HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-03-14, Page 7RADIO'S "FIRST LADY" GETS BEAVER For distinguished service to Canadian radio in 1945, Claire Wallace, First Lady of radio and John Fisher, (right) receive "Beaver" awards from Richard Lewis, editor and publisher of Canadian Broadcaster, The Canadian "Oscars" were presented to 17 radio personalities on last week's "Canadian Cavalcade" broadcast over the CBC's Trans- Canada network. SMOKE POURS IN RUBBER PLANT FIRE Heavy smoke coming from burning of thousands of recapped tires at Keystone Tire Company in Philadelphia, hampers firemen trying to get at heart' of blaze. Smoke enveloped a large area of the city. AT CHURCH. 'UNO' John R. Mott, of Orlando, Fla., long a proponent of a world emission of Christianity, heads the U, S. delega- . tion to the first postwar conference of the world's Protestant churches at Geneva, Switzerland. The meet- ing has been called the "San Fran- cisco conference" of the proposed General International Church As- sembly in which 90 churches. from 30 different countries seek member- ship.' SEES DOCUMENTS ..The .only .person .outside. the R.C.M.P. who has seen the most closely -guarded documents in Can- ada today is Mrs. Fernande Jou berne, above. .The documents are papers handed over to the R.C,M.P, counter -espionage branch last fall by Ivor Gosenko, who was formerly employed by the Soviet Embassy. She qupted Gosenko as saying they contained atom bomb informa• tion as well as names of 'spies.. POLITICIAN Now that Japanese women, for the first time in history, are permitted to vote, Yoshiko Kudo, above, oc- cupies an important position its the political picture. She is president of the newly formed Japanese "Ladies Party." derlINIKREr You Will: Rnioy Staying At The St. Regis Rotel CO It ONTO • Every Room with Rath, Shower and Telephone, • Single, 52.50 up — Onehu, 55.50' op, • Good food, DIrinn and Daum Inn Night's'. SIiu rhoarne of Carlton Vet. HA. 4125 Highlights of the News Post -War RCAF Cost of maintaining Canada's post -tear RCAF of 00,000 person- nel is an estimated $50,000,000 annually. The RCAF, is being organized on the basis ` of 16,100 regular force personnel, backed by 4,500 men in an auxiliary establishment and 10,000 in reserve, ' Air Cadets A peacetime goal of 15,000 air cadets has been ' set by the Air Cadet League of Canada. A'program for youth between_ the ages of 15 and 18, will provide training leading to a flying • tram- ing scholarship which probably will be available to about 10 per cent of graduate air cadets:., Sar -ref Gold Cargoes British warships have been car- rying secret,cargoes of tons of British gold o the United •King- dom since the war ended. The disclosure came with an announcement that the' aircraft repair ship Pioneer was taking aboard 22 tons of gold bars worth 5,000,000 pounds, ($20,000,000), which: had been stored in Australia for Britain and Holland during the ' war. Jap General Pays - Lieut. Gen. Tomoyuki Yama- shita, famed as the Japanese con- queror of Singapore, was hanged as a war criminal last week. Execution on the gallows—re- garded in Japan-ag the height of shame—was meted out for Yama- shita's condoning of atrocities by his mien in the later days of the war. German Ration Cut Lieut, Gen, Lucius D. Clay, FIERY, ITCHING TOES FEET Here tis a cleun,'staloless .anti: - septic oil that will do more to help yoU get rid of your trouble than anything you've ever used. Its action is so- powerfully penet- rating that the itching Is quickly stopped; and in a short 'time you are rid of that.. bothersome, fiery itching. The same is true of Earber'e Itch, Salt Rheum, Eczema — other irritating unsightly skin - troubles. You can obtain Moore's Emerald 011 in the original bottle at any modern drug store. It is safe to use—and failure 1n any of the ail- ments noted above is rare Indeed. it OINTMENT' 'n TM FAMILY 'FRIEND RUB OUT THAT COLD WITH— One of the best home ways to help IMMO UP RIO 01000 it your blood lacks iron!' You girls antiwomenwho suffer so from simple anemia that you're pale, weak, "dragged out" — this may be due to lack of iron in blood. So try Lydia E. Pinkham's Compound TABLETS with added iron—one of the best home Ways tc into build up red blood—in such cases. Pinkharn's Tablets are one of the most effec- tive bon tonics you can buy! GET RELIEF FROM PILES This Amazingly Easy Way Maybe,you are one who n troubledwithsore, itching, painful pilus, keeping you nervous and li'rli'iole, 100 155 your every towel move. moot a dreaded, painful duty. If su you. should not delay treatment and run the risk of letting this condition become chronic. Rectal itching no sore. nese orpainful bowel move. meats because ofpiles are- Nature's warning to youand you should take steps now to relieve this condition. We make this generous offer directly to you. It gives you a chance to try a simple home remedy WITIIOU'1 COST if It does not give you prompt and effective action w helping your pile troubles. Oct toany-drugstore to your bowel movements easier and less painful; (2) it relieves the terrible itching and burning RE it eases the painful soreness; (4) it aide in healing sore, sensitive pile tumors. The action of Nem•Roid is quick and re- liable. Within a few daya. you will see what 1•Iem-Itotd can do for you. It is cosy and pleasant to use -gives amazmhly quick and .eacc- tive' Wien. It seems the height of follyfor you to continue. to "suffr the agonizing torment of piles when so fine a remedy may be had. at eucha smal cost. I.f you are not com. ppletely satisfied with what 1•Iem-Roid does ter you—il after: using one package you ,;; �., Y are not greatly pleased—. day and get a package of ---- "_ your money. will be cheer. Hem-Roid an mtcrnatt.reat• Pond by a Pro/11,nal diode! — fully refunded. meet which directs its NOTE—The sponsor of medics' am.ion to correcting the cause of your this notice is an old, reliable firm doing busi- piles Piles are really caused by bud circulation - ness in Canada for over 20. years. Hcm-Roid .of blood in the tower bowel. !'hey are greatly must help your annoying and painful pile aggravated by constipation and straining m. condition—must do it quickly, easily and bowel movements. .pleasantly or yourown test of this remark - The Hem -Reid formula is made especially ably successful formula costs you nothing 10 help you. It acts in 4 ways. (1) It makes Try it today. a. Deputy United. States "Military Governor in Germany said there was: a possibility the German ration would be cut in vizw of the world. food situation, but no final '.eci- Sion has been taken. • Japan's Exports Japan will be allowed to ex port this year about 25 per cent of the total goods she sent abroad annually during the 1034-30 period, ' General MacArthur announced. The 1046 exports will have an ap proximate value of $200,000,000; which Will be "of critical import- ance tomeet the cost of the•limrtrd import program necessary to mai1- tairl a minimum,,. of internal economy." - Chicks To Poland The United Kingdom Ministry of Agriculture is considering a scheme to send twomillion day- old British pullets to Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia to restore war -depleted socks. U.N.- R.R.A. has asked the British Chick Producers Association to supply "Why 4/ Dark' r e lees If your nose ever fills I up with stuffy tran- R f�fl 8 sient congestion next time put a little -p, Va-tro-nol in each nostril. Quickly con- gestion is relieved, breathing is easier. Va-tt'o-nol works right where trouble is to relieve distress of head colds. Try it! Works line! You'll like its YICICS VA -TRO -NOL chicks which would be of the best British stock, mostly Rhode -Is- land .Reds. The birds would be flown in planes with special tem, perature control. Athiones It Leave Soon The Governor-General and Prin- cess Alice will leave the capital to return to England a few days after His Excellency opens Parliament March 14 Revolt In India Prime Mi. -lister Clement Attlee reiterated his charge that Commu- nists Helped foment last - week's Indian disorders and promised Stern punishment for the ringlead- is of the "Royal Indian Navy mutiny. The prime minister said 1 nth Indian congress and Moslem lead- ers co-opc.rated with the govern- ment in condemning and trying to halt the disorders, but that the Communists stirred up the rioters, City-wide civilian riots touched off by a mutiny of Royal Indian' Navy ratings flamed through Bombay last week. The ratings, stationed • on ships in Bombay harbor, went on strike in an effort to gain equal pay and privileges with Royal Navy meet.. The strikes began quietly but be- came ,serious when the strtkers started seizing their ships. Collapse of the mutiny is be- lieved to be imminent, - WE'RE P`i91T@NG„ STRAIGHT AT YOU IF YOU WANT FAST RELIEF FROM A o g or of ROLL YOUR OWN WITH Macdo1i1d's FINE CUT 1 Here's What to do. Ger a bottle of BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE. Takeo few sips. Feel Its Instant effective action spread through throat, head and bronchial tubes, It starts at once to loosen up thick chok- ing phlegm, ease the cough, soothe the raw irritated membranes of throat and upper bronchial tract. Don't take chances—take BUCKLEY'S. Canada's largest selling cough and cold remedy. It's different—it's all medication—no syrup—acts faster—goes farther, 1. N Nothi g To Buy thing to Sell Here is a fascinating and educational puzzle game, in which you can quickly qualify for generous cash prizes. COSTS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO TRY— COSTS NOTHING TO WIN. Below are given the names of 30 United Nations Capital Cities. Each of the letters used to form the names of these 30 cities has a certain value in points—as shown, in the letter - value chart. The object of the puzzle game is to fill in, as on an ordinary crossword puzzle — the names of 15 United Nations Capitals, whose com- bined letters will total up to the highest possible point value, SX PL ;t UJLI!AS UMES Starting with either WASHINGTON or LON- P DON—fill in ALL the blank white squares or spaces—each with a separate letter, so that each section on the chart will spell the- name of a capital. city, Names triustbe minuted and no spaces are to be felt blank. Snell from left to right and from top to bottom. Not more than one letter- to be put in any one space. The namea WASHINGTON and LONDON must remain on the chart as shown. Every letter used to spell a name including Washington and London (except letters which loin or connect two .names) has a point value (see letter -value chart), Letters which join or connect two names nave 5 times their regular value, when in that position. For example the "S" in WASHINGTON is worth 10 points, in- stead of its regular 2 -point value. Likewise the G" is worth 25 points and the "N" valued at 15 points. Is LONDON the L" is worth 20 points while each of the two "N"s is worth 15 points. Onlynamesof cities shown in the list of 30 Capital Cities may be used. No name to be used twice, and spelling must be the same as in the list. When an the white spaces are filled with let- ters to spell names—add up the total of each line across (a horizontal line) and then fill in the total cif- each horizontal line in the space. provided at the right in the long ladder -like up and down (vertical) column. Then add up all the horizontal totals at the bottom to obtain the Grand Total The object fs to find the highest possible total for, the Grand Total All those contestants who succeed in finding the high correct score will then be1nsmediately qualified and eligible to take part, without any delay, in the Final or Tiebreaker puzzle, which will decide the cash prize winners. IT'S" ALL FREE When you have solvedthe puzzle and completedthe chart, sign your name and address In the space provided below the Mimic, chart. Then mail promptly She entire ad. vertisement ° to the KAM. LOOPS RECREA TION A l SOCIETY. Kamloops, British Columbia, Send rte money All we ask von to do 'Is to send us • en a separate. sheet of paper -the namesand, ad• dresses of three people whom you know also Eke to take part to puzzle contest games EXTRA PUZZLE WORK CHARTS MAILED FREE. ON BEQUEST. • Capital Cities Asuncion Athens Belgrade Bogota Brussels Cairo Canberra Capetown Caracas Copenhagen Delhi Guatemala' Havana. Lapaz Lima London Luxemburg Manila Mexico Montevideo Moscow Nanking Oslo Ottawa Panama Paris Prague. Teheran Warsaw Washington Name Street ... City or Town Prov. B.L LETTER VALUES A — 3 B - 7 C — 7 D — 4 E . — t F — 6 O — 5 H.— 8 — 1 J -- 8 11 — 8 4 - 4 M — 3 N — 3 O — 1 P — S Q — 9 R — 2 9-2 T — 2 U — 4 ✓ — 9 W — I X - 9 Y — 5 Z 9 No Money to Pay To advertise Kamloops, the heart of Bri- tish Columbia's Vast Inland Empire. and the Tourist Attractions of the Famous Kamloops District, as well as to acquaint you with our Post War Plans and Activi- ties, the Kamloops Recreational Society will award — absolutely FREE 115 Cash Prizes totalling $1,000.00, First Prize is $200.00, Second Prize $100.00, Third Prize $50.00, Fourth Prize $25.00 next 31 Prizes $10.00 each -another 35 prizes each $5,00 and 45 more prizes each $2.0,0, 115 Prizes in ALL—Total Value $1,000.00... includ- ing Bonus Awards, Remember the contest is entirely FREE. There is nothing- to pay—nothing -to buy or sell. THIS POSITIVELY IS NOT A LOTTERY. QUALIFY FOR $4,000.00 Be sure to mail your puzzle solution promptly —as a SPECIAL EXTRA bonus :prize of 510.00 tv111 be given to each of the 5 Major winners as a reward for promptness, The same day we receive your answer, we will • reply telling you how you stand, and also advising . you 'how you may qualify for STILL LARGER and more generous Cash Prizes, in which YOU CAN WIN AS MUCH AS- $4,000.00. Iii this BIGGER CASH PRIZE DISTRIBUTION; a total of TWELVE THOU- SAND DOLLARS more will also be given away it the next few weeks. We want thousands of people across Canada to Know 511 about the wonderful scenic beauties, including .We famous 60 lakes, that provide some of the most excellent fishing and hunting In the world—an located to the immediate territory which surrounds the beautiful mountain city of Kamloops. Attractive illustrated - tourist literature describing the unex- celled vacation lands' of British Columbia. will be sent to all So answer the puzzle NOW Pont Delay. Join In the fun. Anybody can take part, Judges are all well known men, Kamloops Recreational Soc ety Kamloops, B.C.