HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-03-21, Page 6HOLD EVERYTHING "1 had to come back—couldn't And a room anywhere17 "How's the real estate business In your town?" asked the visitor. "Fine," replied the agent. "All the landlords want new tenants and all the tenants want new landlords." —o -- "Your husband seems to be a man of rare gifts." "I71 say he is — he hasn't given me one since we were married." — 0— A laddie from college named Breeze Weighed down by B.A.'s and M.D.'s Collapsed from the strain Said the doctor: "It's plain You're killing yourself by degrees." —o— When your son has complet- ed his studies, what will he be? "Oh, about seventy-eight years of age; I should think. — o— "Isn't your friend Clark pretty slow?" "1 should say not. It took him four hours to drive his new girl friend fifteen miles home from a dance last night." —0— "What can I grow in a gar- den thirty feet square?" asks a correspondent. Very, very tired. —o— The 0—The teacher was trying to make Elsie understand subtraction and she said: "You have ten fingers, BOW supposing there were three missing wha t would you have then?' ' Ne music lessons" said Elsie promptly. THE SPORTING THING WSW/ SOUADP ss-14 Where in heck have you been? You're three minutes late!" It Actually Happened Four Chinese girl -students, none too familiar with the English lan- guage, rented an apartment and kept house for themselves while attending a western university. They chose one girl to be the housemaid manager and left the buying of food, the paying of rent, and other financial matters in her hands. A chair was broken and a cabi- netmaker was called in. The girl - manager engaged nim to do the repair work believing that the cost would he $2.50, However, when the Chair was returned the cabinet- maker presented her with a bill for $3.50. She was very much surprised, a.nd so was the cabinetmaker when she cried out in her confusion, "1 cannot understand itl You are dearer to me now titan when we were engaged I" Noted Man Mrs. Newriche (patronizingly): "Were any of your ancestors men of note, Mr. Nobody?" Nobody: "Yes, madame, I should say so. One of them was the most famous admiral of his day and commanded the allied forces of the whole world," "Is it possiblel What was his name?" "Noah, madame." Greenhorn It was his first experience as a shop assistant. "Have you an account here, ma'am?" he asked, after booking a customer's order "No." was the reply. "but 1 would like to see the manager." The aaristant walked across to whei. AM manager stood. "A lady oi no account to see YOU. sir.' Inc said. MIDWESTERN STATE HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted state, -- 11 11 South African corn meal. 12 Its capital A is —, p 14 Sedan, 15 Cloth measure 0 N .; E N 16Arrive (abbr.) 17 Uncooked. 19 Wood sorrels. 21 Particle of fire. 23 Flower, 24 Mangles. 42 S 26 East (Fr,). 43 S 27 Fortified 46 K prison. 47 L1 28 Any. 48 E 29 Modified plant .49 H 31 French article 51 A 32 Father. 52 C 83 Spanish su (abbr.). r 35 Let fall. ce 37 Street (abbi.) 54 A 39 Abatement 56 It (colloq.). th 41 Roof finial. Answer to Previous Puzzle POl-A� AL EE EGRI ARRAN EG 0 A A' tiv S T DS NS T O S_T A P A L 0 C E Ytt 5 T LIP H1" AS E A D M NEGRI CHASM,•S HASr'BOTTOMSi , L AREA FIMS TEST FRIES T H ATS", E D R A R EY 11 Philippine rice. E13 Artist's frame N 14 State of T profound, insensibility. f:;10 18 Have been. D AW 20 Dust (Scot.). T EYE M E 22 Like, 23 Universal Alanguage. 25 Steep descent R 30 Bustle. 33 Lath P 5 T A T E L A U R N 3.4 Flower .part. mall particle VERTICAL' 36 Mother or nares. father. ind of cheese 1 Seraglio. 37 Thin. ght brown. 2 Over all 38 Duration. xist. (abbr:). 40 Invigorating. as dined. 3 Indian. 41 Roman nger. 4 Sesame (pl.). magistrate. heroical 5 Aided. 43 Cariban bstance- 6 Separated. Indian. elated to 7 Church 44 Go by. llulose. (Scot.). 45 Let it stand. djust. 8 Over (poet.). 98 Every. is called 9 Transpose 50 Greek .letter. e"-- (abbr.). 53 Depart. ' 10 Pointed shaft. 55 Size 'of shot.. Peace O:-`ering George and his wife had a 'few words and of course didn't speak for some time afterwards, So George, in order to make peace, thought he would buy his wife a present. He bought a pair of silk stockings and took them home and gave them to her. "Thank you, George. This is kind of you." A few minutes later on looking them over, she said: "Oh, there's a ladder in them." "Well, my dear," said George, "you didn't expect to find,a marble staircase, did you?" A Request Consisting of a violinist and a pianist, the little cafe orchestra made up in zeal what they lacked in skill. One very wet morning they were playing most enthusiastically al- though there was only one custom- er in the place. At the close of one selection he got up and came to their little platform. "Do you play anything by re- quest?" he asked the violinist. "Certainly sir," "Then 1 wonder if you'd mind playing a game of dominoes till I've finished my lunch?' Smart Mule An inquisitive tourist stopped by a farmer who was ploughing with his mule, Tourist (ti. farmer whose mule stopped every few steps): "What is the matter—your mule sick?" Farmer: "No, he is the healthiest mule around here," Tourist: "Then is your mule balky?" Farmer: "No, he is the most will- ing mule I've got." Tourist; "Well, what is the mat- ter with him?" Fanner: "He's so scared he might not hear me say 'Whoa' he stops every once in while to listen," 1YOICE OF THE -- PRESS WITH MUSIC ADDED Flank Greenberg, a $55,000 out- fielder last season, is said to want $65,000 to play first base this year. That's almost as much as President Truman gets with piano solos thrown in. - Windsor Star. ANNUAL IMPULSE It's just about this time, of year, When income taxing forms ap- pear That people scratch their harried + beans And wish they'd lived within their means. — St. Thomas Times -Journal. INSULT TO INJURY And here these Russian spies have, not only been granted the most complete diplomatic immun- ity, but have been eating Canadian butter! —1-lamilton Spectator. THE STING STAYS The subsidy un the import of bees has been removed. The sting remains, as the ceiling price will be raised. — Woodstock Sentinel -Review GUNS NOT NEEDED' "It is an ancient adage now," says .. contemporary, "that the didn't -know -it -was -loaded gun is much to be feared," 'fie tragedy in such cases is increased by the fact that about nine times out of 10 there is no real need for anybody involved to even have a gun. —Brantford Expositor THERE'S A SURPRISE awaiting you if you haven't yet tried delicious Maxwell House Coffee. It's "Radi- ant -Roasted" Radiant -Roasted" to develop all the extra flavor in the ' superb Maxwell House blend. THAT DUTTON "GHOST" Farmers' Advocate argues that the Dutton "ghost" must be a real ghost, "because it can climb• through a barbed-wire fence With- out difficulty." We're a little eckep- tical on that point,as how could a ghost get through a barbed-wire.., fe ce without getting its shroud caught? —Ottawa Citizen f2 T0515 250 eRU5s ORES For common ordinary sore throat pN RUS 0)0 15 "I fought off a pack of hungry shoppers to bag this package of crisp, crunchy, delicious Grape -Nuts Flakes!" and bones; iron for the blood; and other food essentials." "Bravo, Sir Archibald! And I'd be- lieve you if you said you fought through a jungle full of lions for that malty -rich, sweet -as -a -nut flavor of Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes!" "And of course, Gentlemen, we must remember that Grape -Nuts Flakes are not only marvellously delicious—they supply carbohydrates for energy; pro- teins for muscle; phosphorus for teeth "Those two golden grains wheat and malted barley are combined in Grape -Nuts Flakes. They're specially blended, baked and toasted for Savor, crispness, easy digestion." "Let us repair to the breakfast room and shoot a giant economy package." MUTT AND JEFF —. THE WHOLE ALPHABET ONLY HAS 26 LETTERS HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA! - So THEN S.T. AND ME CALLED ON C.G. AHD - SHIRLEY TEMPLE AHD CLARK GABLE! --- SOTHEN THE T.O.U. WENT OVER TO -- 4 THE THREE OF US! YVELL, THE T.O.U. WENT OVERTO THE US.QTO DO K.1? WE WC114 EET raONTHE G W.L.B. ABOUT THE C.I.O. SO ONTHE q7 I BROKE IN ABOUT THE O.P.A. WHEN M.P,TOLDME TO B.I. Pp,O By BUD FISHER FORTHEL0VE0Fif ALPHABET? MIKE! WHAT'RE I DON'T KNOW YOUTALKIN'ABOUT? THE ALPHABET! IP You MUSTTALK L RS THE E / I ALPHABET! REG'LAR FELLERS — Not All There WHY WEREN'T YOU IN SCHOOL YESTERDAY, PINHEAD, WERE YOU '., A .W.O. L.1 By GENE BYRNES WI -)AT S AT MEAN, JIM? A W.O. MEANS ABSENT WITHOUT . LEAVE! OF; GET ell WELL, OUR. STUFF D1D -sir coME BACK. FROM TI -I' CLEANE.RS SO 1 WAS cc, or POP — Pop Knows All the Answers ANYBODY BEEN IN ONLY STZAS SIP2 - -RUT HE SOON WENT AWAY WI-4EN I TOLD, HIM YOu WEREN'T .NMUSIGAL n IL By J. MILLAR 1VATT 2 3 cf 5 6 7 5 9' ' 10 Il 12 13 1 daka ly 20 _; �1 22`, 23 1 2 i1■40 32 35 ■t■ LI_vi ■1 (V7".1i6143 � �ieJ... ' ■. : 37 35 �■ ■■ 44 45 ';,-46 '■. ■■'(013 52 53 45 It h'.'61..54 49 50 ti` 55 SI 56 Peace O:-`ering George and his wife had a 'few words and of course didn't speak for some time afterwards, So George, in order to make peace, thought he would buy his wife a present. He bought a pair of silk stockings and took them home and gave them to her. "Thank you, George. This is kind of you." A few minutes later on looking them over, she said: "Oh, there's a ladder in them." "Well, my dear," said George, "you didn't expect to find,a marble staircase, did you?" A Request Consisting of a violinist and a pianist, the little cafe orchestra made up in zeal what they lacked in skill. One very wet morning they were playing most enthusiastically al- though there was only one custom- er in the place. At the close of one selection he got up and came to their little platform. "Do you play anything by re- quest?" he asked the violinist. "Certainly sir," "Then 1 wonder if you'd mind playing a game of dominoes till I've finished my lunch?' Smart Mule An inquisitive tourist stopped by a farmer who was ploughing with his mule, Tourist (ti. farmer whose mule stopped every few steps): "What is the matter—your mule sick?" Farmer: "No, he is the healthiest mule around here," Tourist: "Then is your mule balky?" Farmer: "No, he is the most will- ing mule I've got." Tourist; "Well, what is the mat- ter with him?" Fanner: "He's so scared he might not hear me say 'Whoa' he stops every once in while to listen," 1YOICE OF THE -- PRESS WITH MUSIC ADDED Flank Greenberg, a $55,000 out- fielder last season, is said to want $65,000 to play first base this year. That's almost as much as President Truman gets with piano solos thrown in. - Windsor Star. ANNUAL IMPULSE It's just about this time, of year, When income taxing forms ap- pear That people scratch their harried + beans And wish they'd lived within their means. — St. Thomas Times -Journal. INSULT TO INJURY And here these Russian spies have, not only been granted the most complete diplomatic immun- ity, but have been eating Canadian butter! —1-lamilton Spectator. THE STING STAYS The subsidy un the import of bees has been removed. The sting remains, as the ceiling price will be raised. — Woodstock Sentinel -Review GUNS NOT NEEDED' "It is an ancient adage now," says .. contemporary, "that the didn't -know -it -was -loaded gun is much to be feared," 'fie tragedy in such cases is increased by the fact that about nine times out of 10 there is no real need for anybody involved to even have a gun. —Brantford Expositor THERE'S A SURPRISE awaiting you if you haven't yet tried delicious Maxwell House Coffee. It's "Radi- ant -Roasted" Radiant -Roasted" to develop all the extra flavor in the ' superb Maxwell House blend. THAT DUTTON "GHOST" Farmers' Advocate argues that the Dutton "ghost" must be a real ghost, "because it can climb• through a barbed-wire fence With- out difficulty." We're a little eckep- tical on that point,as how could a ghost get through a barbed-wire.., fe ce without getting its shroud caught? —Ottawa Citizen f2 T0515 250 eRU5s ORES For common ordinary sore throat pN RUS 0)0 15 "I fought off a pack of hungry shoppers to bag this package of crisp, crunchy, delicious Grape -Nuts Flakes!" and bones; iron for the blood; and other food essentials." "Bravo, Sir Archibald! And I'd be- lieve you if you said you fought through a jungle full of lions for that malty -rich, sweet -as -a -nut flavor of Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes!" "And of course, Gentlemen, we must remember that Grape -Nuts Flakes are not only marvellously delicious—they supply carbohydrates for energy; pro- teins for muscle; phosphorus for teeth "Those two golden grains wheat and malted barley are combined in Grape -Nuts Flakes. They're specially blended, baked and toasted for Savor, crispness, easy digestion." "Let us repair to the breakfast room and shoot a giant economy package." MUTT AND JEFF —. THE WHOLE ALPHABET ONLY HAS 26 LETTERS HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA! - So THEN S.T. AND ME CALLED ON C.G. AHD - SHIRLEY TEMPLE AHD CLARK GABLE! --- SOTHEN THE T.O.U. WENT OVER TO -- 4 THE THREE OF US! YVELL, THE T.O.U. WENT OVERTO THE US.QTO DO K.1? WE WC114 EET raONTHE G W.L.B. ABOUT THE C.I.O. SO ONTHE q7 I BROKE IN ABOUT THE O.P.A. WHEN M.P,TOLDME TO B.I. Pp,O By BUD FISHER FORTHEL0VE0Fif ALPHABET? MIKE! WHAT'RE I DON'T KNOW YOUTALKIN'ABOUT? THE ALPHABET! IP You MUSTTALK L RS THE E / I ALPHABET! REG'LAR FELLERS — Not All There WHY WEREN'T YOU IN SCHOOL YESTERDAY, PINHEAD, WERE YOU '., A .W.O. L.1 By GENE BYRNES WI -)AT S AT MEAN, JIM? A W.O. MEANS ABSENT WITHOUT . LEAVE! OF; GET ell WELL, OUR. STUFF D1D -sir coME BACK. FROM TI -I' CLEANE.RS SO 1 WAS cc, or POP — Pop Knows All the Answers ANYBODY BEEN IN ONLY STZAS SIP2 - -RUT HE SOON WENT AWAY WI-4EN I TOLD, HIM YOu WEREN'T .NMUSIGAL n IL By J. MILLAR 1VATT