HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-04-04, Page 8PAGE EIGHT • THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1946 HENSALL Mr. Ray Schwalm is holidaying in London this week. BORNBBORN—In Victoria I-Iospita ], Lon- don, on Saturday, March 30th, to Mr, and Mrs, John Soidea, a son. Mo. and Mrs: Leslie Adapts and family of London .spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett. Mrs. P. A. Ferguson is supplying as teacher at S.S. 10, Hay, in the absence of Mrs. Norman Stanlake, who has been i11 with scarlet fever. Fractures Skull Roland Smith,aged 17, was seri- ously 'injured when struck in the head by a board, which is believed to have flown from a machine, while employed at the Spencer Planing mill, on Monday. He was rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, by ambulance with Dr. J. C. Goddard in attendance, where it was revealed , he had a fractured skull. His con-1 dition is reported critical. The April meeting of the Hensel] Woman's Institute which is to be Hospitality meeting will be held on Wednesday evening, April 10. at the home of Mrs. T. Sherritt with Mrs. A. Kerslake co -hostess. The roll call will be answered with the payment of fees. The special speaker is to be Mrs. (Dr.) Schenk. The committee in charge are Mrs. Geiger, Mrs. Mc- Larnon, Mrs. McAllister, Mrs. Red- den and Mrs. Forrest. Presentation Made A very enjoyable evening was spent on Monday at the home of Mrs. Jas. Sangster when shout fifty friends gathered to honor Mrs. Beer prior to her departure to her new home in the country. Community singing was led by Miss Greta Lam- mie with Miss Florence Welsh at the piano. Miss Mattie Ellis favored with reading, Audrey Walsh contrib- uted solos and Mrs. Redden and Mrs. Hess sang duetts with Miss Florence Welsh accompanying. Miss Greta Lammie played a violin solo accom- panied by Miss Gladys Luker at the piano. Popular music was erjoyed with Miss Florence Welsh at the piano. Mrs. Beer was presented with a wine bedroom rug and a "gift of cash" for the purchase of Wearever Aluminum. The presentation was made by Mrs. Harry Horton and Mrs. Jas. Sangster and the accom nanying address read by Miss Gladys Luker. Mrs. F. Beer: Dear Hilda—We, a group of your friends and neigh- bors have met here tonight to spend a few happy hours with you prior to your departure for your new home. Your presence in our village for the past years has meant a good deal to us. You have proven yourself a true friend and neighbor; always inter- ested in the welfare of others, and in every cause that had as its object the good of the community. We are nleased to know that you are not going far away and it is our hope that we shall often have the plea- sure of seeing you. As a slight to- ken of the respect and esteem in which you are held we ask you to accept these gifts. May they serve to rNmind you of the days you have spent with us. Here's wishing yob, -our husband and family every hap- -cness and successin your new tame.—Your Hensall friends and nei=chhours. Mrs, Beer expressed her sincere thanks and all joined in ringing. "For she's a jolly good fel 'ow." Refreshments were served, The infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Traquair was able to leave the hospital, following its recent illness and Mrs, Traquair ami Cabe are spending a week at the home of the fortner's parents, M . and Mrs, Stewart McQueen Mr. and :VIII. Lloyd Hudson of Sr. Marys were recent visitors with the fornter's father, Mr, Thos. Hud- son, who is ill. Mr. Murray Gibson and Miss Mary Gibson returned to their home near Brucefield, last week, after spending the winter months with Mr. &nd Mrs, John McMurtrie. Dr. Norma E. J. Cook spent a sew days last week following her graduation, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Cook. Dr. Cook. will interne at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. Mrs. Fred Corbett was a recent visitor with her daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker. Mrs, L. Simpson who has been spending the winter months in Phoe- nix, Arizona, returned home last week, Miss Mary Buchanan superintend - ant of the General Hospital, Niagara Falls, was a recent visitor with her mother, Mrs, .4. Buchanan, Mrs. Enoch Parker is visiting at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Parker. Mr. .A. Pearson of Toronto spent the weekend with friends in the village. The Late Mrs. Wm. Love Mrs, William Love, well-known resident of Hensall, died in Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday, fol- � lowing a lengthy illness. The former , Martha Forrest, she was .born in Hay Township and after her .marriage resided in Stanley township prior to moving to Hensall several years ago. She was a member of the Hensel! United Church, Surviving are her husband, three sons, Rev. Keith Love, Blenheim; Russell, Owen Sound; Stewart at home and two daughters, Lottie, on the teaching -staff in Toronto, and Grace, of Lon- don; one sister, Miss Edith. Forrest. Hensall, one brother, Mr. John For- rest, Hensall. Private funeral service was held from the family residence on Thursday, at 2: p.m., conducted by Rey. R. A. Brook. Interment was made in Baird's cemetery. Mr. Milton Boyle of Toronto visit- ed with relatives here during the past week. 'Mr. and Mrs, Frank Forrest are getting nicely settled in the dwelling they recently rented from the Rey- nolds estate. Mr. Milton Ortwein of Lander, visited over the weekend with his ria*,'tits, 34r. and Mrs. ;T. W. Opti -cin. St 7 S N `ENCE9S PE : DUCE t Wish to announce that they have sold their Egg and Poultry Business, and take this opportunity of expressing their thanks and appreciation for the business given to them by their many patrons. THE NEW FIRM SEAFORTH PRODUCE LIMITED Headed by W. L. Whyte, will carry on in the same locations and the same types of business, and we are sure that you will receive prompt and courteous service at all times from the new firm. Mr. Bert Spence is staying on with the new Company as Manager Mrs John M. Glenn underwent an operation in Victoria hospital, Tues- day in the interests of her health. Her many friends wish for her ' a speedy and complete recovery. Mr. Alex Stewart a well-known farmer of Hibbert passed away at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thomson, highway No. 4, on Sunday, where he had gone to visit for a time. Surviving is a sister, Mrs. Jas. Westlake, of Woodstock. Funeral service was held from the home of his nephew, Mr. Arnold Westlake, Hibbert, on Tuesday. Stewart Crerar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Crerar, Hay township, passed away in St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London, on Tuesday in his 30th year. Born in Molesworth, he came with his parents to reside in Hay township twenty years ago. He at- tended school at S.S. No. 14, Hay, and continuation school in Hensall. He graduated in chemistry follow- ing a four year course at the 0.A.C. in Guelph and was engaged in that occupation atNobel during the war. He worked at Canada Packers in Toronto in the laboratory until corn- ing hoine with illness three months ago, Surviving are his parents and a brother Allan at home. Public. fun- eral service will be held on Thurs- day at 1.30 p.m. from the residence conducted by Rev. P. A. Ferguson of Carmel Presbyterian Church, In- terment in Listowel cemetery-. WINTHROP The Helping Hand Mission Band met in schoolroom of the Church, Saturday, March 30, at 2: p.m. The president, Leslie McSpadden pre- sided. The meeting opened with the call to worship followed by hymn 108. Rosa Axtmann read the scrip- ture, John9: 1-11 verses after which Mac Montgomery led in prayer. Hymn 105 was sung after which all repeated the Mission Band Purpose. The roll call was answered by a book in the Bible showing .23 mem- bers. The study was taken by Mrs. James McClure. The offering was re- ceived and dedicated. Hymn 252 was sung. The business was taken by Mrs. James Hogg. Hymn 480 was sung followed by the Lord's Prayer and National Anthem, A work period followed. CROMARTY Pte. Anthony Allen, who has been stationed with the RCOC. at Montreal, has arrived home and expects to re- port for his discharge in London on April 8. I -Ie is the last of the surviv- ing service men and women of this community to return home. Misses Marjorie and Thelma Parker of London, with their•. parents, Mr, and. Mrs. Darrell. Parker; Werg Mc- Kellar 'and Reggie Stagg with friends in London; Mrs. T. L. Scott with friends it Toronto; Rev. R. G. Mac- Kay, Woodbridge, with friends and relatives; Mrs. Dwight Fisher, Guelph, who has been spending some time with her brothers, Russell and Bert Butler, has returned home. Card of Thanks Mrs. William Feeney and family wish to extend their sincere thanks to many relatives, friends and neigh- bors, for their many acts of kindness and sympathy, and also for the loan of cars, in the loss of a loving hus- band and father, Mr. William J. Feeney. Auction Sale Of Cattle and Hogs. At the farm of Mr. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, one utile east of Seaforth, on Tues- day, April' 9th, at 1 p.m. Forty head of year old cattle, Hereford and Durham. 4 young cows due in April. 3 choice Holstein heifers due in a. week's time; 3 -year-olds. 40 pigs, chunks and suckers. Terns cash, HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Auction Sale In Hensel], of House and Household Effects.—On Saturday, April 13th. A 2 -storey brick house, garage and brick stable combined, one block south of post office. Also two lots. The house has hardwood floors, Turn - ace, hard and soft water Immediate possession. Will be sold subject to reserve bid. MRS. J. B. SIMPSON, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, A quantity of turnips or -mangels. Phone 661x4, Dale Nixon, WANTED In Seaforth or Egmondville, want- ed to rent, a house, or rooms, for war veteran, wife and child, Apply at The News Office. FOR SALE One pair of glass doors for store I front, with screen doors. Three round, posts for veranda. A number of sash with and without glass. One lounge frame with springs. One jig saw frame. 400 feet (dry) cherry plank. Apply at News Office. WANTED A house to buy or rent, in good state of repair, in Seaforth. Apply at ' The News office. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. W. J. F. Bell and family are getting nicely settled on their farm, recentlypurchased from Mr. Andy Bell, Mrs. Eliza Cole of Chiselhurst is their guest. Mr. Steve Suplat and family have moved into Mr. Wm. Bell's residence in Tuckersmith. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young and fami- ly of Chiselhurst have moved in Mrs. J. D. Stewart's home in Tuck- er smith. The many friends of Mrs. Jim Mc- Lean will be sorry to know she is confined to the hospital but hope for a sneedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Dayman, of Kippen, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Esther Clara., to Mr. Charles Percival McMichael, se- cond son of Mr, and Mrs. Percival McMichael, of Clinton, wedding to . take place •a.t Wortley Road Baptist: Church, London, the latter part of April. • Want and For Sale ads, 3 weeks 50e. Card of Thanks. . Mrs. Calwill and sons Wm. and 'John sincerely thank their f •1iends' and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown them during' their sacs bereavement, • Also for beautiful floral tributes and cards received. Special thanks to the Rev. Mr. Atkinson and pallbearers, LOST OR STRAYED About Feb. 1st, short haired black and tan collie weighing about 85 lbs. About March 21st long haired black and tan collie, good size, sharp eyes. Reward. Advise J. A. McKenzie, phone 660r25, Seaforth. I FOR SALE A few bushels of timothy seed, A. Petrie, Brucefield, WANTED TO BUY Three -tray Buckeye hot water in- cubator. Campbell Eyre, Kippen, phone. Hensall 84-13. FEMALE HELP WANTED • Cook -•capable taking full charge staff meals; assistants provided; sea- son May to Sept, Very good wages. Write or 'phone W. Eric Mcllroy, Lakeview Casino, Grand Bend. Phone 69x1. SUMMER WAITRESSES WANTED Girls of neat appearance for "Snack Shop", Grand Bend; season May or. June till Labor Day night; good wages; nice living quarters overlook- ing lake; very reasonable working hours. Girls supervised; character re- ferences required. Apply in own hand- writing to W. Eric Mcllroy, Lakeview Casino, Grand Bend, Ont. FEMALE HELP WANTED Assistants for -"Snack Shop" kit- chen; June to Labor Day. Apply W. Eric Mcllroy, Lakeview Casino, Grand Bend, Ont. WANTED 10 flower pots, 5 inches at top; 10 flower pots, 6 inches at top. Apply at The News Office. FOR SALE 1 steel couch, can be used for a double bed; '2 dozen imperial quart jars, nearly new. Apply to Mrs, Thos. O'Loughlin, James St., Bee- f orth. eaforth. FOR SALE 3 Holstein heifers to freshen this week. Apply to Harold Jackson, Sea - forth. FOR SALE Four-year-old Holstein cow, Here- ford cow, and two Durham heifers, all due in April. Charles F. Dale. Phone 616 r 4, Clinton. WANTED Capable girl or woman for general housework,, Sleep in, good wages and all conveniences.. Apply Mrs. J. Waldo Monteith; 186 Mornington St., Stratford. Phone 2658. For Sale Frame cottage on James street with all modern conveniences, early, possession. Double house on Victoria St. Sep-. arate apartments, good investment. Frame cottage, Goderich St. East. Watson & Reid, Seaforth. Auction Sale Household Effects. Mr. Harold Jackson has been instructed by the undersigned to sell by public auction at the residence of Mrs. A. D. Arm- strong, Goderich St., ,Seaforth, on Wednesday, April 10th, at 1:30 .p.m. One diningroom suite in full; 1 arm chair (good); rocking chairs; 1. couch and day bed - combined; 1 library table; 1 hallrack; Davis sew- ing machine (good); 1 chest of drawers; 2 wooden beds; 1 bed- spring; 1 spring mattress (new) ; 2 bedroom dresses; 1 new ,bed with new springs and mattress; mattress covers; curtains; 1 kitchen cup- board; 1 kitchen table and chairs; 2 good clocks, one 8 -day; 1 electric floor -lamp; 1 electric table lamp; a number of small tables; 1 rug 6 -ft. x 9-81.; washing machine; washtub and benches and wringer; 1 Quebec heater, Clare Jewel, large size (new) 1 step ladder and garden tools; lawn mower; dishes and cooking utensils; Fuller brushes; electric toaster and iron; aluminum tea kettle. A number of articles too numerous to mention. Terms—Cash MRS. A. D. ARMSTRONG, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auct. FOR SALE Harness made by Jack. Harness' hardware etc. Harness made to order , and repairs 2 or 3 days service. This depends on volume of business in harness. More volume, better service. 1 Prompt service given on shoe re -1 pairs at Jack's Repair, Seaforth. Final Chapter.— Final hapter.—Final chapter in the fight of Jo-. seph Albert Beechie, of Bayfield, to regain control and administration of his •own estate was written in Week - 17 High Court in London on Satur- day when Mr. Justice Keiller Mac-' Kay formally accepted application of his, counsel declaring him again mentally competent. Saturday's order sat aside one issued here on June 25, 1938, by Mr. Justice Fisher which declared Mr, Beechie mentally incompetent and named his wife as trustee of the estate. Since then the matter had been before the courts several times. ].c et June at Goderich Mr. Justice Kelly heard an actinn in which Beeehie was plaintiff • and subse- ottently declared him competent. This decision issued in October last year was recently affirmed by the Ontario Court of Appeals. The mo- tion Saturday was a formality. AT FINNIGAN'S WILL FLOUR BE RATIONED Flour has been out 10%; this will not a'ff'ect, you as an individual. manS Tho old. luau at Laurier House has proved his. ability to our Ship p of State. Price Controls are necessary, Canadians still eat well, Our store rooms are piled (high with Robinhood and Five Roses flour, Other items we are anxious for you to know about: The best in Seed Potatoes; Salt, block and bulk; choice Cooking Potatoes. HOW HEALTH MAY BE MAINTAINL'D Build Health by positive, hopeful, cheerful, optimistic thinking W. J. FINNIGAN & SON RENFREW SALES AND SERVICE Hand turned or electric separat- ors and stoves, prompt service, also repairs for Anker-$olt separators. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield. Phone Clinton 618 r 31. HORSES FOR SALE Team of Clydesdales rising four years, with white legs and white faces, broken; and one good general pur- pose horse 10 years old. Apply at News Office. FOR SALE Two choice grass steers 1000 lbs. each. One good work mare 1500- 1600 lbs. One (cherry red) Durham Bull 13 months old. One two wheeled hard rubber -tired trailer with good stock rack. One low steeled -tired wagon. Apply T. W. McMillan, phone 844 r 21, Seaforth. FOR SALE Massey -Harris binder, 7 -ft. . cut, in good shape. Apply to Wesley Searle, phone 184, Brussels, Lot 19, Con. 10, Morris, 214 West of Wal- ton. SEED OATS FOR SALE I have a limited quantity of Erban cats grown from registeredseed, with a nice sprinkling • of spring wheat. This makes a good combination, as the wheat ripens well before the oats and gives a heavy yield. Phone 46r12, Dublin. V. J. Lane. Auction Sale Farm Stock, Implements and Household effects. Mr. Harold Jack- son has been instructedto sell by public auction at Stanley Twp., on West pt. Lot 14, B.R.N. 114 mile West of Varna, Friday, April 5th at 12:30 o'clock sharp. HORSES- One team. CATTLE -1 cow, 7 yrs. old, due to freshen April 16th; 1 cow, 5 yrs old, due April 14th; 1 cow, 4 Yrs. old, milking; 1 thorobred Jersey, due to freshen at time of sale. SHEEP -10 ewes, due to lamb in April. IMPLEMENTS — M. H. binder 6 -ft.; Deering mower 6 -ft.; Deering dump rake 9 -ft.; M,H. spring -tooth cultivator; 1 single furrow sulky riding plow; 1 set 4 -section harrows with 3 and 4 section draw bars, 1 M.H. 13 -run disc seed drill, sleighs, buggy, cutter, straw cutter, grain crusher, wagon, wagon box, stone boat, 16 -ft. flatehay rack, fanning mill, scales, 3 h.p. gas engine, grind-, stone, knife sharpener, iron kettle, grass seeder, hay fork, sling ropes, sling chain, trip rope, hay fork rope, Ankor-Holt cream. separator, 600 lbs, capacity; power' sheep clippers, 1 single scuffler, grain bags, sacks, logging chains, whiffletrees, neck - yokes, 1 set team harness, 1 set of breeching, a quantity of lumber and planks. Some hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Marvel Quebec range with warming closet, Daisy churn, rocking chairs, couch, folding leaf table, chest of drawers beds, springs and mattresses, toilet sets, dishes, crates, butter bowl and. ladle. Dominion upright piano, like new; kitchen chairs, number of seal- ers, one small spinning wheel. Terms—Cash D. A. GALBRAITH, Prop. E. P. , Clerk Auction Sale I HaroldChesneyJackson, Auct. Farm Stock, Implements, Mr.! Harold Jackson has been instructed to sell by public auction at Lot 13, Con. 12, McKillop Twp., Monday April 8, at 1 o'clock sharp. HORSES -1 mare rising 9 yrs.; 1 mare rising 8 yrs..; 1 colt 3 yrs. old; .1 horse rising 5 yrs. CATTLE -1 red cow calved, 6 yrs.; 1 cow due in April. 6 yrs.; 1 I roan cow calved; 1 cow due in fall, 5 yrs.; due cow 6 yrs., 1 cow 7 yrs. both April; 3 heifers 1'4 yrs. old; 3 steers rising 2; 1 steer rising 2, 2 heifers rising 2; 6 calves rising 1; 1 fall calf; 2 calves 6 weeks old; 1 Durham bull 11/2 yrs. PIGS -2 young sows due April. POULTRY EQUIPMENT 3 range shelters; 1 fattening crate; about six sacks brooder coal. IMPLEMENTS -1 11.11. binder; 1 M.H. Cultivator; 1. disc; 1 12 -hoe drill; 4 -section diamond harrows; 1 Oliver riding plow; hay rake; mower 51A -ft. out; 1 hay leader; 1 scuffler; 2 wagons; .hay rack with shift; 1 buggy; 1 cutter; grindstone; st•,ne- boat; wagon box; stock -rack; pig- crate; manure -spreader; gravel -box; flat -rack; 1 packer -(new); gang - plow; set sleighs; fanning mill with' screens; set 2000 lbs. scales; 1 beam scale; binder tongues 14 feet; 1 oak tongue; 35 cedar frosts; 8 corner posts; 1 26-11. ladder; 2 ladder poles ripped; forks; chains; some plank; white Ash 1•um- her for gates; hand stretcher; block and tackle; whifftaro es; rlouble- trees; neck -yoke; 24 grain bags; seeks; shovels; cream. separator. Numerous other articles. HARNESS -1 et , breechire; har- ness; 1 set backhand; 1 set single harness; 4 collets; horse blankets; robe; 1 harness repair bench, GRAIN -400 bus. mixed grain; 60 bus. Alaska oats; 175 bas. feed bar- ley: 200 bus. Western oats. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS --1 sew- ing machine; 1 Aladdin lamp; 1 box stove; 2 5 -gal. coal oil cans. Terms—Cash, as :farm is solid, WILLIAM LEEMTNG, Prop. Harold Jackson. Auct. E. P. Chesney, Clerk, R S R FOR ALE Good grass farm, 4th Con., Hibbert, 100 acres. Lots of water and shade. Apply at News Office, HAVE YOUR WASHER CHECKED Now for. your Spring washing. Beatty Washer Service, Goderich. Leave your call at Sills Hdwre. PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies ,(rubber goods mailed postpaid in plain, sealed enve- lope nve lope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. FARM FOR SALE 150 acres - good clay loam, all under cultiva- tion except 12 agree of bush. Well drained and fenced. Bank barn on stone foundation, 66ft. square, stabling underneath with ce- ment floors. Bay barn 84ft. square with hen house underneath, driving shed 24ft. x 34ft. Cement silo 12ft. x 25ft. Frame house with insulate brick covering,' seven rooms and shed, Situated 7 miles from Seaforth, 4 miles from Walton, 100 rode from school- and 1 3-4 miles from Winthrop. Lot 27, pt. 28, Con. 10, McKillop. Hydro all through barn and house and water all through barn. Apply to Zack McSpadden,Walton, R.12.4 Dublin Produce L.O. A. KOSTEK & SON REGISTERED EGG • GRADING STATION Automatic Egg Grading Machines Used Highest Cash Prices Paid for Eggs and Poultry WE WILL PICK UP YOUR PRODUCE Phone Dublin 50 SEAFORTH PHONE 155W McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn Haps SEAFORTII, ONT. Telephone 114 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday add Saturday 1.30 'p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Claes Companies. The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE— SEAFORTH, Ont. Officers President, F. McGregor, Clinton; Vice President, C. W. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; Secretary -Treasurer and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. i;, Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, _Born- holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mo- Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Brumfield; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. 3'. Prueter,. Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A, McMaster, M.B., Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereupttc equipment. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D. Physician and Surgeon In. Dr. H. H, Roes' office. Phone 5 J MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.0- Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat Phone 90 W Seaforth DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in ,Medicine, University of Toronto, Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Mooreiield's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng, At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4,p.m. — 53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent, Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119, Nights and Holidays 66 FOR SALE 6 -Room Frame House, Hydro, Town Water, and cellar. Situated on Coleman Street. House with barn: Situated on Main Street. South. 60 Acre Farm, Twp, Tuekeramith. Good Brick .House, Bank. Barn, Poultry IH'ouse and Driving- Shed. immediate possession. 78 Acre Farm, Twp. Tuckersmith. Frame House,' Bank Barn, Driving Shed.; Hog Pen, Gond bush with spring therein. Also have farms listed in McKillop. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Estate Phones: 534 Office 'Res. 220., FARM FOR SALE Five miles south of Seaforth, , and one mile east, Lot 7, Concession 8,. Tuckersmith, One mile from school. Large bank barn, brick house, hen house and pig pen. Drained, Plenty of water. All seeded to grass, Pos- session given immediately. Apply to J. W. Free, Seaforth. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One.Nlillion Partners H. R. LONG, GODERIGH - District Agent