HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-04-25, Page 17.4 • The Seaforth r HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 69, No. 17 SEA1'ORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1946 'LAY PLANS FOR A BIGGER AND BETTER FAIR The old Fall Fair grounds aid buildings are to be redressed and re- formed in fresh dolor and shape, according to plans drawn upat a regular meeting of the directors of the Seaforth Agricultural Society held on Saturday evening at the home of J. M. Scott. The residents of Seaforth and district can lend a hand in thus fine enterprise by attending a new and old time dance to be held by the Agricultural .Socie- ty -in Cardno's Hall on May 10. This is the home of the Seaforth Fail Fair. Let's all get behind it, and make it one of the best in Ontario. It can be done 1 The Agricultural Society is doing its best,, but it needs our help. At the meeting, Russell Bolton, Chairman of Sports and Attractions for the Fall Fair this year, reported that he had se- cured, "California Joe's Wild West Show", fresh from cowb ry land, for this year's show. Yes, it's to have cowboys and Indians, stage -coaches, roping experts, etc. It's to be a gala year for the Seaforth Fall Fair. Don't forget, it is our fair! But the old grounds and buildings at the at the race= track are getting tough- looking. oughlooking. It has been many a year since they have been freshened up. We can aid the Society in dolling them up, by attending that dance. Too, the Attractions Committee . re- ported that it also bringing a min- strel show here on or about May 31, full of darkies and those negro wise- cracks you like so well. They are being brought here for our enjoy- ment,and at the same time we will be lending a hand to make the old Fair Grounds one which we shall ad- • mire and be proud to have in our town. COAL COKE E. L. BOX PHONE 43 Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister 10 a.m., Sunday School. . 11 a.m., "Christian Character, A Living Thing", 7 p.m., "Christian Fellowship" Sunday 2 p.m., Communicants' Class begins. Anglican Sunday, April 288th. St. Thomas', Seaforth 10 a.m., Sunday School PROPOSES COMMUNITY EFFORT TO OPERATE GOLF AND TENNIS CLUB Mr.- G. M. Ritchie Explains His Position In Relation To Golf And Tennis PYoperty The Editor, Seaforth News— Dear Sir: During the last week there has been brought to my at- tention Many rumors and various veiled threats concerning the Golf Course and Tennis courts which are now in nay possession, so I find .it necessary at this time to lay the facts before you. 1; The property was not snatched up while nobody was looking but con- versely it had been offered to other parties and I was assured that in the event of my failing to take it, it would be sold to others. 2. The property is not rented for pasture, although several excellent offers were made, unsolicited, and during the past few years, it has been tart to pasture. '3. The property -is not to be Ploughed up, although representatives' of the Goderich Golf Club were very anxious to remove the greens. 4. It has been suggested that there were legal loopholes in my agreement to purchase. This, I have been as- sured by some of the best legal talent in Ontario, is not so. While I would go to great lengths to avoid .such a con- troversy, if it is forced upon us, It will be found that we are prepared. 5. Contrary to nubile opinion I have not now, nor have lead, any desh'e to do away with golf or tennis in this community. As evidence I quote in part any letter to the Sea - forth Lions Club — of December 4, 1945 — "There are, 1:am sure, many facts of which I ani unaware; if; these prove best for the community, I then I am quite willing to turn the' property over to those who are able to prove it such. You will agree with me that this would be a community program which would extend over at least a few years and a co-operative project which might include several other interests besides those of the iLions Club." EarlyinFebruary of this year II officially met with a delegation from • the Seaforth Lions Club and made arrangements to protect the water flowing into their pool from con- tamination; we agreed upon a plan for the beautification of the approach to the town and several other mat- ters. At this meeting 1 expressed the hope that in some manner the Golf Course would function this summer.' The representatives of the Lions Club were- very enthusiastic and indicated that their club was In a position to materially aid in the maintenance of !the course. Since this time there has never been placed before me any proposal to operate the Golf Course or the Tennis Courts by any club, organization or individual, Therefore 11 a.m.; Morning Prayer and I should like to place one before you. Sermon. That a committee be formed, having 7 p.m., Evening Prayer and as its members a representative of Sermon. each of the several churches of Sea - forth under the chairmanship of a St. Mary's Dublin member or the Lions Club. This com- 2:30 Sunday School nrittee to operate the golf course and 3: Church Service and Sermon tennis courts for the benefit of the Rector, Rev,aC, F, L. Gilbert, B.A, community at large and to encourage Egmondville United Church Rev, A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D., 10 a.m., Sunday School. 11 a.m„ "The Consequences of. Sin''. 7 ram., "The Forgiving Spirit of Jesus". The Salvation Army • Special Services conducted by Lt. Colonel lirsaki, Divisional Command- er of the London and Windsor Divi- sion. Sunday 11 a.m., Holiness Ser- vice; 3 p.m., Sunday School; 7 p.m., Salvation Service. Lots of bright happy singing, come and worship with us. Every- body welcome. JAMES SHOLDICE James Sholdice died suddenly of a heart attack on Thursday at 10:00 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Williamson, McSRillop Town- ship. Mr. Sholdice was born October 12, 1862, in Tuckersmith. He was married to the former Marion Wat- son, June 4, 1893. They farmed in McKillop township and retired to Seaforth seven years ago. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Adam Shol- dice, he was a member of the.Pres- byterian Church, Seaforth. He is survived 'by his wife, two sons, John of London, and Watson of Brussels;, three - daughters, Mrs. John Mc- Kotier, Tuckersmith; Mrs. Talbert Clarke, Grey county,-- and Mrs. Geo. Williamson, Seaforth; three sisters, Mrs. John McLeod, ' Saskatchewan, Mrs. George Milldon, Brussels, and Mrs. Thompson Maclntosh, West - hope, Nova- Scotia, and five grand- children. The funeral was 'held April 22 at 2:00 pan. at the home of bis eon -in-law,: George Williamson, lot 17,' boundary of McKillop. Inter- ment in Maitlandbank cemetery.. The pallbearers were: Robert Joynt, James Morrison, David Boyd,. Wm. •Oldfield, Art ' Wright, Wm. Cuthill, Rev. - Williams officiated, assisted by Rev. Hazlewood. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Clara Dutot, Brucefield, wishes to announce the engagement oft her eldest daughter, Doris Eliza- beth, to Allen H. Austin, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Thos. Austin, Dorchester, Ont. The marriage to take -place at Nina St. United Church, London, on Saturday May 4th. - their use by the youth and .adoles- cents in particular. That it be strictly non -denominational and open to any one regardless of race and creed; to support this I give you the fine records established in this last con- flict by the padres and auxiliary ser- vices, working together in similar mutual benefit programs. That there be no dlrarge fol' the use of the facili- ties and that an effort be made to have sufficient clubs and racquets available for those who do not have any. I, for one, 'would be pleased to donate a set of clubs and a bag for this purpose. The cost of .operating such a pro- ject can be handled in many ways, several of which, 1 am sure, will pre- sent themselves to a committee such as ,above. My hope for having such an enter- prise operating is motivated by many reasons, not the least of which Is contained in the recent appeals from the Vatican and from the World Council of Churches at Gene- va and such publications as the Christian Science Monitor and the War Cry. These appeals lead me to believe that a more active interest by the church in such affairs as this will make for better Canadians. In proposing this to you let me once again refer to my correspond- ence with the Lions' Club "I reas- sure you that I do this with no ul- terior motives or hope of gain and that the property will be used only to the advantage of the community at large." . . . this is still true. Sincerely, G. M. RITCHIE' Seaforth, Ontario ST. COLUMBAN Cpl. J. J. Coyne of London, spent Easter with his aunt, Mrs. James Doyle. Miss Catharine Williams of Nia- gara Falls spent Easter with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Williams. 1 HURON ROAD WEST Easter visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Holland were Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore, of Flint, Michi- gan; P.O. and Mrs. Victor Heeley and Mr. and Mrs. Lyne Loates, all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. .Sutter, and Dorothy, of Sarnia, Ont., and Mr, 0. L. Switzer, and Mrs. Glen Gibson and Yvonne. ST. JAMES' CHURCH HONORS VETERANS On Sunday afternoon form 3 to 5 a reception and welcome home tea was held in St, James' parish hall tor 66 men and women of the parish who served in the armed forces. 1 The hall was beautifully decorated in gay Easter colors. The tea table had a centrepiece of daffodils, col- ored Easter eggs and tall yellow tapers. The weather ' being ideal, a spelndid crowd from the town and district signed the register. A short program- was presented, opening with "0 Canada," a wet- I, come address by Rev. T. P. Hussey ; and short addresses by Frank Rey- I nolds, president of the Holy Name Society, C.P. Sills, chairman of the Separate School board, Con. Eck- ert jr., on behalf of the school child- ren, Loretta Bannon, president of the .Sodality. Mrs. William Hart, president of the Catholic Women's League, spoke briefly and said much of the credit for the happy occasion should be given to Miss Alice Daly, War Services Convener, and Mrs. C.1 P. Silas, Past President. A suitable remembrance was pre- sented by Rev. T. P. Hussey on be- half of the parish to each one who , had served in the armed forces. • Letters of sympathy and spiritual I bouquets prepared by the Sisters of St. Joseph were presented to the parents of the men who made the su- preme sacrifice, namely, Fred O'- Leary and Frank Devereaux. Julia Flannigan and Joan Devereaux sang appropriate selections, accompanied- i by the Sodality choir. Community singing was enjoyed. Mrs. Frank,] Devereaux and Mrs. Charles McDon- ald were the pianists, • I The highlights of the program I were interesting remarks from sev- eral of the men who had served overseas, Basil Duncan, now presi- dent of the Seaforth branch of ,the Canadian Legion, John Holland, M.M., John Flannery, M.M., Edmund Daly and Jack Cleary. These men served overseas during the greater I part of the war, in many' important campaigns. All expressed their thankfulness at spending their first ' peacetime Easter at home. They voiced their appreciation, not only for'the present occasion but also for the many boxes received while away. from home. The closing number was a solo by Julia -Flannigan, acc'ompan-' ied by Mrs. Frank Devereaux. I A luncheon was served to the guests by the Sodality girls and the Catholic Women's League members.{ Pouring tea were Mrs. Jack Dever- eaux and 'Mrs.—A. O'Leary. Red Cross Notes The Reif Cross work rooms will he eeen on Friday, April 26', There will be an executive meeting on Friday at 4.30 in the Library work room. TEACHER RESIGNS Miss McMillan, who has been a member of the staff of the Sea - forth High School for the past two years, has resigned to accept a.po- sition in the Thorold School. The Seaforth High School Board will fill the vacancy, and also intends to add another teacher to the staff. PROPERTY CHANGES Recent real estate changes effect- ed through the Office of E. C. Chamberlain, concern the property of Mr. Reginald Knights of Egmond- ville to Mr. Emmerson Durst, re- cently with the R.C.A.F. and now an employee of the Robt. 'Bell E. & T. Go. The property of Mrs. Mary J. Armstrong, Goderich St., to Mr. T. W. Aldington -of Cromarty, and the brick house situated at lot 29, con. 7, township of Mc$illop, the property of Chas. J. Dolma.ge to Messrs. Wm. Hart and John F. Flannery of town, for wrecking which they have al- ready commenced. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, George Dundas wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Agnes Elizabeth to Neale Reid, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Reid, Toronto. The marriage is to take place early in May. MRS. JOHN HARTMAN The death took place of Caroline Strubb, wife of Mr. John Hartman, on April 17th, at her home, Jarvis Street, following an illness of four weeks. Mrs. Hartman was born in Wterloo County on Feb. 26, 1869, and after her marriage lived four miles south of Zurich before coming to Seaforth twenty years ago. Be- sides her husband she is survived by six sons and one daughter: Bernard, Thedford; Edwin, Goderich; Charlie, Sarnia; Kuno, Zurich; Philip, Zurich; John, Hamilton, and Agnes, of Wal- laceburg; also by on sister, Mrs. Meaham, Kitchener, and twenty-four grandchildren and two great grand- children. Services were held -on Saturday at 10 a.m., followed by internment in St. James' cemetery, and Requiem High Mass was sung on Monday morning at 0:30 a.m. in St. James' Church by Rev. E. F, Goetz, with Rev. 'T. P. Hussey, deacon, Rev. A. Lucien'., sub -deacon,- Rev. Fr. Brick - lin, master of ceremonies. Rev. Fr. O'Drowski and Rev. Bernard Laverty were in the sanctuary. The pallbearers were: Lang Fost- er, Theodore Smith, Albert Helm, Carl Rooke, Leo Strub, Leander Hartman. Among those from a distance at- tending the funeral were; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kroetch, of Waterloo; Leander Hartman, Waterloo; Mr. and. Mrs. M. Linehan, I{itchener; Mrs. Friday, Stratford. Froin ICitch- enerr Mrs. Will Rooke, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rooke and Carolyn, Mr. Wicl Fisher, .and Miss Fisher, Mrs. Davi St -rub, Leo Strub and daughter Ce- cilia, Mrs. Morris Rhinehart and Dolores, Mrs. Bert Vogel. Also Mrs, Mea'ham,. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koe hel, Mrs. Cook, of St. Clements. HURON FESTIVAL OF MUSiC APRIL 30TH TO MAY 3RD The fifth annual Huron County Festival of Music, under the •manage- ment of the Goderich Music Club, opens Tuesday, April 30, and con- tinues until Friday, May 3rd. The public is urged to attend at the after- noon and evening sessions. All sessions will be held at North street United Church with the ex- ception of junior piano, which will be held at MacKay Hall on Thursday and Friday afternoons. All long see- sions are to be taken in the morning. Evening programs will be varied. Programs are on sale at F. T. Armstrong's optometrist, and Roy Breckenridge's music shop, Goderich. The adjudicators' are 'Mr. G. Roy Fenwick, director of music, Depart- ment of Education, Province of Ont- ario, and Mr. G. D. Atkinson, Tor- onto oronto Conservatory of Music. Admis- sion: Children—Morning and after- noci , free: e6ening, silver collection; Adults, afternoon, 10e; evening•, 25c KIPPEN Miss Etta Jarrott of Toronto is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. I. Jarrott. Miss Gwen Cooper of Toronto spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dining of London - spent Sunday with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Alex- ander. D3. James Jarrott of New York spent the holiday with his mother, Mrs. h Jarrott. Mr, and Mrs, Hutchinson of St. Thomas, spent the weekend with the latt rs brother, Mr. and Mrs. W. Meths, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackctetter visit- ed recently with the former's broth- er, 'Mr. E. Gackstetter in Crumlin Military Hospital, also Mr. and Mrs. N. Page of London. • Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lockett and family of Clinton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones visited on Saturday with Mr. J. Wein, a pa- tient in. Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith of Guelph spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs J. - Jarrott. Mr. and Mrs, S. Beattie and Karon of Wingham are visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. McBride. We are sorry to report that Rev. H. }Iinton is still confined to his room through illness. - Mrs. Warren Schilbe returned home on Friday after 'spending a few days with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. N. Fergu- son of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferguson Cele- brate Silver Wedding Anniverasry A very pleasant time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons of Kippen, on Friday even- ing last when sixty relatives met to honor Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fergu- son of Chiselhur-st on their Silver Wedding Anniversary, The bride was the former Margaret Parsons of Kippen. The evening was spent play- ing progressive euchre. Prizes were won by Mrs. William. Ferguson of Thames Road and Mr. Archie Ryclnnan of Exeter. After ten games of euchre Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson were escorted to two reserved chairs in the sane corner of the room where they were married twenty-five years ago by the Rev. Mr. Foster, then pastor of Varna, Kippen Metho- dist Churches. An address was read by Mrs. C. Blanchard, niece of the groom, of Exeter. They were pre- sented with gifts of silver. by Mr. Gerald Parsons of Kippen and Mr. Bobbie Parsons of Cromarty, nephew of the bride. All joined in singing. When you and I were young, Mag- gie. A duet, Silver Threads among the Gold, was sung by Miss Wilma Dinnen of Hensall and Mrs. A. Gackstetter of Kampen.. A delicious lunch was served. Following is the address: Dear Maggie and Joe—We your relatives have met here to- night to celebrate with you the oc- casion of your twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. We know those twenty- five years have fled very rapidly for you and that they have been very happily spent. We trust that many of us will be able to gather with you in twenty-five more years. Looking at you both we are sure you have not thrown too many rolling pins or frying pans as the silver hairs are few. We ask you to accept those small gifts of silver which conveys our best wiehes for many more years of happy wedded life and may God bestow His richest blessings on you both. Signed on behalf of your relatives. Guests were present from Hensall, Exeter, London, Guelph, Cromarty, Bayfield, Thames Road, Crediton. Miss Isabelle Alexander of Tor- onto is spending the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs N. Alexander. Mr. V. Sproat of the University Western Ontario is visiting his par- ants, Mr. x11(1 Mrs. Earl Sproat. WALTON A large congregation atteniled the Easter service at Duff's United Church Walton, on Sunday morning: The altar was beautiful with Easter lilies, which -were afterwards pre- sented to fifteen shut-in members of the ,congregation, A full choir, under the direction of the, organist, Mrs. H. Brown, sang an anthem with the solo part taken by Mrs. D. Lawless. A duet was also sung by Mrs. Herb Traviss and, Marjory Hackwell, Rev, • Hazlewood spoke en "The Glory of Easter" A special Easter drama entitled "In the Valley of the Shadow" was presented at Sunday School by mem- bers of the C.G.I.T. group of the church, under the direction of their leader, Mrs. Hazlewood. Marie Ben- nett introduced the story of the drama, which was supposed to have taken place in the home of Mary, the mother of John Mark, who ,• loaned the upper room for the Last Supper. The cast was made up of the following: Grandmother, an old Jewish lady,. Shirley Bennett; Mary, her daughter, Helen Johnston; Eliza- beth, Mary's daughter, Mavis Oliver; - Ruth, a cousin from Jerusalem, Le- ona Johnston; John Mark, Mary's son, Margaret McArthur; Rhoda, a servant, Phyllis Cuthill. Easter visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull. were Mr. and Mrs. George Habkirk and Joan of Ingersoll. Mrs, Mel Shannon and Charles of Toronto were Easter guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Shannon. i also Miss McDonald and Mr. Wallace Shannon. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bryans of London were recent visitors with lir. and Mrs, Ed. Bryans. Mr. Stewart Bryans spent Easter at his home. The Young People's. Union met' in the church on Sunday night with the president in charge of the business. Donald McDonald conducted the meeting and Helen Johnston gave the topic.. I Miss Ida Dundas, Toronto and Mr. i Frank undas, New Toronto, spenet the EasterDholidays at the homof their parents, Mr. and. Mrs. George Dundas. Mr, Wallace Sholdice, St. Cathar- ines, with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McCuteheon, Toronto, with relatives Rev. 6. H. Iierr, new Rector of St. John's Church, Brussels, St. -David's, Henfryn, and St. George's Church; Walton, is attending the Synod at London this week. ' S1 a year SHOP AT AVAU6 E IT PAYS --' Phone 194 Res. 10 the weekend at his home here. Mrs. Harold Parker, Geraldine and Dorothy visited over the weekend with Mrs. Parker's mother, Mrs. Edna Corbett. Miss Alice Doilimer of - Toronto spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buchanan. Miss Ethel Dexter of Kitchener visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter over the holiday. Miss Frances Downey is spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Downey, of 'Tiverton. Miss Donelda Adams is attending the Ontario Educational Association in Toronto' this week as a delegate to the Women's Teacher's Federa- tion, Mr. Donald Stephenson returned to Ajax on Monday. after spending a week at his Imine here, Several from this neighborhood attended the funeral of the late Mr. Jack Diann Sr'., of Clinton, on Sat - Miss Eileen Andrew of London .spent the weekend with her aunt. Mrs. Bert Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs, Archie Hoeartlr of Wallaceburg visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britton, on Wednesday. A reception and dance is bein r held in Londosboro Hall, Thais ay night for Mr. and Mrs. K.'lsn Adams. Mrs. Adam came from Northern England and we welcome her to the community. Miss Doris Lawson 1f Chatham spent the weekend with Mr. anci Mrs, Earl Lawson, Where will be a special missionary service held in Constance United Cltnrc•h, Sunday evening. April '2Sth, at 7,45. Rev, A. F, Penman. pastor of the churc=h, will take the service. A good attendance requested. HENSALL 1.4Ir's. Win, Brown and children ate spending this week with Mrs. Brown's parents at Tavistock. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elder and babe of Hamilton were Easter visit- OM with Mrs. Elder's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Passmore. . Mrs. Lawrence Baynham is visit- ing with relatives in Toronto. Mr. Donald Redden of Clinton visited recently with his grandmoth- er, Mrs. Catharine Redden. Mrs. Enoch Parker is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. -Gordon Parker in Exeter. Mr. Kenneth Passmore of King- ston was a weekend visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie and daughter of Toronto were weekend visitors with Dir. and Mrs. John Mc Murtrie and Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Me- Murtrie. - Miss Barbara Michie is spending the Easter holidays at the home of her parents, Mi'. and Mas. Jas. Michie, Brussels. Mrs. Ann Belay has returned to Toronto, having spent a delightful month's vacation here, where she visited her sister, Mrs. John Bolton and her many other relatives and friends in tide vicinity. A Welcome Home Service for the Service Personnel of Carmel,_ Pres- byterian Church will be held on Sun- day, April nth at 11 a.m. and will be in charge of the young people of the congregation with special music by a young people's choir. • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Passmore, Ken and Bobbie of. Delhi visited over the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Pass- more. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Weigand '811d children of Dashwood visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Free, Miss Mildred Jones of Kitchener was a weekend' visitor with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Willard and babe, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Klopp and Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn were recent visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Parkins. The Hensall Chamber of Com- merce will hold a meeting on April 30th -in the Town Hall, Hensall, when an organizer from Toronto will be present. An invitation is extended to anyone interested to attend.. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cook and son Roy, and friend of Toronto, spent the weekend with the former's mother, Mrs. Catharine Devlin. Miss Amy Laramie of London spent the weekend with her mother, and sister, Mrs. Laramie and Mies Greta Laramie. Miss Grace Rrock of London visit- ed over the holiday with her mother, Mrs. Flossie Brock. Mr. and Mrs,' Roy MacLaren and Donald, visited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Otis Minor, Somme and Jackie, in Port Huron. Mr. Wni. Slavin of London spent CONSTANCE TUCKERSMITH The Tuckersmith Ladies' Club will hold their regular monthly meet- ing at the 'home of Mrs. O'Brien on Wednesday, May 1. The roll call will be to name your Sunshine Sist- er. Group 1 will provide lunch and group 2 the programme. Miss Hazel Coleman and Miss Muriel Wilson of London, spent the weekend at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cole- man. Miss Mary Broadfoot of London spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Broadfoot. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore of St. Catharines spent the holiday in Seaforth. Mrs. Russell• Coleman received word Monday, that her sisters-in- law in Toronto had passed away and she left Wednesday to attend the funeral, on Thursday. ELECTED TO HIGH POSITION WITH INSURANCE FIRM Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Archibaldre- ceived word that their eldest son, Mr. John 0, Archibald, of Des Moines, Iowa, was elected Under- writing Vice President of The Bank- ers Life Company, with which he has been associated for :a number of years,