HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-04-18, Page 2LORD OF ALL HE SURVEYS Bill Waller, English poultry merchant, takes a stroll around the poultry market with his pet 10 -year-old chicken on its favorite perch atop his head. Both are well known London characters. YOU ORDER AND UP POPS DINNER Order for meal is dropped in slot and , presto! up pops the food. There's no waiting for the waiter in a New York restaurant equipped with new "magic tables"—because there aren't any wait- ers. Table, invented 'by John Bellion Dascher, retired waiter, has a square hole sawed in its center, which is the "exit" of a dumb- waiter leading to kitchen below. Customer writes out his order and drops it down a slot in the table. When food is ready, trays are put on dumbwaiter, kitchen attendant presses button, and the meal ascends to the table. Above, Ignatuis Cushman, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., war veteran, his French wife, Yvette, and their children, Christine and Miguel, try out the novel server. Highlights of the News Hunger "at the Table" Famine is "inevitable" in Europe' unless America and other large wheat -producing countries im- mediately ship -all available- food supplies, Reporting to the Emergency Food Conference in 'London oil the results of -a personal survey of Europe, Mr. Herbert Hoover, the Honorary Chairman of President Truman's Fanzine Ernegency Committee, declared that "hunger sits at the table thrice daily in hundreds of millions of homes." Price Rise In U.S. President Truman last tyeek re- leased a report showing that con- summer prices have increased "only 3.4. percent" since the govern- ment's "hold -he -line" order was issued three years ago. The report showed an overall increase of 31 percent in prices of, consumer goods between August, - 1939 and February, 1946, as com- pared with a 108 percent increase during World War I inflation. Self Rule For Burma Britain will seek to promote full self-government in Burma by holding a general election as soon as, possible an destablishing a min- isterial government. Canada Day The Canadian .Parliainetit voted Iast week to change the name of the national holiday from "Dontin- • ion Day" to "Canada Dara" Detroiters Ride Again Detroiters rolled to work, school and shop .on public transporta$na for the first time in a week when striking AFL bus drivers and street car motormen resumed ser. vice for 2.000,000 residents. Drivers voted in amass ineetine, to accept settlement terms of li cents an hour increase with the municipally -owned transit syst:ia. Russian Wheat for France The first instalment on a Mal of 500,000 tons of wheat which Rus- sia has promised to sell to France arrived in 11.arseille 'by ship last week and additional cargoes were 'reported awaiting shipment from Odessa, Southern Hail Storni Tons of hailstones remained on the streets of Anniston, Ala„ while residents struggled to clear away debris left in the wake of a storm which caused damage estimated at millions of dollars: The hail, as large as 50 -cent pieces, fell in such volume, that many bpildings looked as though they had been hit by artillery and machine-gun fire. In some sections of the city a foot of hail fell in half an hour. League of Nations Dissolves In Geneva, Switzerland, Presi- dent Carl J. Hambro of Norway convened the opening session of the 21st and last League of Na- tions assembly. The session opened with a re- nyinder from M. Hambro that its Bole task was todissolve and transfer its assets to the United Nations. British, French Leaving Syria Withdrawal of British, and French troops from Syria is ex- pected to be completed by April 15, Premier Saadallah Jabri said National celebration of withdrawal day is scheduled for April 18 and 19. Crisis in Albania Authoritative sources said that Britain had broken off diplomatic arrangements with Albania be- cause of the treatment of a tnili- tary mission in that country. This situation may Set up an- other litter United Nations Secur- ity Council battle among the big powers to replace the settled Iran- ian case. Albania's- application for membership, supported by the Suc- iet Union, is pending before the council, it was submitted by Yugoslavia at the London council Meeting fn January. Great Britain and the United States are opposed to innniediate membership for Albania. And Greece, which still is form- ally at war with Albania, is vio- lently opposed to admission of that tiny Balkan country before a Greek -Albanian peace treaty is signed, ON FAREWELL VISIT On a farewell visit to Netherlands before relinquishing his post as Canada's High Commissioner to the United Kingdom. Rt Hon. Vincent Massey, (right) discusses the current situation with Hon. Pierre Dupuy, Canadian minister to the Netherlands, at a gathering in The Hague. "Combined operation" for Ex. Vets in Oshawa "We stuck together four years in the RCNVR" says former LI. Cont. Iien Johnson (left) to adward McAlpine, his chief engineer on H.M.C.S. Fennell— "and it will be that way in civilian life", Both ex -Navy men have joined forces with ex Wing Corn. Geo, Clarke and are all busily engaged managing their new plant in Oshawa which will manufacture the famous Reynolds pen for Canadians. • SAKURAJIMA ERUPTS Smoke columns upward from the mouth of Mt. Sakurajima, Japanese volcano which began to erupt early in March. Lava flow endangers town of i urokami, whose S00 inhabitants already have fled, Eruptions occur once every three seconds. ONE-TIME WAR PLANT MAY BECOME UN HOME Pictured above are the administration building and part of the huge, sprawling, 17,783,000former war plant at Lake Success, Long Island, N. Y., being considered as a possible home for the UN during the next five years. The modern, air-conditioned plant, owned by the federal government, was operated during the .war by the Sperry .Gyroscope Co,. How to Combat RHEUMATIC IN . Rheumatic pains may often be caused by excess uric acid, a blood impurity that should be extracted by the kidneys. if kidneys fail, and excess uric acid remains, it may cause severe discomfort and pain. Treat rheumatic pains by keeping your kidneys in good condition. Get and use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's help your kidneys get rid of trouble -making poisons and excess acids—help you feel better. See what Dodd's can do for you. 137 rt" LUCK; q.... Klin' 80R COUGHS ;COLDS> r" SRON.CHIT15 n ASTHMA ; 511VIPLii 510155 THROAT DON T just complain o{ itching, burning ILE if do something about it o If you are troubled with itching piles or rectal soreness, do not delay treatment and run the risk of letting this condition become chronic. Any rectal itching or toronees or painful passage of stool is nature's warning and proper treatment should be secured at once. For this purpose get a package of Hem- Boid from any druggist and nae as directed; This formula whish is used internally is a email, easy' to take tablet, will quickly re- lievethe itching andsoreness and aid it healing the sore tender spots. Hem -Reid isleneant to use "is highly recommended and it seems the' height of folly -for any one to riska painful' and chronic pile con- dition when so fine a remedy may be had at such a small. coat. Money back if. you ere not entirely pleased. NOTE—The sponsor of thisnotice is an old, reliable arm doing business in Canada for over 20 years. item -maid must help your annoying and pninful pile condition—musk do it quickly, easily and plenenotly or your own .lest of this remarkably suecesarut formula tests you nothing. Try it tod11F•