HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-03-07, Page 8VOICE OF THE PHES5 TOO LOW FOR THEM Trying to collect a $28 rent bill, ' a Philadelphia landlord seized a soldier's artificial foot. We under- stand the Society for Stealing Pen- nies from Blind Men has unani- mously blackballed him for mem- bership. — Windsor Star. ISN'T IT A FACT? There will always be economic turmoil so longus so many persons want to do something for a living that doesn't involve work, says a wise contemporary. — St, Thomas Times -Journal. ONLY ONE EXCEPTION A new plastic is only one two - millionth .of an inch thick, and is said to be the thinnest thing ever made by man — barring some of his excuses, of course. — Ottawa Citizen. MUST BE MAGICIAN In the good old days a man who saved money was considered a miser. Nowadays anyone who can save money is looked upon as a magician, — Kitchener Record. LUCKY TURKEY A new machine will pluck a tur- key in 30 seconds. But the turkey and the tax payer differ because the turkey has to take it only once. — Port Arthur News -Chronicle. DIDN'T DARE, PERHAPS Sherman said that war was hell, but it is to be regretted that he never gave his frank opinion of peace. — Peterborough Examiner, THINK IT OVER Even though it's still hard to get enough meat and butter, says Uncle Mat, just think how much harder it would have been to Learn Japan- ese, — The Wall Street Journal. BAD INVENTIONS Modern version, for the atomic age: The road to Hell is paved with bad inventions. — Edmonton Journal THE SPORTING THING "I'm Lonesome!" Never Say Die "Excuse me, sir," said a shabby caller at a newspaper office, 'are you satisfied with the amount of your present life insurance?" "Yes," replied the manager, shortly. "Could 1 interest you in a mor- occo -bound edition of the works of Thackeray?" "You could not." "Would you invest in a good second-hand cornet if you could get it cheap?" "Not" "Just sol Would an offer to supply you tvith first-class import- ed Havana cigars at two pounds a hundred appeal to you?" "Not a bits" "That being the case," said the caller, "would you be willing to buy a penny tin of shoe polish just tr get rid of me?" "Great Scott! Yes," "Thanks! Good dayl" In Hades After a busy life, an old-time American died. The first thing he knew, a butler in another world was showing him a palatial guest room, saying, "This, sir, is your suite. The only rule here is: You ring anci I bring. Just press that button and 1 will provide whatever your heart desires." About a month later, the Ameri- can sat in his easy chair surround- ed by eigd-s, decanters, fishing rods, radio, and all else that a man could wish, The butler appeared: "Here, you: I want something to do, 1 want work." "Sorry, sir but work is the only thing we do cit 'provide here." "What! If 1 cant have work, 1 would unit as soon be in Hades." "lint, silk" replied the butler. "where did you think you were?" A U. S. SENATOR IIORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 1 Pictured U. O B E IR IT S. Senator, 10 Dined. 11 Marred with lines, 12 Male offspring 14 Installment paid (abbr.), 15 Acts of choosing. 18 On account (abbr.), 20 House pet. , 22 Era. 23 Royal Red Cross (abbr.). 24 Iniquity. 25 Ireland, 27 Finest. 28 Support. 30 Natives of. Denmark. 31 Disorder. 32 Age. 33 Relative. 35 Maxim. 38 Petitions, 40 Pattern. 41 Print z RAW IJR I I Nal LI ARAS 5 OAF ST a GRANT DOLLARS! 7 ` ///p USfE'i AKt„ 11 P UP;e, e<� r DA TOIRE 12 + El ./PPRESSER f%ar r 1.9 17 North Caro- lina (abbr.). 19 Emmets. 21 Fencing posi- tion (pl.). 24 He is U. S. ce. from SIE ROBERTO R E P1 A R Oklahoma. I S I S 26 Catches. JF A R M S I C I L Y 27 Title of FA?ATS ORTIZ E 0- ;NEED nobility. B(A ?'E SEAR 29 Female deer. SL EEP t.NN,—U 30 Democrat HEADED (CATERING (abbr,). STEPS FAT NS E R T S 33 One who uses 34 Deadens, measures. 3 Funereal 36 More exact. 42 Chief (Sp.) song. 37 Sign. 44 Obtain. 4 Cereal grass. 39 Steal. 47 Regret. 5 Powerful 42 Check (abbr.) 48 Rubidium explosive 43 Defy. (symbol). (abbr.). 44 Final aim. 49 He is an —. 6 Inheritor. 45 Girl's name. 52 Half en em. 7 Smell. 46 Symbol for 53 Courtesy title 8 Donkey. tantalum. 55 Cosmetic. 9 Therefore, 49 Mineral rock. 56 Boat ,paddle, 10 Separately. 50 She. 58 Holland. 13 Clamor, 51 Make' a VERTICAL 14 Frozen slight bow. 1 And (Latin). desserts. 54 Within. 2 Sheltered side 16 Music note. 57 Lil t... z. SO THENWE HAD THE OFFICER COUNT IT! HE ONLY COUNTED FIFTY DOLLARS AND WHEN THE JUDGE COUNTED 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 DOLLARS! 7 ` ///p IT IT WAS ONLY 'LFO' Y -FINE avC (6T • 11 e<� , \'. \r ' 3 12 + f%ar r 1.9 - Ir( 17 L<" " b `\ 21 KA ;9 22 A 1 h�15 23 ,2 c}~ .26 !\dr .> .. ,`:z9 31 ti'' Ia.N° z a 3 35 11 � . 39 a: f ;E`4:1 40 42 43' 44 45 . 46 i,4,"flJy:47 •'. 49 So el it; 54,, f'�-. 55 'ss'•, 56 57 I58 • 6 36 37 MOPSY byOLADYS PARK( THAT'S NOT FAI R , YOU RE i STANDING ON ONE roOT o - SI'f TINO 'TrI ff✓ 1.#1 3 .rs0Id!MST ON i . The crowd yells, 'Pin him to the mat,' so—" SIDE GLANCES By Galbraith COPR. 1P4a 05 NEA 5555ICE, INC. T M. REC. U. 5, PAT. CFF. "The funniest thing about those comics is the seriousness with which Bill reads them"' OUT OUR WAY OH, WES, IF YORE TF2YIN' TO PUT THET LION HIDE ON TH' HOSS WHY DON'T "1013 STOP AN' TRY T'HOLD HIM IN- STIL:, 0' RUNNIN' WITH HIM? By J. R. Williams TO HECK WITH TH' LION SKIN NOW! I'LL BE HANGED IF I'M GOING TO LET A FAT PLUG BACKING UP ON HIS HIND LEGS BEAT ME RUNNING! SR.wlwp*K THE SPIRIT OF COMPETITIOi:I r„I ItliV4.12..21an• REG'LAR FELLERS --Time for an Operation .5 GUESS WE'LL HAVE TS59. A EXPERT, ZOOLI E, THIS IG TOO MUCH FOR ME! By GENE BYRNES - OR JEST GET A DIME OUT OF IT, MISTER, FOR MY GIRL- FRIEND! :Or Aver t;yr_ MUTT AND JEFF There seems to be something gong with the economic system in this neighborhood By BUD FISHER MUTT,IGAVE GUSTHIS MONEY To HOLD FOR ME AND I COUNTER SIXTY DOLLARS INTO NIS �Q HAND! . AND THEN To \ MAKE SURE HE COUNTED iT AGAIN AND HE ONLY COUNTED FIFTY-FIVE SO THENWE HAD THE OFFICER COUNT IT! HE ONLY COUNTED FIFTY DOLLARS AND WHEN THE JUDGE COUNTED HERE- VFIVE,TEN,FIFTEEM, LET ME COUNT IT I FbRyou! ^"t+ -• TWENTY, TwENTY•Fiva 1 1 YoU'REALLWRONG. THERE'S ONLY FORTY ONLY HERE! FORTY? ARE YOU y, SURE? /WELL, NO! \2.154e ANYBODY CAN MAKE A MISTAKE ILL COUNT IT AGAINTo MAI<E SURE. o. :°0 DONY $OTHER! I'LL TAKE IT BACK To ITS CORNER BEFORE ITS COUNTED OUT! 1, X y/ �" (� i -- tl DOLLARS! 7 ` ///p IT IT WAS ONLY 'LFO' Y -FINE . ', s. ' e<� , 1 �) Ir( lir,',, /r seir< L<" " b .:1 .n.tlA Two Drills now working from the Ice. Wilwood ad- joins Aquarius and Gold - hawk in the Night Hawk Lake. area of East Porcupine, GEORGE CHAPMAN & COMPANY 200 BAY STREET, TORONTO. Charles Le, Laic Issued Capital — 910,651 Shares This property is in the Little Long Lac Camp some 770 miles north-east of Port Arthur, The Charles Long Lac is. locat- ed a short distance north of the Little Long Lac Mine; its ad- joining neighbors are Nordarnd (controlled by Northern Canada Mines), Lafayette and Mar 9uette. It is reported that Charles Long Lac are arranging a diamond drilling contract, and that work will be underway within 30 days. ' In view of the favorable geolo- gical conditions disclosed from recent diamond drilling by Mar- quette and Lafayette, this work is regarded with great interest and expectation. GEORGE CHAPMAN & COMPANY 200 BAY ST., TORONTO Lafayette r gl t An excellent prospect, in our opinion. It has good neigh- bors, Charles Long Lac and Marquette Long Lac. Fa- vorable drilling results on Charles Long Lac would mean much to Lafayette. Recent Geological disclos- ures indicate that Lafayette ground has most 'favorable •-tlilk geological conditions. Lafayette owns a very sub- stantial holding of shares in Marquette Long Lac. To sum up — AN EXCEL- LENT PROSPECT. Map on Request GEORGE CHAPMAN & COMPANY 200 BAY STREET, TORONTO TOVARICH- LARDER Located in Hearst, McViltie and McElroy Townships, in two closely adjoining groups, totalling over 800 acres. The East boundary of the Tovarich properties is less than a mile West of the. Town of Larder Lake. Dia- mond Drilling proceeds; — and will be going on for some months. Latest word indicates that favorable Porphyry has al- ready been encountered. Im- portant values may be ob- tained at any time. The main "Larder Lake. Break," as reported by Gov- ernment Blue Books, is lo- cated on Tovarich ground. We suggest that buying of Tovarich shares is an oppor- tunity; and suggest purchas- ing "before the news", and while the price is stilt low. GEORGE CHAPMAN & COMPANY 200 BAY ST., TORONTO „„ , eingio Larder Issued Capital, 2,210,005 Shares This large property of 19 claims, at present inactive, extends from 1,600 feet east of Kerr -Addison's east point, to the Quebec boundary. Chesterville adjoins and, lies between Kerr -Addison and Pelangio; and is driving north east on its 1,600 foot level. This drive is ap- proaching a parallel position. to the Pelangio boundary. We expect to hear favorable. news on this Chestervilie de- velopment at an early date. •Pelangio'.has quick assets consisting' of Cash, Bonds, and immediate marketable Securities totalling $42,- 500.00. 42,-500 00. GEORGE CHAPMAN & COMPANY . 200 BAY ST., TORONTO 3i