HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-04-18, Page 8THE SEAFORTH NEWS
Mrs. W. B, Cross and daughter, '
Miss Goldie Cross R.N., of London, '
left on Saturday for a month's trip
to Western Canada and Kamloops
Miss Barbara Michie was a week-
end guest with Mss Mary Laing in
Mr. W. Brown purchased the
dwelling, on the Hess property, one
' block south of the Post Office, et
the auction sale on ,Saturday, and.
gets immediate possession. .
Mrs. Faber has been ill in the
hospital for the .past two weeks.
Mrs, 'Edna Corbett was a recent
visitor with her aunt Mrs. Ida Hard-
ing, in London. 1
Mrs. D. Grassick of Toronto is
visiting at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. George Walker.
Miss Florence Schwalm of Lon-
spent the weekend at the home
of her mother, Mrs. Violet Schwalm_
Former Hensall Resident Passes
In London.
Mr. Nathaniel Battersby, a for-
mer resident of Hensall, passed
away at the family residence 1031
Dundas Street, London, on Friday;
in his 57th year. The deceased kept
a grocery store here for several
years prior to moving to London ten
years ago. Surviving is his widow,
Mrs. Frances Battersby, and two •
sons, Launce, Hamilton, and Frank,
London. Funeral service was held
from the James M. Carrother's and
Son Funeral Horne, on Monday at
2:30 p.m. Interment in Mt. Pleasant
A farewell party for Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Dignan, life long resident: of
Ha • Township, who are taking up
her home on Wednesday'evening.
Mrs. A. W. Kerslake was co -hostess.
,The president, Mrs, A, E. Munn,
presided and the meeting opened
the Institute Ode and `0 Canada."
The roll call was answered with the
payment of fees. Mrs..' Redden and
Mrs. Hess favored with duetts
"Hunting Tower" and "Some Sunday
Morning", • Miss Gladys Luker ac-
companied at the piano. Mrs., R.
Cameron gave the motto "Make
your lifelike a piano, Grand, Up-
right and Square," This was very in-
teresting and beneficial. The mem
hers were given the opportunity .by
ballot to solicit suggestions to im-
prove the meetings in the corning
year. Mrs. (Dr.) Schirk was the
guest speaker and spoke on. the sub-
ject "`Hospitality" stressing the ori-
gin of it and later its adoption by
hospitals and up until the present
time. Mrs. Hess sang a solo entitled
"I'm so tired". Miss Gladys Luker
accompanied at the piano. The - meet-
ing concluded by singing `''God save
-the King." Refreshments were
served with the following committee
in charge, Mrs. 'Geiger, Mrs. Mc-
Larnon, Mrs. McAllister, Mrs. 'Red
den, Miss Luker, Mrs. Chas. For-
The slate of officers for the com-
ing year as follows: Pres. Mrs. A. W.
Kerslake; 1st vice-pres. Mrs. A. E.
Munn; 2nd vice -pies. Mrs. A. Orr;
See.-Treas. Miss Gladys Luker;
assistant, Mrs. R. Elgie; branch dir-
ectors, Mrs. W. B. Cross, Mrs. G. M.
Drysdale and Mrs. W. Sangster; 1 week old.
press reporter, Mrs. Maude Redden, IMPLEMENTS-M.H. binder 6 -ft.
pianist, Miss Florence Welsh; assist- cut; 13 hoe seed drill (Deering); 1
ant, Miss Greta Laramie: card con- cultivator; 1 walking plough; 1 dump
vener, Mrs. W. Smote; district rep- : rake; 1 set harrows;- 1 stone roller;
resentative, Mrs: Geo. Hess. 1 hay loader; 1 mower; 1 riding
Card of Thanks
Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Herr wish to
thank their friends and neighbors
for the many lovely gifts; also the
Women's. Institute and the W.A. of
Duff's Church, McKillop, Mrs, Annie
Watson, and members of the No Sur-
render' Club,
In Memoriam
SHANNON—In loving ' memory of
"Auntie" ,Mrs. Margaret Shannon,
who, passed away three' years ago.
God took her home, it was his will
But in our hearts she liveth still.
—Ever remembered by all; of us.
Windmill with 50 -ft. tower. Lawr-
ence Ryan, Walton,
Card of Thanks
The family Of the late Mrs. William
Strong sincerely thank their friends
and. neighbors for. the many .kind-
nesses and sympathy shown then
during their' . ber'eavernent; also for
beautiful floral tributes and cards
In Memoriam
MARTIN—Tn loving inernory of our
dear Brother John T. Martin, who
passed away April',20, 1945.
Gone is the face we loved so dear,
Silent the voice we loved to hear,
Too far away for sight or speech,
Bat not too` far' for thought to reach.
Sweet to remember' him who once was
Andwho though absent. is just as dear
WANTED -Sadly missed' by Sisters; Mary,
I could take in 'a few head of Mhnnie and Allis.
yearling cattle for pasture. John Mc -
.Gavin, Tuckersmith, phone 652 r 42. Auction Sale
PLASTER AND CEMENT• Of Farm Stock and Implements. —
Car of. Fresh Hardwall Plaster Ahrens & Birkby have been. in -
and Canada Cement. Geo. A, Sills strutted to sell by public auction at
Sons, Seaforth. Lot 1, Con, 18, Grey -township, at the
village of Walton, on Tuesday, April
23rd, at one o'clock sharp:
Clearing Auction Sale Horses -1 gelding 12 years old, one
Farm Stock, Implements and mare 10 years old; one filly rising
Household Effects, Wed., May lot two, 1 colt rising one year.
at 1 p.m., on the 7th con. of McKil- Cattle -1 Durham cow 0 years old,
lop twp. 3g. miles North of Seaforth fresh two weeks; 1 cow 10' years old,
and % mile East. due July 1st; 1 heifer due Oct. 1st; 9
CATTLE -2' cows freshened, 1 steers two years old; 2 steers one
Holstein, 1 part Holstein; 1 Holstein Year old; 1 calf.
cow to freshen in August; 3 calves Pigs -1 sow, and ten pigs two weeks
old; 2 sows due time of sale; 19
chunks from 100 lbs. down.
Hens -60 year-old Rock hens, laying
Implements—Massey Harris, binder,,
six foot cut; Frost •& Wood mower,
five foot out; Massey Harris dump
rake, 12 ft.; Bisset disk, twelve plate,
nearly new; seed clrill; hay loader;
sleighs. cutter, wagon, International
single furrow riding plow, nearly
new; Massey Barris spring tooth cul-
tivator; single seuffler; turnip plant-
er; 21 Fleury walking plow; 4 section
diamond harrows; set of platform
scales, 1200 lbs. capacity; stone boat.
140 ft. of new hay fork rope; pair of
hay rack sills; set of team harness;
pair of horse blankets; whiffietrees,
neoltyokes, forks, shovels, chains, host
of other articles. Terms cash.
FRED ENNIS, Proprietor.
Fred Ahrens and Frank Kirkby,
residence in ensall, was held last NOTICE plough; 1 rubber -tired buggy; 1 fan -
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.:— ning mill; 1 wheel -barrow; 2 galvan-
1-orae Luker. Games were enjoyed TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH ized troughs; 2 cement troughs; 1
after which Mr. Harry W. Horton I ,_ , cream separator; 1 emery; 1 vice;
read an address and Mr. t s. ' 1 work bench; 2 block and tackle;
Dignan were presented with two A meeting of the ratepayers of Neckyoke and tvhiffletrees; 1 School Sections 1, 2, 3, 0 and 10 will
hay -
be held in S.S. #2 School on Friday,
April 26th at 3 p.m. to decide on the
question of the said sections forming
a School Area. All ratepayers in
these sections are asked to attend.
E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk
occasional chairs, Mr. Dignan ex-
pressed their sincere thanks. Re-
sreehments were served.
W.M.S. Entertain Home Helpers
The W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyter-
ian Church pleasantly entertained
the Home Helpers on Friday evening
in the school -room of the Church.
Mrs. C. Hudson presided ove" the
meeting and following the devotional
exercises, Mrs. Hannah Workman
presided over the business, after
which interesting and impressive ad-
dresses were given. Mrs. R. Cameron
gave all address taking as her sub-
ject 'Let your life be like a piano,
Grand, Upright and Square." Mrs.
R. Simpson spoke on "What's right
with the World". Mrs. P. A. Fergu-
son spoke on the poem "He whom a
dream hath possessed" a fitting con-
clusion to the previous address and
paid a tribute to the boys who
won't come back. Mrs, Kennedy
favored with a vocal solo accom-
panied by Mrs. Mae Dougall at the
piano. Refreshments were served at
the close of the meeting.
Institute Hears Address on
Mrs. L. Sherritt was hostess to
the Hensall Woman's Institute at
fork and rope; reach lumber (white
Ash) ; 1 barrel; 4 horse collars; 1
set double harness (nearly new); 2
Miller's "Ideal" hot water incubat-
ors, 400 egg size with patent turn-
ing trays; 2 Chatham incubators,
140 egg size; 1 Chatham chick
Grass cattle taken in for pasture.
Phone 325-W, Seaforth.
A diningroorn suiteand writing
desk. Phone 276 J. Seaforth.
Anyone found trespassing on
School grounds or buildings of S.S.
No. 1, McKillop and Logan after
this notice will be prosecuted. By
Order, The Board Of Trustees.
100 acres grass farm to rent, lot
30, con. 7. Also a barn for sale 56x
36, Apply Mrs, Alfred Brown, Sea-
forth, R.R. 3. Phone 664-11.
A number of pigs 3 and 4 months
old. Apply to Roy Lawson, 2 miles
West of Seaforth on highway.
brooder, 100 chielfs.
FURNITURE -1 round table; 3
kitchen tables; 2 small tables; Mor -
•its chair; 3 double beds, springs; 4
wash stands; 3 dressers; 1 child's
bed. 1 single bed; 1 cupboard; 1
churn; 2 clocks; 3 rocking chairs; 1'
settee; 1 arm chair; 1 glass cup-
board; 1 sideboard; 1 kitchen. cup-
board; 2 Alladin hanging lamps; 1
hanging lamp; several small lamps,
4 diningroom chairs; 2 kitchen
chairs; 1 R.C.A. Victor battery
radio• several 30 doz. egg crates;
alluminuni cooking utensils; crocks,
sealers, coal oil stove, 2 toilet sets,
milk pails, dishes, scythe, 2 set sad
irons, gramophone and records,
other articles too numerous to men-
E. P. Chesney, Clerk.
Harold Jackson, Auctioneer.
Joe Green is a steady worker with a steady job. He has
always met his bills. But now, because of sickness, he
suddenly finds he is short of ready cash ... tomorrow he
will go to his bank and arrange a Personal Loan.
You may find yourself in the same position as Joe, Green. Anybody
may! Personal loans through your bank make it possible for you to antici-
pate future
nticipatefuture earnings. This is an essential part of its services.
SIKh Awns may be obtained to meet financial needs of many kinds; to
lay in ahead a winter's supply of coal, to pay municipal or other taxes in time
to earn the discount, to provide for home repairs, to send a boy or girl to
college, to consolidate debts—indeed for any sound reason.
Bank credit Min through all personal life and commercial life. It oper-
ates silently and unobtrusively. You take it for granted. That is the way
Canadian banking works.
This ,4dverfisernent is Sponsored !by your Bank
This week while at this great movie, we thought of George
Parker Butler, the humorist, and his "Pigs is Pigs."While the
creator of "Pigs is Pig's," will never rank among the immortals • of
American Literature, thousands of people representing three genera-
tions at least, will remember with gratitude that lie made them laugh:
This week and every week, Baskets of Fruitifrom 91 to'95.00. Send
these to your friends and shut-ins.' These are not thrown together, but
area work of art.
Collie male pups over 6 weeks McConnell & Hays
old wanted. For highest prices de -
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
liver your male Collies to Ivan Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hayti
HMoore, c/o Harvey'Letherland, Blyth SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 1j4
Pullets ready to put in shelters.
Also, some young sows and : a few
grass cattle. I' could ,grass' 10 head
of cattle. H. McIlwain, phone 852r23'
One hundred acres of good land
174 miles South of Varna on County'
road. Apply to Lloyd Keys, Varna,
phone 622r4, Clinton, Ont.
Top buggy, steel tire, -1n good con-
dition. Apply to Ed Eickmeir, Lot, 30,
Con. 6, Logan. Phone 76r13, Dublin.
A brown leather billfold. Lost Sat-
urday night at theatre or on street.
Would finder please leave at Seaforth
News, or mail to Miss Velma Nichol-
son, Blyth, Ont.
Carpentry work done, town or
country. Apply at The News office.
75 acres pasture land or will take
in cattle to pasture. Apply W. J.
Davidson, Hillsgreen. Phone, Hensall.
100 r 22.
Graven for laneways, also cement
gravel. Apply to Gus Jolunon, Truck-
er, Seaforth. Phone 103w.
In one parcel, 50 tons of Mixed Hay,
Auction Sale 10 barn, on East half of Lot 4, Lake
Clearing Road East, Stanley Township. Apply
02 Household Effects. On Saturday, for particulars to Joseph 13. Greer,
April 27th, at 1.30 p.m., in the village 11.1, Brucefield, Ont.
of Hensall, the Estate of the late
Quebec cools stove; Quebec heater. Hand turned or electric separat-
Kitchen cabinet, kitchen table, ors and stoves, prompt service, also
enamel top pantry table, 6 kitchen repairs for Anker -Holt separators..
chairs, 1 electric refrigerator (Frigid- Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield. Phone
aire); 2 -burner hot plate with heavy Clinton 618 r 31.
wiring. •
2 brown metal beds, springs and • HORSES FOR SALE
mattresses; 2 dressers and stands. ' Team of Clydesdales rising four
Number of trunks and quilt boxes. Years, with white legs and white faces,
1 day bed, office desk; 2 reed broken; and one good general pur-
roclters, card table, 1 electric radio. pose horse 10 years old. Apply at
1 sideboard, number small tables News Office.
and rockers.
1 electric heater and fan. Mirrors, FOR SALE
curtains, electric lamp. Folding iron-
ing board. Dishes, kitchen utensils. Double house on Victoria St.. Sep -
Garden tools, lawn mower. crate apartments, good investment.
Quantity wood and coal, step ladder. Other&son
desirable Seaforth.
2 -45 -gal. drums.
Terms casli,
15. P. Chesney, Clerk.
About Feb. lst, short haired black
and tan collie weighing about 35 lbs.
Auction Sale About March 21st long haired blank
Of Household Furniture and Ma- and tan collie, good size, sharp eyes.
son's Tools, to be held at residence Reward. Adviso J. A. McKenzie,
of Miss M. Baker, William St., Phone 660125, Seaforth.
Brussels, on Saturday, April 27.1 •
Sale commences at 12:30 p.m. sharp. ! FOR SALE
Seamless axminster rug 6`-9" x 9';'
matching small rug; Oak dining room Frame house, Centre Street, Mod-
suite consisting of 1 buffet, 1 china ern, Garage.
cabinet, 1 extension table, 6 chairs; Frame house, Winthrop, 1. acre land
wicker livingroom suite of 1 settee, Frame house, Coleman Street.
2 matching chairs; 1 wicker fernery; Frame house, stuccoed, with Barn,
1 lounge chair; book case; Chester- Main Street.
field table; end table; curtains. ' 78 -Acre Farni, Tuekersmith Twp.
drapes and cushions; wall mirrors E. C. 'CHAMBERLAIN
and pictures; day couch; bedroom Insurance & Ileal Estate
suite (light oak finish);' dark oak Phones: 334 Once Res. 220
double bed; antique double bed;
hall tree; chest of drawer's; 2
spring -filled mattresses (nearly new)
good felt mattress; 3 sets good
springs; pillows; '7 kitchen chairs;
Kitchen table; White sewing 1na-
chine; rug 12 ft, x 9 -ft.; kitchen lin-
oleum 16 -ft. x 11 -ft.; Congoleum
rug 9-11. x 10/ ft.; electric vacua.
cleaner with attachments; 3 electric
table lamps; electric boudoir lamp;
electric iron; electric heater; electric
2 -burner chrome plate; electric
toaster grill; 51 -piece set of dishes; Edgar Cudrnore
set of 8 juice and water glasses
(matching); 6 pink glass sherberts
and matchin? plates; 4 pink skier-
berts odd pieces of china and glass-
ware; Vases; Climax cook stove with
warming shelf and reservoir ,(good
baker)-, Dominion circulator heater;
small heater, Quebec style; number
of stove pipes, some practically new;
coal oil upright heater; card table;
folding verandah table; bathroom
hamper; 3 -piece toilet set; blanket
chest; crokinole board; good lawn
mower; hand saw; scythe; sprinkling
can; shovels, forks and other garden
tools; step ladder; 2 straight lad-
ders; large rubber tired tool wagon;
two,wheeled tool or garden cart;
handsleigh; hand force pump and
galvanized piping; coal oil stove and
oven; coal oil lamp; lantern; copper
wash boiler; washing machine; glass
wash board; double tub stand with
wringer attachment; wash tubs;
ironing board; clothes horse'; weight-
ed wax polisher; 3 roasting pans; tea
kettle; preserving kettle; several
aluminum cooking utensils; several
sized crocks; pint and quart jars;
frying pans and other kitchen acces-
sories too numerous to mention.
plaster trowels; mortar. boards; I
floats; sand screens; squares; brush Wash outside lettuce leaves; place
es; sidewalk markers and pounder; in saucepan. Add boiling water place
hammers, wrenches, tin shears and 1/3 depth of leaves. Cover, cook 10
pinch bar; several large and small minutes. Drain. Chill.. Chop• add
crowbars; stone hammers; plank. French dressing. Pack into oiled in -
Complete bill is the property of dividual moulds; chill. Unmould•
the proprietress and no outside ar garnish with hard -cooked eggs and
tieles shall be included. • watercress.
TERMS—Cash. i
Miss M. Baker, Prop.
Highest Prices Paid
PHONE 171 r 14, EXETER
Dublin Produce
Automatic Egg Grading
Machines Used
Highest Cash Prices Paid
for Eggs and Poultry
Phone Dublin 50
The Second Division Court
County of Huron
Office in the Dominion Bank Build-
ing, Seaforth. Office hours;—
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
1.30 p.m. to '5 p.m. Saturday
evening, 7.80 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Watson & Reid
.411 kinds of Insurance risks effe4-
ed at lowest rates in ,First -Class
The McKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.
Officers -
President, F. 'McGregor, Clinton;.
Vice President, C. W. ' Leonhardt,
Brodhagen; Secretary -Treasurer and
Manager, M. A, Reid,: Seaforth.
W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank
McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot,.
Seaforth Chris Leonhardt, Born;
holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton;
John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Me.
Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander,
Walton; George Leitch, Clinton.
John E. Pepper, Brucefleld; R. F.
MaKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter,
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named officers `
addressed to their respective pont y'
-Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate
of University of Toronto.
The clinic is fully equipped with
complete and modern x-ray and other
up-to-date diagnostic .and thereuptle
Physician and Surgeon
In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 6 J
Physician and Surgeon
Successor to Dr. W, C. Sproat
Phone 90 W Seaforth
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate iu Medicine, University
of Toronto. Late Assistant New York
Ophthalmic and Aural Institute,
Moorefleld's Eye, and Golden Square
throat hospitals, London, Eng. At -
Commercial hotel, Seaforth, third
Wednesday in each month from 2 to
4 p.m, — 53 Waterloo St., Stratford.
Telephone 267.
Funeral Director
Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos-
pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell
Nursery Flowers. Phone 119.
Nights and Holidays 65 •
R. J. Bowman i& R, Patrick, clerks
Lew Rowland, Auctioneer. Want and For. Sale ads, 3 weeks 50c.
Now for your Spying washing,
Beatty Washer. Service, Goderioh.
Leave your call at Sills Hdwre.
Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods)
mailed postpaid in plain, sealed enve-
lope with price list. 6' samples 25c;
24 samples 91.00. Mail -Order Dept.
T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 93,
Hamilton, Ont.
Five miles south of Seaforth, and.
one mile east, Lot 7, Concession 8,
Tuckersmith. One mile from school.
Large bank balm, brick house, hem,
house and pig pen. Drained. Plenty
of water. All seeded to grass. Pos-
session given immediately. Apply to
J. W. Free, Seaforth;
Sun Life Assurance
Co. of Canada
Assures Security for over
One Million Partners
District Agent