HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-03-14, Page 6No Wonder They were discussing girls, "How is it, Jack," asked Joe, "that you get on so well with the girls?" "Easy," was the reply. "Try flattery, For instance, the girl I was with last night got a fly in her eye. I said, 'I can't see how it could miss such big eyes as yours.' After that I had her eating out of my band." A few days later they met again, "H?m," said Joe. 'I don't think much of your flattery stunt. I tried it, but it didn't come off." "What happened?" "Why, the girl I was with got a fly in her mouth." Keeping It Dark Two abrges on a canal were ap- proaching each other. Although separated by a hundred yards, the respective owners recognized each other and began long-distance greetings. The vessels passed and were al- most out of hearing range when one barge suddenly roared: "How's that daughter o'yours, Bill?" "Oh," replied Bill in his bull - like voice, "she's gone and eloped she 'as, but we're keeping it quiet." THE SPORTING THING 'You can surface now — the war is over!" VOICE OF THE PRESS IMMUNE A cold wave swept across the Bay of Biscay last week. At the prison of the 011e d'Yeu, many of the inmates came down with flu. But the island's most noted pris- oner, Marshal Henri Philippe Pe- lain, aged 89, remained in spry good health. A prison doctor drearily remarked: "TIe will out- live me.". — Newsweek. Inflation Each of several boys who amus- ed themselves by deflating automo- bile tires was required to pump one up by hand. That's learning about inflation the hard way. —Christian Science Monitor. Tough Going! Overheard in a Sussex pub. First mild and -bitter: "I 'ates the taste of this beer." Second ditto: "Yus. I'll be glad when I've had enough of it." — London New Statesman. Greater Speed Still I-Taving developed a plane that goes nearly as fast as sound, they are now experimenting on one that can travel almost as fast as gossip. — Stratford Beacon-I-Ierald Th.: Little Darling(?) One of our English subscribers has sent us an advertisement he saw in a Surrey, England, news- paper. It hints at a reign of terror of which very little seems to have been heard on this side of the ocean, and we're glad to print it: "Young lady, aged six and a half years, who has just returned from America and knows all the snswers seeks a governess willing to learn," — New Yorker. Just Like That! The hardy old pioneers had a tough time in some ways, but not with their housing. They could al- ways sharpen an axe, fell a few trees, get a demijohn of "high- wines," call the neighbors in for a "bee" -and up event another log cabin — Ottawa Citizen. Diplomatic Buck -Passing A great deal of foreign policy now resolves itself into everybody's being in favor of something being done and nearly everybody's being in favor of somebody else doing it. — Vancouver Province No Excuses Many married servicemen are go- ing hack to college to complete their education. And iv0n'1 the Lit- tle Woman get a kick out of cigii- ing their report cards! \\'.I1 Street Journal. Ile LATE ACTRESS HORIZONTAL 1,9 Pictured late screen and stage actress, --- Hope 6 Dance (colloq.). 14 Genus of geese, 15 Harem room, 16 Badgerlike mammal. 17 Christmas carols. 18 Lease. 19 Aftersong. 20 Conclusion, 21 Garden tool, Answer to Previous Puzzle ELt• MER THOMAS .4 S TE;irl,'7+1, 47F -E 6 1 NED 6 fSO' L ECT Il 1 ONS. 13 T la AGE R R c i.s I N'fr`y Y n TIILIMEEk 11101-0 DAG E }r e E EADW DAN RI Or CL E.3 MOT ES,A:F'.0 r8 T SR S =C I `ii OKLAH bYCUo Hell > I;rwr T•r)_.. OMAN 20 1 R'iiCREAM,OA _......,., c: 11 NETHERLANDS Z= .. .. .1 4At• 24' N O S E T R u E R 91 Behold. 60 Growing out. 92 Bone. 61 Reprimand; 93 Be DT, 62 Cognizance. 23 Age. 46 Large tub. 63 Removes. 24 New South,48 Genus of VERTIOAL Wales (abbr.grasses. 1 Narrow road. 25 Nothing. 49 Hops' kiln, 2 Soon. 26 Myself. 52 She was a — 3 Consumed. 28'Run aground, actress, . .1 Relative 31 $ilk fabric. 54 Lincoln's (abbr.).. 35 Drop of eye nickname. & Turkish fluid. 56 She acted in measure. 26 Was carried. .many —s. 6 Pit. 37 Edging 58 Father '1 Poem. .machines, (Latin). 8 Top of the 40 Drift along, 59 Born. head. 9 Froths. 10 Knock. 11 Short jacket. 12 Marries. 13 River inlet. 22 Aged. 25 Nostrils. 27 Noblemen, 28 Female saint (abbr.). 29 Scatter. 30 Tatter. 32 And. 33 Girl's name. 34 Seine. 38 Venerate. 39 Body of water 40 Frothed, 43 Snakes. 44 Italic (abbr.). 45 Malayan jumping disease. 47 War machine. 48 Hammer head 49 Elliptical. 50 Locality. 61 Golf mounds. 53 Obtain. 55 Honey -making insect. 57 Unit, LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher "I can wear lona pants any time I want to ... I'm just making this sacrifice because of the wool shortage! ! !" Out Our Way WHAT ltd THE WORLE KIND OF A SHAPE HAVE YOU GOT INTO WITH 'THOSE OSE PACKAGES?. By. J. R. Williams -TI-LATS EXACTLY YOUR )1 61-1APE! 1F YOU'D PUT YOUR.' HAND OUT WHEN You 5TOP SO QUICK TO LOOK AT STUFF t WOULDN'T GIT MY- SELF 50 BUMPED UTA SHAPE! O 11.111,. ((1 h��1 171 •'�� 'lf _I 11(11111 ;j7YJItLIFM�j WHY MOTHERS GET GRAI cera ,x. or a•, nry+ar:,ac r. , ".c U. A. ter. ort. • He'll Find Out Algy was, or had been, Aunt Matilda's favorite nephew. I'is name was still on her list for the New Year gift distribution. "What did you give him last year?" asked her companion. "A. cheque," said auntie. "an 1. poor boy, he told me he couldn't find words with which to thank me." "And what are you givine 1:m this year?" "A dictionary." IT MEANS A LOT when the meal includes Maxwell House. This marvellous coffee is extra delicious because it contains choice Latin-American coffees... the finest the world pro- duces. 12 roN YS 25` ORUGSTGR[S :. Look for this sign for leadership in the field of modern insecticides, fungi- cides and herbicides 'for farm and garden. Your dealer will have full inform- ation soon. *Trade Mark Reg - LOOK FOR THE "GREEN CROSS'/ We Have Prospective Purchasers We have prospective purchasers for properties near Windsor, To- ronto and Niagara Falls., Write, giving Its- particulars.. Guaranty Trust Company of Canada, Windsor,Toronto, Niagara Falls, About Turn The young man in the dock was charged with 'disorderly conduct. Eyeing him coldly, the magistrate asked his profession, "My client' is a professional foot- baller explained the defendant's lawyer; "he plays outside -right for his team," "Be does does he? said the ma- gistrate coldly. "Well he'll have to change his .position. He'll be right ,inside for .the next foip'leen days! Beginning Next Week " The Farm Forum i3 15 News and Views of Particular latei'el to Ontario Fanners, Canadian Government, Municipal and Corporation Securities In matters relating to investment or the underwriting and distribution of securities, the facilities of our organ- ization arc always at your disposal. Security offerings furnished upon request. Wood, Gundy & Company Limited Winnipeg TORONTO i'anantvee Ottawa Montreal Nov fork vki"rin London. Eng. Hamilton Khelener London. Ont REG'LAR FELLERS—Part of the Job by GENE BYRNES CORPRIL DUFFY,I EVERY FIR ST CLASS ARMY ORTER HAVE. A QUARTERMASTER' SO Z 3 .4 S WELL, SO HAD 6 9 6 e to Il q 13 '+.14 r ) IJ 15 .i f 6 17 ��i�' r8 -19 ' -01C16neC bYCUo Hell > I;rwr T•r)_.. _ ?. �c 20 _......,., c: 11 r.1`:�� Z= .. .. .1 4At• 24' _. ..:... 2. 9 25 ■t 'fk .{ 26 Z7 59 30 -31 32-� 33 34 x'.35_ . 'l.� { 36 i 37 38 39 ;� 40. 42 4i 43 44 49 _.. V(�!'46 .49 41)).448 ?,x,•_49 50 Sikigit 52 53. . 54- 55 . 56 59 59 59 ' 60 .161 ' ■■ 63 71 LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher "I can wear lona pants any time I want to ... I'm just making this sacrifice because of the wool shortage! ! !" Out Our Way WHAT ltd THE WORLE KIND OF A SHAPE HAVE YOU GOT INTO WITH 'THOSE OSE PACKAGES?. By. J. R. Williams -TI-LATS EXACTLY YOUR )1 61-1APE! 1F YOU'D PUT YOUR.' HAND OUT WHEN You 5TOP SO QUICK TO LOOK AT STUFF t WOULDN'T GIT MY- SELF 50 BUMPED UTA SHAPE! O 11.111,. ((1 h��1 171 •'�� 'lf _I 11(11111 ;j7YJItLIFM�j WHY MOTHERS GET GRAI cera ,x. or a•, nry+ar:,ac r. , ".c U. A. ter. ort. • He'll Find Out Algy was, or had been, Aunt Matilda's favorite nephew. I'is name was still on her list for the New Year gift distribution. "What did you give him last year?" asked her companion. "A. cheque," said auntie. "an 1. poor boy, he told me he couldn't find words with which to thank me." "And what are you givine 1:m this year?" "A dictionary." IT MEANS A LOT when the meal includes Maxwell House. This marvellous coffee is extra delicious because it contains choice Latin-American coffees... the finest the world pro- duces. 12 roN YS 25` ORUGSTGR[S :. Look for this sign for leadership in the field of modern insecticides, fungi- cides and herbicides 'for farm and garden. Your dealer will have full inform- ation soon. *Trade Mark Reg - LOOK FOR THE "GREEN CROSS'/ We Have Prospective Purchasers We have prospective purchasers for properties near Windsor, To- ronto and Niagara Falls., Write, giving Its- particulars.. Guaranty Trust Company of Canada, Windsor,Toronto, Niagara Falls, About Turn The young man in the dock was charged with 'disorderly conduct. Eyeing him coldly, the magistrate asked his profession, "My client' is a professional foot- baller explained the defendant's lawyer; "he plays outside -right for his team," "Be does does he? said the ma- gistrate coldly. "Well he'll have to change his .position. He'll be right ,inside for .the next foip'leen days! Beginning Next Week " The Farm Forum i3 15 News and Views of Particular latei'el to Ontario Fanners, Canadian Government, Municipal and Corporation Securities In matters relating to investment or the underwriting and distribution of securities, the facilities of our organ- ization arc always at your disposal. Security offerings furnished upon request. Wood, Gundy & Company Limited Winnipeg TORONTO i'anantvee Ottawa Montreal Nov fork vki"rin London. Eng. Hamilton Khelener London. Ont REG'LAR FELLERS—Part of the Job by GENE BYRNES CORPRIL DUFFY,I EVERY FIR ST CLASS ARMY ORTER HAVE. A QUARTERMASTER' SO POP — Floored ... . By Courtesy OF COURSE. YOU'LL ITS TELL ME WHAT'A QUITE QUARTERMASTER Does, SINtPLC- I'M KINDA FOGGY ON, THAT ANGLE RIGHT NOV -YR FIRST JOB� WILL BE. T' DIG ME \ UP A QUARTER. JOMEVN ERFS FOR. A .r MOVIIE TH' WELL, SO HAD IL I'M ' f'" 1 THI5 ARMY AN' APPOINTIN' YOU IT! 'rWs "' % I ,r, qr/ ltd i a II�LIi• �s WELL, NOW GEN'RUL-- HANDSOME OF YA1 lee dA� illi reiw2 GEN'RULI • j7' 's, - — Y�tb �/1 @. ,/, iaey , ` ll. I ., ,k ' /gj.' 4 , -- ". t� f�s`w POP — Floored ... . By Courtesy of Pop - By J. MILLAR WATT TREAT HIS Rie-,fiT HAW, WITH RESPECT E)CG.USt ,AY f LOVE •4 ,� " ) ��i�' -01C16neC bYCUo Hell > I;rwr T•r)_.. _ ?. �c ��..J�fi%/G Y.,