HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-03-14, Page 2THE :INSIDE ON HOCKEY FiTKIN By ED. Barrel-chested Bucko McDonald =now Wilfred McDonald, M.P.— o imased his final season in the N.H.L. last Year without drawing a penalty, a rare feat for a de- fenscman who' liked to hucicle the opposition as much as Bucko did. *In view of that remarkable ac- Coutplishmeltt, Bucko had dreams Of :being acclaimed .winner of the 'Lady Byng Tropry, an award based on clean play and value to a team. Instead, Billy Mosienko of the Hawks was honored, and while Bucko had no fault to find with that verdict, he. was disappointed, nevertheless. In, fact he told me that it was "the biggest disappoint- ment of my sports career." 4' a: History probably will repeat this year, What we mean is that another grand defense Veteran — ' [Aubrey (Dit) Clapper of the Bos- ton Bruins—finds himself in al- most exactly the same situation as did Bucko. Clapper, playing coach of the Bruins, is at the tailend of • an illustrious N.H.L. career. At 38, he is winding up his 19th sea- son in the big time, Art Ross wanted hint to quit at the close of the 1944-45 season but Dit insisted that he still had plenty of hockey left in his solid frame. Thi:. year, when the Bruins had a plethora of capable rearguards, all much younger, Dit stepped aside tem- porarily. But not for long. :. t: Injuries brought hint back into combat -and his steadying influ- ence did much to elevate the Bruins to their- present lofty posi- tion. In 28 games, Clapper has yet to draw a penalty, He has five HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies, We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goode dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our fac- tories — Harness, Horse Col- lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods: Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made' only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto TIRES He Retreadsd NEW i'lntu GUARANTEE $9.95 GOO x16 5 :a0 440-450/21. 450/20 S 7.00 475-500/10, 476-500/20 5 9.00 525/15, 550/10, 550/17 812.75 025-0550/16, 000-050/20 814.80 Truett 30a5 8 ply, 050/20 525.00 32x0-700/20 10 ply 830.00 34x7-750/20 12 ply Other Sizes at Equally Loly Prices We Ship Everywhere. Order At Once. Riltrite Tire Sales 279 Queen E. Toronto Ontario NEW CONCRETE MIXERS 4 cu. ft. and 6 cu. ft. power 211/2 Cu. ft. hand or belt Concrete Block Machinery Rock 'Crushers Enquiries Invited Wettlaufer-Welker Industries Ltd. 1290 Bay St. Toronto, 5. Phone Midway 9817 points to his credit two goals and three assists. Ile scored his second goal' of the season against the Hawks recently—and it was the winning shot in the 4-3 Bruin tri- tnnph. Dit kidded his Bruins after that • with the remark: "I don't bother scoring the goals that don't count. I get the winning ones," That goal, incidentally, was his 2286 of his 10 -year-old N,'H,L., career. l: * 9 • In the same game, Clapper caught George Gee, Chicago's -rookie sensation a hefty body check late in the first period and Gee afterwards confessed: "My legs were like rubber and I could- n't thinlc straight the rest of the game," In that game, too, Clapper com- pleted a remarkable distinction. Ile became the only National Leaguer ever to oppose both father and son. In his early years, he had played against Leo Reise, then with the New York Americans. And against Chicago, he opposed Leo' Reise, Jr., now a rookie defensentan with the Hawks. "He's the spittin'l image of .his dad," Dit says. "But' I think he'll be an even !setter hockey player." x: 4, 4: A great feline is Clapper. Long may he flourish tvith the Bruins. IIe's one of hockey's finest, SAFES Protect year (Mohs and GASB from FIRE and THIEVES. We haven sire and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for any purpose. Visit us. or write for prices, etc., to Dept. W. J.SCJ.TAYLOR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 145 Proof St. 11.. Toronto Established 5855 WIN APPROVAL by serv- ing delicious Maxwell House ... the coffee that is "Radiant -Roasted".' This special process cap- tures every atom of good- ness oodness in the supremely fine Maxwell House blend. SPECIAL. FENCE POSY M IXTU RE Every year one out of three fence pesfa. no broken o8, due to rot of the ground, lino. Don't wait until your Fence Posts aro down and out. You can make your posts last 3 to 5 times longer, for 3 to 4 cents per post, by using 'Osmose' Special Fence & Post Mixture: This remarkable preservative combines flee well-known Industrial Wood preser- vatives, and protects posts Inside as well as outside - s 2,000,000 ' Osmose'1 preservedpoles are your guarantee:. Simply applied like paint, 4" above 10. 6" below the groundline,, it is an. easy, effective and economical solution to your Fence Post probioms. See your local dealer,, or Writedirect. for. complete illustrated literature. Gallons $3.95 — treats 80-150 posts:'. OSMOSE WOOD PRESERVING COMPANY. OF CANADA LTD'. 1465 Yonge,Str,eet Toronto SILANC''O MINING a REFINING Co: Limited INFORMATION ON REQUEST Bought — Sold— Quoted Harold A. Prescott & Co. MEMBERS — The Toronto Stock Exchange, The Winnipeg Grain Exchange. 330 Bay Street TORONTO WA. 4831 Where 'McIntosh Red First Was Developed The suggestion of the Canadian Horticultural Council that the fam- ous McIntoshRed apple be co/t menlorated on Canadian stamps should find approval in the United - Counties, and .particularly in Dun- das, where the apple first Was developed, says the Cornwall Stand and Freeholder. Very early in the 10th century, John McIntosh left his fancily home in the Mohawk valley and moved across the St, Lawrence river to the fifth concession of Matilda. There he built a shanty and began clearing the land for farming; 'McIntosh was a careful.man, and when he came across a group of wild apple trees,' he left them un- touched. It'was his son Allen, how- ever, who ,realized their full"'value. He carefully developed the apple, ,and founded the McIntosh nursery at Dundela. From this little group of trees McIntosh apple trees all over the world are descended,. England Produces Oil England now has 240 'oil weels, producing about 500,000 barrels of crude oil a year. They were drilled during the war by an Oklahoma contractor for the British Govern- ment. Radio Fingerprints Once again the international war on crime has been taken a decisive step forwards by Scotland Yard, the world-famous London police head- , quarters, In order :to prosecute a climitral; Scotland Yard transmitted a fingerprint by wireless from Lon- don to Melbourne. The transmission took only, seven titinetes. Within .24 (tours Scotland Yard received confirmation that the Melbourne'police had been able to identify the criminal with the aid of th . wirelessed fingerprint. Experiments of this kind were carried out as early as 1938, but were interrupted by World War II. Porous Chrome Protects Engines Porous Chrome, an invention of e' Ilollander stranded in this country in 1939, has paid off big dividends in shipping in this war. Cylinder walls of diesel englnea are plated with chromium with tiny little pores in it—to improve ltibricationn. There now is the re corn of -a merchant ship whose engines were porous -chromium - plated and •which has run 300,000 miles without needing re -plating, And this included a two week period during which the engine was submerged ander seawater while the ship was being salvaged, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING' MONKTON POULTRY FARM CHICKS You 'buy baby chicks for one reason. To receive dividends on your investment, you must . be certain where your money ie in- vested. We offer you baby chicks from a Poultry Farm with every breeder puliorum -tested and gov- ernment banded. Write for our 1941.price list and descriptive ca- talogue. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS, MONKTON, ONT. RELIABLE CHICKS Just think what this means to the buyer, Your investment is -made worth while when you purchase your chicks from us. Our repeat orders year after year is the proof of our quality *chicks. Blood testing for pullorwn done each year, we only hatch from clean flocks. Millers Chick Hatchery, Fergus, Ont. (Successor to J. D. Johnson). NEWMAN'S BRED -TO -LAY CHICKS White Leghorns, Blu•red• Rocks and Barred Rock, White Leghorn. Crossbreeds; double tested. An Ontario Breeding Station over Fifteen years. Ehnview Poultry Farm, \Villiatn 3, Newman, Nor- ham, Ontario, TOP NOTCH CHICKS MAKE FINE birds because Top Notch' chicks are bre'd from fine breeders. Top Notch chicks are front Govern- ment Accredited Double Pullorum tested breeders, We can give prompt delivery on all the popu- lar pure breeds and hybrid cross- es. Ales floor raised pullets up to 12 weeks of age. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chickeries,Guelph, Ontario. GAINFORTH'S NEW HAMPSHIRES. A Good Choice for particu'Ter poul- trymen. They Look Well, Lay Well and Lay Weil. High Hatches of Healthy Chicks makespoultry raising a pleasure. Breeders Ap- proved and Double Pullorum test- ed. Drop a Ilea for prices to Gain-, forth's Hateltery, Trenton, Ont. CAPONS READ.? MADE, ALSO CUS- tom capont4ing, Edmund Stoehr. R. R. No. 0, Smithvilie. Ont. HIGI3 EGG PRICES GUARANTEED Sept, 15th to Dec. 15th, 1940..8,000,- 000lbs. less poultry meat in stor- age compared to a year ago. Early chicks bring the greatest returns. Canada needs early chicks this year and always. To have your eggs full size by Sept. 15th your chicks should be seven months old by then, so you shouldplan to take yourchicksas early as pos- sible to get Grade A prices for your eggs in early September, We can give prompt delivery on all popular pure breeds and hybrid crosses in non -sexed, pullet or cockerel chicks. Also 8, 10, 12 week old floor raised pullets for immediate delivery. This year as always it Will pay you to pur- chase chicks with a reputation. Tweddle. :Hatcheries have been supplying good chicks for 21 years. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, WHY GAMBLE When you can buyquality chicks, backed by our liberal. guarantee. IMIarch and April chicks still available. All breeders banded. culled, and doable blood tested by Government officials, to insure our customers. free catalogue and price list. Order now from Frey's Hatchery. St, Jacobs, Ont, STARTED CHICKS — VARIOUS breeds available immediate • de- livery. Heavy breed equkerels, too. Get in on early ,markets. Order March -April chicks- now. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N. Hamilton, Ontario. 10 WEEK OLD LEGHORN PUL - lets 70c, 21000 Hollywood Leghorn Pullets JA weeks old at 870.00 per 105 for shipment March .18th. Large husky Pullets from hens with records of 300 eggs per year for 10 generations. 'these pullets will lay plenty of big' eggs ,next Sumner and Fall when eggs are a good price. Also day old chicks hatching twice each week, rocks, reds, legbo•ns, uustralorps and -5 hybrid crosses. Write for price - list and calendar, Eng Rock Farm, Mitre Roches, Ont, Box 70'. . T}VE DDLE BARRED ROCKS ARE the large type. The pullets develop intolarge size birds that soon lay Grade A large eggs. Cockerels are grand meat birds. If. you have never tried our pure Light Sussex you should this year. Theyare hard to beat both for eggs and meat, Promptdelivery on both" these breeds. Tweddle .Chick Hatcheries Limited, .Fergus, Ont. GAINFOR'TH'S WHITE LEGHORNS Large Vtgornus chick. from Year- ling and 'Owl' year old 'breeders that were Real Money -Matters,' Double. Pallor -am tasted,' Govern- ment App- rote,. 1f you like Leg - horns, chicles from these will de- light you, Prices Right, Gain forth's Hatchery, Trenton, Ont. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE Place your ruder now with a breedirng farm and hatchery oper- ating over 26 years. Barred Rocks, New ITampah]re. Reds, large Bar- ron Leghorns, and I4-ybrids, 131•eed- ers blood -tested for both regular and X .strains of :Pollorum. Don't fail to get out prices before order. ing elsewhere Ottervtlte Poultry. Farm,.Otterville, Ont. ISSUE, 10-1948 BABY ' CIf1OKS 25 FREE CHICKS OUR BABY CHICKS ARE THE progeny of Foundation andRe- gistered Birds, A15 Breeders blood -tested. Prices from Se to 25c. All guaranteed excellent layers. Don't delay, order now. Goddard Chick Hatcheries, Bri- tannia Heights. Ont. BABY CHICKS, GOVERNMENT banded and blood tested, Barron strainS. C. White Leghorn and B. P Rocks. Acton Poultry Farm, L'ox 378, Acton, Ont. THE ONLY' PURINA EMBRYO -FED Barred Rock and Crossbred, Ap- proved chicks being produced In Chatham are blood -tested by the tube method for both the regular and X strainsof puliorum, Order now from Frank Price .Hatchery, 11 Jahnke At.. Chatham Ont. YOUR GOVERNMENT APPROVED chicks from .Accredited Flocks should be ordered now. Barred Rocks, New T3ampshires, New Hamp X Barred Rocks, and Light Susses X New Hemp Hybrids, All breeders blood -tested tor both the regular and X strains of Pollorum for your protection. Lincoln Chick Hatchery, 2 Race Street, Ft. flatherines, Ontario. ROOKS BOOBS, PLATES AND ELECTROS of Poultry, Pigeons, Waterfowl, Pheasants, Birds, Farm Animals, Dogs, Cats, Rabbits, Aquaria, Bees, Butterflies, Farm and Gar- den, Free catalogue. Morgan Gardens, London. int:m0(00" 111'l'11it'I'UNI'l'I IDS RETURNED'VNTERANS IN RURAL; Areas not ce.pable of hard work. If you can drive a car and sell, why not try selling -Lightning Rods? Small Investment required to be In business for yourself with good financial results, Gov- ernment C'entrolled Business. Write for pat titulars and territo- ry openings. The 13, Phillips Com- pany, Limited. 200 Main Street. Toronto, Ont. TRAPPERS GLAND SCENT lures have no equal for all animals now their mating season. Trap wolves all summer for bounty. Per particulars, write A. D. Fish- er, Box 420, Calgary, Alberta. GET EGGS IN COLD ° WEATHER "Antoinette" time switches - for poultry lights, 824.00. Sterling Time Recorders, 989 Notre Dame St. West, Montreal, Que. DYEING AND t:Lr ANlrts, I•IAVEJ YOU ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We are glad' to answer your. questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. o- t•Onto. FOR SALE ENGINIES, GASOLINE, AIR COOL - ed,. fouroycle, two to six horse power. Amalgamated Enterprises, 23 Church St., Toronto. ELECTRIC 5to'rons NEW, USED bought, so'd, rebuilt: belts pul- leys, brushes.. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd., 2220 Dufferin St. Tor- onto, Ont. GET PIt17MTUM PRICES FOR muskrat pelts. Stretch' properly with our self-adjusting steel stretchers. Sample 25c. Dozen 82,50 delivered. Discounts to deal- ers. Metro .T. Sass. Bear Line, Ont. 66 ACRES. MODERN BRICK house, good barn etc. Loam soil. Immediate possession, 80,200. Terms. Appy Mrs. Gus Campbell. Mt, Brydgrs, Ont. LIGHTNING ROD DEALERS? If you want the best equipment available at the cheapest price, write for particulars, The B. Phil- lips Company Limited, 200 Main Street, Toronto, Ont. ATTENTION FARMERS FOR SALE: TRACTOR. TIRES, made of rubber, suitable for bolting on steel wheels $10. each. When or- dering state diameter and width of wheel. National Rubber. Co., Ltd., 5 Wiltshire Ave., Toronto, Ont. WE CAN LOCATE THOSE BOOKS you have been hunting for. The St. Charles Bookshop, Dept, A-1, Pox 12, 1oi•dhain Station, New York City 58. DRAW PRETTY, EYE APPEALING girls. Our illustrated boots shows hots, using the "Le cercle" meth- od. $2.00 postpaid. P, 0. Box 084-C, Scranton, Pa. FOR SALE,ONE 8 -ROW .P.OSEN- that shredder, like new, $3,:000; one John Deer 13 -mode] tractor on rubber withcultivator and 2 -fur- row . plow, In good -condition, $1,300. Essex Hybrid Feed Co„ Riverside, Ont. STANDARD FRENCH POUDLP Pups, pedigreed, registered cham- pionship •.tock. Apricot, house- trained. 50 pounds when adult. Melee $00 'Females 010. Box 84, 72 Adelaide W., Toronto. HOISTS, GASOLINE OR ELECTRIC driven in stock. Hydraulic hoists for dump trltcle Installed and ser vlced, WDI f110RS, V-8 LINCOLN /111.130 - trio Welder, 450, amps, completely rebuilt. New 0 & H Gas Welder, 300 ohms, Automotive 1?roducts. Co., 8282 Wellington St, Montreal, Que. 1110(0. AJAX OATS $1.35 BU, NON Reg. originated .from Reg, seed $1.18. A11. No 1 Grade, germine- :: tarn 90%. Bags Free. Marshall. Day, Guelph, Ont. FOR. SALE PEDIGREEDBLUE FLEMISH, four junior 'Does, $3,50 each; 2 eight month Bucics $8.00 each, Richard Boyle, Brampton, Ont. CONTENTS OF PRODUCTION MA - chide Shop, Lathes, Drill' Presses etc, C. T. McMullen, Elgin Mills P. 0. Phone Richmond Hill 2213. LAVHs 55011 SALID FARMS. FOR SAL);. WE CAN SELL you any size farm you wish to buy, at reasonable prices. For Particulars apply at Donohue's Garage, Renfrew, Ont.' FARM IN ALBERTA FOR SALE. 1 mile from Polloekvilie and school, 230 acres under cultivation with Iota of pasture, good mater and buildings, good soil, prairie country, 45 miles S. E. Hanna C. N, Railway, 28 miles from Thur- ness Coal Mine. Am single, G2 years and can give poasession any time, will sacrifice, account poor health. Til, Emmerson, Dutchess, Alberta. 150 ACRE FARM — LEEDS COUN- ty near 33011 Station— Good House — Two Good (sells. David A. Thom,Jellyby, Ont. 31'ARM FOR SALE, 193 ACRES, trifle wast of Kitchener limits, Kitchener Stratford highway, 525,000.00. For information write Charles W. Moser, Kitchener, R. 11. 4. IP YOU. LOOK roll A GOOD FARM in the Niagara Peninsula, bet- ween Lalce Ontario and Lake Erie, -go to a farmer for complete information. I have farms for all purposes, mixed, dairy, fruit and chicken farms, with stock and im- plements or without, and with modern barn equipment, Also houses with city conveniences. Farms ranging from 51500 to 530,000 and to suit everybody's pocket. Please write 56 T. A. Du- liban, Real Estate, R. R. 2, St. Ant's, Ontario, 114 ACRES NEAR BARRIE, OVER- loolcing - Lake Simeoe, ten roolned. solid brick house, .Furnace, Hy- dro, Large Bank Barn, Hen House, Implement -Shed, soil, rich loans, farm machinery, Livestock. Par- ticulars, apply. A. J. Purdy, 81 Keewatin Ave., Toronto.. ONE OF THE FINEST 150 ACRE farms In 'Wellington County'. Nice red brink house with bathroom. Large Bank Barn and other out- buildings, cement throughout, water fowls, drilled well, hydro throughout. Land clean end in high state of cultivation. Fully accredited herd of. 24 beef and dual-purpose Shorthorns. Pullof tor, Price $10,000. Will exchange for smaller farm or sell farm line of machinery including trac- separate. Box 85, 73 Adelaide St. 7V., Toronto. 11 A 11LD11 ES51NG LEA RN HAI 1t DIIESSING. TIIE Robertson method. Information on requestregarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad- emy. 337 Avenue Rand,` Toronto. HELI' 'WANTED YOUNG WOMAN. OP BETWEEN 20 and 25 years to take charge of good comfortable farts home. Must he from country and have good references. Two in family, Father and Son. Harvey Chambers, Fenwick. TWO EXPERIENCED ERIENCED SIN 'GLE MEN to workon dairy farm. Beneteau Bros., R R No. 3 Amberstburg, Ontario, A I•IOUSEKEEPER WANTED ON a farm. State salary. David Ro- binson, R R. 1, Conn, Ont, MARRIED MAN FOR FRUIT FARM, free house, Hydro yearly em- ployment, Must be good teamster. State age, wages, faintly. W. C. Nickerson, St. Catharines, Ont., R. 11. 2, MEn1t:AL BAITMEEICA FOOT BALM DE- etroya offensive odor Instantly. 45e. bottle, Ottawa .agent. Den- man Drug Store, Ottawa. IT'S I1XCELLENT, REAL RESULTS after taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains rand Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store, 835 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 01.00. STOmik OTT 'slyIi 7N%EATI WORMS often are the cause of 111 health in humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why not find out if this is your trouble, interesting particu- lars — Preel Write Muli'eney'o Remedies. li.m'in Pets, Toronto :t. 11JOI'LE ARE TALI(TNG ABOUT the good results from. taking Dixon's Remedy .for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa,Post- Pakd. 51.00. INGROWN TOENAILS Nall Fix "slit -yes pain Instantly and removesingrown nail in e few applicntirns 51.00 a bottle. WART FIX Ugly Warts melt away painlessly with this aa,lranteed remedy. 35c. 0 bottle, CORN FIX Eases pain al once, and .removes stubborn corns In a few minutes." 35e. n bottle Sent postpaid by A. C. Thomson. Chemist. Dept. A., 713 St. l.lsrens Ave.. Toronto. Established 1105. MAKE'LIFE WO'RT'H LIVING' WHY SUFFER? do what: countless numbers 'ot happy users are doing; for -the effective relief of: Chronic Ca• tnrrhal conditions (aa In. Bron- chitls,Asthma' & SinatsPains)' Skin disorders such as Boils and. Pimpletr; Arthritic & Rheum/in, Pains; Ask your Druggist for. ()tintless and Tasteless. AISAMB CA111.10 F'EAR LES or. write Rl,hmnnd Adam Co., P U, 274.. Va ncouVer. Can, 58 per 100 Pearies,..enough. for 5, weeps, OPI'011'1' UN 111104 Ir01t Wlilrl EN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING 8013000 Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, thousatrds successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL I-1AIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 868 Bloor St, W. Toronto Branches: 4a King St. Hamilton & 74 'Rideau Street, Ottawa, PATENTS 1 ETHERSTONHA UGH & COMI'ANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Tor,. nto. Booklet of Informaton on request. PERSONA 1, "ELIJAH 1101111411 13E1,0111e Christ" Wonderful boo1, free, Megiddo Mission. Rocheste, Il, N. S. HAS EVOLUTION CAUSED YOU TO doubt? Hat'e its claims made faith more difficult? You should rend how many scientists oppose the theory, In the pamphlet, "Evolu- tion." Pree copy from Chrlstadel- pbian Church, 35 Hazelton Ave., Toronto. "ETERNAL LIFE AND HOW TO Obtain it, Free booklets on .this great subject. J. Taylor, Gospell Hall, 011 Arlington St.,. Winnipeg-. TEN C400D SHORTHORN COWS and heifers to freshen March, young bulls,. sire Braetodge Ken- neth. Accredited. A, N. Norrlsb, Campbellville, Ontario. 5' 1101'1)G118 Mill: TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION • Your films properly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 for 25c FINEST ENLARGING SERVICE' You may not get all the films you the quality and service you desire want this year, but you can get all by sending your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station 1, Toronto BE FIRST TO HAVE ONE ENLARGEMENT IN GLASS AND PLASTIC CRYSTAL EASEL 69c Send your nlgative and get titin newest -style glass enclosed en- largement 3'4 x 4'3" for your mantel or dressing table — or to -•ti" give a friend. Supported in thio crystal clear new plastic mount your picture ahows to its best ad - 'vantage. Packed to -ensure safe. delivery and postage paid for only 69 coots. Any size roll (6 or 8 exposures), developed and printed 25 cents. • Enlargements 4 x 6" in easel moants, 8 for 25b.; framed on ivo- ry tint mats. 7 x 9" In Gold, Silver, Walnut or Black Ebony finished frames, 59c each. If colored, 70c. Canada's largest studio does qua- lity work promptly and at low- est cost.. (Print name and Address Plainly on ,3 -tiers.) DEPT.. M STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 12811 Poet Office A, Toronto MUSICAL INS'I'l1(iMIDN'I'S FRED A, BODDINGTUN.' BUYS, sells, exchanges musical Instru- ments. 111 Church, Toronto 2. `TAMPS 5END. US T1110 NAMES OF COUN- trtes you are interested to and we will send y5U is nice selection on approval Mount 'Royal Stamp Co., 1478 McGill College Ave., Montreal, Canada, WE PAY $100 POR A STAMP, 119 you find right one.. Searchattics for old letters before 1900; leave stamps on, Scotia Stamps, Trenton, N, S. STAMP & COIN EXCHANGE STAMPS BOUGHT,' SOLD, 010 EX - changed; also accumulation, T. Gilchrist, 144Mutual St., Toronto. TOBACCO 5 -POUND SAMPLE PACKAGE Leaf Tobacco, Virginia hurley and prior, receipts' and rlaeortng. 8:1.76 postpaid. Rutliv'ec Tobacco Exchange, Ruthven, Ont. WANTED WANT HOUSES IN VILLAGES, towns and highmays, $700.00 to $1,700.00.. class preferred. Can handle few better houses, • also. small forms 1 to 30 acres. Send fUll description, price, etc. George Drummontl, Rrolcer, Owen Sound. 1,7L1 PROPELLED COMBINE, A four row No. 490-1. Deere corn planter and corn picker, L Mc- Dermott. Remsen, ,Iowa, U.I.A. BUSINESSES WANTED Is your buatl,ess for sale? We 'have clients ready and waiting to puretssse alnrst every type of business, w I ' 'will pay all wish It retlulred. t'on, may phone meand reverse the charge: Bert Weir & Son, Realtor, Dundas St.. London. Phone Met. 6250. CASH t1F1rE14 WANTED ONG Ton panel 'irurk any 'make — 1937 up\tairds. Ex -overseas •man. 11. Ch Seagram, 2 Hawthorne Gar- dens.'Toront,, Untnric WLl PAY HLG0PES7?' PRICES FOR, Muskrats, Domestic Rabbit Pelts and all other raw furs. Ship to- day, Levin Fur Company, Depart ment W., 163 Spndina Avenue,, Toronto, Ont, - -