HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-03-07, Page 10THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 19416 HENSALL Mr. Austin Schwalm visited over the weekend at the home of his mother, Mrs. Violet Schwalm. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jones spent the weekend visiting with Mr, and Mrs, Lee Oesch in St. Catharines. Miss Strong of Dauphin, Man,,, is visiting with her aunt and uncle,,. Miss Mary and Mr. Wm. Fee. Mrs. Annie Logan was able to re- turnto her home here last week fol- lowing her recent operation in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and .Mrs. Hugh McMurtrie are spending a few days at the home of their son, Mr. Alex McMurtrie, Kip- pen. Mr. -and Mrs. Wilfred Weido re- turned home from a pleasant visit with relatives in.Buffalo, Miss Florence Schwalm of Lon- don spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Violet Schwalm. Mr. Win. Brown is able to be out again after being confined' to his home with an attack of influenza. Mr, and Mrs. Alex MaeBeath and Ross of Kippen accompanied by Mr, and Mrs, Roy MacLaren and Donald visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin, Thames Road. Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Cowan and Teddy visited over the weekend with relatives in Stratford. Mrs. Edward Judd, Jackie and Sandra are spending -a week with relatives at London. Mrs. Geo. Walker is confined to her room owing to illness. Mr. Kenneth Passmore has re- turned home after completing his enurse in Hamilton. Mrs. H. Arnold is in Victoria Hos- pital, London, where she expects to undergo an operation presently. Mrs, Lorne ,Elder and little son, eeenneth of Hamilton are spending +wo weeks with Mrs. Elder's parents Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. The Girls' Dance Club are Spon- Boring a St. Patrick's Dance in the Town Hail, Hensall, on Wednesday, March 13th. music by Lionel Thorn- ton and his Casa Royal Band of London. Miss Jennie Jolly spent the week- end in London. The many friends of Mr. Stewart ' rerar are sorry to hear of his ser- ious illness. The Arnold Circle Evening Aux- iliary will hold their March meeting an Tuesday evening, March 12th, at the home of Mrs. Chas. Forrest with Mrs, Jack Farquhar co -hostess. The World's Day of Prayer Sex' vice will be held in St. Paul's Ang- lican Church on Friday, March 8 at 3 p.m. when the local church Wo- men's Missionary Societies will unite in prayer service. The Evening Auxiliary of the Hen- sall United Church will bold their March meeting on Monday, March 11, at the home of Mrs. Morley San- ders with Miss Irma Kipfer co -host- ess. The Devotional "Kindness" will he taken by Miss Margaret Glenn and the roll call will be answered by "A Kindly Deed". The study will be taken by Miss Barbara Michie. The Young People's Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church met in the school -room of the church on Monday evening with Mr. Melvin Moir presiding, The meeting opened by singing "There is a happy land" after which Mrs. Orr led in prayer. Miss Audrey Dick read the scripture lesson, Psalm 121. 'We've a story to tell to the Nations" was sung and the business, offering and minutes of the previous meeting read. The topic on "Dr, Buchanan" was most capably taken by Mrs. Chas. Forrest. The meeting closed by singing "Lead Kindly Light. after which Mrs. Melvin Moir led in prayer. Hensel! Hall Being Redecorated Hensall Town Hall is being re- decorated throughout, the painting Is being done by Mr, Edward Little. The walls will be a buff color with white ceiling, .A St. Patrick's tea will be held in the school -room of Carmel Presby- terian Church on Saturday, March 16th, by the Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary, The March meeting of the Hensall Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin, on Wednesday, March 13th with Mrs, Root: Elgie co -hostess, Mr. Wm. Hillebrant of London formerly of Hensall is seriously ill in St. Joseph's Hospital. Miss Cassie Dougall returned home after a pleasant visit with rel- atives in Toronto and also with Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell in Guelph. Lieut. N. S. Marion Dougall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dougall of Hay, who has spent two years overseas`in hospial in England will arrive on the Aquitania. Mr. Walter McBeath, well-known resident of Stanley township, ob- served his 96th birthday on Friday, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. 3. R, Murdock, with whom be resider. Mr, McBeath, although confined to his room, en toys visitors and his radio. Born in Perthshire, Scotland, he cane to Canada with his parents when only two years old. He has one son, Walter McBeath, Service Mana- ger for Tuckerslnith Telephone Sys- tem, and one daughter, Mrs. 3. R. Murdock. Hibbert Co-operative Dairy Andrew Christie was elected presid- ent of the. Hibbert Co-operative Dairy Association Ltd., following their an - nal meeting held in Sta'ffa hall. Other officers are: John Bolton, vice presid- ent; Archie ,Tetfery, sec. -trans.; Cliff Dow, Frank Bruce, directors, Harvey Leslie wvas reappointed manager and Miss Hazel T-Iamillon bookkeeper. The statement showed that 355,926 pounds of butter had "bean manufactured, bringing patrons $100,059.84 for but- terfat. They aiso received $28,497,75 government .subsidy and a bonus of 11/ rents a pound butterfat, totalling $4273, bringing the totalreceipts to Patrons to $132,820.59. Andrew Mc- Laehlan, clilector and president of the organization since its inception in 1932, tendered his resignation, Frank FOR SALE 1 Durhain cow for sale, to' fresh- en soon, Apply to Sidney Gemmel!, Phone 650 r 41, Seaforth. WANTED Two or three unfurnished rooms, apartment or small house. Apply to The News Office. FOR SALE t ng. calves to, ..sale: Apply Rey- nolds Daily, phone 667x33, FOR SALE 5 good 2 -year-old steers, Apply., Roy Lawson, 2 miles west of Sea - forth. FOR SALE A quantity of clean Ajax seed oats, a few coarse .emery stories about 3x10, extra good cutters; -also six chunks. Apply to Lawrence Ryan, . Walton, Phone 5 on 880, Seaforth. FARM' FOR SALE 100 acres, 4t/e miles from Sea- forth, Ont., eel mile from highway, mostly under, cultivation. Never - failing stream at back. Large bank barn with overflowing well. Eight - roomed concrete. house with hard and soft water inside, also large garage. Cheap for quick sale: Apply Lorne S, Webster, Seaforth, Ont. TOWNSHIP OF HIBBERT Tenders for Tile Drain Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 3 P.M., Monday, April 1st, 1946, for the 1'epair of the Walker Branch Drain. Contractor supplying the tile. Tenders to be sub- mitted according to By -Law No. 10, 1945, Township of Hibbert, which may be obtained at the office of the undersigned. A certified cheque for ten per cent must accompany each tender. Lowest oi' any tender not nec- essarily accepted. THOS. D. WREN, Clerk of the Twp, of Hibbert BRUCEFIELD Walter McBeath, oldest resident and only remaining Stanley Own - ship pioneer, on Friday observed his 96th birthday. Mr. McBeath, although confined to his room, has been enjoying fair- ly good health and enjoys visitors. Born in Perthshire, Scotland, he came to Canada with his parents when only two years old. The cross- ing at that time took six weeks. With the exception of a few years spent in the West, Mr. MaeBeath has spent most of his life in Stanley township. A member of Brucefield United Church, he helped build the original church over 70 years ago. He has one son, Walter McBeath, service manager of the Tackersmith municipal telephone system, and one daughter, Mrs. J. R. Murdock, with whom he resides.. PLAN TO IMPROVE RURAL PHONE SERVICE As the first stage in a $10;000,000 program to expand and improve rural telephone service. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada has added 5,400 more rural telephones to its system in 1946, it was an- nounced this week. Carried out in spite of the short- age of materials and manpower, these additions bring the total of rural telephones served by the com- pany to the record high of more than 56,000 at the beginning of 1046. And there are also approxi- mately 110,000 rural subscribers of independent companies with access to Bell lines through connecting ar- rangements. It is proposed during the next few years to reduce the number of telephone subscribers on a rural tel- ephone line, and this alone will re- quire ever 1,000 circuit miles of ad- ditional wire, with thousands of pole replacements, cross -arms, etc. This reduction in load will enable exist- ing rural telephone users to get an improved service, and will be carry- ing out the recommendations made by subscribers themselves in answers received from a rural opinion quest- ionnaire circulated by the Bell Tele- phone Company in 1945.. In order to provide for growth on existing routes, a further two to three thousand circuit miles of.wiee will be required, and to extend ser- vice beyond present routes, it is esti- mated that almost 3,000 more miles of poles and wire must be construct- ed- This latter change will encourage the provision of service in the fringe areas of exchanges. Construction charges have now been reduced so that the company Ito scrod .2ulpu.aixa Jo gsoo alp, sited public highways at least half et mile per applicant. Furthermore, poles on private property leading in from the highway will be supplied free up to '750 feet. Beyond 750 feet, there is an installation charge of $6.00 per 250 feet. In addition to this $10,000,000 program, rural telephones will be converted as rapidly as possible to the same system as that in large cities. This will permit the installa- tion of telephone sets which are more convenient to use than the present types. Prophet Without Honor. . . By Peter Levies Joshua the. Second, he called him- self, an incredible religious rene- gade who enchanted women and en- raged men. Peter Levies, writing in The American Weekly with this Sunday's (March 10) issue oe The Detroit Sunday Times, tells about hysterical murder and suicide that were the bizarre consequences of the shenanigans of his disrobing cult. Get The Detroit .Sunday Times. Exeter Bowling Club To Erect Clubhouse The Exeter Bowling Club Have de- cided onthe erection of a new club house. Several feet of land to the north: of the present bowling property leas been purchased for the purpose. The 'building will contain a fairly targe open room, a kitchen and lockers for both mem and women,- It will be covered on the outside with grey asbestos shingles., Bruce being named to his place on 1v:"1 ours Fur 'sa.le .ads, 3 weeks 5(Ir the directorate.' - FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 132 acres situated on County road east of Londesboro," close to Church and School, brick ]louse. Barns 57x60 and 25x50. Drilled well," silo, water in 'barn. Priced for quick sale. Geo, A. Mc Vittle, Londesboro.- FOR SALE A quantity of Ajax seed oats, pure and clean, •and both stem and leaf rust resistant. Apply Earl' Law- son, Clinton R.R. #1, phone 841-12, Seaforth: FOR RENT 100 acre pasture farm, lots of water. Apply to Miss J. Cronin, St. Columban, FOR SALE Four -tube Marconi battery radio with battery, in perfect shape. Apply to Fergus Felly, phone 22 r 12, Dub- lin Central, FOR SALE Fifty acre grass farm, lot 8, con. 13, McKillop, some hardwood bush. and lots of water. Apply to PercY Taylor, Walton. WANTED ' Some .Gopher seed 'oats, Also, for sale,'Orchard Grassseed, good clean seed; Apply to Stewart Dale, phone 21.847,' Seaforth. WANTED Man by year or month, every con- venience, milking machine, 2 tract- ors, buck rake, Must be good with machinery. C. J. Walker, RR, #1, Cromarty, phone 12 r 13, Dublin. PERSONAL Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed enve- lope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-74, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. WANTED A large sized used child's Drib. Apply at The News office. FOR SALE Two young Durham cows_ due to freshen in March. Two purebred bulls 11 months old. Apply to Edmund Godkin, phone 843.1.31. HARNESS CATALOGUES .4. limited supply, get a copy at Jack's Repair, Seaforth, and look over your needs for the Spring rush. DAY -PLD AND STARTED 'White Leghorn pullets for ship- ment April, May and June, Stook blood -tested and banded under 0,B,S. policy. Glazier's Poultry 'Farm, sClin- .ton, phone 617 r 31. TENDERS WANTED The Huron County Hone Commit- tee are asking for Tenders for the re -wiring or the East Wing of the Huron County Home at Clinton. On- tario. Please contact the Manager at' the Home for information and specs- Ocafions. Tenders to be in the hands of the County Clerk not later titan March 3001. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. N. W. MILLER County Clerk Goderich, Ontario Auction Sale Of Fathu Stock and Implements. — At Lot 3, Con. 7, Grey Twp., 114 miles north of Brussels and t/( mile east, on Tuesday, March 19th, at 1 pen. sharp 10 cboice dairy cows; 10 two -year- olds; 10 yearlings. And a full line or Farm Implements. Terms cash, WILLIAM CARDIFF, Proprietor. Louis Rowland, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale • Or Farm Stock and Implements — At Lot 4, Con, 9, Grey Twp., 1 mule east of Brussels, on Thursday, Mrch 2lst, at 1 p.m. Consiotlug of Pigs and Cows, and Young Cattle, and a full line of farm nterclllnery. Terns cash. ARCI•IIE WINTLE, Proprietor. Louis Bowland, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale Farm, Farm Stock and Imple- ments, Friday, March 22, 12 o'- clock sharp. Lot 29 and 30, 3rd eon. Stanley twp. HORSES -1 Clyde gelding rising 6 yrs. old, 1700: 1 brown gelding rising 9 yrs. old, 1800; 1 reg. Clyde snare 7 yrs. old; 1 Clyde gelding ris- ing 3 yrs, old; 1 Clyde ;gelding ris- ing 2 •rs. old; 1 filly rising 1 yr. old.. CATTLE -4) Durham cows, some fresh, others due in March and April; 3 grade Poll Angus cows due in March and April: 3 reg. Polled Angus cows 4 yrs. old, due in April and May: 1 reg. Polled Angus bull rising 2 yrs. old, raised by F. G. Todd and San, Erica of Anoka and Bandolier of Anoka breed;• 1 reg. Polled Angus bull calf 1 yr. old in June; 13 Polled. Angus calves rising 1 yr. old; 2 young calves. PiGS-1. York sow; 5 york pigs '7 weelts old. IMPLEMENTS—International W. 4 tractor, rubber, starter and lights in excellent condition; 3 -furrow fleury plow; 3 -rection spying tooth drags 1 Bissei tractor disk: M,H. binder 7 -ft; M: IC manure spreader; M. H, mower (i -ft; M. H. eo1'i bind- er; M. H. hay loader; International side rack (new') ; M. H. fertilizer drill 13 disk: Int. bean scuffler and puller; 1 sulky rake; 1 set of har- rows, 4 section: 1 walking plow; 1 M. H. grain drill; 1 M. H. bean scuf.- fier and puller; 1 8 -ft. culta packer; 1 20 inch grain crusher and belt; 1 Maple leaf grinder; 1. cutting box, blower; 1 rubber tired wagon with good tires: 1 new gravel box; 1 steel tired wagon (new); 1 set of farm sleighs (flat rack) ; 1 'cutter; farming mill; 2000 lbs scales; hay- rack, 16 -ft.; McC'k. D, cream separa- tor with motor: forks. shovels, whip- nletrees and a host of other articles. Quantity of. mixed hay, l'IARNESS—t set of good breech - ins'' harness, 4 long straw edllars. FARM -200 acre farm, silo 12x 00, hank barn, chive shed, hay barn; 2 -storey house, hydro throughout building, bathroom, good water sup ply, 15 acres of hardwood bush, 55 acres plowed, 7 acres of wheat, bal- ance in pasture and hay, close to school and 3 miles from Clinton. TERAS—Chattels, Cash. Falmi—made known clay of sale (Reserve bid) William McEwen, Prop. Tin vol d .Tarirson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk.' Auction Sale Farm Stock, Implements etc., Mr, Harold Jackson has been instructed' to sell by Public Auction on lot 8, con, 2, Hullett, 8miles; West of Seaforth, )4 th, on No. 8 Highway, 114 miles North, the 3rd lot West, on Tuesday, March 19th, at 1 o'clock sharp. HORSES—Bay gelding rising 5; brown gelding rising 5; general pur- pose mare rising 6. CATTLE—Durham cow due time of sale; Durham cow due in May; Polled Durham cow due in April; Durham cow bred Jan. 31st; Polled Durham cow freshened 3 months; cow bred . Nov, 25th; Hereford cow bred Dec. 10; Durham cow freshened 3 months; Hereford bull 15-' months old eligible for registration; 1 veal calf weighing- around 200 -lbs; 2 calves 3 months old: 1 calf 5 months I old; 3 last spring calves; 1 yearling steer. HOGS—Sow with 8 pigs ready to wean; sow with 8 pigs 3 weeks old; 2 sows due in middle of April; 11 clunks around 90 lbs. POULTRY -75 white leghorn pullets. POULTRY EQUIPMENT—Colony house 10x12; • large coal brooder stove; feeders, hoppers and founts: 3 shelters. Good white collie dog 2 yrs. old, IMPLEMENTS 7 -ft Deering binder; 64t. Deering plower; 12 -ft. horse rake; 11 hoe McC'k Deering fertilizer disc drill; M.H. cultivator; M.H. disc: Cockshutt disc (nearly new); steel wheel wagon (new); rubber tired wagon; hayrack; share in M.H. manure spreader (nearly new) ; double sleigh (new) ; light sleigh; 2 sets scales' 2000 lbs;, Portland cutter; piano box cutter 'blew); rubber tired buggy; walking plow (nearly new) ; scuffler pig erste: windmill, 20 ft. tower; turnip drill (nearly new); Clinton fanning mill and screens; 2 hay forks, ropes and slings; road cart; 20 sap pails and pan; 2 stone boats: grain bags; sacks whiffletrees; neck yokes; 2 pumps and water troughs; No. 12 De Lava! cream separator; lawn mower: Deering binder tongue; new 12 -ft iron gate, never used; 15 bunches XXXXX red cedar shingles. Numer- ous other articles. WOOD -10 cord dry soft wood. Elm plank. GRAIN -100 bus. Ajax oats; 60 bus. wheat; 100 lbs mixed grass seed; quantity of hay. HARNESS — Set backbend har- ness; set single harness; 5 horse collars; 2 horse blankets. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Findlay Oval range (nearly new) ; Apex gaso- line washer; painted bureau; congo- leuln rug 9x12:. congoleum rug 9x 15; tapestry rug 9x12; 54inch mat- tress; Aladdin banging lamp (nearly new) ; Aladdin table lamp; fruit cupboard; 5 gal. coal -oil can: 1 gal. gas can, etc. TERMS—CASH Orville Dale, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auet. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Clearing Auction Sale FARM STOOK AND IMPLEMENTS — Mr. Harold Jackson has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 12. Bayfield Road, south, 114 miles west of Varna, on paved toad, on Friday, Match 8th, at 12.30 p.m. sharp. HORSES — Brown gelding rising 6 years old, black mare rising 10 years old, black filly rising 0 years old; black :gelding rising 3 ,sears old, both broken. SHEEP -25 Leicester ewes bred to Iamb in March and April, 1 purebred Leicester ram. CATTLE— 8 young Durham cows, roans and reds, 5 with calves at foot, others time of sale; 8 good Darham heifers due first part of Map ; -8 Durham calves one year„. old, steers and heifers; 7 Durham heifers and steer's rising 2 years old. PIGS --1 York sow due time of sale, I•IARNESS Sat of breeching harness, set backbend harness and a number of horse collar's. IMPLEMENTS—Deeringbinder,. ,.set, of, 4- sectlon harrows,- Massey-arris drill with for- tilator, '18 run t 1 Massey -Harris fertilizer drill, 1 McCormiek-Deering bean scudier and puller, new : 1. disc harrow, walking plow, power cutting box, pea harvester, set of sloop sleighs, farm wagon, hay rack, gravel box, 1200 lbs. scales, McCormick -Deering cream separator, new ; all enamel locomotive washing machine withgas motor, like new. A quantity bf. mixed Hay. I Terms cash. LOUIS TAYLOR, Pfoprdetor. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Notice To Creditors Help The Red Cross As convener of the drive in Eglnondviile we take this opporunity of saying "Thank You” for the fine reception shown the canvassers. It was during our Service years, we had opportunity to witness the great. work of this Society.. W. J. FINNIGAN & SON FOR SALE Galore barley, government grade No. 1, $1.45 per bus., sacks free. A. B. Bell, Kippen. Auction Sale FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS,. ETC. — Mr. Harold Jackson has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot - 13, Concession 7, Stanley Township, Parr Line, 2 miles south of -Varna, on :Monday, March 11, 'at' 12.80 p,m. sharp, HORSES—Bay horse, 0 years old; - brown horse, 8 years old; brown horse, '7 years old; brown horse, 5 years old; brown horse, rising fl years old. CATTLE—Blue cow, due May 9th; brindle cow, due in August; Hereford cote, due Feb. 28rd; red heifer, fresh a month; Hereford cow, due in July ; Ayrshire cow, bred Jan, 1; fed sow, due in May; red cow, bred nee. let; 8 calves, coming one year old; 1 young calf.• (Cofvsht calf to aHereford bull.) PIGS—Sow due April 21st; 10 chunks of pigs, 160 pounds; 6 chunks of piss, 75 lbs. IMPLEMENTS—Three-drum steel roller; 1 Massey scuffler and bean puller; 1 Deering 6 -foot mower; 1 Frost & Wood binder, 7 -foot cut; 1 Massey 13 -hoe drill with yellow fertil- ator; 1 International cultivator with narrow and wide teeth, all -steel; 1 Frost & Wood cultivator; 1 Cockshutt spreader; 1 5 -foot dump rake; 1 Massey side delivery rake; 1 Massey hayloader; 1 Oliver riding plow; 1 Cockshutt two -furrow plow ;"1 set 4 -section harrows; 2 harrow poles; 1X16 -foot flat rack ; 1 set of sloop sleighs; 1 rubber tired wagon ; 1 three-quarter steel tired wagon; gravel box; root pulper 1 set out-throwdiscs; one 2000 Ili scales ; 1 Ankor-Horth cream separ- ator, nearly new, with pulley for motor ; 214 h.p. motor; fanning mill with lots of sieves and pulley for motor; emery stand with 2 stones; 1 emery to grind mower knives; 1 walling plow ; 4 rolls of portable silo; 1 wheelbarrow; 1 pig crate;. one 25 -foot cedar ladder; 1 steel barrel; 2 wooden barrels; 1 electrl° fencer; bay fork ;. sling chain with trip rope ; 1 iron .kettle, 35 gallon : block and .tackle with ropes; wire.. grips: one single scuffler; 3 bags 2.12-6 fertilizer; 1 potato sprayer; 1 brooderstoveand pipes; chick -feeders and -fountains, IAARNESS—Two sets of breeching harness; 5 good horse collars; 1 set collar tops. CRAIN — 400 bushels of mixed feed and Erban oats, fit for seed. FEED—Four feet of ensilage ;..several tons of mixed hay. - - LUMBER—Quantity of planks, inch lum- ber and white ash tongues; quantity of cedar posts.- SMALL ARTICLES—Logging chains; small chains: forks and shovels; number of good sacks and about 100 good grain bags; whiffletrees' neckyokes and some tools; Fireco cook stove; Marvell electric washing mach- ine. Terms Cash. • HAROLD CONNELL, Proprietor. Harold Jackson,Auctioneer. E. P. Chesney, Clerk. Auction Sale FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. -- Mr. Mr. Harold Jeckaon has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 24, Con. 7, McKillop,three and three-quarter mules north of Senfc•th and 34 mile east, on Wednesday, March 13, at one o'clock p.m. sharp. HORSES --4 good work horses, 7 to 121 McConnell & Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Patrick D. McConnell, H. GIenn Hays SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 17.4 E. C. CHAMBERLAIN The Second Division Court County of Huron.• Office in the Dominion Bank Build- ing, Seaforth. Office hours:— Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday' 1.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday evening, 7.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Watson & Reid REAL ESTATE AND 'INSURANCE AGENCY MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, ONT. All kinds of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First-C1ase Companies, The McKillop .Mutual Fire Insurance Co. HEAD OFFICE — SEAFORTH, Ont. Officers • President, F. McGregor, Clinton; Vice President, . C. W. Leonhardt, Brodhagen; Secretai'y'Treasurer and Manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth, Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton;' Alex Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris Leonhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Alex Mc - Ewing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leiteh, Clinton. Agents John E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. 1/1eKercher, Dublin; 3. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect insurance 'oi• transact other business, will be promptly attended to by applications loan ofthe above named officers addressed to their respective post offices. SEAFORTH CLINIC Dr. E. A. McMaster, KB., Graduate of University -of Toronto. The Clinic is fully equipped with complete and modern x-ray and other up-to-date diagnostic and thereuptic, equipment. years Did, 1600 pounds. CATTLE — 1 registered Durham bull, 6 JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A.,M.D.' Years old; 6 Durham cows, 4 to 9 years old, I physician and Surgeon milking since Dec, and Jan.; 1 Durham cow 4 years old, due time of sale; 4 heifers 850; tbs.; 2 heifers, 700 tbs,; 5 steers, 1,050 lbs.;In Dr. H. H. Ross' office. Phone 5.J 3 yearling steers; 2 yearling heifers; 7 calves_ r. to 5 months old. i HOGS -12 chunks,' 80 pounds. MARTIN W. STAPLETON, B.A.,M.D. POULTRY -220 Rock pullets (Scott's). POULTRY EQUIPMENT — Colony house Physician and Surgeon' 10112; coal brooder stove and pipes; chicken1l Successor to Dr. W. C. Sproat n' P troughs; Peed troughs;. fountains; 5 range shelters; 5 fattening crates. IMPLEMENTS -Seven -foot Massey Harris 1, binder; 5 foot Deering mower;. 11 hoe Massey Harris fertilizer 4,111; Massey -Harris side delivery rake; Massey Harris dump rake; Massey Harris hay loader; Massey Harris cul- tivator ; Deering disc; steel roller; 4 section diamond harrows and stretcher; 2 Fleury walking plows; 3 furrow Cockshutt gang plow: Farmer's Friend single furrow riding plow ; sleigh and flat rack ; wagon and box wagon with 18 foot reek; 16 foot flat top and sliding rack ; stock rack: gravel. box; hay fork sling look and sling ropes; hand cut- ting hog: grindstone; buggy and buggy pole; cutter; 51/j foot crosscut saw; bucksaw; 2 scythes; 25 fence poets; 6 corner posts; Massey Harris cream separator, 500 lbe.' wheelbaresw; chop box; 2 oil barrels; 4 wooden barrels; 28 ft. ladder; 32 ft. exten- sion ladder; 1 set platform scales; bag cart; Clinton fanning mill and screens; sugar kettle; grain bags; sacks; forks; shovels; crow bar; chains; whiffletrees; doubletreea; neckyokes, and many other articles. LUMBER—Rock elm plank ; elm, basswood and hemlock lumber. WOOD-10cords dry limb wood. GRAIN -150 bushels Velvet barley. suitable for geed; 100 bushels Vanguard oats, suitable for seed; 50 bushels Ajax oats. suitable for seed • 20 bushels timothy seed. FEED -15 to of hay. HARNESS -1 -set breeching harness,; back- bend harness for three horses; 1 set single harness; 3 horse blankets; 7 horse collars. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Clare Jewel white and.: green enamel range, for wood or coal; Coleman gas stove and oven; box stove:. heater with Silent Glow oil burner installed: iron bed, springs and mattress; wooden bed, springs and mattress; dresser; bedroom chair. couch, rocking chairs, 2 wicker Chairs, 2 wooden beds, Aladdin hanging lamp, Aladdin Phone 90 W' - Seaforth table lamp; Coleman gas .iron i- dash churn, dishes, crocks, etc., ethm' articles. Everything will be sold as the Proprietor. has sold his farm. Terms cash. ROSS MURDIE, Proprietor. Harold Jack - SOD, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk.. FOR SALE Brick dwelling with all modern conveniences, hot water heating and oil burner. Frame dwelling, hydro, 11/2 acres, North Main street. Suitable tor pout- try Yarm. Early possession, IN THE ESTATE OF FREDERICK GREGG Double house on Victoria St. Sep NBI0LIN. • orate apartments, good` investment. All persons having claims against the Eat- Frame cottage, Goderlch St. East. W t & Reid, S t •1 ate or Tiroderiok Greg=, Ncclh,, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Retired Customs Officer, ,deceased; who died on or about the 8th day' of March,. 1042, arc hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 9th day day of March, 1040, full partieulara of their ma ma. Immediately after the said .cast mentioned. date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled there- to, having regard only to claim of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to' the exclusion of all others, and the 'undersigned I: will not be liable to any person of whose claim the - undersigned Mall not then have ; notice for the assets so distributed or any pat thereof. Dated. at Seaforth, this 20th day of Febru- ary, 1946.. M000NNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor, FARM FOR. SALE 150 acres good clay loam, all under eultiva- tion except. 12 acres of bush. Well drained and fenced. Bank barn on stone foundation, 66ft. square, stabling underneath with ce- ment floors. Hay barn 24ft. square' with hen , house underneath driving shed 24ft. x 04ft. ' Cement silo 1201 x 8511. Frame house with insulate brick -covering. seven rooms and shed. Situated 7 miles from Seaforth, 4 miles from Walton, 100 rods from school and i 1 8-2 miles from Winthrop. Lot 27, pt. 28, Con, 10, McKillop. Hydro all through barn and house and water all tbrnngh barn. Apply to Zack McSpadden, Walton, 11.114 a son ea'ort 1 Dublin Produce CO. A. KOSTEK & SON REGISTERED EGG GRADING STATION Automatic Egg Grading Machines Used Highest Cash Prices 'Paid for Eggs and Poultry ' WE WILL. PICT{ UP YOUR PRODUCE Phone Dublin 50 DR. F. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. Late Assistant New York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, Moorefeld's Eye, and Golden Square throat hospitals, London, Eng. At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 p.m. — 53 Waterloo St., Stratford. Telephone 267. G. A. WHITNEY Funeral Director MAIN ST., SEAFORTH Ambulance Service. Adjustable Hos- pital Bed for rent. Agent for Mitchell Nursery Flowers. Phone 119. Nights and Holidays 65 FOR SALE 6 -Room Frame House. Hydro, Town Water. and cellar; Situated on Coleman Street. House with balm.- Situated on Main Street. South. 60 Acre Farm, Twp. Tackersmith. Good Brick House,Bank Barn, Poultry House and. Driving Shed, Immediate possession. 78 Acre Farm, Twp.. Tuekersmitli, Frame House, Bank Bern, Driving Shed, Hog Pen. Goode. bush with spring therein. Also have farms listed in McKillop. 7]. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate Phones; 384 Office 'Res, 220 FARM FOR SALE Five miles south of Seaforth, and one mile east, Lot 7, Concession: 8, Tuckers ith. One mile- from school, Large bank barn, brick house, hen houseand pig pen. Drained. Plenty of water. All seeded to grass. P s- session given immediately. Apply to 3. W. Free, Seaforth. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada Assures' Security for over One Million Partners H. R. LONG, G'ODERICH District Agent