HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-04-11, Page 6CHURCHILL GETS HONORARY DEGREE In the Orange. Bowl in Miami, Fla„ President Bowman Ashe, left of the University of Miami, confers an honorary degree on former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill: THE INSIDE ON HOCKEY' By ED. FITKIN N.H.L. MOGULS are showing considerable alarm over the in- crease in fan rowdyism and Presi- dent Red Dutton is ready to crack the whip over all clubs who allow crowd fanaticism to get out of hand. All this, of course, deals with the gradual increase in the thro,v ing of bric-a-brac on the ice to show displeasure over a referee's decision. Chicago Stadium fans have been he woist offenders in this respect for years. Not far behind them are Montreal Forum fanatics. But not one club in the circuit can boast a spotless record in this respect, * * Chicago fans are the most in- ventive—also the most callous. Rotten tomatoes, cauliflowers, sil- ver pennies, whole decks of play- ing cards, small pieces of metal, and whiskey bottles have been heaved out of the gallery by the .Windy City folks. Once, during a Leaf -Red Wing playoff game in Detroit, someone tossed a dead fish onto the ice surface In Boston recently King Clancy was struck in the face with a package of cough drops. Toronto fans, generally con- sidered well-behaved, have grown more boisterous this season—and programs galore are tossed, to say nothing of bags of peantsts. In New York, fans have taken to - throwing eggs. * * * Bottle -throwing has been the most serious offense at the Forum this year and in the Boston-Can- ed:ens game there last week. play was held tip for 10 minutes while attendants cleared the ice of glass. As a result, Red 'Dutton notified the Habitant management that a rupitition of bottle -throwing would result in the stoppage of play and the awarding of the g,.me to the visiting club. Dutton added that "I mean business" and Canadiens co-operated for last Saturday night's game by scattering special police among the various sections of the Forum with instructions to arrest anyone creating unnecessary disturbance. * * * Dutton recently invaded Chicago to make a check on crowd row- dyism thele. Aware that he was on hand, the Black Hawk manage- ment took no chances. They got Captain Red Hamill to make a pre -game appeal to the fans over the microphone. As a result, the Chicago crowd behaved for the first time this season. * * * Around and About; Jinxes bob up every year for hockey clubs. . . Boston Bruins had two road jinxes trailing 'cm since 1842... No matter how well they played they couldn't win in Montreal or Detroit. , . They fin- ally laid those jinxes low this year (after failing to snatch a victory. is 17 invasions of each city for league games) but now a new one has arisen—Chicago. . . The Bruins lost every game at the Windy City thia year. In other words, five straight. * * y. It was "Fort William Night" in New York last Sunday when the Leafs beat Rangers, 5-2.. , Three products of Fort Willia.n paced the Toronto victory—Gus Bodnar, with two goals, and Gaye Stewart and Bud Poile, one each. . All three were landed for the Leafs by Scout Squib Walker, a Fort William es an himself. . , and all three led the Thunder Bay junior league before becoming Leafs. , . Poile and Bodnar played together for two seasons. . Bodnar won the scoring title the first of those two seasons, so Squib Walker said to Poile: "If you lead the scorers next year, I'll take you to Toronto to see the Stanley Cup playoffs." Poite did just that, got his trip to Toronto—and the next year he was PLAYING for the Leafs! Such are the whims of the hockey fates! e SAY BILL ...MOW COME YOU DON'T SEEM TO BE 'DOING MUCH FENCING LATELY? I'VE BEEN USING OSMOSE MY POSTS ARE NOW LASTING 3T0 TIMES LONGER 951 D1 THIS FOR mak.ig t Coug hing WHEN 11 COLO stuffs up the nose causes mouth breathing, throat tickle and night coughing, use this time -tested Vicks treatments that goes to work Instantly.... 2 ways of once/ At bedtime rub good old Violas VapoRub on throat, chest and back. Then watch its PENETRATE' - STIMULATING action bring relief from distress. It PENETRATES to upper breath- ing passages with soothing medicinal vapors. It STIMULATES chest and back surfaces like a warming, comforting poultice ... and it keeps on working for hours, even white you sleep—to ease coughing spasms, relieve muscu- lar soreness and tightness -and bring grand comfort! Try it to- night , , , Vicks VapoRup. SPECIAL FE 3CE POST' MIXTURE It's true --- 80% to 90% a of the time and money spent on fencing can be saved by using "Osmose Special Fence- Post Mixture". Treat the ground line only and make the whole post last 3 to 5 4imes longer for 3c to 4c per post. Any kind ofpost — Pine =Spru- Ce'— Poplar - Willow or Cedar can be effectively treated with this well-known preservative mix- ture. Over 2,000,000 power and telephone poles and the millions_of farmers' fence posts treated with "Osmose" prove these facts "Osmose"really does a job, even on green wood. Your dealer can supply you• OSMOSEW000'9I S TING COJ9WAINYOF-ANADA(. LTD: 1465 Xonge;Street Toronto Canadian Cattle For British Herds Canadians have reversed history, and now Great Britain is buying'. cattle in Canada to freshen English herds rather than export her own animals to the world, Ontario Ag- riculture Minister T, L. Kennedy said in Toronto last week. Kennedy told the Ontario Good, Roads Association that R. H. Hud- son, former British Minister of Ag- riculture, on a visit to Canada last' month had bought cattle for Eng- lish herd breeding and said this purchase was "very unusual be cause it always has been the British custom to raisetheir own animals and ship them all over the world." Simple Arithmetic of Butter Ration; For those to whom ordinary logic and arguinent do not appeal, the cold figures on butter produc- tion, consumption and stocks in storage -!nay better explain the, recent cut in butter coupon value, says the Ottawa Journal . To put the record straight, it might` beexplained that winter production is always less than con- sumption, the difference being made up from stocks placed in storage during the flush production season of June to October. At the old six -ounce coupon value it took about 22;000,000 pounds of butter monthly to meet all requirements. 80 per cent, to honor coupons and the remainder for commercial uses, Stocks on February 1 were only about 23,000,000 pounds as com- pared . to a normal 34,000,000 pounds at that date. Production in; January was about 9,600,000 pounds, 15 per cent. lower than the sante • month a year ago. As pro- duction will not catch up with con- sumption till about May, it can easily be figured that the amount now in storage is totally inadequ- ate to meet requirements for the next two and a half months at the six -ounce value. In fact it will be contewhat of a miracle if stocks, plus production are sufficient to meet even the. lower coupon value. 'It's all a matter of simple arithmetic, Luxury Liner Again The British liner Queen Eliza- beth sailed last week for South- ampton, England, on her last voy- age as a troopship. The 85,000 -ton' vessel, carrying 1,695 passengers, will go to the Clyde Shipyards for conversion into a luxury passenger liner— the purpose for which she was built—after returning to England. We. Have Prospective Purchasers We have prospective purchasers for properties near Wlndsor,.To- ronto -and Niagara Fails, Write, giving' us particulars. Guaranty Trust Company. of Canada, Windsor, Toronto,. Niagara Fells, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DARV CHICKS MONKTON POULTRY FARM CHICKS, - Youbuy baby chicks for one reason. To receive dividends on. your investment, you must be certain where your money is in- vested, We offer you baby chicks from a Poultry Farm with every breeder pullorum tested and gov- ernment banded. Write for our 1946 price list and descriptive ca- talogue. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS, MONKTON, ONT. RELIABLE CHICKS' Just think what this means to the buyer. Your investment is made worth while when you purchase your orders chicksfrom fatter us.Our is repeat proof of our quality chicks. Blood testing for pullorum done each. year, weonly hatcb from clean flocks. Millers Chick Hatchery, Fergus, Ont. (Successor to J. D. .Johnson). NEWMAN'S BRED -TO -LAY CHICKS White Leghorns, Barred Rocks and Barred Rock, White Leghorn Crosabreeds;,double tested, An Ontario Breeding Station - over Fifteen years. Elmview Poultry Farm, William J. Newman,. Nor- ham, Ontario, GET TOP NOTCH PRICES WITH Top Notch chlcka today! Start your flock early this year and cash in on the early, high price marlcets in eggs and poultry meat- As a special inducement for early starting the Top Notch Chickeries are offering a substantial cash discount: to all poultrymen taping deliveries during March. Top Notch chicks are all from Govern- ment Approved pullorum tested breeders. Get complete inform- ation about Top Notch chicksby writing for your free copy of our catalogue today. Also two week', old started and eight week and older floor raised pullets for im- mediate delivery.' Top Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ontario. GAINFORTH'S NEW HAMPSHIRES A Good Chotee for particular poul- trymen. They Look Well, Lay Well and Lay Well. High Hatches of Healthy Chicks makes poultry raising a pleasure. Breeders Ap- ed.Drop a H ettfor pricesroved and Doblerto t te- ed. Hatchery, Trenton. Ont. CAPONS READ? MADE, ALSO CUel- tom caponldng, Edmund Stoehr, R. R. No. II. S mltbville, Ont. SAVE 'MONEY — MAKE MONEY -- with with Tweddie chicks today! You can save money by taking an early delivery of Twaddle chicks. This saving is in the form' of a substantial cash discount offered by the Tweddie Chick Hatchertee on all March deliveries. You can make money by starting' now and having your pullets laying .in time for the early high price egg market or sellingplump full grown cockerels at a time when the prices for poultry meat are at their best, Write today for your free copy of the Tweddle cata- logue, It is paciced with valuable information for you. Also two and three week old started chicks and eight to twelve week old floor raised pullets for immediate de- livery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries glutted, Fergus, Ontario, WHY GAMBLE When you can buy quality chicks, backed by our liberal gttarantee. March and April chicks still available, All breeders banded, culled, and double blood tested by Government officials, to Insure our customers. Free catalogue and price list. Order now from Frey's Hatchery. St. Jacobs. Ont, PROMPT SHIPMENT ON START - ed chicks — various breeds. Take advantage of good early marlcets. Order now — and March -April chicles too. Bray Hatchery. 130 John N. Hamilton, Ont, 10 WEE1i ULD LEGI4ORN PUL - lets 70c. 2,000. Hollywood. Leghorn Pullets 10 weeks old at $70,00 per 100 for shipment March 18th. Large husky Pullets from hens with records or 300 eggs per year for 10 generations. These pullets plentyof e s next will lay big eggs Summer and Fall when eggs are a good price, Also day old chicke hatching twice each week, rocks. reds leg horns auetralorps and 6 bran crosses. n ltY Write for price - list and calendar. Big hock Farm. Mille Roches, Ont. l3o3t W. FOR. T]:IOSE WHO PREFER started chicks, we can give imme- diate delivery on two and three weelc old an the popular breeds and hybrid crosses in non -sexed, pullets or cockerels. Also floor raised eight to twelve week old pullets. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, ; GAINFORTH'S WHITE LEGHORNS Large Vigorous Chick'. from Year- ling and Twr. year old breeders that were Real Money -Makers, Double Pul.lorum tested, Govern- ment Approved. It you like Leg - horns, chleke from these w111 de- light you, Prices Right Gain forth's Hatchery( Trenton, Ont. ISSUE 11.-1946 RARY C21501tS FOR SALE BUY WITH CONFIDENCE Place your -order now with a breeding farm and hatchery oper- ating over at, years. Barred Rocks, New Hampshire Rada, large Bar- ron Leghorn',. and Hybrids. Breed- en blood-ttated for both regular and X strains of Pollorum, Don't fail to.get out prices before order- ing elsewhere Otterville Poultry, Farm, Ottei•ville, Ont. 25 FREE CHICKS OUR BABY CHICKS ARE THE progeny of Foundation and Re- gistered Birds. All Breeders blood -tested. Prices from Ile to 25c. All guaranteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order now. Goddard Chick Hatcherlea; Bri- tannin Heights. Ont... BABY CHICKS, ,GOVERNMENT banded andblood tested. Barron strainS. C. White Leghorn and B. P Rocks. Acton Poultry Farm, Box 378, Acton, Ont. THE ONLY PURINA EMBRYO -FED Barred Rock and Crossbred. Ap- proved.chtcks being produced in Chatham are blood -tested by the tube method .for both the regular and X strains of pullorum, Order nOW from Frank Price Hatchery, 11 Jahnke itt., Chatham Ont. YOUR GOVERNMENT APPROVED chicks from Accredited Flocks should be ordered now. Barred Rocks, New-iampshlres,, New Iemp X Barreussex X New Hamp Rocks, ids. Light and Sll breeders blood -tested for both the regular and, X strains of Pollorum for your protection, Lincoln Chick Hatchery, 2 Race Street, St.. Catherines. Ontario. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RETURNED VETERANS -1N RURAL - Areas not capable of bard work. If you can drive a car and sell, why not try selling Lightning to be in businesstrfort yrequired urself with good financial results. Gov- ernment. Controlled Buslnees.. Write for particulars and territo- ry openings: The B. Phillips Com- pany, Limt'ed, 200 Main Street. Toronto, Ont. TRAPPERS — GLAND SCENT lures have no equal for all animals now their mating season. Trap wolves all summer for bounty. For particulars, write A. E. Fish- er, .Box 420, Calgary, Alberta. GET EGGS IN COLD WEATHER "Automatic" time switches for poultry lights, 824,00. Sterling Time Recorders, 989 Notre Dame St. West, Montreal, .Que. ATTENTION MR. FARMER Are you interested in having your barns and other buildings spray touch painted spring? Neil g7If Cribs, o get withSpray Painter, Stratford, Ont., for an early start. Newest equipment In spray painting; work guaranteed, and free estimates given by writ - Ing to the above address. MR. WOOL GROWER We operate a Government Licens- ed Wool Warehouseand are pre- pared to purchase this season's wool clip according to Govern- ment Grading Standard's and at eatablished Government prices. Prompt settlements made. You 'can apply your wool credit against blanket purchases, We do not handle used woollens nor are we ableto do Customs Work. THE STRATHROY WOOLLEN MILLS LIMITED STRATHROY, ONTARIO DISCHARGED AIRMAN 25, WITH some capital, wishes to contact hardware retailer In western On- tanto town to gain experience with -possibility of Tater buying the business. H, S. Parker, 20 Bain Ave., Toronto, Ont. D PIDING ANDCLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad to answer your questions.- Depart- ment kI Parker's Dye Werke Limited, 1701 Yonge Street, To- ronto. man SALA, BLOOD TESTED BRONZE AND White Holland Breeding Tome, $1.5.00 and up. R,, E. Pooley, Exeter. ENGINES, GASOLINE, AIR COOL- ed, four cycle,two to six horse power. Amalgamated Enter i ises , 33 Chnrch St., Toronto. ELECTRIC moTons NEw, U0E2D bought, son]. rebuilt: belts pul- leys, brushes. Allen Electric COM - pany Ltd., 3130 Dufferin St. Tor- onto, Ont. 65 ACRES. MODERN BRICK house, good Cern etc. Loam soil. Immediate possession. 36,200. Terms. Appy Mrs. uua Campbell, Mt. Bryclges, Ont.. LIGHTNING ROD DEALERS? Tf you went the best equipment available et .the cheapest price, WWrite for particulars. The 13. Phil- lips Company Limited, 200 Main Street, Toronto, Ont. ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALE; TRACTO'i TIRES, made of rchher,.euiteble for bolting on steel wheels 510 each When or- dering state diameter and width of wheel, Nt,tlonal Rubber' Co., Ltd., 9 Wiltshire Ave., Toronto, Ont, HOISTS,. 'GASOLINE OR ELECTRIC driven in stock. Hydraulic- hoists for dump truck installed andser- viced, WELDERS, V-8 LINCOLN ELEC. trio Welder, 460 - amps, completely rebuilt. New P &' H Gaa Welder, 800 amps. Automotive Products Co., 3282 Wellington St. Montreal, Que. - HERCO "RED TOP" Electric Chicken Brooder Write for partleulare Huron Engineering & Research Co. Goderich Ontario RJDIOS — NEW OR USED, FOR as little as 33.60. Parte and tubes of all kinds. List sent for stamp. Economy Distributors, Kingston, Ontario. FARMS 4x00 SALE FARMS FOR SALE. WE CAN SELL you any size farm you wtah to buy, at reasonable prices. For particulars apply at Donohue'' Garage, Renfrew, Ont. FARM FOR SALE, 153 ACRES, mile west of Kitchener limlta, Kitchener Stratford highway. $26,000.00. For information write Charles W. Moser, Kitchener, R. R. 4. ONE HUNDRED ACRE FARM FOR sale. Seventy acres under cultiv- ation, medium clay Mern, fifteen acres wooded. Drilled well, barn approximately 66 feet square, frame house, 1%% miles from school, church, market, -ib mile from Highway. Apply to Mra. Eli- zabeth Weir, Wingliam,Route 1. 200 ACRES, QUICK SALE, NEVER failing water, new house, 645 miles from town, No. 2 Highway, Box 86, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto, HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding alaeeee. Robertson's Hairdressing, Acad- emy, 117 Avenue Road. Toronto, IIELP WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED SINGLE MEN to work on dairy farm. Beneteau Bros., R. R. No. 3, Amheratburg, Ontario. GIRL. OR WOMAN AS MOTHER'S help. Other help kept, Sleep in, private room, Mrs. D. Goodman, 21 Wembley Rd.,Toronto. MEDICAL BAUMEEICA FOOT HALM DID- atroya • offensive odor Instantly. 43c. bottle, Ottawa agent. Den- man Drug Store, Ottawa, IT'S PROVEN — EVERY SUFFER- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neuri- tis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store,' 385 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 31.00. STOMACH aNll THREAD WORMS.. often are the cause of 111 health In humans, all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out 1f this le your' trouble, interesting particu- lars — Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies. Specialiste. Toronto 8. SATISFY YOURSELF — EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Paine or Neuritis should try Dixon's Re- medy. Munro'' Drug Store, 836 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. INGROWN TOENAILS Nail Fix relieves pain instantly and removes Ingrown nail in a few Realizations 01,00 a bottle, WART FIX Ugly Warta melt away painlessly with this guaranteed remedy, 35c, a bottle. 0011N FIX Eases pain at once, and .removes. stubborn Corns in a few minutes. 35o. a bottle Sent postpaid by A. C. Thomson, Chemist, Dept. A., 305 St, Glenne Ave.. Toronto. Established 1906. MAKE LIFE WOR'i'H LIVING! WHY SUFFER? do what countless numbers of happy users are doing for the effective relief of: Chronic Ca- tarrhal conditions (as in Bran- chltls. Asthma & Sinus Pains). Slctn disorders such as Boils and Piniples; Arthritic & Rhein/tette Pains; Ask your Druggist for Odorless and Tasteless ADAM'S (IARiIC PEA RI,ES or write Richmond Adam Co„ P, U. 374, Vancouver, Can. $3 per 100 . Pestles,. E; enou h for 6 weeks A ARID YOU CONSTIPATED? .DO YOU. frequently have headaches and dizzy spells? Are you nervous de - Pressed and irritable? Do you suf far from gastritis and indigestion or pains from neuralgia neuritis or rheumatism? Do you have backaches and urinate too often? Have you pimples or a blotchy eompiexton?. If you have these symptorne use -Golden Rod Fa- mous Indian ITerbe, the natural system builder, tonic and blood purifier. Price postpaid to any address 31.00. Results' guaranteed or money refunded. Golden Rod Remedies. Box 06, Station F,, To. ron to, Ontarlo, YOUR HEALTH IS RELATED to the SOIL Dr. G. H. Earp -Thomas; noted bio- logist, explains all in stirring message, "Soil and Cleelth," Send 10c. today for your copy and learn the vital Pacts. Canndian Soil Products Co., Dun borlon, Ont, OPPO iv UNIT II+IS 1r01(` WOa]EN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCH01./11 • Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousarda successful Ma rvel n. em uatIllust Illustrated America's catalogue free, Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor $t, W. TOrolIto Branches: 4e King St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa, PATENTS FETHI7RSTONHAUGt1 & COMPANY PatentSolletton, Esta.blisbed 1890; 14 King West, Tor,.pto. Booklet 01 Informatoa on request. PERSONAL "ELIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ" Wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission. Rochester 11. N. Y. JESUS OF NAZARETH WAS HE God or man? For a simplescrip- turalexplanation read. "What Think Ye of Christ?" Copies tree from Chrlatadelphlan Church, 35 Hazelton Ave., Toronto: "ETERNAL WEE AND SOW TO Obtain it, Free booklets' on this great subject. J. Taylor. Gespel Hall. 011 Arlington St., Winnipeg. 14H(IT(IC.R A PHIL TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed end printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 for 25e. FINEST. ENLARGING SERVICE You may not get all the films you the quality and service, you desire want this year. but you can get all by. sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1, Toronto RICHLY FRAMED COLORED ENLARGEMENT SPECIAL VALUE $1.39 (With Easel Back 31.66) WHILE THE SU:+PLY LASTS Enlargement 4 x 6" coloredby hand in finest studio style from any negative, on special 7 x 9" blue line mount, framed In rich moulding White with Gold trim, New Natural or' Gilt, $1.59 with Oriel back, $L65. Get orders to early. Any On roll (6 os 5 exposures) developed and printed 25e. En- largements 4x 6" In easel mounts, i for 25c.; framed on ivory tint mats 7 x 9" in Clo1d, Silver, Wal- nut or Black Ebony finished frames, 595. each. If colored. 79c. Canada's largest studio does qua- lity work promptly — and et low- est coat. (Print Name and Addresa Plainly on Orders.) DEPT. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 12011, Post Office A. Toronto MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, sella, exchanges musical instru- ments.111 Church. Toronto 2. STAMPS SEND US THID NAMES OF COUN- tries you ere interested, in and we will sand you a nice selection on approval. Mount Royal Stamp Co., 1475 McGill College Ave„ Montreal, Canada, SEEDS FOR SALE NO. 1 REG. AJAX OATS, 31.40 PER bus.; 1,500 bus, No, 1 Ajax Oats Commercial, 31.15 per bus. No. 1 Cartier Oats Commercial, 31,15 per bus. No. 1 Galore Barley Com- - menial, 31.40 per bus. No. 1 O. A. C. 21 Barley Commercial, 31.40 per bus, Bags included. Cann's Mill Ltd, F. 0. B. Exeter or Whalen Corners. THOROUGHLY RECLEANED GOV- ernment graded Clover Seeds, Ti- mothy, Cossack Alfalfa and Mixed Seeds. Write for prices J. E. Muir, Ceylon, Ontario, TOIIAINIo 5 -POUND SAMPLE PACKAGE Leaf Tobacco, Virginia burley and prior, receipts and flavoring. 33,76 postpaid. Ruthven Tobacco Exchange, Ruthven, Ont, lV ANTED WANT HOUSES IN VILLAGES, towns and highways, 5700.00 to 31,700,00 class preferred Can handle few better houses, also small farms ] to8,l 1 acres. Send full description, price, etc. Geor e Drummond,Broker O enSound, SMOOTH FOX TERRIER FEMALE of good quality. State particulars to Erect Murray, R. R. 4, Mitchell, Ont, BUSINESSES WANTED la your hustt.ess for .sale? We have client? reedy end walling to purchase ai,iiest every type of business, w'w will pay all cash if required. You may phone me and reverse he charge Bert Weir & ;ion, Realtor. Dundee St., London. Phone Met, 8260. CASH PFFEIt - --WANTED ONE Toe panel truck — any make — 1087 upwards. :Ex -overseas man. R. 0. Reagrem 2 Hawthorne 'Gar- dena Tor• -nit, Ontert, Wel PAY iilftl41652 PRICES FOR Music ra ts, Domestic Rabbit Pelts and all other raw turns. Ship to- day. Levin Fur Company, : Depart- ment W., 163 Spadinn Avenue. Toronto, Ont.