HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1946-03-07, Page 7THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1946 THE SEAFORTH NEWS CAREFREE EE COIFFURES AT SUTHERLAND'S THE COLD WAVE $10 Other Famous Permanents $3.50 to $10 Beauty starts here with a quality permanent styled just for you 1 Lustrous easy -to -comb curlsand waves' in. glamorus long or short coiffures. Have yours now in the comfort of our salon. PHONE 152 TOWN TOPICS Mr. William C,anmpbell left en Mo 1 day for Trenton where. he will sta season as second engineer o the S.S; Bayfox. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Farrow, Dobbi ton, have returned home after bean I guests at the home of their daught I Mrs. Leslie Fleming and Mr. Fleeting for the past week, i Miss Evelyn Welper, Parkhill, we a recent visitor at the home of M and Mrs. Andrew Moore, Egntondvill Mr. E. W. Edge, Toronto, . visite his sister, Miss Josephine Edge, las week. Mrs. Louis Hildebrand. spent th week end with her daughters, Mr Vincent Muraski, and Mrs. Delbei Kitchener. Miss Clara Pinkney has returne home, after spending the past tw weeks with .relatives in Toronto'an Buffalo. Mrs. Helen K. Scott visited relat- ives in:Wingham on Sunday. Mrs.' 0, Bouford, Stratford, was a week end .visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. Gordon Muir and Mr. Muir. Mr. and Mrs: J. Willoeks, Janet'and Margaret, Ripley, were week end visitors at the home of the latter's mother Mrs. A. D. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barber have returned home from a two months' vacation in Mexico. Misses Ann and Geraldine Eckert, "The Pines," Chatham, spent the week end with their mother, Mrs. Joseph Eckert. Mr. Joseph Marinelli, ;Sault Ste. Marie, spent the week end at the home of Mrs. E. C. Case. Mrs, Mari- nelli and baby Margaret returned home with him, Mr. Ronald Eley, Toronto, and Miss Jean MacDonald, Stratford, were week end guests at the hone of the latter's sister, Mrs, Ralph McFadden and 1Vir. McFadden. Miss Margaret Dale attended the Wright-l0ieh'ose wedding in Waterloo y on Saturda Miss Helen Smith, student nurse, St. Joseph's Hospital, London, spent Saturday at the home of her -parents, Mr, and Mrs, H. E. Smith. aims Mallory Bickell, Toronto, was a week end visitor in town. Misses Rita and Mary Duncan, Lou- don, spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and :Mrs. W. J. Duncan. Miss Edith Wallace, Oakville, was a week end visitor at the home of her mother; Mrs. W. G. Wallace. Mr. Norman Sterling, Stratford, was a week end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dale. Miss Rose Dorsey has returned to Toronto, aftet� spending the past two weeks at her home here. Mi.. Neville McMillan, London, spent the. week end with his parents, Mt'. and Mrs. J. M. McMillan. Miss Fergus Bell, Western Univer- sity, London, spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bell. Miss Lillian Faulkner spent the week end in Kitchener. Miss Madeline Fortune visited friends in London last week. Mr. Joseph Jordan and sister Mrs. Byrne rne of Detroit, and Sister Evelyn of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fortune. LAC, Jack Dunlop, ROAF.r who has been confined to the hospital in Darts - mouth, N.S., for the past three months, spent the week end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. A, W. Dunlop.' Jack has been transferred to West- minster Hospital, London, Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Stahel, Misses Rose and Jean Scalisi and Mr. C. Scalisi. Woodstock, were guests over the week end at the home of Mrs. Scalisi's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. 1\1111.11w Stiles, Galt, spent the week end at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter McIver, Miss Lorna Ballantyne of London spent the week end with her aunt, Miss Ballantyne. Miss Beatrice Lane, student nurse, St. Joseph's Hospital, London, was a week end visitor at the home of her is parents, Mr. anMrs. V, 3. Lane. Mrs, J. Cox and son Derry have re- turned to Toronto after spending the past three weeks at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Stewart. Mn Stuart N. Keyes of Ottawa visited his parents Mr. and Mrs, N, Keyes over the week end, Miss Maude Keyes, nurse -in -train- ing at Stratford General Hospital, visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Keyes over the week end B Miss essie' Carnoehan of London spent the week end with her father Mr, Sam Carnochan. Body and d FenderRepairs WiTH THE RETURN OF GORDON HILDEBRAND FROM OVERSEAS, OUR BODY AND PAINT SHOP IS READY TO GIVE YOU PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SERVICE J. F. DALY Ford - Monarch Dealer SEAFORTH Illu,lttttttttttnu,lava 11,tt um"„tl1141,101„O.n d,,,1,u,n,tl,,,,. tl lu""„n",,,tt .11111,111,”" 111111101111111181111111111t ll This Year Try Sunnyvale Chicks R. O. P. Sired Barred Ricks Leghorn x Rock Hybrids All stock blood -tested against regular and x pullorum Circular and Price List on request Sunnyvale Poultry Farm Andrew A. Moore, Prop. Phone 666 r 3, Seaforth Tune in CKN\ (920) Program of Irish Airs. Every Wed,, 1 to 1.15 p.m, WANTED TO BUY Hardwood & Softwood Logs Delivered at Staffa Sawmill WRITE OR PHONE E. R. ALLEN, R. R. 1, Staffa PHONE DUBLIN 11 ring 3 • 1 The first six weeks of chick life are the most critical. This is the time to start building your future layers, and at the same time, keep to a minimum, the high mortality in chick production. To do this, your chicks must be fed on properly balanced quality in. gredients. CO.OP MIX CHICK STARTER answers this double purpose, because it contains the proper balance and variety of vitamins, minerals and high quality proteins, so essential to the raising of healthy vigorous chicks. "% Chick Starter Your local "CO-OP MIX" mill. DEAD AND DISABLED ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPTLY PHONE COLLECT SEAFORTH 15, EXETER 235 DARLING & CO. OF CANADA, LTD. (Essential War Industry) DISABLED ANIMALS Quickly removed in clean, sanitary trucks. Phone collect 219 MITCHELL WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED home after spending' the winter months in Waterloo.- & k Pte. Hubert Zettel and Miss Agnes n McGrath, with Mrs. Charles Malone.14 Ir. and Mrs. Bill Durst, with Mr. „. and Mrs. Reuben Aikens, LAC.' James Curtin and Mrs Cur- efi tin and, daughter, Patricia, Dart- mouth, N. S„ with Mr. and Mrs. William Curtin. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Stapleton, Galt, and James Newcombe, Toronto. e, with Mr. and Mrs. William Stapleton d and Mrs. James Newcombe. t Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Radscheidt e were: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Klein s, and family, Barbara Ann and Sand - rt ra. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Radscheidt, all of Kitchener, and 1Vir. and Mrs. d Ed. Diss, Pte. and Mrs. R. B. Diss, o 'of Shakespeare. DUBLIN' Discussion of the new office to be erected this year on the corner of Mill and Raglan Sts,, Dublin, re- cently purchased by the McKillop, Logan and Hibbert Telephone Co., took place at the annual meeting of the shareholders held at Dublin, A loss was shown in the year's opera- tion peration despite a satisfactory financial statement, this being due to consid- erable reconstruction on the lints. The directors have an ambitious pro- gram in view, it being planned" to completely overhaul the system. The retiring directors were re- , elected, ali expressing their appreci- ation of the confidence the share- holders placed in them. Several re- ferred to the improved service they , have planned. Following are the of- ficers: Jas. Scott, president: Mat- thew Murray, vice-president; Gerald Holland, sec.-treas.; 3. J. Holland, Jas. Malcolm, Peter Dill, Albert ' Simon, William Stapleton, direct- ors. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Comeau and daughter, Ella Louise, visited in Hamilton. Reuben Frost, Mrs., Joseph Dill and daughter, Karen, in Flint, Midi., Mr. Frost remaining there with his daughter for a few months. Miss Aileen Evans, nurse -in -train- ing its St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, with her mother, Mrs. Cather- ine Evans. Mrs. Tom Holland, Windsor, with relatives and friends. Mrs. - P. V. McGrath returned LONDESBORO Mrs. C, Watson spent several days recently with her daughter, Mrs. Bill Riley, Goderieh, Mrs. Win. Knox visited for a few clays in Clinton last week. Mrs, Bert Lobb, Goderich Tp., spent the week end at the home of her mother, Mrs. H. Logan. Mr. Wm. Campbell had the mis- fortune to fall recently, Which hurt his back somewhat, causing him to feel very miserable. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stevens, of Sea - forth. visited with the lady's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J Nott, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Brtinsclon, London, spent Sunday at the house of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brunsdon. Mrs. Margaret Manning entertained the Grandmothers' Cheerio Club at her home on Thursday last with 17 village grandmothers and 2 visitors present. The programme was its the forth of St. Valentine's day, all having a. part in it, quite an interesting after- noon for everyone. One pleasant fea- ture was the birthday of one of the eldest grandmothers, Mrs, 'VV, T. Brunsclon. All sang happy birthday and congratulations were given. A tasty luueh was served by the hostess and her group, and a social time was spent overthe tea. cups. The next meeting on Met'ch 28th, will be held at the hone of Mrs. Elizabeth Lyon unci Mrs, Nellie Watson. BLAKE Mr, John Dinsmore spent the weekend with his brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dins- more, and sister Emma. In a few days he will be going to his home in Saskatehewan after visiting in Wind- sor with his son, for a while. • Mr. Lloyd McBride of Windsor spent the weekend with his father Mr. Sam McBride. M1'. Clemens Jeffrey and sister and daughter of Kitchener, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey. Mr. Arthur Shreeman visited his wife, Mrs. Shreeman, in St, Joseph's hospital, London, for n few days. Master Kenneth Faber ;pent a week with his u't'andnalrnts. Mr. anis Mrs. For M"R:•ide vt't- ed with Mr, and Mre. Walter Mc- Bride and-fanmily, of Exeter. Master Melvin Gingerich has an attack of 'pleuresy. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Peter Baker slipped on the ice and fractured his leg and was taken to' the hospital at London for. treatment, His many friends ,wish him a speedy recovery, The Day of Prayer is being' held in the Goschen Church, on Friday afternoon. Blake ladies are asked to attend. WINTHROP Mr. James Henderson was taken London Hospital for further treat- ment. IVlr. Roy Henderson has returned to Sundridge. Mr. and Mgrs. Garnet Taylor and family with Mr. and Mrs. John Mc Clare. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Henderson, and Mt'. Oscar Cuthill, in London, on Tuesray, HILLSGREEN Mr. and Mrs. Ward Forrest and family and Mr. Cooper Forrest spent a day recently with the former's sister, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Blacker. Mr, and iVIrs. Wilfred Weido ac- companied by Mr, Clifford Weido of St. Catharines spent a very pleas- ant holiday in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Huxtable and Margaret of Centralia visited recently with Mrs.` Jas. Love, Agnes and Jim, Quite a number in the community are sick with bad colds and the flu. CONSTANCE Miss Ethel Dexter and Miss Hol man of Kitchener spent the weekend. at :Mt and Mrs. Austin Dexter';, Miss Evelyn McMichael spent a few clays visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Dale, The Farm Forum meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter on Monday night. M1 Jack East of Clinton is help- ing his, Harty Durnin at present. Friday. March 8, is The World's Day of Prayer. Prayer service will be held in basement of Church, Fri- day afternoon. The next Red Cross quilting in'. Church basement will be Thursday, March 14, Anyone with quilts fine fished please bring them in. VARNA Many amusing incidents have been related concerning the late Queen Victoria. One that stands opt clear- ly happened while she was in Scot- land where she loved to go about "incognito." One day while out for a walk in ordinary dress without any signs of royalty about her, a rainstorm came on, not wishing to get drenched, she called at a cot- tag'e and asked if she might have the locus of an umbrella. The owner of the cottage gave her one that was somewhat the worse for wear, A short timeafterwards the um- brella was returned and with it a beautiful new one, with the thanks of the Queen. When the poor old woman discovered that the one who. had asked a favor' from her was no less than her beloved Queen, she was completely overcome, and to her last day on earth never ceased regretting the opportunity she had missed. To put it in her own words, "If I had known it was Her I would have given her the best one." It is not likely that any of us may have the opportunity of granting a favor to our ,earthly sovereign, but we all do have countless opportunities of granting favors to our Heavenly King, and we should take heed that we do not make the mistake that the old cottager did, "Give Iiim our, sec- ond best," and throughout Eternity have cause to regret that we missed the opportunity of giving to HIM, - our best.—Varna Scrap Book. BORN SCOTT—At Scott Memorial Hospital on Feb, 27111, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Scott, Seeforth #1, a daughter. MCNIC1-IOL--At Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on February 280, to Mr. and Mrs, Ross McNichol, Walton #1, a cleuglrter. KINNEAR---At St. Catharines General Hospital, on March 515, to ,Mr, and Miss. Albert G. Kinnear (nee Janet Baker) a son. ' We recently have installed a Regent Battery Vitalizer BATTERIES CHARGED IN LESS THAN AN HOUR without the necessity of removing the battery from your car J. l • DALY FORD - MONARCH DEALER SEAFORTH Only -your continued support of the Red Cross can ensure that the splendid work being done for our sick and wounded veterans will be kept up. Your support will make possible such vital peacetime works as the upkeep of Outpost Hospitals, the Peacetime Blood Donor Service, Nursing Services, Disaster Relief, the Visiting Homemaker Service, the Junior Red Cross, and many other services for the social betterment of our people. There will be no Red Cross drive for funds this year. Your continued membership in the Red Cross is all that is asked. Minimum membership fee is one dollar. Your local Red Cross Branch will provide you with further details. THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY ONTARIO DIVISION C. BRUCE Hal., President