the door of the Sep-
ulchre?'.' Then the Sunday . School
under the leadership of Mrs, E. Toll,
Mis. W. Dodds,' and Mr. E. Hawley
dramatized the Resurrection scenes.
Both the children and the leaders are
to be commended on the excellent
way in which this dramatization was
performed. During the -dramatiza-
tion the junior :choir sang, "Christ
Arose," and a quartette composed of
the Misses Edith Blanshard, Dorothy
Dodds, Lorraine Smith, and Lois
Hogg sang "In the Garden," The
services were well .attended • and
greatly enjoyed by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shepherd, To-
ronto, visited over the holiday with
the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Janes Smillie,
Miss Lettie Love, Toronto, spent
the Easter holidays with her father,
Mr. William Love.
Mrs. Coxworth visited at the home
of her son Mr. A. Coxworth, London.
Mr. Gus Voth, Detroit, visited over
the week end with Mrs. Voth and
Gwendolyn, also Mrs. L. Simpson.
Mr. Carey Joynt, B.A., student at
Osgoode Hall, Toronto, was a week
end visitor at his home here.
Easter visitors with Rev: R. A.
Brook and Mrs. Brook were Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Brook and Mr. and Mrs,
Ralph Brook and daughter.
Miss Joyce Scrutou, Toronto, spent
Easter with her mother Mrs, Scruton,'
Mr, and Mrs. R. D. Elgie visited
with friends in Hamilton over the
week end.
Di. ,Tim Jarrott of New York City
visited with his mother Iii the village
for a few days recently.
11liss Gwen Cooper, Toronto spent
Easter with her parents in the
Mr., Andrew Bell Jr, is in Victoria
Hospital, London, where he is taking
treatment and he expects to be there
for some time,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Mellick, Goderich.
spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs -
William McGregor.
Mr, and Mrs. William Porter, of St.
Marys called on friends in the viola-.
ity over the holiday.
Mr. ani Mrs. Ross Green of Tuck-
ersmith were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Steve Suplat during the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lennis of Kitchener
accompanied by their two sons, also
the former's niece were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mc-
Mr. John C. Doig of Detroit is
expected home for a few days this
Extension ladder and 25 white
Leghorn hens, wanted to buy. Apply
to C. P. Van Mil, Seaforth.
The Government bonus of 4c a
lb. will be paid on all approved lots,
direct from the department of agri-
culture without the -producer having
to make application.
All wool shipped to Jacksons is
graded in Seaforth and full settle-
ment made from there.
H. M. Jackson
Seaforth Phone 3W & aJ
have you• •
Perhaps you have put off • too
long -the purchase of a monument 1
or marker for your loved one.
Now isibe time tor pay your debt to L
the memory of those who meant
i so much to you but are no longer i
IMay we help you in your choice
1 i of a Select Memorial ?
T. Pryde & Son
jMemorial Craftsmen
Seaforth Exeter Clinton
( See Dr. Harburn for appointment
any other time, or phone 413,
The W.M.S. and W.A. of Caven,
Winthrop, will hold their regular
monthly meeting on Thursday, May
2nd, at the home .of Mrs. William'
Somerville. Circle 4 will have charge
of the meeting.
Mr, and" Mrs. Errol Habkirk of
St. Marys with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Pryee. •
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hawley of Sea -
forth with Mr. and Mrs, W, E.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. McClure
and son George Roger, with rela-
tives over the weekend.
Mrs. R. K. Davidson and children
are visiting her sister, Mr's. Russell
Maddess in Milverton.
Mrs. J. M. Gillies, Isabel, , Bruce,
and Jackie are spending Easter week
in Coiiingwood.
Hs.' and Mrs. Syd MoCullough of
Blyth with Mr. John A. Montgomery.
Mss, Garnet Taylor, Elizabeth,
and Dorothy of 'Staffs with Mr. 'and
Mrs. John McClure.
Mr. Andrew Montgomery of
Brantford at his home, Easter -Sun-
Mrs. Robt, McClure visited in
Sarnia with her brother, Mr, Stew-
art Knox.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Hodge of
Merriton,'.Mrs.. Helen Laughnane
and Mary of Niagara Falls, N.Y.,
with Mrs. Margaret Horne.
Salt Salt
We have been advised by
Goderich Salt Works that
Salt is likely • to be scarce
in the near future, so
parties needing Salt please
phone your orders, and we
will do our best for you.
PHONE 655 .R 2