HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-04-18, Page 1The Seal HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER WHOLE SERIES," VOL. 60; No, 16 - teem— WAR BRIDE REACHES NEW SPECIAL MEETING OF HOME iN EGMONDVILLE -CUCKERSMITH COUNCIL Mr. Ole Coombs went to Toronto Saturday to meet his. wife, Mrs. Mar- guerite Helen Coombs, who landed recently at Halifax aboard the Ile de France. They arrived in Egmond- ville Sunday at 6 o'clock. About 50 guests .gathered at the home of Mr. and Mits. H. Coombs to give her a. very fine welcome to her new home, A dainty dinnerwas served. The table was beautifullydecorated' and turkey was served with all the trim- mings. In the 'centre of the table was a beautiful three tier wedding cake, which Cle and his wife joined hands to cut. The evening was spent in song and music by Earl VanEgmond and Walker Hart. Altogether it was a very happy and sociable event. Mrs, George Eaton, Mrs, Violet Gillespie, 1 Mrs, A. Nor•mau and Mrs. 17: Brown' served. Tuekersmith. Council met in the Town Hall, Seaforth, on Saturday night for special meeting. • Names of Active Service Person- nel who will be given a $50. cheque from the Township were reviewed and the date for reading reports on the Dill McCullie and Buchanan drains was changed to Saturday, April 27th, The matter of purchasing a building to house the township grader was -laid over till the regular May meeting. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. • REAL ESTATE CHANGE Dwelling on Goclerioh,str•eet of Mr. Harold Dale - to Miss Martha C. Fowler, Huron Road, through the of- fice of Watson & Reid, Mr. Dale in- tends to continue to reside in Sea - forth. COAL COKE E. L. BOX PHONE 43 Northside United Church Rev. H. V. Workman, Minister 10 a.m., Sunday 'School. 11 a,m„ "Christ is Risen," Infant Baptism. Senior and Junior Choirs in spe- cial Easter music. '7 p.m„ "Ye shall live also". Easter music. Welcome to these Easter Services. First Presbyterian Church • 10 a.m. The Sunday School, 11 a.m. Public Worship: The Sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper. Members will note that no cards are being distributed for this Com- munion Service, 7 p.m. Public Worship: `The Salt of the Earth.' Egmondville United Church Rev. A. W. Gardiner, B.A., B.D., 10 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. "The Risen Christ." 7 pm., "The Easter Hope of Eternal Life." Anglican Good Friday - 10.30 a.rn., St. Thome', Seaforth, 3 p.m., St, Mary's, Dublin, Service and address by Rector. Easter Day, St. Thomas': 8 a.m, Holy Coinmunion. 11 aim. Flory Communion and Sermon. 7 p.m, Evening prayer and Sermon, St, Mary's: 8 p.m. Holy Communion and. Sermon. Rector, Rev, C, F. L. Gilbert, B.A. The Salvation Arniy Easter service conducted by Major Webster. Sunday morning, 11 a.m. Hennes service, subject, 'The Walk to :Er mans." Afternoon 3 p.m. Sunday School. Everting 7 Am. Salvation meeting, subject, Jesus in the Midst Come and worship with us. All ser vices public. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO,' THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1946 POWELL—MOORS A very pretty wedding was solem- nized at the St. Thomas Anglican Church, Seaforth, on Monday, April 15th, by Rev. C. F. L. Gilbert, when Yvonne Lorraine, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Moore, Sea - forth, became the bride of Kenneth George, elder- son of Mr. and Mrs. Baden Powell, Seaforth. The bride looked charming in a street length gown of blue sheer crepe with rose accessories and a corsage of white roses. The bridesmaid, Mrs. Angus MacLean, sister of the bride, wore a gown of fuchsia silk jersey and a corsage of white carnations. The groom was supported by Mr. Angus MacLean. The groom's gift to the bride was a string of pearls, to the I bridesmaid, a compact, and to the best man, a tie set. A' reception was held at the Commercial Hotel, after which the happy couple left for ) points eas, The bride travelled in al brown suit with matching accessor- ies. Mr. and Mrs. Powell will reside in Seaforth. W.M.S. The Woman's Monthly Missionary meeting of Northside United Church was held April 11. The pres. Mrs. R. Lawson opened • the meeting with hymn "In Christ there is no East or West" and followed by prayer. Min- utes in utesof theMarch M ch meeting read. by the Sec. Mrs. Porteous. Treasurer's report on the first quarter read by Miss A. Ferguson. A reading on Christian Stewardship, "The place of Power" was read by Mrs. J. Finlay- son." Mrs. J. Barron gave a report of the money spent on supply goods. Business discussions taken up. by the Pres. A social meeting to be held in May. Temperance reading by Mrs. Keine. Visits reported by Circle 3 were thirteen. Mrs. T. McMichael gave a reading on . Watch Tower, "The Christian's Solution". Mrs. Workman spoke on the work of the crusade. Mrs. Grew, capt. of Circle 4 then took charge of the meeting. The theme of the meeting "Ye shall be my witness" followed with a hymn read in unison. Scripture readings were read by Miss A. Ferguson, Mrs. J. Barron and Miss Wallace, follow- ed with a reading by Mrs. Glew, Crusade for Christ" was taken by Mrs, Bertha Pollard, then the hymn "Happy the home when God is there" was sung. Mrs. Maude Webster led in prayer, collection taken up by Mrs. 3'. Barron. The meeting closed with hymn "Lord dismiss us with Thy blessing. ALERT MISSION BAND The Alert Mission Band of North- side United Church held their April meeting on Tuesday after school rn the Sunday School room of the church, The President, Blanche Westcott was in the chair. The meet- s ing opened by singing "Jesus bids us Um Shine;" followed by The Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. Gwendo- lyn Christie led in the scripture Teed- ing, the Beatitudes which were read • responsively. The hymn "I am -so glad that Jesus loves me" was sung. The secretary, Marion Chamberlain, read the minutes of the last meeting and 25 members answered the Roll Call. Jackie Crozier took up the col- lection and Teddy Savauge gave out the thankoffering envelopes. The business period was followed by the 23rd psalm being repeated from. memory, Mrs. Barber told the story of the 4th chapter of the study book. The closing hymn was "`God sees the little sparrow fall," and the Mission Band Benediction was repeated. Jean Snell was pianist for the meeting. A play period was enjoyed by all. EOMONDViLLE The W.M.S. and W.A. of -Eg- enondville United Church held their ?sleeting at the home of Mrs. Wm, Cameron, Thursday, April llth with thirty-three members and ten visit- ors in attendance, Mrs. Alex Boyes, President .of the W.A. open. ed the meeting with hymn 500 and the Lord's prayer was repeated in uni- son. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted and the roll call answered with the text word, Hope. A short business session fol- lowed. 'Mrs. Gardiner, pres. of. the W.M.S. then took over the meeting and hymn '78 was sung, Mrs, Gardin- er led in prayer. This. being the Easter thankoffering meeting of the W.M.S. Mrs. Gilbert, Seaforth, was guest speaker. She showed how sacri- fice was not a new thing but had been handed down to us from old Biblical times. How Abraham was about 69 offer his son upon the altar of sacrifice when God inHis great wisdom provided the sacrifice but when it came to save mankind there was no other way but God to give his only begotten Son a sacrifice for lost humanity, we too at this Easter time should bring our material of. fering to be used for the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but we should also give ourselves for his service. Easter theme, Ye shall be our witnesses, was taken by Mrs, W. McMillan. Hymn 89 was .sung and Mrs. Gardiner closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Alex Pepper con- ducted a contest and Mrs, Elmer Cameron an instrumental on the piano, accompanied by 'Mrs. Victor Lee on the guitar. Lunch was served by group 2, A social half .hour was spent and enjoyed by all. SPECIAL BROADCAST The W.M.S. of First Presbyterian Church invite all the women of the congregation and their friends to listen to the ,broadcast for women by women to be heard on Wednesday afternoon April 24th, over ,GIN Wingharn 3:45 to 4 p.m.; O PL London 3:30 to 4 p.m,; CHML Hanle Ilton 2:45 to 3 p.m. Subject of broadcast will be, The Way of Grati- tude. CEILING ON HONEY RAISED ONE CENT l Ottawa, April 9. An increase of one cent a pound in the whole- sale ceiling price of honey, effective tomorrow,was announced today by the Prices Board. A maximum ad- justment of from one to one and al half cents a pound would result in retail, prices. The increase would "hells meet higher bee-keepingcosts resulting from cancellation of sub- sidy payments for imported pack- age bees," the board said. A subsidy of 50 centsa pound on bees import- ed from the United States was can- celled last February. • 'SHOWER' AND- GIFTS BRUCEFIELD .EXTENDS CALL - FOR BRIDE - TO- BE On Monday, evening about forty relatives of Miss Elizabeth Broad - foot, R.N„ gathered at the .home of Mr, and Mrs. Roy McGonigle to hon- our her prior to her marriage this month. Euchre was played during the evening with the following as prize winners: Ladies first, Mrs. Ro- bert McClure and consolation, Mrs. Bert MacKay, Men's first, Bert Mac- Kay and consolation, Garnet Taylor. Following the cards, Mr. Bert Mac- Kay read an address and Mr. Garnet Taylor presented Miss Broadfoot with a 'pretty blanket, Lunch was served by the hostess and helpers. The following is the ad -dress: "Dear Elizabeth,—You are sitting here before us, As others have done before, and we 'know that you are wishing. You could beat it out the door. Now that you have found a man, To cherish all your life, We are sure that you will prove to be, A true and loving wife, Just a little token of loving thoughts and true, This small gift we now pres- ent to you. Shower To Bride Elect' Mrs. Alex. Wright was hostess on Monday afternoon to a number of neighbors from the Mill Road who met to honour Miss Elizabeth Broad foot, R.N., prior to her wedding this month. A short programme was giv- en and those taking part were: the Misses Eleanor and Eileen McCart- ney, Allan Wright and Mrs, Charles Lane. Several contests were also en- joyed. Mrs. Alex. Wright read the address and the three children, El- eanor and Eileen McCartney and Al- lan Wright, presented Miss Broad - foot with a lovely blanket and towel. The following is the address: "Dear Elizabeth: We, a group of your old friends and neighbors have gathered here this afternoon to hon- our and congratulate you on the ev- ent of your approaching marriage. Although your work has taken you from our midst these past few years, we have at no time 'lost sight of your numerous undertakings and have al- ways felt a special interest and pride in you. We definitely felt that you were always a part of this particular community and your brief visite dur- ing these years have indeed been welcome. Now, as you are about to launch out in a new adventure we felt that we could not let the occa- sion pass without expressing in our small way our sincere wishes for your happiness. We hope you wilt long remember our gathering here today and as a happy reminder to you we would ask you to accept these gifts. Again wishing the best that the world has to offer in health, happiness and prosperity, we remain, Friends and Neighbors of your Mill, Road .,Home." A delightful lunch was served by Mrs, John Broadfoot and Mrs. Geo. McCartney. PRESENTATION TO MRS. ORVILLE DALE e The W. A. and W. M. S. of Con- stance United Church net in the school room of the church on Thurs- day afternoon for their Raster meet.. ing, During the afternoon Mrs. Orville Dale, who is moving to Sea- forth, was presented with a beautiful lamp by Mrs, Frank Riley on behalf of the W.A. The address was read by Mrs. Earle Lawson. Deur Mrs. Dale,: We, the members of the Woman's Association of Con- stance United Church, were very sorry to hear of your intention of moving from our midst. From a child you have been one of us, as you were nearly always at Sunday School and church. and in so doing you set an example to others. We will miss you as you always made it a point when you came to the monthly meetings, to bring your neighbor's. You were al- ways willing to help by giving read- ings or any wvaypossible. The last year you served as Secretary of the Woman's Association. We feel we cannot let you depart without show- ing you in some tangible way our feelings and would like you to accept this gift, May God's richest blessings go with you, and when you look at this gift you will remember your Con- stance friends. Signed on behalf of the members of Woman's Association. Mrs. Dale made a suitable reply, thanking the ladies for their gift. McKILLOP Duff's Church, McKillop, held their - Easter thankoffering at Mrs. John Hillebrecht's on Thursday, April 11, Mrs. W. 3. Patton, presid- ing. Opening the meeting was hymn 103 followed by prayer by Mrs. Paton. Roll call and minutes of the last meeting were adopted. Scripture reading by Mrs. Herald Lawrence and Mrs. Wm, Shannon. Delegates. appointed to go to the'W-ingham con- ference, Mrs. Finlay MCKercher• and Mrs. Ivy' Henderson. Mrs. C. R. Henderson introduced our guest epeaker, Mrs. James F, Scott, who brought. a very inspiring message, What does Easter mean to me. Mrs. N. R. Dorrance favored with a solo. "Memories of GaIilee," Thankoffer- ing, Mrs. C. R. Henderson moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Dorrance, seconded by Mrs, George Wheatley. The meeting closed with hymn 209' and hymn 215 repeated in • unison, Lunelr was served by the hostess and her helpers and a social • half hour was spent. TO REV, E, R. STANWAY The congregation of Brucefiehi United Church have extended e call to Rev. E. R. Stanway. Corn.munion service will be held here next Sunday morning. Prelatra- tory service will be held on Frid-ry evening at eight o'clock, Next Sunday evening the choir will present an Easter Cantata,' Mr. Wesley Ham of Toronto spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. C. Ham. Miss Ina Scott of London visited with her brothers here over the weekend, Mr, George 'Mustard of London and Mr.' Gordon Mustard of Aylmer, spent the weekend at the home of , their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mustard. i Miss Annie Mustard, who has been in the service for some time is visit- ing with her people here, Mrs, Sam Hey of Blake spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. A. Mustard, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Atkinson of Hamilton, visited at the. manse over the weekend, Rev. E, R. Stanway of Toronto occupied the pulpit here Sunday morning and evening. Special Services will be observed in Brucefield United Church on Easter Sunday, In the evening the -choir, under the direction of Mrs. J. R. Murdock, will present the Raster Cantata, "Redemption Song," at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Wm. N. Murdock, of Hamilton, will be guest soloist at both services. 1 APPROVE DAYLIGHT SAVING FOR SEAFORTH At the annual meeting of the Sea - f orth Chamber of Commerce held in the town hall, Tuesday night, day- light saving time was approved. The Seaforth Town Council meeting held last week authorized the mayor to proclaim daylight saving time if a request for it was presented to ouncil. Much discussion took place re a garbage system and the Chamber of ommesee agiee t at it vas a mufti- eipal affair. Deliveries from stores were car- ried in the same manner as past, that is zone deliveries and no de- liveries under $1.00, NEW MEMBERS JOIN LEGION A general meeting of No. 156 Branch, of the Canadian Legion was held in the I.O.O.F. hall. The meeting was attended by over 50 members. President B. J. Duncan occupied the chair. Fourteen new ^members were: initiated into the branch. The new members are: C. A. Baker H, Earle, J. E. Brown G. D. Hays, J, J Cleary, T. J. Wood, G. Smith. K. W. C'oonmbs, W. P. Little, D. Wood. A. G. Irvine. Ti'. E. Willis, 3, B. Higgins, It was decided to - send delegates to the District "0" meeting in Orillia Clay 1. CONSTANCE Miss Ethel Dexter and Mis' VeraEydth of Kitchener shout the week enol at thehome of the farmer's par- ents, Mr. end Airs, Austin Dexter. :Ver. Donald Stephenson of Alt. spending his holidays at here. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thompson wish to congratulate them on the birth of a daughter, on Fri- day, April 12. Mr, and Mrs. Art Bromley of Kitchener spent the weekend at the home of the Tatter's parents, Mr, incl Mrs. Jas. Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Na'ftel, and Mrs. Logan of Blyth spent Sunday with Mrs. Bert Stephenson, Mrs. Harry Durnin was presented with an electric lamp by ladies of the W.A. prior to her leaving this com- munity, Mrs. Orville Dale was also presented with a lamp, Mr, and Mrs. Dale intend moving to Seaforth be- fore May 1. Friends and neighbors of' Mrs. Robt. Jamieson are sorry to know she had the misfortune to fall and break her wrist; The regularmeeting of W.M.S. was held in the se'hool-room of the church Thursday afternoon April 11. Mrs. Ernest Adams, president, took charge. The theme, Ye are airy Wit tresses, The call to worship, Jesus stand amongus in thy written song, May this time of worship be a hal- lowed hour. Mrs. Adams spoke a few words and hymn 2Q5 was -sung. Mrs. Robert Rogerson and Mrs, E. Adams offered prayer. The first chapter in the study book was given by Mrs. James Hugel'. The 'Curries of Chris- sandria, Angola. Mr's. John Dexter took the balance of the program. The delegates to the Huron Presbyterial in Wingham, Mrs. E. Adams, Mrs. John Dexter, Mrs. George Addison. A hymn, There is a green hill far away, was sung. The 'bible reading by Mr's, Frank Riley, Another wad- ing, without the resurrection, by Mrs. ,Orville Dale. Mrs. Clarence Montgomery offered prayer, Mrs. Wm. Britton, It cannot be done. Mrs. Peter Lindsay gave an interesting Easter message, The risen Lord and the Resurrection of Christ. An in- strumental, NearermyGod to Thee, by Mrs, George Addison. Hymn 18'7. Mrs. Charles Dexter closed the emoting with the benediction. - WINTHROP 'rhe Helping Hand :Mission Baud of Winthrop Church will hold their r aster Thankoffering meeting' o11 r ue.sday April 23,'d, beginning at 2 o'clock, with Mrs, J. Scott of Sea- forth as guest speaker. All ladies are. cordially invited, Roll call will be a verse of scripture.; 031 Sunday, April 21st at 7;30 p.m. in Caven United Church, Win- tlihSunday* l ting rop, on te en Easter Play depicareting• thput- e Resurrection, The Junior Choir are in charge of the singing. The play is in four scenes put 011 by the Junior members of the Sunday School. This is combined with the regular ser- vice: A good attendance is requested, The W.M.S. and W.A. of. Caven, Winthrop, held their Easter thank - offering on Wed-, April 3rd at the home of Mrs. Robert - McFarlane, Mrs. G. Smith had charge of the - tvorship period. The theme of the meeting was "Ye shall be my wit- nesses." The meeting opened with hymn 115, "Crown Him with many Crowns." The scripture lesson, Mark 18 : 1-15 was read by Mrs. McDougal. Then Mrs. C. Hillen led in prayer. An inspiring ;vaster message was given by Mrs- Russell Bolton. We were favored with a solo by Mrs. Patton, The W.M.S. report for the first quarter was given, showing a good start on the 1945 allocation, Mrs. 12. McFarlane now took charge for the business of the meeting. The roll call was answered by twenty-one members. Mrs.'Hngh Alexander gave a splendid paper on Stewardship. An invitation was received and accepted from the Mission Band to meet with then for their Easter Thankoffering on Tues., April 23rd. The delegates to the Presbyterial to be held in Wingham are, Mrs. W. Dodds and Mrs. Hiram Blanshard. The meeting closed with hymn. 189, "Father of Mercies," and the Lords' prayer. A social half hour was enjoyed by all. Lunch was served by Circle 3. The Easter Service of Winthrtp Church and Sunday School will be held at 7:80 in the evening of Sun- day, April 21st, The Junior Choir will lead the worship of praise. The children will give a dramatization of the Resurrection, McKILLOP LAC. Louis Hoegy who returned from overseas last week accompanied by Mrs. Hoegy and Gloria of Galt, are at present staying with his par- ents, M. and Mrs, Wm. Hoegy. We welcome Louis back hone. Rev. Pletsh of Chesley preached a much enjoyed sermon in the Evan- gelical Church here last Friday morning. Misses Muriel Fisher of Fullerton and Ruby Steinaeher of Stratford spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Won, Koehler, Mr. and Mr's. Leslie Byerntan en- tertained a number of friends on Sundae on the occasion of the con- firmation of their dere-rioter Rose. Mrs. Joe Eckert Jr. And baby ,l tt.lotem tetnrno-.d home from Sea - f r rtlt lxi,nrt tl, Mr en 1 Mite. Will Cess end fan- s!- of Myth v'o,e Suede, visitors on thio line, Mr. encs Mrs. Tobe Tierhn,> of -.91 ,41011 .t !toil M. and Mia. Henry l' noble+• and 2lrs- Chai'Ii_ 1' nrmawe1t1111' i, c:'itinr• with lT f^, a. t. ,,M,-1 Mr.and Mrs, c r ti,ee rte -nf ei ited o't this ii+ nn Sttn- day. KIPPEN Friendship Cirri() of St. Andrew's 'United Crouch here nee on 'Mon- day night April sth with seventy member's present and two visitors The meeting was in charge of Mrs, Mervin Hodtert's erne,' :ut::l opened with the aiming of "Tell the the old old Story ' Mrs, Hinton led in Prayer and Mrs. Joseph Dayman read the scripture, "Coope let us sing of a wonderful Love" and "Take time to be Holy" were then sung. A poem was given by Miss Jean Cald- well. Misses Bernice and Virginia McClinelrey renderers two very pleas' Inc duets Miss McMath and Mrs. Carl McClinchey were in charge of the social hour which consisted of a bible quiz at which Donald Kyle, Wilma Kyle and Joyce Broadfoot were the winners, Mrs. Harold Jones' group is leading in attendance points. The next meeting will be held on April 29th with Mrs, Grace Chip- chase's group in charge and will be held on Monday night, April 29th. 4 dainty lunch was served by Mrs. Hodgert's group. - HENSALL Miss Helen Boyle R.N., of Toron- to was a weekend guest with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle. Dr. Norma Cook of London spent a few days at the home of her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Cook, prior to leaving for Tornntn where slie will interne in St, Michael's Hos- pital, The Zurich Lion's Chub nresented their Minstrel Show on Thursday night in the Town Hall under the sponsorship of the Chamber Com- merce when the Hall was Packed and the door receipts amounted to $200, Mr. R, H. Middleton, Chair- man of the Chamber of Commerce, spoke nr'eceedine the show and out- lined the activities of the organiza- tion, Dr. P. 1'. O'Dwyer of Zurich, in a brief address introduced the ,,,nprhnr 1 61 SHOP AT aa AV U6 IT PAYS Phone 194 Res. 10 manager of the Bank of Montreal, in Zurich, was interloduter and the end men were Harry Hess, Milton Desch, Jack Turkheim, George Dieckert, Ed Gasche and Ferdinand Haberer. The singing was of high calibre and included many well known songs. Mrs. Harry Hess, Zur- ich, accompanied at the piano. Re- freshments were served to the cast at the close. At Si. Paul's Anglican Church, Hensel), cin Sunday, April 7th. the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Chappell received the rites of baptism, Rev. A, M. Hunt was in rhal• ge. Mrs. tDr. t Lewis of Toronto, visited during the past week with Mr. and Mrs, R. H, Midlet,m, 3Ir•. Thos. Shaddick received the sad news of the sudden death of his son, Chnrles Shaddick, C N.II. fore- tnan in Luckrtow, in his 41n.:1 year. The deceased had been t tv•i:k a0 usual on Saturday and oetesed away vert suddenly et his i,ome in Let,dcnru Saturday intht ll,en in Hullett township he Seed ''+r n»,' y. in Hens ill, Hyde Trak emi l' ii't e. Suevivtn ore his wife Ile. forme. Clara Potter of Stan! . y * y :':'iii. nee +:]': n liter, Pe 'lire.c,� h, :.th:i', Mr. Thos• Shaeri;. i., 1I. , , o, A'" brot't Ari ,t 16 1 �i ,.,i Hensallher Viler -t ,t Cl, c] ,t t, aril cr=r sister•. Mr., leerelti Seenten Port Dover, Thr fun wAs, }terve from the residence on 1 +c tray tit 2 lr_nl, Into•1'snent r t I uckn n, eeteetni•t, Miss Tune Seundereeel, o,f London lent the weekend ;et the home of her mother, Mrs. Annie, Srit'rdtreo,k Holy Communion etcoltiea oval los held at 11 a.ni. on Gold Friday Morning In Carmel - l' `li}-resin Church, conducted by lite. P. .4. Ferg'nann, Itev. Joseph Taylor . of- - Shakes- peare caned on friends here recently Mrs. Gus Voth and daughter Gwendolyn of Detroit are spending several weeks with the fornter's mother, Mrs. Lou Simpson, Mrs, Allen Davidson returned to her home in Sarnia. Saturday, fol- lowing two week's visit with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Orville Twitchell. Brown—Fremlin An early spring' wedding took place in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton, on Thursday, April 11, when the Rev. R. M. P. •Bulteel united in marriage, Ellen Louise, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Frem]in, to Frederick Charles Brown, older son of Mr. and Mrs, Jas Brown, Zurich. The bride given in mar'r'iage by her• father wore a floor -length gown of white -sheer with finger - tipped veil and carried a cascade bouquet of red peerless roses. She was attended by Miss Margaret A. Glenn of Hensel', who wore a floor - length gown of blue lace with shoul- der -length veil. Her boumuet was of oink carnations. Mr, William Brown, Zurich, brother of the groom was best man. Following the ceremony g reeention was held at the home of the lrricle's parents, Miss Margaret Frentltn, cousin of the bade and Miss Maxine Miller, served, Guests were present from London, Zurich, tater the happy cosmic left for a honeymoon trip to the 'States, the bride wearing a blue -wool dress with Mack accessories. On their return r'n theya.r will 8nreside on the groom's farm 'idr,