HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-04-11, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS i r. HENSALL Miss Ruth.Mellvenna of. Coiling - wood was a weekend visitor with Mr. Milton Ortwein of London Miss Faynth Logan. spent the weekend with his parents, Miss Elizabeth Slavin is confined Mr. and Mrs. 3, W. Ortwein. to her room owing to illness. Mrs, Edna Corbett spent the week- Mr, Harold Hedden of Tupper., end visiting with her aunt, Mrs, Ida vviiole viisi_tted this eek rs. Catharine Hedden.'with his Harding, in London. Mr. end Mrs. Edward Judd, Mission Circle Meets Jackie and Sandra, visited over the The Mission Circle of the Hensall weekend with relatives in London, United Church lnet at the- home of Mr. Wm• Slavin of London spent Miss Doris Buchanan on Monday the weekend at his home here.. evening and opened by singing Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett, Ross "Faith of our Fathers", Miss Eleanor and. Connie spent the weekend with Cook read the scripture lesson and t ales a d fami- the hymn "I would be True" was Mr. and Mrs: Leslie Ad n ly, in London, sung, atter which Orion'Stephen led Miss Minnie Reid who has spent in prayer. The roll call was answered the past few months lit London. re- with "Love" as the text word. The 11 call for the May meeting is to r turned to her home here.- orife be answered 'with your favourite The Easter thankoffering o hymn. 'The storywas read byElaine f C rmel Presbyterian ' ,r k NORTH McKILLOP The W.A. and W.M.,S, of Babel congregation met at the home of Mrs. Stanley Hillen on Thursday afternoon and presented Mrs. Wil- liam Leeming,. who is moving to Seaforth, with a lovely teapot and cup and saucer. The - address was read by Mrs.. George Dundee. April 4, 1946. Dear Mrs. Leeming:—We, your friends and neighbors, realizing that you are about to leave this community would like to convey to you this word. It is with. mingled feelings that we anticipate your de- parture.'We are happy to know that you are going to Seaforth, where you will make many friends, where your responsibility will be less ar- duous and from which place,_ we hope, you may often come back for Church will be held on Friday even..; Beer, Doris anorBVenner. The rt meeting a visit. We are sorry however, to see dition. Phone 38 r 79, Hensall. ing April 12Th m the school loom. g You go. You have been a wonderful of the b "tie livetin long neighbor to this community, a loyyal FOR SALE who hveth well and the mrzpa and generous supporter ofthe Rubbertired wagon ors will bebenediction. Contests were enjoyed Church and its organrzattons. Every trailer and a battery o y ee a at the close. , worthy cause as oun you w, tug bell Way, Viralton, P Church when the Home Help 'I closed Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs, Tlobt. Thomson'and Mr. and Mrs. 'Arnold W eetlake desire to thank the many neighbors and friends for their kindness in the re- cent bereavement of the late Mr, Alex Stewart, also to Rev. Mae Wil- liam, pallbearers and fiowerbearers and those who,loaned ears,: Card of. Thanks Mrs. J. W. McLean wishes to take this opportunity of thanking tho. many friends -who so kindly sent plants,' flowers, cards; and treats during her stay in the hospital, Also, the nurses and a special thanks to Dr. Brady' and Dr. McMaster, FOR SALE' 'Boy's C.C.M. bicycle, in good con - y. singing h , entertained. l and 2 -wheel heldradio set. Camp H l Week Services wall be h f d ll' R R 2 hone 831i'G M the local Ceurches as follows Auxiliary to lend a helping hand. By your n Arnold Aprilrle eeEvening p g a A ul s in, St.P g Sale Tuesday, April 16tin of the Arnold estrous attitude and also by your Auction The meeting g Clearing Brook; ; Wed esd , spApreaker Rev. R. A.in Cixele Evening Auxiliary was held generous spirit; you have endeared Of Houseboat Effects. On Saturday, Brook; ted Church, 17th r- on Mondayeveningat the hame of yourself to every one of us. The W. the United Church, Rev. P. A. Fer- guson, speaker, and Thursday, April Mrs, John Farquhar with a April 27th, at 1,30 p.m., in the village large A A. W.M.S. will suffer ,the ions of Hensall, the Estate of the late 18th in Carmel Presbyterian,Church attendance. The programme as fol- of your genial presence—will mics William Stoneman. with Rev. A. M. Hunt, speaker. lows was arranged by :Mrs. Chas. the encouragement and inspiration HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. These services commence at 8 pm.i Forrest and Mrs. Melvin Moir pre -your presence has always meant, and E. P. Chesney; Clerk. A communion Service will ' be held' sided and opened with the call to at•last but by no means least, we Carmel x hi and singing of 'Ga to dark shall miss the good neighbour you NOTICE e se 1 or lTheChurch Kerslake led in prayer. Mrs. RuY Leeming -you hold and have always gravel. Apply to Gus Johnson, T The late Alex Stewart, a well-1W.held in our. estimation, a place of er, Seaforth. Phone 103w. THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1946 AT FINNIGAN'S • TIS SPRING • During the winter months the inside of a house collects a good assortment of junk. Look yours over now, as this is the time for spring house cleaning. Every woman is judged by the conditions in her home. Alibis are Such stupid things NOW IN. STOCK—Dia-a-doo, champ, ammonia, kleen-zit, a dozen kinds of paint cleaners, maps, brushes, whisks, turpentine, raw and boiled oil, paint, furniture polishes, every popular floor wax, white- wash brushes and galv. pails. In Miss Janet. Hodgert and Miss Ann, Seotchmer, we have two of themost efficient clerks to step behind a. counter. W. J. FINNIGAN SON K!f�a ;ham r;,a k3ws�" Extension' table with 3 leaves, $8. Apply at"The News Office. FOR RENT 75 aeries pasture land or will take in cattle to pasture. Apply W. J. Davidson,'Hillsgreen. Phone, Hensall 22. 100 r FOR SALE Two purebred Hereford bulls, 8 months old. Leslie McClure, Seaforth phone 320-W. BOARD AND ROAM In conveniently located private home in Seaforth. Large downstair bedroom, suitable for. two 'persons. Apply at News Office. on Good Friday in Ca l P`esby rots p fh mane" after which Mrs A. have proved yourself to be, Mrs. Gravel f laneways also cement ruck- � terian FOR SALE . known farmer of Hibbert, died at' Mac Pure bred • Shorthorn bull, 10 All kinds of Insurance risks effect - Bene of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Matthew 26, verses 36-56. Mrs, Por highest respect and esteem. We shall FOR SALE months old, red in color. William R. ed at lowest rates in First-Ciase the home • o,n his 84thyear. The de- • rest gave a reading ` Jesus at the be the poorer, another community 3 -fearer McCormick Deering trader Pepper, Seaforth R.R. 3, phone Companies. ceasedlivedfor manygeare in Ex -1 Cross". Hymn "Beneath the Cross o1 the richer, We shall remember you, years eter riot to making is home at his `Jesus" was sung. Mrs. P. A. Fergu- often think of you, and follow you plow. °o , . Dublin. 5 37r5. old, Ryan Clinton 21-1115.' p son gave an interesting story on the with our best thoughts and payers I RENIFREW SALES'AND SERVICE The McKillop Mutual Chis ew's, t. rviv n is one b thenfor your continued health and happi- 1 Hand turned or electric separat- Johnburst. Surviving is one brother life of Mary Slessor and her work FOR SALE Fire Insurance Co. John R. Stewart, Saskatoon, and a in Africa. The business . roll call and Hess. May Gods richest blessings rest In one parcel, 50 tons of Mixed Hay, ors and stoves, prompt service, also JO offeringwere taken. 'Phe meeting upon you. in baric, on East half of Lot 4, Lake repairs for Anker -Holt separators. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, Ont. sister, Mrs.e Jas. Westlake, 'Wood- On behalf of the W.A. and W.M.S. Road East, Stanley Township. Apply Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield. Phone , Officers Mock. Funeral service was held from closed by singing "Not what these President F McGregor Clinton; h d. have done" after which lits. of the Bethel- .Congregation.. Pres. for particulars to Joseph B. Greer; Clinton 618 r 31. McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc, Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Hags; SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 1f4 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second<Division Court. County of Huron Build- ing, in the Dominion Bank ing, Seaforth. Office hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Watson &' Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. Laren read the scripture front the home of Mr, and Mrs. Arnold' Stewart Bell led in prayer. Refresh* Ethel Dennis, Sec. Mrs. Ed. Regele. R.1, Brucefleld, Ont, Westlake, on Tuesday, conducted Cromarty Treas. Mrs. N. Stimore. PresbRev. eriau llof CroEdgur nt�The Lion's Club of nts were served by the pre- Mrs. Leeming altho taken by FOR SALE years with white legs and whnte faces, Allen and G Church. Mr. Edger surprise very graciously thanked the Steer calf a week old. GeorgeDirectors Allen and Geo. T. Wren sang a re". sent a Beall, on show in ThursdnytApr 1 11, 830r33,broken; and one good general put- yir. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank entitled "The City Four -Square Hall, Hensall, o members of• the W•A. and W,M•S. Fox: Phone Seaforth Central Bose horse 10 years old, Apply at M6Gregor; Alex Broadfoot,, The pallbearer's were Messrs. Edgar under the auspices of the Hensall The April meeting of the W.A. & News Office. Seaforth; Chis Clinton;;lex Leonhardt, Born- Alien, Geo. T. Rrren, Carl Stoneman. Member of Commerce. W.M.S. was held at the home of FOR SALE FOR SALE holm; B. J. Trewartha, Clinton; rintnell Jas. McDougall, Earl The play "Murdered Alive"which Mrs. S. Hillen. The theme of the 1 good Quebec Range to first John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex 410 - James Wm. B r Pte, was presented in the Tgw11 Hall, meeting "Ye shall be witnesses"• class shape; 1 good extension table, 1 steel couch, can be used for a Ewing Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Dick. The flower -bearers were. The meeting opened with the call to 3 loaves; 1 small table i(clover leaf): double bed; 2 dozen imperial quart James Westlake Brockville, Alvin Friday evening, h3' pupils oQJHe Hensall to Mrs. Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. $ worship Jesus stand among us, fol- 1 small antique table; 1 organ stool; jars nearly new. Apply Agents was t the m were, Mrs, Jas Westlake and Mrs. T. ton have purchase The scripture lesson,WANTED parties desirous to effect insurance P. Woodstock, 4I' Annie,1 grocery business from Mr. and Mrs. Act 8 ofehape chopping mill for the winter months Capable girl or woman for gener{rl+or transact other 'business, will be � Flossie and Leona Westlake, London,welcome1 and 12 -20, and the returnedto Wiarton on Monday. housework. Sleep in'Apply good wages and promptly attended to by applications i•'r' Flomenced b here. W e 26,versesr spent Sunday A l Mr J Pt R Tr spent the past week at the home of J. W• Otttvem who is 1 Dennis then read Evangelism in the Mrs. Extol Habkirk and Marga+et, her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Orville Mrs. John M. Glenn was able to Twitchell, turn to her home this week follow- Early Church. A scripture on -"East- who have since left for their home ing her recent operation in Victoria er Worship" was very ably given by in St. Marys. The first part of the Hospital. Mrs, Wm, Leeming. We were then evening was spent in progressive Miss Jennie Jolly spent the week- favoured with a duet by Mrs. Stan- euchre, Lunch was then served. Mr. London, ley Hillen and Mrs. George Dundas, and Mrs. Habkirk and Margaret were Coole and Hugh Westlake. Interment Continuation School. lowed by singing hymn 205. 771 in 1 good second hand lawn mower. Thos. O'Loughlin James St., SeaR.- s in Hensall Union Cemetery. suited to a large audience. gJohn E. Pepper, Bra. F. d; ue F. Those attending from a distance ' Mr. and 'Mrs. A. Scholl of Monk- by nary was read in unison. Jack Pethick, North Main St., forth. MJo etcher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter,. d thebutcher and Ethel Dennis then read " Go Tell". Seaforth, Br odhagen, George A. Watt, Blyth Wilkie, Leona e . rases Harry McMillan and have tom- Apostles; chap. 1 verses 2nd Pte. Jas. Westlake, Brockville, Mr. Mr. a urScholl to our village. chpter, verses 38:42 was read by Mr. Harry Ed icor un ay all conveniences' ' pP y s• to any of the above named officers Russel ltauratf and Mr. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Vice President, C. W. Leonhardt, HORSES FOR SALE Brodhageu; Secretary -Treasurer and Team of Clydesdales rising four i Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Waldo Monteith, 186 Mornin on square, Stratford. i Mr. Alonzo Ortwein father, Detroit Tennis Dennis. Mrs. MRegeleissionary read the in the village..gt - addressed file their respective post Mrs. Allen Davidson of Sarnia visited recently with his Mr. verses from the Missionary Monthly. A very pleasant evening was spent St„ Stratford. Phone 2658. offices ill. 8 was then sung. Ethel in Winthrop hall in honor of Mr. and FOR SALE Double house on Victoria St.. Sep- arate apartments, good investment. Other desirable properties. Watson & Reid, Seaforth. Mr. Kenneth Passmore, 'who spent the past few weeks at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, left for Kingston, where be will attend Queen's University. Miss Mavis Spencer of Toronto was a weekend visitor with her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. A. A. Spencer. Mr. Cary Joynt B.A., a student at Osgood Hall, Toronto, spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. Thos. Shaddick spent a few days recently with relatives in Min- ton. Mrs, Catharine Hedden who has spent the -winter months with mem- bers of her family in Hamilton, and St. Catharines, returned to -her home here on Monday. She was ac- eomponied home by her sons Herb. Of St. Catharines and Pte. Russell Hedden, recently returned from overseas. Mrs. Churchill, Toronto, is visii- 'ne with Reeve and Mrs.R. E. Shad - click and family. and relatives in Seaforth and Clinton, end In called to the platfalm and the follow Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaiser of De- which was very ninth enjoyed. Mr S. trolt spent the weekend, with the Mills then took up the thankoffer- ing address was read by Mr. Patton former's parent's, Mr. and Mrs. ing followed with prayer by Ethel Dear Mr. and Ms's. Habkirk and John Kaiser.. Dennis. The topic of Evangelism in Margaret:—Having learned with re - Mr. Stanley Walters of the Staff the Crusade for Christ and His King- gret that you are about to depart of the Bank of Montreal is holiday dom was read by Ethel Dennis. Mrs. from our midst, we your friends and ing in Western Canada. , Willis Dundas gave a talk onYe neighbours have gathered here for are my Witnesses" verses 2, 3, 4, 5 the purpose of spending a • social HILLSGREEN ' of. hymn 393 was read. Crusade and evening with you, and also to show School", and "A. Visitation Evangel- in a tangible way that we have sir Mr. and Mrs. John Baker spent a ism" was given by Mrs. Willis Dun- preciated your willingness to help day in London. Mr. Baker visiting des. The offering was then received in every good work in the connnun- his father in St, Joseph's Hospital, with prayer by Mrs, Earl Mills. The ity. We trust that this occasion will who was celebrating his ninetieth devotional part of themeeting closed imprint on your minds the fact that birthday.with the use of hymn 286. "there are no friends like old Seeding is the order of the day The meeting was then open for friends". And now to touch on the and some farmers are finished even business. Roll called with housi visit-een lighter side: though the cold winds continue and members responding andfour meeting We all come here to -night make it quite cold riding the imple- ors dp present. adopted. The es fMay meeting meats• tea p Mr. John Soldan is all smiles, a: to be at Mrs, George Dundee'. Busi baby bny has come to stay at their nes; was discussed and the meeting home. rloeed by singing hymn 215 and prayer by Ethel Dennis,. R MetItea„g„r eIMMU gP „ t,eece g eaeea ° ��R ` ide. William Leeming held a very i successful auction sale on Monday, April 8. . Mt. Seeding operations are nearly corn- s < J ) >> pleted in s this comm gu who had an appendicitis operation a week ago is doing real well and soon expects to be home. Mrs. Joseph Smith entertained a FEATHER EDGE CUT It is the most popular Permanent we have ever done. You can brush it,—then comb it, and eachcurl falls naturally into place. We have Permanents priced at $3.50 -- $10.00, Cold Wave $10. Zotos Jamal Vaper Marcel Machineless ASK FOR OUR COLD WAVE SHAMPOO. IT KEEPS YOUR COLD WAVE IN LUSTROUS CURLS PHONE 152 SUTHERLAND BEAUTY SHOP GO: any time Thursday, April 186, until 2.00 p.m. Monday, April 22nd. RETURN :' leave destination up to midnight Tuesday April 23rd, 1946. alitAv`0eitlioW Trip - This aThis long weekend offers en opportunity for o vldt at home qr away with friends, few ladies to a quilting last week. Mr, Joseph Thornton who suffered a heart attack last week is able to be up and around. again. Mrs. Edger Roe, who is confined to Scott Memorial Hospital is not as well as her many friends would like, We hope she recovers quickly and be able to return home. Marie and Junior Storey are both under the Dr's care. We hope to see them out again soon. To bring you these little gifts, To brighten up your life. When evening conies and work is done, May these gifts help remind you Of all the people hack at home That you have left behind you. We are pleased to know that you are not making .your home at any great distance from us, and will be very' glad to welcome you all back any time you have the opportunity. We trust that' in your new home there may be many pleasures in store for you all and be assured tha the good wishes of your many friend 7 1 b In Hensall, of House and Household Effects.—On Saturday, April 13th. A 2 -storey brick house, garage and brick stable combined, one block south of post office. Also two lots. The house has hardwood floors, furn- ace, hard and soft water "Immediate possession. Will be sold subject to reserve bid. MRS. J. B. SIMPSON, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, LOST 0'R STRAYED About Feb. 1st, short haired black and tan collie weighing about 35 lbs.. About March 21st long haired black and tan collie, good size, sharp eyes• Reward. Advise 3. A. Mckenzie, phone 660x25, Seaforth. 1 SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptle equipment. HAVE YOUR WASHER CHECKED Now for your Spring washing. Beatty Washer Service, Goderich. Leave your call at Sills Hdwre. PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed enve- lope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. t T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, s Hamilton, Ont. of Winthrop go with you. We ask ou Lizzie and Errol, to accept these ifts, and you Margaret, this table amp, not so much for their value, ut for the feelings that go with hem. May God's richest blessing rest upon you all. Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbours of Winthrop. Mr. and Mrs. Habkirk were pre- sented with a floor lamp, bed lamp, and electric toaster. Mr. Habkirk made a suitable reply thanking the people for their gifts. "For they are jolly good fellows" was sung and the. remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. WINTHROP Mr. and Mrs. Archie Campbell of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs. James Campbell. Mrs, Margaret Horne and Donald and Nliss Isabel Currie, spent the weekend in St. Catherinee and •Nia- gara Falls. Miss Jean Taylor of Seaforth spent the weekend with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McClure. Spr. R. K. Davidson R.C.E. of Ipperwash visited with his family over Sunday. Jackie McSpadden of London is visiting with Iris grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Zack McSpadden. Miss Elizabeth Broadfoot R.N. of Manitoulin Island and Mrs. Elmer Townsend and Erma Mae of Tuck- ersmith spent Monday with their aunt, Mrs. John McClure. Gina W. A. McClure returned home Sunclay. He was met in London by Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Taylor, Clarence and Billy Taylor, James McClure, Don Glen, Ron and Ruth McClure. A family gathering ' was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McClure. Gnr. McClure had been overseas since July 1948, going over with the 99 Batt. from Wing - ham and served in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. He . was nvouncled on D Day but was back with the Regt• early in July. He was married in Glasgow to Miss Isabel Roselle, on March 19. Mss: McClure expecte to come to Canada soon. Mr. Tom Cunningham who has been employed in the Winthrop BRODH-AGEN Mrs. Fred Rose .of Mitchell, has returned home. She has been Mrs. Otto Ritz's housekeeper during her illness. Mrs. Elizabeth Morenz of Kitch- ener, visiting with Jack Prueter. Mrs. Jos. Klein and her daughter, Mrs. Robt. Pauli and Mr, Pauli and son Bobby. of Detroit visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. ,Smith. The flowers that adorned the ab tar of St. Peter's Church on Sunday were placed there in memory of Mrs. Barbara Weinenberg, by her daugh- ters, Mr. and Mrs. 7. Hinz, Mrs, Car- lton, Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Ahrens and Mr. and Mrs. E. Eligsen. Mrs, Wes- enberg passed away one year ago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes, Mrs. Tom Orr and Mrs. Clayton Carlton of Niagara Falls, N.Y., with Mr. and Mrs. John G. Ilhnz. Mrs. Carlton is spending several weeks with relatives. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Evans, Mr. John Steiss of Cranbrook with Mrs. Somas Bennewies, Mrs, Dalton Hinz spent Friday and Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Con Sippel in Tavistock. Mr. Stanley Byerman of Kitchen- er -with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Byer - man. DiblinProcitice A. KOSTEK & SON REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Automatic Egg Grading Machines Used Highest Cash Prices Paid for Eggs and Poultry WE WILL PICK UP YOUR PRODUCE Phone Dublin 50 SEAFORTH PHONE 155W JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone c J MARTIN W. STAPLETON, 13.A.;44.0.13.A.;44.0.Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W Seaforth DR. F. J. R.-FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, 'University of Toronto.' Late Assistant New 'York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefeld's lilye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday hi each month from 2 to 4 p.m. — 53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. CROMARTY Mr. and' Mrs. Nelson Hunkin and daughters, Audrey and Betty, Bel- more, with Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton, Mr. James Scott, sr., had the mis- fortune to fall on a cement sidewalk injuring his knee. Miss Hazel Laing, Waterloo, at , her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ott Walker and dau- ghter, Helen and Margaret, with Mr. and Mrs. George Clippson, Ingersoll, i who were celebrating their " 81st' wedding anniversary. i Mr•, and Mrs. Stewart, Robinson and family and Miss Lamont, Listo- wel, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Mills and two children, St. Marys, and Mr,. and Mrs. Thompson, Granton, with Mrs. A. Robertson and John Robert- son, Mrs. Bruce Armstrong, Hensall, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lin McKellar, ' Elmer Col quhoutt, Clinton, with lVa ` and For Salle Ads, 3 weeks 50e. his sister, Mrs, Ernie Allen. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service, Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers., Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 655 FOR SALE 0 -Room Frame House. Hydro, Town water, and cellar•. Situated' on Coleman Street, House with barn. Situated on Main Street, South. 10 Acre Perm, Two. Tuekeramith. Good Brick 7•Iouse, Bank Barn, Poultry Krouse and Driving Shed. Immediate possession, 78 Acre Perm, Twp. Tuckorsmith. Frame House, Bank Barn, Driving Shed, Hog .Pen, Gond bush with spring therein. Mao have farms listed in McKillop. 10, C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Phones; 384 Office Roo. 220 FARM FOR SALE Five miles south of Seaforth, and one mile east, Lot 7, Concession, 8, Tuckersmith. One mile from school. Large bank barn, brick house, hen house and pig pen. Drained. Plenty of water. All seeded to grass. Pos- session given immediately, Apply to J. W. Free, Seaforth, Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over. One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent