HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-04-25, Page 3THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1948 THE SEAFORTH NEWS Notice to the Citizens of ..Seaforth All Owners and Tenants Ofproperty in Seaforth are hereby ordered to have their premises put in a proper and sanitary condition by the removal or disposal of ash -heaps, manure piles, garbage and waste of all kinds, that may prove objectionable or unsanitary, by May 15th next. After that date any premises not in proper condition may, by, order of the Local Board of Health, be put in proper condition at the expense of the owner or tenant and, where necessary, the expense incurred be collected as by Statute provided. (Signed) THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT SEAFORTH 16, EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industiy) WHICH WAY ARE YOU GOING ? CHRIST SAID: "I. am the way, the truth, and the life; no man com- eth unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6 "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Prov. 14:12 "They have not known my ways." Heb. 3:10 "Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain." Jude 11 There is only One Way to have Eternal Life "To as many as received Him (CHRIST), to them gave He power to become Sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name." John 1:12 "THIS WORLD NEEDS CHRIST" TUNE IN: Pilgrims Hour 7-7.30 EST Sunday Evening Local Station — CK LW Windsor Old-fashioned Revival Hour—rebroadcasts on many stations at various hours Chas. E. Fuller, P.O. Box 123, Los Angeles 53, California WORLD FOOD EMERGENCY Starvation threatens in the Far East and hunger in Eur- ope. We are sending food. We must send more. The need is now— until harvest! must help feed a hungrg world A serious shortage of food in certain areas of the world was expected, but crop failures in many areas, and lack of distribution facilities, seeds, and tools in others crea- ted a food shortage of alarming proportions. Only im- mediate deliveries of staple foods can sustain the hungry millions. PRODUCE AND SAVE — MORE Since 1939, our per capita record of food exports has exceeded that of any other country. Food production has soared. Canadians have eaten well in spite of war. Today, the seriousness of the world's food situation calls for even greater efforts. We can increase our food ship- ments and still have enough for our needs. THIS IS WHAT WE CAN DO We can ship more WHEAT, FLOUR, MEATS, CHEESE and EGGS if as great quantities as possible are made available for shipment during the next four months. PRODUCERSI — DELIVER TO MARKET. CONSUMERS/ - BUY LESS OF THESE FOODS — BUY ONLY FOR IMMEDIATE NEEDS—WASTE NOTHING—PLANT A GARDEN- SUBSTITUTE VEGETABLES FOR AS MANY OF THESE VITAL FOODS AS YOU CAN. This will increase supplies at storage depots, thus freeing additional needed foods for the world's hungry. There can be no permanent prosperity for us ... or anyone .. ; while hunger and despair afflict large areas of the world. 044 the 4 eitierep Food Information Committee of THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA O. 18 The first six weeks of chick life are the most critical. This is the time, to start building your future layers, and at the same time, keep to a minimum, the high mortality in chick production. To do this, your chicks must be fed on properly balanced quality in- gredients CO.OP MIX CHICK STARTER answers this double purpose, because it contains the proper balance and variety of vitamins, minerals and high quality proteins, so essential to they ailing of healthy vigorous chicks. Your local "CO-OP MIX" mill ANIMALS DISABLED Quickly removed in clean, sanitary trucks. Phone collect 219 MITCHELL WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED 1 Yes -they're still NEEDED: When you start Spring Cleaning Please remember EMPTY BOTTLES! • Cartons and bottles arestillscarce. Don't ler them take up needed space when they can do a job on the production line. Our home delivery service will call for your empties if is is incon- venient for you to return them personally. Call your nearest BREWERS' RETAIL STORE. rho'E41c/ The Brewing Industry (Ontario) 1 what evexy should Ito, SU CAN N There is a world-wide shortage of sugar. Last year world sugar production was twenty-five percent below 1939. Reasons for the decrease are: • Destruction of the sugar industries in Java and the Philippines. • Shortages of labour and fertilizers in many sugar -producing countries. • Last year's drought in the Caribbean area, especially Cuba. • Damage to European sugar beet fields. World sugar supplies are pooled for the benefit of the United Nations. Canada, the United States and Great Britain are allotted an equal share of sugar according to population. Available supplies must also be shared with other countries. TEN POUNDS OF CANNING SUGAR PER PERSON This year's canning sugar allowance is ten pounds per person —the same as last year. Instead of special canning sugar coupons, ten additional green "S" coupons are being made available for the purchase of canning sugar. S8 to S12 inclusive become valid on May 2nd; S17 to S2I inclusive on July 4th. Each coupon is good for the purchase of one pound of sugar. The ten "S" coupons for canning sugar are in addition to the "S" coupons which regularly become valid each month for the purchase of sugar and preserves. Those who do not wish to do home canning may use the extra coupons to buy commercially packed, jams, jellies, canned fruit, etc., or sugar to supplement the regular ration. The ten "S" coupons for canning sugar need not be used immediately they become valid. You will be given ample notice of their expiry date, THESE ARE YOUR eeS" COUPONS FOR EXTRA SUGAR VALID MAY 2 Any valid "5" Coupon, including those shown here, may be used to purchase sugar for can- ning, or the amount stated below of preserves. VALID JULY 4 The green "S" coupons S8 to S12 and S17 to S21 are in addition to the "S" coupons which regularly become valid each month for the purchase of sugar and preserves. They are validated to make available enough sugar for home canning or for other household uses. "S"COUPON CALENDAR ALTERNATIVE VALUE OF ALL 41h April . . . SS lath Apol . S6 and' 57. 2nd May . S8. to 512 16th May , 513 and 514 20th June 4th July 18th July 15th August . S24 and S25 1 Ib. of sugar OR OR 24 11. oz. 4.lbs. honey jam, jelly, OR 2 lbs. marmalade honey butter. OR OR 40 fl. oz. - 4 lbs. conned fruit maple sugar OR 80 0. oz. maple syrup nti) May 31, iher May 31, 48 fl. az. COUPONS OR 2 gts.molasses OR 30 fl. oz. blended table, cane or corn syrup AMOUNT OF SUGAR USED IN CANNING Each housewife may use her canning sugar to fit the needs of her particular household. A common method is to allow X lb. sugar for each quart sealer of canned fruit; and 134 'lbs, sugar for each quart of jam or jelly. SUGARLESS METHOD OF CANNING FRUIT Many home economists recommend the sugarless method of canning fruit. Sugar can be added during the winter as the fruit' is used. If you have not a copy already, write the Depart- ment of Agriculture, Ottawa, for "Wartime Canning" pamphlei,