HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-03-21, Page 8PAGE EIGHT: rt? THE SEAFORTH NEWS HENSALL i Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ballantyne Mr. Thos. Wheeler and family' of Detrol spent the weekend visit- wish to extend their sincere thanks big with the former's mother, Mss, to their many friends especially to those who so kindly loaned their Carrie Ballantyne,' cars, and those who sent flowers and Dr,. Wm. T. Soya of London baking, and to allwho so kindly re - anent the weekend with his another, membered them in their loss of a Mrs. Alice Joynt. g lovin ' wife and smother. Miss lune. Saundercock of : Lon- don was a weekend. visitor with her Card of Thanks mother, Mrs. Annie Saundercock, to wishes Mrs. Hugh Ramsay Mr, Harry Ford accompanied by than!: her manyfriendsmsayand'neigh- recently ei Miss Holly Fay of London visited,g - recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley bours for the kindness shown her .Jones. daring her illness and for the gifts Miss Mavis Spencer of Toronto of ,fruit and the cards received spent the weekend at the home of while in hospital. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. FOR. SALE 'Spencer. Quantity of Timothy seed, govern - Mr. and; Mrs. A. D. McEwene. vise ment graded, $3,50 bushel. Loris iced during the past week w;th the Bolton, R.R.1 Dublin. former's brother; Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Ewen in Sarnia. FOR SALE. Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer of Lon- . Metal, baby crib, like new. Apply don were recent visitors with Mr, at The News Office. and Mrs, Roy MacLaren. • Misses Helen and Mae McNaugh- ton of Toronto spent the weekend with their parents, Mi'. and Mrs. Lorne McNaughton. Miss Pearl Reid of London was a recent visitor with friends in Hensah Mr. Wm. Slavin of London spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKenzie and family of Clinton visited recently with Mrs. Wm. McKenzie and_ Mrs. Violet Schwalm.. Miss Margaret Johnson who has been seriously ill at her home for some time was removed to the hos- pital in London during the past week The Young People's Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church held their regular social evening in the school -room of the church on Mon- day evening. Miss Margaret Mac- Gregor presided ;and opened the meeting by singing "0 God our help M ages past" followed by the Lord's prayer in unison. The scripture was take by Donhymnll. se ` "Tellness was me the taken up and story of Jesus" was sung. Miss Helen Moir presided over the musical pro- gram as follows: Saxophone solo bY Mrs. A. Orr entitled "My WildIrish Rose" accompanied at the piano bY Mrs, Kennedy. Mrs. Chas. Forrest played a piano solo entitled "Damty Boy". Mrs. Kennedy favored with a vocal solo entitled 'Where the river Shannon flows" and "An Irish Lulla- by," accompanied by Mrs. Forrest at the piano. Mrs. P. A. Ferguson gave an interesting address on "Robert Louis Stephenson and his wife." The meeting closed by sing- ing "What a Friend we have in Jesus" after which Rev.. P. A. Fergu- son led in prayer. Games, contests and lunch were enjoyed. Presentation S k 5 barley; about 150 bus wheat; 2 • was la ed during the even FARM FOR SALE 100 acres on 3rd. con, of McKil- lop, 134 miles from Seaforth, all in grass, well drained, good house, hard and soft water in house, fur- nace, good barn, henhouse, and im- plement shed, plenty of water, hy- dro available, immediate possession. Apply, Mrs. Alex Stirling, Seaforth. GIRL WANTED For housework in .town. Apply to The News office. GRASS FARM FOR SALE Good grass farm, 4th Con•, Hibbert, 100 acres, Lots of water and shade. Apply at News Office. HAVE YOUR WASHER CHECKED Now for your Spring washing. Beatty Washer Service, Goderich. Leave your call at Sills Hdwre, SPECIAL POULTRY—About 150 Leghorn dump rake 9 -ft.; M.H. spring -tooth Oil changed and .viache p ]lens. $1.00, Beatty Washer Service, F. IMPLEMENTS — Hart -Parr Skelton, Prop. 70 tractor; threshing machine 24 DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORNS everything complete; corn blo Climax; grain grinder, 10 inch Auction Sale Auction Sales Also on Of Church shed 'and blacksmith shop, Mr. Harold Jackson has re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction at Winthrop on Wednesday, Auction Sale March 27th, at 12:15 p.m. CATTLE and'MACHINERY, Sat - shed, Part ofu Winthrop Cavin Church urday, March 30, at 1 p.m.,, 4.9, rods about u2x4 Also the blacksmith shop, West of Kippen. known as 10%c Bullard's ,balance 14 Durham cows due to freshen Terms: 10% cash, g is re in from tine of sale until May, rang da Mrs. before building is removed. ing from three to seven years. old. Mar. T.Betties, see. This is a choice lot of Durham cows Harold Jackson, Auct. • and intbe best of condition. 16 Dur - Clearing Auction Sale ham heifers and steers 1 yr. old, 12 Of Farah Stock and Implements, Durham heifers and steers rising 2 years old. This stock was all bred to auctioneers, W. Ahrens and - A. Robinson, or sired by the Pimpernel Herd Sire,'t auctioneers, have received instruc- ie- Mapleville Rose Signet -261320- ions from the undersigned .pat Machinery—Oliver 70 row crop for to sell by public auction at Lot tractor (good), starter, lights, 25, Con. 1, Township of Logan, le power takeoff; John Deere hay miles West of Mitchell or 2,1,/. miles bailer; used one season; two"mowers, East of, Dublin, on No. 8 highway, 1 riding plow,;and a number of on Tuesday," March 26, 1946..Sale other articles. to start at 12:30 o'clock sharp, the Terms—Cash following DR. GILBERT and DR. JAMES HORSES -1 Clyde 'mare '5 .yrs. DR. Proprietors. old; 1 Clyde mare 7 yrs. old; Clyde E, P. Chesney, Clerk snare 8 yrs. old, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer -- CATTLE -2 Durham heifers with calves by their sides; 3 Durham Page 2 Auction Sale cows fresh with • calves by their Farm Stock, Hnplements and sides; 1 Ayrshire cow, fresh; 1 Pur Household effects. Mr. Harold Jack - ham cow due in April; 1 Durham •a..e son has been instructed to ll by public auction at Stanley Twp., on West pt. Lot 14, B.R.N. 1% mile West of Varna, Friday, April 5th at 12:30 o'clock . sharp. . HORSES— One team, CATTLE -1 cow, 7 yrs. old, due to freshen April 16th; 1 cow,'5 yrs old, due April 14th; 1 cow, 4 yrs. heifer due in Apsi at time of sale;:4 Durham cows due at time of sale; 1 Durham cow due in July; 1 Durham heifer, dry, good grass heifer 1 Durham steer weigh- ing about 1200, lbs.; 4 spring calves; 9 feed calves weighing about 750 lbs., almost ready for market. 1 Dur- ham bull 11 months old. These are old, milking; 1 thorobred Jersey, due a real bunch of Durham cows and to freshen at time of sale. FOR SALE calves. SHEEP -10 ewes, due'to lamb in 1 Ajax' seed oats from registered HOGS -2 Yorkshire sows due mid. April. dle of April; 1 Yorkshire sow just IMPLEMENTS — M. H. binder seed, second generation. Apply to Dub - bred; 6 chunks weighing about 100 John :Shea Jr., Phone 64 r 24, Dub f, -ft,; Deering mower 6 -ft,; Deering ]in Central. Seaforth R.R. 5. THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1940 AT FiNNIGAN'S CHEESE CHEESE CHEESE Arrived this week, shipment of Assorted Cheese. For,good health eat good Cheese. Due to the restrictions in the butter ration, full advantage should be taken of Cheese in the daily diet. What Is The Key To A Successful Business Absolute Honesty, Good Will and Health, build a successful businese W. J. FINNIGAN & SON FOR SALE A hen house 16 x 18 and also a barn 18 x 22. Apply at The News Office. FOR SALE.' Massey Harris manure spreader,- in good shape. Apply to Wm. Old- field, phone 662 r 16. Seaforth. McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. Glenn"Haps SEAFORTH, ONT, Telephone 174 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron Office in the Dominion Bank Build - FOR SALE ' ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— A Shorthorn bull, one year old, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Apply to phone 46 r 5, Dublin, Zack 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday Ryan. evening, 7.30, pm. to 9 p.m. • ROOM AND BOARD Wanted for ane ycouple, Iden in Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE Office. FOR SALE AND INSURANCE AGENCY • hop combined in Hensall, known as All kinds effect- Seaforth. Near Main . street prefer- red. Apply at The. News Offi Blacksmith shop and implement MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. s of Insurance risks eff the Brock Blacksmith Shop.' Apply to , ed at lowest rates in First -Class George Pepper, Mitchell<R,R.3. Phone Companies. 35r22 Dublin central. lb.FOR SALE r r ins ected, k • cultivator 1 sin le furrow sulky No. riding'. plow; 1 set 4 -section harrows x48, with 3 and 4 section draw bars; 1 wen, M.H. 13 -run "disc seed drill, sleighs, with buggy, cutter, straw cutter, grain crusher. wagon, wagon box, stone boat, 16 -ft. flat hay rack, fanning mill, scales, 3 h.p, gas engine, grind- stone, knife sharpener, iron kettle, grass seeder, hay fork, sling ropes, sling chain, trip rope, hay fork rope, Ankor-Holt cream separator, 600 lbs. capacity: power sheep clippers, 1 single scuffler, grain bags, sacks, logging chains, whiffletrees, neck - yokes, 1 set team harness, 1 set of breeching, a quantity of lumber and planks. Some hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Marvel Quebec range with warming closet, Daisy churn, rocking chairs, couch, folding leaf table, chest of drawers beds, springs and mattresses, toilet Offering serviceable aged bull, bred heifers and young cows. Herd fully accredited. and blood tested. 656 r 41. Alex speed jack; buck rake; M.H. bi 6 -ft. cut; M.H. mower.5-ft. cut; G. Pepper. Cormick Deering disc fertilizer drill; 3 -section lever harrows; 3 LOST rows disc Cockshutt plow; Spare tire and rim size 600-19 be- shutt manure spreader; hay tweet Jas. Finlaysons and Seaforth, with sliding rack: Cockshutt on Saturday, March 16• Finder wagon; set sleighs; cutter; please notify Jas. Finlayson; Kippen. Pulper; 4 -section iron harr Phone, Seaforth 651 - 3. walking plow; scuffler;L cream separator with motor.atta FOR SALE (nearly new): 160 -ft. steel hay A barn 45 x 50 ft., known as the cable; steel ,post: barb wire; sap Walker hotel barn, Brucefield. Ap- electric fencer; feeding mol ply to Edgar Allan, Phone 659r15. coal brooder stove; colony 'hou nder Mc - seed fug Cock - rack truck root ows; ester ched fork pan; asses; se 7x 10: 90 ft. 7 inch endless threshing belt (nearly new); 30 ft. 5 inch belt. HARNESS—Set of double har- Auction Sale Mr. mess: single heavy harness; odd A. very enjoyable time was spent leas; horse blanket: robe. in the school house at B.S. 10, Hay FEED—About 30tons' on Friday evening when the neigh- mixedFbay; ons. offn hours and friends gathered in honor Wednesday, 4 1 3 d seed oats; about 200 bus of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Parke who re- grain; about 200 No. 21 sentry moved to Hensall. Progressive FaFARM—Consisting Harold Jackson has been in- structed to sell by public auction at lots 24 and 25, 4th Con. Goderich Twp. 4 miles west of Holmesville, on Cut Line, - pri 3rd. Parisi and Farm Stock. of 0 acres •r less of second rowth bush, mixed wood, being part block letter ensilage; 25 bus. turnips; adjusta- col- good guard mixed seed bus, euchre p y ing and the following were prize winners. Ladies first prize, Mr;, G. Broderick; Gent's first prize, Mr. Frank Lostell, Ladies' consolation, Mrs. Corbett; Gent's consolation, Mr. Lorne Chapman. During the re- freshment hour Mr. and Mrs. Parke were presented with a floor -lamp, The accompanying address was read by Mr. Jack Corbett and the presen- tation made by Mr, George Finney. Mr. Parke expressed their sincere thanks. Following is the address. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Parke. Dear Friends: It was with deep regret that we learned that you were to leave our community and make your tome in Hensall. We feel that we cannot let this opportunity pass without expressing our appreciation for the many kindnesses you have shown as friends and neighbours. You have always been willing to lend a hand in time of need and to do your share in the social activities of the community. We hope that you will be spared to spend many years of health and happiness in your new home. As a small token of our ap- preciation we ask you to accept this lamp and as you use it from day day may you be reminded of the :,'lore o , g timothy seed; about 4 ft. of go A Colborne Twp., adjoining' Sky Harbor Air Port, on the North, 56 anile West of Dunlop,. 3 miles from Goderich, will be sold subject to re- serve bid. Terms made known day of sale. 40 head of cattle and 35 pigs, 60 bags seed potatoes. Cattle have had first spray for warble fry. Cattle consisting of 1 roan bull 18 mos. old; 2 Hereford cows, 4 years old, fresh; 2 Hereford heifers, 3 years old, due in Sept.; 1 blue cow, 7 yrs. 1 Ayrshire heifer 2% yrs. old, due lir old, due in May; 1 black cow, 4 yrs. May; 1 Ayrshire cow 4 yrs. old, due old, due in March; 1 roan cow, 7 Ma 1 4 hi ble Morris chair; post hole auger, forks, whippletrees, neckyokes and a host of other articles too numer- ous to mention found about a farm. i No reserve as the farm is sold: Everything offered will be sold to highest bidder. Auctioneer's deci- sion final in case of all disputes. NOTE: Remember, this sale starts at 12:30 o'clock sharp. Terns—Cash HERBERT ROBINSON, Prop. Fred W. Ahrens and A. E. Robin- son, Auctioneers. sets, dishes. crates, butter bowl and ladle. Dominion upright piano, like new; kitchen chairs, number of seal- ers. one small spinning wheel. Terms—Cash D. A. GALBRAITH, Prop. E. P. Chesney, Clerk Harold One brown gelding rising four years, four white legs and face, well broken. Will sell, or deal on cattle. Apply at The News office. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, 4% miles from Sea - forth, Ont., % mile from highway, mostly under cultivation. Never - failing stream ,at back. Large bank barn with overflowing well. Eight - roomed concrete house with hard and soft water inside, also large garage. Cheap for quick sale. Apply Lorne S. Webster, Seaforth, Ont., FOR SALE A quantity of Ajax seed oats, pure and clean, and both steineand leaf rust resistant. Apply Law- son, Clinton R.R. #1, phone 841-12, Seaforth. SEAFORTH CLINIC The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, Ont. Officers President, F. McGregor, Clinton; Vice President,: C. W. Leon'hardt, Brodhagen; Secretary -Treasurer and 'Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, .Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born- holm; D. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Me. Ewing,- Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. Agents John' E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen;George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will he promptly attended to by applications to any of the above named officers addressed to their respective' post offices. FOR SALE 100 acre farm of good clay loam, well drained. 6 acres of fall wheat, 30 acres plowed, rest in hay and l pasture. Buildings in good state of repair. Brick house with basement. Jackson Auct. 1 Barn, 56x56 on wall with good stables and water in barn. New hen house. Spring well. Apply Lot 2, Auction Sale Con. 7, Tuckersmith, Rudolph Etue, Farm stock. Implements, uct Har- Seaforth, R. R. 4. old Jackson has been instructed to FARM FOR SALE sell by public auction at Lot 3, Con. North part of Lot 15, Concession MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.D. 6, Hullett Township, 7 miles north- 11, Hullett Township, containing 68 Physician and Surgeon Dr. E. A. McMaster, M.B., Graduate of University of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic equipment. JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M;D. Physician and Surgeon In Dr. H. I3. Ross' office. Phone 5J west of Seaforth: / mile east of acres cleared 'land, 26 acres fall Kinburn, Thurs., April 4 at 1 pan. plowed balance in hay and grass. Successor to Dr, W. a Sproat Phone 90 W Seaforth sharp, the following: On the premises is a 1 -and -a -half _ Cattle -1 black cow 7 yrs. old, just bred and milking good; 1 Ayr- shire cow 3 yrs• old, calved 3 months; 1 Ayrshire cow 3 yrs. old; - yrs, old, fresh 2 months; 1 Jersey • cow, 5 years old, due in March; 2 black cows, 7 and 8 years old, milk- ing; 1 black heifer, 3 years old, fresh. The balance consists of reds; reds with white heads and roans, 2 years old, year olds, baby beef and calves. 1 15 Tamworth sows, bred, 1 York sow. The balance chunks and wean- ' ars. Terms cash. , ALVIN PROCTOR, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, E. P. Chesney, Clerk. to • Friday, March 22nd, The Women's pleasant- time we spent together in Y, o 'n this section. Signed on behalf of Institute will have a lunch both n your neighbors and friends, Jack the hall. Corbett, !George Finney, Lone Chap- Institute Meets Wo- man, Sandy Munn. The March meeting of the Wo - Mrs. Latimore men's Institute was held at the home Mrs. Nellie Latim.ore died at the dof Mrs, W. 0. Goodwin, on,Wednes- home of her son Edgar in Sarnia, on hostess.oesMr :with Mrs. R.es co- g Mrs. A. E. Munn presided Sunday in her 83rd year. The de- over the program. The roll call was ceased was formerly Miss Nellie answered by "My Favourite Past - Blackwell and lived in this vicinity time." The guest speaker was Mrs. for a number of years. Funeral ser- R. VIclZercher who gave an interest - vice was held from Mr, Robert Din- ing address on Home Economics. trey's Funeral Home in Exeter, on The motto "Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet" and Tuesday, at 2 p.m. Interment in Ex- Dr. Merriman are the three hest eter cemetery. physicians, was very ably taken bY Little Ronald Rowcliffe, son of Mrs, Cross. Mrs. Horton had charge Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rowcliffe un- of the Current Events. Miss Greta derwent an operation for appendici- Lammie played a violin solo, accom- tis in London on Saturday. ponied by Miss Gladys Luker at the Mr. Lloyd Hudson of St. Marys piano. A social hour followed. spent the weekend here owing to Miss Lois Greene of Port Stanley the illness of his father, Mr, Thos. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ivan Kip - Hudson. fer. Mr. Bert Horton spent a few clays A very enjoyable time was spent in Toronto this week. , at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Mrs. A. Rowcliffe and Mrs, R. J, Venner at Chiselhurst, on Friday Patterson returned home after a night when relatives and friends Pleasant visit with relatives in Tor -gathered to celebrate their silve onto. wedding anniversary. ]lancing was Mr. Lenton Siemon has Pur- enjoyed and during the refreshmen chased the property of the late Mrs. hour Mr. and Mrs. Venter were pre Alice Pfaff, sented with many beautiful gifts The annual birthday party of the The address was read by Mrs." Wm W.M.S. of the Hensah United Kyle, of I<ippen to which Mr. Ver Church will be held on Friday, March nen made a. fitting reply. 22nd, when Miss Courtice, returned missionary will be the guest speaker. polumwwwwitmetwannowni Mrs. R. H. Middleton is visiting v# tonMn. and Mrs. George Middle - The t� Coal ton in Detroit. The Arnold Circle Evening Auxil- • 'EXECUTORS SALE lir y; ylsnre cow 3 Yrs old, bred Jan. lith; 1 Jersey heifer 2 Farm Stock and Household Ef- yrs. old, bred Jan. 7th; 1 Durham fects. At the estate of the late R. bull 15 months old, eligible for reg - Houston, Lot 16, Con. 16, Grey Tp., istl'ation; 3 Hereford steel's around on Friday, March 22, at 1 p.m. 1100 Ib.; 3 Hereford steers around HORSES —1 general purpose 1000 lb. ; 3 Hereford heifers around mare 6 years old. 1000 lb.; 2 Hereford heifers 1 yr. CATTLE—Hereford cow, bred old; 2 Hereford steers 1 yr. old; 2 Feb. 17: Red Durham cow fresh calves 5 months old; 4 young calves. I time of sale; grey Durham cow due PIGS -10 suckers: 1 sow just Sept. 19; Durham cow due April 1; .bred. A few chunks. white-faced cow due May 7; Red HENS—•185 hens 1 yr. old, Sussex Durham cow due Sept. 15; white- and Hampshire hybrids, laying good, faced Durham cow fresh, with calf; IMPLEMENTS -1 Cockshutt No: grey Durham cow fresh, with calf; white-faced cow, due ,Sept. 19; grey cow fresh; 2 heifers due end. of April; 4 Durham steers, about 1000 lbs.; 5 Durham cattle, 1 year; several fall and spring calves. All these cattle are Durham. PIGS -1 sow with litter of pigs 2 weeks old. POULTRY — 75 two-year-old hens; 2 ducks. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -1 oak sideboard; 1 Bell organ; 1 extension table; 8 kitchen chairs; 8 dining - room chairs; 1 oak rocking chair; 2 white beds; 1 mahogany bedroom suite; .2 small tables; 1 washing ma- chine and wringer; 1, Happy Thought range; 1 carpet sweeper; 1 dust mop; 1 set cake tins, 4 storey; 3 milk cans; 1 set of curtain stretch- ers: 4 pair of curtains; 2 pair of pillows; 5 quilts and one bedspread; 3: erokinole board; 1. wash board; number of dishes; graniteware; pans;jardiniere; fancy dishes; 1 cop- per boiler: sealers; 2 roasting pans; 2 lamps; Marconi radio; irons; con- goleum rug 9x13%; wringer; drop leaf table; clock. r Oak barrel; scuffle; fork; saws; wheelbarrow; collars; pulper; bi- t cycle; range shelter; bags; half set - of Harness; hayfork car; lawn mow- • er; Melotte cream separator,. 750 • lbs.; numerous other articles. Ven Terms—Cash MARGARET HOUSTON and 'RAY HOUSTON, Executors. Robert Patrick, Clerk Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer, iary held a most successful St. Pat- rick's tea and Fashion Display on Satuvclay. BEST ALBERTA AVAILABLE Fit. Lieut. Jeoffrey Bowles, Field CAR NOW ROLLING Secretary of the Ontario Division 1 was present and discussed and nut- Get a ton direct from Car lined the future work of the Red Place Your Order Cross at a meeting held in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening, 1 J. H. SCOTT, phone 336 The Firemen are sponsoring a 'dance in the Town Hall, Hensah, on snetstetasseitsrera, a IA.ruttaftha~A, Deep Seam Lump storey brick house, a barn 32'x50', with cement stabling and water in the barn; also a shed 50'x36', a gar- age, and 'other buildings, all in good state of repair. For further particu- lars apply to Kelland McVittie, R.R. #1, Blyth, or Mrs. Leo Watt, R.R. No. 1, Blyth, executors of the Estate of the late Simon McVittie. FOR RENT 100 acre pasture farm, lots of water. Apply to Miss J. Cronin, St. Columban. WANTED Some Gopher seed oats. Also, for sale, Orchard Grass seed, good clean seed. Apply to 'Stewart Dale, phone 21.847, Seaforth. DAY-OLD AND STARTED 5 manure spreader; 1 McCormick White Leghorn pullets for ship - Deering hay loader (good as new); ment April, May and June. Stock 1 M.H. 11 hoe fertilizer seed drill; blood -tested and, banded under 0.B.S. 1 McCormick -Deering cultivator; 1 policy. Glazier's Poultry Farm, Olin- M,H. bind(in .good ton, phone 617 r 31,. dition); 1er Queb6-ft.ec sulkycut riding plcon-ow; 1 walking plow, Fleury No. 21; 1 M. • PERSONAL H. scuffles.: 3 -section harrows: 1 • Hygienic Supplies ,(rubber goods) wagon; 1 cutter; 1 sliding rack mailed postpaid in plain, sealed env e - (new); 1 set sleighs with flat rack; Iope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 1 gravel box; 1 steel roller; 1 'stone 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74. Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Clearing Auction Sale On Thursday, April 4, at 1 p.m„ (i miles East of Brussels oil the County Road. WM. CLEMENT, Prop. Robert Patrick, Clerk Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer. EXPERT PiANO TUNING Geo. 3. Wright, Bandmaster, Win phase. Leave orders at Mrs. Peck's Music 'Store, Seaforth. boat; 1 wheel barrow; hay fork, 203 ft'( ly new). q tty f •rope near new • uan io lumber; 6 cedar posts; 1 barley fork; 2 pitch forks; 1 ensilage fork; 1 FARM FOR SALE shovel; 1 ditching spade, and numer- ous other articles. 2 fattening rho neree good clay loam, an ender cuttiva- crates; 2 troughs; wire stretch- tion except 12 ncree of bush, Well, droned pig g and fenced. Bank bean on etono foundation, ers: cross -cut saw; trip rope and BREI, square, stabling underneath with no- rakeys; M.H. mower 5 -ft. cut; 10 -ft. Novae isnnderneeath,bdriving tecme d 24ft xh 34ft rakc; 1 sugar kettle; 200 -ft, snow cement silo rztt. x 2510. Frame house with fence (nearly nbw), insulate brick ft.' x U seven roomer and 1 HARNESS-1 set double harness axed, situated a miles from 3enierth, 4 mites from Walton, 100.rods front' school and (good as new); horse collars, 1 pair 1 3-4 miles from Winthrop.droLotthrough0,t. 28. horse blankets. con. r0, Wallop. Hy HAY AND GRAIN -12 tons as-- iyoto and Me Paddewater n, Watton• R.R.4 (more or less) mixed' hay; 125 bus. Fall Wheat: 300 bus. Eran Oats '(fit for seed), with some barley. Terms—Cash as farm s sold. HARRY DURNIN, Preop. Harold Jackson, Auct. 1 . Dublin Produce FOR SALE Two Guernsey heifers, due to freshen April lst. Also seven chunks of pigs, A, C. Levey & Son, R.R. 4, Seaforth. Man Wanted For worse in Coal Yard and Grain Elevator. Also some farm work Steady work Iron the right man John B. Mustard Lumber & Coal Co. 13RUCEFIELD, ONT. Phone 618 r 11, Clinton central A. KOSTEK & SON REGISTERED EGG' GRADING STATION Automatic Egg Grading Machines Used Highest Cash Prices Paid for Eggs and Poultry WE WILL PICK IJP YOUR PRODUCE Phone Dublin 50 SEAFORTH PHONE 155W DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorelleld's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. — 53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267.. , G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 FOR SALE 0 -Room Frame House.: Hydro, Town Water. and cellar. Situated. on Coleman. Street. House with barn. Situated on Main Street, South. 00 Acre Farm, Twp. Tuckersmith,. Good Brick House, Bank Barn. Poultry House and Driving Shed, Lfimediate possession. 78 Acre Farni, Twp. Tuckeremith..Frame House, Good busshit Bank spring Driving therein.he,. Hog Pen, Goo Also have farms listed in McKillop. E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate. Phones: 334 Office Res. 220 FOR SALE Frame dwelling, hydro, 1% acres, North Main street. Suitable for poul- try farm. Early possession. Double house on Victoria St. Sep- arate apartments, good investment. Frame cottage, Goderich St. East. Watson & Reid, Seaforth. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, GODERICH District Agent