HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-04-11, Page 4THE SEA FORTH. iNEWS Snowdon Bros., Pablishsrs WALTON The Young Peoples' Union met on Sunday evening. with Miss Mary MacDonald in charge of the meet- ing. The district Health Nurse was the special speaker giving a survey of the work of the Nurse in the dis- trict and also explaining some of the methods used. Mrs. Donald Lawless and Miss Doreen Coutts sang a duet. The meeting was well attended not only by the young people but also the members of the congregation.. The. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed on Sunday, April 14. Preparatory service, Thur. evening at 8 o'clock. The C.G.I.T. met in the church on Saturday afternoon for their re- gular meeting. Miss Phyllis Cuthill had charge of the study book, Spot- light on Africa, and Miss Margaret McArthur was at the piano. The girls are working on their scrap books on Africa, and some excellent work has been clone. Thee meeting was closed with Taps. KIPPEN W.M.S. Hold Easter Meeting The W.M..S. of St. Andrew's United Church met at the home of Mrs. Norman Long on Wed. after- noon, April 3rd. with 18 members answering the roll call with the text word. Victory, The Easter program was followed with Mrs. John Hender- son presiding and opened the meet- ing with the use of humans 205 and 41. Seriptnre readings were given by Mre. Morley Cooner and Mrs. John Cooney. Hvnm No. 118 was then sung and Mrs. Herbert Jones led in rraver, The topic, Currie of Chircnreba was given by Mrs. Ernie ('hinchase. Hvntn 935 was then sung. The meetino• closed by repeating the ford's nraver in unison. A delicious lunch was served by Circle No. 2. BLAKE Miss Verde Beachler at the home of Mr, and 'Mrs. A. Swartzentruber of. Zurich, Mrs. R. Gingerich is improving after her recent illness. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Jeffery and family of Goderich visited Mr. end .Mrs. Leon Jeffery recently. Also attended the funeral of. Mrs. 'Jef- frey's father, Mr. Wm, Ducharme. Mrs. Napoleon Ducharme and children of London are spending a week with relatives in this vicinitY, Many attended the funeral of Mr. R. Dennome ,on Tuesday, at Drys- dale, from this vicinity. Many took in the minstrel show in Zurich Town Hall, sponsored by the Lion's Club of that town, and report a splendid show full of life and laughter. The Blake Church are planning on their seventy-fifth anniversary in the near future. Further announcement will be made later. W.M.S. meets Thursday at the home of Mrs. Jame's McBride, for the Easter meeting. THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1946 Carmen Baines, formerly Miss Betty Crich. A comical mock wedding'eom- menced' the evening. After the bride and groom had opened their numerous gifts and expressed their thanks, lunch and wedding cake was served, DUBLIN Mr. John McGrath has returned home after spending' the past week with his daughter Mrs. Ed Conlin. I Granton. Mrs. Louis Looby spent last week visiting friends in London. Dan R. Williams is spending thirty, clays' furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Molyneaux went to London on Sunday to meet their son Jack, who has returned from overseas. Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hicks of Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Radscheidt of Kitchener, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Radscheidt, on Sunday. HURON ROAD WEST About 80 friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Holland to honor Mr. and Mrs, • SPECIAL Evangelistic SERVICES Under the Auspices of THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH will continue until April 14 in The Seaforth Public Library Every service will feature The GOSPEL IN SERMON AND SONG by Rev. R. C. McCallum and Assistants of Goderich WEEK NIGHT SERVICES (EXCEPT MON. AND SAT.) AT 8 P.M. SUNDAY EVENING SERVICE AT 7.30 P.M. A Warm Welcome Awaits You BAYFIELD Mr. George Weston is on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Ferguson and Mrs. Oliver Rhynas were in Lon- don this week owing to the illness of their brother. • Mr. Wm. Parker transported ` a load of fish to Sarnia this. week, High winds the past week has somewhat retarded commercial fish- ing operations, Mr. Keith Geminhardt returned home from Toronto after visiting his sister, Mrs. Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Knight visited Mrs Geminhardt over Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Parker who ,pur- chased the Stott estate, have work- men busy in restoring and making ready for summer occupancy Mr. Murdock Ross and his daugh- ter Mrs. Bassette, returueu this week after spending the winter with Mrs. Davidson of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jowett are back in the village after being in Kitchen- er -for the winter months. Miss B. Wolfenden and her broth - e.' visited the village over the week- end at their cottage. Miss Alice Druin and Miss Adele Fernette of Detroit were weekend visitors at their cottages. Mrs, Gerald Churchward, Miss Shortt, Jack and Gerald Churchwaid spent the weekend hi the village. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Middleton were guests of Mrs. N. Woods, on Sunday. 'Mrs. D. Volume, wire spent the winter in Woodstock returned to the village thra week. handsome signet ring. James is one z of 22 boys who received overseas boxes during the war, sent by Kip- pen East W. I. Up to date eighteen returned personnell have been pre- sented with signet rings by this or- ganisation. Best wishes of the com- munity follow Mr. and. Mrs. James Young as they make their new home on the Stewart farm East of Kippen, William Ducharme, Sr. Requiem Mass was sung in St. Peters Roman Catholic Church, for William Ducharme, Sr., who passed away suddenly at his home near Drysdale in his 71st year. In- terment followed in the adjoining cemetery. Mr. Ducharme was born hl Hay Township, where he resided during his lifetime except for ten years spent iir Courtwright. He was a member of St. Peter's Church, Drysdale. He is survived by his wife' the former Josephine Denomme, and six daughters: Sister Francis Borgia, of Sacred Heart Convent, London: Mrs. Noel Laporte, Mrs. William blessing, both of Blue Water High- way; Mrs. Leonard Jeffrey, Goder- ich; Mrs. Leonard Masse, London; Mrs. Richard Jeffery, Drysdale;' five sons, William, Jr., and Victor, Blue Water Highway; Louis 14th conces- sion of Hay; Napoleon, London; Isa- dore, home; three sisters, Mrs, David Gerom.ette, Mount Carmel; Mrs. Bernard Hartman, Thedford; Mrs. Sol. Williams, Seaforth; two broth- er's; Fred, Blue Water Highway; Oscar, Stanley Township. HENSALL The District Executive of South Huron Women's Institutes met at the home of Mrs. Jas. Paterson, Hen- sall, with an excellent attendance. Mrs. Gordon Papple of Winthrop, Dist. president presiding. Plans were laid for a full days Dist. Anpual, the first in South Huron since pre- war days, to be held in Egmondville United Church, registration 9-30 to 10 a.m. May 29th, the Seaforth W.A. being the entertaining branch. The roll call for the day for the branches was presented by the Hensall branch and adopted Practical Meth.ids of converting wartime energies in the W.I. work into peace time projects. Grand Bend and Hurondale are re- sponsible for musical numbeirs. Kip - pen for a suitable demonstration. Mrs. 11. Strang and branch directors acted as a nominating committee and Prepared the slate of officers for 1946-47. Beside the two Dist. speak- ers the executive hope to have Miss Glenndeaning of the Farmer's Ad- vocate as guest speaker. Toasts for the luncheon hour were arranged and the meeting closed with a hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. Paterson for her hospitality. A pleasant social half hour followed over the tea cups, renewing old aquaintances in many' cases, and makine• new friends among the representatives of the branches. A welcome home party was held in the township hall, Staffa, for James Young, recently returned from overseas, by a group of friends -and neighbors in Hibbert, dancing was enjoyed. A presentation of, a tulle lame and coffee table was made to Mr. and Mrs. Young, • ac- "mnnanied by an address read by Earl Dick. Mrs. William Cole, on be- half of Kippen East Women's Insti- t,ite presented Mr. Young with a ■ SEAFORTH'S Seaforth Motors CHECK THESE FEATURES • Buttressed side-walls for added stamina • Suertwiat Cord body for toughness • Tensilesteelboadefor strength •D amend tread design for safety • Compressed tread for longer wear • The name "Good- year" for quality. GOODYEAR Seaforth Motors SEAFORTH, ONTARIO PHONE 141 In the majority of cases The newest.precision tube x-ray machine %%or treat- ingeastercose $100,000. Give your or .9 CUE2 CAN BE CURED 1000 Canadians die of cancer every month. Cancer specialists are convinced that the majority of these lives could be saved if proper treatment were given in the early stages of the disease. That is the aim of the campaign against cancer now being organized in Ontario—to cut down this costly loss of life now being exacted by cancer. It is proposed to establish cancer clinics at suitable centres throughout the province where all who suspect they may have cancer may be examined, and receive the proper treatment if necessary. Plans are also under way to pay a portion of the cost of treatment of cancer, as well as travelling expenses, for those needing financial help. The third objective of the campaign is an GIVE energetic program of cancer research in Ontario with the aim of discovering a specific cure for cancer, or for some means of preventing the disease. Cancer research carried on to date has been entirely inadequate, It is estimated that less than $100,000 is being spent in the whole of Canada on cancer and related subjects. Cancer can be conquered. If science is able to organize sufficient forces against the scourge of cancer, the solution will sooner or later be found, Your contribution is needed—to cut down the death rate from cancer now—to carry on the search for a method of ridding the world of this dread disease. This appeal is for an objective of $2,000,000 to provide for a three-year program of cancer research, treatment and province -wide service. TO CONQUER CANCER ONTARIO CANCER FOUNDATION This organized drive against cancer Is a loin) effort of The Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research Foundalion and The Canadian Connor Society. :011..ribution to your local Branch F (.) 22 College St., Toronto I E,' -; a�'�tryy,,...., ' 11 E A'1' it L Seaforth NOW SHOWING Thurs. Fri. Sat., Apr. 11-12-13. Jeanne Crain Dana Andrews "STATE FAIR" in technicolor A musical version of Phil Stong's novel, filled with romance MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Betty Grable John Payne - "THE DOLLY SISTERS" IN Technicolor The saga of show business brimming over with life, music and laughter NEXT THURS. FRI. SAT. Charles Coburn Joan Bennett "Colonel Effingham's Raid" A comedy drama packed with entertainment COMING "FALLEN ANGEL" P �,_.._.,_.._._.,_.._.._.._.�.._._...._., �� i CEMETERY MEMORIALS Now is the season to consider the erection of your j- family memorial. You are invited to consult us when every consideration l will be given to individual requirements. i SEAFORTH SHOWROOMS are open each TUESDAY for your convenience. See Dr. Harburn for appointment any other time, or phone 41 J, Exeter T. PRYDE & SON iMemorial Craftsmen i EXETER SEAFORTH CLINTON a This Year Try Sunnyvale Chicks R. O. P. Sired Barred Rocks Leghorn x Rock Hybrids All stock blood -tested against regular and x pullorum Circular and Price List on request Sunnyvale Poultry Farm Andrew A. Moore, Prop. Phone 666 r 3, Seaforth Tune in CKNX (920) Program of Irish Airs. Every Wed., 1 to 1.15 p.m. 5x & 3x Shingles Electric Fencers, Fence Wire, Cedar and Steel Fence Posts Gates Grass Seed, Seed Corn, Garden Seeds Fertilizer, Ceresan CO - OP FEEDS Chickstarter Pigatarter Growmash Hog Grower Laymash Sow ration Hatchmash Dairy ration WESTERN GRAIN AND CHOP Finns Minerals & Tonics Reduced Iron, Rex Wheat Germ on Universal Milkers & Parts Seaforth Farmers Co-operative Phone 9 CHESTERFIELDS & OCCASIONAL at CHAIRS Repaired & Recovered Also Auto Seats and Backs, Verandah Swings & Steamer Chairs Repaired. Free Pick- up and Delivery The Stratford Upholstering Company Phone 578, Stratford For further information apply Box's Furniture Store S1',AIORTH ss PLEASE Once again there's SHORTAGE. EMPTY AND CARTONS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\,,,,,s,:,,,,„ HELP! a serious OF BOTTLES ',N C\\\ \\l\\Oq\tip Help eliminate this condition by returning empties as soon as possible. If it is inconvenient for you to return them person- ally phone your nearest BREWERS' RETAIL- STORE and bring our home pick-up and delivery service to your aid, Xes<eac/ The- Brewing... Industry (Ontario)